In lieu of Thursday Funnies, we have a few things that have flopped over the transom that make for entertaining reading in these strange times.
If you were wondering what the Sea Org “management” people are doing (in the Continental Liaison Offices and at the Flag Bureau) this gives a clue. The “managers” in EUS are “delivering” extension courses.
With the orgs having little or no income, these management units are really struggling to come up with a few dollars for food. Their income, meager as it is, comes from the orgs. When the orgs make 0, the SO Units make 0. The difference is, in the orgs most of those people have homes and families they can fall back on. I wonder if the SO members got “stimulus checks” from “Donald Trump” — if so, I imagine they were turned over to their org to cover food expenses.
This is a more mysterious message.
Somehow “your planet” needs you to do an extension course?
This seems perfectly normal to those in the bubble.
We know what this means…
The orgs have no money — o no pay.
The mystery is why is this ex-SO member in the US begging for donations for Joburg?
Rocking in the UK. These figures are miniscule! Remember, the staff are all being required to do extension courses…
A whole continent managed to get 460 chapters read in a week.
Well, I beg to differ. I cannot imagine a WORSE time to join up for communal living, transportation and dining. And no money.
And that grammar is weird — should say there will never be, or at least there has never been.
And MORE Sea Org — you can be a security guard to do your part in planetary clearing. Keeping the inmates from escaping the compound.
227 Active students in the UK?
With 69 million people it is going to ake a few quadrillion extension courses to sort the place out ROFL!
What does it take: that the last person who believes in a cult to die. The cult may implode, collapse, shrink, whatever … but it doesn’t completely die until the last person who believes in it dies, usually decades later. It is the way of cults. CoS is a long way from that. The most you can hope for is that its intake of victims falls to nothing.
The demise of SOB will accelerate the process but the end of CoS is decades away.
Keeping the imates in?
Some charge there still Mike LOl LOL
Actually the St Hill UK stats fucking disgust me actually.
I know people who were ther in the 60’s working with LRH using processes off the press and getting daily C/S’s and non workable Tech dumped and workable getting used and results attained.
A very sad cry from today when that evil drwarf gets his hard on from extension courses its a disgrace beyond belief!
Sadly, and and all workable Tech is deinied from the public. David Miscaviage may be the most EVIL loathsome bastard to walk Earth since the OT III incindent!!
I love how that bottom PR piece is clearly trying to pull would-be cops in. But what I really wanted to comment on was the Extension Course scam. About a year ago they suckered me in with Extension Course. Being a complete noob to Scientology I had no idea about the Bridge etc. By the time they finally called me about it I was already well aware. The extension course scam though…man what a nice cash crop for them. There are how many books and lectures?
So I guess that it does not apply to Dave since he IS God.
COB – The aging asthmatic smoker, who drinks scotch every night, and lives in an imploding world of constant stress and anxiety… court cases, shrinking revenue, shrinking membership, exposure of shameful crimes… not the best recipe for health in a global pandemic. Better stay out of the public eye, little guy. It’s a tough world out there.
If Sir Richard Barnstorm is begging for govt funds to bail out his “Virgin” conglomerate of billionaire corporations so that he can keep on living his billionaire lifestyle, then can anyone please tell me why it is that the Peewee “Pope” Rat cannot reach into his treasure chest and witdraw a few farthing so that all of his millions of followers can go buy a sandwich? Why is that? Does anyone know?
Can you imagine being a SO who never has two nickels to rub together, then getting $1,200 dropped on you – visions of a nice dinner, starbucks lattes, a carton of smokes dancing in your head – then they just take it from you? Ugh. Well, probably don’t have a bank account to put the check in anyway, sadly.
Mark. When I was in SO I experienced difficult times without wages for weeks.
But here they don’t even have a cent to do financial planning and cover basic things. I don’t say cigarettes but basic things for women and generally things for hygiene.
And I don’t think “management” is doing anything to make up for it.
And I believe everything will last for a long time.
I’m sorry to think of those people who threw their lives believing in a false ideal that will never come true.
