It seems Miscavige has turned his CGI into reality.
He is forever showing empty buildings in his “fly-throughs” of ideal orgs.
He is also continuously sending everyone BACK down the Bridge to “start over” or “redo” things. And of course pay for the pleasure even though he announces at these events that “some SP’s” had screwed it all up — but those “SP’s” were the people entrusted with the JOB at the time.
And while there have been many reports of empty courserooms (see posts here about the tour of Portland and the earlier one on Pretoria) this one takes the cake.
According to a report I just received there is NO ONE on the Briefing Course at ASHO Day. And this is really the ONLY service they should be focused on delivering.
The BC students have all been taken off and put on the GAG II Student Hat etc.
There are NO INTERNS as they have all been put on the Student Hat, Pro TRs etc.
OT Preps have been moved to AOLA, though its unclear if this is because they don’t have auditors or its a new pronouncement from Command Insanity based on another of his expert “Why’s”.
No one wants to pay for GAT 2. They charge $1000 more for SHat, Pro TRs etc. so the students that ARE forced onto it are for the most part using training awards.
THIS is the new “IDEAL PAC.”
I bet their marble floors are nice (they never get dirty as nobody is there) and they probably still have all their clay wrapped in plastic from when it was bought as part of the “Ideal” requirements. And they have THE BEST demo kits — they ALL match perfectly with an exact number of pieces.
How can the sheeple not see through this?
Truly, “Ideal Org” has become synonymous with “Unused extravagant furnishings” and “nobody home.”
I was on the BC in the Mid 80’s, it was pretty big back then too. That floor it’s on at the Big Blue was where the babies were moved to at birth when it was Cedars. If I was the BC Sup now, I would be very pissed. I would die to to see ASHO D and F OIC.
Every time I walked past the course room at St Hill in 2004 there was the same lonely student in there. I guess ASHO has now gone “St. Hill size”.
Where you used to think 200 students on course think two. We’re talking about quality here.
Ditty for Dave: “With each person you’re stopping, another nail in your coffin.”
No students on the BC? Public are talking about that in LA.
Aside from GATii which no one wants, good luck getting those few students that were on the BC back. Life constantly changes and so do people and their lives. ASHO has students on their hands who are currently on GAT2 courses against their own determinism. They are doing it so they don’t lose their certs and can keep auditing in the field. I know a few like this. They don’t like it but don’t see another way around it. Even regular public who want to do SP aren’t too thrilled about redoing Objectives and purif. Others who are BC grads have told me that they will NOT redo the levels/BC. Totally enforced line up, GAT2.
I know some OT 8’s who have done/are doing Purif/Objectives and they are staying pretty quiet about it. No hype, no airy-fairy wins either. They are on the SP lineup and seem to approach it with an “I’ll do it and get it over with” attitude.
I recall the day when I was routed off the BC because I couldn’t do a full-time schedule. I was told that I had to reorganize my life and to come back when I was able to do this. Easier said than done when you’re financially responsible for six other people. I was very upset over it because I really wanted to be there. I begged my case to stay on to the execs and while some seemed to care and have some empathy, I was told “no” and “sorry, can’t.”
Things changed at ASHO and later on they came to me to get me back on the BC. By then I had already taken another course of action for my training and wanted to stay the route I was on, so I said no this time.
The public are interfered with constantly while trying to do their training and auditing. Each time this happens, there is an exodus. Just as one has been happening through the internet, the consequences of GAT2 will be seen in the very near future.
Kicking good students off course is bad karma.
Pepper, YOu and I were on the BC at the same time period. I well remember the enforced “full time schedule” thing that emptied out the BC. Contact me privately please. Mike will give you my email address.
I got onto the BC at ASHO a little while after that, when they had started up the “special schedule” course room. In the special schedule course room, they made you feel like you were retarded.
