To quote the famous philosopher, humanitarian, religious leader, nuclear physicist, author, horticulturist, sea captain, glider pilot, explorer, adventurer and musician, L. Ron Hubbard from his HCOB 1 May 1958 SIGNS OF SUCCESS:
Whenever we’re really winning the squirrels start to scream. You can tell if somebody is a squirrel. They howl or make trouble only when we’re winning.
Spectacular success can quadruple the number of complaints.
Recently there has been an uptick in the number of complaints registered in the comments section of my blog. I must be doing something right.
Below are just a few I kept. Normally I just send them to internet purgatory, but because so many started coming in (like this is a new tactic or something?) I kept some for posterity’s sake.
Odd that if I am so boring, why they are reading, and even bothering to make a comment….
And for some reason, they rehashed some of their old garbage into a new piece “5 Things to Know About Mike Rinder” — which was effectively dismantled by Stefani Hutchinson in her inimitable style on her excellent Confront and Shatter blog
I wonder what this renewed attention is all about?
Could it be Miscavige is becoming more and more nervous about Aaron Smith-Levin running for Clearwater City Council and is lashing out at his minions to “do something” about the SP’s who are threatening the walls of his Clearwater kingdom?
I was at Aaron’s fundraiser last week….
I had thought for many many years clearing the planet was what Scientology was going for.
When that purpose started to fall out of sight I started distancing myself more and more and more.
Nowadays all that’s left is clearing as many people on this planet of as much money as possible.
Thus I am glad to see “Unselectedploofgoofer” is at least honest enough to admit to that:
“Scientology is still marching along and collecting money from all of the people it can.”
Davey probably isn’t sober enough to PANIC at anything. That would require his getting out of his cup/thimble-sized cup long enough for his poor, misused liver to clean up the mess which should be a bloodstream instead of an alcohol-based infusion.
It’s true what they say, imitation really is the sincerest form of flattery! They got the email wrong though.
Too bad all their spam commenting efforts mean they can only afford to update their official website about once a year (most recent was Feb 6).
Even hardly gets any original content.
And the cult doesn’t have a single message board where the cult or its beliefs and practices can be discussed in any way at all.
They can’t AFFORD to have a free-flowing discussion about their mythconceptions.TRUTH might accidently sneak in, don’cha know😉.
Ironic it is that the greatest communicators on the (w)hole track can’t be visible and transparent, much less communicate logically and convincingly…anywhere, online or in real life, eh?
Potemkin Pud Pumping, ftw!🤗💥
Sounds like your ex-wife was allowed briefly on the internet to “push your buttons”. It’s comical
Sandy, I doubt it was his wife. More likely, it was an OSA ‘bot tasked to write bogus claims in her name and without her knowledge. I’d be surprised if she HAS ‘net access, even more surprised if she knows HOW to log into that fake site and write what REALLY was happening to her or what really transpired on that day.(not that WE need the truth from her; it was all recorded since Mike was being interviewed at the time.) (I forget where that recording is, though.)
If Miscavige wasn’t such a half-assed little poser, like LRH before him, he would have the balls to confront you (or anyone) DIRECTLY. The end.
Agreement, Skedag, except Tubby was a FULL-assed poser, maybe even 1-1/2 or double-assed, TBH. A bit smaller than the tRUMP, I suppose, butt still ginormous.
Actually these “complaints”, and not the blog posts themselves, are so repetitive that that very accusation might as well be turned around. Or called a hubbardesque projection. Looking at the shrinking numbers of their estimated dedicated members, and the numbers of visitors to the critics websites versus visitors to the Scientology propaganda sites, how many people watched “Going Clear”, or the lame CoS “Volunteer Ministers” photo-ops, and the already insane yet still increasing pressure on the remaining members, and even the focus on donating versus actually doing auditing etc, Narconon being sued into oblivion, empty “Ideal Orgs” everwhere, methinks it’s CoS that is increasingly “irrelevant” in every way… While still dangerous and abusive enough to keep an eye on it until the last member switches off the light or tax exemption goes bye-bye.
