I have just received my copy of the latest Source magazine, along with the most expensive and wasteful “promo piece” I have ever seen — but more on that in another post.
The Source mag is fodder for a series of posts highlighting some of the most outrageous statements, contradictions and lies.
Let’s begin with the amazing statistics at the Sandcastle (the Flag AO) where the only boom would appear to be the sound of the waves of truth inexorably consuming it.
I realize this is difficult to read, scanning small black print on gold doesn’t work out too well. What this says is:
Since the Golden Age of Tech Phase II Solo Courses were released 377 Clears and OTs have completed Solo Auditor training courses at Flag — all in checksheet time.
At the top of the Bridge, the floodgates are opened. Since November 2013 there have been more than 130 New OT VII Solo NOTs completions.
Now, you turn a few pages and you come across this (click to enlarge):
First, we can deduce these stats are about 3 month’s worth.
If there have been 130 Solo NOTs completions since GAT II, this mag reports 70 of them. So, being generous, give them half of 6 months since November.
But then note how many OT 6 completions there are in that same 3 month period: Fourteen.
Thus, the number of Solo NOTs auditors is LESS by 56. No wonder Clive Rabey is trying everything he can to get people to start on Solo NOTs. His stats are crashing (and this also means the stats of RTC — Advanced Courses VSD and RTC INCOME is crashing).
The “boom” at the top of the Bridge is a BUST.
In the same 3 months they have trained 4 new Solo Auditors. FOUR. And only 7 Solo Part One. This is 11 NEW solo auditors (being generous as you cannot solo audit after completing Solo Part 1 and it is very strange that not a single one of those people went on and completed Solo 2?) . So, let’s double that to 22 “new Solo Auditors” since GAG II. And 28 “new OT VI’s” since GAG II.
Remember what it said above?
“Since November 2013 377 Clears and OTs have completed Solo Auditor training courses at Flag — all in checksheet time. “
That means 327 of them were RETRAINS. EVERYONE who is auditing on Solo NOTs (and maybe Solo auditing at all) has to retrain their OT VI. Not really the impression they tried to create with the massive numbers of Solo Auditors in training….
And what a surprise, all those retrainers did it in “checksheet time” too.
Elsewhere in the magazine they state: “In the realm of OT at the Flag Advanced Org, it’s likewise a whole new world, with more than 400 Clears and pre-OTs on Golden Age of Tech Phase II Solo auditor training…”
Methinks they are fast and loose with their “facts.” They cannot even get their figures straight, let alone the avoid trying to mislead people with their sleazy wording.
The lies that roll out have become so common it is the expected norm in scientology today. 11,000 churches, missions and groups, 10 million scientologists worldwide, 52X greater expansion in the last 6 months than the previous 63 years…. Anything goes. The sheeple have been indoctrinated to believe that if COB or an “official” church person says it, they MUST accept it. Even when their own printed words are contradictory, they are expected to have temporary amnesia.
If remoteviewed irritates you, Mike, he wouldn’t be missed by me either. Just sayin’.
For someone who’s all about “intelligence,” he hasn’t misheard a rumor he didn’t bother to not find two or more independent sources not to corroborate.
Loved the quote:
“No one sets out to make a train wreck. Actually, comparing it to a train wreck isn’t really fair to train wrecks, because people actually want to watch those.” 🙂
So it seems that anything anyone has done in The Church of Scientology before GATII and with the new E-meter or not are all false attests?
Rinder vs. RemoteViewed = Better Than Vaudeville!
Alanzo (:>)
Our aim is to please. 🙂
Is it possible that I’ll be the first commenter to point out that we are at war with Eastasia and allied with Eurasia?
Hello All,
I was in ITO, (international training org) In California, 1990.
I was “recruited” by SO, there to help train ‘outer org trainees’ from
Germany – because I was from a German org and spoke both native English, and fluent German.
From the ‘world out of comm’ ref it was clear to me that KTL and LOC were to be prereqs for SP.
