OK, here are some tidbits of interest from the Valley OTC meeting, focusing on the KCET Studios, combined with some information that has come in from several Special Correspondents.
This facility has now assumed a new acronym — SMP (Scientology Media Productions). It has fairly recently been integrated into the Int Liaison Office (a strange move when there has been NO CO ILO on post for some years, it is reported to be “held” by the CO CMO IXU).
Part of SMP is Mad Hatter Studios — Chick Corea’s former recording studio that was purchased by Dear Leader as his handling for “getting Chick’s finances in order.” It was fully renovated and was supposed to be used for “recordings in LA” that couldn’t be done at Int. In truth, it was simply another unusual solution and it has remained virtually unutilized since the day it was bought. CCHR has done some Voice Overs for Public Service Announcements there, and a radio show, Chick has recorded some stuff, and the Jive Asses (as Dear Leader calls them) recorded their latest album there. Apart from that, it is a white elephant. Even the person who was once a Miscavige “golden child” Chandra Lorentzen — head of Mad Hatter for years and then took over as head of SMP — is now in disfavor and was busted. Reportedly “COB” hand-picked her successor — Kelly Heddin, one of the backup singer/dancers for the Golden Era musicians. Don’t get me wrong, Kelly is a nice woman — at least she was when she was a Non SO dancer/singer that attended all events where Gold had singers performing (MV, IAS, New Years, CC Anniversary). And maybe she has done a great deal of executive training in the last 5 years, but I doubt it based on the history of anyone studying anything in the Sea Org.
So, the white elephants in Los Angeles are multiplying.
Mad Hatter.
The “Scientology Dissemination Center” printing useless paper promo in their “state-of-the-art” printing plant for the out of date mailing lists.
The Hollywood Inn — under renovations (and unoccupied) for NINE YEARS (this is THE berthing building for the ILO in the HGB). So all ILO staff are stuffed into CC and PAC berthing and the Fountain building was taken over to become “public berthing.” Apparently the berthing situation in PAC is dire — there are “squatters” who move into other people’s rooms when someone goes on mission.
The Author Services Building. Little real effort to “exploit” fiction works these days. This is now the red-headed stepchild of the scientology hierarchy. Battlefield Earth movie was the last hurrah of Author Services. Today it doesn’t make enough money to compete with the heavy hitters of scientology — the IAS and Ideal Org Campaign. So it languishes in its over-ornate office building with a few staff and little to do. The proof of this is that 30 years ago L. Ron Hubbard said his script Revolt In The Stars (the story of OT III, starring Xenu as the villain) was to be made into a feature length Hollywood movie. This should be the primary role of a literary agency. But nothing has happened. This, according to LRH, was FAR more important than any “fiction” work. It was intended to destimulate society. So, why haven’t they done it?
Inglewood Ideal Org — even worse than the empty LA Org, Pasadena, OC and Valley orgs, Inglewood was a massive investment of time and money to “reach the black community” when there was NO demand for it. An org was put there that the community did not want, because Miscavige wanted to impress Isaac Hayes and then the NOI people. So, the IAS (?) bought a building and artificially staffed it with outsiders and now it is just a money sink. Nothing is happening there and its community center is about as popular a spot for locals to gather as a KKK meeting hall.
And now, the SMP. Which has been hyped as the [latest] missing link for planetary clearing by Dear Leader in his grand re-re-opening of the “ideal PAC.” And now the Valley OTC is being briefed on the amazing fact that they have a 40,000 sq ft soundstage that is “second to none in Hollywood.” They seem to forget what they say on their own website (scn.org) about Golden Era Productions:
The focal point of Golden Era Productions is the 80,000-square-foot film studio. The main sound stage rises more than three stories, with an interior the size of a football field.
Final production of the religious audiovisual properties filmed at Golden Era Productions is accomplished in the cutting-edge post-production facilities, which include six fully digital editing suites, while to create any required digital effects, Golden Era’s special effects department harnesses more than 500 computers with the computing power of 6,360 billion calculations per second.
