You have all heard scientology spout repeatedly that Valley is the biggest and most important Class 5 org in the world. Of course, this is idiocy, they cannot gather together 50 people for an event and have less than a handful on services at any given time (though this DOES put them ahead of most orgs in the world).
What is probably true is that this org has the largest number of scientologists in its field – and the largest empty white elephant building in terms of square feet (and of course in scientology, square feet of empty space is the ultimate measure of accomplishment). There are more scientologists in the greater LA area than anywhere on planet earth. Next closest is Clearwater/Tampa Bay. After that it is anyone’s guess. But nowhere is it even worth mentioning (except perhaps Taiwan — see recent article in The Atlantic). I would guess 40% of all people in the Greater LA area willing to identify themselves as scientologists live in the region that the Valley Org is supposed to serve. Pasadena, LA Org and Orange County probably have 20% each. Inglewood 0%.
But despite this fact, they cannot complete the fundraising for their idiotic building. So, the pressure has on people from all over the US (and the world) to “step up” and give money for Valley. It’s been going on for years now — predating the now common “ideal org alliances” that are used to try to encourage suckers to give to small and failing orgs that will never make it alone. All the orgs in LA, including ASHO, AOLA and CC hound their public to give money to Valley. So too the “Valley Project” (Quinn the Eskimo and Co.) who hit up anyone they can lay their hands on anywhere in the world.
And on top of that, they have a special “humanitarian” in Bart Simpson who has handed over millions upon millions to this crazy cause. The Governess of the Vast Valley territory (or whatever it is that they call her) apparently loves the praise and recognition heaped upon her – must be kind of sad being identified as a naughty child cartoon character all your adult life…
But in any event, these facts when put together make for an interesting picture.
To illustrate, here is just one of the latest “Up Status” alerts. These two are NOT Valley Org public. They were big supporters of the failed Sacramento “ideal” org. They are Sacramento or CC or Flag public.
Now, let’s take a look at the numbers they boast about. This the “LARGEST Ideal Org on Earth!”
From all over the world, they have managed over 10 years, to get less than 500 “Alumni” for this, the biggest and most important class 5 org anywhere in the biggest field of scientologists anywhere.
After more than 10 years the collective efforts of scientology have not managed to complete this “ideal org.”
And here is the latest list of the “Humanitarians.” They are still struggling to reach 100. It’s sort of reminiscent of the 10,000 “on or through” Solo NOTs endless target.
Note how many of these names are NOT Valley public. Also how many are full time “FSM’s” and staff regges.
This is a good measure of how many public there are actually participating in scientology.
And the language is oh so typical of the scientology fundraising insanity “unstoppable scientology expansion” “continue to align for an epic completion” “never been seen or even conceived possible” “spearheading this great movement.” Truth in advertising should require them to be more honest “an utter waste of time and your money” “not going to make a difference” “only so David Miscavige can claim more square feet of expansion.”
Just a clarification point…
That blond woman in the main picture (referred to someone who donated to Sac but is probably an LA or Flag public) is Judy Norton Taylor, actress. Her claim to fame was being Mary Ellen on the Waltons.
Very Ironic what George Bush says, midway through the video, about how we want to build a country that’s more like the Waltons and less like the Simpsons.
Little did he know that, decades later, “Mary Ellen” would become good friends with “Bart Simpson”. lol
If COB was smart he would empty the Hole of people and send them to big events. There would be more than 50 people showing up and it would give the illusion of numbers. And of course he could send an equal amount of security staff to make sure nobody “goes off the rails”.
Here’s what gets me. Several of the people in the pictures are Sea Org. How in the hell can they afford to financially contribute anything that would give them an honor status when all they get is $50.00 a week?
From what I see, all of them are involved in “regging” which gives commissions for funds raised. Charmaine and Bruce Rogers, the Taufers, Vicki Shantz. They get a percentage of the funds they raise for the Church, but are required to put some of their ill-gotten wealth back into the Church.
