Here we go again, more ridiculous hype. Opening their abandoned castle as an “AO” is going to solve crime, drugs, poverty, education, disease and political dishonesty… By getting a handful of people to “blow off” their BT’s and Clusters? And I do mean a handful. This is not the JOB of an Advanced Org — that is the job of Missions and Class 5 orgs to reach into society and change conditions.
But these are obviously the “buttons” in South Africa, so they pitch people with “we will solve these things with an AO” and assume the sheeple will not stop to think “Why would an AO make any difference to these things? If we wanted to accomplish that why aren’t we opening missions or at least giving money to do that…”
They know their audience. They tell them anything and they buy it.
To All South African Scientologists,
What can we do about crime?
What can we do about drugs?
What can we do about disease, poverty, poor education, political dishonesty and a beautiful country being destroyed by wicked intentions?
South Africa is in trouble. We need to move back up its downward spiral. We need to come back.
Find out how we can at our Advanced Org Briefing on April 29th.
Larry Soffer, a renowned mentalist who can make a building disappear, will be performing. There will be food, music, and guests from all over South Africa.
What can we do for this country? Find out at the event!
Contact the AO Africa Events I/C by phone at (081) 551-9083 or by email at [email protected] to CONFIRM you will be coming to the event.
The AO Africa Team
And I have no idea who Larry Soffer is — but he is “featured”.
These “behind the scenes” “briefings” are really “behind closed doors” “take your money” events. You would think people would have figured that out by now…
I “blew” off my “cluster” yesterday. Yep, still frustrated. Scientology does nothing for me.
Charlie CHRIST? You’re joking, right……
To be fair, if the OT VIIIs on the Freewinds can bring down the Berlin Wall, you have to imagine the OT whatevers at this new AO can improve conditions in South Africa.
He will be making hundreds of dollars disappear!
You mean hundreds of thousands, right? Scientology ain’t cheap!
I have a question… struck me the other day. How far up the Bridge is David Miscavige? Is he OTVIII? Has he achieved the State of Clear? Just curious.
I asked that a few weeks or so ago and Mike said that last he heard, DM is working on OT VII.
Even as a never in, you jest of course. Even by their own tech and policies, Miscavige is an ethics (SP) particle and IS a no case gain case. He’s nowhere on any Bridge, especially one of his own devising. The last thing in the world Miscavige would ever allow is someone to CS for him or be able to have access to his folders – he’d burn them if ever did auditing anyway, let alone an examiner to read him on a meter. Auditing doesn’t exist for people like him – like most successful drug dealers they never partake in what they sell.
Can anyone name an EP he has gotten from any auditing?
Yes he has gotten an EP: Freedom from having to go on thrill rides. His high hair doesn’t reach the height requirements to do so.
David Miscavige had a Sec Check recently and it went like this:
Auditor: Have you eaten?
DM: “yes you CSer – I had lamb flown in from Austrailia, fresh Lobster from Maine, fresh mixed greens flown in from the Int Base – I have a secret garden to grow my food because you CSer DB’s can’t do anything right”. “What about it”
Auditor: passes out from anxiety attack
Auditor: passes out from anxiety attack….But, when he comes to, he realizes Scientology is a vicious, toxic, family destroying, abortion forcing, totalitarian cult. With the blinders off, he just walks away to a new and exciting life.
The End.
I want to say that he declared himself a ‘natural Clear.’ Mike Rinder would know more about this.
Thanks Mick and OSD. I am sure that he’s “working on it.” How does he find the time?
I actually have more to say….but I am patiently waiting for the vote on the Clearwater land deal with the aquarium.
Thank You again for allowing me to post my thoughts and comments here.
Mike…you are doing an amazing job. Don’t stop…..ever.
Yours…. OverTheBridgeTPA
It is a really nice castle. Every time I’m reminded of all the buildings that they own in the various key locations, I become frustrated and disgusted.
They bill themselves as a religion that wants to save the planet, people etc. if only it were so, they are in a perfect position to actually make a difference. With all their assets and holdings, they could do more for humanitarian efforts than almost any other organization.
If only there was even an ounce of compassion or empathy imbedded in their doctrine and they spent more time focusing on others needs instead of navel gazing and ponzu scheming, they really could make true some of those false promises. Sigh.
