Just a few of the things that have been forwarded to me recently. Some are a little old. But nothing really changes in scientology, it just gets smaller.
People have been asking for Thursday Funnies to come back. It somewhat depends on what comes in. Once the pandemic hit, the volume of promotional items they sent out decreased. But it seems to be coming back now. Not sure if I will do this every Thursday, but here is an installment to satisfy the need for some humor on this topic.
“Get some of the most praised products!”
And what might they be? This place is dead as a doornail.
New “friends”?
This is what a trip to Flag has to offer these days? Lizard friends?
Why do they show a ship at sea?
The Freewinds has been tied up at a dock in Aruba for more than a year. When you go to the Freewinds you are actually taking a trip to a hotel in Aruba where you have to remain in the “bubble” for 14 days.
Albuquerque “milestone” event
Wonder if they are announcing the milestone of 18 YEARS of fundraising and they still don’t have enough money to buy an ideal org?
And isn’t a “virtual” event where you have to register and sign in on line sort of self-defeating for a masquerade “ball”?
An “Extravaganza”
Not unless you consider crush regging to be something that qualifies as an extravaganza.
There isn’t much good news in scientology these days, wonder what bs they are foisting off? The great success of scientology in the pandemic?
Why would anyone not just go to the “ideal” org in Perth but fly 3500 miles to Auckland to do the Purif? (It’s about the same distance as New York to Dublin)…
And this is such a strange success story for the Purif — carrying guilt?
Oh, and by the way, as of a few days ago, Auckland org is now closed again.
We are all Eternal Spiritual Beings
Unless we haven’t read these books?
Maybe Invite Tom Cruise?
He seems to have trouble in this area….
Graduating Churros?
Did they do the Purif? Study a Basic Book?
What is “The Magic of OT Power”?
Perhaps the illusion that it exists?
That’s quite something…
Imagine what is going to happen when she gets some auditing?
Oh, that’s embarrassing. She put this on Facebook last year…
Her eyesight resisted all that auditing — including Dianetics, all the Grades and the Wall of Fire — but suddenly improved from reading Level 0?
Commodore’s Messengers Needed
Question. Why? He never came back. Overdue on his 21 year leave from the Sea Org….
SO who are they “messengering” for?
“PR” Workshop
Learn from the experts who have guided scientology to unprecedented levels of bad PR.
AOLA Intro Courses?
This tells you everything you need to know how about how busy they are delivering the OT levels.
Graduating Waffles
Food has become an important element of “graduation” it seems.
And now they’re adding movies too.
The Chan Man Cometh
A “Congress” with “seminars”? So, not really a “Congress”, more like a 2 day reg session…
What’s the deal here?
I thought it was supposed to be “solve it with scientology?” not movies?
Didn’t Hubbard have some bad things to say about wasting time bowling rather than being on course?
More dilettantism…
You called Michael Chan ‘The Chan Man’! How could you?! After he told you to stop doing that! After he told you how you hurt his feelings and that it was racist or something like that! How he threatened you with a lawsuit if you ever did it again! After he………….
Y’know. On second thought, good move!
Re: Commodore’s Messengers Needed
“Question. Why? He never came back. Overdue on his 21 year leave …”
LRH BOLO! –> https://i.imgur.com/PA7kRbT.jpg
Has the CMO been renamed “Captain’s Messengers”?
OMG! Flag has been overrun by lizards? They probably came to feast on the cockroaches, TBT.
45-50 years ago, they were endemic. Almost as bad as NY and LA.
Hey, I approve of the lizard.
Looks trustworthy enough to me. 😀
An eye sight improvement of 0.75-1 over 20 years is hardly surprising.
My eye sight has improved by 2 and 1.75 in the last 20 years. Not a scientologist and about $250,000 less in debt from not spending all that on scientology courses
The pictures of ASHO Chapel reminded me of how it
was used as a birthing in the late 80’s for all RPF’ers.
All men and women had to pick up old dirty mattresses
from the ASHO courtyard and run with these filthy
rotting things to the chapel, place them on tables they
first put out, undress and put on some bed clothes and
hop on the improvised bed and fall asleep. All 100 RPFers
sleeping in one room dedicated as place of “worship”.
