I assume this is a report about the fundraising event held at CC Int to raise money for Mario Fenninger.
Ugh — CC Int actually CHARGED the organizers for the use of their space — for a “fundraiser.” How typical of everything corporate scientology.
Also goes to show — they apparently failed to make up some statuses to “award” for giving money to this benefit, so they really didn’t do too well. They also forgot to invite the Queen OT Empress Mayor Superstar Royal Highness of the Valley… Should have had her there guys. How silly of you.
Also love the final gratuitous comment about Mario “getting his ethics in.” How gauche.
Of course, the mere fact that any money at all went to Mario and that someone is actually offering up an accounting puts Linda Lombardo in a different universe than the secretive lying con men of the IAS.
From: Linda Lombardo <[email protected]>
Date: Sunday, July 13, 2014
Subject: Event Money Accounting
I think we made about $11K on the event.
Mazen if you have an exact number please correct me on this. Here is what has been spent so far:
Manor Hotel 2,000
Dottie Rent 5,000
Gas bill 1st installment for pay off 200
Electric bill small payment 50
Richard Stewart piano keys 365
Food 150
We have approximately $5K left. $2K is owed to me for the final payment to the Manor Hotel. However, again, I will wait on that until we sell the music sheets.
This $5K could disappear pretty quickly unless Mario and Ian are getting their ethics in on spending.
ML Linda
Linda Lombardo
Executive Vice President
UPDATE: Just read this article and it spells out a reality that hasn’t been as clearly stated by anyone before.
We in RTC hasten to point out that the Manor may only be used for 501(c)3 tax exempt religious purposes — and raising money for Mario Fenniger is not one of those purposes. So yes, CCI has to collect rent and report it on their 2014 990-T as unrelated business income. In other news, CCI has proactively donated the monies raised for Mario to this IAS in order to increase his Patron status.
Scientology is, after all, a game where everyone wins!
I have asked this before What funds are being asked for Mario Fenniger and why ? He waswhen I knew him a lovely amn and Yes I knew himwhen he was in Paris.
Thank you for posting this infuriating, sad story, Mike. More confirmation of our motto, Scientology: It’s always worse than you think.
I just went to the site of CC Paris and there was an interview with Cyprien Katsaris, a great pianist who has performed in all great concert halls of the world. He says Scientology helped him greatly with his career and explains how he got into it after being introduced to Dianetics by Mario Fenninger.
Mario did a great job disseminating and establishing Scientology in France. The irony of destiny is that the Money of the whales buys fancy attorneys, boxes of rare Macallan’s whiskey for Miscavige or black PR campaigns against critics but of course could never be used on “charity” or helping an old friend in difficulty, who cares about a down stat anyway?
The way they are handling Fenninger is just disgusting, it reveals their true face. I wonder if he didn’t get broke paying for out tech refreshers and idiotic IAS statuses?
Mario Fenninger is an outstanding artist. He was a Scientology pioneer when he helped the establishment of the first mission or Org in Paris. He was made to disconnect from friends who wanted to help him and if he is in dire straits now a days it is certainly because instead of investing for his old days and buying some real state that he could rent now, he gave too much of his money and energy to the COS. The comment about getting his “ethics in” is of the utmost bad taste, infinite arrogance and can only create a feeling of nausea in a civilised human being. I feel sorry for Fenninger, he is PTS to the most 1.1 organisation on Earth. (UK spelling) to the point that he refused help and disconnected from the only people who really cared about him.
To anyone still in but under the radar, you might not be able to understand how, in the wog world, we are able to disagree with each other, argue a point, debate a subject whilst remaining respectful. You may have been taught that it’s your way or the highway. So what I am about to say might go entirely against your beliefs and those of some commentators here on Mike’s blog, but my comment won’t get shut down or deleted by Mike because out here the ideology of free speech is a very real thing and Mike is now a strong proponent of this. And that’s beautiful.
In response to a few earlier comments:
It was LRH who first stated that gay people weren’t fit to wipe your boots on. LRH, not David Miscavige. Don’t get me wrong, DM certainly promulgates this theory, and I spit on him, but it all started with L. Ron Hubbard. This is one of the many reasons critics dislike LRH intensely; his belief system is cruel and twisted and misogynistic and racist and very homophobic. The world has moved on since LRH first put pen to paper, but his doctrines bind you all to his outdated and outmoded theories. There is no escaping the fact that it was LRH who originated these views and used them as building blocks for his ‘religion’.
Mike – huge respect to you for the hard work and dedication that goes into the creation of this blog.
I, like many others, pop across regularly from Tony Ortega’s site on the fringes of the internet to read your insightful articles and the thoughtful comments, although this is my first time commenting here.
