The delusion is real in scientology.
Here is a promotional video for the infamous “Solo NOTs” level that all scientologists must go to Flag to participate in. And though it is a “solo” level, meaning you use an e-meter to audit the invisible thetans in, on and around your body yourself, they require you to pay to do the auditing at home and also you must return to the “Mecca” every 6 months so you can pay them to sec check you on the meter to see if you have been good. It is one of the more lucrative (for scientology) levels on the Bridge.
This video states right at the beginning that Solo NOTs auditors have the “Responsibility to change the outcome of the planet.”
This is scientology saying the quiet part out loud. They believe Solo NOTs auditors caused the fall of the Berlin Wall. That they divert hurricanes from Clearwater. And all manner of other things (tending to ignore that fact they don’t avert catastrophes like 911 or Covid…) This has long been something whispered in the hallways and “things everyone has heard.” Rarely do you see any direct reference made to this.
And of course, the end of the video says: “Be one of the 10,000” — the dream that one day there will be 10,000 people “on or through” Solo NOTs (though at this point I think they are making less per year than are dying off through old age or untreated cancer). This is based on a statement from Hubbard about 10,000 people controlling the planet. It’s sort of like saying “53 people make a Super Bowl winning football team” — and then rounding up 53 people who have purchased football cleats and believing they will win the Super Bowl. Scientologists are literalists. They have to be in order to be good members of the cult. So, they are sure that when 10,000 people have reached Solo NOTs, the planet will be “theirs.” Nobody even thinks to question this. Or wonder why as the years go by they seem to be no closer to accomplishing anything on a planetary scale. I guess they believe that even 9,999 won’t do the trick, but that last one will make all the difference. It’s like their “ideal orgs”. Once they are “ALL Ideal” they will all magically fill up and scientology will start expanding.
Scientologists are endlessly patient — believing always that at some point in the future, the promises they believe will come true. No matter how much evidence there is to the contrary. This is classic cult think.
Logic and scientology are not often found in the same zipcode.
Solo NOTS( Near-sighted Onanists Tripping Silently )
Spirit rot
Mind shot
Cult cot
Lunatic Lot
Hail, Ron-bot!
I find the term “NOT” to be ironic. As in, “you have just achieved…NOT”.
This is the first time that “Work at home” means that you pay the cult to “Work at Home.” LOL.
Pure logic and all cults are diametrically opposed to each other.Indiviualist thinking and cults are opposed to each other.All they want is your money until you are dead broke,promising you the moon but in reality you get nothing in return except being physically and verbally mistreated and in some cases sexually abused.
Do I understand this correctly?
People are asked to do the work at home – all alone – and then send in thousands of dollars which they have computed they owe for having done this work themselves?
Would not some of the less honest people “adjust” the amount of work they say they did so they could exercise control over how much money they claim is owed? Somehow, this just seems kind of crazy to me. But of course, when someone is “in the bubble”, most anything can be made to seem reasonable. Is that not true?
I am left shaking my head and thinking this business and everything about it is just kind of nuts. Really, extremely nuts.
Perhaps this is off-topic, but Mike, I wanted to thank you for ‘putting ethics in’ on Tom Cruise. All the idiots on Twitter praising him have no clue. You’re right – Cruise’s rant was pure DM.
How would these idiots praising Cruise like it if it were THEM being shouted at? How would THEY like to be locked in an office 24/7, forced to eat slop and beat ‘confessions’ out of each other all day every day? Somehow I think they’d all fold faster than Superman on laundry day.
I wish more people would see past Cruise’s facade. Hell, I don’t know why they don’t – these entertainment journalists should know the score more than anyone else. Are they really that easily swayed? Anyway, rant over. Strong words, I know, but Scientology is something I feel VERY strongly about, and I don’t think normalising Cruise’s conduct is the way forward. Thanks again, Mike.
Remember it is all PR, ask yourself.
Which political group or entity are they trying to align themselves with and why?
What agenda are they trying to align themselves with and why?
This was leaked to the main stream media for a reason, it was known the media would grasp this with both hands.
They sent a message to someone, some group, someone’s, hey we are on your side, we are following orders.