The horror stories in Scientology never ceases.
Glad to see they haven’t forgotten about the L’s. Those must be the most profitable at the moment.
The Ls always were major cash cows. ‘Course, 40 years ago, they actually had Class XIIs to deliver them. Since, Dwarfnführer® eliminated the SHSBC as & *squirrel*, the very thing Ron created the course to eliminate. Thus, there aren’t any auditors honestly classed above IV, not that Davey cares a whit about honesty, of course.
Wow, my favorite all time con man – Chan the Man, is still strutting his dribble. It must work on the ‘not quite bright’ and fill his wallet. I’ll have to give him that. He probably sees people people like I see fish when I have a fly rod in my hand.
Had a bit of meltdown the other day and shouted at a few people. 2 of my extended family both very old and sick OT8s preaching about the evils of vaccines and about not going to the doctors about anything. Wish they’d both just, “shut the fuck up!” The hypocritical dimwits are both on prescription drugs they try to keep secret – why?? Possible commissions maybe?
I will have to give Scientology an extra gold star for being one of the more evil of organisational pursuits though. I realized talking casually to those infected with knowing, and God forbid listening to my OT8 relatives that how many decent folk have been poisoned against all sorts of philosophies. Hubbard did his self contradictory work really well, and since his pinched the work of so many before him, reorganised it and copyrighted it for own personal monetary gains and bs glory only he can define. He rates lower than shark pooh or shonky lawyers the more I realise what he actually did. The church he created is truly one sick fuck of an organisation.
Albuquerque bought a historic building in 2007, left it derelict for a decade and then finally put it back on the market, instead buying an ugly, largely windowless monstrosity out in an office park – which they have still failed to make any progress on in the last 3 or 4 years. It’s a milestone of inability and incompetence in Scientology’s decline, along with Boston (also on its second derelict building), St Louis (also trying to unload the decaying historic building they bought in 2007), Battle Creek, New Haven, Philadelphia, and numerous other moldering properties with histories of failed promises around the world.
Albuquerque Virtual Masquerade Event. Great I have a skeleton that I could put a captain’s cap on, stick a menthol cigarette in it’s mouth and attend as Tubby aged 110.
“Friends of Ron Seminar” Do they mean Ron Jeremy?
One of the consequences of the pandemic is cruise lines have been closed down. Older cruise ships have been retired earlier. Many older cruise ships have been placed for sale (even the S.S. United States is up for sale!) or scrapped. The M.V. Freewinds could be replaced cheaply.
otherless, the SS United States was retired in the 1960’s. It has been rusting for over 50 years…
The MV Fleecewinds isn’t docked because of the pandemic. It was pretty much motionless before due to lack of funds due to lack of Solo NUTS completions coming from Flog, the Mecca of Scamming.
New Book: Scientology: Belief, Practice, Other Religions & Apostates, by Bryan R. Wilson.
Paperback $14 68
FORB Publications (August 24, 2021)
158 pages
* * * * * BEGIN DESCRIPTION * * * * *
In this compilation, Bryan Wilson, the acknowledged dean of the study of new religions, provides a clear and concise overview of the development of a tolerant society and of the nature of the religious diversity which has emerged hand-in-hand with it. In the West, the rise of diversity has been accompanied theologically by a reevaluation (and discarding) of some claims for uniqueness formerly espoused within the Christian community, a process largely dictated by the expanding awareness of the world’s religions.
Within Christianity, generations of theological battles have produced several thousand denominations and a seemingly endless set of variations in theology, organizational forms, church life, worship and ethical commitments. Here you will find comparisons between Scientology and other religions, while unveiling the controversies that have come with it from its beginning. While new religions are targeted by ex-members, which Wilson mentions as “apostates”, it is a fact that every religion and social movement has them, and here you can find an analysis of how reliable can their testimonies be.