I remember Charmaine pulling 750K in one year in the late 90’s for their Superpower fundraising. That was take-home; they were regging close to 8-10 million a year.
In re: to your post the other day about Taiwan: I read the Atlantic article and Mr. Yang’s experience is pretty much the EXACT objection I have to the CoS. Forget for a moment, any workability of auditing or any applicability of any of LRH’s ideas in his basic books. The bottom line in the Scientology experience is the TOTALITARIANISM expressed in Mr. Yang’s experience. It doesn’t seem to matter that he is the first Taiwanese Clear of Cl V auditor, making other clears. He had the fucking GALL to give someone a DVD of “The Secret”! He had the fucking NERVE to post on his blog about other subjects than Scientology. HE MUST BE CONTROLLED AND DISCIPLINED FOR THIS OUTRAGEOUS BEHAVIOR!
It is the COMPLETE CONTROL over all of its parishioner’s lives that the Church of Scientology attempts, over what you read, how you have sex, who you communicate to, what you do with your money, where you work, what you even fucking THINK! That is what you essentially WILL have to agree to if you join. (ah, how nice to NEVER have to think of going to “ethics” ever again!!!)
So… what does the above comment have to do with today’s subject? Well … you know, many many people (the majority of people on Earth? I don’t know) WANT to be told what to think and what to do in every instance and every area of life, many people seem to CRAVE this type of control over their lives. It becomes their spiritual and mental security blanket to never have to think for themselves (yes, in the great tradition of the Old Testament and the Koran). So … for those who want to contribute large portions of their savings or go into complete debt to erect these useless ideal orgs? Knock yourselves out, babies … I admit I do kind of enjoy you being squeezed and bled of your cash, makes me feel a bit richer and independent myself (see how honest I am? ha ha). But Kenny Shapiro, BABY!, where the HECK did you get all that cash or credit to donate? (your current wife rich? I wouldn’t discount that being the case, you’re a bottom line kind of guy) or inherited moolah? or just wildly successful in real estate due to some heavy hitting whales you know from your SO days?) But hey, it’s not my affair. Give till it hurts, kid, … it eventually will.
Discussing Kenneth Shapiro’s source of income is like knowing why the Vatican accepts $986,000,000.00 checks from the world’s biggest opium importer with a smile. It is because the head of that opium empire believes in Jesus. That makes sense right? If you sell people heroin and you don’t believe in God you are bad, but if you sell people heroin and you believe in Jesus, you are OK. Right? I guess that is what the difference must be. 🙂
I find it very interesting and perhaps more telling that you make a “statement” as above with absolutely NO references to check or citations, as one would find in any statement of truth. Sounds more in line with bigoted name calling.
He launders money for the church or for himself with 1031 scams and tennaancy in common fake subdivided cams, passing to his daughter and illegally contracting with a son-in-law who doesn’t have a valid contractor’s license. By finding ways to kill tenants and ruin their neighborhood, they can jack a building and then take all the people’s belongings, selling them on RealReal and eBay, etc. It’s a real FU operation to the entire Los Angeles community, but it’s really him, his daughter Cheney, his son-in-law, and boss around Alan Marcuson’s son, Josh Marcuson. They basically ruin people’s lives until they are destitute. But it doesn’t stop there; it’s a web of shell companies, dirty deals with Andrew Bank, Keith David William, five lawyers – Joann Gailin, Richard Judson Williams, Randy Williams – underwriter Cathy Morphopolis, Paris’s sister. Hell, I bet Paula is forging paintings. I mean, it’s not just Ken; it’s Trina Sears too.”
Happened upon the Plant City center. All the props where in place, but I got the feeling nobody, staff or otherwise, had been there in a while.
You know where I saw a bunch of people? The chocolate store a couple doors down. That place was awesome.
Well, that is truly astonishing. Tampa is so close to being double SH Size and is the bestest of the best Class V orgs on earth. And they nearly have the first part of the CF in PT too. You mean to tell me this paragon of scientology success has a “test center” that is not getting anyone tested and in? Same as the test center in St Pete which is also always empty and looks abandoned. And the mission in South Tampa that CLOSED.
