Perhaps David Miscavige should listen to the advice his underlings are trying to sell.
“If there are negative opinions, determine whether they are valid.
“If they are valid, get working on correcting those problems.
“Make sure your public knows that the problems are being or have been addressed.”
The arrogance of Miscavige and the church he has built in his image is such that he cannot admit to ANYTHING WRONG EVER. It is almost the hallmark of the Corporate Scientologist — if anyone points out something wrong THEY are targeted. The mantras are many: “They have overts,” “It’s just natter,” “It’s just squirrels,” “To be critical you must have O/W’s” and many, many other variations. NO introspection or willingness to even acknowledge that there COULD be something wrong. The arrogant attitude that anyone who points out something awry is either a “wog” (and therefore could not possibly have a valid opinion or viewpoint) or a blown/squirrel/bitter defrocked apostate (and therefore could not possibly be telling the truth) is an easy identifier for a true believer, fundamentalist Corporate Scientologist.
And they can sure dish out “advice” on how everyone else should conduct themselves. Ask any one of them whether they have a superior moral or ethical code, solution to drugs, solution to education, criminal reform, human rights, societal morals, global economics, taxation, advertising, PR, justice, communication, familial relations etc etc etc and they will without hesitation assert this to be the case. Even if they know NOTHING about the subject themselves.
For a case study — read the below. WISE delivers NO product to anyone and is widely resented if not hated. Maybe instead of trying to sell their expertise to others, they should use a little of it on themselves. And then see if they could persuade anyone else within the Corporate Scientology Sandcastle to listen to them.
Hubbard College Press Newsletter
Create a Great Reputation and Rocket Your Company!
Do you know what the public think of your company, your products or your services? From a public relations standpoint, there are only three views the public might have:
- They’ve heard bad things about you and aren’t inclined to buy your products or services.
- They haven’t heard much, if anything, and don’t really have an opinion on whether your company is good or bad.
- They’ve heard good things about you and think you’re great.
If # 1 is the case, every effort you make to market your services or products will be thwarted by that negative opinion.
If # 2 is true, your marketing efforts may pay off, but not as well as they would if the public already knew about you and thought you were great.
If # 3 is the way the company is viewed, even the most rudimentary marketing efforts could get fantastic results!
I’m sure you can think of good examples of these situations.
Some companies announce the release of a new product and are met with their own customers thinking: “I sure hope it’s better than their other products!”
While other companies, a new product release is celebrated. People are lined up around the block waiting to buy it. Their customers can’t wait to see what they come up with next!
Which company do you want to be?
That’s the difference between good and bad public relations.
How Do You Remedy Bad PR and Create Good PR?
Public relations isn’t just getting out there and networking, swapping business cards, and taking people to dinner. Without an exact plan that really repairs the problems that are creating bad PR, or that lays out the exact steps to ensure that everything good about you is well known by the appropriate people, you’re just wasting your time and your expense account.
Public relations is a technology. It is very precise. Before you launch a campaign, you need to do considerable research:
Find out how you’re viewed by your public and potential public.
If there are negative opinions, determine whether they are valid.
If they are valid, get working on correcting those problems.
Make sure your public knows that the problems are being or have been addressed.
If they aren’t valid, communicate it. The right way. Find out what else your public needs from you, what they want.
Work out how you can fulfill those needs and wants. Ensure the public know they can get what they need and want from you.
When it comes to the needs and wants, this may involve more than products and services. There might be other things your public care about that they would like the companies whose products they buy to care about too.
For example, some people want to know that companies they favor are active in handling environmental problems. And so on.
Your research has to be very thorough.
What Is the Easiest Way to Get Trained in PR?
The Professional Public Relations Series Pack
Expand your company by controlling your public image!
The Professional Public Relations series Package includes:
An Introduction
Easing Human Relations
Building Goodwill
The Missing Ingredient
How to Reach Your Public
Causing PR
Sale price: $96.00
The Complete Set of 23 Workshop Manuals
The Professional Public Relations Series Package is also available with other vital workshops:
The Dynamic Team Building Series Package
The Achieve Your Goals Series
The three packages comprise 23 workshops – all of which are vital information you need to create a great company!
Sale Price: $345.00
From an article in Huffington Post re PR. The PR world is changing. It’s about PR objectives, PR strategies and PR tactics.
