A few random thoughts about the Leah Remini media storm that is growing by the hour.
♦ The response from Katie Holmes was all class. Back during the frenzy that surrounded her split from TC and subsequent divorce I commented that she had handled the whole thing with skill and aplomb. Now you can add grace to that list. Some have criticized her for not saying enough. I applaud her for saying anything at all. She had no need. Her few carefully chosen words communicated an enormous amount — and clearly had the intended effect on the one person audience she was addressing them to. Leah’s reaction on GMA this morning was genuine, heartfelt and very touching.
Back to being human indeed.
And don’t forget, as part of her divorce Katie (by her silence) appears to have agreed to some sort of gag order (apparently mutual). Katie seems to have felt strongly enough about this that she broke her self-imposed silence about anything related to scientology in order to deliver this message. I am sure Dave and Tom were absolutely batshit about it and she was called every name under the sun. It was probably the blow that hurt most, because they were not expecting it. In many ways, she completely destroyed the attempt to paint Leah as a liar and a “whining victim.”
Bravo Katie. Bravo.
♦ The general interest in scientology has ramped up to epic and milestone (to use the scientology vernacular) heights. Leah’s book is building on the foundation of interest generated by Going Clear.
So much so that I was happy to see Marc Headley post this on Facebook yesterday:
♦ The interest in what Leah has to say resulted in this arriving in my inbox today. Vanity Fair is promoting their latest story with a teaser at the top and a republication of an earlier story below:
I had forgotten all about this article by Ned Zeman published in March 2014. I commend it to you as an interesting read.
It came out pretty much concurrent to the story I had written about Shelly that I published on my blog on 7 Feb 2014: Shelly Miscavige Guarded By Armed PI’s
Tony Ortega had more follow up on this.
It is good to see Shelly Miscavige being brought back to everyone’s attention once more thanks to Leah.
♦ And on the subject of trying to remain relevant. While scientology pretends Leah is speaking out about the abuses she has witnessed in scientology for “publicity” and to “try to remain relevant”, there is an elephant sitting in their room they are ignoring.
If one were to look for a way-past-their-“sell-by”-date celebrity that nobody pays attention to any more seeking publicity in the “attacks on scientology” space, there is one name writ large: Kirstie Alley. Somehow she pops up on twitter or the Howard Stern Show offering bizarre statements about her “enemies.” Scientology, if you are so concerned about celebrities trying to remain relevant you can ill afford to ignore the elephant parked in CC Int’s lobby.
Apparently she was so wanting to be part of the “action,” but with nothing to say herself, she felt compelled to retweet for this round…. Really sad.
♦ My final thought: the spell scientology had cast over the media for so many years is well and truly broken.
The abuses and lies they have dished out with apparent disdain for so long have become fair game. From national networks and the leading magazines and newspapers around the world, to blogs, internet media and comedy shows, David Miscavige and Tom Cruise have nowhere to hide.
They are being put under the microscope, and no matter how hard they try, they are no longer able to scramble back into the dark corners as they have so many times in the past.
The light of truth shines bright. You shouldn’t be needing your tanning bed for a while.
Mike I have been following the entire religion or cult is a better term for many many years thanks for your hard work on exposing them and the book troublemaker was beyond revealing
That light will have the cockroaches at Int Base running for cover.
Great article Mike.
Thank you Mike for this article, thank you to Leah and Katie. More and more very good people are coming out of Scientology. Even though we knew it was going to be difficult (losing friends and family) we’ve decided to keep our to “re-gain our personal integrity by doing so”. I think that even though it has been real hard on each one of us but we are privileged for this experience when we decide to understand the lesson…
Awesome writing Mike. You know I find it funny that the same Jenna Elfman who puts out out videos describing her sex life in great detail on you tube is not interested in “sensationalism”.
Jenna does it to help the fourth dynamic.
Thanks Mike. A couple things struck a chord in Leah’s presentations. First, the line about becoming Human again. That meant a lot. I experienced changing back to Human again, although Leah gave the words. The other thing I’m really enjoying is Leah’s sincerity. There is an absence of trying to get attention for self, rather, out of a genuine love for people, she’s filling in the loop holes. Finally, the world is quite fortunate to have you “right there” to explain it all. Yes, you’ve been “in it” and now on the outside and we have you to define and explain… love your POV. You, like Leah, have a great, natural care for all. I feel it. I think others do too. Appreciate it.
Thanks so much Rob. Appreciate your kind words.
I grew up and live in Clearwater, FL, and have known about this group for a very, very long time.
I have seen firsthand all of the things that happen when you speak out against these people, as a private citizen or public official.
I am really glad the rest of the world is starting to see it for what it is.
I know many of you used to believe (may still I suppose), but all I can say is I am glad you are out.
I have to say Mike – my kids watched Going Clear with me, and they looked at me and said – “Dad, all of it’s true.” They thought I had made up all of the things I’ve told them, because they were too fantastical to be real.