Mark, I believe that any SO pauper who has some money “dropped” on them would instantly find a Reg appear with an outstretched hand and a demand for all that money (plus maybe a taxable percentage) turned over to them so that Pope Rat could afford to buy a glass of Scotch.
Actually, I don’t believe for a second that money would go to buy him a glass of Scotch. It would probably be transformed somehow (using the magical laws of scamatology) so that it could instead buy him a bottle of Scotch.
It may not be the very “best stuff”. It may not even be the “good stuff”. But it would be “good enough” because he could drink it in the knowledge that one of his paupers would be starving to death in the time it took for him to gobble down that drink. That knowledge would serve to act like one of the nine magical lives all cats have and somehow that would serve to give Pope Rat what he needed.
Do you understand that? I am asking cuz I don’t really understand it. How can anyone understand abject cruelty like that?
You can rest assured, that any and all of $1,200 individual cheques will be regged for the ‘common good’ of the organization. – I wonder if the commendation you receive for this ‘donation’ will be edible.
I have no doubt that in each org there is someone (probably security) with a crew list going around collecting everyone’s stimulus checks. Why security?
Because it is out-security to have money around not locked up in the org safe. To allow staff to have that kind of money will certainly foment blows,
On the Freewinds around 1992 the D/Chf of Security was found to be snorting cocaine in a local bar. Coke is not cheap! Had someone merely gone around collectng money from all staff this would have been avoided.
Sounds like CLO EUS is applying Hubbard’s Third Dynamic Danger Formula.
Good luck with that, Sea Ogres.
Oh, and never a better time to join the Sea Org, eh?
If you have a death wish, I suppose.
Life must be truly miserable for them now.
Without them getting sick, hopefully it will be so bad, so awful, that they’ll route out or blow.
Also I’d bet that SO are being blamed for Covid 19, just like they were blamed for 9/11.
Oh, wait, I beg your pardon.
“Blame” is the wrong word 🙂
They have to “take responsibility” because “if they’d been wearing their hats and doing their jobs”… “the planet” would not BE in this situation.
They have to living in a dreadful kind of hell right now.
Yo Sea Org!
Blow! Blow! BlowBlowBlow!!!
Get out of hell and get the hell out of there!
The time is now!
Much love,
Cannot stop laughing
Lovely post Aqua. One of your best! One of your very best!!!
Aqua. Yeah, I really hope someone wakes up, look around him and realizes:
‘Damn, where the hell I am??!!’
“COB RTC Mr. David Miscavige has issued an emergency policy which allows Sea Org members to moonlight at Wal-Mart, sell their blood, liberate merchandise from shuttered businesses for resale, borrow unused cars for resale and parts, and undertake a host of other measures to feed themselves. Haters will call this a crime ring; we call it survival,” said Mr. Ken Delusion E/D of Emergency Survival Services.
“COB himself has made the monumental sacrifice: He has ordered a halt to the daily chartered flights of fresh New Zealand Lamb and Malaysian prawns that supply his dinner. Instead, COB will be eating locally sourced Filet Mignon and other victuals. COB is also moving his manicure and pedicure sessions from a daily basis to a thrice-weekly basis.”
“Elena Cardone didn’t get her ten-carat diamond ring:
“In happier news,” Delusion noted, “the Ideal Orgs are empty and are therefore at record levels of cleanliness. The Ideal Orgs are white glove clean everyday.”
If someone back in the day told me this would happen I’d go: “Stop doing drugs”.
Also, how come they have a poster saying: “Stay on source” and have a CLO running extension courses – how is that “on source”?
Then again, it is only EUS and not a real CLO ;P
… sorry couldn’t resist that last part. The term: “He’s qualified for EUS” was not a compliment. Its a west coast – east coast thing.
Karakorum: I am sure you are being snarky and poking fun at the cult of Scientology however, I have no idea what you are talking about. I think it is great you can make fun of it. But I am really at a loss to understand what you mean. Any chance you can translate for us Wogs? Some of us don’t speak Scientologese. We have been watching the cult since we saw ‘Going Clear’. Have you seen it?
