It seems we have heard this song before. This is a MUST-SEE that has been out now for a couple of months and all 10 people the are active scientologists in Sacramento saw it the first week it was released (this is the video of the amazing photo ops of spraying Decon 7 around in various locations and handing out booklets on social distancing). “Space is limited” is completely wishful thinking.
How ridiculous?
This is a promo piece produced centrally and sent out to the orgs. They add their image at the top and email it to the sheeple. Below is a different version of the same ad.
Every org is sending out the same thing, including the fact that “space is limited” as a pitch to try to convince people “everyone is doing it.” The irony is that in these ideal orgs the one thing that is NOT limited is the space they have. That is almost unlimited. They have so much space they don’t have enough staff to put a person in each room of their building.
Scientology, bullshitting itself — they need a new slogan: “If it isn’t bs, it isn’t scientology.”
Sacramento has a different
Imagine ALL the damaged souls, addicted youths, homeless veterans and struggling single moms and dads in areas like Sacramento who would have been better served instead of building these whitewashed, empty memorials to DM’s ego!!
Oh, Cult of Scientology! Oh, Sacramento!
If only your problem were that “space is limited”!
What a WONDERFUL problem that would be for you to have, eh?
OK, look, let’s postulate together for you to have this problem, shall we? “Limited Space” due to WAY too many people! Let’s make it happen – right now!!!!!!
But, wait…wait… come to think of it… the truth is, I’m no good AT ALL at creating scads of people out of thin air! I’ve just never been able to do it!
Now, don’t tell me; I know, I know; I must have an MU. A Crashing MU, possibly. Or else I’d be able to postulate this, and have it happen, no problem. Its me, definitely. Has to be a misunderstood word. I’ll get it handled, I promise.
But uh-oh- we need to get this scarcity of Scientologists situation handled NOW!
Damn! Where’s an OT8? Maybe 2 or 4 or 8 of them, even. Damn! Where are these Handy-Dandy Postulator types when you need them?
“You are invited to attend the MUST-SEE event.”
Somehow, this doesn’t sound like an invitation.
Invitations can be accepted or declined.
One has a choice in the matter.
Attend, or don’t attend.
Now, if one MUST SEE something, that communicates and order, a non-negotiable obligation obligation which in turn would effectively eliminate one’s option to decline, I would think.
A more honest communication would be, “You are encouraged to attend this mandatory event as soon as possible.”
At least it would be an honest communication.
– Mini-rant from Occasional Grammar Nazi Aqua
Some grammar nazi I am. Typos galore. I am covered in shame.
How come the scions don’t just “clear” all their people from getting the virus?
I drive by the Sacramento org every single morning on my way to work. It has been boarded up ever since the Police Brutality protests last year. I’ve never seen anyone going in or out and would love to rent the bench advertisement space out front on the sidewalk. I’d post the clear cognition on it!
Maybe everybody blew.
IWNI, fascinating to hear that one of the orgs is still boarded up! I wonder if they imagine there still is a particular threat for some reason, like their being in the state capitol, or if maybe the small and failing org (one we hardly if ever hear from, and so likely one of the least active) just can’t afford to have the plywood taken down (and maybe hasn’t even paid the bill for putting it up in the first place).
Thanks for the local reporting. Every little bit helps to fill in the picture of what’s going on in Scientology.
Life = A lot of fucking making people able to go on in space.
Just my opinion. But, if they really want to make events safe, they should ban the reges from attending.
Skyler you are right but this would also imply that there would be no staff left to welcome the public.
the main reason for the events is FOR the registrars to do what they do. Dwarfenführer® would be MIGHTILY annoyed if anything interfered with that. It’s all about the MONEY, don’cha know?
“…a safe place so you can improve you life with Scientology services.”
Now that sentence gave me a smirk & a chuckle. I’d bet Chan the Man endorsed that personally!
They are saying space is limited due to social distancing. This has nothing to do with their event being packed or lots of interest from their public. Like most businesses or churches, they are not allowed to fill to the brim with people for safety reasons due to the pandemic. I think you misunderstood what “space is limited” means.
yet, its still a lie.
funny about that.
it’s like it’s impossible for anything they say to be true.
Sometimes, they’ll forget and accidentally say something which actually has a nodding acquaintance with “truth”. If they get caught doing so, it’s off to ‘ethics’ (punishment & re-education) for them, as that’s treason.
So Marielle since you say you know, how many people came to the event you went to at Sac org? Or are YOU lying about knowing?
