To maintain the support of his followers, David Miscavige has to keep up the appearance that his brand of leadership is guiding the flock to the promised land – a Cleared Planet. If they thought he was failing, they would abandon him in a New York minute.
It is a firm principle of the belief system of members of the church that they must operate on the “greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics” and the 3rd dynamic — the church — is believed to enhance ALL other dynamics. Thus if the church is achieving its objectives then it must be supported. A successful and prospering church trumps all other dynamics combined and a true believer will sacrifice his or her other dynamics in order to “support” the third as they believe that in the end this will bring survival across all dynamics. And if Miscavige is at the helm of a successful church, that excuses any “shortcomings” he may have and the clubbed seals dismiss anything said about him as either “a lie” or “even if it is true, he does so much good for Scientology that he gets a pass on anything.”
To persuade the faithful to support the church (and by extension keep him in power), Miscavige is using a three-part strategy which is quite simple to explain:
1. Convince the faithful he is doing what LRH wanted and expected.
Of course, he is not, but he simply asserts repeatedly that he is carrying out LRH intention and people buy it.
One trick is to put labels on things that sound “on Source” and then keep repeating them ad nauseum:
“Ideal Orgs” — as if this is based on the Ideal Orgs PL;
“The Basics” — they are LRH books so who can argue with that? Never mind it cross ordered all other Bridge progress;
“The Golden Age of Tech” — which was no such thing, merely invented drills to create robot auditors but its a catchy title that evokes “on Sourciness”;
“Planetary Dissemination Campaigns” — sounds like its patterned on the PL of the same name. It isn’t;
“The International Association of Scientologists” – who could disagree with that concept? LRH had a membership organization…
It is a clever ruse. Cloak everything in terminology that sounds “On Source” and nobody questions it as to do so would be “squirrel” and “counter-intention.”
He has also falsely positioned himself as being the one “anointed” by LRH as his “successor” and this has also been said often enough in conjunction with repeating his virtuous record of “doing what LRH wanted” that today the clubbed seals buy it without a second thought. Pat and Annie Broeker are erased from history. Corporate checks and balances have been systematically unmocked.
2. Have something VISIBLE to show.
He cannot show rooms full of students or graduations or stats, so it is buildings and ethereal type “attacks” on the “enemies of mankind”– psychs, lack of education in far off lands, relief for victims of disasters, drug abuse etc.
These are smoke and mirrors “photoshopped reality”. Video teams sent out to “document” events that are staged ONLY for the video. Buildings bought and renovated and opened and re-opened for photo ops. Once the lights and cameras are gone they carry on their morgue-like existences.
3. And finally, a self-fulfilling mantra, also “based on” an LRH reference.
“We MUST be expanding because look at how its driving “the squirrels” crazy.” This may be the best sleight of hand of all.
The more outcry there is about the abuses being perpetrated in the church, the more it PROVES that everything is hunky dory in the Land of Oz. True cult think. It goes beyond the ordinary labels used by fundamentalists of every stripe when confronted by opposition to their behavior “those who criticize us are doing satan’s work.” It has the added Catch 22 twist that is absolute genius: “Satan (squirrels) KNOWS we are about to triumph over evil (clear the planet), so the fact they are upset with us is PROOF of our success ajnd that we are near to achieving our goal.” And thus everyone who utters a criticism or disagrees with the abuses becomes a target – cut off and declared (a “squirrel”). And that too PROVES expansion — the more who complain and are declared squirrels, the greater the expansion must be!
The Wizard of Oz pulling levers behind the green curtain is being played out in real life. The special effects have gotten better, but the story is the same.
Great post. Superb breakdown.
Clearly delineates the scene.
I believe the reference says, “Whenever we are winning, the squirrels start to scream.”
It does not say, “Anyone who finds outnesses is a squirrel.”
It does not say, “When people are complaining, that is proof that we are winning.”
Exactly, Dave, thank you!
I don’t know if you put the signs of success in order of importance but really #1 is mindboggling when you know how easy it is , with the right references to show the errors of DM’s ways .Only trouble is the few people I gave them to didn’t bother to read them…I suppose they are so afraid of having to confront and possibly lose their stable data along with other mechanism I won’t bother listing here . Just too damn sad.