The true religion of Tampa is found at the intersection of dessert technology and spirituality:
I am a Yogurtologist. Seriously, man, they can have all my money.
Her Goofiness of the Vacuous Vacuum.
Her Gitness of the Vapid Numbskull.
This reminds me.
Has the “Indy 500” list of Independent Scientologists from 2010 reached 500 members yet?
Who knows. Sort of fell out of fashion. Doubt there are too many people today who even want to be identified as any form of scientologist – devout, independent, squirrel, lapsed or anything other than “ex-“
Alanzo, based on Indie internet traffic level SIGINT, the Indie movement collapsed about 2 years ago.
I don’t know, Mike, I was just at Trey Lotz’ house recently and his waiting room was full of pc’s waiting for him to finish the pc he was on. Same true for Randy Smith. I hear Ingrid also audits a lot as does Chris Black. And even Robin Adair audits. Sorry if I missed some auditors — I don’t know them all and I only count the ones that audit face to face as opposed to Skype. Don’t kill me for saying that please!
Oh, that is great Cindy. I am happy about this, not upset in the least. It is wonderful there is somewhere to go for people who still want auditing. The church tries to tell everyone they have a monopoly on scientology. It is part of their web of lies to keep people giving their money to them. These are all good people, genuinely interested in helping others the best way they know how. I have absolutely no beef with them (though I have had differences with Robin Adair who used to post here, but seems to see conspiracies behind everything). I wish them all nothing but the best and sincerely hope they continue what they are doing.
Got a session with an auditor the other day over a tragic loss I’m experiencing. Helped a lot.
Thanks, Mike Rinder! Good to read your reply, although I was responding to Mike Wysinski’s posting that the Indie movement had collapsed. I too am glad that there are auditors auditing in the Indie world as it tells the KA drinkers, the UTR’s and the newly out that yes, there is Scn in the Indie field, and yes you can get standard auditing there, and yes you can still “have your eternity” even though you leave the church! So that threat of your whole spiritual eternity is now threatened unless you do as we say (in corporate Scn) is an empty threat and a lie. You can have it all and eat cake too! So come on out all your UTR’s and fence sitters! The water’s fine.
Cindy, One person is not relevant when referring to an overall movement. That is like saying that the CoS isn’t almost empty of people taking service (when that IS the case) because a single Class V org has PC’s.
Trey ( i know him) has had PC’s for many decades and probably will until he dies.
The Indie 500 list is becoming the Indie version of the On Or Through Solo NOTs list. There are a bunch of people on there, like our own Simi Valley, who declared themselves Indie, then worked their way through the other side to become fully Ex. Their rate of loss is exceeding their rate of inclusion, just like Scientology itself. You can just look at the first twenty people: Marty, Mosey, Christie, and Mike are on there. I don’t think you’d consider any of them Indie anymore.
And in case you’re wondering, I just checked: 492.
Espiando, I’m on there. I now consider myself an ex. I still use some things I like and leave the rest. My daughter got a Book 1 style session the other day and came out saying “I feel like a huge burden has been lifted off my shoulders.” So yeah, whatever works I’m good with. I don’t think I’d identify with “Independent” anymore though. Ex works for me.
#2 is Steve “Sarge” Pfauth (RIP) . List could use some updating. It’s likely some names would come off,while some others could be added. Or, thinking about it, of what use is the list anyway?
Al, The Indie 500 List was (as far as I remember) a “bright idea” to let still-in scientologists know that many of the highly trained and processed had left the CofS. My name was (and probably still is) on that list even though I’d declared that I was no longer practising scientology in any way, shape or form.
Way back in 2008 I had the “bright idea” that a list (by geographical location) of all those who had left might make some impact on the still-in scientologists. I proposed compiling and web’ing such a list to several others and we were well under way with the project but shelved it for a later date due to the fast pace of other significant events taking place at that time. We never picked it up again and, these days, I have neither the interest nor the commitment required to complete it.