I simply wanted to echo what others here have said to Cindy and McCarran as they await the return of their loved ones. More and more victims are escaping from David MorgueScavengers vicious organisation. Your time will surely come, sooner or later, so keep the faith and know that there are thousands of strangers – ex-members and never-in’s alike – who are thinking of you and who celebrate as each new survivor reunites with their family and friends.
“Getting your ethics in on spending” ….. oh yeah …… we all know what THAT means in today’s church of Scientology ….
“He was a talented man.”
Correction, Ken. He IS a talented man.
In fact he still is a world-class pianist and great musician. He plays as well now as he did 40 years ago. Check it out:
The COS has been fortunate to have his loyalty and friendship for so many years. If they had any class, an int exec would be taking Mario and Ian out to dinner at the 5 star restaurant of their choice every evening, and paying their rent and basic expenses as an acknowledgement for his decades of of support for THEM. Anyone who has been around the Scientology scene for a long time knows how he made the COS well-though-of with his incredible musicianship and his charm. He lent the subject instant respectability.
And he still plays like the master he is. I don’t notice that he has missed a lick. It is incredible that a 90+ year old person can do what he does with a piano.
People who talk about him and Ian “getting their ethics in” are twits. They are out-exchange and do not know it. Instead of recognizing and celebrating his genius, loyalty, love for others, and contributions, they are secretly jealous of him and seek to belittle him in his elder years. I hope he rises above these petty parasites, sees what his beloved church has become, and just continues with his purposes to make beautiful music for the world and spread the subject of Scientology. He is a very beautiful being.
Espiritu, Yes, he is very much alive! The “getting his ethics in” really upset me.
Anyone that can play like that, has not got an ethics problem.
At most a blind spot for evil like Co$.
The fundraise till the cows come home is a dead end.
Making elite status is a wrong turn also.
Turning out competent auditors who make Clears
and OT’s has been trampled in the dirt which is a tragedy of magnitude.
That “getting their ethics in” line must surely qualify for the Golden Age of Paronizing with diamond cluster.
Oldies of my generation tend to think of Mario Feninger as the man who taught Tom Constanten to play piano, and so influenced the Grateful Dead and that whole movement of fusion music. But that’s beside the point, he’s a world class classical musician by any standards.
His site at http://www.mariofeninger.com/ gives some background on the tribute concert that was held at CC on 29 June. It also has CDs for sale if anyone would like to exchange directly with Mario.
I remember back in 87 or 88 there was an event at the Shrine celebrating the first
OTVIII’s back from the Ship. Mario played on that big stage as entertainment and
he was great! with just one spot light on him and the piano. And with one light on the
LRH picture it looked as though he was playing for Ron. A standing Ovation was
given with love.
Dear Linda show a little respect.
Hi mike. For those of us never ins would you please clarify what that last comment of Linda’s meant? I took it as a snarky “Mario and Ian are spending money inappropriately”. But I don’t know any of the players here. I find it hard to believe that Co$ members would raise money for anything other than Wee Dave, so what is the story behind this, in your opinion. If Mario is in desperate straits then he needs to donate more to the Co$…..then affluence is right around the corner!
The Co$ can never be accused of inappropriate spending, themselves … exactly like Hubbard “critics,” they can never be wrong about anything, themselves. No, no.
Linda Lombardo used to be gracious and generous.
Sounds like she’s become just another mean-spirited miscavologist.
I’m having a hard time thinking what kind of Karma she and Dave Petit are mocking up for their egregious treatment of such a stalwart supporter of CCI and such an amazing artist.
I thought all these people were supposed to be on course getting training, or in session, increasing the theta to entheta ratio.
And not chasing butterflies, or bowling, or fundraising?
WTF, $2,000.00 to the fucking Manor for providing a fundraising venue? Why the hell didn’t they have the fundraiser at somebody’s house, like, I dunno, maybe the Super Valley Fucking Rockstar’s house, and give the $2,000.00 to Mario?
What a bunch of goddamned scumbags. Pardon my French, but goddammit, treating this dedicated artist and fine man like shit just frosts my ass.
Yes … we’re getting that ….
Linda Lombardo telling the artist to “get his ethics in.” I don’t usually invoke the C word, but Linda, you are a fucking cunt.
Something sent to me by a CC insider that seems worthy of broader exposure:
This is from the email sent out with the event flier to promote it.
“It’s the perfect way to support wonderful Mario (all proceeds go to him) and share an early summer evening with friends enjoying fantastic music, and delicious deserts. It’s scheduled for the last Sunday in June, June 29th, from 6:30 to 8:30 with free valet parking.”
What hypocrisy. Mario was one of the founding members of CCI and did hundreds of performances if not over a 1000 for the church.
Mario and his partner Ian have been a financial dire straights for awhile. Obviously the organizers did not have a clue how to create a fundraising event.
Also I was told the money was not going to be given directly to Mario but was to be doled out to cover expenses so they would not spend it in the wrong places.
