A few promotional items sent in over the last week. Of course, it was Mother’s Day, which seemed oddly inappropriate to fall on the same day as Dianetics was published, because Dianetics reflects Hubbard’s dystopian view of women — a great deal of the book is devoted to the idea that women routinely seek to self-abort their pregnancies. Somehow, everyone supposedly has these “engrams” from their time in the womb…
But it is also a reflection of the decline of scientology that “Dianetics Day” — once one of the “big” international events where the newest Dianetics sponsored race car would be shown, and Dianetics on bestseller lists would be announced with huge fanfare — are now tame local affairs, combined with “graduation.”
Open House…
The scientology open house features the Pastor of the “Agape Church on the Move”?
Nobody from the Nation of Islam was available?
Or heaven forbid, an actual scientologist?
We are gearing up…
Everyone in scientology is always “gearing up” for the “next big thing.” But nothing ever happens.
Getting ready to prepare to start beginning to plan for monumental, watershed, epic expansion.
Do I sound self-confident to you?
And that tag “L. Ron Hubbard — my best friend” is a bit of a giveaway. When a dead person is your best friend you gotta rethink your life.
Communistic? Socialistic?
And scientology says it’s apolitical?
This looks like a promo piece from the John Birch society.
Join the Sea Org
There are good looking women.
Big cameras.
Come for the BBQ, Waffles and Popcorn
Maybe you can check out our “special” graduation too.
Oh, forgot to mention, the food is not free. We just imply it is.
An “Exclusive” briefing
Well, not so much. They’re held “daily”.
Also, NOT inspiring. And definitely not “Must-see.”
Dianetics + Graduation = Nothingburger
Wow! A Sunday Brunch!
And all you have to do is get 5 people into CC to see the Must-see, exclusive event….
And not only that, a commendation.
Such a deal.
CC is going all out for Hawaii
Valley seems to be focused on Albuquerque. CC on Hawaii.
You have to wonder why when they are so desperate they’re offering free brunch if you can get people in the door to watch a video? Maybe they should be doing events to raise money for themselves?
Mother’s Day Bash
Brought to you by the folks who have destroyed Mother’s Day for an uncountable number of mothers who have lost their children to disconnection and children who have lost their mothers to disconnection.
Seating is limited
Seriously? That old lie?
They didn’t have one third of the seats filled.
Dianetics featured food
Italian sodas are “food”?
And I thought Celebrity Center was the home of artists? Seriously, the best they could come up with for the big Dianetics celebration is Mitch Talevi? Not even David Campbell and Raven Kane?
I just had a totally mind-blowing realization while reading this: the COS is exactly like Q-anon: they promise the world but nothing ever happens! Q has been promising earth shaking events about to happen for years but nothing actually occurs. Same with the COS.
Does “staying well” mean doing the Purif? I keep expecting them to push it as a sort of cure for COVID, and for the vaccines, including to outsiders who are into the currently all too popular pseudo-scientific and conspiracy theories about it all….
And I wonder if that would fit in any way with the Freewinds now pushing themselves as THE place to do the purif…..
Good grief, Noelle North. One of those “only famous in scientology” types, and one of the most annoying people I’ve ever met. She’s going to be one of the bitter-enders as scientology circles the drain.
Sadly, her brother Serge, who was also a very dedicated and active scientologist, passed away at the young age of 52. You’d think something like that might make her wonder about the workability of the “tech”.
Noelle North & Taryn Teuch!!
Hey Mike if there are 20 million scientologists (according to the church it’s something like that) why all the years and grueling fundraising to make the ideal orgs? Couldn’t they just get a couple bucks from each member when they wanted to buy and renovate a building?
Because there aren’t 20 million members. There never were.
At best the cult had say 100,000 members.
Jonny Jacobsen had a great story: https://medium.com/how-many-scientologists-are-there-really/counting-scientology-7-best-estimates-7746dc6d59aa
The lowest estimates were 20,000 which was before Going Clear and Leah’s show. Can these days only be even lower if you ask me.
Yes, at its ABSOLUTE highest (using BIS as a weekly stat and using its median over a year) 50,000 is the highest it has ever gotten to on a worldwide basis. And that was late 70’s- mid 80s. Undoubtedly some more people would have claimed to be scientologists but were not actually doing any services.
Somehow I’m not surprised that the Sea Org use Nikon cameras. This may just be a coincidence, but there is a fairly ‘prestigious’ Nikon camera shop in London – Grays of Westminster – which is owned and staffed (almost?) exclusively by Scientologists. The founder (Gray Levett) even did a video extolling the virtues of Miscavige. They used to hold photography workshops at Saint Hill Manor, which I believe Bob Keenan may have had a hand in. A fair few important people have seemingly been safe pointed by the shop.
