Please watch the YouTube video I did on this subject with Marc Headley this evening.
The fact that the Simon Wiesenthal center lauds Tom Cruise by having him be a co-chair of their “National Tribute Dinner” is puzzling if not disturbing.
Back in 2011 they honored him with their “Medal of Valor”
Tom Cruise is one of the recipients of the IAS Freedom Medal (he got a special one a “Freedom Medal of Valor” with a larger medal) — this is what you see in the photo at the top of the post.
Another recipient of this medal is Tony Muhammad, Western Regional Director of the Nation of Islam.
Tony and Tom are members of an elite group in scientology. Less than 100 people have ever been recognized with this award. They are examples of what scientologists are expected to be and do.
Tony Muhammad is an anti-Semitic hater. He has a very well documented history of horrific anti-Semitism. I have written about this previously on my blog — just two examples:
Tony Muhammad Searching for a “Good” White Man — “I might have found a half of one”
An Update on the Anti-Semitic, Racist and Homophobic Statements by Tony Muhammad
The ADL has this to say about the Nation of Islam:
The SPLC also notes:
Why hasn’t Tom Cruise denounced the anti-Semitism of his fellow scientology Freedom Medal winner?
Why is the Simon Wiesenthal Center pandering to Tom Cruise?
Lots of people have already seen my hundreds of posts on the origins of Scientology and Dianetics and Scientology doctrine quotes to support my claims.
I have the luxury of being able to recall the doctrine from twenty five years in Scientology and can easily find relevant quotes from the tapes and written references.
In debunking Scientology one has no shortage of evidence of many kinds for many claims.
I became very careful to find quotes and evidence to support my claims because they are so outlandish to the average person and even to Scientologists themselves in many cases.
You get no shortage of people who are sure “Hubbard didn’t mean it that way” or that some contradictory reference is the “real Scientology” and as a result I bring a lot of clear statements by Hubbard and frequently used references to make it clear this is indeed the real Scientology.
With that approach I have the luxury of being skeptical about claims until a lot of evidence is found to support claims.
I ended up looking into the Scientology and Nation of Islam when I left Scientology in 2014 and I found no shortage of videos of Louis Farakhan at huge public gatherings making extremely disgusting anti-Semitic remarks on numerous occasions.
You are welcome to take this approach and see for yourself the abhorrent behavior of the leader of the Nation of Islam and that this is sadly routine and accepted, even expected behavior for members and most definitely for leaders in this cult and hate group.
Louis Farakhan has earned his title as the Black Hitler and influenced millions of people through the cultural connection the NOI has as well as their presence in the prison population.
I think the NOI Scientology connection and the anti-Semitism of the NOI should be exposed much more broadly than they are.
23 APRIL 2023
Bob and Mary Wilson, former Scientologists who now lead the organization Hit The Road, Scientology, said that they were elated upon hearing the news about Sunday’s raid.
“It’s only a matter of time!” said Bob Wilson with enthusiasm. “Every time Midtown Police raid that damn place, it draws more attention to the church in general. My hope is that it will spur the FBI and the IRS to do something on a more national level.”
When asked if such action would impede on the religious freedom of Scientologists, Mary Wilson, co director of Hit The Road, Scientology, responded “What freedom? Those people were being held there against their will! This is why Bob and I quit years ago and why we started this organization! That’s not religion! It’s extortion, plain and simple!”
Hit The Road, Scientology has become known for its many activities against the church including its “A New Boat For Miscavige” campaign which resulted in Midtown residents donating hundreds of old boats to the church which piled up in the church’s parking lot and had to be disposed of at church expense. The group is also known for its billboard campaign in which Midtown was flooded with billboards depicting John Travolta in a gay relationship as well as Tom Cruise meeting with anti semitic organizations. Each billboard carried the message THIS IS THE END PHENOMENON OF SCIENTOLOGY. A suit against the couple was filed two years ago by now again incarcerated Church officer Midshipman Shananay Muhammad of the church’s Sea Organization. The suit was thrown out of court by the Honorable Judge Serena Goodnight on the grounds that the billboards were protected by the First Amendment.
Anyone wishing to make a donation to Hit The Road, Scientology can call Mary Wilson at (678) 321-9876. Cash or credit cards only. No boats, please.
It is pandering for his money! I was THERE THAT DAY OUTSIDE.
Thank you Mike. I really hope the Simon Wiesenthal Center disinvites him, but it’s very disappointing that no one in the Hollywood community, eg. Steven Spielberg, would raise this as an issue. It should be easy for them to connect the dots. Criticizing David Miscavige is easy; he’s the “low-hanging fruit” in every sense of the word. Cruise is the enabler.
It all comes down to money.
If you do not understand the reason for them inviting Tom, you can bet it has something to do with money. I would guess they stand to get a cash influx by inviting him and they stand to lose some cash if they don’t.
That is the reason why you have so much trouble trying to get your way with organizations that seem to support this cult.
Until you figure out a way to cause them to lose money, you will continue to have a hard time. Most all these orgs care more about money than they do about civil rights.
I take your point about the corruptive influence of money in all this. It’s an unseemly mess that creates the appearance of the Wiesenthal Canter selling indulgences.
But Cruise is in a very unique position. He is perhaps the only man living who could pick up the phone and get Miscavige on the line and tell him that his Hollywood pals have their pitchforks out for Scientology because it’s joined itself at the hip with the Nation of Islam. That, right there, is what Spielberg and Redstone, et al, need to understand about the dynamic between them.
Of course , Cruise would never do it in a million years. He couldn’t care less about the Jew-hating Nation of Islam. He’s an actor playing a role.
Until they understand that, they’ll continue to give him, and Miscavige, a pass.
Racial Polylogism was a distinguishing characteristic of the dogma of German National Socialism. That Aryan Logic told them that they were the MASTER RACE and that they could do anything they bloody well wanted to members of all other races. Any objections raised were dismissed as non-Aryan logic and thus were not binding upon themselves.
NOI appears to have resurrected Racial Polylogism.
Tom and Tony need to word clear and start applying the First Amendment, which says;
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
If not; then get the fuck out of America or maybe even better get off planet Earth..
Not to nit pick but those words are actually from the Declaration of Independence, not the First Amendment.
But you are right that Tom and Tony need some word clearing on this text.
Maybe it will open their eyes.
Maybe not.