It says “all proceeds go to him.) That’s an out and out lie. They took almost half of it. !!
Here is the article Tony Ortega wrote about Mario’s being forced to disconnect from me after I provided him some assistance. The bit Linda wrote about “getting their ethics in on spending” is just sick. Tasteless. Sick. Over years spend visiting that apartment, I never saw a new…. anything. Ever. They don’t spend money on anything other than bare necessities, and health stuff. And then to pay rent to CCI for the event… It’s unbelievable.
On top of all the money they’ve been bleeding him for throughout all the years… in order to get to OT VII. Or wherever he’s at. Whew! Misplaced devotion and loyalty.
$cientology always gets its cut, even for a ‘charity’ for a loyal minion. ‘Get his ethics in”??? What the hell is that? Stop paying rent or eating??
I do thank ‘LInda’ for her accounting, note how the bottom line was sucked nearly dry by all the hands getting their cut too??
Bingo. Truly disgusting.
If a real charity saw how CoS handles their donations said charity would immediately throw up in their own mouths
Mike, there was a thread on ESMB a while back about a TC sighting in London where he was having drinks with one David Beckham.
Quite a bit of speculation followed, as many of us believe that TC tried to recruit Mr. Golden Balls and Posh Spice for the cult, but they weren’t interested.
Do you have any insight as to what REALLY went on with TC and Mr. Golden Balls in the early 2000’s and what this TC sighting may mean for Der Dwarfenfuhrer’s relationship with TC?
Tom tried his hardest to get Becks and Vicks into scientology. He was even planning to bring him to the Int Base so Miscavige had a soccer field built for his use (I think that was covered on Marty’s blog at one point). Tom went to a few soccer games with DB. And all sorts of effort was put into helping them settle into LA when they set up a home there. But none of it ever worked. Means nothing with respect to TC’s relationship with DM. It was just another of the failed “dissemination” efforts.
I had read that Victoria Beckham responded to this speculation with “We are Catholics”.
It was obvious that there was a plan to bring the Beckhams into the CoS. I saw a photograph of DM sitting behind Victoria at a game in LA with TC and Katie Holmes with all their kids. Victoria had her back to him, ignoring him (I hope). I thought it interesting that DM would be hanging around the Beckham family and never thought it was just because he thought their kids were cute.
I can’t get off this….Mario is 92 years old and Linda
Lombardo is telling him to get his ethics in?????
Really Linda? Linda you don’t question a 92 yr old
person’s ethics before you help them…..you just help them
you dimwit! Don’t you think a person of that age has
done enough in life to deserve some unquestioned help
when needed?
Linda you are actually quite disgusting and your obnosis
is way fucking out. Bodies give out Linda, they need some
help in their later years. Thank God there are many many
more people out there that understand this more than you Linda.
And guess what…..they aren’t in Scientology!
If I were your auditor I would request to be taken off your
case. I would be far to disgusted with you to want to even
try to muster up any ARC.
It’s just a pitiful SP leeching off an artist.
Making $$$ while doing so and pawning it off as help, is just par for the course – in the pathetic shrinking bunch of circuits that “think” to “themselves” we are helping $$&*((@omg&6))(($*#&$)%9%!!!!!
There is no awareness of awareness left in Co$.
They never understood Scientology, and definitely don’t deserve your help Potpie.
I do feel for Mario, I play Piano myself, quite passionately, but he fell for the old help/betray somewhere.
The thetans still connected to this bunch are probably backed out somewhere thinking, “WHAT THE F*** AM I DOING!!!!!!!!!!!???”
I quite agree with your comments I know Mario well and for god sake the man should just be left
and seek help. Give him what ever he needs and allow him to live his time out some what at ease, Its utterly disgraceful.Some one email this linda and give her the right act ( suggest sending Potpie’s comment as well ) I speak from expereince not as old as Mario but getting up there .
The fact that she did it in a memo for all to see is hideous. She sounds like some young Nazi soldier trying to make points for herself. Someone who doesn’t know jack s**t about being an artist or making a living in the real world.
She deserves what is coming to her.
Dear Linda,
you did what you did. Period.
Blaming you will not help – but it doesn’t go too well with people who consider one should respect each other.
Remember, “Way to Happiness”…? 😉
If LRH’s REAL mental state and physical appearence towards his end would be more known by the Scientologists, a shift of behaviour and more respect towards the elderly would most probably occur.
Or why do YOU think, DM let Annie Broeker die the way she died?
She was a living wittness to that dark secret, that DM NEVER EVER WANTS TO LET OUT!
Or why do you think, did DM destroy those photo-negatives of LRH after his death?
Do you really think, LRH came out of the shower, put some new clothes on, laid down own his bed and exteriorized at Tone 4.0?
Go into the wog-world and LOOK and get an SRA how people ARE dying!