They have held watch parties of Going Clear with their friends (all 20-somethings, recent college grads just beginning life’s journeys), and they are all aghast. In one case, it saved someone who was just starting to experiment with attending some meetings and such (or whatever it is that they do those first few times you visit down there).
I can’t thank you enough for that. It has opened lots of folks’ eyes. Leah’s book will do more of the same.
Great Tom. Thanks for posting here…
Thank you! Long time reader, just never posted before.
Keep up the good work sir – I read about every day with great interest. Fascinating stuff.
Thanks Tom. Nice to meet you. Maybe we should have a coffee one day?
This emotional moment of the interview brought back the terrifying thought of losing a daughter and the fight with unfeeling policy enforcers , the helplessness and desire to run as fast as possible and as far away as possible.
Leah made herself the spokesperson for all of us , mothers and fathers , following Sarah Goldberg , and I feel indebted to them and incredibly grateful.
As I do to Mike , Marty and all.
Why is Scientology complaining? I thought that they didn’t believe in victims.
Well you see, it’s like this – they do and they don’t.
First, it’s amazing that you are out & “on our side.” I can remember the days of absolutely fearing your name, though it was most likely fear AND awe. I am taking unusual delight in Leah’s defection. I love that she got her money back for the hours of sec checking/reprogramming based on bullshit KR’s. As for Holmes, I’m afraid I have to disagree with you. I think she was forced into saying SOMETHING because ABC used her name – wrongly, as it turned out – to promote 20/20. I think Leah’s stance – all or nothing – admitting that she was willing to let go of her family is the kind of attitude one needs to take when leaving. As for gag orders & money, I need to mention that every day mothers make the decision to leave, knowing they will be forced to sever all ties & not have a cent. I don’t doubt Holmes signed a contract when getting married, especially since she had “his” kid, but I don’t have the same delight over her comment to Leah. Spanky Taylor is a good example of a “person” who left with nothing. So many celebrities have walked away & have never mentioned their involvement or their experience. The more who stand up & TALK, the better. I am one of the few ex-members who was in a major entourage, parking in the secret underground lot, being audited in the private rooms and hanging with the little (and I do mean LITTLE – though the organization would like the public to think otherwise) group of their top celebrities. I did the Purif in the separate room, away from “the public,” and all the while, while a very sick part of me enjoyed the special attention & fawning, the realistic part of me realized it was WRONG. When I left, I quit my job & asked for – and got – my money back. I didn’t have another job, I didn’t know what was going to happen & please don’t think I wasn’t scared for my entire family, not to mention myself. (BTW, my family thought I was nuts the whole time). Leah’s description of TC was perfect & she did a fabulous job of describing the celebrity world. From being inside “their” world & seeing the behavior they use on each other, which they have learned from the cult, their fear is palpable. Jason Beghe & Leah Remini are the only ones that I can think of who really went out full steam, creating ruin in their wake. Yes, Holmes leaving TC DID create shock waves & I believe she hurt his carefully crafted image really seriously & most likely made a lot of others wake up. But…and there is a but…I WISH Holmes would speak her truth, but I believe she took the money in exchange for a peaceful life for her & her daughter. Leah, on the other hand, chose the harder road and that’s why she’s “The Troublemaker.” We need more.
I think Katie Holmes did what she realized she had to do and she did it masterfully. We don’t know the details of her personal experience so we can’t judge. It bothers me that you’ve diminished her like this. In fact it rather pisses me if I may speak frankly.
I’ll chime in here Roger, because I kind of agree with Lee on this point.
I also agree with you that we don’t know what really happened with Katie, TC and the cult. Which is why it doesn’t make sense (to me) why Lee’s opinion upset you. I also don’t think Lee wondering why Katie doesn’t say more ‘diminishes’ Katie.
Katie seems like a nice person. My read is that she got caught up in all the hoopla of being Mrs. Tom Cruise (hey, I don’t blame her for a second. I’d probably so the same).
But I think Katie didn’t have a choice other than to make a statement like she did. And as you said, it was masterful. It didn’t come right out and acknowledge Leah’s book as the gospel truth, but it didn’t deny it either. I’m glad she didn’t pull one of those non-apologies, the ‘I’m sorry if you were offended’ type of apology.
It was classy…..the polar opposite of what Scientology is. Could Katie have said more? Who knows……
I think Lee said what others are thinking…what choice did Katie have? She had to give some response to Leah’s account of the wedding. Let’s face it… The KR Katie wrote about Leah makes Katie look like a spoiled princess…..like the female version of TC. Katie was smart to issue that apology.
Katie has always been smarter than TC when it comes to PR. She says nothing and lets TC and the Co$ do all the talking. TC looks like an ass for not visiting his daughter. Katie looks sympathetic and heroic for getting her daughter away from the cult.
I have first hand experience with how wealth can change a person (sibling who married very wealthy man) I imagine wealth combined with fame makes the situation 10x worse. So…..did being Mrs Tom Cruise change Katie? Did being surrounded by sycophants change her? Did Tom’s wealth and power change her? Probably……but it looks like, in the end, she stayed true to her roots..
