I recently did a post about this scientologist, Dave Kushin and his crazy conspiracy theories.
His nuttiness has gone from bad to worse…
And then there is this, from Jim Rego, a guy who apparently had quite a following in the scientology bubble.
He sends out a lot of conspiracy theory stuff and rants about the “lamestream media” etc
Frankly, what these guys spout is not really more outrageous than the Xenu story or the idea that all psychiatrists are “wholetrack implanters” or that drugs stored in the “fatty tissue” can be “expelled” by sweating in a sauna.
I wonder if any enterprising bookstore officer has had the idea of selling tinfoil hats — they would be big moneymakers I bet. Scientologists readily get behind a good conspiracy story. Hubbard had plenty of them about how government agencies, the World Bank, the Rockefeller’s, the AMA and a whole bunch of others were conspiring to get him. It’s in the DNA of scientologists.
So, I thought good Scions did not spend time on the internet? Not only is that where all of Kushin’s ‘research’ was likely done, but he even posts a link…
I once met a rad Scientologist
Who sounded like some bad apologist
Saw where it was going
The bullshit was flowing
He’ll soon need to see a proctologist!
I’ve done a research (yes, I’ll clean up the bits that missed the bowl) and can say with absolute certainty that any $camologist wearing a tinfoil cap with some thetans stapled to it will stop COVID-19. While the virus is single mindedly attacking the thetans the wearers brain (just think of Demento combing his fluffy pompadour and you’ll get all hot and bothered and not a little excited with naughty thoughts) will heat the foil to such a degree that the virus will be killed. Problem solved.
we don’t need the tinfoil hat or even Scientology to combat covid-19. Why, Kenneth Copeland blew ‘holy wind’ straight into his tv camera and that has completely annihilated Covid-19!
So how come the number of cases keeps getting bigger?
I was friends with Jim Rego at the Berkeley Mission years ago. He always had a good sense of humor. We had a lot of laughs together. I prefer to remember him that way. It’s a shame what 40 or more years of Scientology have done to him.
CI ran into this type of crap when I tested positive for HIV. The standard HIV test; called an Elisa test, looks for antibodies generated by the body to fight the virus, not the virus itself.
Now, the AIDS denyers say that if you have the antibodies to the virus, you must be immune and therefore cannot have HIV-AIDS.
Now they had to explain why all these thousands of people ( now 25 million of them were dying if the virus is harmless as they claim. So they said that the symptoms of AIDS were caused by the meds given by the doctors for AIDS. I knew that that was horseshit since the meds cost 4 grand a month and I had never taken them before I was all but dead. The ship sent me to James Keppler, a well-known chiropractor who worked on LRH in 1978 when Dr’s Denk and Keppler who is not a licensed doctor worked on LRH. Keppler in my opinion is a great Scientologist make it go right kind of guy; exactly what I seemed to need after the Church judged that my death was imminent. He had agreed to join the SO on the ship but I disabused him of some ideas like that he would get an annual leave of absence. He said “Well they have to give it to me because the recruiter promised it. I told him that that there were LRH issues regarding LOAs and if they refuse to follow LRH issues; they certainly would not give a fuck about what some recruiter said. He then said that he would not join the SO. I studied everything I could about HIV; some people say that the way not to contract HIV is simply not to get an HIV test. I figured that if I wanted to live I had better find out all I could about it. I am still very lucky to be alive since I went with what the ship told me to do and followed Keppler advice and am only alive because my wife got me to a real doctor when it was almost too late.
Where is Carla Moxon these days?
She and Rick ought to come to earth’s rescue, again.
Earth calling Carla. Please spend an evening with Rick and save us all. Again.
Okay. This story is so absurd, is there any way to know this wasn’t the April 1st tall-tales event that this toastmasters group has hosted in the past?
That might explain it. Scientology somehow got this removed from YouTube so I think they feel it is a Carla thing.
Everyone who has been inside the cult has always heard of how the SPs were busy stopping the “church”.
But in reality they were almost always the causes of their own pains.