These terms and acronyms – ” CLO EUS Stop doing drugs Stay on Source? On Source? ”
What does all of that mean? Cult lingo and loaded language. Do you think in Scientologese still or have you deprogrammed.
When Scientology nearly collapsed in the 80’s after the David Mayo incident, I was at Flag as a public person and observed that the Sea Org was eating rice and beans. The only other person at Flag in the Fort Harrison at the time was Dianna Hubbard and I exchanged greetings with her near the Cashier where I was handing over money. However, what is going on in Scientology today is much, much worse.
In the 80’s the scramble was to get the auditing flowing again. Now all they have is extension courses?
Davey sits on his billions of dollars while members starve.
Honestly I just want to scream when I read these poor folks are begging for money for food and the simple things they need for life while that little snot stain DM is sitting on enough money to feed a third world nation! AGGGGHHHHHH!
WAKE UP! What the heck is it going to take?
This!!! Exactly this, Peggy!
Strong leaders take care of the people under them, because they’re confident and it pays off and makes everyone stronger.
Then there’s DM (love your nickname, above!) the consummate “little man” who behaves like a chihuahua… lots of angry or excited yapping, absolutely NOTHING to back it up and scared of his own shadow. So he hides and hoards. Absolutely nothing strong, courageous or ANY form of leadership involved and that is why his poor followers must plead for help.
Peggy — exactly! That son of a bitch doesn’t give a damn about his members, although he claims to care. He doesn’t care if they live or die as long as money is coming in.
This narcissist, greedy prick is sitting on billions, but can’t be bothered to help out in *any* way whatsoever. That says it ALL.
It would be great if all these slaves who are denied their basic needs would just organize. They can plainly see that DM lives like a king. You know they all have to, somewhere deep down, know that this is not what they signed up for. I know it’s also ingrained in them that all sorts of bad things will happen to the planet and themselves etc. ect. bla bla bla, but human nature is not to accept being enslaved. I hope at some point in time they decide to walk away, sue the pants off of DM for forcing them into being his own personal money makers. They receive zero benefit from their hard work.
Don’t the big whales, the celebs, see these pleas for help? Don’t they wonder how in the world it’s necessary for anyone within this cult to have to ask for money when they have themselves handed over millions and millions of dollars? Where’s the dapper Tom Cruise? Oh, not his problem, he has every human comfort. That’s one of the things that I find the most disgusting about this fake. Most disgusting about the whales. They don’t care as long as they get the strokes.
IMO they are the most responsible for letting DM get away with this, and if they only got it through their heads if they shut off the money they would become his enemy. Disgusting.
It is not all Dave’s (excuse me Captain Miscaviage) for referring to you as “Dave” . I will self-terminate immediately after finishing this comment. It is not his fault. Most S.O. members would jump at the chance to be shot by him. I fixed his dive boat and his dive gear once because he wanted to go diving. Had he merely wanted to kill people, I might have volunteered to be one of the dead.
That is horrifying Bill. My gosh.
I guess I use Marc Headley as an example of someone I hope there are other SO members being able to follow. It could be that he had some opportunity to live outside the cult as a kid that it gave him a taste of a different kind of life though, what the outside world could be.
Donations to pay staff?
I suggest you work harder.
Rewarding downstats? How ghastly. 😷🐿️
Make it go right, you CI SOBs!
Eggzactly 🙂
What was that acronym that DM sent Mike? Something like CICSHB? That’s don’t exact but it means Counter Intentioned Cock Sucker on Hollywood Blvd.
My ex-girlfriend recently joined or is in the process of joining SeaOrg. I am expect her to either blow within 6 months or stay for life. I can’t see how a 20yo in these modern times can live that way.
Wow – I’m so sorry to hear that! Is that why she’s an ex? You stepping away from those beliefs? Hope you’re doing ok and aware of any resources you might need (like The Aftermath Foundation) if you find yourself in need of breaking away completely.
There are many of us out here that DO want to help. As Aftermath Foundation seems to be the best equipped and really understand all that it entails tangibly AND emotionally to do so, many here and at the other blogs/forums support the foundation because we want to tangibly help!