When I first heard of the divorce I thought.. It’s got to be really really bad for Katie to give up everything that comes with TC…. Katie has my complete admiration for doing what she did.
But do I sometimes think Katie should do (and say) more? Yes. Maybe she will when Suri is 18.
Chee Chalker, it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand why Katie doesn’t do what you think she should do.
Really Roger? Because I think Katie is sitting up nights wondering about my opinion.
But I’m sure Katie is relieved you feel she was diminished.
It’s sad that you are unable to tolerate an opinion other than your own and that a comment on a blog about a person you don’t know personally (KH) ‘pisses you off’.
Since you feel we can’t judge KH (since we don’t know her experience) then we can’t judge COB or TC or anyone else really. Unless we know their ‘personal experience’.
“Since you feel we can’t judge KH (since we don’t know her experience) then we can’t judge COB or TC or anyone else really. Unless we know their ‘personal experience’.”
We are in agreement. I’d like to add that when we laugh at a fool we are laughing at that part of ourselves that understands the fool. In truth we’re really laughing at ourselves and laughter is always good medicine.
I do find COB’s behavior fascinating….. and wonder was he this nuts as a child or did growing up with LRH make him crazy? It’s a chicken-egg scenario.
Although I’ve never met the man and obviously do not know what makes him tick, I am fascinated by his actions.
I try to judge a person’s actions, though the line does become blurred for sure and I wind up judging the person.
I hope Ron Miscavige gets into the family history…..is there a lot of mental illness or is Dave the only one……and did Dave try to absorb his twin in utero….you know, that kind of thing
Paul Haggis came out full steam too.
Thank you Mike for another great piece. This very human face we see in Leah Remini is what people really relate to, what moves them. Katie’s escape was a tidal wave for scientology & Leah’s story is another one – the interest they have generated will ultimately take the ship down. My guilty pleasure is watching it.
Vanity Fair Shelley article made me a lil nauseous. And they missed Marty stating Jenny De Vocht was an “intimate friend of David Miscavige” after the ambush at LAX…Remember? But maybe the timing was after the original publication….
Can’t we just call her Jenny Linson? Poor Tom DeVocht doesn’t deserve to be reminded that he had to fuck that vicious soul-destroying harpy once upon a time in a different life.
I also felt emotional when watched the genuine, honest emotional response from Leah about what Katie H responded to her. She did FEEL it and both meant what they said.
This led me to think on how horribly sad existence is for a person that does not naturally have emotions, or is unable to love another, or is unable to cry because he/she is worried about another and can’t either laugh when he shares moments of joy with someone he/she likes and/or loves.
The individual that so lacks natural and genuine emotions has no real life.
And no matter how many millions you offer me, Leah, Katie H and many others, we would rather share the worry with a friend because we only have a penny and no food and, later on, laugh again together because a good soul gave us some bread. Nothing like loving others and really feel life.
A vow for Leah and Katie…and thank you Mike for this posting (and all prior ones too).
Love trumps status every time.
It certainly does! Love is THE most powerful force in the universe. It is our natural state.
Mine isn’t. My natural state is more of vicious peevishness. Hey, it works for me.
Yeah, but I’m sure you love it.
I doubt, Espi. I don’t think you have a vicious bone in your body. So there…..
I agree.
Indeed and well said Silva.
Scientology has become Medusa. It turns people into stone.
Leah you have personal integrity!! You have my vote. DLHDM you do not have any integrity and are a joke and look like an evil clown. You are just a celebrity want-to-be.
Mike you are the bomb! Kati you are class. Wow my evaluations are on automatic today! Must be the good news from this blog! I’m doing my happy dance.
I don’t mean to evaluate but your evaluations are on the money. ?
The freedom of the press from lawsuits and the resultant wide dissemination of truth of OT III materials is a fatal flaw, not unlike the fatal flaw of Shakers religion. New people can’t be audited except by OT III auditors..Scientology is built on secrets and a bait and switch “technology”. Once that is gone, the whole system collapses.
They are indeed master-baiters.
They’re master-switchers too…
The wheels are well and truly falling off scientology now.
It seems to be the biggest hypocrisy ever exposed, scientology being brought down by the simple truth of their own behaviour, it really hasn’t got anything to do with religion.
Leah and everyone ever affected by the church, please, just be you, do the right thing and we’ll soon see the back of this monster.
For those of us geeks who don’t watch TV, here’s Leah’s interview.
Thank you Leah x 1,000,000! You add hope that my family and thousands of others can one day be freed from this cults use of disconnection.
Ditto you, Les.
Brava, Leah.
Tell it like it is, sister.
To Leah: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6HjCbKnzDzQ
Thank you for doing what you got to do, no matter what. That’s the REAL definition of courage.