With some of their core points that those “complainers” repeat verbatim or almost so (because Davey said so?), those posters sound incredibly like fake outrage. As others noticed: so someone finds a blog boring/repetitive/irrelevant, yet bothers to comment about that very thing again and again… Yeah, doesn’t add up.
Yet with having stayed isolated from the real world for so long (even if not Sea Org), those who wrote those lines might not realize discrepancies of social nature like that.
I can’t fail to also notice that in Scientology, a lot is about mind-numbing repetition, which subsequently tends to be considered kinda a normal thing that their brains don’t react to anymore and that they don’t analyze and think about (in depth) anymore. So while it does make some sense why that particular accusation if an attempt of disencouraging critics is assumed, maybe that kind of blind spot (of seeing how inconclusive and fake it looks, considering all) is not entirely a coincidence…
On the other hand, if someone on the internet appears to be upset about someone’s contents for whatever resason, well that at least makes some sense and MIGHT be genuine… normally. And that tactic, then, in a bizarrely intense form, we get in those angry whiny posts about freedumb of relishiun, my scientology relishiun… Not very effective either, and incurring the spite of atheists annoyed by all that crap aiming at a theocracy (of the one or the other kind), so it seems a tad safer to just try to suggest critics how they are “irrelevant”.
So… I can’t but assume that yes, you do have an impact, and even on Davey personally.
I knew that before, though. After all that time working for/with him plus the time as a critic, you do know what riles him up. Love is in the aiiir… 🙂
(And Scotch. Lots of Scotch!)
Imma go warm my ass at the dumpster fire that is Scientology’s reputation… OH! Half a hot dog!! And a half-burned copy of … “Impact”! Why does dat shiny paper burn green, tho. Funnee.
What a day!
Great screen name and great comment!😎
Feel sorry for LRH, spend his life writing some thing which didn’t make sense for himself and his followers, except those he plagerised from other authors.
If his followers looking for endorsement in wogs world and in turn getting the criticism ( truth) , then they should create their own world UTOPIA.
See so simple. Be with Stupid ,then nobody shall call you the same.
Hey, Truthmaker/speaker got your TRLs in how’s that for irony little clam boy.
Such a pathetic attempt to intimidate or try to discourage you. And the incessant repetition of “whining and complaining” is a dead giveaway. Even I know this — and I was never a $cientologist (thank Almighty Xenu).
Apparently this genius never watched $cientology and The Aftermath, nor wants to acknowledge the fact that you and others put together the Aftermath Foundation to assist those in need of help after leaving $cientology.
Both of those things certainly fall under the category of “doing something about it”.
All Mike has to do if he wants to drive up his blog stats is post some of these asinine replies. They tend to bring us spitting out of the corners to refute and to defend Mike’s good work. (Witness today’s increase in replies) It’s the typical reaction to trolls.
Personally, I’m glad Mike devotes his time and energy to better things.
Of course he believes you are doing nothing, because you do not stoop to his level with fair game, dead agent packs of lies, videos with vicious lies, and attempts to “destroy by any means possible.”
Or it’s just an SO posting TinyBrain’s “clever” ideas.
I agree. I think you overpost. Whether this is for “narcissistic supply” (unlikely) or simply trying to undo your previous wrongs (more likely), you overpost. A few posts a week is fine. Every day is too much. Spend time with the kids, help Princess Leah in her fight against the empire or Aaron Smith Levin in his fight against Florida men more. Same result.
Fortunately you do not share COB’s penchant for censorship or this comment would not see the light of day.
I am disappointed when there is not a new daily post….Check this site everyday.
I think the post rate is about right and decreasing it risks losing some regulars. The posts are always unique and very well communicated. Mike writes to a very high standard displaying a high iq, its no suprise that he was offered a law scholarship to Adelaide Uni.
Having said that, for a smart man he surely makes some ordinary choices, i mean just look at his choice of AFL sides !!!!
Now, I’m sure if Scientology would only cease to eagerly out-stupid its stupidity day after day, he would hammer that keyboard less frequently. But they have kept trying to suffocate the dumpster fire with gasoline since the internet is around…
Fewer topics would allow more back and forth internet “conversation” which is more interesting than a daily reiteration of the stupidities and lies coming from the C of S. More people would participate.
