The IAS circus came to town, complete with R6 angels, helicopters, movies everyone was required to watch. The sheeple filed in, subjected themselves to 3 hours of loud noises, flashing symbols and lies about their accomplishments, dutifully stood and cheered, whistled and applauded at all the appropriate times, then filed out again, re-dedicated to the idea that they alone are saving mankind.
A few notable images below. Some of them we showed on the The Aftermath fundraiser yesterday.
Mr. Tom Cruise was in attendance — one person (appears to be one the Freedom medal winners from this year, which is probably why she was afforded the privilege) snagged a selfie with him:
The eunuch statue representing the IAS — Marc Headley told a great story about how his package was filed down yesterday.
Horses, they always have to have horses. They used to bring in real “knights in shining armor horses” — very large — now they just get them from the horse-riding farm:
Some other notables in attendance:
Stacy Francis
Tim Bowles and Alfraudie Johnson
John Alex Wood and Gemma. Formerly the number one scientology internet troll – he hasn’t been sighted in some time. Good to see he is still forking over the cash.
The photo-bomber again, with another of the former IAS Freedom medal winners — I think she is from Colombia, but maybe Venezuela. Scientology took over those countries at one time (at least according to the videos when they were giving out the awards)
The proud Scots — wouldn’t miss this chance to make some money.
Tom Cummins and I am guessing his daughter — it’s not Victoria his Russian bride. Always a sartorial splendor intended to make him stand out in a crowd.
Tom again, posing in front of the stage. Even at his most casual, he strikes an imposing figure of bad taste.
Jenna and Bodhi Elfman, with another IAS medal winner. Jenna doesn’t look to happy to be there.
Random attendees:
The aforementioned 10 foot high R6 angel with the unfortunately positioned dangling balls…
I would not have sat underneath that thing…
Taiwan seems to have a large contingent…
No idea who the following people are… But you can bet the regges know them well.
And finally, the gathering of IAS Freedom Medal Winners. Traditionally this photo was taken on the steps at the back of the Manor with the COB front and center. I guess he didn’t want to be anywhere in public this year, and was probably handing with the other biggest being on the planet in his private quarters in the Manor.
They didn’t even have enough of them attending to fill a shot. They have a whole bunch of non-medal winners in the background. And a lot of notable non-attendees: Anne Archer? John Travolta? Rena Weinberg? Peter Schless? Fran Andrews? Jan Eastgate?
But it’s good to see Jeff Pomerantz took his position front and center.
Looks like a great and fun event. If I gave 6 or 7 or 10 figures to the cult, I’d expect a lot of bowing and scraping at my largess and this is event is all about that. Sadly, the only reason Scientology can pretend to be viable is due to these whales. I suspect if these donors spent a few months in the trenches of a local org, relying on org pay and working org hours and enjoying the benefits of lower conditions and all hands letter writing or body routing they might see what a fraud really looks like.
It’s sortof like one of those role play immersion games where everyone pretends they’re a certain character in a made up mystery. Only this time, they pretend they’ve made incredible gains and have spiritual powers and the supporting staff all applaud and acknowledge their amazing abilities.
They then go home and behave exactly like they always did.
It all looks so sad. People dressed to the nines (the cost of an evening gown or tux in addition to giving more money to the cause) with nowhere to go but down and out.
They probably had to rent all their gear from $camatology Formal Wear Hire.
Tom Cummins dresses badly even in his casual attire. In that one pic, he wore corduroy and the pinwale was fat and not skinny like most pinwale corduroy. It made for a bad clunky look for Tom C.
So cruel, so cruel, the way to happiness ain’t the way to happiness.
Yo Dave,
Whats up with the no show in the photo op????????? You could have helped tom out since You’re the only guy with a do that looks like a standing ovation!
To: Newcomer
From: Office of Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Centre
Re: Yo Davey.
The current whereabouts of our beloved COB is none of your concern. Rest assured that he is in a location suitable for the dissemination of our beloved tech and despite his disapproval of your ‘yo davey’ greeting sends you his love and ARC.
Office of Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Centre on behalf of David Miscavige COB RTC.
To: Office of RTC CON David Miscavige claptrap or whatever .
From: Alcoboy
Re: Previous comm particle.
In a safe location disseminating precious tech? Where the hell is that? A sewer?
Oh, and Newcomer, I’m glad to be back on the blog. Hope all is well with you
I know it’s picky, but why is Tom’s shirt crumpled? (Nevermind the hair, nose, and mouth issues.) Has he lost his senses?
He definitely does not look put together. Apparently his Glam Squad couldn’t make it.
I wonder if that is even the original Tom Cruise. They do amazing things with masks and stand-ins and clones these days. He just doesn’t look right.
Wheeeeeeeeere’s Daaaaaavey?
Maybe it should have been a costume or were a mask event.
He’s lost in the tall people crowd since he is the shortest CULT leader ever.
What’s going on with Tommy’s face?? Bloated again. Where’s your date, Jada?
Elfman looked horrible and old. Her husband was creepy.