Just a thought, why is this never brought up,Jenna Elfman played a PSYCH. In the movie,”her last chance” Why is that never touched on? Strange and nags at me! Anyone know what I’m talking about? It was with Becca from the show “Life goes on” she had a brother with down syndrome named “Corkey”.
This year started badly for scientology and after a series of disasters, it’s November and the calamities aren’t slowing down. It’s Biblical. The church issued a statement against Ms. Remini on a hugely popular American staple, GMA, which she used to her infinite advantage. It gave her an opportunity to discuss KR’s, a creepy practice reminiscent of old communist regimes and dystopian-future movies. Then GMA obligingly airs a written apology, rich with implied meanings, from Katie Holmes. Tearfully, Leah states she and Katie are back to being HUMAN again! Ouch! That interview couldn’t have gone worse for scientology or better for Leah. It looks like good weather for her book today.
Leah Remini has integrity and is doing the right thing. Good job Leah and fam.
Mike Rinder – you also rock!
You are right Mike – knowing David Miscavige – he won’t need any more botox either – the Scotch will keep his face sufficiently bloated!
At least some IAS funds won’t need to go to Botox and tanning supplies…but that Scotch and Smokes do get expensive when the airwaves have ” enturbulating ” ENTHETA news like the Truth about Tom Cruise, Scientology and David Miscavige.
Well Done everyone!
The GMA interview was very powerful. A clearly emotional Leah summarizes “we’re back to being human”. I have nothing to add.
I got something to add 🙂
I think one is at risk of losing their humanity by being involved in Scn. I know I did.
Still-ins talk about losing their eternity for those who leave Scn. I’m entirely sure what that means, but it’s catchy. They do this at the expense of their humanity.
Nothing is more rehabilitating than committing an unprovoked act of selfless kindness.
“at risk for losing their humanity” …
Comment of the century 🙂
“Still-ins talk about losing their eternity for those who leave Scn.”
True, and taking your track with you.
You’ll never lose your eternity. Scientology has no monopoly on it.
When you look at – ‘losing your eternity’. What a silly statement that is. How can you lose something that goes forever with you in it?
When in actual fact what scientology should promise is that you do lose your eternity with scientology. They can’t get anything right!
And, again, I know I sound like a broken record, but, this, ‘your eternity and your future eternity’ is is new! I had never heard it before until I read it on Mike’s blog. Of course it’s just made up to scare the hard core Kool-Aid drinkers, but, still, you’d think they’d say, “WTF are you talking about? My eternity? It’s not going anywhere!
The people worried about ‘losing their eternity’ wouldn’t be able to tell you what they would be doing two weeks from now that didn’t involve Scientology. To quote Frank Herbert: ‘Fear is the mind-killer’.
As Mr. Sweeney titled his book: The Church of Fear. You and him are right on the money!
TC and DM, you have undone what so many
have worked so tirelessly to build.
I really appreciate your take on Katie’s comments. I was hoping for more – but your take makes sense and puts her words in perspective. The way she removed Suri from the situation was a class act – and I wish Nicole had done the same.
I’m sure Nicole Kidman wishes that too, but Katie Holmes made her grand escape in 2012, at a time years after Cruise’s couch jumping, Lauer interview, video leak, Anonymous’ protests, Paul Haggis’s open letter etc., and apparently had the extremely competent help of her lawyer father. Kidman was in a more difficult situation in many ways in 2000. She was apparently pregnant by Cruise at the time of the divorce, but miscarried.
Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2015/10/31/tom-cruise-trailer-fire-jack-reacher/#ixzz3qPM7d2VD
Now THAT is a Wall of Fire
Laughter! Indeed! Now, where was I………Oh, I know! You see, 75 million years ago this planet was known as Teegeeack…..
Ah, but before that it was just another mud ball whizzing around waiting to be named. I didn’t know you could speak Marcabian though.
Oh yes! I do speak Marcabian! I mean, you’re talking about Armenian people, right? My Armenian is a bit rusty, though. BTW, Teegeeack, I believe, is an Native American tribe in Oregon. I think that’s where Hubbard got it from.
Love Oregon! Especially the Nth Umpqua river. Hooked onto some massive salmon and steelhead there. Didn’t land many, not that I wouldn’t let ’em go anyway. Zane Grey loved the place too, especially a place called Steamboat. I guess writers get a lot of inspiration from that place.
If you’re never been there, go sometime. Tall, old forest pines, misty valleys with cloud kissed mountain tops and fast flowing clear rivers and streams. Nature’s majestically represented there with a host of fish and game, friendly people too.
My best friend and I were asked by a female friend of mine to help her move to Seattle. We got as far as Corvalis, OR., where we got out, stuck out our thumbs and got a ride in 5 minutes. People stopped for us all through Oregon. Some of the nicest people we’d ever met!
So Corvalis to San Diego. Of course, this was back in the early 70s when you could actually hitch hike that far without being chopped up and thrown in a freezer…..
He should join MindHead. Happy premise #3: Even though I feel like I might ignite, I probably won’t.
