This is a random collection of things sent in recently. There is little rhyme or reason to them.
Hubbard Logic
Wrap your brain around this. So, if there is anything you disagree with in scientology it is because you haven’t properly recalled what you already knew…
Roping in an Ideal Org
What they are actually doing is roping in some suckers. Though at this point, I cannot imagine anyone participating in any event like this that isn’t already intending to hand over some cash. The more important question. Why is the Valley OT Committee wasting time on Albuquerque when their own huge empty shell of an ideal org sits idle? I guess the ONLY thing they know how to do is beg for money to buy buildings…
Not likely…
Because they don’t have any latest news. And not much in the way of wins.
Of course, they do always have “plans.” They are planning to “go St Hill Size” and planning to “Clear the planet” and planning to “Change the civilization,” but really these are just verbalized pipe dreams. They have been saying the same things for half a century or more and are nowhere.
It’s finally time…
After 30 years. A little hollow perhaps?
Still incapable of even renovating the building they have owned since the 70’s, now they are going to get their filing done.
What have they been doing all these decades?
And why is anything ever going to change?
This rodeo is apparently special
It’s going to be the largest gathering in over a year.
Even if 3 people get together, it will be the biggest in a year.
They have set themselves a pretty low bar.
Shhh…. Don’t tell the Freewinds
Remember their recent promo that they are the only place on earth the deliver the Purif and Objectives?
This is pretty rich…
A sermon on kindness. From the same people who bring you disconnection, Fair Game, attack the attacker etc etc etc
The “Joint Graduation”
They don’t have enough graduates to each hold one, so they combine it into one to try and cover up the lack of activity.
And Graduation is now put on by the “OT Committee”? Poor old Ron is having a mental breakdown out there on Target Two thinking about how his orgs have all gone to hell. Even the Sea Org orgs. He would have had a complete meltdown if anyone had reported this in their weekly state report back when he was running scientology. There would be a whole new contingent of RPFers within 5 minutes of him reading about this.
At least they have their own…
No joint graduation here.
But they do have a “featured food”? Is it merely a coincidence that it’s grilled cheese?
More Hubbard wisdom…
You see, they all have this part down. Dreaming about unattainable goals is what they spend most of their life doing. Maybe they think if they do it enough it will make them happy?
Dreaming about a Cleared Planet. St. Hill size. Changing the civilization….
Still Webinaring it
The Chan Man is still working the suckers to earn some commissions.
But, take note, this is the “ultimate” webinar. Until the next one.
And this FSM has a “special VIP guest” — the CO FSSO… Oh Hubbard is going absolutely bonkers. A Sea Org member second fiddle to a professional FSM!!! Xenu have mercy.
More “Virtual” OTness
It’s much easier doing virtual OT stuff than actual OT stuff. Because there is no actual OT stuff.
Be Brave?
This is a really interesting pitch.
Doing the metering course is “brave”? Wow, finally some honesty in advertising.
And look who it is — the former CO New Era Publications! How are they using an ex-SO member for their promo? She must be the only person they have on course — probably trying to get through her A – E steps so she can get herself back into “good standing.”
I remember when Lena Moatty was CO NEP.
And speaking of Lena, the bold print below her ad talks about becoming brave and a Tiger at Malmo org.
A Tiger???? Per Flag Order, a continually out ethics person?
Who’s writing their copy these days?
Hi Mark,
I also remember Lena as CO NEP. She and I were pregnant around the same time and I remember her sticking up for me to get some assistance when I was waddling across the courtyard with my bike, a giant belly and a giant laundry bag.
I wonder if she’s doing her A-E so she can reconnect with her kid(s?). It was the only reason why I felt I needed to somehow complete it even after many years – until my kids reconnected and it was no longer necessary, which was such a celebration! Recently I’ve often wondered “where are they now?” about people I remember. Where were you when she was CO NEP? (You may never see this or want to answer and I’m not sure I’ll be notified if you do respond, but I hope so.)
O/T (Off-Topic) In a spirit of “Funnies,” this just in (and may need verification): The Scientologist dating site “Free Spirits” is apparently offering, for a mere small additional cost of $92 for three months, a unique feature of presenting you, in the “Age” field, with a number that is 10 years younger than you actually are.
Is this site visited and populated by ardent members of “the most ethical group on the planet” or not?
In this group, is desperation going… viral?
Now it’s definitely time to say something serious
Something serious.
I drove by the St Louis mission this afternoon. 9 cars in the parking lot. It is virtually deserted.
Isn’t that interesting!
I found the following ad in the classified ads section of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:
Wanted. I will pay $50 for your old car. Any year, make and model. It does not have to be running. In fact, it would be best if it were not running. It just needs to be a car with four tires and all of its doors and windows intact and you need to tow it to our parking lot on Delmar St in University City, MO. to collect yout $50.
