This is a recent announcement from the “ideal” org in Perth.
You may recall, there was a lot of hype about this ideal org (as there is for all of them) “Clearing their zone” and that zone INCLUDED INDONESIA! As there is no org in Indonesia, or anywhere in SE Asia, Perth announced they were going to take on that responsibility. Indonesia is about 1800 miles from Perth. And it has a population of almost 270 million (more than 10 times Australia at 25 million and 1000 times Western Australia at 2.5 million).
And yet, more than 2 years after Dear Leader private-jetted all the way to Perth for his ribbon-yanking ceremony, they have fallen off the face of the earth. More accurately, they remain invisible.
Far from clearing West Australia, let alone Indonesia, they are all excited about A person who came in and “said he would come back”… This is such a rare event they feel the need to announce it to th3 world as proof of their success. SMH. OMG. WTF.
And the cherry on top, they got A new staff member.
They are also showing a video “with very good results.” That is known as damning with very faint praise.
Hubbard decreed that an org should grow to “the size of old St Hill” in a matter of weeks if they were “on-purpose” and be expanding continuously from there on out having gone beyond the “make-break” point where it all just falls into place for a rocket ride to mass clearing. More than 2 years on, there is no sign of anything like that. They hardly have a discernible pulse.
Perth is not alone. Every “ideal” org is a pitiful failure. All one need do is find the closest one, it doesn’t matter which one, and drive by to verify this fact.
Scientology is swirling the drain. Unfortunately it takes time to empty that swamp and in the meantime there are still people being victimized and abused.
ONE raw meat wog darkened their door!
Of course, at that rate, they might get as many as 100 service starts a YEAR. POWER stats, to be sure. That will NOT much affect the organization’s slide down to non-existence. With no one new coming in, the old experienced folks’ shuffle out the door will result in fewer than NO bodies in the shop. (consider that a moment, if you will.)
The “super star” delivered 10,000 fliers in a week. Crunching the numbers she had to deliver one flier every 15 seconds to make this number. And that doesn’t account for lunch or toilet breaks and drive time to the residential locations she had to visit.
It is interesting she got paid for this work too. Also interesting is the low stat result of only one person who received a flier came in to the org. All this begs the question did she simply dump fliers in a dumpster somewhere instead?
What say you Davey boy?
Glenn, I’ve seen accounts that a lot of the flyers get left in piles at laudromats, coffee houses, local grocery stores, apartment house mail rooms, etc. – locations that they can sort of hit and run without having to ask permission or even interact with anyone.
So the calculation might be more like, how larger would piles of flyers have had to have been, for them to have practically been able to drop off that many? 10,000 is only 100 batches of 100.
What you say makes a ton of sense; easy to drop off piles of fliers in those places. But the end result is the same I think. All that is dropped off will be tossed in dumpsters by the managers of those laundromat, coffee houses, grocery stores, etc. That’s exactly what I’d do if I was the owner or manager of such a place.
The amazingly blunt fact is only one person went into an org for 10,000 fliers supposedly got “distributed”.
Glenn, NO one, other than the Tiny Tyrant, actually gets PAID! They’re all volunteers and PAY for the privilege of doing his scut work. How much did those flyers cost her, I wonder?
Hey Jere,
The article mentioned something like if you don’t want to walk the streets (passing out fliers) you can make a donation toward the paid distribution. Guess I thought the girl got paid for the 10k she tossed/passed out.
The tiny tyrant gets paid in bottles of scotch whisky doesn’t he?
Almost makes me want to hire a PI to infiltrate the cult just to report back on the Special Management Briefing presentation that has such good results.
Big Pharma is in charge of paying the PIs and “disgruntled apostates” for their work. That reminds me: I haven’t seen Big Pharma’s payment hit my account this month, yet. Anyone else in the same situation? Usually, their payments clear in the first few days of the new month.😎
Anyone want to bet how many of these cases, are really someone who dropped by just to see the nuthouse they have heard about — or students working on a report for a class? i think i’ve run across accounts suggesting that students do actually account for a lot of the new visitors orgs get; since Scientology has become infamous in recent years it seems to be a comparatively popular choice of topics, which I think puts the lie to the old claim Hubbard made to the effect that any publicity is good publicity.
And then of course there are the cases of people who have deliberately infiltrated orgs planning to expose them.
WOW! WOW!! WOW!!! One person! Like WOW!!!!
The Demento Plastic Raincoat (with strategically cut holes in the pockets and only $159.99) must have gotten a real work out after…WOW!!!!!…that person walked out the door.
Did I say WOW!!!!!!?
You guys are doing such great work and it isn’t being done in vain. We non Scientologists are shocked and disgusted with the stories of you and other survivors. We are here for you and we believe you. And we’ll keep watching and listening until this “Jonestown” is eradicated.