Nothing to be afraid of, just a matter of confront.
Have a good day and pay the respect to Mr. Fenninger that is due.
Remember, “The PR-Series”…?
Potpie – hopefully Linda won’t live to be 92 and need any help from others.
Chastising an elderly person like that is despicable.
Hey Dave, Nothing new about having Tom by the testicles. Your claim to fame will be a SHORT paragraph in the long history of ecclesIAStical ABUSE.
It is all money that Mario owes , except the rent of the hall if that’s what it is.
I don’t think he cares a bit about the accounting and who wants what.
He is desperately trying to survive with the help of a world he is stuck in by his own doing.
He never got any help from the Church as far as his career went , although LRH recognized his talent and wanted him to become an international figure.
He lost the help of Alan Barton and mine when he was made to disconnect , and that was substantial as far as basic needs.
I could name a string of people who all of a sudden wanted to “change his life”.
But never understanding the man they gave up eventually.
The last line of the email explains their failure .
i love him unconditionally , it is a sad state of affair.
Marie (and Alan) — what you did to help Mario is what real people do. People who rightly deserve the title humanitarian. But you are undesirables and so your help is deemed automatically to be harm. It’s the us v them mentality so prevalent in the bubble. If we say you are bad/unworthy then by extension everything you do is wrong.
Thank you both for what you did. I know a bit of the story from Alan.
Mario is of a time when his extraordinary skills and musical talent were highly valued and helped.
he didn’t “negotiate” the change in the culture too well and still expected the many pleasure moments he gave others to be rewarded above and beyond.
He certainly didn’t get that from the group he joined , the culture inside this group wanting to profit from the artist , not give back.
Couldnt agree more
Dear Marie & Alan,
Thank you for whatever you did for Mr. Fenninger!
Whoever had a chance to listen to one of Mario’s performances, knows that he is really an extremly talented worldclass pianist. A man who brings ART to people!
And everyone who was ever lucky to be invited to attend one of those little private concerts knows that he REALLY LOVES what he does! Every single detail is thought of.
Ever noticed how carefully he puts his gloves on, at the end of a performance, while answering questions? Fascinating!
He would take the time to talk and explain his techniques he uses to get those effect accross – wonderful.
When ART is defined as a form of Communication, well than Mr. Fenninger is A TRUE ARTIST ! 🙂
But to see the CoS / CC Int to act so disgracefully towards their member is beyond words.
Dear Mr. Petit, did you charge Mr. Fenninger as well, when he did PR activities for the Church in the wintergarden of the restaurant?
How do you dare to charge him for something, you yourself have only gotten because of slave labour?
How much did you spent on those renovations? On the gardenwork? The Pavillion? The fountain, pool, garage? Sauna-area?
Go and look up the definitions of ‘exchange’ and ‘stuck flow’ – especially how it applies to longterm SCN’ist.
In this day and age being Gay is not considered
a bad thing as days gone by. Heck, it may even
be good PR for the church if Tommy is indeed
Gay or BI. Now of course Paul Haggis left the
church for their stance on the subject so there
could be mass confusion inside the church as
to how to handle it.
Does the church sway with current political views
or do they dig in their heels and toss Tommy out?
Of course then there would be the question….
will Miscavige then toss Himself out?
What a mess indeed!
It sucks to be Miscavige….no pun intended.
This just makes me smile.
The sheeple are indeed lost without “orders” .
It really SUCKS to be Davie!!!
There isn’t any confusion inside of the Church about the LGBT community at all. Hubbard said they were sexual deviants in DMSMH and 1.1s in Science of Survival, and we all know what his prescription for 1.1s is: eliminate, quietly and without sorrow. Not following this prescription would be out-KSW.
I’ve said it many times over at Ortega’s: as a gay man who takes psychiatric medication, I’m on Scientology’s death camp list, since I won’t allow myself to be “raised up the Tone Scale” by denying my sexuality or deny the wins that I’ve had from psychopharmacology. Anyone who desires my destruction is my enemy, and that includes Indies like Milestone Two who still follow Hubbard’s literal words. There are those of us never-ins who have reasons for wanting the destruction of Scientology as a philosophy, and I hope that Indies here understand mine.
Yea, Science of Survival could just as well be called “book of generalities”. There are obviously certain tone levels, due to various circumstances, that become part of an individual. But when you assign a myriad of general traits, and how a person will behave just because of a #, then watch out. My mom was very depressed this life time. Way “below 2.0”. But she was honest as the day is long, and you could trust her with your life. Loved animals and children. Ethical to a fault. If anyone attempted to “dispose of her quietly” I would in turn, dispose of them not so quietly. I’m with you Espiano. I’m not gay, but I have and have had great gay friends. Who is anyone to judge a person’s tone level because of their sexual preference. Unless a person has been found guilty of a crime, that person is “innocent”. No matter what their “tone level” is. By the way, the current tone level of Scientology is “needing bodies”.