Good luck in all you do, sorry about your ex, but also very glad you’ve seen the reality and chose not to subject yourself to the SeaOrg!
I never believed but I did about 5 intro courses in order to understand her better.
Yes, that’s why she’s an ex – not my choice but she picked up and moved out about 3 week ago. She herself ended the relationship because of the no sex outside of marriage thing.
I’m trying to stay positive and hope she’ll blow in 6 months because she’s not the type of person to take that sort of abuse that I’ve been reading of. I’ve done plenty of research and she’s done none at all.
As a result, I’ve donation 800$ to the Aftermath Foundation in the hopes that I can offer some help in some way to somebody wishing to escape.
Thank you very much for the support.
“No sex outside marriage” is such a bullshit thing. I believed it when I was in. You need to have sex to determine whether that aspect of the relationship works for you.
Re: The no sex outside of marriage thing:
I never ran afoul of this rule while I was in but after I was sent off to die I got dementia. A few days after my wife finally got off the ship I woke up and did not remember who this woman was who was in bed with me but I had a vague recall of having sex with her. I still remembered the Sea Org as if it was today and also the 2D rules about no sex. I thought that I was totally fucked (no pun intended) for a few moments until I asked her if she was my wife. Thank Allah she said yes.
Best wishes to you.
I hope she leaves quickly too!
Wow, that’s really recent! Big hugs from here – that you decided to use what you’re going through to help someone else in such a profound way is touching and indicative of the kind person you are. Especially since you took some courses to understand what she was into, but also did your own. Your story is touching to me, as my eldest son’s childhood best friend got involved with a scientologist. She was not active when they started dating, but her family are big donors and very active. As time went on, she got involved, became a staff member and (though I’d shown him all the blogs and research I’ve known for years… AND watched what we went through when an employer recruited my husband & decided I was the issue keeping him from joining…) though it had been his desire to “rescue” her from all that, he got sucked in. He disconnected from me after he got involved more.
So to see you handle it as you have makes my heart smile! The fact that she had a life with you so recently should also help give her a real-world contrast so little seeds of doubt/question in her heart provide quiet counterbalance to what she’s being told about the outside world.
Really glad you are here!
omg thanks for the kind words.
Yes, it’s really recent – just one week into the quarantine lockdown, so just over 3 weeks ago. Only 3 months after she graduated.
I sort of mentioned previously we were an age-gap couple so being a mature and informed person I knew the odds of the younger partner just picking up and leaving were high. I unfortunately let myself fall in love (I don’t even know if that’s a thing that can be prevented) so the heartbreak is real. I’ll get over her eventually…
So helping out with the Aftermath Foundation was a no brainer, especially after reading and youtubing the subject. Chris Shelton is a great source of info presented with a level head. I had known about the cult from way back (the great usenet battles etc.) but had basically ignored it until just a year ago.
I also joined the SO when I was 20 at Flag. I did pretty good from the viewpoint of the organization for the 23 years I was in.
It all depends on if she has a place to go and support once she is out. My opinion with insufficient data is that she will come back to you if you stay in common with her.
In my own case I had no place to go nor anyone to help me. I was sent off to die of AIDS which I got from blood products while on the Freewinds. I barely made it out alive but I hope and trust that your girlfriend will do better.
Yeah she can always come back to me as a landing pad if she decides to blow.
It’s too early to tell if I’d let her stay – she’d have to be seriously deprogrammed and not believe in the tech and conspiracy theories for me to start accepting her back into my life. I can only take so much heartache.
My dear Secret Non Believer,
It is possible that she will resist in the SO even less than 6 months.
Or if well determined or mentally already well inspired by the ideal of a billion years of service, she will stay longer.
But there is never an exact deadline. It is crucial how truly “awake” she is (innate factor) or that particular things happen that bring her back to the reality of what she really is.
It makes me smile that she brought up the ‘no sex before marriage’ story as it is normally only a SO prerogative.
It also doesn’t seem to have even asked you to participate in her new adventure.
A friend who comments with us in the blog calls it Sea Borg (if you have ever seen cyborgs in Star Trek).
