Some uplifting news in this season of giving.
Our wonderful friends and neighbors, Matt and Tiffany McKeown got together with the other families on their cul-de-sac with the idea they could do something to help others. This is a shot of the gang, with Matt and Tiffany front and center.
A couple of days later, Matt asked if Christie and I could drop by for a bit.
A contingent of the neighbors were there when we walked in. They proceeded to explain the get-together they had had a few days earlier and that they had collected $570 which had been donated to Child USA. They became aware of the work Child USA does because I have posted and spoken about it.
I was literally speechless. What a wonderful thing to do!
They plan to make this a regular thing — chipping in to help worthy causes.ย They intend to challenge other streets in our neighborhood to follow their lead.
Thank you all so much. We live in the BEST neighborhood anyone could hope to be in.
This is what real humanitarians are about.
“Midtown Org”?? is that a reference to when NYO, FOLO EUS, and some other scn entities were in the Hotel Martinique in Midtown — 32nd street IIRC?
Hi Mike,
When I look at the picture with you holding the donation card, your warm smile strikes me. I also have the pictures in mind that we all saw in – for example – the BBC documentary where you have this robotic, strange emotionless stare.
I wonder sometimes: do you have to put a lot of energy into “being the real you” and distancing yourself from your former controlled and static composure? Or do you actually feel that it’s much easier to be the warm and caring person that you are?
How ovely! A very cheerful story to add warmth to the Holiday Season. ๐
Right On !! Let’s make this a better place to live !!
They did not ask or get a pin or Diamond Meritorius status yet they are salt of the Earth people – lots of people getting together to contribute to a great cause. How humbling.
Does my heart good to read this.
What a beautiful thing! Thank you for sharing this heartfelt story.
For Mike and Christie, You seem to have found your own Bedford Falls! (“It’s a Wonderful Life”)
Thank you Mike and friends!!
James R. Marsh
President CHILD USA
Good job Mike ๐ ๐
โค๏ธ LOVE this so much. And I love that you’ve surrounded yourselves with truly good, king, loving people. That’s what it’s all about.
๐ excellent
Volunteer Ministers would say that they’re humanitarians.
Um, no. They’re not. Reality is real.
To: otherles
From: Midshipman Shananay Muhammad Nation of Islam/Sea Org
Re: being critical of all things Scientology.
Be warned that any criticism of Scientology organizations, especially the Volunteer Minister program which is supported by our beloved COB as well as Most Theta Being Tom Cruise will not be tolerated and will result in the offending party being subject to Lower Conditions.
Midshipman Shananay Muhammad Nation of Islam/Sea Org.
To: Midshipman Shananay Muhammad Nation of Islam/ Sea Org
From: Alcoboy
Re: COB and Tom Cruise.
Beloved COB?
Most Theta Being Tom Cruise?
Oh, Shananay, you are such a riot!
By the way, how are things at Midtown Org? Have you heard from Bob and Mary Wilson lately?
No love at all,
To: Alcoboy
From: Midshipman Shananay Muhammad Nation of Islam/ Sea Org
Re: Bob and Mary Wilson.
We locked the gates to the org building so that we could extort, I mean, crush reg our public for IAS donations. Those two call the police who then knock down the gate with their battering ram vehicle which, upon entering the parking lot, demolishes our VM van. The Midtown Police have yet to pay for the damages.
Then when we sent out appeals for donations to buy our Beloved COB a new yacht, those two persuade everyone in Midtown to bring a boat and dump it in the org parking lot. It cost us a fortune to remove and dispose of all those dinghies, garbage scows, shrimp boats, and several trashy houseboats. On top of that, it was due to that incident that we have been trying to get our contracted staff and org public back on lines but to no avail. So DO NOT MENTION THE NAMES OF THOSE TWO SPS EVER AGAIN!
Midshipman Shananay Muhammad Nation of Islam/ Sea Org.
To: Midshipman Shananay Muhammad Nation of Islam/ Sea Org
From: Alcoboy
Re: going into lower conditions
You’re admitting all this?
Sir, I hereby assign you the Condition of Treason for betraying the group dynamic!
Look, every year your beloved COB, as you like to term him, puts on several events where he tells people about how exponentially Scientology is growing and how that growth is 10x straight up and vertical and you come on this blog and tell everybody that all the contracted staff and org public of Midtown Org blew and you can’t recover them! Who’s running the place, Sea Org? You know what? I might just contact Bob and Mary and see if they can’t get another garbage scow and dump it in the org parking lot.
It might just be a fitting replacement for the Freewinds!
No love at all,
What did the Klingons say?
They said that Scientology wasn’t getting any money out of them.
On the one hand they say that to give without receiving will make the receiver lose their self respect and therefore they believe in only giving if it’s reciprocated and then on the other hand they claim to help millions of people through the volunteer ministries without receiving any reward or asking for anything in return, abit of a contradiction, go figure…. not that the receiver is really indebted to them, after all- all they have received usually is a few bottles of water (probably a total cost of a buck) a touch assist or two which is worthless unless it works (hint in the majority of the time it’s worthless) and a book which is disguised as a helpful resource when in reality it’s a advertisement – adverising material is usually free !!!
Back to the topic, great to see people helping out, it’s harder to give than to receive but those who take the more difficult charitable road are those who make the world a better place.
Merry Christmas to all regulars and a thank you to all for your contribution this year, needless to say a thank you to the Collingwood fan from sleepy Adelaide who runs the page. As a never in I never fail to be entertained, surprised and fascinated by this bizarre world of the greatest cult the world has ever seen – (greatest at masquerading to be a wholesome religion whose changing the world and the lives of people in a positive way).
May God bless you all and your family this festive season.