I still think it’s a good idea, though. Imagine if you were a scientologist in, let’s say LA, and could see at a glance all the highly trained/processed, tech terminals, admin terminals, senior management, award-winners, etc from your particular area who had found the CofS wanting and left the fold.
In my opinion, this is the sort of thing that actually has an impact on the scientology mindset. In ANZO a couple of well-known Exes put together a large banner listing many of the names of those who’d already left. They displayed it at Protests outside the AO and at a few Events. It caused quite a stir amongst the Faithful from what I heard. 🙂
Anyone interested: please feel free to come help expanding the big list of exes speaking out against scientology on WWP! Add new names, or add info (like geographical location) to existing names!
WWP-thread where we coordinate our efforst:
Big list itself:
Right at this moment we have 2,734 entries. 🙂
Dave if one did an ACCURATE Indie list today it wouldn’t do much good. There are almost no Indie’s left. TONS of Ex’s though!
Perhaps that’s true, Mike, but, as far as I know, there are still plenty of people practicing scientology outside of the CofS. The Indie/Freezone/No-Affiliation scientologists might well be delivering more actual Training and Processing than all of the CofS’ Class V Orgs combined. I doubt that there’s any way to take a really accurate assessment of it.
My idea for the list was always something along the lines of “these are just some of the people you know who have left the CofS”.
TrevAnon’s Big List of those who have spoken out against the CofS is great. It only lists a fraction of the people who have left but gathering up and verifying those 2,734 names is quite an achievement, IMO. Kudos to all involved in assembling The Big List.:)
Sorry but Docs on your incredible claim of, “The Indie/Freezone/No-Affiliation scientologists might well be delivering more actual Training and Processing than all of the CofS’ Class V Orgs combined. ” or take a walk. 😉
Like I said, ” I doubt that there’s any way to take a really accurate assessment of it.”. I personally know about 20 people here in Oz who are busy doing the independent-of-CofS scientology thing. That’s a small number, of course, but they’re busy little bees as far as I can tell. I’ve been out of the all-things-scientology loop for a long time and have little interest in these things nowadays. I’d suggest that you check out the Ron’s Org (Free (space) Zone) and Freezone/Indie groups for some actual dox on what’s ocurring Training and Processing-wise.
Bob Graves, one of the “upstat alert” non-local contributors to the Valley Org that you mention is indeed a long-time Sacramento $cilon who contributed significantly to the Sacramento Ideal Org campaign and is quoted in this Freedumb mag article about that org
Although $cn’s omniscient selection of Ideal Org sites has been, ummm, something less than totally successful, they totally killed it with their selection of the Sacramento Org’s site at 6th and J st., which is literally right next door to the massive new Golden 1 arena, home of the Sacramento Kings, and which is scheduled to open in October of this year for the b-ball season’s first tip off. If you google map the cherch’s address, you”ll get an idea of exactly how close it actually is to the arena and, it’s important to note, it is located on what will be a pedestrian thoroughfare leading right past its doors to the arena! A better location for massive foot traffic you just couldn’t find!
Fucking awesome for the cherch, right? Well, not so fast there, Sparky. Since opening its doors in 2012, Sac’s very own Idle Morgue has suffered the same fate of so many others in the country since their completion – with massive square footage of very nicely renovated historical building space, but so few public and staff that it often looks to be vacant.
So, if ever there was an opportunity to test lil davey’s hypothesis that having large, well-appointed and tastefully restored Ideal Orgs, located on urban streets with heavy foot traffic, will boom the number of public getting on lines (“47X”), then the Sac org must surely be it! The huge crowds that will be walking right by their doors when the arena opens in October of this year should increase exponentially. And if lil davey is right, then the org’s stats should take off as well.