I’m not sure now if it stated that directly, or not; but we were all on the same page at that time.
(note) I was also drinking the Cool Aid so I really didn’t look for it in writing. my bad.
The KTL course rooms were rocking with life, and wins, from the Clay Table and W/Cing.
The LOC on the other hand was a bit of a flop, because a LOT of the staff that were meant to
fire back to their respective orgs weren’t really on board with being Scn. Staff as their Hat in Life.
A lot of them were out-Qualed to be on staff in the first place. Everything from $ problems, to PTSness,
incompleat case actions, ect. I helped FES, and CS the folders, at the end of my own training, after getting all the German staff through their training programs.
Bottom line was.
1) for the most part they didn’t want to be staff as their Hat in Life.
2) All of them had to go back to their orgs, where they were supposed to be “frozen” on post
as the delivery team for KTL and LOC.
Just as a note: there is no way, the present Church ie Mr. Micscavich is ever going to jump on getting these to wonderful courses done. People would get very basically cleaned up on misunderstoods, and they would have a chance at figuring out what they want to DO in life, and BE and HAVE.
How it stands, I think a lot of people would just Off-Load themselves so they could figure out what they are doing. Those 2 courses kinda make you want to do that.
I personally don’t think you could get a real EP out of Super Power, unless you had your Basic wordclearing in on (Small Common Words) , and had some real work-out as to what you want to do with your life.
The Auditors, on the very first attempt at Super Power had to be cleaned up, before they started getting any products out of their PCs.
They basically needed to clean up their MUs, and get their lives straitened up. Figure out if they really wanted to be auditing or not.
Someone had to get cleaned up first, well, it was the auditor that went first back then.
As an auditor was done they had to get the PC, through KTL and LOC, just so they could clear the auditing command. (HCOB Clearing Commands). Otherwise they would just end up doing the KTL, in session. And the PC would have a loss of sorts – realizing he/she is illiterate.
As an auditor you would have a weird sort of withhold knowing that this PC has to figure out his life, before he starts, applying ethics to it. There were PCs that would have their perceptions cleaned up to the point that they could see you having this consideration that they should have some decision as to their hat-in-life, before they continue with an ethics rundown. Very in-Session those days.
Anyways, thanks for letting me get that off.
Great comment about KTL and LOC, Ken Titzel. I loved both of those courses and got tremendous wins from each of them. I can definitely see why the Dwarf cancelled them. Boy, do did those courses wake me up and clean me up. They’re dangerous 🙂
Thank you.
Anything else you would like to let us know? 😉 🙂
Remoteviewed, Travolta wasn’t the problem with Battlefield Earth, although he was terrible in it. Here’s a link to an hilarious open apology by the screen writer of BE, J.D. Shapiro, that describes Scientology’s input on the script. http://nypost.com/2010/03/28/i-penned-the-suckiest-movie-ever-sorry/
Shapiro describes “John’s camp” input but Marty points out that John’s camp = Miscavige. http://markrathbun.wordpress.com/2010/12/01/john-travolta-thrown-under-the-bus-by-miscavige/
Not to be shown at Flag: Kids React to Gay Marriage: http://youtu.be/8TJxnYgP6D8
Cute video, but I don’t understand the relevance.
Guilty as charged – sometimes it’s fun to be irreverently irrelevant.
The big news here at FLB is that COB has revived the1993 Scientology Obelisk building program!
Nice find Jeff.
Those obelisks are pretty cool — just like 2001 Space Odyssey.
Now that you mention it Jeff I vaguely remember Norm when he was heading up the Tech Preservation Project briefing us over at ASI on a project like that and me thinking that it was another flight of fancy like say Op Z or the broad release of Revolt in the Stars or whatever.
All talk and no action.
Which to me seems to be the modus operandi of “management” these days.
You do know what Op Z was I assume. And Revolt in the Stars. ANd that the personnel assigned to those projects were assigned by LRH, not by “management”?
Never knew that the personal assigned were assigned by Ron.