Is their parking lot on Delmar St.?
P.S. This post is just my weak attempt at some humor to give us a laugh. Please do not take it seriously and tow any old cars to that address. This is just my attempt at a joke.
A Sermon on Kindness with no “verbal data”? How is that possible? In my day they just played a Hubbard lecture to get around the VD issue (deliberately called VD to make you think of the other definition for that acronym. Any explanation in your own words of something said by Hubbard is strictly verboten in Scientology).
So Michael Chan has gone up the whole Bridge to Total Freedom, guaranteed by Hubbard to produce the ultimate results possible. So in theory he has the ultimate answer, but now he is offering a webinar about it? There are only three possibilities:
1. Something Ultimate exists above OT VIII, Chan has done it and is willing to give it away free in a webinar(!?!?!)
2. The ultimate achievement of the highest level in Scientology is really not too great and we need Michael Chan to explain some random quotes from some old Hubbard lecture in 1954 that really gives the Ultimate Answer to life, the universe and everything. Sure.
3. The whole thing is a monstrous lie and Chan desperately needs some way to rope more paying shills into visiting the Freewinds. Any lie will do, preying on the desperation of those who spent the farm and mortgaged their kids to get to OT VIII but still have no idea what the Ultimate may be. And still get colds. And can’t force the boss to give them a raise using mental telepathy.
The dead giveaway is the inclusion of Sharron Weber, who would spread her legs on the dock to get a paying passenger if she wouldn’t end up incarcerated in the bilges next day. When they had the Maiden Voyage Anniversary week every year there was a source of income. Never enough, but at least the ship was full for that week. The COVID killed that last year. They are probably serving shoestrings in the galley and trying to patch the hull with the peanut butter.
The Chan Man never seems all that far away from strutting his stuff with the air of superiority over SO & staff members to scour them for any leads for gullible marks. He’s the perfect example of a “successful” Scientologist. Criminal intent with the unfaltering desire for financial benefit at the cost of ruining other people’s lives in the process. It wasn’t Scientology that made him that way, it was Scientology that gave him a home.
A curse on both!
Since “Scientology doesnt teach me it only reminds me” Can I blame Scientology for those times I walk into a room intent on doing something but forget what I was intent on doing?
Something forgot to remind me.
And I thought it was just old age
As a Photoshop expert and Disney animator I can tell you that the images created in LA/PAC Base and RIVERSIDE/GOLD BASE are miles above the others. Celeb Centre included w/PAC Base.
I’ve always thought it was weird to use pictures of empty rooms, but that Sunday Service picture with so few people is just depressing. It would be better to use the empty room!
Do they even have a plan for Toronto? Are they going to finally renovate the now-abandoned original building, or end up selling the valuable property and buying something cheaper, as they have done in a few other cases where they’ve pulled various bait and switches?
Usually central files work becomes the focus while ‘ideal’ building renovation work is already in progress, or even nearing completion. They seem to be putting the cart in front of the horse now. I wonder if there is finally some real movement towards actual renovation of a facility, or if it’s just make-work to try to keep up the illusion of progress towards what the members were long ago promised.
In Austin things apparently got drawn out that much longer, because it took them a year to get contractors to actually start work in a busy construction market. I don’t know if Toronto has anything similar going on, but Scientology’s typical strategy/dysfunction of waiting until the last minute can backfire badly.
p.s. Mike, thanks for the funnies, it’s always good to keep up with the goings on, and Orwellian propaganda, at the local orgs.
Sunday service with a sermon about kindness and even group processing!
Wow stuff to go fully exterior!
But for the sermon I would have chosen “Why People Don’t Like You?”
Yes. In the tape (disclaimer ( I am drunk as I write this) “Why people don’t like you” given on the 1st of January Nineteen hundred and sixty LRH stated that the reason that people do not like you is that they have overts on you.
Now I speak not as to whether this is true or not.. I know not of any overts my first wife Sharron Elizabeth Peterson Corbell Kimball Straass now Weber COFSSO may or may not have committed on me nor do I care after she demanded that I sign ze divorce papers after she refused to do a Marriage Co-Audit even though she was the Dir I and R FSSO at the time.
I would like to thank her for her actions.
I just got out of the hospital yesterday in my latest bout with heart failure.
I do not know how much longer I will live, but when I die, and die I shall, I will die as a free man.
Bill. Sure. A good sermon about why others don’t like them would explain that everyone outside is full of overts and withholds and they would feel more motivated and on the right side (and further brainwashed).