Not according to Hubbard. He talked about spontaneous combustion as being real. You could just burst into flames at any time…..
Plane crash, trailer catching fire – “AndThenThereIsMe” is obviously PTS. Good luck naming your SP on your 10 August, Tom. That action should make you even more PTS because your actual item won’t be allowed.
You got that right, Aquamarine!
Side note. I’ve been looking into all the Ron Miscavige domains that have been registered “anonymously” recently. There are hundreds of them!
The usual whoisronmiscavige ones, plus some to preempt possible book titles, like insidescientologyronmiscavige and lethimdieronaldmiscavige.com. (Those weren’t registered until after his book deal hit the press, which suggests that Dave has problems hiring new PIs to watch him 24/7.)
Searching on ron and miscavige also hit on a whole series of ones like lronhubbards-greatest-friend-david-miscavige.info
Ron’s greatest friend, really? That is so sad.
My preorder of “Troublemaker” just downloaded in iBooks. See you in 496 pages.
Oh yeah.
I remember a plaque hanging on the wall of various Scientology establishments I have visited that was engraved with LRHs words about courage. It was in fact titled “Courage”. I won’t attempt to quote or paraphrase what was written but I remember finding it very inspiring and I would often would go take a look at that plaque when I’d find myself losing ground or lacking confidence while encountering difficult circumstances in life. I would then plow ahead into whatever course of action I had come to decide would be the best. I used to think Scientologists were lucky people because of their ability to summon courage when needed.
I have been wondering, have Scientologists lost their courage? They’re getting hit from all sides and nobody stands up to say, “That’s it! What you’re doing and saying is wrong and this is why….”, and then give a real why.
Back during the Time Magazine and the IRS battles even the small Orgs had their local opinion leaders defending the church via their local newspapers and radio talk-shows. Scientologists would tell others how they handled an entheta situation at work or even within their family. They believed they were right and tried to get others to believe and to bring people to understanding. Scientology had many champions.
Where are todays champions?
The old ones discovered they were defending lies. Some left, some were expelled and some succumbed and stayed as a shadow of their former selves.
Who will stand up today and say “I am a Scientologist! Ask me any question and I will answer with the truth!”
Wait….. what did I say? Truth?
Without truth your courage will fail. Before finding truth you must find the courage to look.
Please muster the “courage” that you did when you were handling the Time Magazine fiasco at Int (when, contrary to popular consensus, you were operating alone without Dave. As Mark should verify, they were laying low along the East Coast at ‘bread and breakfast’ hideouts during the IRS and Canadian nightmares).
Take a few lessons from Katie for skill, aplomb, and grace; you have the ability, intelligence and skill to get it done. Clarify your statement about the “only one way” for you to get out; not dead, but alive — WHEN DAVE IS TAKEN OUT.
Huh? Dave was as Int for the “Time Magazine fiasco” – I sat in the RTC conference room reading the article with him, Marty, Norman Starkey, Lyman Spurlock, Kurt Weiland and a few others. He did travel to DC when Hill and Knowlton then dropped the church as clients. But I am not sure what you are referring when you talk about bread and breakfast hideouts, unless you mean the Four Seasons in Georgetown DC?
the “USA Today” ad campaign
Showing courage is OK, so long as it does not get you into any trouble with the Church.
Mike, you are one fine, fine writer.
Mike, good insights into what’s happening with Leah.
Katie Holmes’ words to Leah Remini were well communicated. Subtle, succinct, kind, and classy – Leah got the message, alright, as did we all. Nice!
And best of all, the whole world will see this. The TomKat debacle is not yet over. Katie probably won’t ever divulge anything according to her/their agreement, but her statement says it all.
A lawyer once told me that he could find a loop hole in ANY agreement. Wouldn’t it be simply marvellous if one would do this and for Katie to have her say. Problem is, of course, Suri. She’ll have her daughter to think of before she does anything like this.
Very thoughtful and eloquent comments Mike.
im so happy for leiha & family they all can really enter into the gates of heaven now! lv ms T
One thing about Katie’s apology, it’s real.
The Truth Rundown brainwashing procedures have a required apology ending to them too, and just that fact, trying to compartment and totalitarian control people to do Truth Rundowns and make apologies, shows the difference between real free people and fake free people.
Sorry Chuck, I have seen a lot of Truth Rundown
bashing here and on Tony Ortega’s blog but the
FEW hours I spent on it freed me up. And I still
say that after 7 years out. It sometimes easy to
categorise or generalise but we all have our
individual responses to whatever happens to us.
I did the Truth Rdn too, back in the early 90s. I certainly didn’t see any brainwashing associated with it. Maybe it’s a different process or procedure now but what I had I thought was pretty cool and it didn’t take long if I remember correctly.