Of course the dirty little secret about this building is that it cannot be used for the AO due to council bylaws and may only be used for hospitality services (in other words a hotel). Thus, the actual AO still has to be built on the property. As far as I know, that building has not started yet. Looks like Davey boy is going to have to dig way deeper into the IAS coffers than originally planned if he wants to get this AO up & running.
Another little secret is that the AO happens to be slap-bang in the middle of a suburb currently undergoing massive real-estate development by a company owned by none other than the famous Corbett family who were all declared “big bad SPs” in 2013. One literally cannot travel in any direction to or from the “Castle” without driving through or past a Corbett development. Everyone arriving at the AO for services will have to get a PTS check first – and supplied with a list of shopping malls and restaurants they SHOULDN’T frequent while visiting the AO (which is pretty much all of them). Boy, that must smart something horrible for the church. I have a good chuckle every time I think about it.
Funny Shelley, thanks for posting.
“The Final Milestone”
Yup, once all the cash has been sucked out of the 10 remaining scamologists in S.A. that’s it. E.P. reached.
Whoa! They’ve got that many members? Or, are they counting BTs?
Well, looking on the bright side here, when the Marcabians finally get around to invading Teegeeack, those castle parapets are going to provide perfect cover for the $ea Orgs archers to rain death down upon them!
Who needs fictionalized space opera movies, like Battlefield Earth, when the real deal is out there just waiting for the right moment to attack?
The cherch says, “Up your status today,” but your money is far better spent on effective weaponry to repel these horrible space aliens who are going to showing up real soon to toss your happy ass off the Front Porch of your Eternity unless you prepare to defend it NOW!
Sorry to rain on your parade, Harpoona, but the long anticipated Marcab Confederacy Invasion is a done deal. Hubbard warned us that we only had a little time, a “brief breath in eternity” to wrap up Target One before the Invader Forces return and start zapping us between lives again.
Our “brief breath” has exhaled, the chance has passed, the ships have passed in the night, the date ended without a happy ending, it is all over now baby blue. Why does Dave try to keep Scientology going when it is doomed? Has anyone ever seen Dave Miscavige and the Marcab Supreme Leader, Teegeeack sector, in the same room?
I cognited on this a few years ago when the TV show “Ghost Whisperer” came out. All the dead folks are talking about “going into the white field” or some other form of white light. Sorry folks, the white light is the implant station. You are sucked in, told all kinds of lies while being zapped with high intensity radiation to make the point, and sent back to Teegeeack for a new body all programmed to vote, speak, talk correctly and pay your taxes on time. The only part of it I can’t figure out is why some young folks still vote Republican.
The Marcab Invasion did not require any saucers on the White House lawn or Project Blue Book reports. All they had to do was re-activate the underground implant stations on Mars and get the programming between lives systems back on line. No need for giant disks that span the Atlantic or space stations, they can control everybody’s minds without all that high profile hardware. Welcome to the New Marcabian World Order.
If any of the above seems a bit bizarre or incredible, you are not a Scientologist. Well done!
Funny you should bring up a meeting of DM and the Supreme Leader of marcab. I just watched Dr Strange on DVD and can tell you that what we need is a Benedict Cumberbatch to take on the Supreme Leader. He took on Dormammu and bested him.
Can’t see little DM standing up to a real dark power, no way no how. Unless maybe to grovel, whimper, and obey.
I like your boy scout approach to the Scientology subject – “be prepared.”
Hubbard offered up the largest Swiss army knife approach for an applied religious philosophy of organised sacrifice ever dreamed up and then dressed it all up in uniforms, ships, land bases and command structure etc. But he never, ever had a moment of reverence for the public caught up in it all except they were his
(always individually expendable with lots of rules) necessary energy supply lines. Yes, fighting an invasive war was always planned for the not quite quite bright to “keep ’em on the boil.” The enemy were always just over the hill, always planning, always scheming, ready to attack at any time.
Keep those parapets manned at all times & be prepared for hostilities to begin at any moment!
“The church says “Up your status today….”
Actually HF, there’s a typo there
What they are really saying is:
“Up yours! Tatus today!”
