They are certainly milking Portland (the first “Scientology City” according to the church) for all its worth.
Funny how they were terrified that this “Monumental Dedication Address” not be filmed by Mark Bunker and not be seen by anyone who is not already indoctrinated into the brilliance of Chairman of the Bored Technology Center. And now it is being shown 100 times as something “monumental.” Come on now, if it’s that good, shouldn’t everyone be able to benefit from hearing/seeing what the great man had to say? Is Scientology only for Scientologists? Why is Miscavige hiding his light under the bushel?
But this reveals something else.
Miscavige usually holds these videos so HE can show them at the next international event. Normally, this would be a “night” at Maiden Voyage and he would have two or three “Ribbon Cuttings” to announce and some CGI “fly-throughs” showing the orgs that are supposedly completing soon (these are now being recycled, back to showing fly-throughs of Harlem and Kaoishuing and Venezuela “soon” to be opening).
So, one can discern from this that “Maiden Voyage” this year is going to be held at Flag, and that it will consist of one main event (they will probably hold some sort of seminars on other days, but the great man will only address the adoring crowds once) to “release” Golden Age of Tech II.
My guess is that it is being done this way as he plans to release the Mark VIII meter, and perhaps a tech dictionary or some other sales items, and that he has boasted that he is going to make back every penny spent on the Mark VIII the first night of its release. He cannot do that on the Freewinds. There are just not enough people. Plus, he doesnt have to announce the final date until much later at Flag. Ruth Eckerd only holds 2200 people and you could fill that with SO members and Miscavige’s entourage of hairdressers, stewards, cooks, chiros, masseuses and dog walkers.
They are showing this monumental Portland video in all orgs — perhaps someone can send in a first hand account of what he actually says. Its virtually nothing I am sure — you can watch any one of his speeches and the Shermanspeak(r) obliterates anything from actually being said between the heretofores, yet agains, what all this means, given thats and other overgrown verbiage that pours forth in an unrelenting stream — but it would be interesting to see how many lies he tells about Portland (see Marty Rathbun’s new book for the REAL story about Portland).
Church Authority Figure: “You’re in BIG TROUBLE mister!”
Guilty Parishioner: “But, but I…”
Just then, an Ideal Org Vendor happens by: “DISPENSATIONS! Get your dispensations here!”
Guilty Parishioner: “I’ll take one!”
Here are the straight down and declining stats from a few Idle Morgues:
1. There were 2 Clears made in the past 5 years! One of them was a staff member – the other one a public. The public informed me that he had done some really “out ethics” things with some money he was in charge of from a trust. This is after he went “clear”!
2. 1 Clear was staff and was forced to go to OT5 – family (all on staff) borrowed money to send him away to FLAG to go OT! Then he was sent to go to Flag for auditor re-training – $$$$$ for Flag! -0- for the class 5 morgue! The staff member spent the last 2 out of 5 years getting ‘services” to OT5 and then the last 3 years at Fraud Scam Base retraining all of the levels. YIKES!
3. There were 4 people that went OT8 in the past 5 years. 2 of them WERE married – now divorced and 1 is declared an SP! The other 2 never come around at all! Won’t talk to anyone!
4. There are currently 3 on OT 7- they have been on OT7 for 2 years now $$$$$$$$$$$ – 6 month sec checks at Fraud Scam Base equals about $120K for Fraud Scam Base per year for sec checks – at least.
5. They are losing staff members – some of them old timers – my spy tells me that the staff are sick of being broke, no one coming in at all, just a constant musical chairs of staff being forced to go to FLAG for 3-5 years and come back and quit!
Do they know that the battle of Portland is on You Tube? Do they know that Mark Bunker has his video of the event on You Tube. Do they know that someone will leak this to You tube too. Oh no thats right the Internet is banned if you want to remain in good standing. This kind of crap makes me want to swear and cuss like a trooper.
could the hundreds, likely even thousands across the planet, of staff doing call-in for this shit BE MORE OFF PURPOSE?????? – talk about OTHER FISH TO FRY!
I know for a fact that the Sheeple are being pushed very heavily to attend the film showing of the Portland event, including by Wise, which is supposed to be a secular organization, last I checked.
Well, here you go Aquaman. A new message from CO WISE EUS (Quentin seems to have become a full time Ideal Org Humanitarian Bestower).
NOte the wonderful line:
“Bring tissue”
Presumably so you have something to wipe your mouth with after you gag….
That Bronwen is REALLY busy getting LRH Admin tech out into society. Here is another of her recent emails:
>> This is a ONE TIME showing only.
>> This is a special ONE TIME showing of the Portland Grand Opening.