Moreover, all religious film and video musical scores are produced and mixed in-house in Golden Era’s recording studios. The audio division facilities were designed to meet every production need: from an 84-track studio large enough to accommodate an orchestra, to a 112-track 5.1 cinema surround sound mixing studio.
And there is more than one soundstage at Gold. And they have NEVER used all of the expensive Avid editing bays they have (there are not enough trained editors).
Miscavige is simply obsessed with buildings. So, now he has another one he doesn’t need.
And let’s not forget what Brandy Harrison said in her speech at the Valley Autumn Gala:
As you know, we’re gearing up to open our own full scale TV studio, responsible for all international Scientology media and dissemination. This is a 136,000-square-foot facility that will house all of our dissemination, our own TV station, radio, Internet marketing, everything you could possibly want, at a level which we have never approached before.
Now, who is telling the truth? Gold sits there as the “A/V dissemination center of scientology” and it is not close to operating near its capacity. It has THE most expensive video, film and sound equipment available (all done by Miscavige to impress “celebs”).
So, why is ANOTHER huge soundstage and more video editing bays and more audio studios needed?
The answer is, it isn’t. But it’s “cool” and it affords another opportunity to now force people to pay up.
And there’s the rub. On one hand, its announced with great fanfare as the latest salvation for scientology when Dear Leader first announced it. Now Brandy is lying that it is “gearing up.” (No big surprise, she did not say ONE thing in her speech that was wholly accurate and MANY things that were completely inaccurate).
The real scene is that there are some people now assigned to SMP — to do renos and put together “visuals” for the Nuremberg events. But their extravagant renovations planning has a $20 million budget. And they will not be setting up the facility to produce anything until the MONEY is raised. And thus you now witness the latest “leatherbound editions” — they had to come up with SOMETHING. Everyone knows how tapped out the LA field is — they are begging daily for a few thousands dollars to “get them below $8 million” STILL NEEDED to fund Valley. And this is with Bart Simpson matching anything given and ALL OF LA being hit up for this “most important Ideal Org of all.” It’s a dead horse being flogged mercilessly while they keep shouting “giddyup.”
So, here are the minutes with the “briefing” about the SMP (and a bunch of other random nonsense).
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 21:37:11
From: Valley Org <[email protected]>
Subject: Valley Org OTC Minutes, Sep 9, 2014MINUTES
Sept 9, 2014Note: The minutes are for the sole use of Valley OTC members. All members receive a copy. Please do not forward the minutes to anyone else for any reason.
ATTENDEES: Kathy Welch, Kathie Heard, Mary Lee Krackow, Mary Elizabeth Glosup, Diane Temps, Karen Brown, Debbie Suplee, David Wilson, Bonita Wilson, Dean Glosup, Alicia Kreisberg, Hagit Ron, Tracy Andruscavage, Mary Ann O’Donnell, Mark Anderson, Ralph Temps, Bob Brooks, Vered Ziv, Ofrah Bahat, Dali Bahat, Heelah Cohen, Colleen Bigler, Linda Massey, Lauren Perreau, Vera Seidler, Joan Banks, Chuck Jacobs, Carol Loweree, Ben O’Donnell, Sue Kattoo, Shannon Burke, Don Saito, Bobbi Kassowitz, Marty Kassowitz, Diane McPhee, Suzanne Glasgow, Solomon Melnick, Ben Ghiora, Kathy DiGalbo, Jill Halverson, John Bamforth, Ray Loomis, Megan Mitchell
Kathy Welch opened the meeting.
Mary Lee Krackow recited the purpose of the OTCC.