From Science of Survival:
” p. 145
” p. 159
” p. 170
” p. 170
It’s amazing to me that as a Scientologist I read these pages from Science of Survival, word cleared them, passed starrates on them, and everything else and never really looked at them and thought about what was actually being said here.
I never once thought about, for instance, what kind of police force and courts would be necessary to take away someone’s civil rights for being below 2.0 on the tone scale. What evidence would be presented in court to get a “conviction”? Where would these low-toned people be put after having all their civil rights of any kind taken away?
Would there be concentration camps for people who were below 2.0 on the tone scale?
What kind of a writer actually publishes this? And re-publishes it in subsequent printings for 35 years straight while he was still alive?
Really. Take a look at what he is saying in those quotes.
Think about the kind of world we would have if Scientology had been successful and taken over.
And I was a Scientologist so dedicated that I worked for them for 7.5 years for free.
“Think about the kind of world we would have if Scientology had been successful and taken over.” – Think Tehran 1980 meets George Orwell’s 1984 meets Auschwitz.
PS – I’m not at all being cute or witty etc. I sincerely think that’s what it would look like
“Dispose of them quietly and without sorrow”. (homosexuals) But that’s not in the Way to Happiness anywhere is it? I’m SURE the Church of Scientology treats gays like anyone else who is seeking enlightenment in the Church of Scientology. Right?
Just like the church lives up to “Honor and help your parents” (This whole DISCONNECTION things is all lies, they would never drive a wedge between children and their parents. Only a raving SP would accuse them otherwise. Tommy Davis said so and it’s in the WTH so it must be true. )
It is in Black and White. Not open for interpretation espi. And That is why I continue this fight.
Thanks Alanzo for displaying the content and page numbers for any who have questions..
Alonzo, you make excellent points here and I also just read those quoted parts of SOS with no real thought about what they meant in practice (which is actually unusual for me as a student). It is an unfortunate fact that Scientology has dramatized earlier religions by its requirement that its parishioners never disagree with any of its “holy scripture” (quite contrary to LRH’s original ideas on education which encouraged the student’s right to reject any studied data, but of course that is before he self styled himself as “source”). I think when I read SOS on the BC in 2003, I just “mentally rejected” the points you quote and went on to the other parts that “spoke to me.” I have no problem now in evaluating a piece of work like SOS and accepting some data as completely true for me and rejecting other data as total bullshit. But of course, you cannot do that while in the CoS. Aside from the parts of SOS which are outrageous in their horrible implications, I do think there is MUCH truthful and very valuable data in it that I use in life every single day. Yeah, would have been nice to have had this freedom of thought while in the CoS …… ah, religion!
The link to the editorial below is worth a read as it applies to every country and what we should be fighting for even if you don’t like what people write or say.
You know, Potpie, it wasn’t always the way it is now. I consider myself an “old timer” and this is a chapter out of something I wrote a year or two ago. (lol – I have trouble remembering because, as I stated, I’m an “old timer.”
~6~ Los Angeles Day Organization
Those early years 1977-1982 – we were in our Los Feliz house, I worked at Los Angeles Day Organization in the Complex, you had finished your residency and were working at Shaw Health Center, the kids went to Apple School – what a wonderful time that was. We continued to expand our scopes of influence as individuals and as a family but home was our stable base.
Looking back on that era, it was a time for me to establish myself as a staff member. By then I was trained as a Class IV auditor and had co-audited to Clear.
I mentioned earlier my first post was Staff Section Officer, a job that suited me so well. I continued training with the new New Era Dianetics Course and audited another, finished my grades and went to the Advanced Organization for the services offered there.
I then had the opportunity to train at Flag on the advanced administrative courses — Organization Executive Course — and I signed on. I had only finished a portion of it when I was recalled to LA Day to be the HCO Area Secretary.
It was during this time I fell into such a wonderful group of on-purpose folks. We had so much to share not only with each other but with those around us. I recently tried to put together LA Day organizing boards of that era (we had several!), and it was like running a rehabilitation process on my former group.
You will remember Sinar Parman from your time with LRH. He was a new recruit to LA Day back in those early days at the complex. He soon thereafter disappeared to parts unknown. We have in recent years connected up in renewed friendship. He has been there for me on a personal level, phone calls and emails for a couple of years now, and his help on those early org boards has been wonderful.
A key memory from that time was pulling an all-nighter every Wednesday in order to get the bulk mail out by 2pm Thursday. We had a regular stalwart crew who participated and we got it down to a routine. We even had a record player and favorite LP’s we listened to: Led Zeppelin (first album) was the popular choice with Bachman-Turner Overdrive and Deep Purple vying for second. This was perfect “crank it up and keep awake” music. Thursday following the all-nighter was usually fine for me because it was so busy but I’ll admit I tended to doze during Thursday evening staff meeting.