They just misspelled ‘tattoos’
Larry soffer illusionist. Can he make a whole cult disappear?
Wonder if he got sucked into the black hole of Scientology?
That was pretty interesting…I wonder if he can make himself disappear.
I saw him in London. Very impressive. The bending spoons and other related things like moving light objects without touching them seem very real indeed. Hard to fault even close up and observant. Some of his videos show this.
Looked up Larry Soffer and found his website. According to his site, he’s apparently a South African “mentalist, illusionist, magician”. Which seems a bit fitting that he would be featured at an “Advanced Org” event.
A mentalist who uses tricks to make people believe he has extraordinary mental powers (like the claims CofS makes regarding the upper OT levels)… illusionist that performs tricks to deceive someone’s eyes (like the illusion of rapid, ever-expanding, “straight up and vertical” growth of Scientology)…..and a magician who performs tricks for entertainment, such as making things completely disappear without a trace, never to be seen again (like the money from the poor attendees at this event).
Fitting indeed…..
Yes indeedy! These silly Thetanists sure don’t need some second-rate illusionist to perform magic tricks for them when they’ve got the biggest “delusionist” of all times, Elron Flubtard, selling them on $1,000 per hour exorcism rituals to free them of the thousands of disembodied space alien spirits that are stuck to them like Gorilla Glue.
Gorilla glue – now’s that’s worth a sniff!
If you don’t want anything to move, you need to get Gorilla Glue.
I sure wish Mr. Sofer were here right now to rake up all the branches and winter debris in my yard so I don’t have to do it. Must be nice. And, oh, yeah, there are dirty dishes in the sink. Damn, his house must be spotless!
I’ll come over next lifetime to help you out…
That’s true friendship.
Damn right it is! I’ve got about 25 years left in this body. Hey bixntram, I might be there sooner than you think! Look for me at Bolsa Chica State Beach. I’ll come over and rake the yard…
Thanks, Old Surfer Dude, we (wifey and I) need your help NOW! We’re in present time and we need you to help us CLEAR THE PLANET – or at least that part of it that makes up our back yard.
Ok,ok….I’m on my way. You have rakes, right? And a bottle of Merlot?
Its really amazing, when you think about it. The featured speaker makes buildings disappear. Of course, if he’s asked to prove it he can always say, “I don’t do parlour tricks”. Possibly the Sheeple are at a point now where they are so delusional that they’ll accept anything. But then, I’d prefer to believe that the cult is using this “can make a building disappear” schtick as a lure, a ploy, a curiosity-arouser, to get people to show up for their event. Begging and/or laying on guilt trips can be such a bore.
Shame he can’t make buildings APPEAR, like an OT VIII with total control over MEST is supposed to have 😉
It would make a really lovely upscale hotel for the rich and famous…..wouldn’t it….that is once CO$ loses it.
Mike what a post and I am laughing-crying over the Load of Garbage the cult is now throwing on everything in sight to see what sticks. AO as you put so well will make not one speck of difference to South Africa & the situations there. It is pathetic!! The New AO castle looks as if it was hurriedly poured from cement & and dazzled up with the OT Plaque, be still my heart! But what jumped out at me was Mr. Larry S. The” renowned mentalist who makes buildings disappear.” Wait Stop What about being an OT8?! If this character is so good at disappearing buildings, then give him a list of every Mission, Org, Ideal Orgs, Old dead Asho AOLA,Flag anywhere and the Come Back Ron mega mansions of the RTC, and he can go right down it and make Everything Disappear! What a Thetan he is! Be sure to come to the newest AO opening with all the money, credit cards and anything else the regges will want, because they are very hungry!????
I expect the pile of carnage to pick through will really ramp up after the SuMP launches it’s diatribe of lies Ann.
Yo Dave,
When does the feeding frenzy begin ……… exactly……………..good buddy? Someday at two ….Dave? You pick the day, we will pick the time!
Hey Dave! Don’t forget your apple box. People won’t be able to see you without it…
Question: has anyone done a rough estimate of how much CoS spends each month compared to est. number of members? Like: 400 bldgs costs $4000 per month in normal expenses divided by 10,000 members = each member contributing is giving like $1000 per month? Just curious what CoS monthly operating expenses must be?