Well, that isn’t the Truth Rundown that most people get. The problem with this Rundown is when things are selected to “run” that are TRUE. Being pounded over and over again to come up with “where did you get the idea that David Miscavige abuses his juniors” in order to uncover the source of the “lie” and for you to have a realization that you have been a “dupe” and should apologize to him for having such false, black PR ideas about him is not a fun time. Especially when you are PAYING for it…
I don’t know what to say to that really. It makes me feel sick to see or hear of that sort of treatment of people. I thought it was bad enough when I was ‘in’ but that is way past being “off policy/tech” but is criminal in the extreme.
How in the f… could an auditor or CS do such a thing? Way beyond my comprehension. I don’t condone violence but I’d sure punch the CS in the mouth if they insisted I do such a thing.
Hi I Yawnalot,Loved your post.I should have done what you would have to several persons I can think of.If I had been allowed to do training along with auditing in Sea Org I might have been able to spot the out points earlier.As it was I became a sitting duck,as I see it now.Made for great target mind practice for those so inclined.And just as I was going to start all the admin and training courses I got reassigned by Intel.Always so grateful to be out!Ann.
Sounds like mind control to me.
Mind control is a mild term for it, it’s mind fucking!
They have no idea of the consequences of what they are doing. The people who they have done that sort of thing to are going to get their own back one day, soon I hope.
Scientology’s Nuremburg is only a matter of time.
I controlled my mind for awhile, but now I let my mind control me. It does a much better job…..
I get ya, but my auto pilot switch is dicky – can’t turn the damn thing off. It steers me in all sorts of directions. Some of the rides are fun, while others are downright scary.
Here comes another one… wheeee…
Both you guys have out tech due to previously unhandled out-ethics. A sizeable donation to the IAS would be suitable amends. I’ve studied these things. I know, you don’t.
I did that too for awhile until my other mind kicked in.
Laughter! Damn! You are one funny poster! When my mind leaves me, I go out on my deck with some outstanding red wine and bud. I have the waterfall going as well as the wind chimes. This is my sanctuary…..
The weekend clip you included in the article about Katie & Leah says more about the class of both than anything else: Hip Hip: Katie & Leah
Great and insightful observations Mike. It seems I’m always giving away my copy of “Blown for Good” to various media types I encounter. I just ordered another 🙂
Brother Paul J, with the genie out of the bottle (internet), and the cascade of critical books coming, almost, non stop, there’s nowhere to hide. And, of course, there’s the joke factor: Laughing at the cult!
“It’s really because we both left that we are able to have this sort of grace towards each other now because we are back to being … human”.
The continued attacks compared to a statement like that say it all,
Your writing is so good, on point and witty. I enjoy the way you say it as much as the content.
Don’t know if Leah reads this blog, but I sure would like to thank her for being real and saying what needs to be said in such a down to earth manner.
My goal has always been to have miscavige neutered to the point where he cannot do anyone any harm.
Every day it seems that good people are making that happen in a very public way.
I thank you
STFU, you are being ‘bypassed’ — LOL.
+1! Really dwarf boy, STFU!
Miscavige neutered? mmm… OK, he does need to be steered I suppose.
What a horrible dark thought, miscavige raising children.
Brilliant work, Mike. Your hits just keep on coming!
I wonder if there is a secret coup happening at INT. The psychological conditions their must be truly dark and deplorable.
What’s your take on that Mike? What do you think is the environment around Miscavige?
One thing I know, the years and years of black ops, using black PR is now a tsunami of black PR boomeranging straight on MIscavige’s doorstep.
Note to Dave:
Karma is not synthetic. Karma is not an implant. Karma is the exact mathematics of cause and effect as it relates to human behavior.
You are about to be taught a big lesson in life. Truth is not a mere consideration or mocked up viewpoint. It is not an opinion.
Truth is the very fabric of the universe. And that universe is based on laws. Physical and spiritual.
All of the broken families, all of the broken theta lines. All of the lies, all of the manipulative and duplicitous uses of civil law are spring loaded and headed your way.
There is a God. Truth is universally rooted in the fabric of life itself, and not a creation of the limited and ignorant human ego.
All the pain you instigated is yours now. It’s what you have made. It’s now your lesson.
You can thank Ron. You became a excellent unsurpassed student of Bolivar, Fair Game and the GE is a family man.
Hip hip hooray, hip hop hooray, hip hop hooray!!
I know Leah’s mother Vicki well. I word cleared her when she was on her Standard Dianetics course at the New York Foundation Org in the 70’s. I hope to speak with her again one day. 🙂 She was training to be a Dianetics auditor for the first time and then she did her internship.
I was in the Sea Org at the Hotel Martinique in the 70s getting auditing and taking the missionaries course then doing a mission to find a new home for the NY org. I may run into her there. Different bodies, different times.
It was not at the Hotel Matinique. It was the old Org (28-30 West 74th Street). Vicki was on the HSDC (Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course), she looked at EXACTLY in person as she looks in the picture with her family on the 20/20 interview Leah gave. I never met Leah or Nicole. I was called downstairs from my post in the GO to word clear her that day, because the Academy did not have enough word clearers.