“People care not just about the brands they buy, but the companies behind them.”Take some of the extraordinary success stories of the new economy – Google, Apple, Starbucks, Nestlé, Vodafone. People may love what they do and give, but they also want to know whether they respect their customers, pay their taxes, use slave labour, cut down forests or whatever.”And in this future driven by digital trends, what’s happening is the convergence of corporate reputation and consumer behaviour. If customers suffer a bad experience, their stories can be shared and amplified online and picked up by the mainstream media, policy-makers and regulators. And, in turn, if brands are seen to behave poorly as a corporate entity, people now have the ability to connect and create mass movements against them. “It is people who wield the influence, not their job titles.”
The Wise piece is simplistic. The above is interesting vis-a-vis the church today too.
Question: If Scientology PR is so great, why do they hire “wog” PR Companies to handle their own PR?”
This is excellent information to have out in the open. What would make it even more valuable is if a current WISE membership was list was leaked into the public domain. The ones currently available at WikiLeaks and elsewhere are dated from the early 2000’s. The number of lawsuits filed against WISE businesses has been on the rise, and a current membership list would be extremely advantageous for finding, tracking and exposing those cases.
So if some disgruntled church member with an active WISE membership is lurking here and is planning on coming out of closest with their doubt formula in the future, PLEASE consider logging into the WISE members-only website and harvesting a hardcopy of the current membership list before you’re declared. That list can then be passed one of many outlets for leaking later on after the dust settles from your departure, and the world will be a much more informed place afterwards.
I guess all the books or booklets in the package are dinky and soft cover… Wouldnt be surprised.
What is MOST interesting about this email is that there is NO LRH technology involved. Everything they quote and say is straight off the cuff and has only the most vague relationship to L Ron Hubbard or anything he said. They make no direct quotes from L Ron Hubbard, they make no examples based on using something he said – nothing. You might wonder WHY would they put out an email promoting LRH Public Relations tech but then babble on about their own strange ideas of PR in the email?? BINGO- the person writing the email has never studied LRH Public Relations tech and has absolutely no clue what is in those packs. It also means that whoever reviewed and approved the email to go out ALSO had absolutely no clue what was in those packs. (unless the packs themselves were written by “you know who” and actually don’t have any LRH left in them.) Very sad. This is the result of ATTRITION. More and more of the trained and experienced Scientologists who started out with LRH in the 60’s and 70’s are drifting away. They are the highly trained and experienced ones. As they leave they have to be replaced. Since new public inflow in the US is pretty much zero recruiters look to places like Hungary or Russia to find bright new Scientologists who would like to help. There is nothing wrong with bright new Scientologists. But when you have NO Scientologists left in the US to draw upon and you pull people who do not speak fluent English, you are putting these new staff at a huge disadvantage. They are new AND they don’t speak great english. The Hungarians should be in Hungary booming Scientology there and far away from the evil that oozes out of Int Management. So you keep pulling more and more brand new Scientologists and posting them into steadily higher and higher positions and you weaken the entire Scientology structure. Its similar to taking a house and pulling out all the wooden beams and struts and replacing them with cardboard ones. The house LOOKs the same. But just wait till you get a strong wind. That is the current Scientology org structure. Just a few wooden beams left, everything else cardboard. One strong blow and the whole thing will come tumbling down.
Nicely said Roy.
Mike, you must love irony as much as I do. I would gladly pay 96 bucks for this priceless information. Oh, wait. I already have the Management Series (and the OEC Volumes and the Tech Vols and all the books) already because it is all available for free on the good ol’ Internet.
And LRH did write, “The work was free, Keep it so.”
Dan, I think LRH was referring to keeping it “Free” From Vested Interest, Monopolies and so on
Including the monopoly of the RCS. He also said he would like it to be free (ie no charge) “if possible”. Today, that IS possible with the internet. And it certainly prevents any monopoly.
No make-wrong, intent to disprove anything, or hijack the topic, when I say this … that’s it’s been my experience it’s certain personalities within the CO$ that gravitate toward these vices in handling others, I’d say less than 10% in the Class V org I used to train in. And even then, those broken-record bots were generally avoided and despised by the public at large because it was always the same predictable toxicity that was going to spew out of them next. For the most part, people were in good comm listening and making suggestions how to resolve any given issue or problem. I can count on my hands to this day the few out-of-valence babbling ethics trolls … R6EW material if Grade IV is flat.
So, what I’m posting here is informational only. I can’t speak about the SO …
I recall this one chick afflicted with the “Sweetness & Light” syndrome self-appointed ethics adviser … she got her LX RD … that was the end of that bullshit, and she seized being an “Oppterm” and started to genuinely get interested in helping people. Most of these folks are generally not auditor-trained, haven’t got the first clue how to deal with people, and usually had opted to adapt someone else’s valence. I have never been in any SCN environment where this type of conduct is commonplace. Maybe I’ve been fortunate to have missed out on something.