But yeah I do know what Op Z was because I was working in Div 6 at the time.
The project was pretty much based on the HCOB “Scientology Zone Plan” probably were the “Z” came from and was run by Diana.
Revolt in the Stars is covered in RJ 28 which his personal message to each Org and by later briefing.
I guess like Man the Endangered Species AKA Battlefield Earth until John Revolta got a hold of it and totally fucked it up it just never generated much interest.
Besides about the time Ron wrote Revolt in the Stars Star Wars had taken off.
Thus it probably wouldn’t have been the best time to release it because as you know the plot and story line to the Screen Play were very similar even though it had been written prior to the release of Star Wars.
Anyway that’s my think on why Ron probably put it on the “back burner”.
See other reply concerning Op Z. Wasn’t related to Special Zone Plan.
Travolta didnt mess up BE, Miscavige and that idiot Barbara Ruiz did. This is covered on Marty’s blog.
On the contrary — LRH specifically said he WANTED RTS made BECAUSE of the popularity of Star Wars and that it had proven that Space Opera movies makes money. It was one of the highest priorities for Author Services to get the film made, but they never pulled it off.
You can say what you want about Op Z Mike but the ref I was shown relating to it was indeed Special Zone Plan.
Right — funny how when I know something your response is normally “you can say what you want” or some other dismissive thing, but when you seem to know all about Super Power it “just made sense so I didnt think to ask for a reference.” You were given the shore story for Op Z. It’s why I asked if you knew what it was.
Yeah of course we were given the Shore Story. Do you think those of us in Div 6 would be given the truth?
At least I knew there was a project called Op Z and that I knew people who worked on it.
Figures ASI was involved in screwing up RTS.
Wasn’t Miscavige involved in ASI?
He was Chairman of the Board ASI. He ran the place.
Well there ya go.
As far as I know. The only thing that came out of ASI under him was phony “LRH Properties” and limited edition soft core porn.
Mike wrote:
You do know what Op Z was I assume.
I have never heard of it. I did an internet search for it and could only find a reference where a guy in charge of “OP-Z” for the Portland Org committed suicide in the late 70’s. I could find nothing else.
Do tell.
What was Op Z?
Op Z was an LRH project to research successful Div 6 intro lines used by others — Rosicrucians, EST etc. It was supposed to come up with public inflow seminars and actions for scientology orgs to duplicate the success of others.
What I wrote to JD, Al.
Probably more to the project than Special Zone Plan but that was the ref which was used to brief us on what the program was about.
Please, tell us what OP Z was?! Long term mystery.
Op Z was a special project from what I understand was run directly out of C/S (Commodore Staff) 6 office which involved Div 6 activities that by passed routine Div VI lines.
When I worked in Div 6 we were informed about the project and referred to the HCOB Special Zone Plan which was basically all we were told.
“Op Z was an LRH project to research successful Div 6 intro lines used by others — Rosicrucians, EST etc. It was supposed to come up with public inflow seminars and actions for scientology orgs to duplicate the success of others.”
This may have been what it was but those of us briefed on it were given Special Zone Plan as a ref.
That said there was already a PL relating to getting Ads placed in various New Age and Mystical publications in OEC 6.
Interesting that Ron would want to study the various Seminar Techniques.
Probably the impetus of Erhard’s Seminar Training.
That was the shore story.
He was upset that EST had done so well and wanted to know what they were doing that was successful
He I’m not arguing with you for once.
Good ol’ Werner from what I understand was able to pack ’em in. Even got several USG contracts. Some of them with the IC and the US Army.
I bought the Shore story because what Op Z did was NTK and I guess any data even it was false was better than none.
Shelly is working on the obleisk project
Flag is no longer a popular destination. More and more people are realizing that going there, or being cornered by the flag service consultants is just going to be torture.
This was in a comment on the South African blog yesterday: “When the Flag World Tour Event were here last weekend (probably still here?), Joburg North was to hold an event for them on Saturday afternoon. It was cancelled. I’m not sure but it is probably because they had no confirms – my guess but a good one.”