What cruise did was no accident, it never is, it was planned.
The link to the video does not work 🙁
Didn’t work for me either. Maybe more than 20 people looking at it crashed their website?
Here’s some definitions for “never-ins”
NOTs means New Era Dianetics for OTs, Operating Thetans, scientologists on the upper levels.
Mr. Hubbard determined that Body Thetans needed to be audited using dianetic procedures. This is accomplished “Solo” meaning the person is auditing himself while holding the cans in one hand and operating the e-meter with the other.
Which makes Solo NOTS “SNOTS” and it should be referred to so.
My experiences were similar.
The ONLY gains and improvements I ever got were from my using pieces of the tech myself in my life. I applied ethics formulas and got new levels of self determination and freedom. I used TRs and ARC in life situations and improved relationships wonderfully. I used confront when faced with threats and attacks and am so much more able, knowledgeable and at cause now. My personal knowledge and ability increased wonderfully in all that. And from all that I know with absolute certainty who and how able I am.
On the other hand, my many decades going “up the bridge” never gave me anything that compared to the benefits and powers I got on my own. All the courses I did and the many hundreds of hours being audited always left me wondering “where or when was I going to get a result”? “Maybe the next level?” This was not only at my local orgs but at Flag where the tech is supposed to be perfect.
At the end I had to confront the fact that I wasn’t achieving any of the abilities promised on the grade chart. Instead of blithely continuing to assume maybe I’ll get something real on the next step and ignoring all the years of no real results I finally confronted the truth and walked out. I had to also confront that I’d paid about $250,00 and that it was a total waste.
My self certainty, ability and emotional tone have never been higher. And I have only myself to thank for this great state. For I am the one responsible, no one else. And certainly not $cientology.
Excellent summary and I feel the same way. I became a powerhouse in business on my own guided by a few sentences from the tech. I left for the same reasons – no results that he promised.
Thanks George. Glad to talk with someone who’s “on the same page”. Could NEVER talk about any of this in my decades “in”. Knew I’d get reported and screwed for sure.
By diverting hurricanes from Clearwater, aren’t they simply sending them elsewhere, at people less able to confront and handle the storm’s consequences? What condition is that on the 4th dynamic?
As for the 10,000 through solo NOTs – that was decided when the earth’s population was a billion or so less than it is now. Shouldn’t that be adjusted to 12,000, or maybe 13,000 by now?
The same with Johova Witness and their 144,000. These numbers are so insane when you thinking no about it. I guess it going ves the impression that they are elite in some way.
Let’s play a game. We’ll call it Solo NOTS. Make it ‘Snots’ for short. You will buy this machine for thousands of dollars, and pay more thousands for a second spare machine to be sure to always have a device with which to play the game of Snots. Every few years the Snots machines will become unreliable for some unknown reason, perhaps because their color becomes unpopular with the Big Boss. At that time you will have to buy two new ones, and throw the old ones away, even if you like the old color better than the new.
Every year you must pay more thousands of dollars to have an outside source verify (sec check) that you are using your machine the way we want you to use it. Depending on the need for cash of the person acting as your sec checker, this could be a few thousand, or several thousand, dollars. To investigate your level of participation each year, twice or more per year you will have to spend days and days providing hours and hours of made-up answers to made-up inquiries on made-up topics which few people ever think about. Some examples are: Did you ever rape an Alien Being in another life? Did you ever rape a Lizard in another life? Did you ever rape a Mussel in another life?
As you can see, these are questions that are important to every being’s spiritual advancement. Or so Hubbard claimed, and damned if I’m going to challenge him on that, or on anything, because I do not like scrubbing dumpsters or digging ditches in the hot sun.
The ‘Solo’ part of this game includes you sitting around, holding the ‘cans’ part of the Machine, while speaking silently to the disembodied creatures that we will tell you about (after you have signed the correct contracts and paid some substantial fees). If you can convince those disembodied creatures (aka BT’s or Bad Thingies) to jump ship (sort of like having Crabs, and convincing the little critters to infect someone else’s private parts instead of your private parts) then you win a round of the game.