I actually worked out a schedule that included a few weekday nights and a full Saturday which worked out to be MORE HOURS ON STUDY than a full time “standard” schedule, but because it was not ALL NIGHTS or ALL WEEKENDS, I was still considered “special”.
They were the ones who could not add.
It’s amazing what you can blind yourself to when you let an ideology do your thinking for you.
Hi Alanzo,
Thanks for providing the reference that Cindy requested. The HCOPL entitled “Financial Irregularities” does describe clearly what is going on when Int Management, A.K.A., David Miscavige “redecorates” perfectly nice and usable quarters.
However, inviting people to read Dianetics in Limbo by Helen Obrien does not provide any “context” or additional “understanding” to the thoughts expressed in the HCOPL. In fact it seems almost non-sequitur to me.
Is it possible that this recommended reading was just an excuse on your part for another of your personal swipes at LRH? It really seems that way to me. Ron was not perfect, but this was a bit off subject. In the context of Cindy’s post, it would have been more helpful and to-the-point if you had quoted the HCOPL itself.
However, on a completely personal note, I am glad that you posted the link. I read this Helen Obrien’s very interesting story, even though I am sorry that it ended on a somewhat sad note.
You see I have some history with this book. Many decades ago as a new. young and naive Scientologist, who had not completely made a distinction between the organizations of Scientology and the subject, I was asked by a member of the Guardian’s Office to go into a major public library and remove copies of this book. I accomplished my mission of stealing the books and also added my own “flourish” by removing the cards from the Title and Subject files so that no one would even know that they had ever been in the library (this was before the time of computers). Please as I was with my own cleverness, I also felt a strong sense of guilt that I had violated someone’s right to communicate. Never again would I commit an even borderline illegal act for any entity of the COS. So there is my confession.
Thanks for providing the link to her book which I have now read after all these years. It’s actually quite a good book about Dianetics and Scientology which I can now recommend to others.
I said the book presented context for the HCOPL “Financial Irregularities” because, if I recall correctly, the book details some of LRH’s own financial irregularities, and by a person who was there and who worked with him and saw it herself.
I guess you could call it a “swipe”. But if the data is true, then it is merely context for understanding the author of the hcopl and his own struggles with financial irregularities.
And that is good for anyone to have, right?
It helps you to see things that were formerly hidden from you.
I think anyone who has been involved in Scientology, whether Churchie, Indie, or Ex, should read all the books about LRH and Scientology that have been written over the years. And they should know a lot of the legal history of the Church as well. All these things were hidden from you as a Scientologist in the Church, and they all help to fill in holes, answer questions, and provide context for the Scientology experience.
That’s why I recommended the book. Anyone can read an HCOPL and get the same old tired Scientology propaganda. Why not dig a little deeper?
I’m glad you found value in the book. And I’m glad it addressed that part of your time track, too. I know what you mean about those seamy experiences with OSA and the GO in Scientology. It’s good to resolve them and get your integrity back.
I also recommend reading as well the files that have been released through the FOIA of the US Government’s various actions against the Church that may have acted as provocation as:
Also I recommend the following books based on these actual dox:
Yes. After leaving the Church, I think that it is good idea to get into the habit of reading anything about LRH and Scientology NOT written, or paid to be written, by the Church of Scientology.
I do believe that Omar Garrison, the author of “Playing Dirty” and “Hidden Story” above was a paid writer by the Church of Scientology. I know that he was contracted to write LRH’s biography, but that did not go well.
For more on that particular story, here it is written by some people who were there:!topic/alt.religion.scientology/ea6D0f4shX8
I’m wondering if Mike might know the answer to this:.
Was Garrison paid to write those two books by the Church?
Yes, he was paid to write those books.
Thanks, Mike.
It’s good to have that verified by someone like you who would know for sure.
By the way, I still think people should read Omar Garrison’s books, but this time knowing that they were paid for by the Church.
The Church of Scientology deserves the right to tell their side of the story, too.