Funny that you would have a picture of The wizard from OZ. I just got done reading a book called “Wicked”
and in this book based on the Wizard of OZ, the Wizard is a perverted, evil, despot who is destroying OZ. I thought of DM while reading the book.
So well written. Like Dani I sometimes don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
I think the big error had been „overexpansion“. I can remember the 10 times your stats order in 1976 or later the 5.4 X birthdaygame expansion. Basically every year to do. Total unrealistic goals for any company. Overexpansion – you conquer more territory than you can control. As you see that you cannot control your new territory you have to enforce control. History is full of samples. Countries and companies. And every country or company facing that problem does the same in response: enforce, false reports and stats and lots of „PR“ to mask the failure.
Very nicely written Mike. What you wrote rings true.
A friend who was declared a few years ago after completing his NOTs in the indy field received a call from a friend who fed him the line that “true, the orgs may not be doing well right now, but we are building for the future.” That was the rationalization for an empty building, empty course rooms and empty HGC.
The single test that any clubbed seal can do to prove things to himself or herself is to honestly ask oneself: “How is my life going, really?” Of course, that requires the slightest degree of introspection of one’s first and other dynamics. Asking and answering that, however, might unleash too much pent up BPC. Mike, your blog threatens too many stable data for a particular group reading it on the sly.
Yeah…building up for the future…yeah, that’s right! 🙂
“…but we are building for the future”.. OMG!
Building?? Building WHAT?? An ARC-broken field?
Hey, Kool-Aid Drinker – specious, much?
Signs of Success? No, actually signs of desperation. There is the constant and growing threat that the image build upon lies will be found out upon, collapse, etc. Therefore the increased intensity to keep the sheeple fixated in attention (to maintain blindness of the truth.) Any thought of the truth and the person is immediately given partial or full handling. This is an enforced indoctrination step. The person is fearful to view any outpoint and introverted that the only true outpoint is their case, their sanity, what is wrong with them etc. The individual then lose the certainty of their own viewpoint. Two things then occur. 1. they are more easily controlled for money and indoctrination. and, 2. the justification to the other members of the group that it was the person (who was waking up and asking wtf is going on and seeing the truth) that was flawed, suppressive, etc.
Then, in classic style, they are removed from the group, all comm lines cut, etc to reduce any “contamination” occurring and remove that aberrant person from the gene pool of the good, quiet, compliant paying public. To say this is sick is too mild when the full view is taken and a correction measure of the suppression to the future of so many people. The outcome is inevitable. Too bad the forces of implosion will have such collateral damage. We can attempt to save and salvage where possible.
Am I glad of all who are viewing this from a more exterior viewpoint. Otherwise it would be damn lonely out here. Thanks guys.
Thank you for clearing that up, Mike!! LFBD F/N
Mike, you have nailed the components of the trap that David Miscavige has going. And what I love about this post is that it also gives a guideline on how to enlighten others on getting them to see the trap.
I always love that ignorant, blinded, altered line about how successful the church must be if anyone is complaining.
Miscavige is… an idiot.
Yeah, I love that too. Lots of complaints so we must be doing great, per the LRH datum that says the SPs will howl when Scientology is winning and expanding. Must be an awful lot of SPs out there, except the problem is, LRH also said that SPs are only 2.5% of the population. I wonder if RCS keeps secret stats on declared Scientologists proportionate to undeclared. That would be soooo interesting, yum.
See the definition of Type III, that might apply to DM.
The digital manchild will eventually just implode and evaporate into the ethernet. Apple Computer has planning approval for a billion dollar circular headquarters comlex in Curpertino, California. To match just this one project, the dilusional misfit would have to blow his whole wad in one shot.
Rinder, is Brillent. It’s nice to see someone finally setting the record straight, with class and integrity. Priceless work that counts. You’re sure to impinge. Thank you.
