Sociopathy: What is a Sociopath?
Sociopathy Part 2: The Traits of a Sociopath
Sociopathy Part 3: The Creation of “Its”
Sociopathy Part 4: The Importance of Authority and Obedience
There is a particular strain of sociopath that is especially odious… The covetous sociopath.
Dr. Stout defines covetous this way: an inordinate desire for the possessions of others.
She explains that not all sociopaths are covetous.
Sociopaths do not always have a covetous. nature-some are very differently motivated – but when lack of conscience and covetousness occur together in the same individual, a fascinating and frightening picture emerges. Since it is simply not possible to steal and have for oneself the most valuable “possessions” of another person-beauty, intelligence, success, a strong character-the covetous sociopath settles for besmirching or damaging enviable qualities in others so that they will not have them, either, or at least not be able to enjoy them so much.
The covetous sociopath is summed up this way:
Here, the pleasure lies in taking rather than in having.
Dr Stout refers to a case (Doreen) she describes in the book — a respected psychiatrist who is a sociopath, thus her discussion refers to “her.”
She explains that for a covetous sociopath, retribution drives them:
The covetous sociopath thinks that life has cheated her somehow, has not given her nearly the same bounty as other people, and so she must even the existential score by robbing people, by secretly causing destruction in other lives. She believes she has been slighted by nature, circumstances, and destiny, and that diminishing other people is her only means of being powerful. Retribution, usually against people who have no idea that they have been targeted, is the most important activity in the covetous sociopath’s life, her highest priority.
She also points out that like all sociopaths, they can be difficult to detect, mostly because normal people with a conscience find it hard to believe that their harmful actions are deliberate and calculated. Thus good people have a hard time detecting sociopaths, even when they are doing them harm.
Since this clandestine power game is priority number one, all of the covetous sociopath’s deceitfulness and tolerance for risk are devoted to it. For the sake of the game, she may devise schemes and perform acts that most of us would consider outrageous and potentially self-destructive, in addition to cruel. And yet when such a person is around us in our lives, even on a daily basis, we are often oblivious to her activities. We do not expect to see a person direct a dangerous, vicious vendetta against someone who in most cases has done nothing to hurt or offend her. We do not expect it, and so we do not see it, even when it happens to someone we know – or to us personally. The actions taken by the covetous sociopath are often so outlandish, and so gratuitously mean, that we refuse to believe they were intentional, or even that they happened at all. In this way, her true nature is usually invisible to the group. She can easily hide in plain sight, as Doreen has done among genuinely intelligent, professional people at the hospital for nearly a decade.
Covetous sociopaths hide in plain sight by being charming and courteous to those who do not provoke in them the need to take something. So, they seem “normal” or even admirable. But it’s all a facade to allow them to wreak havoc against those who have something they covet.
But when people do not provoke in Doreen a desire for something they have, or for something they are, then she does not target them. To the contrary, she may be especially charming and courteous when she believes that certain underlings, as she. thinks of them, are useful in maintaining her sheep’s-clothing disguise, a disguise that includes a presentation of herself as an extraordinarily nice, caring, responsible, and pitiably overworked person.
This sums up both L. Ron Hubbard and David Miscavige — the kind, caring martyrs who are constantly overworked by the failing of those beneath them, but they carry on tirelessly working for the benefit of all mankind. But if they ever perceive you as a threat to their power, you will be destroyed utterly and without sorrow at the snap of their fingers.
Quite the concepts to get your head around, that people can actually be like that, but some truly are if you look being armed with this info, it explains motivations. It is a refreshing antidote to the Scientology ‘biased infusion’ of the far from complete and misleading PTS/SP view of the world.
Both Hubbard and now Miscavige’s smoke screen can be seen through a lot more easily. One of your more poignant but educational series Mike, it addresses some of the really hard to spot, but true AOs out there. Martha is a remarkable observer.
Excellent description of Sociopathy by both you and Dr. Stout. These kind of Sociopaths are the most disturbing and bothersome in my opinion because of how they are perceived by many.
Yup! It seems scientology has a knack of attracting sociopaths to lead them. It could be that L Ron created the study for his purposes, one of which was creating sociopaths as auditors to match his style of controlling a session to get the effect he wanted. It could be that L Ron did so unconsciously, even though it was such a constant in his teachings.
In scn, DM is always promoted as the one who has saved scn hundreds of times, finds suppressive persons everywhere and is a big compassionate thetan that carries for all mankind.
But ironically, the true fact is no one has saved the cult from him.
This is probably my favorite part of the Sociopathy series so far. This post describes alot of Sociopaths that are around but not seen. Though the whole series of posts cover that. This probably describes it.