>> This really is a ONE TIME showing.
Wow, they are really speaking the truth: …a one time SHOWING (by the Co$).
Afterwards it will not be SHOWN anymore (by the Co$), because the public can SEE it on their own on DVD (or maybe on youtube).
Ha Ha! “Bring tissue”. Make that a barf bag, Bronwyn.
Yeah, Mike, she is really pumping out these e-mails non-stop whilst her hubby does his own out of town, off-post-purpose shilling. But actually – and again, with the caveat that I tend by nature toward optimism – I’m taking this as implicit good news, for the reason that If the “totally secular” Wise EUS terminals are SO needed to push Sciendollary programs that they have to be pulled off post then there must be a real shortage of help.
or “bring tissue” because once you see the scant attendance, you’ll be in tears over the sad and sorry state of your church that you thought was Scientology.
One time only because of its popularity? Doesn’t every one in the real world go for many showings of popular things?
Plus, I don’t think there are enough Straight Up and Vertical Wins and Successes to fill a five-day cruise anymore. There’s only so much lying and stat-alteration you can do in so much time, and only so much messing with the facts, scripts, shots and editing that time will allow before the curtain goes up. It will be easier to get the last minute videos and animations to Flag than it would be to the Freewinds. Easier for all the equipment transport too. This is a step down—not expansion. It’s self-admitted shrinkage. “Mark my words….”
Last time I counted the MV photo had less than 200 OT Viii’s on it. With one being made every 30 seconds in their PR bullshit its easy to spot the out point so he will have to mask it with “other” public. IE his hair dressers and personal assistants.
On another note does anyone think he’s abstaining from 2d activities? With all the attention put on the 2nd dynamic over recent years there has to be some out ethics going on there.
“a history that nobody has ever heard” – Is that just a clever way of saying it’s a bunch of crap we just made up?
An Event of Historical Significance: the last replay of a video, Battle of Portland, first shown at the recent re-opening of Portland Org by CoB.
I thought history was the recounting of past events, literally His Story as told in the words of the historian. Is it actually ‘history’ if no one has ever heard it?
Mike, 4 event to 1 event just in the last 2-3 years. That’s a 75% decline!
Doesn’t that sound about right in terms of diminishing actual support, church membership and income from all sources?
Only 25% left to go – A straight up and vertical up-side down graph.
Considering the accelerating curve, it should only be 1-2 more yrs before the fat lady sings.
Only 1 MV event now! That’s good news.
I recall that for years there were 4 of them, 1 per week for the entire month of July, usually. Took all my ingenuitiy to dodge 2 or 3 of them. One of them I could endure but once a week four times in a row was just too damned much. Maybe I wasn’t unusual in this regard and that others had the same mindset.
I especially disliked being buttonholed for a survey afterwards…”What decisions did you make because of this event?” (That there must be something really wrong with me because I seem to be the only public who hates coming to these things.) “What did you like most about this event?” (That it is thank God OVER.)
Mike, you stated: “He cannot do that on the Freewinds. There are just not enough people.”
Plus Mike, its so difficult these days to fill up the ship on MV with the needed 300 whales (there just isn’t enough of them who are willing or able to pay the overpriced and ridiculous MV fee of $3,000, plus accomos, flights, etc, only to be regged far beyond their means for 10 days, for every imaginable scam that miscavige has dreamed up.
Can miscavige afford to be exposed to the whales seeing their friends not attending (supporting him) but instead boycotting his annual 10 day scam, extortion-fest?
And, could he afford to have the kool-aid drinkers see the dismal attendance at Ruth Eckert Hall and The Shine Auditorium if he didn’t deliver that “briefing” (steam shovel load of crap) personally?
I think its easy to predict that this whole MV roll-out of whatever bullshit released he presents will be just one more giant nail in dear leaders tiny little coffin.
The upside to “Scientology City” is that it is close to the ocean and it rains there a lot so the bullshit easily rinses off and disappears into the sewer.
Winning … PR lessons from Charlie?
And everytime I see that its a “history that nobody has ever heard” — and I’m seeing it a lot with all the promo — is that it will be a fabricated timeline with little basis in reality.
If dinner is at 6.30 and the event at 7.00 what the hell are they having for dinner? A baked clam on a plate?
More like shit on a stick!
schtick on a stick
A very small clam at that! No sides either. Just lots of Kool-Aid to wash it ALL down!
Mike, I was not at the Portland grand opening and so don’t know what Miscavige had to say but I am sure it basically boils down to, “I am a great man and the best thing to ever happen to Scientology”.
“It’s a history that nobody has ever heard” is undoubtedly right. That’s funny!