I can’t help but quote LRH here;
“We have this enormous mass of people swelling up out of the ditches and byroads
and gutters and alleys and overwhelming a despotic government on the motto that “Everybody is going to be free. We’re going
to have liberty, fraternity and equality” and we get despotity! Instead of setting up a new free regime, all they do is use the extant communication lines of despotism in order to rule and govern. Anyone who would recommend the overthrow of a nation by force is a fool. He doesn’t understand the least semblance of politics or people. Because no nation is ever overthrown, they are just substituted for. If you want to know what
kind of government you’d get after you revolted against a government, look at the government you revolted against. Things will be a little bit bullet-nicked, but that’ll be about the only difference.
We could, at this time, put together an organization or a group in Scientology sufficiently strong, sufficiently powerful to run over everything it came to. This would be a fascinating thing to do. Be a game in itself. And then someday-me gone, other guys gone-all of a sudden there sits this thing, this organization. And somebody has to rise up and say, “Auditors of the world, unite; overthrow this monster!” And everybody would see it go down very plainly, you see. Down it’d go. Then they’d say, “Fine! Now we are free.” And they would get another handful of letters canceling their certificates. (audience laughter)
I try to look far enough in the future to forecast and predict what might be, so as to not do too many things wrong. You must allow me some percentage. And as I look into the future, I see that we are handling here, material of a potential control and command over mankind which must not be permitted at any time to become the monopoly or the tool of the few to the danger and disaster of the many……
And I believe that the freedom of the material which we know and understand is guaranteed only by a lightness of organization, a maximum of people, good training and good, reliable, sound relay of information. And if we can do these things, we will win. But if we can’t do these things, sooner or later the information which we hold will become the property of an untrustworthy few. This I am sure, because it has always happened this way. But that’s not reason it has to keep on happening this way. I am not of an inevitable frame of mind……
Scientology, well understood, is a very powerful thing. Poorly relayed, poorly communicated, monopolized or used exclusively for gain, it could be a very destructive thing.”
– LRH. From the “Anatomy of the Spirit of Man” congress lectures. Tape 6, June 1955.
Wow, Breakthree, this is perfect.
Thanks for the LRH excerpt Breakthree. It seems sometimes when LRH talks it is like he has a crystal ball he looks into and sees the future. I think that is quite an ability he had to predict future.
Brilliant analysis and summary Mike!
Exposing what is behind the curtain to as many followers in DM’s Church as possible is what will result in his demise.
I think most of us look forward to the day that those on the inside wake up, throw off the shackles of only shadows and lies, stand up and walk on up the line. For them this song might be how they feel. In addition to be really pissed off for the lies, crush regging, etc.
For those that make this a song of their experience their is still hope this lifetime.
quick question, mike: are you sure that dm was the one to start the culture of violence in scientology? or did he merely continue with lrh’s violent actions? for example, lrh had a nasty temper and frequently took to yelling at his followers. this increased to the point where lrh had children locked inside the anchor chain locker of his ship for many days at a time. he also had elderly and overweight people bound and thrown overboard from his ship when he was at sea…a fall of about 4-5 stories! seems to me that lrh instituted the culture of violence and dm just kept it going. to say that dm is worse than lrh relative to violence ignores the reality of the situation. take me, for example, i would rather get punched and beaten than being bound and thrown overboard from the height of 4-5 stories or locked in an anchor chain locker for days at a time!
LRH was no saint. But you have gotten some twisted versions of things. The reported chainlockering of children was grotesque, but it did only last for hours, not weeks, months or years. Overboarding was a “ceremony” and not any great hardship. You couldn’t get 5 stories up on the Apollo if you stood on top of the stack. Most of the overboard ceremonies occurred from the Aft Well Deck. Maybe 8 feet above the water. I swam off there routinely.
I can assure you, having participated in life on the Apollo and life in the world of Miscavige that while the early days of the SO were like the Wild West — things turned into gulag conditions with physical assaults as the routine under Miscavige. That is HIS style of doing things as a ROUTINE operating pattern. LRH would yell and get extremely angry but I am only aware of him physically hitting someone once. It was a rarity and not a routine.