For me these may not be coherent reactions but rather the spasms of those who are beginning to understand that they are definitely dying – as cult – and have no way back.
Credit where credit’s due: If “TruthMaker” aka “TruthSpeaker” was aiming for a cringe-inducingly pompous and culty-sounding moniker, he (I feel comfortable going with “he” as they are all “sir” in the sea org) hit the jackpot! Although it is generally a bit dicey to lean on the “truth” part too heavily in res hubbard.
He poses the question that is undoubtedly of critical importance for the likes of him and immaterial to the rest of us: “Does David Miscavige tune in?”
Dismissively, he tries to lay it to rest with “Why would he?” Good point, why would the leader of a “world religion” be indeed so touchy? Unless that “leader” is watching in alarm one-person blogs without a budget or Superbowl ads, and is wondering how they are getting more traffic than his own official web site. Or why the likes of Rinder/Remini are getting real and recognized industry awards while he has to buy some phony ones from an awards mill.
So, TruthBot, next time you want to appear nonchalant and pretend that Miscavige is neither watching nor in the middle of one of his infamous tantrums, perhaps compulsively posting at least three posts in under three hours is NOT the way to go? Perhaps having to make up multiple fake identities makes you come off even more alarmed? And lends further credence to the cult’s reputation for dishonesty?
Seriously TruthPutz! You have all the “tech” to support your fabulous PR successes, promote the (literally) unbelievable elaraitch and fellate miscavige’s fragile ego furiously! And still you need advice from common wogs on how to post a response without appearing any bit as panicked as you are?
You know what the man said” Look don’t listen. Not looking too good, are ya!
I suppose there’s also the possibility that the Mighty Midget might have been having one of his huge hissy-fits and checking in on truthbot every 5 minutes to be sure he/she was posting whatever his scotch addled brain wanted. If so, then truthbot has my sympathies and I hope they get out somehow. And soon.
P.S. If you do, check in here. There’s lots of help available.
Excellent post!
Mike Rinder does a great job and service for mankind. For those of us who have fallen prey to the cult of scientology, Mike, along with Tony Ortega’s Underground Bunker, are there when the cult spits us out. Mike and Tony, along with their readers and followers, are there to help us – the ex-scientologists – pick up the pieces as we try to make sense of it all.
After 37 years, I managed to escape scientology. Mike, Tony and their readers were there for me when I started speaking out about that cult (as JennyAtLAX). When that cult lied to a judge, claiming that I had been stalking one of their own (I hadn’t), Mike, Tony and their readers supported me when I had to hire a lawyer to defend myself. And when Scientology balked and dropped their legal case against me, Mike, Tony, their readers and I laughed at just how stupid scientology is.
And we’ve been laughing ever since.
Glad you survived their fair game gambit!
Mike and Tony’s blogs, along with Jon Atack’s essays, were
essential reading for me when I walked off of my staff “post”.
I totally avoided the indie scene and jettisoned the Hubbardian loghorrea
and culty concepts quickly, thanks to them and many others, including
the commenters on those and other websites…
Question for your podcast: Do you think Kelly Preston’s Scientology beliefs contributed to her death by breast cancer?
Lori I’m not answering your question directly but I share an experience.
My wife has always had a couple of checks a year and when she was diagnosed with breast cancer – this ten years ago – she only managed to save herself thanks to these checks. Other friends of hers are even dead. In just one year, breast cancer can grow a lot and create metastases. Then go after him.
I think Kelly missed the moment, listening to all the bullshit that “the spirit can heal the body”. This got her off.
I have just one question: what’s a blug?
I cannot speak regarding Kelly, but most assuredly my ex did die of breast cancer at 47. She was a nurse and apparently tried auditing and alternative medicine, instead of radiation and/or surgery, and failed at it. I learned about it after the fact, but she was a ‘true believer’ to the end.
ps: When I read the Success bulletin in the late 60’s I knew hubbard was blowing kaka again.