And we all have the right to listen to ALL sides, and to make up our own minds about it.
Yes, the fact that he was paid doesn’t mean they are inaccurate. Honestly, I haven’t read them, so I don’t know.
Doesn’t change the validity of the dox they were based on.
Also even though the GO promoted his first two books. There is no evidence that he was paid to write them. Unless you both have evidence to the contrary.
Yes I’m also aware of the whole Bio and Saint Gerry of Armstrong’s involvement in the caper.
My response to the whole affair is covered in the following CSI article from our friends on the dark side:
I already said, he was paid. Do I have the cancelled checks? No, sorry. But then again, you don’t have copies of any of the dox they were based on either. How do you know they weren’t created by the GO when they were putting together the Pauletter Cooper bomb threat letter?
To answer your question.
Because these dox have CIA, FBI, DOS, NSA’s etc. declassification release codes stamped on ’em and thus can be authenticated.
And all you have is hearsay “evidence”.
“It seems Miscavige has turned his CGI into reality.” — LOL – This is brilliant and soooo true!
The BC check sheet is old and no longer used anymore. Please refer to HCOPL ‘the Hidden Data Line’ which has been revised and re-issued under the title ‘The Miscavige Data Line’ as part of the soon to be released GAA series. Got this from a super sekrit inside source – hope that explains everything.
hugs x
Miscavitis – An extremely toxic disease due to continued exposure to the cob virus resulting in those affected turning into docile and compliant sheep.
If only Dave could heed these words: “If we as leaders can talk about our mistakes and our part in them, then we make it safe for others. You don’t run from it or pretend it doesn’t exist.” – Ed Catmull, President of Pixar Animation and Disney Animation
The desperate last moments of this sociopath – he will try to destroy as much as he can before he leaves.
Part of his Machiavellic mind computes that, if parishioners don’t move fast enough down the bridge, he is going to force them to do so as this gives him money, more and more money.
For his microscopic mind money equates power and, from his perverted soul’s viewpoint, money can be stolen from others who, at the end. are “of no concern’
That has been his purpose and intention all along: unmock the field, FSMs, orgs, training, proper auditing, LRH’s image, ALL people around him also has to be destroyed/unmocked. Typical actions of a psychotic suppressive.
But boy, his level of terror is so, so, so intense that believe me, you won’t even wish it on your worst enemy; but that is his choice and as such he will depart.
I realized in reading comments on the blogs, that one of the reasons DM has to lie about stats, say they are “straight up and vertical” is because he knows that some Scns who actually read the tech remember LRH’s reference, “stats don’t just go down. They are made to go down by someone who is actively working to suppress the stats.” So given what LRH says about down statistics, people may start looking for the WHO associated with it and come up with Davie as the item. So he has to lie and make all the sheeple believe that stats are going up just to keep the game going and to keep himself as the WHY and WHO hidden.
If only his intelligence were used for the good of mankind instead of for its destruction.
Are you saying that Miscavige is actually intelligent?
Fact is that if he didn’t have Danny Sherman or Warren McShane or….as his spokesman, mouthpiece whatever to translate his moronic bloviations he’d be on the special bus to some farm for the “exceptional”.
Probably the reason why Cruise likes him so much is lil’ Dave reminds him of Dustin Hoffman’s character in Rain Man.
But instead of being an “Idiot Savant” Dave’s just an idiot.
Except Sherman and McShane are way dumber than Miscavige. Give credit where it’s due. He has done a remarkable job of keeping a lot of people conned and turning over a lot if money for nearly 30 years. That is not accomplished by a dummy. Intentions and intelligence don’t always align.
His intelligence however will not prevent him from being run over by the inexorable freight train barreling down the tracks in his direction.
True dat.
Maybe he has Mike or maybe he’s had a lot of help.
Personally I don’t rate his intelligence that high and I bet he’d probably flunk the IQ test.