Hang on bit, I’d dig up my meter, charge it up and do a greater than, lesser than and get back to you. Them casey things know all.
Whenever I was on the cans, I always tried to create a rock slam. But, hey, that’s just me…
Not if you’re clear it’s not!
It always cracks me up that an AO or even a ship is THE answer and GOING OT (whatever the fuck that means) is the solution to man’s woes. It’s not – solving YOUR woes are the only reason the axioms etc attract attention, exist and were written in the first place – well… according to the author they are – he wouldn’t tell lies about such things, would he?
Hubbard sure burned the candle from both ends. At least with Miscavige it’s easier to see he’s an outright criminal thug who stumbled onto the motherload of scams and found himself in charge of it – all he had to do was be a complete asshole and destroy anyone who opposed him once he stole the power and to keep on doing it. He enjoys his job… very much! It’s fun!
The so called Bridge is a one way flow in actuality, if it exists at all. You go up it and pop out the other side, allegedly able to create, start, change and stop universes at the determinism of yourself. DOH! understanding self determinism (the Qs) is all Scientology ever professed it was capable of doing or offering. Hubbard raved for decades how degraded this MEST universe is and he, and he alone found the path out. With this space cootie tek he reversed his whole prior direction(s), which was to exteriorise the thetan and put them in charge of all that stuff that was running on auto connected to their original universe, not a zillion other ones! Geezers, the whole Scientology thesis is based on the “fact” you have a home universe and that it guilds the MEST universe. The Scientology story if you really look at it is simply a direction, not a solution – that’s up to you! Life has always been that way, according to early Hubbard that is. Scientology does not have anything to offer past that. It is kind of implied by the time you worked that out with auditing and training that it was a bit wonky fucking around in this universe in the first place and you are trapped in it by ARC, you should be able to recreate your own or not, it should be up to YOU what you do with life or not have life – no biggie! Having someone else tell you what’s what is not exactly an EP of anything, but it is a direction that is on auto with most beings. The odd bullet or horror applied gets the point across.
Scientology as it’s applied as far as I’m concerned is a provable farce by using it’s own technology to analyse it. It’s got fuck all to do with the 3rd Dynamic, except that some beings find it theoretically possible to get together and follow certain procedures with a promise they wont vary it and possibly, I mean just possibly, can exist long enough with those agreements to see and experience life from a different aspect, & hence go play tip toe through the theta tulips.
I have a little fun with the Scientology story at times. Geezers I’ve spent enough on it to deserve some slack. Pity it’s such a sick and painful story to live with such inbuilt betrayals.
Imagine all those all-powerful OTs controlling all those personal universes. Scary. And if they all were god-tile thetans how long before they were at war with each other, COS management or the wogs. No wonder LRH left it for somebody else to deal with.
Assuming clear and OT powers worked as promised, of course.
Now you’re starting to “think” with the bullshit of the 3rd Dynamicly applied Scientology if you guzzle the kool-aide. The trap it represents is what you see people paying for, especially the whales and more so the “dedicated” SO & staff with their lives. It’s a creator of theta wars, not a solver of them.
The human mind does indeed posses the capability of maintaining two or more opposing thoughts, not necessarily always at the same time, thank God! The technology of Scientology far outpaces Dianetics in fooling around with that. NED for OTs is a mixture of the two and as an operational therapy is an abominational use of and attack on the rather complex human condition seeking to free itself from the problems it finds itself in. A sticky tar trap or mental quicksand would be a good analogy.
IMO it all fucked up big time with Hubbard blindly going into group Policy based on the original auditing concepts. Then he just went on and on and on with having to make newer and bigger discoveries until NED for OTs fell out of his head. His “successful action” was always based on further research, he just didn’t know when to stop – he went insane with it. The other aspect that did him in was honesty, if anyone ever need a sec check and a condition assignment it was Hubbard!
The one majorly missing concept in Scientology is compassion and what followed was the enforcement of an open willingness to convince its members the 2nd Dynamic should be used as a battlefield to show and maintain loyalty to the cause. Such is the shrinking world of applied Scientology.
Strong coffee again this morning.
OMG! Yawn, you mean to tell me that the ship is NOT the answer to all of our questions? I’m so confused…
I could be worse, you could be ‘on course’ or ‘getting screwed’ (I mean auditing).