Same here. They buy into the idea that they are invincible if their ethics are in and they aren’t PTS. My mom didn’t do yearly checkups or mammograms. She relied on not being PTS, etc. Then when the cancer was found it was late stage. She chose to do alternative therapies first which failed. After that chemo and traditional therapies only kept her alive for about 18 months. The age of my baby when she died at the age of 54. So sad and unnecessary.
Mike, glad to see you aren’t letting the turkeys get you down. I check here every day. Keep up the good work!
One other thought which should be obvious to the OSA robots that monitor the blog, there isn’t a lot of new news about Scientology because nothing is happening in Scientology.
It’s a withering, decaying cult with delusions that it’s changing conditions.
Maybe they are the squirrels screaming.
No matter what one thinks of Scientology, the existing “Tech” and Scientology is an altered version of what Hubbard came up with.
Some people cannot deal with the truth in all sorts of activism: it’s often a long, arduous journey. People like easy-to-digest narratives about the goodies bringing down the baddies with celebrations all around. I have been an activist for years and I know how slow change comes. The civil rights movement was never “completed.” It’s ongoing. A multi-billion dollar racket like scientology is not going to crash and disappear in a decade or two. People often need their heroes and celebrations of victory, and without those, discouragement arises. Even if Aaron S-L is elected to CW city council, that doesn’t mean the end of scientology or even Flag. David Miscavige could go to prison with Masterson and that doesn’t mean the end of scientology. What if it brings a mini flourishing of scientology?
The naysayers will always be present asking, “What are you accomplishing? What good is this doing?” I have dealt with that and sometimes it’s maddening. Those comments aim to minimize the efforts and accomplishments of others. The true stalwarts continue to push forward despite the negativity.
I called out one former naysayer here for always posting garbage. The obvious point was that the naysayer read this blog and the Underground Bunker daily, often commenting multiple times. If this blog is meaningless, why do they access it on their devices?
THIS comment, yes!
Keep going, and thanks for pressing on.
I love the ‘blug’ misspellings. Looks like Delphi graduates flock here.
I wonder if Miscavige is really afraid of what Arron Smith-Levin can do on the city council? There is nothing the city council can do about the stealth buying up of adjacent properties and not much that could be done if the $camatology wants to put up a Berlin style wall around their properties either. Of course they can’t cut off public streets, can they? Look for DM to try to keep the wogs away and ignorant of how many actual Sea bOrg actually live and work there now.
If Aaron Smith Levin wins his seat, and Mark Bunker is also present on the council, you can bet that Tiny Boots will be in full melt down mode.
Aaron and Mark together, DM’s head will EXPLODE!
Oh My!
A fund raiser with you attending.
I will be certain to contribute and make some posts in a special place to advise other people to contribute exactly the same amount as I plan to contribute.
You fucking cocksucker asshole!
2 whole comments today. 12 yesterday. Pretty soon you will celebrate whenever more than one person comments.
Your blogs are so repetitive and boring. Seems like I’m the only one who really cares anymore.
Wow what anger. Here this is my little boy, now sure that I recognize him, bad words and the inability to express a meaningful concept.
Don’t worry we know you don’t have to be blamed to be like this.
Keep going son you are doing great.
Emmys won, a successful pod cast…..Yeh, I think a few people care. But keep on wioth the insulting and name calling, it says more about you than it does Mike.
Is THIS the Superior Tech in action? I always taught my son that when a person devolves into name calling in a debate or discussion it’s because they know they’ve lost and have nothing else to turn to.
Rather than being “boring” it looks to me like Mike touched a nerve.
Please check out and subscribe to Stefani’s blog on
Thank you, Mark. This is a true endorsement and I appreciate your kindness.
It’s an excellent blog!
This sounds like an amends post so nice of you to put it up Mike. I wonder if the “Special Place” will be the TP-less bathroom where the original infraction occurred. (Based on the content I’m assuming the overt was an out-2D affair with the poster’s left hand.)
Hang around PeaceNaker. I rip on SCNs because some of the most “ethical” people on the planet owe me a lot of money. Even worse are the families torn apart by disconnection and the continual stream of libel/slander from the “church”. That said, there are a lot of people here who have been in your shoes and can help you.