Yes, it’s usually just one person at a time and they have the booklets for you. I wanted to go because it was my first time back at the org since COVID. Most public haven’t come back but you could watch panels and there is a Scientology TV panel that they put me there for a couple of hours. I felt super lonely and there was only one bathroom open in the entire (Queen Anne, WA) building. I got a “Current Scene” bulletin and a “Ron’s Journal 35.” They were both on huge A4 sized sheets. Best wishes, everybody
What happened to scientology tv, is it still alive? Why not use this to reach their sheeple?
Jeff I think after a while it became a torture for them to watch that TV too.
It is repetitive, stimulating like waiting for a bus that never arrives and the schedule seems to have been put down by someone who has never had contact with the real world for decades.
It is preferable to watch a channel that only gives cheap advertisements 24 hours a day. There at least something always changes.
Maybe one will find a drill with all the accessories at a excellent price.
“no thanks, I already watched it at home the other night”
Yeah, never going to happen.
Not going to give away their go-to Cudgel disguised as a Party Invitation.
you need to have mandatory things to attend to scare them into coming so that you can fleece them or try to manacle them with staff contracts.
if you let them drift away, the scientology might wear off.
NO one willingly watches scientology TV. It may be the most expensive sleeping potion ever produced.
The cult is adapting to the times.
Their good news are gradually moving from ‘clearing the planet’ to ‘cleaning the planet’.
Some of the statistics will be ‘number of fully used decon7 containers’ and ‘well-sanitized wog spaces’.
Yeah let’s clean the planet instead of razing a couple of woods every time there’s a damn new release.
The official guide for good Dodologists requires you to participate enthusiastically in these events as if it were the first time.
Thirst for good news like never before? That’s the place! .
Finally it is possible to vent the best smile of those who have life on their fingertips and when you are asked ‘how are you? ‘, you can give your best “I’m fine thank you!” with tone 40.
Dizzying success stories and OT phenomena are guaranteed.
Nobody can miss it!!!
Further to my last: I’m not surprised Hubbard didn’t require the use of an abacus, about the right level of technology, except he would have wanted a running tape of the calculations to file, so had to make do with early heavy and noisy semi-mechanical adding machines.
Yup! Space is limited to all the suckers who fall for the trick. It’s a bit like always finding what you’re looking for in the last place you look.
The reason that they are so concerned with the health of their public and staff is solely that they have not extracted every cent of cash from you. Once they determine, rightly or wrongly that they can get no more from you you will not only be permitted to die, but they will actively work to ensure your demise and command your loved ones to send you to a hospice to die like they did with me. Their stat is ” Number of bodies routed to the ovens.
I have a problem.
“R.S.V.P” needs to be changed on all of their promo. It should read: “T.I.J.S.” This Is Just Stupid. Though they’d never admit it, I’m betting there are a rare few still-ins who would agree.
Lame. How about:
Limited time offer.
Act now.
Strict limit of reservations per member.
Once it’s over it’s over.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity.
Maybe a raffle after the show? Not sure what the winner would receive but I bet it would be a doozy or a humdinger of a prize. Maybe a 50/50 if they charged $1 a raffle ticket? Then they could get the opportunity to give their half back to help save the planet.
My guess is they’d give away a roll of toilet paper, then eventually charge for it.
HaHa KatherineINCali, do you really think they would give away something so valuable? If the tales are true that’s a rare commodity in the cult.
Ok, maybe they could show the We Stand Tall video and give the TP to whoever could give the correct number of people in that video who blew.
Peggy it’s true. In most orgs, a roll of TP has the same value as a 500-sheet ream of white paper. Maybe more.
Fortunately for them they can count on a tech that surpasses that of any previous Galatic confederation that ever existed. And we can see it.
Wow Loosing my Religion, something for them to wait for, and wait for, etc. That sort of falls under the heading of I’ll believe it when I see it doesn’t it?
Peggy that’s right. That’s why I call them dodos. They are living in a loop. They believe there is the tech to get an insane straighten up, lrh will be back with the galactic confederacy to get Earth the core of universal clearing but in the meantime no way to have some TP in the toilet room. Morons.
Something I don’t understand is just when does the switch occur from doing the self help things to morphing in to saving the planet?
They do live life in a loop Loosing my Religion. Over and over doing the same thing, and they have to pay for it! I have to wonder if it’s like a gambling habit, Just put one more coin the the slot and maybe I will hit the jackpot.
I laughed out loud at the ream of paper. Oh hell yes.
a king’s ransom for an L1C or L4BRB
the qual master packs have long since been raided, – imagine taking a session break to stalk into qual and rip out the MASTER COPY DO NOT REMOVE .. copy of the almighty correction lists.
