Some information recently leaked from inside the bubble about what the clubbed seals are telling themselves to feel good.
They are now adding up the CUMULATIVE statistics of all “ideal orgs” in the US “since they became ideal.”
I am not going to go through the exercise of trying to add up how many weeks of cumulative statistics this is — just Buffalo, NY and SFO between them are 20 years x 52 weeks x 3 orgs = 312o weeks. There are, according to the website 33 “ideal orgs” in the US, the last of which (Ventura) opened in Feb 2020. So, all of them have been opened between 3 and 20 years. To be kind, let’s say the average is 10 years. This means the total “production” of the ideal orgs is 10 x 52 x 30 = 15,600 weeks.
Now, let’s use that to look at the statistics they are so excited about:
Cumulative number of introductory service completions from all US ideal orgs since opening as ideal is 1.4 million
This means 89 Intro Service completions in a week by 33 orgs — less than 3 per week in each of the IDEAL ORGS! The definition of an intro service is a free lecture or film showing.
Cumulative number of first service starts (from all US ideal orgs since opening as Ideal) is over 76,000
First, it tells you that 1.4 million Introductory Services results in just 76,000 First Service Starts (not completions) — which means less than 1 in 18 Intro Service completions starts a “first service.”
This equates to less than 5 First Service Starts a week on average for 33 orgs COMBINED.
Cumulative auditors made from all US ideal orgs since opening as Ideal is over 4,000
This stat is counted by adding up the total number of auditor COURSES completed, so one person completing Level o counts as 1, and when they complete Level 1 they count again. With Pro TR’s and Metering Courses, someone becoming a Class V auditor counts as at least 8 “auditors made” stats by the time they get to that level.
4.000 auditors made is 0.25 of an auditor made each week by 33 IDEAL ORGS!
US Ideal Orgs have produced 23x more clears since going Ideal
23X more than what? The grand total of Clears before “ideal” versus how many they have made since? If that is the case, then the total number of Clears should be 23X the 50,000 they announced back in the 90’s. = 1,150,000. But the grand total for the planet is still less than 80,000….
Here is a really bizarre one they were promoting: 90% of Portland Org Ideal campaign was funded by loans and borrowed money
WTF? They are actually PROUD of this and still promoting this sort of thing even after the infamous Chase Wave. This leopard never changes its spots.
>This means the total “production” of the ideal orgs is 10 x 52 x 30 = 15,600 weeks
excuse me, 10 years, 52 week per year,
and 30 here means orgs or something else?
if it is orgs, then numbers you calculted it is average per a week for 1 org, not combined for all orgs
This may be the last time they release any real stats. In the future, it will only be undefined metrics like “positive social impact” or “global economic growth caused by Scientology” or “3rd dynamic expansion acceleration rate” or “awards from grateful officials”.
Figures don’t lie. But liars do figure.
Think about it for a while.
THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING CULT a new movie coming to theater near you. Thank you Mike for breaking down how pitiful the Scientology orgs are doing.
As a side note a big thank you to Mike and Tony Ortega for attending my screening of BROTHERS BROKEN Today.
Great audience response and good Q&A with Tony and Mike.
With Dinky Davey as the lovestruck sycophant who would always try and find ways to knock the soap out of Slightly Taller Tom’s hand and eagerly bend over to pick it up in the hope that his soapy arse is will be noticed and…weellll…I won’t say anything more, it might spoil the movie.
Throwing out some BIG numbers to raise the Seals “feel good” level.
But still kind of a downer year after years of
– ending crime in Venezuela
– ending improper use of your/you’re in Turkmenistan
– ending drug use in the Philippines
– ending absent minded butt scratching in Vanuatu.
“Here is a really bizarre one they were promoting: 90% of Portland Org Ideal campaign was funded by loans and borrowed money”
Then what are all the “Ideal Org” fundraisers for?? IRS should be looking into where that money went, as it’s illegal to use tax exempt money raised for a specific purpose for some other purpose.
Also, rule of thumb we learned long ago over on the ‘Bunker’. Divide any statistic provided by $cientology by 7 before extrapolating anything from it.
They can’t even present stats without squirreling. What a shit show.
Meaningless information which even deflects off people’s interest, this info coming from Miscavige the leader of Scientology.
Number of auditors auditing is the most important statistic of the movement, and the number of people actively getting auditing weekly, is next most.
Auditors and preclears.
Students stats are secondary.
Intro students/studiers of the intro courses, is even far less relevant.
Scientology is a subject of dabblers, tripping over the minor steps in the long runway of getting up to be solo exorcists/soul-freers on OT 3 thru 7 and getting rid of their “OT case” by freeing/exorcising all their body-thetans off themselves.
Auditing is the soul memories alleviation pseudo-therapy of Scientology.
Auditors are the soul memories alleviation pseudo-therapists of Scientology.