Bryan R. Wilson (1926-2004) was Reader Emeritus in Sociology at the University of Oxford and President of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion (1971–75). He became a Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford in 1963.Wilson was the author of several influential books on new religious movements.
* * * * * END DESCRIPTION * * * * *
Memorialized with an image on ESMBR, WWP and Instagram at:
This is a very old paper by Bryan Wilson who died in 2004. I knew him and doubt he would have written this today. He was spoon fed information by scientology before the days of the overwhelming evidence now accessible in the media and on the internet. Most of the “apostates” at that time were positioned as money-grubbing litigants. That pitch doesn’t work today. It’s why they are resorting to newly publishing old shit. They can’t get anyone reputable to buy the bs any longer.
Yeah, I hesitated to post news of the book anywhere for that reason. However, my policy is to try to note all new books (and news items, for that matter), good or bad, if they are substantive, so that people know what’s out there and can, if necessary, refute or otherwise address them.
It is also possible that parts of the book *might* have value despite the fact that he was horribly unscientific in his “apostate” analysis, and succumbed to bias and the use of loaded language adopting that nomenclature.
Hey! Wasn’t Bryan Wilson one of the Beachboys? 😂
What would happen to someone who showed up at the masquerade in a David Miscavige mask?
Brilliant. I know what I’ll be wearing this Halloween.
A Dave Mustsavage mask with a podium in front. All you really would need was the podium wearing the Pompadour.
Also i find it telling that the marriage seminar says all are welcome but the large graphics at the end are obviously heteronormative couples.
Is anything but heteronormal a true marriage? certainly homosexual dalliances aren’t contributing to the 2nd dynamic section of “Children: creation and raising of.” Aren’t they 1.1 covertly hostile, thus subject to humane disposal?
Dear Jere:
A lot of them (25 million) were disposed of when AIDS came along.
But I don’t bash them anymore when I realized that without the stacks of dead homes, they would not have come with a treatment for AIDS in time and I would be dead.
On the other hand, the blood transfusion I received probably came from a homo.
Hell, I would have been dead anyway, probably from suicide anyway
HIV/AIDS is deadly without treatment, but the S.O. is uniformly fatal, especially if you believe as I once did that you were better off dead than leaving the S.O.
“… you were better off dead than leaving the S.O.”
Is there ANYONE who didn’t entertain that thought while in the SO? 2PM on Thursdays was my trigger.
I started scienbollocks at Albuquerque, 1995-ish…It was dead THEN and is emitting the gases of decomposition now.
Miss Cabbage is one truly dumb, greedy beeotch.
The beatings, extortion, and lying shall continue until NO ONE IS LEFT!
Oh hi, Mark!
Someone asked the other day if the Scientology: Fair Game podcasts were on YouTube. I don’t know how long they have been there, but all (or almost all?) of the podcasts are collected at the Scientology: Fair Game YouTube website.
It is listed under the Steve Wronker website, why I do not know. I’ve tried several of the videos at random, and so far they all work properly.
O/T. US Weekly: Church of Scientology Is Facing ‘Tough Times’ Amid Leah Remini and Laura Prepon’s Exits
By Meredith Nardino
3 hours ago.
Instead of the organization facing tough times *because of Prepon’s and Leah’s leaving, it’s more properly that they left because of the tough times scientology’s been having; especially its being run by the most successful squirrel in scientology’s history.
What about Travolta ?
His last interview to Kevin Hart ,doesn’t he sounds like normal person, wog ?
https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/82a 38210002
OTC=Ostensibly Trite Cosplay
Creating New Echo Chambers
Postulating More Theta Spasming
Forging Onanistic Creations Knowingly(FOCK)
Woosh! Winning!😉😂😂😂😂
Mark observed:”
Everyone should now write up their ‘Success stories’!
If ever there was a time for it, it’s now. 😇
” I feel lighter…”
That’s because it is an illegal download. Mike has mentioned before that they do not and have never, authorized it to be on youtube. Just an FYI
NOW Pac graduation is on SATURDAY???
When I was on the BC 2003-2006, there were still enough grads at ASHO Day alone to have its OWN graduation at 6 pm Friday right after course.