Just seen that the Celebrity Centre Mothers Day thing has music from a Maia Zakay. Wonder if she is any relation to Grays co owner Uri Zakay? Apparently he runs their US office, and has been stuck in the US since the start of the COVID pandemic.
Oh how sneaky this cult really is. They try to promote this “Stay Well Prevention Program”. But what they don’t tell you is that after you must pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to buy all their bogus phony courses and after you have to max out all your credit cards to make donations, you will no longer ever have any money that you need to stay well.
In other words, their Stay Well Prevention Program is actually a program that …
Please, WHAT is an “Italian Soda”? We have a lot of Italians locally and I’ve never heard of that. Is it tutti-fruity flavored or something?
Hey Jere,
I think that might be the thing that is soda like a church but it’s actually a criminal organization set up as a for-profit business masquerading as a religion
European sodas usually don’t use corn syrup, just straight sugar. I have no idea how they are flavored. Pssst….keep away from the Calamari flavored soda….
Calamari GOES with white wine. Never sodas!!!!!!!
I hear the soda with olive oil and licorice with mint flavouring isn’t too bad, although you might want sit fairly close to the thunderbox after drinking it. Just a little warning.
Italian sodas mix carbonated water and syrup together manually.
Torani syrup is an example.
“Dianetics + Graduation = Nothingburger”
Not even a decent BUN on that Nothingburger
It’s all just air and we’re supposed to imagine what SHOULD be there.
Hey Jere,
That sounds just like the results of donations to this cult.
You think they will do something good. But they don’t do nothing no how.
O/T. I like to note the tension inherent in the Church of Scientology’s simultaneous embrace of the MAGA community (as expressed by Scientologists generally) and of the Nation of Islam (as a matter of formal institutional partnership).
Here, that tension is demonstrated by the support by Scientology Patron Meritorious Joy Villa for Israel:
In contrast to the support by Scientology Youth for Human Rights Award Winner Nation of Islam Brother Rizza Islam for the Palestinians:
I express no opinion on the underlying issues and my post is not political in nature. I post the above only to demonstrate the tension in Scientology’s simultaneous embrace of two political and social movements that are diametrically opposed to each other.
Memorialized with four screenshots on ESMBR at:
Nothing unusual there at all ISNOINews. Same thing with corporations in the US who give generously to both major political parties. It is a CYA thing and not a political statement by the companies involved. Trump for example before running for PotUS gave the VAST majority of his political contributions to Democrats (and was a democrat) and was LOVED by them and the bigwigs in that party.
A few awards given to Trump:
1976 Humanitarian Award by the National Jewish Health;
1983 Tree of Life Award by the Jewish National Fund;
1986 Ellis Island Award given to Trump, Rosa Parks and Muhammad Ali;
1990 video of the Rev. Jesse Jackson lauding Trump as a friend to minorities and undeserved communities. Jackson expressed appreciation for Trump’s support of the Rainbow Push Coalition’s initiative called the Wall Street Project, which aimed to help minority-owned businesses;
1995 President’s Medal by the Freedom Foundation (Washington) for his support of youth programs;
2007 Muhammad Ali Entrepreneur Award;
When he ran as a Repub of course he was attacked by his former party (Democrats.) Happens both directions. Repubs have attacked prominent people for switching to Dem. and tried to smear them. Only idiots get caught up in such party and media generated insanity and then forward it.
“The food is not free although we imply that it is.”
More importantly:
The food is not actually food although we imply that it is.
Ever tasted week-old macaroni and cheese with sliced faux-tofu hot dogs?
You’ll be sorry!
Seating is limited in the garden pavilion – it is in someone’s garden, not the famous venue.
The Sea Org lady with the big camera – she’s wearing a sparkling ring on her wedding finger, so keep those inappropriate 2D thoughts for the sec-check.
‘Tis a shame we’re not even allowed to THINK about it. I was so taken by her face & eyes, I completely missed the engagement ring. I’m out of practice.
My first thought was “Is she really Sea Org?” The trend to use models instead of actual staff in publicity has been noted, almost certainly because members in the pictures kept getting declared suppressive.
“We are gearing up for IMPRECISE expansion!” would have be perfect.
The guy in the promo from Central Ohio remembers me a lot Charles Bronson – hey dude ready to get some justice in!?
Food Italian Sodas?!? I can confirm that here in Italy the sodas are all liquid form. One doesn’t have to chew them.
There are good looking women
Big cameras
– – Yup
So then,
How come the only women Sea Orgs I’ve ever seen are semi-emaciated vitamin deficient with saggy cameras?
– –
Scientology does reek of desperation and yet … 3 billion dollars will go a long way.
Good one, Diane!
Good one, Diane!