Well the girl had already been assimilated long before you ended the relationship. She wasn’t there anymore.
Do great.
Sea Borg – that’s so funny and true and sad, all at the same time.
She seemed to have taken the Hubbard pill hook, line, and sinker, as all (and I mean all) of David Icke’s conspiracy nonsense. No critical thought at all. So disappointing from someone who has a BA of Science!
I could sense her sink into the mental quagmire for a month before. The recruiters were relentless! When covid-19 hit she just lost it. She was involved with this cult at the public/staff level for the past 2 years but it seemed to have been largely controlled – young girls still have to party and all…
I did participate in the Org with 5 courses and 1 audit. After that I just tuned out. I’m a strict atheist science-geek so I never went along. I just thought the two realms of thought could co-exist somehow. I’m much older than she is so I should have been more prudent and distant, but the heart wants wants the heart wants.
Either she blows inside of 6 months or she stays for 30 years. It’s a coin-toss at this point. I just hope it isn’t a 2-headed coin.
To all – thanks for the support and sorry about the previous typos! I appreciate the feedback. I’m still trying to recover from the shock and heartbreak and I think it’s going to take a while.
Secret Non-believer.
Thank you. Here if necessary someone will always answer you.
I have been in sea org and have worked in the recruitment. I’ll give you a somewhat extreme example, but maybe it will give you an idea.
Imagine a ‘predator’ who has to survive in an extreme environment. The ‘prey’ are rare and when they happen in front they cannot give up until the end.
The recruiter will in any way remove any obstacle he finds (a boyfriend can fall back into this calculation).
He will ‘sanitize’ any area where the prospect will go.
He will be able to perceive any variation in the mood of the prospect. All of these while keeping the person super motivated about an impending future that will NEVER be as promised.
What will be then will be. In the meantime, I advise you to move away from the cult as much as possible.
For the rest, put your attention in the present, whatever it is and live it, after all it is the only thing that really exists.
Good luck.
Thanks Loosing…
That’s exactly what I felt the recruiters were doing – like sharks on a blood trail. And yes, the sanitization of the future placement of the recruit is most likely happening, which is why I still have some hope of her eventual disappointment…
As for myself I am in no way near this cult and I ignore the phone calls (which will probably keep going for years) from its members. Kinda hard to move on though, with this lockdown going on. Alone in my house is not the best of situation in a case like this. It really sucks.
Thanks for your feedback.
Welcome. Just accept it as such and don’t build a movie on this story in your mind. Allow the all picture to go.
Do great. Stay away from who has and sell truth.
One thing I find odd is the supposedly SO embargo on recruits that have taken anti-psychotic drugs, such as anti-depressants.
My ex-gf was on those for at least 3 years (I should know I paid for them) as well as Adderall.
Will this be a case where they take all of her money that they can and then throw her to the curb as unacceptable to the cause? If she lies about her usage will she be able to pass the interrogations enough to let that slip by the e-meter?
I know they read this board as well as the comments. C’mon guys, shape up!
Secret non believer:
It seems that she does not qualify for the S.O.
I hope that you get her back.
I fell in love with a girl in the S.O 40 years ago. I have not seen her in 25 years. I knew her last lifetime. It could be well a few more lifetimes before I see her again.
That is good advice LMR.
I also joined the SO at Flag when I was 20 years old. I was sent off to die at the age of 43. I am thankful for that even though there was no reason for me to die. For me, it was the only way off the ship.
SecretNonBeliever – I think your girlfriend is in danger. If you love her, you are at risk as well.
The Scientologists are relentless and will stop at nothing to recruit victims into this cult. I recall reading the horror story of this dancer who got lured and trapped into Scientology. Google: “Oliveria Manuela”. She was a gifted and talented dancer with a promising future that was crushed by Scientology.
Wow – that situation hits close to home.
My ex-gf is (was?) also an aspiring singer and dancer. I’m sure the recruiters promised her the world as enticement. I’m actually counting on her disappointment regarding these sort of promises to make her realize it’s a dead-end life in Sea Org. Plus the shitty life/food/work hours.
I myself am not at risk. Love is there, but so is my brain, thankfully.