Guess that THOSE days are long gone.
And yet Scientologists who are allegedly in “present time” after the SRD don’t even seem to NOTICE …Hmmm … A puzzlement …
YEs, LONG gone. When I was at ASHO on Mission in 1976, Briefing Course students had to arrive early to ensure they got a seat and the roll call of 200 or so students went on forever even though the sup read out the names like one of those people giving disclaimers at the end of a drug ad.
I was at ASHO from mid-’99 to late 2002, and the course rooms were ALWAYS packed. I would literally run to the canteen to get a snack on a break so that I wouldn’t be late getting back into the course room.
At lunch time, the street outside would be full of people…
I am very happy that this is no longer the case!
Yeah, Mark. I got there in Oct, 2002 to do Pro TRs and Metering before getting on the BC. LOTS of students .
*love your comment above the PR promo!
As an eye care professional its not uncommon for -(negative) prescriptions to get better(less negative) in middle aged ppl. It just means they’ve been over corrected for a number of years and they finally can’t handle it anymore. Usually happens in the 30s or 40s. Happens all the time to “wogs” so does that mean they’ve some how stumbled on to LRH tech on their own and don’t need scientology? Or is it a normal explainable thing that happens to a lot of ppl every day? They’re so quick to look for their magic space powers instead of more probable and logical explainations.
That’s what I thought…
Give her another five years, and I wonder if she will find the need for bifocals and/or reading glasses. If she gets bifocals, will that be a Success Story [TM][R]?
Speaking of near miracles, I went with bifocal contact lenses for a while and was very impressed with the technology level.
O/T. The Daily Beast: David Duchovny Turned Down Scientology, Doesn’t Care About UFOs, and Loves Making Sweet Music
The actor, novelist and musician opens up about his new album “Gestureland,” why “Californication” couldn’t be made today, and telling Xenu to f*ck off.
Marlow Stern
Senior Entertainment Editor
Updated Aug. 26, 2021 6:24AM ET
Published Aug. 26, 2021 4:34AM ET
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Q. I’ve reported a lot on Scientology and did a story on your good friend Jason Beghe, and how he stood up to the Church of Scientology. I’m curious what it was like for you to lose one of your best friends to Scientology? I’ve never lost a close friend of mine to a cult, so I can’t imagine what that must have been like. And did they ever try to recruit you?
A. Well, Jason and I drifted apart during that time, because Scientology hangs with their own when they’re doing it. We’d see each other from time to time, and I noticed that his vocabulary was different. The way he described the world and his experiences, particularly his psychological experiences, was not cult-ish and had changed completely. Either I didn’t have the balls to slap him and snap him out of it, or he said it was working for him, or… maybe I failed him as a friend during those years? I did go to his wedding at the Celebrity Centre in Los Angeles, and they made a play for me. I did squeeze the cans and I did a session on the E-meter, and I realized immediately, because they’re asking very personal questions, that they were gathering information that I didn’t want to give out to a stranger. So, the session didn’t go well. I didn’t play by the rule, and I never went back. And Jason, to his credit, never tried to recruit me. He only “recruited” me in the sense of saying, “This is great, and I think you should try it,” not anything harder than that.
Q. You dodged a pretty big psychological and financial bullet. They drain people dry.
A. They really do. And that’s another thing—the tax code. I don’t really understand it. It’s a “religion,” but who figured that out? There are other religions that are tax-exempt that have a lot of wealthy people in them as well, so it’s really a question of taxes and religions, but it’s also a question of: How do you define yourself as a religion? Why can’t I be my own religion of one and stop paying taxes? I think that’s what Jeff Bezos is up to!
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
The movies, games and food should be a huge red flag. Obviously this isn’t about getting the most workable technology out there to save the planet before we’re all destroyed by the psyches!
Unbelievable. What a joke. Hopefully this wakes a few up.
Thanks Mike some good laughing is always welcome.
Speaking of OT Powers. Time ago we were talking to this OT8 who had just had his car stolen while he was at the restaurant, and my friend was puzzled that this had happened and asked him if he had “perceived it”. The OT said that he had feel it.