Division 1 – Karen Brown
Active Members – Up from 66 to 78 !!!Division 2 – Mary Elizabeth Glosup
Gross Income – Down from $267,486 to $27,250Division 4 – Kathy Welch for Tamara Dahill
# of Volunteer Hours – Up from 380.5 to 581.75
# of Events & Briefings Held – Up from 1 to 5
# of Service Starts – Down from 8 to 6Division 6 – Charlene Thorburn
Meeting Attendance – Down from 34 to 29ANNOUNCEMENTS:
Bonita Wilson announced wins at our Autumn Gala Fundraiser from the visiting Pasadena Org contingent, many of whom for which it was their first visit.
* Loved the speakers and all the data they imparted
* They’re totally sold! GO VALLEY!!
* She recommended getting someone to please do a complete briefing for them.Bob Brooks gave wins on selling tickets
Quinn Taufer, Valley Ideal Org project I/C, gave VVWD to all those who contributed at the event – we’re going for full done!
Brandy Harrison, Building Expansion Director International:
* Provided Int viewpoint of our event
* Target is 8 weeks to complete
* Great worldwide feedback has gone to another level
* In Ideal orgs, Valley is THE example
* Our fundraising stats go out to WW orgs DAILY
* Noted that Irwin Miller, the speaker from Gensler, was blown out in experiencing his first ever fundraiser.
* There are new Smartphone Apps being piloted for Body Routing people into Orgs to do OCAs in a massive scale.
* The TV Station has been highly successful
+ Outstanding 40K sq. ft. sound stage has been created that’s considered second to none in Hollywood
+ Recruiting senior professional personnel from movies and entertainment into SO for Specialist Training to man the facility, e.g., Special Effects for Transformers movie, Cirque du Soleil, etc.
+ Going to promote its use by other ally groups with similar viewpoints (can also be non-Scientology groups) to use the space for documentaries.
+ She replayed the Building Design presentation that was shown at the event.
Quinn Taufer announced a spreadsheet to be used to complete the fundraising
* Contains names of every person at Alumni and above who has yet to move up in status.
* Goal is to call all to have them go up!
* Introduced Cleve Carlson
Cleve Carlson – Volunteer Liaison* Will coordinate with OTC for volunteering and hats
* Passed out volunteer sign up sheets
* Everyone needs to contribute big time and we’ll BE DONE!
Kathie Heard announced IAS event in UK just released date: 10/17/14
Abi announced therefore Local IAS event at PAC, NOT at Valley, will be either 10/25/14 or 11/1/14. (TBD)
Jennifer Charm-Jacobson and Vered Ziv announced upcoming dinner event information
* Dinners on Fridays and/or Saturdays: first is weekend of 9/19
* Vered asked for donations to purchase food from attendees with great success – lots of money raised
Quinn Taufer announced
* all recent up statuses and OTC resoundingly acked each of them.
* Event was what it was from OTC working together to make it happen
* Read LRH quotes on effect of agreement on what will become and Orders of Magnitude
Brandy Harrison announced there will be a United OTC meeting at the end of the month for her to brief ALL.
OTC members went into production.
The meeting was ended.
(C) 2014, CSVLY, All rights reserved. LRH and OT are trademarks and service marks owned by Religious Technology Center and are used with its permission.
When Revolt in the Stars hits the big screen will all the wogs and those under OTIII die of pneumonia?
According to El Wrong Hubbard, yes. But, that would fit nicely with his insane criminal mind. Some people, even after escaping the Church never escaped those lies. Still living in the bubble world El Ron created for them despite all evidence that shows he was at best, delusional and insane.
Well that’s one way to clear the planet. Until they all come back, anyway.
The best things Chick Corea ever learned, he learned from Miles Davis…
Chick is a good guy .. and Flora Purim too .. made good music .. that he is still in makes me wonder, but the wish is greater than the reality ..
From the OT Committee email “They’re totally sold!” I don’t think so.
I can’t believe that Kcet has 500 computers. Five hundred processors for graphics work? NO, once again the CO$ proves it can’t count.