See, always told you, you are the prefect Scientology prospect – we at the Cof$ have all the answers to all your confusions. It’s simply a matter of getting the exchange right. Come on in, we’ll have a chat about your latest ruin too (we can provide one if you come up short). Or, pay a fee, chose a door and collect your mystery prize!
Ummmmmm…….I’ll take door number 3!
The one with the wagon and donkey?
That’s the one!
Sorry, but that’s already taken, we sold it 38 times before some SP asshole took us to court about it. Would a cardboard cut out suffice?
Is this the South African org where the streetwalkers hang out? If so, at least its sheltering people who are providing a service.
Never mind, I was confused. The one I read about starts with an “M” as I recall.
He can make a building disappear, huh? Man oh man, their PR has officially crossed the line into carnival barking. They really, really ARE desperate now, aren’t they? No shame at all.
“Kalami Castle”…that’s the streetwalker org. I’m sure I’m not spelling it right.
There are no streetwalkers in the area of the Castle. The Castle is in an country area with horse farms and plots in the vicinity. It is a rather beautiful spot and the Caste is impressive.
However, there are very few whales left in South Africa because the key ones are now Special People. The few left who are still around must be gutvol (South African for “have had a guts full”) of being called upon all the time to dole out large sums of money.
Actually, I’ve not seen much evidence for quite some time of fundraises being held here at all. The staff, in my opinion, are lethargic about it all, knowing it’s a lost cause, I think. Joburg is the hub of the country and scientology. I hesitate to mention “hub” in relation to the latter because that’s really pushing it these days!
There are no trained staff for the Castle. Those who went for training at Flag several years ago are either back and blown, or sent to Tampa, or doing manual work at Flag because they have no money and can’t afford a ticket back. Who knows?
I don’t see that there are many public still around, certainly not large numbers of them, who could be recruited for training. Even if there were, how long would this all take? In the meantime, it’s being punted that the Castle is opening this year. Duh! Typically Miscavige bs.
The premises were purchased by management. I suspect the renovations will be paid for the same way. However, no staff, no org. There are no Clears made here at all. Those who go to AOSH ANZO are few and far between.
This is a disaster area for an org, any org, let alone an AO. What idiots!
And as for scientology fixing the latest situation South African finds itself in is laughable. I’m sure the cherch members know it but they’ve been swallowing bs for so long, they can’t discern it. They’re incapable of thinking.
Truth: “Truth is treason in an empire of lies.” – George Orwell.
Luvit, thanks very much for this detailed information. I had this place mixed up with Bulawayo.
Aqua I think you are thinking about Bulawayo. The “Ideal Org” building that was abandoned there which has become a haven for squatters, some of whom pursue man’s oldest profession.
Yes, THAT’S the one. I got my Scientology Castles mixed up. Thanks, Bruce.
Is this the South African org where the Walking Dead hang out?
The org were the streetwalkers hang out is in Zimbabwe. Two Ideal Morgues were bought there (in the towns Harare & Bulawayo) around the same time as the Castle in South Africa – all with IAS money. Zimbabwe is and always has been struggling desperately for air when it comes to $CN but because it was the former Rhodesia where the ‘ol man reckoned he could make an OT base & announced that “the next great civilisation on this planet will spring from Southern Africa” – some 60 years later they’re still trying to make that pipe dream a reality. It will never happen.
Got it on everything. Thanks, Shelley J!
>”Larry Soffer, a renowned mentalist who can make a building disappear”
And if he can’t make the Ideal Morgue disappear, he’ll make all the people inside dissapear! TA-DA!
What would be truly amazing would be if “Larry Soffer a renowned mentalist” could actually CONJURE UP hundreds of people to attend this meeting……..Hell, if he could conjure up even 50 people……..
Hey, why not a simple shortcut: CONJURE UP all the needed money? I would think that a far easier task the creating actual people.
If he can’t conjure up money, what good is he?
Well, well well, sooooo….NOW I think the haze is beginning to clear (and I have NOT partaken of any Kool Aid…..
The organization thinks it is perfectly ok to make PEOPLE to bbbbbuuuuutttttttt…..