In Italy in the mid 80’s all orgs (except one) were closed. They were accused of having taken money through deception, incapacity circumvention etc.
From here begins a whole story of conspiracies against the cult. But they were still knowingly guilty by law. It was called Milano case.
However, the real reason behind those attacks, and I don’t know how many know it, dates back to a few years earlier.
The GO (Guardian office) Italy (or who came out of there) published the names of politicians and other personalities accused to be connected to freemasonry and pedophilia in their magazine.
It is obvious that such a thing opened the gates of hell.
It became a political fact, not a religious one.
They were themselves to ‘pull in’ the landslide which then fell on their heads. Nobody else.
No wonder. LRH set the stage and framework for Scientologists to think from.
A good conditioned Hubbard Scientologist (well read in Hubbard’s kooky beliefs and prejudices) reliably comes to these conclusions in the above article.
My first year out of the RPF/Sea Org, living at one of the LA “halfway” Scientologists rooming houses, I returned to reading the Sunday NY Times, and the NY Times Magazine reliably had articles like the following, which helps eject back out of the Hubbard prejudices and wack thinking.
“The one thing they can’t overcome is the truth.”
Exactly, Dave Kushin. So let’s see how much overcoming happens to the Corona virus with all that compelling research you did there.
“based on my research” ….
And this doctors who died of the virus ??! More than 120 only in Italy.
Stuff to kick him in the butt from coast to coast without stopping.
How did anyone keep a straight face when LRH would point at the stars and tell stories about the inhabitants and their actions? I’m not very good at hiding my feelings and there is no way I could have made it through any of that nonsense without laughing.
Yea, when he said he almost got run over by a train on Venus did it for me.
No straight face since.
Venus has an average surface temperature of about 864 degrees F.
“The atmosphere of Venus is made up mainly of carbon dioxide, and thick clouds of sulfuric acid completely cover the planet. ”
I’m pretty sure that if anyone ever gets to Venus and takes just one breath, the Sulphuric acid they breath in would be very bad for their health. AAMOR, I would guess they would drop dead instantly.
They must have some kind of amazing train system running on Venus. Not only do they have to operate in temperatures that would cause a human being to vaporize in just a few seconds, but they also have to figure out a method of propulsion that takes in Sulphuric acid. Whoever created that train system must be almost as clever as The Tubby One. Or else maybe they are just almost as good a con man as he was.
Trains on Venus? (Skyler makes that sound when you humm and rapidly move your fingers over your mouth. A sound that is hard to describe with word.
Now, my dear, you must learn to do what a prophet does when one of his prophecies is debunked by fact. In this case it would be this:
Okay, you get it now?
The operative phrase here is “ were conspiring to get him”. Power plays and royal and political battles have been going on since civilization started. Hubbard encouraged narcissism and the bad guys and good guys syndrome. He needed that mind set to control his followers using fear. The bottom line, paranoia was part of Hubbards personality. He imbued his followers with the flaw. Scientology is a cult of victims no matter how rich or poor they are. Ron decreed it.
It is since I met Scientology in the late 1980s that I have heard of conspiracies. All things that didn’t have a continuation. Several came from the IAS regges.
A close friend of mine, “conspiracy expert” as he calls himself laughing, told me that by admitting that everything was true and scientology was indeed considered a danger, hubbard and his cult would already be gone within an evening. Since long time.
According to him, the fact of having these plots was more of an internal thing to the cult, initially giving the idea of hubbard as a “saint persecuted” by the bad guys, and then later by the cult to make a lot of money.
I’ve found most cults to rely on conspiratorial think to oil the cogs of delusion. Scientologists are particularly prone to partake except when flat earth is mentioned, that’s a conspiracy even they can make fun of!
When I got out, I realised how tired I had become of the conspiracy theories and that I actually hated having that mentality. These days, I don’t automatically consider something to be a conspiracy.