But you cannot deny that Miscavige has taken some of the less endearing things that LRH did and wrote and used them to justify his “style of management” but that is what he has done, justified his own actions, not emulated LRH.
thank you very much for your thoughtful reply, mike. it has given me much to think about. however, i also just read the affidavit of hana eltringham-whitfield (located at and, in it, she describes some pretty horrific lrh actions. these included: depriving members of sleep and food for days at a time, having members forcibly taken to the rpf for bad thoughts against lrh and scientology, tracking down blown members and threatening them with lawsuits and to never leave them be in peace, etc. also, according to john mcmaster (at, lrh had a 5 year old deaf mute girl locked in the anchor chain locker for several days. also, mcmaster noted that the chain lock punishment could go on for either 24 hours or up to a week. and mike, lrh had people thrown overboard where they could strike the steel rubber strake on the way down to the water. i can not find the reference as to how far the fall was but i am certain that others have described it as much more than only 8′. why would other so members be worried about an overboarded member drowning or striking the strake if the fall was not more than 8′? i will continue to check my references but, from what i have seen, lrh had a violent disposition, too. the only difference to me is that dm actually takes the physical violence into his own hands whereas lrh had others do it for him. in the end, i do agree with you that dear ole’ leader has perverted many of lrh’s original intentions. however, you would have to agree with me that the culture of violence started with lrh and merely continued unabated through dm, who intensified things (and who scohb). thank you for the discussion, mike. cheers!
hey there, mike. not to flog a dead horse (how morbid, i know), but i know i remembered reading about the overboarding and the distances used. here is the link to an affidavit from jesse prince, who detailed: “Hubbard had three vessels, Apollo (formly known as the Scotsman), Athena and yacht Diana, and during the last months of 1968 all three joined up in Corfu, Greece. The ships were berthed in Corfu when people were first being tossed into the harbor. Hubbard was just really rabid and yelling and screaming a lot. For some time violators of Hubbard’s rules over the side of the ship (“overboarding” them) became a Sea Org tradition. Usually they were thrown off the tween (second) deck, but there were a couple of occasions when they went off the promenade deck (some 25 feet above the water). There were rules written by Hubbard in a “Flag Order” which listed orders of severity of overboarding, such as: from which deck, should the person be blindfolded, and should his hands or feet be tied.” –
can you please help me to reconcile mr. prince’s memories of the overboarding as versus yours? muchas appreciated, mike! looking forward to your response.
also, youtube has a wonderful series by hana eltringer-whitfield on the early lrh and so abuses aboard the apollo:
based on the available historical evidence, lrh had violent tendencies which have been continued, and enhanced, through the rule of dear ole’ leader.
Well, you really are flogging a dead horse and I won’t be posting any more comments on this after this one.
Can you please help me to reconcile mr. prince’s memories of the overboarding as versus yours? muchas appreciated, mike!
How’s this:
Jesse Prince never met L. Ron Hubbard. I did, and I worked directly with him.
Jesse Prince was never on the Apollo. I was.
And I dived/jumped off the Prom deck on numerous occasions — hardly life threatening!
And the tween decks were 2 feet above the waterline — the “cattle doors” were routinely open in port as there was no A/C and most offices were on the tween decks. Anyone who was on the Apollo can confirm this.
BTW, do you know that the people’s “hands were tied” with a loose bow, it was symbolic. And there were people standing by to ensure no harm came to the person who went in the water. And you “could have” bumped your head on the rubbing strake and you “could have fallen on the cook’s carving knife in the kitchen and severed your neck and bled to death” or “could have been struck by lighting when standing watch during a storm.”
I answered you about the difference between LRH and Miscavige in my first reply.