I’m going to do a little informal pre- and post-arena opening stat gathering to see what, if any, effect this massive increase in foot traffic is going to have on the org’s fortunes. My bet is that it will be minimal because you not only need a nice big shiny new building, but a bunch of staff to have any chance of success in getting public through the doors. The Freedumb mag article, cited above, quotes the Mayor of Sacramento lauding the $cn community for their efforts in restoring the historic building that now houses the new org and describes it as having 12,000 members who raised 15 million dollars to complete the restoration.
I’m sure the local $cn fluffers gave the mayor that hugely over-inflated estimate, which he then just parroted. I’d be surprised if there was even 1,200 active $cilons in the greater Sacramento area, with a total population of approximately 2 million. But whatever that number actually is, it’s going to to be very interesting indeed to put lil davey’s crucially important hypothesis to the test in the naturalistic experimental setting that the new arena’s opening in October will create.
Bottom line: If the Sac org growth can’t go straight up and vertical as it it rockets to Saint Hill-size with a super prime location like that in a California city that’s booming, then it’s very unlikely to be able to do so anywhere else in the U.S. either. Will the ‘square feet of Ideal Org space’ stat that lil davey pulled from out his behind directly translate into the primary measures that Elron himself very clearly laid out in policy as statistical indicators of success for every service-delivering organization in $cn (i.e. well done auditing hours and fully trained auditors)? We shall certainly see!
I’ll keep you posted 😉
Definitely looking forward to whatever specifics you can provide.
There are already a couple of pilots:
1. Denver “ideal” org is virtually across the street from the Colorado Rockies Coors Field. All summer long they use the empty org parking lot to sell parking for Rockies patrons. It has done nothing for the org — which remains empty
2. New York org is literally a stone’s throw from Times Square. You want body traffic? There are few locations on planet earth with more “bodies” 24/7 365 than Times Square. NY Org remains an empty, failed org.
So I think the hypothesis has already been proven — but another failure added to the list will make the cheese more binding.
To verify what Mike is saying, without going into too much detail. NY Org is a failed Org and so is the CLO EUS 4 blocks away from it. Sea Org members with “problems” are “offloaded/posted” to there from the original org they had problems at. For example, probably a lot of people remember Flag Registrar David Light. He was a very heavy smoker the whole time I was at Flag. After I left Flag he had a heart attack at Flag and was then “exported/offloaded/posted” to CLO EUS. A lot of people like that are dumped in the New York area. He then took up the job of “Regging with Caution” so as not to have a final heart attack. 🙂
I was also gonna mention the New York org as in a tremendous location … I mean, if you can’t make it there, can you make it anywhere? (Cue the Sinatra, quick!)
Also, the empty Pasadena org location is GREAT! Just up the block from a busy corner in beautiful Old Pasadena, tons of “upstat” people sauntering down Colorado Blvd day and night.
Duggan family are to the right of Nancy. Or are there more than one Duggan family? 🙂
That is the Duggan family. Your observations are correct. However, WHAT? no picture of them? Are pictures of the Duggan family now as confidential as the OT levels? 🙂
HUMANITARIAN has been redefined to mean you cough up your hard earned bucks to feather the nest of a $3 billion dollar stock piled entity who’s main stat is real estate expansion.
Documented here is $1.5 billion from just 3 entities, not even COUNTING the IAS “reserves”
Karen these documents are OUTSTANDING. You have outdone yourself this time! 🙂 🙂 🙂
A lot of familiar faces. I bet the mystery donors are people either declared or getting investigated and sec checked up the ass.
Lots of old people like us, Michael…
OSD, you live in California, are you going to be one of the 79 to get your plaque?
I hope so…
I’m surprised Judy Norton can contribute, most child actors have long since blown through all their money, and her one big role in ‘the Waltons’ TV show was long long ago.
According to the IMDB, she’s been getting a little work recently on series and even a musical, so of course there’s money to give to the Cherch.
Judy Norton goes around the various Idle Morgues and sings for them to obtain donations. At least she gives something in return besides lies. She is a nice woman – but guzzling the Kool aide, unfortunately.
Pitifully pitiful Dave. Time to do them lowers after you route onto the RPF. Your only terminal is the mirror.
