Hurricane Debby reminded me of the original Hurricane Debbie — Debbie Cook’s email that rocked the scientology world on 1 January 2012.
In addition to other points she laid out, Debbie highlighted Hubbard’s insistence that scientology NOT engage in “fundraising” but sell and deliver Dianetics and Scientology as the only way to success.
Here are some Hubbard quotes Debbie cited:
From HCO PL Org Ethics and Tech:
“GET RID OF DISTRACTIONS FROM SCIENTOLOGY in your org. Baby-sitting or raffle tickets and such nonsense.”
From HCO PL Org Programming:
“If the org slumps… don’t engage in ‘fund-raising’ or ‘selling postcards’ or borrowing money. Just make more income with Scientology.It’s a sign of very poor management to seek extraordinary solutions for finance outside Scientology. It has always failed.”
“For orgs as for pcs, ‘Solve It With Scientology’.
“Every time I myself have sought to solve financial or personnel in other ways than Scientology I have lost out. So I can tell you from experience that org solvency lies in more Scientology, not patented combs or fund-raising barbeques.”
Doesn’t take any imagination to know what Hubbard would think of this:
This is more of the legacy of “Mr. On-Source” David Miscavige — who in his rule of the scientology kingdom has driven it completely away from the clearly stated intentions of Hubbard, while claiming to the The One who has brought it to a new level of “doing what Ron said.”
It is incredible to witness this massive lie in the face of so much evidence to the contrary, and the sheeple continue to eat it up…
It’s another troll come out from under the Bridge to Total Oblivion
Do you and/or any of the board members of “The Aftermath Foundation” still study or use any of LRH’s practices?
You are one of the few that can say they worked directly for LRH
– did he speak of his time with Parsons as they shared a woman, “Cameron” and a passion in the occult – specially Aleister Crowleys teachings as the “most wicked man in the universe”.
I was born into Jehovah’s Witness and left but there was a satanic cult they held rituals in the basement of the church.
I am just trying to connect the dots and they tend to all go back to Crowley/parsons/LRH and the process church of final judgement aka best friends society – weird how the cofounder Mary Ann Grimston was killed by a German Shepard …
I never worked with Hubbard although I knew plenty who did – I got into the kult in the late 70s and was not eligible for the SO as I’d had LSD.
Those who worked with Hubbard only ever spoke of Him in revered terms. Until someone escaped, they didn’t even vaguely criticise Him. It wasn’t until I left that I got the unburnished truth about Him and the Demented Maggot.
If I were still in the cult, I would much prefer a fundraising barbeque to a dose of scientology training or auditing. At least I would have a full belly and tantalized taste buds for awhile. Auditing and training? Any “gains” are quickly lost like a fart in a thunderstorm and one is left only with a lighter wallet. A much lighter wallet.
Since I am out of the cult (thank the gods for that) I would prefer that scientology try to solve it’s problems with scientology rather than a good ol’ barbeque. Why? scientology doesn’t work so the more it is applied to an individual the quicker they might notice it doesn’t work and make for the exits.
The Sheeple continue to eat up all the bullshit.
I think that is only because they have been deluded for decades and brought to their knees spiritually in the hope that all they’ve been told will someday materialize. I can say this only because it is what I suffered too. Hope more and more wise and escape like all the rest of us. TRULY!!!
I seriously don’t understand how this cult is still alive when so many others have been taken down. This is so blatant and obvious in their activities that I just don’t get it. Please explain.
Davey is like the Mafia. He has enough money to buy off everyone everywhere. Bribes, payoffs, etc. Even Marty Rathbun who swore he would never sell out to M icavige did just that.
Could we run a lottery where we each guess the date that Mike Rinder will finally close down this blog and stop this endless stream of the same trivial drivel?
We could probably raise a whole bunch of money. Would that be consider improper?
I think it would be a whole lot of fun!
Sure, go right ahead.
If your definition of “endless drivel” is the truth about scientology being recorded for all time, then perhaps you should actually read some of these posts and wake up.
Tony Ortega, Chris Shelton, Alex Barnes/Ross, Mockingbird, Stefani Hutchison, Jeffrey Augustine, Andreas Heldsl-Lund, tory Christman, Kristi Wachter and others I have no doubt forgotten have created a library of truth about scientology the cult cannot overcome.
Vaughn Young rightly observed that the internet will be scientology’s Vietnam. So it is proving to be…
OSA in the house! What a surprise; what an honor! Next time let us know you’ll be stopping by so I can bake some Troll House cookie,
To Mr. W_W_T_B_ F_ E Why doesn’t David Miscavige do interviews ? Even the Pope does.
I think it would be a whole lot of fun if you crawled back into your $camatology bunker and closed and locked the door. Moron!
Interesting…violating LRH policy is now considered “trivial” – try going into an org and saying that it’s ok you’ve been reading Mike Rinder’s blog because it’s just “trivial” and see how they take it.
You’re welcome to leave now.
@ OSA Troll,
Or, as Audrey Hepburn’s character Princess Anna said to her courtiers in Roman Holiday: “You have my permission to withdraw”.
It’s great to have fans. Keep those cards and letters coming!
Indeed, yes! We Bitter Defrocked Apostate types out here on the Fringes of the Internet take OSA’s opinions very seriously.
Sorry but this reminds me of a policy (?) that talked about someone laughing like an idiot by himself while crawling along the walls of the org’s hallway.
WWTBFE – You are either an OSA goon who is reading this trying to get your stats up for PR Area Control or you’re a public scientologist.
If you’re an OSA goon, when are you going to get your stats up? They truly suck. They are more than in the toilet with little chance of floating upwards.
If you’re a public scientologist, when are you going to report to ‘ethics’ to let them know that you have been reading a blog by one of the most successful SPs on the planet? Mike’s stats are stellar. Maybe you are in the mood for a good ol’ ass reaming, gut churning, soul crushing, bowel liquifying, sphincter clenching mind numbing gang bang sec check (at your expense of course).
Either way, best of luck…
Ms. B. Haven
I reckon he’s desperate to get a fourth bean to add to his daily finger bowl of rice and if he’s extra terrific maybe they’ll give him two or three tiny pieces of chilli for flavouring.
As I said the food was better in Army Infantry Basic Training.
I’m telling you, his blood sugar is low. He needs a Troll House cookie.
ha ha ha. Love the quips today.
As a Step #2 of your Liability Formula, this fails. If you think this is “an effective blow” then I’ve got a Bridge to sell you.
Oh wait, you’ve already bought that haven’t you?
It’s a very telling indicator of the imminent death of your kult that trolls like you don’t hang around now for flame wars like the Good Old Days of wwp etc..
Crawl back under your Bridge – your attempts to Confront and Shatter Suppression have failed miserably AGAIN
Lost in LoL
You don’t faze me one bit, whoever you are!
By the way, the Mormons are starting to borrow from the Scientology playbook. Many of their member operated blogs are resorting to attack methods against the ex Mormon community. Quite a far cry from the “turn the other cheek” methodology I remember from my time in the Mormon Church.
Your dear leader would be proud.
That’s a good point. Why don’t you sit on it.