I think you were fortunate. I’ve been non-SO staff at two SO orgs and on staff at a Class V org that was heavily impinged upon by SO members. Overall, I experienced and observed more inval/threats/face ripping, etc. than ARC or granting of beingness. This was true for staff member to staff member interaction and was generally more the case for senior/junior relations. ( Then there was the sleep deprivation problem.) This is why I found the stories on Steve Hall’s Scientology-cult web site to be believable.
That’s right dumb dumb you can’t speak about the SO. Perhaps in the SO some of the little people go for that “listen and understand” bullshit but if you are not willing to shout, scream obscenities, keep people up all night and use sleep and food deprivation on your junior staff you will NEVER be a member of RTC, CMO or an exec in any Sea Org Organization. Just forget it buddy. Because the SO is not for wimpy “I want to use ARC” types. The SO is where tough guys go so they can double down on peoples pain and misery. So get a grip Charlie. This is the real thing here. The SO is battling for survival against incredible odds.There are literally billions of SPs out there trying to take us down. Only the tough survive buddy and we top SO members prove how tough we are every single day. No a single day goes by without me personally punishing some out-ethics slack wimp like you. This blog is just filled with wussy fags who have no idea how to slap the junior staff into line and keep them there. Spend a little time in the SO boy and we will slap that “people are nice” bullshit out you in a real hurry. People are evil sonny, don’t you forget it. Thank god that David Miscavige can see the truth about how evil all people are and thank god he is not afraid do do what is needed to keep the riff raff in line. Otherwise you “people are nice” fruit loops would take over and then where would be?
Because there is never an admission of any thing done wrong, all errors in CSing, auditing, programing is never ever corrected for free. Even catastrophic auditing which caves in the pc, is charged for and then more money is needed for the repair. Sometimes the repair has to be repaired and there is the repair of the repair of the repair, all requiring new revenues.
Miscavige’s Ser fac floods the Culture and spreads far and wide.
In this Church there are no apologies, only more Reg cycles.
I explain it more here ~~
This is an excellent point Karen.
Miscavige ids about to unleash his GAT II on the world and part of it will be to explain that there has been massive “out tech” that HE has discovered and now corrected. He will explain that the blind have been leading the blind or that squirrels messed it up or it was the transcriptionists. BUT, he will NOT say “We are sorry you were on the messed up metering course and wasted 6 months of your life” or “Sorry you went into massive debt trying to complete the Grades that we have known were wrong for a decade because that’s how long we have been delivering what we assert are the right ones at the FSO”….
Never an apology for ANYTHING. Just asserted rightness at every turn.
Create a Great Reputation and Rocket Your Company!
1. Publicly confess to all your crimes and stand for the consequences.
2. Rebuild from scratch, and this time sell something to people that is of some use to them, and get an honest exchange based on the value of the product/service.
(of course, if you have crimes in the eyes of the law, 2 above might not happen for some time – unless you can find something to sell in prison 😉 )
Very funny !
This is the simplistic approach to complex problems ! Selling snake oil ! Ask a real Pr and he’ll laugh ! There are much more ramifications to it.
Once I opened a new business in a little city and the people just were very happy, even the mayor, to now have such a service in their city. They didn’t have any opinion about us but just overflowed us with orders ! we were able to cover a huge demand. Where does that fit in in those 3 points ?
” Some companies announce the release of a new product and are met with their own customers thinking: “I sure hope it’s better than their other products!”
While other companies, a new product release is celebrated. People are lined up around the block waiting to buy it. Their customers can’t wait to see what they come up with next!
Which company do you want to be?
That’s the difference between good and bad public relations.”
This got nothing to do with PR but really producing good products which is pr in itself.
They think they can sell any product with pr !
Some years ago I would buy any nonsense they were telling !
As I recall the line goes, “criticism implies overts.”
implies 3rd person singular present of im·ply
Strongly suggest the truth or existence of (something not expressly stated): “the report implies that two million jobs might be lost”.
Strongly suggesting something is true doesn’t mean that it is. It is suggested but not proven nor factual, merely an implication. Don’t fall for this one. I criticise the cult of Scientology NOT because I have overts but because I can clearly see their transgressions and I’m not afraid to say so.
Key phrase in the Tech Dictionary dfn of criticism: “…if not borne out in fact”. That phrase pretty much qualifies most negative comments about the cos. It was also helpful in helping me decide whether to pull w/hs or handle the ARC X. Saved a lot of stress for the pc and me.
Good point.