“well taught students and thoroughly audited preclears” is what Hubbard stated in “Technical Degrades” are the products of a Scientology organization. He was simply partially wrong on this point.
Auditors are the key Scientologists.
Number of people getting auditing, each week, is the practice of Scientology.
“Case” is the target of the Scientology soul memories alleviation pseudo-therapy/exorcism procedures.
I wouldn’t even keep other statistics.
Either people are interested in doing or receiving the auditing/exorcism, or not.
All the Hubbard other steps is just a waste of an interested follower’s time.
There’s no need for orgs, just forums for auditors/exorcists doing the auditing/exorcism on themselves and friends.
I’d skip the “Emeter” and I’d skip all of the paperwork crap of Hubbard’s pseudo-therapy/exorcism if I were even still interested.
All anyone needs are the commands, and do them on oneself, or find someone who will do them for free on one. Including the exorcism procedures.
Subject Volume 3
Subject Volume 4
The “OT Volume”
(and maybe writeups by ex top Class 12s and others)
That’s the “tech” (the pseudo-therapy and the exorcism) guts of Scientology.
Scientology is about chipping away at one’s “case” and one’s “OT case.” Using the Hubbard pseudo-therapy and exorcism/soul freeing procedures.
I recommend people interested do the above if they must do or find out what Scientology is. But I wouldn’t do it, I’d choose another 8th dynamic activity today, I like Buddhism. Get a more decent religion activity, or similar subject, become interested in any of the great subjects taught in universities.
Do you feel a need to mention “excorcisms” in every one of your posts? Just wondering
Yes, for all the times Hubbard and thus Scientology fails to call their soul freeing for what it is, a form of exorcism, yes, it will take a long time for the public to finally get over this hurdle of Scientology failing to call their exorcism as exorcism, since Hubbard disallowed it being called exorcism, when he ought to have.
OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 is essentially a telepathic command procedure / auditing of the invisible souls (body-thetans) which are leaking R6 Xenu implanted bad soul memories, over to us.
Our “OT case” is the second big address of “case” which humans have to supposedly be relieved of.
Lower grades through Clear is “one’s own case.”
And then OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the soul freeing or exorcism procedures steps of upper Scientology, to remove the body-thetans which are infesting our human bodies or nearby orbiting around us, and those invisible bodiless souls, body-thetans, are leaking the R6 implant ideas over to us. Exorcising them, or freeing them with the OT 3 auditing of those souls, causes those souls to eject off of us.
That ejecting of those invisible souls out of human body can easily be understood rationally as exorcism.
And we know how long it takes to do OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, those steps aren’t quick.
Average time is years to get through all the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 steps.
And getting those Xenu R6 implanted souls to leave our human body, this is really important to tell people.
Scientologists are scared they will get sick and “spin” into the 36 1/2 day R6 implanting part of the 4th Dynamic Engram, but nobody does “spin” into it.
It’s more important to tell the soul theory of Scientology, to show that this is what Hubbard/Scientology today think is most desirable to endeavor to do with people, to fix humanity’s collective accumulated spiritual problems.
It’s our soul “case” memories, both the ones from our own lifetime and lifetimes, but also the soul memories that leak over onto us from the invisible souls infesting our human bodies.
Calling the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 steps as exorcism steps, for the benefit of removing all the “case” leaving from these invisible souls over to us, is quite accurate and informative.
Certainly Scientologists don’t know their own soul theory well enough. (I write my comments for people in the future who are new to Scientology, so they get a quick grip of the soul therapy and exorcism core procedures of Scientology, so they understand it quickly and are right in their core understanding, and just don’t understand Scientology with PR advertising definitions of it.)
Sadly there will be a certain number of people that will continue to adhere to this belief. Inside, the bubble, they know that they have to keep trying. Anything. In anyway. It’s the greatest good. At all cost. It is a sad example for learning purposes. It’s a strange thing to know reasons for both sides. Makes for great practice.
As a former Mission staff, I can guarantee that they’ll count anything that walks in the door as a stat. Someone asking for directions, even a homeless person asking for a handout are just a few examples of creative stat tabulating. I knew a staffer who was so desperate for a walk-in stat late one night, that he called the police and said that he suspected someone was trying to break in. He counted the arriving investigating officer as a “walk-in” public.
That is hilarious. 😂
How to turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse with numbers, Scientology’s magic show for bubble dwellers.
“Bullshit baffles minds,” is the only technology they actually have, and what makes it worse, it’s the only truth they possess too.
You said; “it is the only truth they possess too”.
That just dropped my jaw my friend. Cause it resonated what I have known about the cult for decades and just never phrased it so simply.
There is no other truth in the cult whatsoever. None. Nowhere. Not ever.
4,000 auditors
33 ideal orgs
76 trombones
What would be nice is a film titled Seven Grandfathers With Six Shotguns And A Kalashnikov