28-30 West 74th Street is where the New York Org used to be AFTER it was located in the Martinique Hotel on 32nd Street. The Martinique was first, 28-30 West 74th Street was next and 227 West 46th Street is their current address. In spite of that fact the staff are still degraded beings, and the services do not even resemble anything LRH wrote. One time the students were on course UNSUPERVISED until 4:00 in the morning (one time that I know of) so they could be graduated sooner. Another time I went to graduation and one of the students was seated playing Tarantela on an accordian. Some people may approve of music at their graduation, but when you are graduating beings to higher states of awareness for the first time in eternity, isn’t it a slight bit more appropriate to hear their wins and successes and thank LRH for this chance, rather than to dance the polka? 🙂 The New York Org’s out ethics is almost unfathomable. Not to mention the Paulette Cooper program. 🙂
I I wonder how many folks I actually ran into. Maybe you Lawrence. At the hotel Martinique is where I learned that execs could be physically violent.
So many say that it’s Miscaviges era that brought in violence.
I will not name the person again because they already contacted me and apologized.
But the CO ordered me to do something, I went to do it and then another executive asked me to do something else. I told this person that the CO had me on a cycle and I’d get back to them.
This person grabbed me by the shirt and pushed me so hard through a swinging door and messed up my neck.
Here I was, 18 years old, the beginning of my cognitive dissonance probably started right there.
Do not let anyone misinform you that the violence started with Midcavige.
The violence started with Ron. He actually pistol whipped Sarah. That was stated in Going Clear.
The violence and sicko behavior comes from Ron. Miscavige is later on the chain.
Hi Brian, Thank you for your post. When I got the courage to post here I did think”Who will believe me?” Because obviously what happened to me was very long ago and I was not a celeb doner.Rather I was a wide eyed grown-up child who mirrored what at the time Ron wanted.All that went down years after with Intel is still so hard for me to process what did I do that was so bad? But you know all that is water over under and through the dam.I ask one favor, please you and yours send thoughts of whatever you want to me on 11/23/15 when I find out if this aggressive breast cancer has returned. Love and heartfelt thanks, Ann.????⭐️⭐️⭐️.
My neighbors wie had breast cancer and her breast fell off. He was really upset and died last June afterwards. I wish I could have helped the both of them but their attitudes dictated that this was a little out of my league. As far as Scientology is concerned. The church cannot even heal itself, let alone another person. This should be evident perhaps from some of the blog entries here and there. 🙂
Hi Lawrence, Honestly thank you so much for your post!You had me laughing and crying at the same time!Firstly I so feel for your neighbors the husband and the lady whose breasts fell off!I have no idea what protocol she used,maybe just that great Scientology Tech that will either “cure” or kill whatever ails one.Hubby then chimed in with one of his jokes,does this to me everyday so I have to laugh,that if my breasts fall off I will get a huge discount on a mestectomy because the mission is already accomplished.Actually I am so radiated that nothing can fall,glued on me by all the radiating particles!Love our posts,??Ann.
I apologize for the typographical error. That should have read “my neighbors WIFE had breast cancer and her breasts fell off”. 🙂
The Golden Age of Exposure. Here’s your new ‘Why’ Dave: THE BLOWN HAVE BEEN LEADING THE BLOWN.
Nice! Let the avalanche start…
Hi Lawrence,Spell-kill. I meant love all your posts! Ann.
Wow! This is the first time I had the opportunity to read your article you wrote and referenced above – Shelly Miscavige Guarded By Armed PI’s.
That is unbelievable. I cant understand why they would have armed guards, but I would guess it is to keep someone from attempting to steal her away from those whackjobs. I think Shelly has so much information on DM and his crimes he is completely paranoid. Shelly is a very tough lady and I feel would love to spill the beans on her midget husband. She knows what he has done, where the money he stole is, his horrible habits… oh he is deadly afraid.
Hopefully she can be set free from them.
Hi clearlypissedoff, Good to meet you.Shelly was after my time,but I get an idea of her by reading here from those that knew her when.If she is being guarded by armed PIs,she waited too long to escape.I certainly do not blame her because I do not have the facts.What I can say is when I blew the Sea Org,my room was white gloved twice a week read searched and around Big Blue I had minders that were minding me every chance they got.After my night in the Morgue I knew it would only get worse so the time was right for me to flee.Plus the FBI raid exploded at around the same time.All was nuts.I guess for me there was no time like the present to decide to leave.It hurt like hell body mind and spirit,but here outside the bubble it is heaven.May Shelly find peace….Always,Ann.
Mike sez:
“The light of truth shines bright. You shouldn’t be needing your tanning bed for a while.”
DM sez: “My future’s so bright I gotta wear shades.”
Nothing like the pure light of truth to sanitize even the dankest darkest cult lies and pr spin. A big tip-o-the-hat to Leah for her Brooklyn ballsyness. That’s something even an extended Truth Rundown can’t suppress.
More like his eyes are so bloodshot he gotta wear shades.