You are focusing on the wrong things. LRH has a huge body of technical work on the spirit/mind that has relieved suffering, increased abilities and increased spiritual awareness of thousands and thousands of people. In my thousands of hours of auditing experience, I have applied this tech over and over to spectacular results for that person. We are all struggling with the character and impact of what we have done, which is the purview of religious/spiritual life. Our sins/overts are our own to reflect on and evaluate and should not be considered in a vacuum, of the tremendous contributions of that same individual. LRH personally and intentionally created the spiritual well being and relief of suffering of many, many, many people and left a way for us to pick up the ball. If he had a spaz out or ten in his life, I personally don’t give a shit.
hello and good day, ms. jane. thank you very much for your reply. actually, i do not feel that i am off base at all. the original push of my post was that lrh had instituted a culture of violence that dear ole’ leader merely continued and enhanced. your argument sidesteps my original post and looks at your personal experience rather than stepping back and looking at lrh’s actions only. however, i am acutely aware that what is true for you (and mike) is what you have observed and thus my reasoning does not ring true to you. that said, i am very happy that the tech has made life better for you. that is the win that we all hope for. it was not my intent, and nor is it now, to insult anyone with my original posts but please accept my apologies if i have done so. i have ranted enough now and would rather mike get back to work on another excellent piece than moderating my pts self 🙂
Another great analysis, Mike.
We have, on one hand, “And thus everyone who utters a criticism or disagrees with the abuses becomes a target – cut off and declared (a “squirrel”). And that too PROVES expansion – the more who complain and are declared squirrels, the greater the expansion must be!”
And, of course, on the other hand, “The only thing you can be upbraided fopr by students or pcs is “no results.” Trouble spots occur only where there are “no results.” Attacks from governments or monopolies occur only where there are “no results,” or “bad results.””
So we have two very different viewpoints, both stated by LRH in numerous policies. Those who are very out-tech will agree with the former. Those who get results will agree with the latter.
The organization, in my opinion, and the crooks running it, are actively preventing results and actively creating bad results. Doesn’t take a data-series wizard to figure that out.
The Organization – called Scientology – attracts HUMAN BEINGS – of all walks of life. What it turns them into is not homo novus – but homo robots!
Everyone becomes a victim in Scientology. Those that stay and endure the pain and agony of either being a staff member or being a public – are typically trapped with family in and lots of money invested.
EVERYONE has a tipping point – it is only a matter of time before they dry up and become nothing. They are close to that right now.
David Miscavige will have to deal with the criminal he has become – all alone with no one to love or care for him. His entire family is gone! Who knows what the “law of the land” will do to him once the fraud is unraveled. He will not be able to take the money and run – some day he will have to answer to a higher power than himself. There are laws!
Good post Mike – and hats off to all of you that had the ability to see the truth and the courage to leave and speak out!
Yes, and even if there is no “higher power that DM has to answer to” with the kinds of horrific overts he has stacked up, I predict his next LT he’ll come back as a cock roach or worse.
So true! It’s been quite a study in group bank. One would have to be an LRH to figure out how to undo it. Mike seems to have a fairly good grip on it. I look at it and it just baffles me. I see the group MU, the group problem, group overt, group upset, group Ser Fac. I heard Debbie Cook’s testimony, under oath in a court of law and others up here claim she’s lying. They were trained very well in dubnosis.
“Dubnosis” That’s a good one.
Good one Forrest! “Dubnosis”. lol
So sad and so true. To laugh or to cry? Hard to believe that with all our wisdom and Tech, this is where we are.
So the greatest expansion of all would be that everybody becomes a squirrel! LOL. Seriously, another brilliant analysis of the scene and the scam. And as usual dwelling on it too long makes me sad that it has come to this and for those still in.
“The Golden Age of Tech” — which was no such thing, merely invented drills to create robot auditors but its a catchy title that evokes “on Sourciness”;
Speaking as a victim of the GAT, I assert the Golden Age of Tech was a program designed to get rid of all field auditors and to weed out those auditors in training who didn’t want to work on staff in an org or the Sea Org.
Caution: Rant Alert.
LRH says, time and time again to look at the stats. If people are praising, look at the stats, if people are howling in protest, just look at the stats and act accordingly. No matter WHAT is going on, he says, LOOK AT THE STATS.
Sure, people can howl in protest over an effective, forceful leader who gets things done. Sure, people can have overts and witholds which make them attack. Sure, sure sure. But where does the man say to take the fact that there are vociferous howls of protest as SOLE proof positive that an activity is doing well? That expansion is occurring? No cursory glance at the actual stats necessary, thank you – no, no, they’re a’ howlin’ out there, that’s enough! that’s all we need to know! We are doing great! Here is your proof, right here, see? You hear those guys yapping at us? Well, they hate our expansion or they’d be silent!!