Well, you are wrong. His IQ by test is extremely high. But stick to your personal opinions as they are usually entertaining.
Betcha he cheated on the IQ.
One thing’s for sure he’d never past a History exam.
Unless it was issued by Wikipedia:,2007/
Well, like I said, you are not one who readily accepts things if they don’t match your existing ideas. BTW, that is “passed” not “past.”
Well never said I was good at spelling.
BTW it’s questionable netiquette to point out typos.
Jus’ sayin’
Ha ha ha! Dave, the idiot savant, who is just an idiot period.
Holy crap – this is huge. So so so many things written to say what COB is doing is off-policy.
In-Scientologists will just believe what they are told? Not the kind of spiritual state I want to reach.
Yesterday all my anchor points were oh so far away
Now it’s all about these captive brains
Oh I believe in yesterday
Suddenly all the tech has changed so dreadfully
There’s an empty space at the BC
Oh I believe in yesterday.
Why Dave made this show I don’t know, he wouldn’t say
His whys were all so wrong
Now I long for yesterday
Yesterday, going up the bridge was such a joyful game
Now the spirit’s dead and blown away
Oh I believe in yesterday
Now I’ll be humming that tune all day. Thanks a lot! LOL
You’re welcome. 😉
I play in a band called Catalina Eddy, MJ. Can you write some diddies for us? You’re pretty damn good!
Oh, you are so good! 🙂
Thanks Greta. 🙂
Yep! COB has “succeeded” in his quest to shut down training and thus auditing. He is simply dramatizing his own case in that he doesn’t want auditors to be properly trained and doesn’t want auditors pulling (his) withholds, as was evident in his smashing and degrading of the older Class 12s at Flag (who could really pull withholds). There are many PLs and HCOBs that state if an Org is failing then it is down to suppression and that it is being made to fail deliberately. How the current staff can not-is these facts is beyond anyone in their right minds. So it looks like the current staff are not in “their” right minds and S&D tech has also been perverted as well! The question is is how many are “off” doing the GAT II. I would think that those course rooms are also relatively if not completely empty compared to the good old days.
I did laugh Bonnie when you mentioned about the old card tables collapsing – I vaguely remember such happening in our Academy but we just laughed and picked it up, with a few wry comments about the person doing it should find their MisUs (which was usually true however – ha!). These days one would probably be chitted and scowled at for such things – but the MisU probably wouldn’t be found now, certainly not good-naturedly! But then the tables now are “ideal” so such would not happen . Only thing is is that there is no one to accidentally knock them over nor pick them up, nor even to have the odd MisU!
Yeah those cheap card tables were so much fun.
I remember this poor girl we coaching on one of the Supervisor TRs.
The command was something like “Have Joe take this paper and tell Curley to put it on the table.”
So one of us put the paper on the floor while other one flipped the table over on the paper
She then all of us were laughing so hard we had to take a break 🙂
Anyway ya had to be there.
I remember being on the BC which was in the maternity ward on ASHO’s second floor when they had those cheap cold metal chairs, card tables and air conditioning meant the windows in the tape room were open and over 200 students on the BC.
Now the place looks like a frickin’ mausoleum.
BTW Foolproof to comment on the earlier part of your post.
I think it was on the TRD that I came to the realization that Miscavige was either a witting or unwitting agent of Smersh and that anyone who was complying to his insane orders was taking the Church of Scientology to hell.
Take the FDA raid, the trouble with OTC, GO 1361 and the FBI raids and it’s not 1/10 of the damage that he’s caused so far under his so called leadership.
The difference was despite all the above we were still making auditors.
Yeah they talk about stats with those cute exploding graphs all the time.
But these are the real stats:
That was back in ’05 when I left the Church. It’s probably worse than that now.
Mike, you ask, “How can the ‘sheeple’ not see through this?”
Maybe you have answered your own question with the photograph of ASHO’s BC course room and the recent report from a correspondent.