PS. Without wanting to go into your business but I would like to tell you to put a little more optimism towards your health. You are free since you left the cult years ago. Take care.
Thank you Loosing. I will take your advice.
A great laugh, thank you. I’m so happy to I am alive ,awake and happy because I have my dream for reconnecting to my daughter and a goal to finally meet my grandson who has also been disconnected from me. Can I get my grill cheese sandwich now?
And PS…Perhaps my video of 12 Secrets Of Scientology That Will Make You Laugh is a good addition to these funnies
In there, I believe I saw: learn Ron’s visions for blacks. A truthful representation of his vision of and for them would have any non-European running for the hills in terror. If you ain’t nearly Albino, you should avoid that seminar/webinar; avoid ‘scientology’ completely if you want any sort of life for yourself with loved ones, as “Love” is IIRC, the one topic on which Ron had nothing to say. If you follow his various trysts and affairs, it’s plain that sex was only a tool for the “magic” he wanted to create. Women, children, etc. were secondary to his getting what he wanted at that moment. The mother of course had to do all the child-rearing — without allowing the brats to disturb the big man’s “work”, of course. And it was quite okay for him to have a bevy of bimbettes in crop tops and hot pants at his beck and call ALL hours of the day and night. That doesn’t interfere with his marriage at all, them being about the ages of his most recent daughters; BEING his daughters some times. Must have been ‘interesting’ for Suzette to be working around him in that garb while she was a Messenger. Most girls I’ve known were sorta creeped out if *Dad* saw them in that light. Especially since Ron was more than 40 years older than she. AND Mary Sue was only 17 when a 40-year-old Hubbard knocked her up. His enjoyment of newly-minted women was undeniable. they were more tractable before they actually had experience.
No WONDER scn never bothered punishing rapists, especially statutory.
As we learned in the Masterson accused rape case. victims of rape or any situation are told they “pulled it in” and are made to do auditing to find out what hidden crimes they did to “pull it in”
I understand your perspective and there is no question the optics of Hubbard’s family life is a disturbing model. Although there was nothing in my video about people of color, there were very few I encountered in the years I was involved. It just so happened that my first course supervisor at the NY Org was black, Ben Gibson, and he was an amazing person. He never shared any issues of prejudice he experienced. And certainly, the dress and power given to his messengers on Flag was certainly strange.
The Funnies! I’ve missed these. Great batch as always.
By the way, I really enjoyed listening to you on David Pakman’s podcast yesterday.
As long as we are referring to podcasts, I would just like to tell everyone that I recently discovered a terrific podcast featuring Mike Rinder.
It is titled “The #1 Enemy of Scientology” and it’s all about Mike Rinder and the best part is that Mike Rinder spends about 2 hours telling his complete story. I learned so many great things about Mike that I never previously realized.
The name of the series of these podcasts is apparently “Koncrete”. But for some reason, I had enormous difficulty finding the name of the man who hosts these podcasts. His name appears to be “Daniel Jones” but I’m really not certain. It was very strange that it seemed to be such a mystery for me to find out his name.
But if any of you would like to take a look at that podcast, here is the link:
I hope that works for you.
By the way. This podcast is dated Aug. 7, 2020
thanks for the heads up, I’m going to have a listen
“So, if there is anything you disagree with in scientology it is because you haven’t properly recalled what you already knew…”
But El Con wrote that one CANNOT “make it go right” to audit someone if you haven’t trained as an auditor because scamology was NEW to this universe and you cannot thus recall it from the whole track.
Thus once again proving the axiom; Every thing Hubbard stated as fact is counted by another Hubbard statement elsewhere.
Hello Real. Please correct me if I’m wrong but I believe you meant to say “countered” instead of “counted”. I had never heard that said before but it sure does make perfect sense to me. It’s like they say about the “old sayings”. You know. Old sayings like these:
A stitch in time saves nine.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Too many cooks spoil the broth.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
The above “old sayings” all sound perfectly plausible. However, for every old saying that implies one thing, there is another “old saying” that implies the opposite”.
A stitch in time saves nine. … But … Haste makes waste.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder. … But … Familiarity breeds contempt.
Too many cooks spoil the broth. … But … Two heads are better than one.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. … But … Don’t throw good money after bad.
I used to know many more examples like these. Unfortunately, I never wrote them down anywhere.
Thanks Skyler23, I DID indeed mean “countered”.
That was a nice list!
Micheal Chan is found!!! He is alive and ready to get 10% of whatever money you can be talked into giving up. Praise the Lron!!!
I hate white letters on a light color background. Whomever writes these invitations needs some serious education in the art of advertising.
The bait and switch.
Scientology writes propganda to make people think Scientologists are respecful of you taking off work to do their fraudulant brainwashing services.