Here’s an eleven minute warning on the hazards of seeking immortality:
Good old cosmic transcendence/escapism’s eternal problematic lure….
Scientology’s “Xanadu” kept me from hearing more great music like this one. Thanks.
On a related note, here is a recent and humorous video that is yet more evidence that $cientology is dying.
In Search of the Scientology Mission of Redwood City, California
A lovely little piece. Loved the music. I wonder who/what pays the rent for an empty office?
Man, I guess they need to bring back that ol’ SP Martin Samuels. He was the last guy who was able to make busy missions around them parts. Imagine that – an SP totally trouncing the “OT Committee Alliance for Massive Teegeack-Shaking Expansion!”
COSMOD was one of, if not the, biggest mission there was. Of course, that was back in the 70s…
Do they have to re-do that plague every time someone gets declared?
I thought that’s what the silhouettes were all about.
Hi Mike and all, It still twists my mind around that Scientology keeps using the over blown verbose word salad as you so rightly called it,regarding all the Expansion Past,Present & Future to have gone and come again.How any SO slave can sit and read that & staff too without getting up and walking out the door is beyond me now.I understand all too well the master slave relationship within the church,but when money is pouring in for dm 24/7 and results for Upper Levels are shrinking the only answer I can see is brainwashed.I do not know if dm has any skill in that area I would surmise knowing how much money he has, is more of his priority.xo
How much does it cost to be a new civilization builder, I thought I read somewhere a million dollars?
A million dollars? Really? Ouch…um, well how much does it cost to be an old civilization maintainer….or an extinct civilization refugee? Alright, look…I’m just gonna go ahead and be upfront, I’ve got 57 cents and an expired bus pass, what will that buy me?
A million dollars is small change that gets
you only one night in LRH’s Bed at Int. Base.
You’re a twisted puppy Jose, but I like you!
I was almost a Zombie in “Night of the living Dead Part 2”
Many Mad scientist gone amok movies and
Mike Meyers classic “So I married an Axe murder”
Best contributing line in a horror movie
” I have only two words for you, Brush your teeth !!1
The thought is absolutely appalling!
They are so hard up that they will have to fill out the rest of that poster with pictures of protesters that they have taken outside of all the other orgs. How funny that would be to see the rest of those boxes filled in with pictures of people wearing Guy Fawkes masks with the word “Humanitarian” below. LOL
Both Graves & Norton in that pic look like they have swallowed a particularly nasty tasting turd.
It seems as though this game is no holds barred.Even Sea Org members have donated for the Valley Org project. Grant and Elena Cardone are listed as 2 of the donators to the Valley Project as well. Both of those people, to my knowledge, most recently if not still, reside in New Jersey. Why not support the 2 Ideal Missions in New Jersey that closed or the failing one that is still open or even the non-existent one in Elizabeth (charter only) that is in LRH’s Dianetics “Hometown”? Better yet, why not open an Ideal Org in New Jersey which is the 11th most populated state in the United States just across the river from New York City the biggest city in the world in the 4th most populated state in the United States? Scientologists (Jody Desena and Michelle Kenner) that used to own the International House of Pancakes in Elizabeth, NJ (located on the same block where the Ideal Mission that closed used to be) just recently sold the International House of Pancakes while operating under the name of Paul Kenny Enterprises in Clark, NJ. (a restaurant holding and trading company). 🙂
In addition, the church’s fund raising is extreme, because for someone like myself to FSM or Reg someone into any org or mission (as an example) is not practical or likely. Why? Because how can a person explain to someone new to the subject of Scientology – “The Church of Scientology is stealing from me and has already stolen from me but perhaps they will not do this to you. Go there and see what happens”. 🙂
When I look at these mug shots, er, photos, I have to stop myself from spewing out a laundry list of all the crappy, nasty, destructive things they’ve done in the name of their “religion.” As a group these are not good people. They don’t help others – they help themselves through status. There is no list of humanitarian achievements, no good works, no lives improved. Just $$$ to the Co$ and everyone else be damned.