So my friend told him then with the OT powers you can find it. The guy replied that it did not work like that.
I concluded that he just got bloody pull-in. There was no other scn explanation and so no real OT abilities.
Ask.your self ,60+ years of history ,have your ever read about any incident,in newspapers, they used their Ziom Zoom powers to save fellow humans from flood , hurricane, earth quake, terrorism etc ,etc , etc
Leave it , have they ever helped their neighbours with Zoom zoom powers , fix their car, financial problem, speedy recovery from illness etc etc etc
Leave it ,ever helped their family members in time of need
Leave it as well , have they ever themselves get benefitted from the ,so called, Zoom zoom power.
Fake & Fraud is the end phenomenon of any Cult.
Mark, that 60+ year history of failure also effectively puts the lie to virtually all of Dianetics and Scientology’s claims. Even the basic promises of Dianetics, like improving eyesight and memory, have never panned out, much less the OT powers of Scientology’s bridge. Scientology has never produced anyone of extraordinary ability, though they have recruited some existing celebrities (whose careers often seem to stagnate or even tank) and a couple of successful wealthy people.
Then kudos to them, they have technology to slave people by making them robot ( avoid to use word “stupid” as it may offend the ex Scientologist).
They believe them, act upon teachings, support them and ……get their life waisted.
The beauty is that robot control robot.
About second point you raised.
No celebrity at its peak join Cult.
It always when they are rising stars, need push (monetary or personal) for their careers.
That’s catch 22 , when they go down they bring along Cult together.
That’s what happening now.
Albuquerque, ‘milestone’ or millstone (as in ‘millstone around your necks’)?
The Purif in Auckland.
No masks, no social distancing, sitting in a hot, unventilated box jammed together with others for hours whilst the covid pandemic is raging around the world. OMG! Dumb as a box of rocks.
Plus two week quarantine, and risk of sudden lock downs so they can track the contacts of individual cases.
Here in NZ we’ve been living a pretty normal life for the past year (Level 1) with a few short lockdowns in between. We’ve had large concerts and gatherings while at Level 1 so it’s quite feasible to have done the purif then too.
Sadly Delta arrived mid August and from 1 single case, the country has been put in Level 4 lockdown (we go hard and fast with isolation protocols here)
I’m a never in (in-laws are/were involved) and think the purif is dangerous but wanted to explain how it could easily have been done. 😊
This is off topic, i wouldn’t take offense if deleted Mike.
Kiwigal could you please tell me what the general feeling of these quick and heavy lockdowns are in New Zealand ? Im in Melbourne who has adopted a New Zealand like quick sharp and hard lockdown approach, which has had a mixed reaction from the public and as time goes on is becoming a more emotional and devisive issue. This is partly due to lockdowns having had mixed results – as New Zealand has had a lot of success with this method im wondering what public opinion is like, are the overwhelming majority understanding of the lockdown measures by Jacinta ?? … One of the most popular politicians in the world whp rarely people disagree with.
Hello KiwiGal,
This may be off topic but I don’t know when I might have the opportunity to tell you this again.
The following is just my opinion based on my experiences. But …
Of all the people I’ve ever met in my life, Kiwis have been the most sensible by a country mile.
Danes have been the kindest and most interesting.
I will stop here because everybody’s mama always told me that thing that mamas are always telling about how not saying something nice and how not saying something at all. Know what I mean?
yet the covid 19 virus has never been filtered reproduced and isolated unlike HIV which has. I suppose we must all believe that the RT-PCR test ( a tets for an infection-non specific) is the best way to con the world a deadly virus is about.
Well watch this space, within the next 2 years everything you thought was going back to normal will be gone.
There WILL be life changing planetary system in office within 5 years
The Governments are being advised (lied to) by some of the most dangerous creatures about.
forget about the Org and Scientology, everything you people thought about is going to be history.
Look at the way China is run and that is how your life will be in time, oh and if you think this is just a conspiracy theory, see how australia and northen Ireland is treating anyone who questions the current science of lies and distortions.