Mike: “some comments were lost that were done by people today”
I blame Site Thetans. Bring out the cans and switch the door sign to Auditing in Session. Or get some nuclear weapons. One or the other should do the trick.
Well done on taking on that project!! I bet your blog will clear Indonesia faster than their million dollar empty buildings. Lol.
MULTI-million-dollar empty buildings, RoseMarie. Only a million would have been a bargain, too inexpensive for Dwarfenführer’s tastes. Only the BEST will do for HIM.
Delusion and Desperation.
Begging and Regging for dollars.
Theta Wanking in a Virtual Reality of ” Epic Wins! ”
Sea Org slaves living in a bubble ruled by a Diminutive Sociopathic Dick.
The Office of Special Asshats continue stalking and harassing,
protecting and promoting Miss Savage’s criminal cult. Another year comes to a close as this multi-decade shit show blasts out its dying blasts of Hubbardian ass-gas.
Wherefore art thou, oh great savior of this sector of the universe, thetan numero uno,
David ” if he dies, he dies ” Miss-savage? Where is ” hiding ” on your mythical “tone scale “?
Merry R6mas, and may the planet be cleared sooner than later of you and your cult’s toxic, evil presence!
Mike wondering if you could write a little piece on nutrition in the sea org as i feel it is a overlooked topic. Scientology makes out that they look after their members and much has been said about working conditions, accomodation etc but i feel that a important area that has been neglected is how the leaders look after your average staff members nutrition wise.
Questions such as was the food adequate, was it healthy and varied ? Was tgeir enough if you were hungry or missed a meal to have more ?
This curiosity was brought about because i recently saw a old clip of you and i must say you didn’t look very healthy – i dont mean to offend but you looked pale and underweight and ny fear is that other volunteers who believe that they are helping the outside world are being harmed health wise, some of which may be headed to a state of ill health that is irreversible.
I’ve always wondered about this myself. A few years ago, Mike posted what was supposed to be a “normal” menu for Sea Org members at PAC Base. The menu included Kobe beef! Hah! Not even on the BEST DAY EVER will PAC Base or any SO org get Kobe beef.
Everyone knows about the rice and beans meals, but when the stats aren’t down or someone higher up the food chain feels somewhat benevolent, what do SO members eat? It can’t be good.
I second this topic idea from George. I remember, over 25 years ago, befriending a group member who was a doctor of natural medicine. He had a great idea, which he pitched to Flag Management, about getting all Sea Org members onto an organic diet. He brought sincere passion to this cause. He valued the Sea Org and considered outstanding nutrition to fall utterly into the category of “the greatest good.” I think he even had bright ideas on how this could be accomplished by each Sea Org base affordably. But I don’t believe this idea ever went anywhere.
It is no mystery as to why there was no action to improve the food. They would actually have to give a fuck about the welfare of the crew in order to improve anything. In the 23 years I was in the SO I routinely sacraficed my body in order to get the stats up. The routine long term lack of sleep, etc.
I was informed today that I have tested positive for COVID.
I still feel better today than my best day in the last 5 years that I was in the SO.
Glad that others also are curious about this topic. Seems to have enough interest that if something was published it would be well read.
poor diet is recognized as a typical tactic of high control groups, along with sleep deprivation, training in thought-stopping techniques, etc. it deliberately leaves people weakened and more compliant.
The twain rarely meet.
40+ years ago, Laurie … (Noonan?) (Later married Dave Englehart) was executive chef and IIRC, did a fairly good job feeding us on a shoestring. She DID have to serve rice & beans when the GI was merely outstanding (“ONLY”100s of thousands of dollars a week), but I remember that as being fairly tasty.
No one starved, in other words, if it wasn’t the gourmet cuisine Davey-boy routinely rejects as “below him”. Food was merely fuel for the body’s engine at the time, so I didn’t mind if there weren’t mass quantities of high-energy foodstuffs. I suspect some of the girls enjoyed their svelt waistlines as a result. While we were in Daytona before invading CW, we had fresh-squeezed orange juice every breakfast doubtless due to our proximity to Orange country. That was a nice little luxury.
So it was basically nearly always just rice and beans ? Thats a pretty poor diet – not exactly getting much iron, magnesium. B12 (i could analyse this thoroughly but that would turn this post into a essay). Didnt this cause frustration to those inside as they missed their favorite meals from the outside world? Werent people thinking oh no not this again ?
Thank you for replying.
Congrats! This has to be a huge relief!
Yes, it is.
We have transitioned the entire site over to a new Hosting platform. Again, some comments were lost that were done by people today, but from here on out, all should be well. This was a necessary evil as part of transitioning the site. There is a cut off point while the entire contents of the blog are copied and then shifted over. The old site had the comments loading onto it while the copying was being done. We are now on the new site and I reloaded the posting from today.
Again, apologies for the problems. All should be well tomorrow and we resume normal programming….