Now the tours people can’t even get to the public to even TRY to reg them. Nobody wants to go there – that’s why they have to lie about their stats.
Well the Flag boom certainly never included me. They thought of everything but the kitchen sink to keep me off OTVII but were apparently, too busy to actually speak to me about it. Must come back. Can’t get on. Must do more. Must come back. Not eligible . Go away. Come back. No wonder people are in a spin. This is classic “can’t have/ must have” that is RUN ON the public intentionally. It is cruel and indecent.
I think that their not alphabetizing the names on the completions lists is deliberate – done in order to make it harder to spot the completions who are not current by comparing them to former completions lists. You think?
All of this revolves around IAS status upgrades and money dono’s for Global disasters.
Public is tracked covertly by their credit card numbers. Every time one sits with a
Flag Reg a secret microphone sends all conversation to someone in another room who schemes how to scam more money from that public.
The services have been chopped ( quickied) by D.M. to increase money flow, nothing more nothing less.
Exactly Jose,
Personally I don’t believe that Sgt. Furry is working alone on this because I don’t think he has the intellect or the knowledge.
That said.
It seems that any action on the bridge in the Church has been quickied no matter how long they take they aren’t fully done.
I noticed this some time back with the PTS RD.
None of the preliminary steps are done per “Breakdown of the Rundown” like a DRD or a 40X and then they omit running engrams on the terminals because the PC is “not up to running engrams” etc.
Then in the case of people who have a “SP” in present time the SPRD is no longer done because now everybody’s supposed to disconnect doncha know.
Never mind that but anyone who mentions that Dave or any of the other SPs currently running the Organization in a PTS Interview they are usually put on the FPRD and even then the person usually isn’t fully set up to receive it.
Now currently the Superpower Rundowns are run on anyone after they have done purif and objectives or in most cases redone purif and objectives and the running program.
BTW the RP isn’t even a requirement for Super Power, nor is the purif if the person has a light drug history and is running well on subjective auditing, nor is the objectives if the person’s OCA is above the center line but KTL/LOC *is*. In fact this *is* the reason that NWC was assigned to piloting those courses first and exporting them before releasing super power which was pretty much written up and tested and *failed* without these preliminary steps plus the Truth Rundown (which has been totally perverted) and the HRD if needed.
The reason for this is covered in the famous WOOC (World out of Comm) eval which obviously nobody there has ever read or if they have they are probably using it for toilet paper or something.
Anyway anyone doing the Super Rundowns with only objectives or SRD will eventually crash and burn. Just like the original test cases did.
Like you said Jose the rundown is being quickied. No matter how long it takes.
I never heard that KRL/LOC was a prerequisite to Super Power before? What is your reference for this? And TRD a prereq?
For someone who routinely dismisses things I have commented on here with “that’s a hidden data line” and “where is the HCOB?” and “I follow the Ol’ Man and his policy on seniority of orders”…
I am really curious about this.
Frankly, KTL/LOC makes sense to me as Super Power always was a staff handling, so too KTL/LOC.
But Dan Koon has never mentioned these things and he was directly involved in compiling Super Power?
Never said TRD and HRD were a prerec but yes KTL/LOC definitely was according to our briefing at NWC.
True a “hidden data line” but one that actually made sense to me. So I never bothered to ask to get anything in writing on it.
Anyway the project consisted of piloting KTL/LOC and setting up teams to export it to all org staff and then after this to public.
Then after this was supposed to be the release of Super Power to Staff via NWC then at all Saint Hills for public just like Ron says in RJ 30.
But I left the project before it was finished to work full time at AOLA.
Regarding HRD, TRD, FPRD, SRD, RP and DeOp Tech on Staff these weren’t required actions for Super Power and only to be done as needed with the exception of Deoppression Tech which was supposed to be included as part of Staff Hatting and Training.