Rest assured, however, that you will never run out of rounds of the Game to play. We will see to that. For example, if your thousands of dollars buy the absence of all your current Little Critters, we will discover new Little Critters during your twice-yearly days of Sec Checks. They will also require more thousands of dollars to be paid so your Snots game can remove them. In the meantime, any delay in payments allows the Little Critters to creep back, in full force. They win a few Free Plays of the Game for which you personally must pay, of course.
Isn’t this exciting? We think so. All you have to do is keep the cash flowing up stream, and we will provide you with years and years of daily activities that will keep you busy, and keep your hands and eyes occupied looking for the least little twitch that indicates an approaching Floating Needle on your Machine. During all your Snotty Years you are encouraged to go on Twitter and other social media and whine about how your Religion with a capital ‘R’ is being attacked by all sorts of nasty people. Those lying Nasties are like Nazis, bad people who would turn you and your fellow Snots into one big hollow cause, or whatever it’s called, if they could.
However, Players may not under any circumstances mention the Little Critters for which Snots was invented, because that might give people the idea that the game of Snots was just a scam to get people to donate to the con man at the top of the pyramid.
Shssssh is the word of the day, get it?
Lol! This is terrific!!!!! 😂😂😂
I will stick with Monopoly, thank you.
The problem with this post is that it bundles all Scientologists into one monolithic blob.
Back in 1989, I was still a hard-core Scientologist and had been on staff until 85.
I did not believe for one minute that SOLO NOTs or Scientology had anything to do with the fall of the Berlin Wall. Also did not believe a word about Hubbard’s ongoing research in Outer Space. I thought the dude had just died like everyone else. Was never very excited about this 10,000 number either although I did see the major outpoint of claiming to heave millions of members and struggling so hard to get just 10,000 of them onto this level.
When I first learned from reading WIS that there were 5 Million Scientologists in the World I was very excited for several days until I did the arithmetic, compared it against the stats and realized that the numbers were false.
I felt I had achieved a lot of very solid gains from Scientology in the early days and for that reason I was willing to tolerate quite a lot of nonsense. That is why I stayed around for such a long time.
I believe there are huge problems in making statements such as “All Scientologists do this” or “All Scientologists feel this way” or “all Scientologists lie” or anything else in this vein.
Every Scientologist is unique, just like anyone else.
Every Scientologist is unique, just like anyone else.
Except they all have the characteristics of a scientologist. That’s what makes them different from everyone else who is not a scientologist. And it makes them alike in so many ways.
Top be a good scientologist there are certain things you must subscribe to. Doubting their claims makes you NOT a good scientologist, and you are evidence of that. You wouldn’t even be reading this. You left. So, you have set yourself outside the category of “scientologist.”
Of course, these days I am not a Scientologist at all although, unlike most folk who post here, I still see value in some of it.
Back in the day, I was on staff for 6 years at a Class V Org.
Later as a public I made it up to OT V, got about half way through the Briefing Course and did the PDC, so I was pretty hard-core compared to most.
This never meant that I accepted everything that flew in the face of my own observations and reason.
After all, not everyone has to be a fundamentalist. I was raised as a Christian but I never believed that Genesis was literally true nor doubted evolution. A belief in Science did not make me a bad Christian and my Church was OK with this as well. This is not all black and white.
My auditor told me 30 years ago that I didn’t have to worry about nuclear war anymore because they were too many OT 8’s out there. And since there has not been nuclear war I guess he was right.
Mike, of the many wise things you have said, this is right up there at the top of the list:
“Scientologists are endlessly patient — believing always that at some point in the future, the promises they believe will come true. No matter how much evidence there is to the contrary.”
As a former-in, my gosh the above is so true. So many of us (while in) run our own version of “More Famous Justifications.” All the strangeness and off-putting experiences, in your own mind filling in, “This is surely isolated.” “That is just The Ship.” “That person will get corrected.” “Being so utterly non-negotiable [on whatever thing], they must know something I don’t know.” “Haven’t I been told ‘We are building the world with broken sticks’? [and I suppose I just encountered one].”
It is remarkable what a seemingly deep well of faith, belief, and sheer optimism one can have, as you say “No matter how much evidence there is to the contrary.” Remarkable, but at the same time: shame on those who play on that goodness, trust, faith and optimism.