Just wait until Lena Moatty goes to the Fraud Scam Base. She will take off 2 weeks of work and will lose her job because the extortionists at Flag won’t let her go anywhere. It is like being lured into a trap, where the parasites feed off of your hard work and saved earnings.
You will go home Broke and Broken.
It’s the Mecca of Technical Extortion!
The Fraud Scam Base – Scientology’s Advanced Criminal Organization.
O/T. New novel set in the world of Scientology: In Search of Emily Valentine: A Colleen Broadhurst Adventure [7], by Christine B.
Kindle $2.99
February 4, 2021
214 pages
Paperback $5.82
February 4, 2021
190 pages
* * * * * BEGIN INTRODUCTION * * * * *
Emily Valentine grew up as a child in the Church of Scientology. Her parents were in the church, so she did not know any better. However, there came a time in her life when the teachings and the deeds of the church became more than Emily could deal with, so she decided to leave. She discovered that leaving the church was not as easy as simply walking away. It took on deadly complications not only for her, but for her fiancé, as well, who was working undercover for the San Francisco Chronicle News Paper. Colleen and Lisa get involved with Emily’s ordeal when her father hires them to find her after she disappears. The Intuitive Detective Agency finds out more than they wanted to know about the Church of Scientology and how they operate when they attempt to find Emily and help her escape to a new life.
* * * * * END INTRODUCTION * * * * *
In the book, the author defines SP and PTS, albeit somewhat incorrectly, and recommends Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath.
Memorialized with three screenshots on ESMBR and Instagram at:
Christine B, the author of the novel “In Search of Emily Valentine: A Colleen Broadhurst Adventure [7],” tweeted:
“In my newest book, “In Search of Emily Valentine” I take on the “religious” cult, Scientology. After watching Leah Remini’s three-year program series, “Scientology, The Aftermath” I was inspired to write about the horrible things the Church of Scientology does to its members.”
The first thing that amazes me is that they made Malmo an ideal org (when I was still at DK it was in the top 10 of the less productive orgs).
Secondly, not only are they using a known former SO for a promo, but that they are using someone who certainly hadn’t gotten out of the SO greatly. As Mike says they had no others. They were brave to use her.
Some time ago to put someone on a promo needed a lot of approvals. How times change.
largest in a YEAR? I guess that was 2020, when the “planetary bullbait” kept everyone at home, not available for the normal shake-downs. That upset the Twerp™ no end, so he spread the word for orgs to hurry up and do some super-spreader events amongst the un-vaxxed. That COULD cut down the number of ‘scientologists’, so in keeping with his master plan to thoroughly dismantle what’s left of scientology after he carved out what was important to him: the MONEY
“after he carved out what was important to him: the MONEY”
Jere, this is something that has to be a mental disorder. How much money does he need? Is that the only thing in his life? He doesn’t seem to get it that he will leave in a hearse, not an armored car.
Peggy. As true scientologist he venerates stats! And stats must grow.
Money means for him protection and power.
It means vagons of lawyers and potential huge media campaigns to defend himself.
In other words it is a paranoic behavior. It has become a mental fixation. Any unexpected drop that falls around him make this paranoia stronger.
Loosing my Religion,
From all my personal experience with the diminutive midget I honestly suspect he is Adolf Hitler reincarnated. He uses anger and aggression (both physical and emotional) as well as invalidation to control everyone around him. He is a control freak who aggressively sucked on the power bestowed to him as one of Hubbard’s messengers. He has a thirst for money and lives an expensive lifestyle. He is uncaring, uncompassionate and solely interested in power and money. And that is truly all he is devoted to. He has eradicated what little good there ever was in Scientology and replaced it with an unrelenting lust for the almighty dollar. The only good thing I can see is hopefully his actions will ultimately bring the cult to extinction when more members like me wake up and walk out.
Glenn perhaps this is happening. He will gaze at all the money he has stored in the accounts alone while the cult will sound empty like all the idle orgs he has created. In the history books will be remembered just as a dispotic person.
Loosing my Religion, great point that he is paranoid, and just what that money means to him as far as protection of his status and power.
It’s really a pathetic existence he has,
Peggy it is so. It reminds me that here in Italy there are certain Mafia bosses who hide in underground hiding places but who have all the comforts. For years hidden and from there they command. But they can’t go out or enjoy the money they have or live a normal life. As prisoners.
He will leave in a hearse – not an armored car.
Words to live by.
Also words to die by.
Hopefully he will leave in a police car, handcuffed and doing the perp walk.
Right, Peggy L. But to a narcissist, the money and appearance of power he’s accrued is what “proves” that he “won” the Game. It’s all about him and what a big being he is, all other evidence to the contrary.