It does seem that all the Golden Era work is going to move to the Kcet studios, but they just can’t move the printing presses from Hemet. I was thinking this was ‘consolidation’ (read layoff) but I can easily see the clampire running two identical operations in separate locations. Useless duplication must be an Lron dictate.
Zemoo, the 500 computer processors are at Gold not KCET. The printing presses are in LA not Gold..
What printing pressesin Hemet?
It’s all done in LA and has been for years
Being an executive in the Sea Org or a Scientology organization is more of a challenge than being an executive or boss in a business.
Scientology executives have to remember the Hubbard fantasy story that all Scientology is supposedly playing out.
That narrative of Scientology being the technology (auditing of the lower levels and the exorcism of OT levels 3. 4. 5. 6 and 7) will free the beings of earth.
In the back of the minds of the Scientologists is their auditing tech will ultimately save all the beings of earth.
They are simply a huge therapy/exorcism religion, to free their members spiritually, and is a long range activity.
Scientology is for sure biting off mega bites more than they can chew, with this Miscavige building strategy, but the whole Hubbard rationale for Scientology is a huge monumental bite bigger than even what Miscavige is pretending to do with MEST building buying at this point in Scientology’s history.
Excellent coverage of the big building purchases and how it’s dismally going nowhere, just in complete total par with how it went for decades with the SuperPower/Flag Building that finally opened to the measly leftover crowd of Scientologists left today.
One thing I noticed when I went to LA to join the Sea Org in 1975, was that crazy building down the street I think on Santa Monica Blvd, a building with this irregular sided inner column tower, a weird church building, it was bulldozed.
I wondered what would become of Scientology’s mish mash odd buildings of 1975, which then all piled into the Cedar’s Sinai old hospital complex of buildings, a strange architectual move for a “church” was to move even into an old hospital complex of buildings!?!?
But that weird move is on par with Scientology.
Moving CC Int into the hotel for the old movie stars!
Scientology’s so oblivious to it’s major building moves, all I can think is it has been worse!
Now Scientology overstretching itself again, I guess it must have the money, how else could it buy and retain all these buildings.
The point is the money. They have the money to buy buildings and keep up their expansion delusion self narrative to keep their members happy as you Mike have said numerous times.
The point is the money, they have it.
The reality of their small size as a “new religion” (cult, delusional group) has always been lost on them!
Money, they have it, all they’ve perfected is hoarding enough money to buy buildings, that’s a lesson of sorts.
When Miscavige passes away, it will be an interesting new mess, that’s probably a couple decades away.
Do not discount retirement in Bolivia for D.M.
That could happen sooner.
His Exit Plan may be a corporate structure, ‘just as LRH wanted it.’ And one can’t ignore the odds for something more catastrophic for the cult.
Thanks for the inside skinny, pointing out the contradictions in the church’s lies, and for the great perspective. There’s a reason I’m here reading every day.
These stats….anything that comes close to a REAL stat is down; GI, service stats, meeting attendance.
Good luck with flogging that exhausted horsesome more!
Yes, Mike & basketballjane, Kelly Hedden (daughter of Scientology singer and vocal coach Val Fahren) was a rising star, and a standout in the CC group, Kids on Stage for a Better World. She sang like a nightingale, but could also belt with the best of them.
She was also (as you both note) the sweetest soul you could ever meet.
The day she joined the S.O., I felt like crying. Still do.
Now to the awards:
1) Best line from this round of OTC Minutes:
“Bonita Wilson announced wins…from the visiting Pasadena Org contingent, many of whom for which it was their first visit.”
To paraphrase Churchill, this is the kind of grammatical mangling up with which we should not put.
2) Best line from today’s post:
“The real scene is that there are some people now assigned to SMP– to do renos and put together “visuals” for the Nuremberg events.”
Fear not, Mike, your picturesque metaphors do not go unnoticed.
Especially the many of us of whom for which they are intended…
“500 computers with the computing power of 6,360 billion calculations per second.”