I didn’t recall such a briefing. And I was the Msn Ops in Cmoi that ran all the missions to export it as I was brought to int to do KTL and was the first completion along with my twin Bsrbara Saecker/Newton. I ran the mans to Nwc and to Fso. Who was it that briefed you?
Never paid much attention to names. All I remember was a woman who brought us into a briefing room and explained the reason why we were working on KTL and that it was a prerec to Super Power.
My part in the project along with several others was to FES the CTPs and ensure they were being done according to the HCOBs.
Honestly I didn’t spend a lot of time hobnobbing with the staff or finding out who’s on first etc.
Yes remoteviewed – they have simply ignored that HCOB (WOOC). Well done for bringing it up. KTL was and is a great course – LOC is also Ok but it seems that COB and Mithoff have just blatantly ignored the LRH HCOB on the line up
As far as I’m concerned looking back in hind sight Ray Mithoff was totally compromised and besides that a total marshmallow.
Nice guy but not Senior C/S material.
And my opinion and from my own personal experience that not just the Senior C/S but anyone working in Qual has to willing to occasionally breath fire.
Also one has to be willing to “non-comply” because “Qual Takes Orders From No One”.
I don’t think Ray had that point of view.
You may be right. But you also never walked in his shoes and have no idea what he did or didn’t do to try and maintain his position against overwhelming odds. Honestly, a lot of your armchair opinions don’t come across too well. Walk the walk, then you can talk the talk about how everyone else is unintelligent, compromised or marshmallows.
My *opinion* about Qual and Ray still stands.
If Ray was a real Senior C/S and someone like Miscavige came along with a “bright idea” like GAT he would have handed him a one way ticket to cramming with no return.
BTW this is no “armchair” opinion. I happened to work in Qual under pressure from various execs including the GO who wanted to Executive C/S their staff and resisted every one of them.
So don’t tell me to walk the walk when you haven’t walked it yourself.
And if you were anyone at all, you would have gotten yourself into a position to do something about it and failed, but you didn’t even get to that level.
You are such a know-it-all it isnt funny. But have you ever done anything to even show up as a factor positive OR negative in the overall scheme of things.
My *opinion* you are a classic armchair quarterback know-best who yearns to be someone. It’s why you are constantly offering your opinions as if they are somehow facts.
I am reaching the end of my patience. You pepper the comments with false data that is asserted as truth because you were once in NWC and were once an auditor somewhere.
You can be a wise-ass but unfortunately for you, I will always have the last say on this blog.
True you have the last say Mike. I mean it was your blog.
“Yearns to be somebody”.
Not really.
Know it all.
Not really.
I don’t know every thing which is why I continue to read books, do my own research on other areas not just Scientology.
Have worked on staff for many years as a Tech and Qual terminal and seen many things.
Also did work at NWC which at the time was on the second floor of the Main Building just below FCB.
Sure you and Marty got all the glory and glamor but us little people were just as much in the game as you and he were.
Right Fool Proof,
WOOC was the essential reason why NWC was shifted from exporting Super Power to piloting KTL/LOC.
Well, that is true. But it was because LRH said he could not train the auditors, not because WOOC (KTL) was a prerequisite to SP. It was because it was needed to train the auditors.
Yes but maybe he decided at some point to have the PC do the KTL/LOC as well which in my opinion wasn’t a bad idea since there was more to KTL/LOC than just study and consisted of Clay Table Auditing as well.
Personally after working on the pilot I couldn’t imagine anyone doing RDs like the False Data and Loss or the Bright Think or Personal Revival RDs or the Ethics RL to name a few without doing KTL/LOC first and getting a product.
Ohh yes..! KTL & LOC were definitely prereqs for the “soon to be released” SuperPower – even for staff who weren’t fluent in English.
Something in writing… – like an LRH reference – nope… everything was SOO confidential! Sorry for having squirrelled. 🙁
I agree there was too much need to know going on during that period.
As far as I was concerned the Church seemed to be emulating CIA.