Christ!. The only thing that is expanding at a very rapid rate is the inabillity of staff and public, – staff especially – to confront what is right under their freakin’ noses!
End of rant.
Actually, per my rant above, I’d like to qualify that what LRH says about looking at the stats as the only viable method of evaluating the success or failore of an activity is a datum that has always made complete sense to me. I advocate it and do it because it works for me. I’m being a little defensive here because I possibly conveyed the impression that I don’t think for myself and merely do whatever LRH says to do. Frequently, I DO do what LRH says to do, BUT I also evaluate and test it as well. When it works, again and again, I do it, as my own “policy”. I like to do what works.. Its really that simple.
I love your rant Aquamarine! 🙂
Wow, Aqua. Your rant borders on Dada. Read it thrice. You’re really in the groove!
LRH says the ONLY way to know how an activity is doing is by STATS. So, where are the stats? If Scientology were flourishing and prospering as their PR says it is, wouldn’t the actual stats be trumpeted from the Ideal Orgs’ rooftops? Clears made, auditors made, WDAH’s, new people signed up – where are the STATS for these products? Don’t the Class V org staff PONDER this outpoint? The last time I aksed a Class V org staff about the over-all stats for these activities, this person just shrugged and changed the subject! Also, someone on this blog, forget who, posted that the official, amazingly high stats are now not broadly published to prevent the SPs from knowing where to attack! I personally have never heard this from a staff person but hey, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if this were the excuse de jour for witholding the actual stats of Scientology.
Thank you for this analysis. It’s helpful.
About 6 months ago I talked to a long-time Co$ auditor and told her that it was starting to be embarrassing to be associated with the Church of Scientology because of the SquirrelBusters who were harassing “some guy” down in Texas. I told her that it had been all over the news and that these fat old middle aged guys in blue t-shirts with cameras on their heads were making fools of themselves by hanging out on this guy’s doorstep and trying to antagonize him. I found it embarrassing. She looked at me in utter horror and said, “A Scientologist would NEVER do that! Those must be people pretending to be Scientologists just trying to make us look bad.”
With that I just stopped talking. There was no more to say. Again… there are none so blind as those who will not see.
Ha! She unknowingly summed up Miscavige fairly well – “pretending to be a Scientologist just trying to make us look bad”
Speaking of pretending……Frank Morgan is the man who played the wizard (as well as four other roles) in The Wizard of Oz. He pretended in a way that we love and has become part of the magic of Hollywood film making.
David Miscavige pretends to be an “Ecclesiastical Leader” in a way that can only be loathed and traffics in black magic.
It’s been on my mind for a while and I have not wanted to say it. But here it is. Scientology attracts three kinds of people.1) Wide eyed idealists who want to change the world. 2) Broken wing people with very low confront and very low ability 3) Opportunists who would do anything if it will make their business make more money. The problem is that most of the wide eyes idealists are active and able people with good confront. When they see someone like DM in charge they bail really fast and become indies or just leave for good. That leaves the vast bulk of the existing Scientologists being broken wing people crippled in life who cling to the status quo for dear life and rich dentists and chiros who could not give a fly shit about anyone except themselves and are only to happy to throw a few gold coins to DM’s coffers in exchange for access to good workable tech and very able slave labor. The SO is different – the Sea Org only attracts two types of people- wide eyed idealists and cowardly fascist types who like to hurt people but don’t want to take the personal risk of being in armed forces. Once again the wide eyed idealists bail quickly once they realize that there is a nut in charge. They can only be fooled for so long. The sadists stay on, loving ever moment. Try to find the wide eyed idealists and talk to them.
You missed one. 4) Genuine people who are in need of help and are looking for answers and have tried everything else. They get a good win or two and keep chasing that win in some misguided trust that there might be some real hope and because they believe man can be good and surely no one would tell that many lies would they?
Did you tell her, not only where they Scngist, but were also OT VIIIs!