Should have read…..The organization thinks it is perfectly ok to make PEOPLE DISAPPEAR……bbbbbuuuuutttttttt
We are fighting them here in Clearwater fla it is hard attorney general congressmen Charlie Christ Trying get the President involved
Charlie CHRIST? You’re joking, right?
I have to admit, were I still a believer, I could fall for all their pitches.
Hubbard does pretty clearly lay out the soul’s abilities to be outside of the human body, he even lays this out in Scientology Fundamental of Thought book, chapter “The Parts of Man”, clearly promises that by doing the Scientology spiritual therapy processes, that one can achieve this soul status of being be outside of one’s body.
But Hubbard wasn’t telling the truth.
Scientologists are not becoming soul-flying pure souls.
If they could, there’d be massive amounts of miracles left right and center being produced by them and the world would be falling all over itself to get into Scientology.
But no soul-flier Scientologists ever show up to prove themselves.
Advanced Orgs are advanced snipe-hunting clubs.
HI Chuck,
Here is a question for you. Hubbard made a big deal out of his “tech’s” ability to exteriorize the thetan. But Hubbard was always afraid of anyone with power to challenge him. I’ve read the stories about how he copied from others and then had them “declared”. Hubbard was in fear of being challenged. For example, he did not like the work of David Mayo. So it seems a total contradiction that Hubbard would ever have had any desire to free anyone. Why would he want a thetan “exterior” to challenge him? Besides, given the long time track he talked about, he could have exteriorized ten Xenu’s right in front of him. These Xenu’s would gobble him up. The conclusion is that Hubbard was just playing a mind game. I got a clue to this reading his material in the Phoenix lectures. The Phoenix lectures prove that he had very little knowledge of the origin of spirits, thetans or souls. I think this is why he settled with “Be three feet back of your head”. It did not work so it passed the test as the foundation of his religion. Hubbard had an inflated view of himself. Even the neo-platonists did a better job trying to convert lead into gold.
Hell, I never have any problem being three feet back of my head. How else would I know when I need a haircut? I do it regularly, but am only able to conjure up the length of hair information. Does that mean I need more auditing? LOL
You need the Ls RIGHT NOW. Then you’re going to need the Ms, and the Ns too. Get on it, thegman!
Yes Chuck, the cult’s biggest mistake was to promise actual, objectively demonstrable abilities upon completion of this or that auditing level or rundown. Since no one in the entire history of $cn has been able to demonstrate any of these super nifty Oatee powers – such as stable exteriorization with full perceptics – reality tends to intrude on all that “wishful stinkin’,” except for those who are so far gone that they’d believe anything…just as long as Elron told them too.
Elron was the Game Maker and everyone who bought into his imaginative, but completely bogus, space opera cosmology was either just a “piece” in his game or a degraded “broken piece”. If $cn is indeed a game, then it’s like the perennial favorite child’s board game, “Chutes and Ladders”, that’s been modified to be all chutes and no ladders. Or perhaps it’s more like your favorite drinking game, except instead of downing another gulp of beer, you have to drink some more Kool-aid.
Right on Chuck, I too kept showing up for confidential briefings. I got fooled time after time before I figured out it was just a con with guards at the door. The last of these briefing I went to I pushed a male SO member out of the way and asked him what was a matter with him…capturing people is the opposite of Scientology…or so I thought at the time.
Snipe hunt: seems appropriate
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A snipe hunt is a type of practical joke, in existence in North America as early as the 1840s, in which an unsuspecting newcomer is duped into trying to catch a non-existent animal called a snipe. While snipe are an actual family of birds, the snipe hunt is a quest for an imaginary creature whose description varies.
Like the castle. Will it have a crocodile moat? I’ll come for the moat…
It’s a really nice castle. I wish I had one like it.
Just start a religion!
Ok. Church of the Never Ending Wine Glass.
$cn promo line that you’re never going to hear: “Come for the moat, but stay for the space alien spirit exorcisms!”
Will you be appointing an Arbitration Board at the AO in Africa? Apparently, the line is going to be several blocks long to use the Arbitration Board being appointed by Judge Whittemore. Completely aside from the IAS, the claims for your undelivered services will more that deplete your 3 Billion. Now, this is what a Sea Change looks like. Get used to it.