If you want a recent briefing about COVID-19 from real doctors and research scientists, go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7CWPMRsxWmY&feature=youtu.be
UC Davis Medical Center has been treating COVID-19 patients since they first appeared in California via docked cruise ships and flights from China back in February. They are scientists so they can get a little “science-y” but this was for lay people in the community and they try to explain things in an understandable manner. The biggest thing I learned was better self-care (correct way to balance hand washing and sanitizer so that skin is protected from harm), social distancing based on an understanding of the virus, and, really important, when to seek medical help. It is long, but worth a watch. One thing that is really important is that they have discovered that they have better outcomes by earlier intervention with oxygen therapy and not wait to intubate/ventilate, so they are encouraging people to go to emergency rooms if they feel shortness of breath, but stay home if they only have other symptoms. They also encourage people to not avoid the emergency room or the doctor if they have other illnesses or injuries out of fear.
To clarify, “stay home if you have other symptoms,” but receive treatment from a doctor via telemedicine.
He has “data” about ONE test. There are several. YES, State governors made orders to stay at home. Because the PotUS lacks any such power at State level. Governors also lack such authority but that is not the point.
The ONLY weird thing I’ve noted is the governments uneven handling of dangerous epidemics. Seems to be no broad policy based on scientific criteria for handling such problems.
Hope we don’t get another Spanish flu as it was about 20 times more deadly than Covid. The medical field just isn’t up to handling such things yet.
“The medical field just isn’t up to handling such things yet.”
I saw a story today on a couple of the major news sites.
“The head of the emergency department at a Manhattan hospital committed suicide after spending days on the front lines of the coronavirus battle, her family said Monday.”
I read this and it just shook me to the core. I can’t understand how this lady who spent maybe 12 years studying to become a doctor and rose to the top of her field and who was in the prime of her life would kill herself.
There were so many other things she could have done. She could have just quit her job and done something else. What would be so terrible about that? Was she afraid all the other doctors would point their fingers at her and like kindergarten kids chant at her, “Shame Shame Shame”.
I just cannot understand this.
After all, none of this was her fault. She was not to blame. I can’t understand why she would take it out on someone like herself. It really shook me.
Sad. probably overworked and depressed at inability to fix the situation. Probably speaks more to her humanity and compassion than anything else.
Pseudoscience makes my brain hurt. Or should I say, co-opting scientific terms to misinform makes my brain hurt. Kushin says the testing is for RNA, not a virus. That’s like saying a paternity test is for DNA, not parentage. Not a perfect analogy. But the point is, the RNA is how the virus is identified, just as DNA identifies a person. So the test he refers to is probably literally a “RNA test”, but it’s called a virus test anecdotally since the result is what’s important!!!
So many other things about this bother me, but my high school biology review was long enough. Flat-earthers, ugh.
But … But … Mike, how can you say this guy is nutty? He’s done RESEARCH!!!!!!!* He has EVIDENCE!!!!!! He has DATA!!!!!!
And what’s more … Jim Rego is a genius … ok, that’s not really true …
*and it’s COMPELLING research too … There may actually be NO virus at all!!!! WOW!!!! (see? Scientologists know everything, they have DATA!!!! … Wogs are so freaking stupid, how did they ever get to the moon or invent music anyway?)
Joe, Joe, Joe… A wog did not invent music Hubbard did in a past life when he was known as Arp Cola. If our old friend FOOLproof were still around he could vouch for me on this because of his extensive knowledge of the ‘tech’. Lacking that I’m sure that there is someone else here that can remember where Hubbard bragged of this on some such tape. It was one of the academy level tapes or possibly PDC tapes. I once had an extensive Hubbard tape library but fortunately I can’t remember much of what I listened to.
And here’s something I like to throw out there every now and then just for fun:
If Hubbard invented music in some very distant past life he surely would have had a couple of eons to perfect his craft. Compare Hubbard performing in this life
to a young unknown twentysomething wog peaking on acid at a 60s music festival
and decide for yourself who has their shit together.
Blubbard’s music was trash. That “Space Jazz”, especially, but also his atrocious vocals on “Thank You for Listening” on “The Road to Freedom”. I can see that I had cognitive dissonance in hearing how awful that sound was, but he was our god.