Shocking how brain washed the Scn SO and public are. My mouth fell open reading her answer to you. This is why they can’t leave. So I guess the Hole was invented by anti-Scns and falsely attributed to us to “make us look bad.” Tell that to the emaciated skeleton people who will finally come out (if still alive) if we ever do a raid of the place. So sad.
I have a problem. I’m becoming seriously addicted to your blog. It is getting out of control, so I am now placing the reading of your articles into the “Rewards” category – in other words I’m forbidding myself to read anything new until I’m all done with my essential work and chores. Otherwise, I’m a goner
But that all starts tomorrow. 🙂
What you’ve written here details the mindset of the RCS and its sheeple fully and cogently. You explain what is really going on with this racket calling itself a church. It is so well communicated – thank you. It makes total sense to me how its being done and why.
And, btw, mega-like on the photo/metaphor of Dwarf as Wizard of Oz! 🙂
I don’t like to gush but I honestly feel that you cannot be acked enough for the work you are doing.
I agree Aquamarine. As a “never in” this blog is on my must-visit-several-times-a-day list!. And,
I love to read all of everyone’s comments. My honest blessings to Mike & all you contributors.
I really love the way you put things together Mike.
This is one of the best summations I have ever heard.
Thanks Tony. Coming from you, I blush…
“A successful and prospering church trumps all other dynamics combined and a true believer will sacrifice his or her other dynamics in order to “support” the third as they believe that in the end this will bring survival across all dynamics.” Yes indeed–that’s what they say and preach and demand of the sheeple.
Trouble with this charming little one is that it’s not at all what LRH says. He says NO dynamic is more important than any other. That’s from the policy “Ethics, Justice and the Dynamics” if I remember correctly.
It’s also proven out by the people who have turned over their savings, inheritances, done second mortgages, contributed years and years of their lives, denied their family members…. Those people are surviving better? Hmmmmm??? How can someone screwing themselves over on the First Dynamic (their own personal Self) end up surviving the events of giving all their money and/or time to some activity where they get nothing back except some cooked-up status that means nothing out in the Real World? They have so much more trouble to deal with eventually and they are NOT surviving better because of what they gave the Church of $cn. Total Black PR of LRH’s original words.
LRH may have had his own problems but man, they are NOT what Miscavige and Co. have made people believe were his own inventions. There’s nothing that these squirrels of all squirrels can do to make me “un-see” the wins and successes the ORIGINAL LRH technical works accomplished. It’s been twisted to no end at this point, but it was WAY more workable before this little self-indulgent scumbag celebrity-sucker weaseled his way onto the scene. Grrrrr-rr-rrrr………
There IS and extreme of charity which neglects the first dynamic. The auditor must not neglect the first dynamic — himself.
this just blows my mind. back during the original gulf war, i had a social studies teacher who asked us “saddam has been in the media proclaiming his victories over the allies. this is funny because something is bound to happen to dispell this myth. what is it?” i thought for a moment and replied “his troops have to come home at some point.” that was the answer. how could saddam proclaim victory when his troops came home defeated, with stories of the allies overwhelming superiority on the battlefield? i can’t help hoping that something like this will hit the clubbed denizens and they will all wake up.
The Iraqi Information Minister was nicknamed “comical Ali” during the Gulf War. He was so far off the mark that he became the object of satirical videos on broadcast television…
Very well written! I’ve seen these things too. From my experience it’s the third point that makes it the hardest to talk to a pro Church Scientologist. For the last few months I’ve had extensive conversations with several people in the Church both over mail and face to face and the one single point that has been the hardest to go beyond is the third one. It can be extremely frustrating at times. As I’m not in the process of trying to convince anyone of anything, I just tell them that they are free to look if they want to, if they don’t, well that’s their choice and ultimately their responsibility.
Thanks for writing this down – it needs to be repeated and clarified.
I just got more info on the Portland Ideal Org opening. The building is 6 stories high with a basement and has 37 auditing rooms. Come on, 37 auditing rooms? They don’t even have that many staff much less paying public pcs to audit in those rooms. I laughed out loud when I heard of 7 floors, probably of which 6 1/2 will be empty and 37 auditing rooms, probably of which one may or may not be used. This is a case where “If you build it they WON”T come!”