And “so it must be coming from The SPs. Oh yes, look at all those SPs who are now declared, who somehow infiltrated management…okay, now that makes sense…that’s what COB said… ah, I feel better now…. Hey, when is that GAT 2 event?”
The massive and overwhelming volume of Outpoints that is miscavige’s programs are just TOO MUCH PURE EVIL for those left who support him TO CONFRONT! and it’s also just TOO INCREDIBLE TO BELIEVE! so let’s look elsewhere (wrong target) and attempt to somehow feel better…
Steve Poore, I agree totally. Its the BIG LIE syndrome – just too incredible to be believed – happening right under their noses.
LRH: “One often wonders why people are so ‘reasonable’ about intolerable and illogical situations. The answer is very simple: they cannot recognize outpoints when they see them and so try to make everything seem logical. The ability to actually see an outpoint for what it is, in itself is an ability to attain some peace of mind. …The human reaction is to react to an outpoint. And then get ‘reasonable’ and adopt some explanation for it, usually untrue.
You can safely say that ‘being reasonable’ is a symptom of being unable to recognize outpoints for what they are and use them to discover actual situations.” HCO P/L 30 September 1973 Issue II Data Series 30, Situation Finding (Management Series Vol. 1, p. 128)
“A lot of people are on a stuck flow of being sensible and sane — and that winds up in stupidity. So they get reasonable. Their confront of evil isn’t up to it — basically, their confront of outpoints.” HCO P/L 18 March 1977RA Data Series 43RA, Evaluation and Programs (Management Series Vol. 1, p. 167)
“It is horrifying to behold how easily people buy dub-in. This is because an illogical sequence is uncomfortable. To relieve the discomfort they distort their own observation by not-ising the outpoint and concluding something else.” HCO P/L 18 May 1970 Data Series 7, Familiarity (Management Series)
The hubris! The pretense! The arrogance!
Sorry. I had to stop for a second and swallow the involuntary puke that showed up in my mouth.
Physician, heal thyself.
Great PR begins with communication. Correct communication. DM has ensured that all communication is outflow, never inflow. When you begin with the concept that “we” are wiser than “you”, you offend your intended audience from the gitgo…unless, of course, you have a captive audience already trained to believe all the crap you’re putting out. WISE simply is not wise. Trying to sell failed business technology to companies which are already out in the real world getting the job done is simply ludicrous. And, carrying the extra baggage of current syo [I cannot call it a “church” any longer” “PR” makes for a very losing game.
Ah, yes, wise words from The Most Ethical Group on the Planet, who have the best PR themselves, you know!
Oy, vey.
This is quite true, Scn Inc and Wise are just into selling books in which the contents aren’t applied by themselves or their bosses either. Only some one else.
The PR applied by Scn Inc is just paying for PR web releases about something only they themselves consider good news for related networks, never about their main line of products.
Holy shit! I just remembered something.
Mike Smith, the career FSM who writes all the rumor issues you publish, claims to have initiated / started WISE consulting. I pretty much heard this story years ago at Flag from his own lips. He openly takes credit. (Quoted from another source.)
“There was Mike Smith, who had been in the SO and was on a leave or somehow left in good standing. He had a consultancy business in the San Francisco area and he sent L. Ron Hubbard summaries of the problems his clients were having and LRH would send him advice letters. I later heard that LRH never actually wrote the letters, they were written by LRH’s Personal Communicator, but nonetheless, Mike did not know this and in exchange for this advice, Mike Smith gave LRH 10% of his earnings. Several weeks (if not months) after WISE was established LRH said that Mike Smiths company belonged under this umbrella as well.”
So not only do we need to give him props for his recent rumors, but also for the genus of WISE consulting.
Some of this is true. I don’t know how it got started, but LRH (or whoever) was getting letters from Mike on behalf of his company, which was consulting other companies using Scientology admin. Ron (or someone using his stationery and his signature) was replying back with occasional advice. This went on for some time, before WISE. I have seen, read and held the letters in my hands. The advice certainly *sounded* like LRH’s. I do not know if there was any financial arrangement. Neither Ron nor Mike ever mentioned it. Although WISE may have been created partially to take over this “consultancy” hat from LRH, its primary purposes were something entirely different. My understanding is that Mike Smith was not the only one doing this consultancy with Ron thing.
Although WISE appeared to be an idea of Ron’s, it was never able to fulfill its purposes and establish its value to the Scientology business community. The business sector was an incredibly productive route for new people into Orgs, but it was also a sector of great distraction and undue external influence on Orgs. WISE was meant to handle that problem. I don’t believe it ever effectively did.