Well with kind of computing horsepower they should be able to compute to the exact millisecond when the doors of Dave’s church are closed for the last time and the padlocks go on
Since a single, current Intel i-7 CPU does well over 100 billion instructions per second, that statement is meant to impress without really knowing what it means.
Either that or they’re using some really old computers.
It’s even worse that that.
I think she is talking about dual-core 3 GHz Intel CPUs, and using the clock speed multiplied by 2 as a measure of “calculations per second”.
Technically, the clock speed actually measures how many microinstructions are made per second. An actual instruction, such as an assembly ADD takes about 15 microinstructions to be completed, depending on the instruction set that is used (that depends on the CPU you’re using). To make things even more complicated, pipelining means several microinstructions can be executed in parallel. Different prediction algorithms are used to pre-charge microinstructions in the pipeline when hitting a conditional statement (assembly JUMP). And that’s without going into the absurdity of assuming two cores means you automatically multiply your computing power by two in an application.
That is why no one ever uses “calculations per second” as a measure of computing power anymore, because it means exactly nothing. There are CPU benchmarks, but they use specific applications that have known instruction characteristics, such as manipulation of floats or integers, to measure performance in specific tasks.
This statement displays the same ignorance of current technology as the one about an “app” that would actually be a glorified ad. The phone’s owner has to install the app. What wog in their right mind would do that, except maybe in a party for the lulz ?
“Golden Era’s special effects department harnesses more than 500 computers with the computing power of 6,360 billion calculations per second.”
LMAO Those computers are only 1/10 as fast as the best home PC’s were in 2010! Scn, always behinds the times.
Could it be that Black Heart keeps buying buildings as this gives him a ‘sense of material security’ because he may feel that his cash funds are not enough? Go wonder.
And lots of money was raised when donations were asked to buy food? Dispersal and confusion are embedded in the message, no wonder they can’t see they are being ripped off.
No Silvia, it is because of the US Income tax codes. He has to spend the $. This is simply the best spend to keep the wealth in the non profit Corp’s.
Like you said, Brandy seems to be quite full of shit. She dead-agents herself by bragging on about Jack Dorsey, Twitter founder, tweeting TWTH and finally giving SCN a foothold in Twitter.
“The Way to Happiness chapter in that area responded immediately once the protests started, with the distribution of The Way to Happiness booklets. This was given out to tens of thousands of people. and it came to the attention of one Jack Dorsey, Missouri native, and founder and CEO of Twitter.
He was in Ferguson, live-tweeting the protests, and was given a copy of a custom-printed The Way to Happiness. He immediately tweeted to over 3 million followers. And here you can see it.
This resulted in Scientology being recognized on Twitter as a fully authorized entity, something that we’ve been trying to accomplish for the past seven years.”
Here is the actual tweet, https://twitter.com/jack/status/501050928707821569/photo/1
Look at the comments. Was obviously a sarcastic tweet making fun on LRon and the Scientologists.
Also, she makes these over the top statements about SCN and China.
“Now, China is a special animal. For those of you who don’t know, China has very specific rules on censorship, meaning that the Chinese government controls the media, all incoming and outgoing communications across the country. Specifically, they control what you can and cannot access across the Internet. Quickly, this is known as the great firewall of China.
[Crowd: Laughter]
Let’s put it this way. You cannot access Google. There’s a special version of Google just for China which is completely different than the Google we have here in America. You cannot access YouTube. You cannot access Facebook. In fact there are a number of normal websites that you cannot access within China. And this is a place that they don’t want their citizens hearing about other beliefs, religions, or human rights.
In fact if you were standing in mainland China, on your cellphone right now, you can’t Google the Dalai Lama. You can’t Google the word ‘evil.’ You can’t even Google the word ‘Ferrari’ because the president of China’s son drives a Ferrari and God forbid you read any gossip about him.