Thing is a pilot is done off normal lines. So the issues relating to its delivery are not released until the RD is ready for export.
Like the CCRD pilot I worked on in ’85.
Funny thing though is that many of the refs relating to these oh so confidential actions actually exist in the Tech Vols.
For instance many of the refs we studied relating to the CTPs used on KTL have been around since ’64.
True Ron wrote a bunch of HCOBs for those of us on the CCRD pilot but things like the 2WCs relating to Clear had already been issued for use back in ’78 via Telex.
It’s just that instead of doing them in a D of P they were done in session.
He also spent quite a few paragraphs discussing the subject of Past Life Clear which isn’t in the current issues.
Yet this was one of the key reasons he personally rewrote the DCSI references and issued C/S Series 123.
He wanted to ensure that the Pre OT was able to continue on his or her next level even though their body’s death intervened.
Yet I guess it doesn’t matter anymore at least in the Church these days since anyone who makes it to OT VIII goes back and does objectives anyway.
In my opinion a total inval of the State of OT.
Remoteviewed, “BTW the RP isn’t even a requirement for Super Power…” interesting data there. Could you please clarify what “RP” is? Thanks
Sure Meja,
“RP” is for Running Program which consisted of running as the name suggests around a pole.
Actually it’s quite an effective action if done right.
Anyway it was given the name of the “Cause Resurgence Rundown” and was developed sometime in the early ’80’s as a separate rundown and is not part of the Super Power series of Rundowns.
You can count on either outright lies or deception. I appreciate the way you report this BS. Somebody has to keep these guys honest. I did the OT6 course in 1992. Then I got to redo it in 1998, GAT style. That trip literally cost me 80K and 8 months. Now I would be getting to do it again. At least the GAT II OT6 is supposedly free if you are already on OT7. But you can imagine how free it is when you are a sitting duck at Flag for 2 or more weeks.
Yes. In this case, deciphering the bullshit amounts to not passing out when one confronts the massive, steaming, powerfully odoriferous mountains of it…
Definition of McScavenger – an extinct, non producing and non reproducing entity who lived off the carcasses of whales.
Glad to hear it cannot reproduce.
OMG …….. just had a horrible thought…………can anyone imagine what the life of a child born to Lou and McScavenger would be like. I apologize in advance for the ‘pink elephants’ thought!
I hear you Cooper. Let’s all sing along:
Imagine no Miscavige
It’s easy if you try
No more greedy regges
No pie up in the sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today…
Imagine there’s no Int Base
It isn’t hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
Or perversions of the truth
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace…
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the cult will be undone
Imagine no more Sec checks
I wonder if you can
No need for huge donations
To perpetuate the scam
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world…
You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one
I hope someday you’ll join us
And the cult will be undone
They made a movie about that – it was called “The Omen”.
New auditors and happy PCs. Not on there.
Miscavige must figure that if they are still in, they won’t ask about those stats, or they never knew enough to care.
I love the way you decipher the bullshit Mike.
I don’t know how Mike can stand to read through all this crap, never mind analyse it! Everything I get goes straight into the recycle bin – unopened.
Same here but we keep the reply envelopes to send back with information about how SO members can escape and get help. 😉
At the rate of an OT VI completion every 2 weeks approximately the planet will be cleared in no time. (What’s a hundred trillion years between friends).
These are not lies. They call it “half-truths”.
But we have to give them some credit. There are 90 Super Power Rundown completions. If Super Power was not there, they would have done something else. (I cannot see page 45.)
The 90 completions are not bad … as long as you don’t compare it to the energy that has been put into Super Power. One completion per day? Is that it? Maybe the SP building is slightly oversized?
If a quarter of all Scientologists (including kids) can afford Super Power, then it will take them 6250 days => 17 years.
But! They will all complete within 2 years. The only question is: Who are “They”? Well, “They” are the last Samurais; the ones, who haven’t left the Titanic by then.