Didn’t even think about how much more difficult it would be to process all of this while on lockdown!
On top of the fact you had heartless recruiters coming to and/or calling your own home, your sacred space… that’s a lot to process. It especially helpful then, that you’re speaking up and getting encouragement here in the meantime.
A big factor for staying in versus leaving may be whether she has family or close loved ones involved she risks losing if she leaves. As osa combs through acomments trying to match up stories, dates and circumstances with members, I won’t ask about that. But knowing she has you on the outside, along with hopefully other loved ones may help. Plus, now that she’s in, they got what they wanted, so the love bombing may stop pretty quickly and nudge her to see what’s really going on.
Big hugs from here and much hope that she does indeed find herself fed up and wanting out sooner than later.
They never came to my house except a staff member to pick het up and some of her things. I don’t think good things would happen if a Sea Org person came knocking at my door. I have a pretty short temper and an assortment of weapons…
They just called here on her cell – voice and text.
As far as other family members, she’s the only one so if she decides to blow there won’t be much holding her back.
CLO EUS has always been a joke and a “hole” for the SO as EUS orgs have for the most part been a joke and very small. No money, worst food, worst berthing in US SO area, etc.
Extension Courses??? They’re all getting riled up for Extension Courses!!! Truly they have hit rock bottom. I wonder if they can go any lower.
OSD. Yes lower is possible. There are the “Extinction Courses”.
The Extinction Courses! I never thought I’d see the day. LMR, you da man!!!
OSD. Note. Not yet released. But coming very soon.
Very good LSR. But “extinction” sounds passive, i.e. just waiting to die. In the Sea Org we need action and DONES.
Like perhaps “extermination courses”.
Bill thank you for the hint. I just got a telex from Rtc and they confirm that “extinction courses” are for the public to be done the first day of the last days (soon).
The “extermination courses” are for the SO to be done after Product Zeroing.
I finished my Product One 30/years ago. I never received a gold seal on my cert as I never exterminated anyone. I left that to others. In the S.O. it is either kill or be killed. I happened to prefer death to killing others but I can understand it either way.
He is a pussy if he drinks 80 proof scotch. At the 81 bosun’s party at the Sandcastle, I drank 1 and 1/2 bottles of 151 proof Bacardi Rum and around 10 beers afterwards. Royal Jandreau and Spike Bush are my witnesses. Actually, they had probably staggered off elsewherI e before I finished.
There is a SO rule that if your stats are down through no fault of your own, it’s still your fault. I met a Briefing Course Sup on the EPF who was sent there to do her kind of an RPF and she said it was because no there were not new students coming on board which affected her stat. So they took her off post and put her on the EPF. There was a name for it which I can’t remember now. Something like under utilization or something.
So when I read about execs not having anything to do because there are few to no bodies in the shop, why aren’t they put on EPF or RPF for under utilization or something?
Cindy. Sad but true. They do these crap too. But put someone on the rpf is bullshit. They should just re-locate the staff elsewhere but of course is his fault so he must pay.
Anyway it is called “no utilization survey”.
Thanks for the proper term for it, Losing My Religion. So all the high up execs, why have they not been put on the EPF or lower for “no utilization survey”?
Cindy. Just because DM positions himself above the policies. Anyway, no one would dare say anything, otherwise he would disappear forever (in your opinion, after 15 in the SO someone dared to ask him about Shelly?).
He found all those execs guilty of something and declared them SP and in the Hole. It was not a no utilization survey. It was dramatized madness. Which then did not solve anything. See the continuous shrinking.
If you know what a Why is, then you understand how many wrong Why he has found: the Int execs, the GAT in all variants, etc. But I leave this for a future comment.
The church of scientology and the sea org are censored more than ever these days; heaven forbid the truth comes out. We can only imagine what’s going on on the inside and it CAN’T be pretty. The realities of the day are never an excuse for downstats within the church of scientology. I wonder if dave is yelling at people from 6 ft away. The inability to punch someone must be driving him to drink – more.
Mary. You are just right and you really made me laugh… 6 feet to keep and nobody to punch.