However, I am pleased to announce, since the opening of our new ideal org of Kaohsiung, one of the only religious websites that you can now access free and unrestricted in China is http://www.scientology.org
[Crowd: Big applause]”
The fact is that China does not approve sites to be on their internet. They ban sites. The fact that SCN is not banned is more likely that their traffic is insignificant. My site, dreamrealty.com, Mike’s blog, Tony’s blog etc are all available to the Chinese people. You can test any site here.
The way she says “I am pleased to announce” is so misleading. She’s implying there is a relationship between the opening of the Taiwan org and SCN not being on the banned list. Well, I just tested, catholic.org, Morman.org and Judaism.org and NONE of them are banned.
If any of the people in the audience went to the little effort it took me to find these things out, they would be sent to ethics and sec checked. If they didn’t promise to stop fact checking, even for just their own edification, they would eventually be declare anti-social.
+1 great post. Couldn’t have said it better Sheldon.
Nice research Sheldon. Much appreciated.
They have become “professional” liars as their stock in trade and this is both sad and appalling.
In the end days of DM’s Ideal Ponsi Scheme, the only thing left is professional lying to hide the inevitable disclosure that Scientology is rapidly contracting and the “real” PR world view is that Scientology is a nasty, dirty organization that should be prosecuted and then banned.
Mad Hatter Studios. As a ‘never in’ I assume that ‘hatting’ means to give someone a job or role? Would that make LRH the Mad Hatter of Scientology?
Oh no Kelly. This makes me so sad. Kelly was a star student of mine at CC Int, YEARS ago when she was still a kid. She was truly a bright star and a gentle soul who had, quite literally, the whole world in front of her. The first time I heard her sing it made me cry. She was 12 years old. Her voice was magical. She even had a full recording contract from Sony. And then Gold snatched her up. Poof. She would have been the first American Idol had that not happened. She is that good.
I saw over the years that she was singing back up for Gold and I was always sad to see that talent just wasting away singing backup on the MOST horrible, lame songs in the world!!! What a waste. And now she is going to be the head of a pretend TV studio for a pretend religion. UGH. What a waste.
>+ Recruiting senior professional personnel from movies and entertainment into SO for Specialist Training to man the facility, e.g., Special Effects for Transformers movie, Cirque du Soleil, etc.
If SO above means Sea Org, they must be taking powerful mind-altering drugs (“psych drugs!”) to believe that they can recruit skilled staff into the Sea Org aka the Slave Org.
I can just imagine how it would go :
– Hey, well paid dude who works on multimillion dollar blockbusters after busting your ass to get an expertise in a highly competitive industry, what about a job with us working for pennies an hour doing cheesy special effects for horrible videos no one will see, directed by a high school dropout with delusions of artistic talent ?
– bwahahahahahaha, hahahahaha, hahahahaha, *gasp*.. Uh, no.
What step are you on in your 12 Step Program at White Elephants Anonymous?
This behemoth keeps rolling along to the amusement of the spectators, who shake their heads in pity and amazement.
It won’t end soon due to the inertia of loads of cash to keep up the appearance of progress to the willingly deceived. Movement and velocity are one thing. But the acceleration vector is negative and eventually velocity and direction will follow.
The residue is the wasted lives, damaged personalities and dissipated fortunes. This is what makes scientology, in all its forms from beginning to end, evil.
My Default comment is “this is what you get from people
with more money than common sense”
Thats shifting to “Aye Carumba”
Smartphone apps to body route??? Ummm – someone has missed the point here,
They were too busy acking each other for moving up in status!
I’m wondering how people can afford smartphones after they’ve been regged. Plus, smartphones have the disadvantage that people can search the Internet, or were they planning on blocking that with their app?
COB comnands once body have been routed and regged, their cellphones are to be confiscated, disassembled and stripped for their cooper wire to melt down for the new ideal effigy to be placed in the main hall of int base.
Failure on any of these steps proves you are counter to command intention and will be declared.