Apostate Alex’s Sunday video was blip we a blip are here bleep. Kind of distorted.
Didn’t he think to fly drones and take hi res photos over the grounds?
Still and so delusional to the real facts about scientology All had that SOULESS, HOLLOW and EMPTY look in their eyes.
The demise is coming soon.
I wish I saved the picture of me at this banquet in 2009. I was smiling but was wholly sick and I could see it in the picture.
Every fibers of my being – every cell in my body – toxins pumped through via the beating black heart of the church of scientology. They owned me and I knew it. No one knows these horrors unless you’ve been through it.
Don’t trust the smiling faces of all these attendees. Some are as sick as I was.
Tom Cruise looks awful and for someone that has all the resources to look great – someone should get fired, especially his barber – maybe send him back to his shop to lick the floor.
Tom Cummins should never change his name.
The Elfmans, especially in the poses on Tony’s site have their usual “we-are-better-than everyone-here” look who are stunningly transparent.
Alfreddie Johnson, the “reverend” who sold his soul to the devil.
Behind the IAS Gala Banner is the sign that reads:
“Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter Here.”
Tom looks like he had a hair flap surgery similar to Trumps. It can make the hair grow in a weird direction that appears unnatural.
ha ha ha. A do that looks like a standing ovation!
Lots more photos on FB here:,%20East%20Grinstead/263465847102561/
The comments on some of these make me ill.
Little Tommy is not aging very well so I’m wondering how long it be before he pays a visit to The New You for some laser treatment. You never know he might even run into Logan 6 and go on an adventure and meet Peter Ustinov.
Tom’s face has looked bloated in some of the more recent pics. If you are on steroids, it makes for bloated faces. Or other meds too. Just wondering.
How can they still pull in this many people? Were their arms twisted?
They definitely go for color, don’t they?! Rather looks like a circus, or maybe Vegas. But, if that’s the silly look they were going for, they nailed it! 😉
The hairy woolly mammoth Stacy Francis is something else.
Not seeing a lot of Nation of Islam/$ci. hybrids in the photos. After all the hype has that fizzled out? Was it all a big fat money grubbing lie?
Guesstimating 300-400? people there.
Maybe 20% genuinely happy to be there?
60% “working the event” in some form (Tom C, Sea Org).
20% there for a mixture of reasons (support the Scam, Dave asked them, chance to dress up, own one of the horses, etc.)
(Mike, Am I anywhere close on my breakdown?)
Was Li’l Cap’n Davy of the Fake Space Navy there?
To: SMoore
From: Office of Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Centre.
Re: showing disrespect towards our beloved COB and the Sea Org.
On behalf of our beloved COB David Miscavige we must ask you to please cease these attacks on the most theta individual in the MEST universe as well as attacking the only organization capable of eliminating all the enturbulation on planet Earth.
Our beloved COB sends his ARC.
Office of Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Centre on behalf of David Miscavige COB RTC.
To: Office of COB cash cow David Miscavige bullshit or whatever you people call yourselves.
From: Alcoboy
Re: Ridiculous comm particles.
Beloved COB my ass! Most people I know hope that the mighty midget shares a prison cell with Donald Trump!
No love at all,
Here we see the Regge in his natural environment…
I was struck by the soulless staring eyes in some of the pics. They seem to lack any spark of humanity. It’s a sure symptom of their stubborn allegiance to a tragic cause. Their numbers may be dwindling, but I suspect that there will be whales in sufficient numbers that will remain loyal to the bitter end. And all for naught, sad to say. They’ll be dead, and the planet will not be any closer to going clear. What a terrible legacy to leave behind.
I wish I would have saved the picture of me at the banquet here in 2009. I was “smiling” but I felt I could see that I was NOT happy at all.
It’s great to see what Neil Gaiman fans help pay for.
There are plenty of tomorrows filled with mind numbing disillusionment waiting for those tinsel clothed people. It’s remarkable how money unwisely spent can mug your enthusiasm for life.
But as they so frequently demonstrate in Scientology, everyone wins a prize, personally wrapped by the devil himself.
At least this event puts to rest any and all doubts about TC’s loyalties & mental stature. His Bubbleness is a small, but complete package of inward facing mirrors.
One of those is Olive Oyl that Tony featured twice on his website talking about her OT ‘wins’ after doing some course.
Looks like they covered the lack of attendees by filling the tent with large round tables.
That’s the Patrons Ball. The Friday night event is rows of seats.
A minor point: If a Sea Org member or an outer-org trainee at Flag had his hair looking like Tom Cruise’s hair in that picture, they’d be reprimanded and forced to get their hair cut and neatened. I’m not saying there really is something wrong with Tom’s hair, I’m just pointing out a double standard.
I was once chewed out by a company commander for having too long of hair when I was stationed at Fort Benning.
But I bet that the military doesn’t have any long-haired celebrities associated with them, whose hair would contradict the military hair standard, like Scientology does.
But when you’re Tom Cruise you can get away with anything.