“I wonder if dave is yelling at people from 6 ft away.”
The Dwarf has lifelong severe asthma and just turned 60. I’d bet he’s taking all precautions.
Aqua. Right. Maybe he uses a long stick to hit the staff. So he respects distances. In Italy we say “the wolf sheds its hair but not the vice”
Mary: Do you actually think that Dave gives a fuck about social distancing? I am sure he is taking precautions not to get the virus but the fate of Mankind depends on Dave and I am sure that he will not neglect his duty just because it seems unsocial.
This isn’t just a Sea Org Rule. Hubbard wrote a policy letter called “The Why is God.”
It tells us that there is no excuse for stats being down ever. The “why” is never God; the “Why” is you. It is always your fault.
As an idea, I always found this helpful since it is always better to look to see what you can do to improve a bad situation than to blame something or someone else.
The problem is that in Scientology this is not just an idea but absolute truth, This is very brutal because some things that you just can’t change no matter what you do despite of what Hubbard said.
In a similar vein, is:
“The greatest test of a thetan is the ability to make things go right.”
Staff members don’t really have a life. Instead of a life they have stats.
Cavalier. Smart logic. In scientology the staff instead of saving “his soul” and his future, he tries to save his stats and his immediate future.
You are right about staff saving their stats. This is because there is a policy that says that you have ethics protection if your stats are up. To keep entheta off your back so you can work you have to keep the stats up; a difficult task.
This worked for me for the first 22 years in the Sea Org. In my last year the idea was that if your stats were up, they must be false stats. In other words, you were Guilty until proven Innocent. Then, if you proved that you were Innocent, you were attacking ETHICS.
For me, there was only one way out: DEATH.
Bill got that, and we are out. To hell their ethics drama.
It was a bizarre comfort to know that it was always my fault, because it removed the need to think about a source or analyse it in any way. Ever since I got kicked out, I’ve thought of many instances where it wasn’t my fault.
Weird. I would have thought that you wouldn’t repeat the EPF. You’re scum, so that means RPF.
A CLO that delivers extention courses? It doesn’t seem exactly on policy or on FO (flag orders).
And what’s more, to whom do they deliver it if their only public are orgs and missions? Are they going to steal the audience from the orgs?
Perhaps the idea of a monthly, monothematic rice and bean menu does not inspire.
Oh boy, I bet they were told that stats down ‘because of the pandemic’ was a wrong why and ‘being reasonable.’
With most of activities being shut down due to the pandemic, they came up with the ‘bright idea’ to engage on Extension Courses.
One way or another scientology is going down.
Silvia. Now they are making a lot of talk about these extention courses as if they were clarifying the planet.
Now if you look closely, it actually remembers that apparent emotional state of cheerfulness or enthusiasm that is seen in certain people just before the nervous breakdown.
Doesn’t it seem so?
That is correct about the raised emotional state just before going down.
I felt the same thing a month before I was to die. I had finally gotten my wife off of the ship after a 6 month battle. Game over. Now it was OK to die.
Sure Bill you just ‘surrended’ to the situation and stopped resisting to it. So it stopped having grip on you. You are great.
I must have misspoke. When I stopped resisting my condition went downhill quickly.
Had my wife not gotten me to a doctor then I would have been dead. However, had I not resisted the Church holding my wife against her will, I would have died before she got off of the ship.
Since the IAS says that they guarantee the future of Scientology, I’m sure they would approve any CSW from an org that needs an IAS grant during this international emergency … yes of course the sarcasm is intended …
Fascinating . At a time like this when the SO units are having difficulty putting together lunch and dinner, they also want to bring in other people as staff!
The promo, however, is missing “…. and remember to bring your own food!”
Or does it end badly and they cannibalized on the EPF?
I think that’s what they’re hoping for.
Yea, bring your own food and make sure you bring enough for the rest of us.
Overrun in CA. Yeah. Now it is a new qualification to join the SO: bring your food and money. Otherwise don’t even show up.
“To join the Sea Org is the sensible thing to do. There is very little that could be more important to you than to add to my Power” — Commodore
There, corrected it for you.