An interesting thought just occurred to me. We were always considerate of our delivery staff, such as auditors and course supervisors. None of them ever pulled an all-nighter. We were also considerate of those who needed to be studentable or sessionable the following day. We were quite considerate of those who had to moonlight to make it as a staff member and those with children at home. The viewpoint was, “Come on, help out for an hour or two, then go.” I don’t ever remember the bulk mail not making it out on time.
Another interesting realization: There was no Sea Organization versus contracted staff. I don’t even remember any SO staff until a bit later when an external unit sent in someone. LA Day was a Class IV org and was staffed by non-SO folks; we were sometimes a ragged militia, but we sure had a strong sense of spirit.
One final thought comes to me about that time, but only because of what’s going on in the present. Sure, we had a gay staff member but no one made an issue about it as he did his post. We had another staff member who would masturbate during post hours, but it was not a huge issue with anyone but, perhaps, himself. Today, these “crimes” result in horrendous actions. It was not so back then. The funny thing is labeling these as “crimes” and the resultant heavy-handed actions are attributed to LRH. You know and I know that’s simply not true.
Now, we did have a new recruit that displayed a terrific temper. We kept an eye on him and with good reason: One day he lost his temper (again) and started destroying the org. He punched his fist into a hallway wall, was kicking things, etc. Truly psychotic. We routed him off staff and out of the org in very short order. But we never really worried about the sexual peccadilloes of our productive staff members.
What’s really funny is we had a male prostitute on public lines. If you ever wanted to find him, you just needed to look in the Ethics Department as he really had a lot to handle before he was eligible for services.
“What’s really funny is we had a male prostitute on public lines. If you ever wanted to find him, you just needed to look in the Ethics Department as he really had a lot to handle before he was eligible for services.”
The mere fact that he had to “handle” something in “Ethics” in order to be eligible for service is an indictment of Scientology. In other words, as a gay man and psych drug user, I would have been an “illegal PC” while LRH was still alive, unless I paid for massive Ethics handling. That extends in a line to today, through Michael Pattinson, who made it to OTVIII while the greedheads kept telling him that the “next level” would help him “pray the gay away”, to Derek Bloch, who had to route out of the Sea Org, leave the Church, and disconnect from his family in order to be able to explore his own sexuality.
You would have thought that when they squirreled the Second Dynamic to “Creativity”, they might have got rid of the homophobic stuff.
TheWidowDenk – The only thing “critics” are worthy of is forgiveness. These people are not interested in survival. It’s one of the startling phenomena described in Science of Survival, that a being can degrade or agree to be degraded to the point where he is trying to succumb. Not necessarily as a body, by committing suicide. When it is a being trying to succumb, things take on a different color of attacking and opposing that which is beneficial. The critics are siding with the Co$, and are too dumb to realize it.
Dear WidowDenk,
Thank you very much for sharing! 🙂 You are so right.
The whole scenarios are repeating over and over again – just a few names/places would have to be exchanged.
Have a good day.
Thanks Rachel. More please?
Espiando – you are talking about more than one issue here. In the 70s, I audited a public pc who was openly gay and we had a CS on staff who was gay (when he went off for his OT levels, a number of female staff were kind of jockeying for position to be his partner when he returned “cured”, though of course that didn’t happen). In the 70s, being gay as a negative characteristic was never mentioned as I recall (I was on staff throughout the whole decade) and LRH’s policy “Second Dynamic Rules” (that there weren’t any) was pretty much applied. Staff were fairly promiscuous and it was hardly an issue then. Open homophobia didn’t start in my experience until the 80s. A few years ago a friend of mine, a long time Scientologist, ran into lots of problems at Flag getting approved for auditing because she was a lesbian. I believe she is out of the CoS now.
The psychiatric drug/illegal pc thing was another matter for another reason, which in the interests of keeping this post relatively short, I will leave for another time. The ORIGINAL idea of ethics in Scientology was to deal with any issue that would prevent a person from getting gains out of his/her auditing (something that would prevent “tech from getting in)”, though “ethics” eventually became another tool for behavior and thought modification/control and also as a way of making more money (you had to start to pay up as another penalty to get out of the ethics department).
To clarify for Espianado: We didn’t charge for ethics handling. The point was that we couldn’t take money for auditing and training from a public who made his money through male prostitution, and wanted to “handle” the prostitution aspect of his life. It was too convoluted! Therefore, we spent our time and energy using ethics to help the person cease prostituting himself so he could then be eligible for training and processing. I don’t recall he ever made it out of ethics. It didn’t necessarily mean a failure of the ethics technology either; he just never made it out of ethics.
To Carcha: I agree
To hei88008: I don’t really think it’s a repeating scene. I believe as the years have gone by it is an escalating scene.