Maybe many of those “sheeple” are realizing that they are actually intelligent people and that DM really is a fake and a money-grubbing con artist who has been busy destroying auditor training and stopping people from getting auditing.
Maybe they are realizing that they really DID learn how to audit when they did their courses and did audit all those people to wonderful wins and that DM has been invalidating auditors’ skills as well as PC’s wins for years.
Maybe that’s the real why for those course rooms being empty.
And maybe this is just the calm before the storm.
…Put on your sunglasses, Davey. The shit is about to hit the fan.
I think those that are left are the real true believers. If they have not had a cog by now they will likely be going down with the ship …… and the band plays on. No worries folks, nothing to see here. Enjoy the evening and sleep well tonight.
“How can the sheeple not see through this?”
This is one of the mind-boggling questions.
I think generally people can “explain away” pretty much anything. And the more a truth punctures a persons feelings of self-worth, the easier it is to “explain away” whatever they are seeing.
Also David Miscavige has created a “perfect storm” between two things – ONE: Massive use of propoganda and bold lies TWO: Extreme punishments for anyone who even mentally thinks of a criticism. Actually scientology one of the few outfits that really doubles down on finding critical thoughts.
It’s not a new technique.
Also people think of scientology disconnection as tame compared to being tortured or shot.
However if you think of life in terms of the primary dynamic drives: Self, Family, Group and Mankind – disconnection normally completely eradicates Family and Group as completely as death would. Self takes a pretty heavy hit to due to the loss of employment that normally goes with a scientology disconnection. It’s not death, but its as close as you can get without laying a hand on someone and it pretty much wipes a person out at self, family and groups level.
This is a powerful threat.
Disconnection is the club that prevents the lemmings from looking too far ahead.
“Cliff? No, I think that’s just a low wall. And I’m going to have to report you for even suggesting there might be a cliff there. Thats really disaffected and defeatist talk. How could you even suggest that. You are going to have to push extra hard to make up for that. ”
Thank goodness Mike Rinder is out there crying “Cliff ahead guys, thats a CLIFFFF!!!!!
They won’t be able to say no one warned them.
Really good point, Roy. To paraphrase what you pointed out: disconnection does effect a form of death – death by the unmocking of all a person’s primary dynamics 1 – 4.
If one looks at it all – the sterile empty buildings, the disconnection, the cut communication lines, the thought stopping – David Miscavige’s main product is Death.
Roy and Lenore – great points made and death indicates for sure.
That is very sad. When I did the BC in 1976-77 at the old ASHO Day there was practically standing room only. The course room was full and there was a large co-audit room in the back filled with card tables that people were co-auditing on. It was booming and relatively a fun place to be. We were sitting on rickety old folding chairs, folding tables sometimes folded unexpectedly and there weren’t even tech dictionaries for God’s sake. Tapes were heard on reel to reel players and sometimes you had to play the tape a few times to understand what was being said. There were no transcripts and we certainly didn’t have altered tapes that were “fixed” by good ole Dave. No one complained about the MEST, the rooms or the building. Take that Davey old boy. And, I was on the BC with Davey’s brother Ron and his wife Bitty who I co-audited with for a while. So much for all the beautiful course rooms. What a waste of the sheeple’s money.
He’s managed to create a tech degrade disguised as an upgrade.
Oh, nice! Very well put! He’s actually disguising everything.
Ron Miscavige Junior was on the BC with his wife at the time Sally. Not Bitty. She was on the Apollo at the time Ronnie was on the BC (before he joined the SO)
Could have sworn her name was Bitty. Sally it was then. We didn’t co-audit long as it wasn’t workable for reasons I’m not interested in discussing. I do remember Ronnie leaving the BC rather abruptly to go into the SO.
I was there too Bonnie. I finished the BC in Feb of 77. I’m sure our paths crossed but I don’t recall your name. But with hundreds of students on the BC you didn’t know everyone. That was a great time to be studying Scn.