I studied nuclear science. I loved my classes. And I passed them, unlike L. Fraud.
If I were you, Mike, I wouldn’t be able to type because I couldn’t reach the keyboard from the floor where I was laughing my ass off. You must have long arms.
Leahs comment about feeling human again rings a familiar bell. Humans have quite a capacity for compassion towards others. I do not sense that about todays rough tough out of valence Scientologist. Perhaps it is the culture in Scientology that teaches that compassion is dev-T.
Rings true Doug. If it wasn’t for human compassion none of us would be here, Scientology tried to hijack human emotion and extract money and power from it. They have failed because they simply aren’t human as a group, yet each and every one of them who call themselves scientologists feel every bit as human as we do when singled out and exposed. This “hard as chrome” bullshit as portrayed by scientology has no place in the affairs of man. There’s a big difference between being tough and having a purpose and being an asshole.
I hope this avalanche of truth bursts the bubble that encase the whales of Scientology. Duggan, Cartwright, et al., will one day realize they are not martyrs to their religion, but laughingstocks in the real world. And they will literally cry all the way to the bank.
Nice post.
I wonder how they are really going to feel when they realise just how much they have assisted and paid a bunch of assholes a lot of money to hurt people? Ohhh… that’s going to rebound badly for them.
All of your hard work (along with Tony and the Headleys and all other former scientologists) is paying off BIG!!! You should be proud of yourself – sacrificing time, energy, and putting yourself at risk.
the Leah news just keeps pouring in by the minute.
The COB’s wig is spinning like an outboard motor.
Tom is in his alien attack bunker with that bottle of scotch Dave gave him
for quality time together. Tough luck Davy.
If you are not hedging your bets to leave Dave in the dust, what exactly DO you expect to be doing in the next “half-life” (about 5 years, max) of scientology?
I think the wholelife of the Cult is over. The quality of it’s ‘life’ is completely gone, life support has been ordered but the brain is gone.
Yo Dave,
Give us a twitch good buddy. And by the way, how many of the 700 new marks you got in the door last week over at El Con Blvd have started a course?
Hi Mike, I want to send Leah many congratulations and love and light, hope she will send some of her flame back to me.She is beautiful and so strong for what she is doing.May we all keep shining that Light! Love Forever, Ann.
Thank you Mike —- I was touched by Leah’s GMA interview this morning as well.
I had a late lunch with a dear friend – the story of her loss — an OT VIII sister who after 6 years is still psychotic is just beyond most anything (other than a death of a child, sibling etc due to the policies of the church). My friend had only seen the 20/20 interview and was disappointed that Leah hadn’t said enough about LRH and how the policies came ultimately from him.
I reminded her — that “decompression” takes time. Leah’s only been out for 3 years …
she appreciated the reminder.
I appreciate Leah BECAUSE her celebrity status keeps this evil empire (I know I’m too harsh but oh well) in the news.
And fewer and fewer people will be fooled. And more and more people will pry themselves away.
And I appreciate you Mike for continuing to provide a place for many to land.
Thank you Windhorse. You are both modest and becoming of a true OT. I said this the other day. For an average guy to say on You Tube “The C of S defrauded me” does not always carry a lot of punch. But when someone that millions of people watch each week on TV for years comes forward and says “The C of S defrauded me” it can really matter. And it does. And, so what, they stole my money, the real trick is giving it back. 🙂
Not to defend LRH or some of the policies he developed, but we were all bound by those same policies, yet most chose not to follow them. It’s not as easy to put it all on LRH when seen from that perspective. The onus is on the person who chose to do something he/she knew was not the right thing to do. LRH, Source, was simply the convenient justification.
Yes, the nut behind the butt simply can’t continue to blame the gun.
It’s up to the individual person to choose the path of Righteousness – according to the way he/she sees it. Life is a journey of deciding between what is right and what is wrong. Not dictated by ‘policy’ but ultimately by the person himself.
Dan — “not to defend LRH but” —
OF COURSE there are *some* policies of LRH’s that helped people — it could not have grown as it did without SOME policies and tech working.
BUT it’s important to look at the fruit of the tree …
Because the fruit will never ever be anything but what the tree IS …
UNLESS of course you create a new genus of tree — splicing different apple types for example to create a whole new fruit.
At this point in the process I feel that scientology is abysmally tarnished and will never recover.
THAT SAID — I’m finding in the “big wide world” PIECES of LRH Tech that have been modified.
To wit — within *some* buddhist communities they are doing VERY VERY modified TRs.
WHICH I”M SURE were taken by a buddhist who went to prison for dope smuggling AND OBSERVED the narconon/Willy Benetiz group.
Instead of 2 hour blinkless — it’s 4 minutes
BUT the concept is there.
There are other pieces that pervade the society but NOT AS scientology.
THAT ship has sailed and sunk.
IMHO — of course 🙂
I need sunglasses it’s getting so bright!
You got an extra pair?
Awesome synopsis Mike. Thanks.