To Simple: As you wish …
Carcha, I know, I’m just one of those “stupid” critics, but it might be more effective if you try being less condescending to those trying to help bring Miscavige down. If you want to run with Hubbard’s tech, that’s fine. Indies and never-ins don’t have to agree on the validity of the tech, just the inhumanity of the cult built on it. And as for never admitting that we’re wrong, I am a skeptic, and as such always looking out for confirmation bias on my part. If you can show me peer-reviewed information proving the efficacy of Dianetics, I’ll be happy to read it.
Artoo45 – I’m not condescending to those who are trying to help bring the Co$$$$$ down. Some Scns think it’s worth saving, I think the name is salvageable, but the church structure itself in its present legal form isn’t. No religion can be a monopoly, and this one is proven to be susceptible to high-jacking or take-over. I very much appreciate the humanitarian and charitable work many never-ins have contributed – I really do. But I don’t like someone telling me what I have or have not seen and experienced for myself – is that unreasonable of me, somehow?
You should be a skeptic. I encourage that, so did Hubbard. LOOK, and evaluate, don’t just take someone’s freaking word for it (either way). Too many “ins” have done that, and imo, that’s one of the major things that went wrong. Demand some proof, question the source, but don’t deny it when you have it.
That said, what is your definition of peer review (even though it isn’t a good basis for an evaluation)?
Here’s the wiki:
“Peer review is the evaluation of work by one or more people of similar competence to the producers of the work (peers). It constitutes a form of self-regulation by qualified members of a profession within the relevant field. Peer review methods are employed to maintain standards of quality, improve performance, and provide credibility. In academia peer review is often used to determine an academic paper’s suitability for publication.”
If the Indies and the other groups in the Freezone who have long ago left the church are not peer review, then what is? They’re slamming the Co$$$$$$ every day, calling the off-policy, and the out-tech.
Interesting that the homophobia didn’t openly manifest itself until the 1980’s. If that is indeed true, then couldn’t it be directly linked to David Miscavige’s homophobia? I say that because its been said that he likes to threaten people with expulsion and one of the activities he frequently tells them is that they will be sucking c—k on Hollywood Blvd.
This is probably one of the most important emails published, and is different than the others regarding the church’s internal goal of raising money. This one in particular shows the attitude of the church to it’s parishioners, and how it sees itself in the overall setting.
Requiring $5,000 for a fundraiser, to help a fellow parishioner, where the event only made $11,000. Read that twice. Any other church would have seen it as pure duty and good will to help a fellow parishioner. This church saw it as an income source; a stat to celebrate on Thursday @ 2:00pm.
Shame on those who agreed to pay it.
re: Tom Cruise
He’s not deciding. Does he actually think Scientology has nothing to do with him?
Guess not, at least not any more.
Come on TOM, donate $ 10.00 and make a statement. Your STATUS could be Metorious-Cheap-O-don’t give a shit-OT !!!
It would at least be a decision !
Geez, even when there is the apparency of doing something nice for someone, there has to be some form of humiliation and invalidation. Fer chrissakes the guy is 92 years old, can’t they just be a little selfless and help him out? Do they have to publish his debts? And scold him like a child?
Presumably the Manor Hotel debt is Mario’s, why don’t they just wipe it off?
But, of course, they are just being good unreasonable Scnists. To them Mario being 92 and starting to slow down makes him a downstat. That’s fucking gross.
Well, I assumed the Manor Hotel bill was the rent for the space used to do the “benefit”….
Not sure what this is about….Mario needs $?
The group wants to help Mario?
A nice gesture if this is the case.
But why all the hoop la?
Why question his ethics?
What the hell, just give the guy some money
to help him through whatever the scene is.
So you give $50 or $100 what difference
is that gonna make on one’s taxable income?
CC makes $5000 for “helping” Mario? Please
come on guys. This is just another misunderstood,
altered action of real help.
Hey all you tech genius’s at CC, show them the HCOB’s
on help for God Sakes!….Oh you haven’t read them either?
Why am I not surprised.
If I have totally missed this please disregard my rant.
Back in the 80’s CCI was happy to “present” Mario when they needed him. Leeches. Now he’s down stat and out ethics. These people are disgusting and morally bankrupt.
I agree. One can see how lacking in altruism this event really was. “Disgusting and morally bankrupt” says it all.
The Mario thing has been going on for a long time. He and Ian, his roommate, are probably subsisting on Social Security, IF they even paid into it. Mario got onto OT VII possibly for free because he was a VIP virtuoso pianist who knew LRH in France. But is having to pay for refreshers etc.