So, according to SOURSE you are the one being the squirrel by your screaming outburst.
Please tell COB that he needs to bring the SHSBC course back into the training lineup. I paid 750 for it back in 1973 and really realllly want to do it this lifetime.
Wow… somebody is angry
DM musta thrown another tantrum and demanded his little minions to “do something”
Right. When DM has realized what Aaron can do for the city of Clearwater he certainly got a milestone ‘psych break’ not just a tantrum.
Sounds like the sort of childish rant the Miscreant would use… that you Dwarfenator? It is you isn’t it? You got so tanked and angry that you managed to clamber out the latest barrel of scotch and decided to comment here.
IP address is Hong Kong
The troll of the real “PeaceMaker” is back. Lol
Hopefully the real PeaceMaker takes it as a compliment that he’s being targeted for his continued factual reporting. Lol
They must think this blog is at “teenage angst” on the Tone Scale and can be shut down with a few Middle School barbs? Or someone is trying to do all their amends at once so they can meet their family over the holidays?
I’d take “Doing amends so they can (maybe) see their family over the holidays.” As IF they or their seniors believe that sophomoric prattle is an EFFECTIVE blow to the “enemy”. Little do they know that many of us are more concerned about their future than their co-workers and so-called friends are. The Aftermath Foundation is there to HELP them escape their current bonds and fly away FREE. scientology’s version of being set free is ‘free from the bonds of this body’, also known as ‘death’. I am pretty certain that NO one signed up to keep doing the same mindless tasks until their body failed them, only to be dumped on some park bench to be cared for by the government until the body completely fails, only to be reborn into another body to repeat the cycle all over again.
It’s when I saw an inkling that that was our future that I hit rock bottom, which led to them kicking me out as too useless to even be a good RPF inmate, since I realized it was all meaningless; and failed to care about those things.
“One ex-member of the Church later told me that this kind of potty-mouthed, one-way abusive language was standard from David Miscavige. Another of his favourite sign-offs was YSCOHB. Decoded, it means: ‘You Suck Cock On Hollywood Boulevard’,” Sweeney writes.
The more they complain, the more impact you are clearly having. Hooray!
Funny, Mike, you don’t sound like you’ve been confronted and shattered. Back to the PTS/SP course for them!
For the 38,643,689,754th time to FINALLY get it right.😂
The complaint pieces are so similar, and so childish, that one might think the same eighth-grade dropout wrote all of them.
As a good dictionary-wielding Scilon, the writer(z) should know that “sarcasm” goes back to a Greek style meaning ‘to tear flesh.’ But as written, I see no sarcasm in the complaints that would even raise a welt, much less actually cause an injury, even to a thin-skinned person.
Perhaps to improve their sarcasm they could take lessons in turning a bloodless scrape into a life-threatening injury. I’m sure they know exactly who to contact for that information. Until then, I say let them keep up the bad work. It is energizing to read these yawners, because a good yawn increases oxygen intake, energizes the body, and makes one ready to start their happy day with a smile on their face and a spring in their step.
Ammo, Davey was a 10th grade drop-out (drip-out?)
Looks to me like the more good you do the harder OSA tries to stop you, not only proving they’re the suppressives, but that you keep hitting a nerve…
Keep up the good work, Mike. Suppressive Scientology is reacting.
Suppressing the suppressive isn’t suppressive, YOU’RE simply spreading the TRUTH.
Stats don’t lie. You made a backwater network relevant in the ratings game, had enough of a following that you’ve been picked up by a major player in the streaming world, and garnered a nice assemblage of hardware for superlative reporting on a dangerous set of scam artists. That drives them CRAZY, and I’m sure it’s leading to the departure of some of their most fanatical followers tasked with “discovering you crimes” *Manufacturing* fake “crimes” is more like it. They only need look internally to discover real crimes of magnitude. And it burns the teeny-tiny butt that you’re doing it to HIM, his royal hiney-ness.
I like the one that calls YOU a coward while refusing to put his/her REAL name to the post. Typical scamologists tactic.