Ah… the heart and soul of the most important group of public Scientologists exposed in a single paragraph. Well done C&O.
Now, cast a thought to their controllers, the uniformed and especially un-uniformed ones basking in the legal glory of “I’ve got their money, I’ve got their money…” their list of accomplishments starts and ends right there. In their wake lies a vast human misery never seen, mentioned or even contemplated for their hearts are cold and lifeless. Fancy clothes, fast cars, gourmet food and legally protected money for the anointed few immensely more important than the lies it took to get it.
The source of the new Scientology was Stevens Creek Org.
that created De Dingng. An unknown at the time David Miscavige
realized there was more money to harvest than was imagined.
It was all a matter of creating paper products to harvest the cash.
Puddle on the carpet bad!
They have a content problem, their product of Clear and OT isn’t fetching anymore.
No poor people are attaining OT 8 cuts across mass universal appeal.
OT 8 superpeople rising from rags to changing the universe roles is not happening.
Scientology is a blue sky sales operation and the world knows it now.
They also have a pricing problem. Most of the “exclusive”: content offered in Scientology has been made available on the internet, much of it for free, and without being gradually indoctrinated in the information, people wind up thinking that it’s a crazy bunch of crap right away. I’d guess that one can buy enough books to know what Scientology is all about for $200 or less.
Scientology is expensive even measured against religions that expect you to tithe (10% of income, pre-tax, more if possible). Paying for just ONE person’s bridge would buy a pretty decent house in most areas,
Much of the decline in scientology membership probably correlates with the flattening to decline in income that most people have experienced over the last 35-40 years, though it has been accelerated by the increases in price well above inflation Scientology has priced itself out of the market., and for Scientology to take a “Gideon’s” sort of approach to distributing their literature on any reasonable scale for free would be its death knell. . .
The endlessly long runway (Bridge to Total Freedom is their runway to taking off and becoming OT) also has 5 levels of snipe-hunting (body-thetan exorcism, OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7).
It’s just a massive amount of snipe-hunting when you finally get to the “upper levels.”
The final 3 pages in Lawrence Wright’s “Going Clear…” book where Sarge tells how Ron admitted failing at it all, those pages should be turned into an issue, and made the first item on every Scientology checksheet!
Let them hear at the start the fact that LRH admitted failure, to Sarge.
LRH’s admission to Sarge is out.
I don’t see how they can overcome that hurdle of truth.
Truth? The words Scientology and truth do not belong in the same novel, let alone the same sentence.
You’re discounting the fact that it’s pure, unadulterated fantasy gibberish.
I wonder why no photo of the Duggan family.
You devil you. You took the words right out of my mouth. Yes. My thoughts exactly! Why just get from the “little people” in the church? Where are the Duggan’s? I guarantee you, because you and I have asked, the Duggan’s will donate and be on the plaque of donator’s by the end of the week! 🙂
And where the hell are Tom and John and Krusty? Certainly they would be willing to show up for a little fundraiser. Hell, they could do a match night and wrap it up. People won’t come down to listen the broken record Quinn and Brandy show but if you get the big beings there you might get a turnout!
Yo Quinn,
Whydoncha give TC a call and git er done good buddy?
They were holidaying on Marcab and unavailable. This is a lovely time of year to visit Marcab, before the pristine mauve beaches are overrun with silly Venusian tourists…
Maybe they took some time out as well to pursue the more upmarket Body Pawn shops for old acquaintances and possibly new ones. It’s always nice to be cause over such things, expensive, but nice.
Hi Scott, Marcab in the summer! How enchanting.Sand castles by the mauve beaches,but watch out for those pesky tsunamis they just fling water and sand everywhere!May the triumverate of TC, JT and looking older by the second what is her name?lol-stay unavailable permanently! Like your image.xo
Vesnusian woman are hot! Those 3 boobs are crazy!
True and what about those triple tan lines?
Duggan needed a new jet black hair dye job, didn’t know it was a photo shoot day.