I remember the practical room in the back with rows of tables and chairs and students all doing their daily TRs and drilling and so on. That was a really active and noisy space with lots of production going on. Glad to see you have graduated from the current insanity!
Same for me on BC 1974/5. There were 200 people on the course and it took forever for roll call. The lack of transcripts could be brutal, so I’ll give him that. Although, pretty sure he is not the source on the transcript project. So, I take it back. He believe he needs to keep selling to his “taps” (easy marks). I guess his most stable LRH datum is “number times over equals certainty and results.”
I was the Senior SHSBC Supervisor (ASHO Fdn) from 1975-1977 … the room was packed at night too. In fact, it was a lot of fun. Although I’ve left it all behind me, I’m sad to learn that game is no longer there.
In the 80’s, at ASHO’s roll call, around a hundred BC students for 9am roll call, 1pm roll call around 100, the 3:45pm around another hundred, then the 7 pm, Chris Montgomery, she had 200 students.
“Just because it’s booming, doesn’t mean it’s blooming.” (DM with new and improved Dianetic jingle).
Incredible! Thanks for relaying.
A turbine doesn’t spin as fast as LRH in his grave.
I really thinks it’s time for Dave to face the firing squad. He has managed to turn the purpose of Scientology exactly 180 degrees in the opposite direction.
Very good. No messing about! Still laughing! I’ll feed the belt on the machine gun!
Alright. You’re right.
And do you know why the sheeple don’t notice, MJ? My my humble opinion, it started in 1982. So that’s currenty 32 years of suppression. Spread out over 3 decades, the clams just can’t see it. It’s like the frog in the pan of water that gradually heats up to the point of death for the frog. That’s what happening to these folks. They are gradually dying spiritually.
The more reason for MisCabbage to die a quick death.
And don’t even give him a blindfold!
That’s right Davie boy. Get that confront up!
Thanks right, Cindy! No blindfold with a swift kick to the nuts and bitch slapped several time just on general principles. Yeah, yeah, I know. I’m heartless. But it’s so much fun…
I agree Surfer Dude! We got reality!
This makes 4 times that I know of that the BC has been emptied out by DM. First was for “full time schedules”, next was for GAT I, and then for Basics, and now for GAT II. I was on the BC for two of those mass exoduses. And the BC students were not happy about being detoured off the BC to do the re-training required or adhere to an arbitrary schedule that was not what was promised. What a way to stop the making of auditors. An SP doesn’t want auditing occurring and doesn’t want the making of auditors.
The BC is so 1965 that COB refuses to allow anyone on it in PT. Rather, the RTC plan here is to reissue the GAT II BC sometime after 2032 when the Great Hall of Exact Data is completed in Los Angeles.
Fully ideal in every way, the Great Hall of Exact Data will be constructed alongside the Ideal Pacifica Theater and a new edifice called the Miscavigeporium. The world;’s first fully ideal implanting station, the Miscavigeporium will be appointed with lavish features such as Sensurround, gleaming stainless steel laboratories, and cells padded with luxurious 1,000 thread count cushioning.
Then, and only then, will Los Angeles be fully ideal. Whereupon, AOLA can finally begin to make some real OT’s out there in the Southland.
Funny shit 🙂
As I come from the entertainment industry, Mike, the correct line is: “Now that’s some funny shit!” But yours still works. Either way, this is really entertaining to watch! Just when you think it couldn’t get any more bizarre…
Laughter! The Great Hall of Exact Data.
Thanks for my laugh of the day!
Yeah, and I hear ol’ Dave the Class XII, oops, VIII, oops, oh wait… OK, the guy Who never made it through His Cl. IV Internship because He hit His pc… has emptied the Class VIII course room, too. Because according to Him, they aren’t good enough.
Thus spake the Prophet of Scientology, He Who Must Not Be Named, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center Mr. David Miscavige.