Imaberrated. Laughing. I always listen other kind of music (Led Zep, DeepPurple, bluesrock etc). Once this girl was running all day long high volume ‘road to freedom’. And she won’t stop it because “it was Lrh” . So I know it. It’s deeply devastating.
Mrs. B … Just don’t tell me that Ron invented baseball too, ok? (maybe soccer, but not baseball) …
Dr Mengle probably did more research than he did. He spent years at Auschwitz hacking up twins and injecting dye into eyeballs to change eye color.
I was a baby scilon, I was eighteen when I got in. The first conspiracy theory that I bought was that doctors were bad and pushed drugs.
I didn’t see a doctor for years.
My deepest regret was not helping my sick husband go to the doctor when he got shingles. He was miserable and got no relief.
I bought a lot of other bullshit at the time. I’m glad that you wrote this Mike, because it’s making me think about the fact that a very big part of becoming a good scientologist is buying all kinds of fringe BS.
I have a never in friend who was going on and on about contrails and shadow government and other conspiracy BS. And she is someone I hadn’t seen for a while and it seems that since the last time I saw her she has descended into this angry conspiracy following person.
She reminded me more than anything, of scientologists that I have known in my past. It made me really sad that she has changed this much, but it gave me hope that I have left behind the mind set that so easily is led to be angry with no science about things I don’t understand.
When I was a child, I didn’t get the three big inoculations because my Scientology parents were dubious about them. I got two of those diseases. F***ing lunacy. I’m still mad about that.
My father eschewed the medical profession, because of Scientology. As a result, he had a heart condition that wasn’t diagnosed and treated in time and he died of a heart attack. I hate Scientology for turning him against real heroes, who monitor bodies and fix them, or do the best they can with under the circumstances.
Since I’ve been out, I’ve embraced the medical profession and get myself check-ups, listen to real doctors when they say to do something, get inoculations, etc.
There are plenty if wacky conspiracy theories but that doesn’t mean one should be unaware. Sort of off topic but factually speaking the Chinese Communist Party has used technology to gain almost total control of the Chinese population. Here’s an excerpt from an article I recently read. I didn’t do any fact checking but to me it seems accurate.
[“The digitization level is very high in China. People can’t survive without a cell phone,” Tang Jingyuan, a U.S.-based China Affairs commentator told The Epoch Times on March 21. “Dealing with the government for pensions and social security, buying train tickets, shopping… no matter what people want to do, they are required to use cell phones.”
“The Chinese regime requires all Chinese use their cell phones to generate a health code. Only with a green health code are Chinese allowed to move in China now,” Tang said. “It’s impossible for a person to cancel his cell phone.”
China introduced mandatory facial scans on Dec. 1, 2019 to confirm the identity of the person who registered the phone. As early as Sept. 1, 2010, China required all cell phone users to register the phone with their real identification (ID), by which the state can control people’s speech via its large-scale monitoring system.
Furthermore, Chinese people have to bundle their bank accounts and social security account with their cell phone because all these service’s Apps can detect the phone’s SIM card and then check with the state’s database to make sure the number belongs to the person.]
As the old saying goes, “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they’re NOT after you.”
I pity any poor bastard who got shingles. I had an extreme case in 1997 on the freewinds. It generates a shooting pain in the nerves which totally overpowers the being. The pain was so bad that at one point I tried to scream and could not get any sound out at all. I was given a homeopathic remedy by the ships MLO which is like a Band Aid for a 12 guage shotgun blast wound. The MLO finally took me to a shore doctor after a few weeks and got a prescription for.anti-depressents which is the only thing that works on that kind of pain. Of course the prescription was never filled. I had to go back to the doctor the next week and was told by the MLO to lie to the doctor and tell her that I had dry mouth which is a side effect of the àntidepresents. The pain was so bad that I could not even scream any more; I could get no sound to come out; my memory was trashed; a CMO Messenger came to ask me how I was doing and I just went blank during the comm and had to ask her to start over as I had no idea of what she wanted. By then I likely had full+blown AIDS from blood products.
I have to wonder where scientologist Dave got his “data” and “research” evidence.
‘eadupmearse.com? Dox or shut the fuck up asshole.