The only gains I ever got off of Solo Nots came as a result of my own interpretation of what I was doing. Hubbard had me thinking that I was surrounded by tiny little unconscious thetans. I memorized all of the techniques and applied them like a true space cadet. At first I really thought that I was moving to OT. But it became very obvious that there were no OT powers emerging. What surprised me was that the meter kept reading and reading and reading and floating and floating. This is what happens when you drink Kool aid. It gives you certainty on nonsense. I thought the level was simply a stepping stone to OT VIII so I did not put much attention on it. Like I kept thinking “What’s next?”
In order to feel that I was getting something out of the level I dreamed up a little game. I found weaknesses in my thinking and imagined that the thetans were blocking thought. So when the thetans blew I got the feeling of relief and the needle kept floating. Actually I felt very clean after Solo NOTs because I applied logic.
” It gives you certainty on nonsense.” Said every cult leader programming a minion.
“. . . applied them like a true space cadet.” laughter!
On an earlier topic I noted that a list of “New Religious Movements” appears in a Wikipedia article and classifies Scientology as “UFO-Psychic-New Age”. That appealed to a lot of people in our time, George, and maybe still some people today.
” . . . and applied them like a true space cadet.” laughter!
On an earlier topic I noted that Wikipedia has an article listing a couple hundred “New Religious Movements” and classifies scn as “UFO-Psychic-New Age”. Your approach apparently fit the description. lol
What IS supposed to happen, by their belief, at 10k. Rule the planet? I don’t understand.
How many are there now by anyone’s best guess?
Also, if this # is reached and whatever result is supposed to happen doesn’t- will this wake any? Or are the remaining too hard core and would be swayed by a different reason on why it didn’t work?
I don’t post often, just read and learn. My best to all and may the great community here stay safe and enjoy the season however you celebrate.
As Bruce Hines described in the Underground Bunker, the theory is that the pesky Body Thetans are being audited, maybe even up to “Clear”, and these clean BTs can pick up new bodies to start less abberated lives than the average non-Scientology Thetan. Thus, in theory, society improves.
They were going for 10000 in 1986 when I used to work in the Solo NOTS HGC at Flag. Then they were talking like the target would be met in a year or so. If it still is not done 34 years later, it will never be done
They were going for 10000 in 1986 when I used to work in the Solo NOTS HGC at Flag. Then they were talking like the target would be met in a year or so. If it still is not done 34 years later, it will never be done Hell, the Captain Freewinds told my wife that my death was imminent over 18 years ago. If they cannot even finish killing someone, they are totally incompetent.
I wish SNL would do a parody of members on OT VII at Flag on the Refreshers and what is REALLY going on in their minds.
“Oh GOD I have to do this damn sec check again. I hate these things and their stupid questions.”
“Don’t think of times I …” (did anything remotely questionable)
“Oh my Gawd! When am I gonna FN this stupid question!”
“… and now he has to drone on and on with those endless buttons!”
“…maybe I’ll just kill myself.”
“God I hope I don’t have to do Lowers.”
“I think I can make my needle FN if I just think of ….”
“I hope I finish this Level this time. I can’t stand being here.”
“If one more person asks me for money, I’m gonna scream!”
“Maybe if I go to the restaurant, no one will ask me for money.”
“I think I’ll just eat in my room.”
“The staff looks haggard. (Don’t think about that; you’ll be asked for your own overts.”)
“Don’t think of anything.”
“If I faint on the floor of the HGC, I will get sent home and be off this Level. (I can pretend that upsets me.)
To Mary Kahn: So well laid out, your depiction, and crystal clear!
Perfect! I had all those thoughts!!!
haha! However, Mary…these are not just the thoughts of someone on OT7 refresher check…these are the usual thoughts of someone on just about every level, in some session at anytime!
Great article – Solo NOTs are one of the most silly thing in co$ I’ve seen… and there are several to choose from!
YES. The entire NOTs silliness tops the lists. From the earlier Drug Rundown silliness in the earlier 70’s to the removal of the thetan drills on the old 4,5,6 and 7 in the late 70’s it…just…got…worser and worser.