If you people think you are going to get the life you had back, FORGET IT!
Just some scientists who work for humanity NOT some Big Pharma or suppressive Government.
Already 1000’s have died from thesee toxic vaccines and lies about the figures are told.
A vaccine is NOT supposed to breech the blood/brain barrier (congress hearing hearing a few years ago) it is not supposed to have aliminuim in it nor arsonic or aliminium.
A vaccinne is not supposed to fail after a few months requiring endless boosters.
Well good luck and crack -on the lot of you!
Another scientologist?
Covid 18,
Sorry, Imma goin’ in on your ignorant ass…with factual data!
Can you deal with FACTS?
Here ya go:
This is a PDF you can download. It’s the covid 19 genome(yes, it has been isolated & reproduced, knucklehead)
Here’s the list of ingredients, fuckwit:
I am calling you names because this information is READILY AVAILABLE FROM MULTIPLE, REPUTABLE SOURCES!
Kindly pull your head out of your rectum and shower thoroughly, WITH SOAP!
Thank you.
Thank you so much for all you said. I couldn’t have done better. Way to go my friend. Think all others here will agree.
You’re welcome. But, I think you may be mistaken. No matter how this pandemic unfolds, Scientology will likely be with us for a very long time.
It may be a despicable cult. But there is a reason it has lasted for 70 years and will continue to outlast everyone here. Their legal position takes advantage of the First Amendment and as such, it’s going to be just about impossible to shut it down.
Sending money to support this blog is pointless. Mike may have found something he enjoys. But there is a good reason why so many of his posts are highly repetitive and change nothing.
I would like to see the end of this cult. But in my opinion, at the rate things are going, it will continue to operate for many years to come and all of the posts here are sadly a waste of time and money.
The line from MacBeth comes to mind, “…. full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing.”
People would be much better off if you warned them about real threats – like the hurricane approaching Louisiana. It’s just a waste of time warning people about this cult. There is virtually no way to shut it down.
There is indeed a reason this despicable cult has been around for such a very long time and will likely continue to be around for a very long time.
It has a lot to do with a quote that about half of the kids in my graduating high school class put into their yearbooks.
I never figured out why so many of those kinds seemed to like this quote. But here it is:
“One person with their mind made up sure can push around a whole lot of folks.”
Hey Glenn,
It’s utterly maddening…to encounter that kind of willful(it seems to me) ignorance.
I have a neighbor who talks just like this Covid18 person talks.
Most people I know go out of their way to avoid him.
Go figure!
How right, and then there’s even all that nasty Dihydrogenmonoxide!
(… Aka, water…)
You wrote:
“is not supposed to have aliminuim in it nor arsonic or aliminium.”
You mean, “aluminium”?
You mean, “arsenic”?
You mean, “aluminium”,… again?
Do you even re-read your gobbledegook?
Just a good guess: you wouldn’t for the life of you know the difference between “fluorine” and “fluoride” either, isn’t it?
Hint: these suffixes (endings) are not a matter of optional embellishments to be arbitrarily used at will and to sound smart.
Inevitable conclusion: You know shit.
Funny how easy it is for two different people to come to two different conclusions.
My conclusion is: That Covid18 person was educated in a scientology school where they weren’t too fussy about stuff like reading, writing and spelling
and if you donated a lot of money, they weren’t too fussy about anything at all – things like rape and incest and murder and stuff like that.
When you spoke of “the way China is run”, I assumed you meant the way that cults are run.
I cannot think of any example that is more like China than cults.
There is one “Dear Leader” at the top and and everyone else has almost zero human rights. That is a very appropriate way to describe a cult.
Interesting – I don’t know the age of the lady whose eyesight improved, but if she’s over mid-40’s and nearsighted, almost everyone in that category has an improvement in their eyesight. It’s a natural by-product of aging – happened to me and to several of my friends.
Me too.
I didnt realize this was a common thing. I thought it was a result of no longer reading Hubbard…
😂 😂 😂!
I’ll bet you a million bucks that was EXACTLY why your eyesight improved my friend. EXACTLY why.