I would love to see the 49 minute video rant by an MD. Of course this is coming from someone guzzling Kool-Aid brewed by another “real” Doctor. Dr. Hubbard with a REAL diploma from the very REAL Sequoia University. That old grifter ranted, wrote, babbled and carried on for YEARS and there are still no ‘clears’ or ‘OTs’ as he promised despite the incredible volumes of drivel he produced and the money he took in in the process.
Dave, go do some volunteer work in a COVID ward (no protection necessary for an OT such as yourself) and breath deep the fits of coughing. See you on Target Two.
What you are saying is ” adios pendehos” I second the motion.
I can only hope that as the weeks and months pass by there will be a resolution or logical approach to the China Virus situation and pandemic crazy will subside and normal crazy will resume.
China Virus?? Nice.. keep wearing that red cap made in China heretofore called the China Hat! Did you trade Scientology for the Cult of Trump? Wise up and don’t forward his idiocy anymore than Hubbard’s please.
Lorelli – I want the Chinese communists to get worldwide blame for “the virus”.
Loreli, the virus DID originate in China. What ARE you blathering on about? The ONLY questions remaining are; 1: Was it a genetically engineered virus to be a bioweapon? 2: Was its release intentional, accidentally?
It’s difficult to discuss political or economic policies with someone who believes in the Cult of Trump. Did you ever hear of an ” Independent”?
I always wonder how it is possible to suck people into the real estate cult of Scientology and to keep them there for years. The only person I ever knew personally well and who had been some way up the bridge (clear, 1974) was Carmine Terra, a really very nice person, well educated, a brilliant stage actor. I performed many, many times with him on stage – he as Bernardo and me as Chino in West Side Story. he tried to get people in, of course, but I only know of one succssful instance.
The real estate cult of Scientology doesn’t hold a candle to the real estate cult of Mormonism. Two hundred temples, each with a minimum value of $2 million, a shopping mall in downtown Salt Lake City. Ah, let’s not go into the $100 billion dollars meant for the poor and needy being stashed into an investment vehicle because the church needs it for the second coming of Jesus Christ, the…………..
I read in the Book Mormon and this is some weird stuff 😉 Space Opera and everything in it is just Humbug – very funny, actually – and I am not even talking about their special underwear
Carmine was a great guy. Signed. Me
Yes, he was. I am glad I met Carmine and I am happy about the opportunity to be on the stage with him for so many times – In West Sie Story, Bernardo ( Carmine) and Chino (me) have dialogues and appearances togetherand I enjoyed them very much – there was so much I learned from Carmine. I was very sad when I heard about his death – we had some communication on FB chats but he stopped once he found out that I was very opposed now to Scientology and everything that goes with it . he had to disconnect from me
Uh, are you sure it was the Book of Mormon that you read? I’ve read the book and there are no space aliens in it. The Book of Mormon purportedly takes place in Latin America 2,000 years ago.
Pain of compliance (loss of one’s soul, money, and free will) < Perceived pain of non-compliance (loss of family, friends, livelihood, life as one knows it) = Scientologist
Nail + head = hammered
I’m sure at school I was taught to assess sources when doing research (especially in history). Unfortunately appeals to authority is a logical fallacy in debating, which then lead us into the quagmire of what’s true for you is true for you.
🍸+🍸= Hammered
You said it utterly , Mary. The only thing I could add is that I was all but killed by complying with their directives.
When I finally non-complied in order to stay alive I was declared. Still preferable to being dead.
Dave Kushin said he was doing “RESEARCH.”
Is this the same kind of “RESEARCH” that LRH did while he was doing is “studies” of the mind??
If so, I think I will pass.
I tried to study my mind. But, the noise in my head was much too loud.
Ya got to find something to laugh about in this world!
Ya know, that’s very true.
He says he has the research, but hasn’t expanded on what it is, nor has he said under what circumstances he would give it. It’s a come-on, but he forgot to give the conditions under which you could get it. Idiot.
Now that I’m out, if you’re not an actual medically trained person, I won’t listen to you.