I remember that Super Power was supposed to be “for staff only”. Some played the game “World Corps/Universe Corps” and “Super Power”. What kind of weird game is that, where nobody can win?
Two (2) auditors have completed an internship at Flag, in the last several months. At every 3 months, this would be 8 auditors per year. My God.
This is soooooooo confusing.
I just don’t know what to think.
Who are they scamming here?
Themselves or the sheeple?
It is like a bunch of leaves swirling
in a circle on a windy day…..which
one should I choose?
I think in this case I’d just let ’em swirl
and walk away.
Another stat to take notice of is auditors who have completed an internship, which is 2.
Over the last several months, the mecca of technical perfection has made all of 2 auditors who are permanently certified to audit.
This all looks wrong until I remind myself that making auditors is not actually a primary objective of the church. Every activity at the end of the day boils down to the making of money. Every activity currently lines up with that objective only. Make sure there is something to buy. Make sure they HAVE TO buy it. Cannot offer OF 9 or above so there’s trs and objectives and purification and super power. For an extra on the side you can do GAT 2 because if you are a real auditor you haven’t a fukkin clue until you do it all again the new way. And the longer we keep you on GAT2 the longer you can pay for accommodation. ..
Here is another fact to back up your observations: One of the named OT VII Completions had been at Flag 5 years ago (about 2008) and the person felt completed and wanted to attest Solo NOTs. The C/S told her “No, there is more to do”. The person went back home and stopped Solo auditing.
Then, towards the end of 2013 or early 2014 the person was called by Flag and told: “You are completed on OT VII, please come and attest”. At Flag arrival there was no set up, no Review, no nothing and the person was attested right there and then.
Isn’t there a term known as “Stat Push”? This in addition to the lying in their own Mag. Yes, they are struggling big time.
Silvia, a similar thing happened to me too. I originated done with Sn in 2009 and CS said no. Then after not auditing for a year after that, I went to Flag and they thought I had money, so they pushed me to get back on the level “to finish” and said I would (A) be back on the level in 2 weeks (two weeks to re-do full Elig and refresh on the Checksheet for auditing), and then said “if you get back on SN now, you’ll be done with OT VII before your next Refresher, (i.e., before 6 months.) They said all this cuz they thought I had money and it was a way to get at that money. It was never about the tech of is she or isn’t she actually EPed. It’s about either money or stats or both. Tech? What tech?
And notice on the list of names of OT VII completions, that the first name is Jeanie Bogvad-Sonnenfeld. They put the famous one first.
AND I know for a fact that these are not the most recent OT VII comps “since GAT II” as they state. Barbara Mah, one of those listed as completed since GAT II, actually completed over a year ago before GAT II ever came out. So they are grabbing names from wherever they can, from long ago.
This is how it always was!!!! It was always about the Money!! Otherwise joke did Hubbard amass a personal fortune of 500m and why did he boot out people steeped in tech? Dave Mayo etc?
It was always thus. Blinkers are falling off, hopefully they fall off completely.
Wow. These stories just prove that the staff at flag are trying desperately to prove to cob that all is well since his all-mightiness graced us all with GAG2.
They KNOW that if gag2 fails to open the flood gates for real – it will be their fault and more declares and rpf assignments will be forthcoming.
Personally, I love it when they pull shit like this. Those people that are being claimed as recently completed to make the stats look good, will read this and start wondering what else is being lied about. Should wake a few more up from the nightmare. 🙂 All good.
Jr has lied so much for so long that he no longer cares or has the energy to cover his fibbing trail.
He knows the end is near. Planning his exit and or defense when the walls come crumbling down are his only thoughts now. I believe Jr is lock and loaded, holed up, watching the end of “Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid”, over and over, having a scotch like a proper gentleman, ready for the firefight that will be Judgement day.
and….here you have the “true believers”!!!!!!!!!!!! I noticed names I know and in particular Larry Lowe, a very good dentist from the bay area, approximately 25 years of auditing to clear and noticed he is on his Solo One course, well done Larry!!!!!!!!