Hmmm, there’s something about that. Could it be that the Diminuitive One is (to use $cn. speak), dramatizing his desperate need for the Purif. Objectives and Student Hat? Just saying. lol.
Finally, we have the perfect EP of everything that lead up to this – GAT I, GAK, GAT II etc. This is what we’ve been working for whether we knew it or not.
Demo kits with exactly matching numbers of pieces – LOL!
I like the green with the red floor. Looks bright
and cheery…..and empty. Is that a camera in the top
left? They video people on course? Maybe it is some
sort of movie projector?
I know all of you old BC students are rolling your eyes.
I can’t think with that….no one on the BC? Wow!
That’s just a random empty room, not a shot of the actual ideal ASHO BC Courserooms as they have been hermetically sealed in order to preserve the ideal furnishings….
He’s like that uncle who sealed his car seats in sticky hot clear plastic covers to “preserve” them…and just made everyone sweaty and miserable and hate to go for a ride with him. (You might need to be of a certain age to remember those.
Reminds me of the people who get a brand new couch and then hermetically seal it with the clear plastic over it to preserve it. Gotta love how your thighs stick to it as you try to get up.
Two comments, Mike. First, is that picture of the course room from ASHO? I can’t believe they would trade the nice wood and class for this horribly ugly green and red Ikea-looking mess. It is so garish and ugly. Which course room is this?
And there is an LRH reference that says something like, There are three things which when seen, overt products or no products and lavish over-spending, when you dig deeper point to a serious out ethics situation underlying it. (Sorry for the paraphrase. I am hoping someone who reads this knows the exact reference and can provide it for us). Anyway, the Idle Orgs’ extravagant and unused furnishings definitely fit the reference above as a thing to be avoided at all costs. DM should read his own church’s policy and then try to carry out policy. Oh, I forgot, he doesn’t study or get auditing.
No, that’s just an empty room. No access to the BC courserooms, they are sealed up to preserve the MEST (joke)
Your reference is the Financial Irregularities HCOPL.
For a good context to understand that HCOPL, you should read Helen Obrien’s book as LRH’s secretary in the 1950’s, “Dianetics in Limbo”.
Here’s the link to the book:
Thanks, Alanzo. I’ve downloaded it.
Thanks Alanzo! This is available in PDF, with a lot of other great old Scientology books, at
That reference on Financial Irregularities seems to be 100% directly applicable, it is a bit spooky if you think about it. Could Hubbard really predict the future? Or was he just running his own case on us again?
Thanks Alonzo. Can you print the quote from LRH on the Financial Irregularities policy that you said it was in. I’d love to read it as it was actually written instead of how my mind remembered it.
I think the reference you’re looking for is HCO PL 5 Feb 1982 page 835 OEC Vol. 1
“There are three things which, when observed, can be very revealing.
1. Overspending, waste and extravagance.
2. Overt products.
3. nonproduction.
One or the other of these three will lead frequently to discovering the rest being present as well.
Below these symptoms, as in some disease, it will commonly be found that there is an out-ethics situation of magnitude, often amounting to very despicable crime.”
To: Dan351
From: RTC Officer HFA
Re: Your post
Dan, thank you for your write up. I want to address the three points mentioned to clarify where we stand up here in ‘heaven’ (see we’re not all just about hard chrome steel!)
1. Overspending, waste and extravagance.
Indeed, public should not be buying houses and other stupid MEST when they could be donating to 4th dynamic salvation campaigns like the IAS, Ideal Orgs and Planetary Dissemination.
2. Overt products.
Indeed, before the advent of GAT 2, the field was polluted with them.
3. nonproduction.
Once more people get through the line up, you’ll see an unprecedented increase in production the like of which this galaxy has never known.
I trust this helps.
Dan, THANK YOU! That was exactly the reference I wanted. And boy, does Davie violate every one of those things…. and yes there is a heavy crime(s) under it too.