There are 3 “ideal” orgs in Silicon Valley and a Mission.
The last one to open was the “Silicon Valley” ideal, nestled right alongside the freeway and virtually inaccessible. But, it was a big enough building. AND it was close to Google HQ (on the other side of the freeway). So the grand announcements rang out that this ideal org was poised to rock the entire planet — because of course they would be getting the brightest and wealthiest Google employees onto and up the Bridge and with that, they would be able to influence the world. How ironic that it is Google searches that are doing more to destroy scientology than anything else.
One of our YouTube viewers heard us discussing the subject of the empty ideal orgs and that we would welcome photos from their area, and they took it upon themselves to do the scientology silicon valley tour and snap some shots of the locations.
This was not some trick of showing up at 7am on Sunday morning. There SHOULD have been people in these orgs at the times these photos were taken. But 2pm or 8pm or 7am really makes little difference. Because there is nobody there no matter what time you visit.
As you can see, scientology is “gearing up” to Clear the Planet.
Flourishing and prospering like never before.
The idea that Google employee’s would have made easy targets for the cult is laughable to me. They already belong to their own cult almost. Tech companies do a great job of indoctrination within corporate culture. You aren’t getting past that easily. They are also more intelligent and have access to a lot of data. I mean the word associations and search returns for Scientology would even be across some employees’ desk there. Especially once AfterMath started and the word was out. High paying tech jobs attract certain personalities. None of those are great marks for the CofS’s pockets. Most tech related employees are also highly opinionated about the world and often have already formed a strong sense of self. Work motivated, career motivated. They don’t have time to audit and the bad Sci-fi of L. Ron’s religion wouldn’t pass a sniff test.
Artists make better targets. Actors and musicians especially. Tend to be less educated. More egocentric and want to get ahead. Are more likely to suffer from substance abuse . Want to hear that they could be “super heroes” in a religion and achieve god like powers.
Both industries have ambitious people for sure but how they go about ambition is different.
Hollywood was a great breeding ground for fascism prior to WWII, L.Ron knew that. They had influence, money and a desire to be superior to the average man.
It’s why he set his sights so clearly on entertainment from the beginning.
Art is a great manipulator made by easily to manipulate, manipulators.
The dawn of social media was the thing he couldn’t for-see and the inability to silence us all. For better or worse the internet is the land of information and misinformation. Scientology couldn’t get ahold of it and it eventually got ahold of Scientology. The average user online has a negative to indifferent word association with the cult now.
Their numbers are at an all time low and that can’t be corrected.
Their biggest stars don’t have significant careers anymore and new talent knows it would be career suicide to get involved with the cult.( Tom Cruise is their last warrior)
The cult is now associated with cover ups, assault, human trafficking, homo phobia and other wise.
The teams of today that surround new talent in Hollywood will fight tooth and nail to keep their money makers anyway from anything that can tarnish their names on line. Changing their own search returns and word associations.
Prior to Kanye’s down fall. He had the better chance of a full Hollywood cult take over and had already started the early days of it. Thankfully his true self was unveiled sooner rather than later.
If L. Ron had founded Scientology today, it never would have gained the traction it once had. Which is why they couldn’t even re-brand if they wanted to.
The unveiling would come too quickly. Especially in Hollywood. With millions of eyes glued to every word and mistake an artist could make. It would never happen again.
You could imagine what L.Ron’s twitter account would be like.
Ah yes. I can see the 3am fights with Elon right now. There wouldn’t have been enough room for two egos that large.
LA Anon, after WWI Hollywood was a breeding ground for sympathy to Communism – a type of idealism and utopianism very similar to Hubbard’s Scientology. He liked to criticize Soviet Russia after Stalinism’s autocratic brutality was exposed – and yet he created an organization that for the mass of regular members, was very much like it with everything from ideological thought reform enforced by secret police and a culture of snitching, to an expectation that the average worker bee would live minimally, pooling labor and assets in support of the greater worldwide cause.
The form of fascism Hubbard embraced is not that fundamentally different, I think. And McCarthyism seems to me to fit with his penchant for narcissistic scapegoating of others, including imaging of conspiracies of sorts.
I protested at the Los Gatos morgue. Right after Katie left Tom.
Ideal Org = Idle Morgue yeah. Still a good one! Populated if at all by apropos Cult Zombies.
Oh my! I just watched an excellent movie titled, “Captain Blood” starring Errol Flynn. It was made in the 1930s but is still very relevent. It was about Peter Blood.
There were many parallels between the horrible cult of Scamatology and the horrible cult of pirates that plagued the High Seas for so many years.
I recommend this movie because it shows you just how awful the life of pirates were and compares them to the lives of the cult members.
The head pirate gets all the money and all the glory. The members of his crew get almost nothing.
You won’t believe just how terribly the women in the Pirate Clubs were treated. Just imagine the very worst treatment you can. Then multiply that by 100 and that is how the women were treated.
All the male pirates used to think that raping the women was a sign of their virility and that all the women really loved being treated that way.
If you get the chance to see this movie, you will be amazed at the parallels between the way that pirates lived and the way that member of this criminal cult live.
“If you have never been a member of this creepy cult, DO NOT JOIN!!!
“If you are currenly a member, then QUIT AND ESCAPE JUST AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!
No foot traffic, ever.
But you got parking, no need to postulate.