But because it costs so much to pay for refreshers and stay on the level as well as buy all the releases that are forced on you as well as pay your rent and food, he has been flat broke for a long while now. There was an article on Marty or Mike’s site some time back about how he asked a well off friend of his to help him financially, which the friend gladly did, and said he would pay every month. Then Mario went to Flag and the MAA made him give back the money to the friend because he was “not in good standing” or was declared. So Mario dutifully gave back the money like a good little sheeple.
So now it seems the church is trying to help him, but to have CC charge to let people hold an event there???!!! How bad is that?!
But the last parting shot that the person sending the email says is that they are “getting their ethics in.” What a covert 1.1 inval of them. I personally know Mario and Ian and their ethics are NOT out unless you count being out ethics to be connected to DM and his minions. They are not spending money wildly. They are trying to put food on the table and get the barest necessities of life to live on since the church took it all.
And I guess he still audits on OT VII hoping for a miracle from that tech. I think he’d be better off returning his OT VII materials to Flag and getting off the level and saving all the money that goes for that. Oh, and Mario, start reading the blogs while you’re at it. Get out now! You can finish OT VII in the Indie field.
Mary McCarran, Yes let’s celebrate when our kids come back to us! But let’s not wait till then. Let’s meet now and again then. Get my email from Mike and email me privately please.
On the Tom C story he is finally experiencing the results of his connection to a sociopath and SP. His career is plummeting and he himself has been involved in acts that imitated his best body.
Now, if DM ‘depended’ on the stellar attraction Tom used to receive to increase his ego, he is also now loosing admiration ‘via’ his best body. Criminality never works.
As far as Mario Feninger what a cover way to insult him – ‘if he gets his ethics in’, but how can you get your ethics in within a group that only deals with fraud and abuse?
Every day I wake up thinking maybe today will be the day. I may win the lottery or the church will come crashing down and I will get my son back. But the more I’m out and read, the more I realize there have been stories of defections, abuse, Fair Game atrocities since before I became a member – stories that I thought would have brought about the demise of the church. Internet or no internet, the church has enough money to keep itself afloat (and BUY parishioners if it has to) for a very long time. Tom Cruise is STILL very marketable, Silvia, and the church is such a small, ineffectual group that most people don’t give a shit about who is abused or leaves or is bilked for all their money or held against their will or is in a “prison of belief.”
Slightly off topic I know, but I read this and I read about another defection and how DM will not be deposed and so I’m a little down today and I miss my son.
I still have hope though. Keep on keeping on, Mike, I do appreciate what you and others are doing.
I feel your pain, Mary. I also hope for the day I’ll see my two kids again. The commenters at Tony’s said that even though DM won’t be deposed, that it opened the door and it might come back to bit him in the butt and some of the stuff can be used against him later on. Keep the faith, Mary! And Mike, thank you for the good that you’re doing!
I get you exactly. The way I see it is whether is all goes with a bang or a wimper, the end is as inevitable as the sun setting and rising. And without the herculean efforts of Mike Marty et al it would be a lot longer in the coming. There is a lot to celebrate; more slaves being freed daily.
Don’t lose hope MCarran! A family was recently reunited when the son finally threw off the disconnection policy and went back to his “SP” mother 🙂 – http://tonyortega.org/2014/07/04/scientologys-disconnection-policy-foiled-as-jeremy-powers-reunites-with-his-family/comment-page-1/
Thanks, Cindy, for your kind words of encouragement. We’ll have to have a big party when we are all reunited with our kids again. :o) I still look forward to meeting you.
Thanks to Martin and flyonthewall also. Always hate being Debbie Downer and reluctant to post when I am but love reading your words of encouragement too. Very much appreciated.
I felt the same way after reading the articles you mention. Will I ever see my daughter and 2 grandchildren? Sometimes it’s so painful. It seems I will have to wait until she experiences enough injustice and resulting duress to wake up and really take a look at this group she’s flowing power to.
So public donated $100 a ticket to contribute to a $5000 donation to CC? Gee – that wasn’t on the invite!
Poor Mario, If he’s getting his ethics in ‘a la McScabBitch, he’ll be dead within the year.
Very Sad !
He was a talented man.
What is Dottie and why does it cost 5k?
This looks like waste on an incredible scale. Waste of members’ dollars, that is. Ludicrously easy money for the church. Sad to see people burn out financially over this, but hopeful that many, many more will have woken up by Christmas.
I assume that is payment of Mario’s rent…. But I don’t know.
I apologise then. I did not realise this was for charity. How gracious of the multibillion dollar church. They do help their own, after all. I should tell my parents.
Don’t be so fast to tell your parents. They don’t help everyone. Just the high profile star artists like Michael Fairman (before they declared him) and Mario and of course Tom Cruise. But the regular little people, nothing for them.
Church? The church charged them $4000 rent (“Manor Hotel”) to hold a fundraiser for a long time member-one who probably forked over a fortune to them and had been told to return money given him by an old friend, a declared SP. That church helps nobody except the dwarf in charge..