This “briefing” is clearly a recruitment event (and of course, if they cannot get you to sign up for the SO or staff they will definitely take your money). How can you tell? You don’t have Senior HCO there for a straight fundraiser. They are only there to try to get new staff.
I suspect this is connected to the post of yesterday where they announced a “big thing coming” — the orgs will be expected to send staff for OEC training at Flag. Many orgs don’t have anyone to send, so they need to recruit someone. They will use this as a recruitment gimmick. Promising people that if they sign up now they will be able to participate in the greatest training program ever (at least until the next training program, it is always “the greatest” in scientology) and they will get insider information before anyone else.
Everything is always so predictable.
Hi Mike, I have a question about the billion year contract. If in Scientology, they believe, “we come back. ” why is there a need to sign a billion year contract again?
Thank you for this blog and helping people understand what this group is about and how it is destroying families.
The billion year contract is merely a symbolic thing no matter when it’s signed.
Does anyone have the inside scoop on the event held this past weekend?
In the cult any “BIG” event is likely to make your wallet scream. It may be years before we learn how Miscavige rearranged the OEC and what he cut out and changed.
Wow ! That is what it is, the Guardian golden gate keepers secretive oath “Branch One ” policy plan to KSW in or out ethics policing.
Nothing has changed. In Boston as Boston Fdn Div 6 Org staff 1976, GO tried to recruit me and when I refused got assigned ‘ liabilty’ ethics condition making amends.
sign up for staff!
You’ll be sent for full time Admin Training
and while doing this fabulous new admin training, you will read the “HCO PL Vital Necessity of Hatting”
wherein you will read that your guru Hubbard says to never recruit people and send them for full time training. It’s “sheer folly”.
you must send seasoned staff who have a track record of holding a post successfully, getting products, and being a good student of scientology with a good ethics record.
guess we don’t have enough of those to send.
like always.
It’s almost as if the tek doesn’t work.
ALL WUS – A Lot of Losers Washed Up and Senseless?
On a side note: No mention at all about him being a $camology robot.
I wonder how many ‘I tested positive for Coronavirus’ and ‘I’m in mourning, my cat died’ responses they get? I can the avoidance protocol going into full speed on this one.
I bet the $cieno telephone boiler rooms are going full bore on this one.
Side note: their acronyms are so funny now that I don’t automatically see them and know what they are.
TO OT – toot! oh pardon me.
WUS – what a wus!
OEC – oh-eck! Oh, ‘eck I’ve gone and signed up for a cult!
I was thinking HCO may also be present to see and account for who does and does not show up for future investigations, interrogations and additions to their non-existent rehabilitation project force that is probably in some country far far away where they’re able to continue their slave labor criminal money grubbing ways.
Also very predictable.
I can recall back in the early 80s when Guardian’s Office staff had to stand around audiences at events. They were instructed to look for people who didn’t applaud, had less than joyous looks on their faces and for any other signs of dissatisfaction. They’d be reported on and brought in for meter checks later.
Today it is just as likely that OSA is doing this.
Was there some sort of prompt letting people know when to clap?
I remember watching a video of Stalin giving a speech just after Russia had defeated Germany in world war II. Everybody was clapping and no one wanted to be the first one to stop clapping, so a bell finally sounded letting them know it was safe to quit clapping. I’ve wondered if Scientology events were kind of like that.
I was sent the DVDs of the announcement where Miscavagie announces the release of the basics. At the start of the event you can see Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes and the rest of the crowd applauding as if God himself had just entered the room, they continue to applaud after miscavage thanks them a few times. Finally miscavage appears to be annoyed by it and says quiet and everybody quits clapping.
The beatings will continue until morale improves
When I was at Flag in Clearwater in 1987 preparing for the launch of the Freewinds, the Fort Harrison was packed with people. I met so many new Sea Org members I cannot remember their names. There were even married couples joining. David Miscavige must just get over the fact that Scientology had its last chance in the few years after Hubbard died. By 1990 most of us were finished with Scientology after the launch of the Maiden Voyage. I look back now after more than thirty years and remember the many people who died after the effort.
Looks like the “event” is a virtual one. If I “attended” and some registrar or recruiter came hitting I’d just close the window. Simple huh?
If it wasn’t virtual and I was actually there and the same threats come a knocking I’d just tell them I’m unemployed, surviving on small savings and stimulus checks am nearly homeless as well. Plus I am over 60 so am not eligible for the sea org. Go hit on someone else please.
End of problem. Then I go to the food tables and chow down.
You would not be allowed to chow down and would probably be thrown out the moment you stopped telling them your excuses. Or you’d be drafted to Central Files and the OT committee. After filing for 3 days straight, you’d be allowed to lick the buffet crumbs off the floor.
Yes, the more things change…
the more the church of scientology is the same – ole – tired – sad – story.
Dave, Why don’t you take the money and (run) retire, and blame the demise on the poor soul who you pass the baton.
Being a virtual event I wonder how they can do any kind of impingement on people.
They must have invented some tricks.
I also seem to sense a bit of underlying desperation.
Since scn is only effective through continued control of people, they have to revitalize their delusion and get them back in line before they wake up and start asking questions like “I never notice it. Why are all these ideal orgs so empty?!?” or “hubbard was not in favor of fundraising, how come do they do it so massively?” or more simply “I can’t remember who the hell has been on ED Int post in the last 15 years”
Relaunching a planetary recruitment and training campaign with less members than ever, not realizing that the orgs have each one its own different situations, is making the usual good old generalized management typical of the cult.
It’s like playing Russian roulette with 5 bullets.
Sorry, I know I don’t speak ‘Scientologese’ but, WUS? I can’t help but think of the common ‘wog’ meaning of that word when I see it. It’s SO appropriate for a Scientology briefing/meeting/recruitment.
Here is a scn glossary if you are interested in learning Clamspeak (look it up) as a second language. WUS = Western US
Man descended from them according to “History of Man” by L. Ron Hubbard, and the incident gives us painful engrams (memories) of being dropped onto rocks by birds, and extreme jaw pain from the bivalve’s hinge. This has been a running joke on ars for some time, with threads about clambakes, clam chowder, snapping clams, clams in .sig files, etc., although some now see it as a pejorative and have quit using it.
Miss Dutch: West United States is a “continental region” for Church of Scientology or “WUS”, and East United States or “EUS” is the other. Other parts of the world similarly have an acronym to denote their geography like ANZO for Australia New Zealand Oceania.
All WUS?
Big, like a ghostly golden St Hill – the golden era phantom they can’t stop chasing.