There may not be any need to postulate. But there are plenty of women walking back and forth who solicit men for sex. They look like they are addicted to some kind of drugs and they certainly appear to be postulating themselves.
About 20 years ago I ventured into Stevens Creek Org. Having been an ED of an Org in the past, I wanted to see one of the big successes…one that was St. Hill Size!
We went in and saw a huge area filled with desks and cubicles, but not a soul anywhere. I assumed it was some sort of admin and reg area. We actually started to yell, like in a cave, “Anybody there? Hello, hello, hello?” Finally a lone head popped up from one of the cubicles. We simply asked, “Where is everyone?” I was stunned as she told the truth, “We have very few people on lines. Just the way it is.” And then she went back to shuffling papers.
I have no idea how many years they remained empty, but I am starting to believe it was at least 20. And I also visited them in their heyday, 35 years ago, when 10-20 comm course starts in a week was common. Of course, this was as a mission before the mission take over.
Now I call that “shrinkage.”!
Stevens Creek with that welcoming abandoned warehouse look.
Los Gatos Mission (converted bank to $ci “it’s ALL about the $” sales center) is like an inside joke for the “Uppers” but an “in your face” to the willfully ignorant.
Hi Mike! When are you guys back on the podcast? It’s been WAAAY to long now!
Stay well! F Scientology!
Back in the 80s Int Management forced the Stevens Creek org to leave the building they’d been renting for decades. The new building was 5 times its size and horribly expensive. Current assessed value is $7mil. It was so huge one could walk around searching for a staff member without finding one for a quite a while. Eventually all were made to carry cell phones so they could be reached and found.
If I recall the total number of staff was about 30 and the new building was 56,000 square feet in area. About 2000 sf per staff member so that is why it was so difficult to find one when needed. In my honest opinion the move to the new building was totally stupid and was pushed by management solely for whatever PR benefit it might bestow. Huge building = big and growing organization. And one of the most stupid aspects of the move is they would now have to pay thousands of dollars in property taxes each year and forever thereafter. So more debt to struggle with. I recall most of the staff at the original location thought the idea of buying and moving was a truly bad one but even executives there “agreed” to it out of fear of restitution from Int management.
Surprised it is still there but considering the large number of Scn whales who live in the area I guess I shouldn’t be. After all, anything they “donate” to the org can be taken as a federal tax deduction still. Wish the IRS would “grow a pair” and wipe that out.
Yep. Same stuff. Empty parking lot except for a minimally used VM van. Yes, Scientology is definitely flourishing and prospering.
But, but, but, is the money still coming in?
Showwwww me the money!!!! and do it now.
Showwwww me the money?
You sound like a certain Mr. Misckiewickz!
Just an imitation.
My brother works for Google. The idea that Google employees would be easy marks for the CoS is laughable.
Re: As you can see, scientology is “gearing up” to Clear the Planet.
Yes, scientology is in reverse.
Caption “Los Gatos mission” should state “San Jose Mission”
Don’t need to post this, it’s just a correction.
The core practices and beliefs theoretically, about the soul, about past lives memories of us each as the soul that each of us supposedly are, and the beliefs by Scientologists that additional souls with their detrimental memories additionally leak their nasty soul memories over to us, for which Scientologists do their exorcism steps to supposedly remove these additional souls from our presence and stop their leaking their bad soul memories onto us, ALL of this above long description is relevant to deciding whether to partake in Scientology at all.
Official Scientology has dreadful horrible extremist shunning family breaking rules which are now well known.
But people might still be willing to try the Scientology pseudo-therapy delving into their past lives influential memories to dissipate them. And people today even might buy into the idea that additional souls without bodies might be orbiting around us all, and infesting even our human bodies, and that Scientology’s exorcism procedures might “work” to eliminate such additional souls that orbit and infest us.
So, besides all of official Scientology’s ingrained Hubbard horror rules that drive Scientology to build these vacant centers, there is the problem that the beliefs and practices of Scientology, when laid out simply, do not attract newcomers.
Thus, I think it essential to simply give periodic neutral laying out of Scientology’s key practices, the ‘auditing’ and the exorcism practices, and a neutral spelling out what those practices aim to do.
In other words, it’s good to spell out simply and neutrally the core beliefs and practices of Scientology, that’s been my beef from day one, back in the mid 1970s when I first came into Scientology, and neither in Scientology nor outside in the media articles were there a simply spelling out what the core practices of Scientology are.
In Hubbard’s foundational writing, “Tech Degrades” he says the product of the orgs is well taught students and thoroughly audited pcs. So that’s about as obfuscatorily clear as Hubbard got to summarizing Scientology. I’d translate that into saying the Ideal Orgs are where Scientologists learn of their pseudo-therapy past lives practices, and then the upper “Advanced Orgs” is where Scientologists learn the theory and begin doing their exorcism procedures.
Scientology is a soul therapy, and soul exorcism practice, and their orgs have a hierarchy to them for training the followers into doing and receiving this soul therapy and exorcism.
This ties into why Scientology isn’t popular, since their beliefs don’t attract participants, period.
Even once new public to Scientology get over the horrors, what balks their continuing in Scientology really, ultimately, will be the practices, so I urge telling people periodically of the Scientology practices, as a long range warning and public service educationally.
Chuck Beatty
ex Team Xenu (Sea Org, mainly in the administrative departments in my career there), 1975 til 2003