We locked up our supplies after post so Day or wouldn’t take it.
Day Org was always broke.
oh, and speaking of that?
Every correction list that is still one the DM approved list, was re-released with all the other replacement training, and thus, have a NEW DATE and and new revision.
it’s L4BRC now … or ..was.. real effin pain in the ass to have to adjust, like how he re-named and numbered the e-meter drills. little pissy things. 5RB is 5RC….
I don’t know if this gets spotlighted much, but basically every single HCOB that was in any of the course packs had a new date, the date of GAT II.
No HCOBs are valid unless DM has approved them as GAT II and in tek.
Thus it was that every single non-GAT II book, course pack, reference pack, dictionary, Tech vol/OEC vol…
disappeared off the base over night.
it’s DMs world and tek now.
A poop sandwich deep fried in poop. Doesn’t get better batter dipped.
I’ve heard about orgs that could afford toilet paper.
our org had one “public only” bathroom, and this was the only place that ever had TP, (about 50 percent of the time)
Staff always had their own rolls stashed and were banned from using the toilet designated for public only.
Imagine if we’d’ve used the BSO account to buy TP instead?
Now THAT, we could have SOLD!
Rip Van Winkle, I don’t know what Chinese year this is (I guess I could look it up) but here in the states 2020/2021 should be named the year of TP.
Peggy I answer here because there is no more space at the bottom.
The transition from self-improvement to improving others and the planet usually occurs at the very beginning.
Most people naturally want to help in some way. The first wins that the person thinks they have are then used to encourage them to do more using the prefix “would you like others to have your wins too?”.
The answer is usually yes. And from there on he slips into the loop, which is usually kept constantly well oiled by amazing good news, unprecedented expansion and ethics.
And when one decides that he has had enough and gets out, he realizes that the car had never moved from there while the faces on the windows of those who are still inside are those of someone who believes they are on the journey of life (but is a loop).
Ok Loosing my Religion , that does answer the hook, link, whatever it would be called. So, that one question,
“would you like others to have your wins too?”.
is very clever, and opens up a whole new trap to keep people looping.
Peggy that’s right. Everything has been methodically organized to involve. Even those mandatory success stories after any kind of service are part of the indoctrination plan. It’s a perfect scam based on making people to believe they can/should help others.
Loosing my Religion, thank you, and it is the perfect scam unfortunately.
This may not be the place to put this, or appropriate, but it’s from an article I read in our paper. It really struck me as relevant to anyone who has been through difficulties. Loss, illness, regrets, something many (including myself) can relate to.
The author of this was writing about her brother’s death (suicide).
“I was one person before. I am someone else now. That’s not a complaint or a plea for sympathy. It’s just another fact of life.”
Quoted from an article written by Connie Schultz
Peggy got it. Unfortunately, certain things happen even if you don’t want them. It is part of life. And they certainly change you but all life is like that. It is not so? What matters is to realize that it has passed and NOT to make a film of it in your mind where you endlessly put your hand back to the script and stay stuck on it. It may not be easy but it can be done.
You are so right Loosing my Religion.
It’s a learning process, and one thing is to not allow the bad define your life, but to have learned from it. I have a t-shirt that says: “Goals for the day, be happy, be kind”.
And, don’t forget to be kind to yourself!
Reminds me of some late-night commercial:” A $75-dollar value, available to just the first 100 people who call within the next 5 minutes for a super-special price of just two payments of an incredibly low $40.
Never underestimate the public’s gullibility.
In the 1970’s Scientology would have fought masks, vaccines and social distancing because the religion was contrary to society. Hubbard hated the United States government. Scientology has gone 180 degrees in the opposite direction by complying with these rules. Hubbard could not understand the Occult so he developed a pseudo science that is worthless. Nation of Islam is the savior of Scientology. It will take time. The great whales who support Scientology will abandon it when they realize it is controlled by Black Nationalists.
Actually do have something to say – how amazed I am by how naive the folks who book into this event are. Technology is such that in this day and age everybody can watch a clip within seconds of making the request. No longer is it the 1970s where you have to go to a special premises to watch a video however this obviously doesn’t cross the minds of those who respond to the ad. They obviously don’t ask themselves why am i getting asked to go into a org to watch a video when I can do that on my p.c., phone, tablet, smart t.v. – they don’t ask themselves what is the hidden agenda that my presence is being requested when I can watch the exact same thing in the comfort of my home. Sometimes being a little suspicious or wary is not a bad thing but not everybody is, some people are trusting people who are a little ignorant and to take advantage of such people is to put it simply – wrong and immoral.
Right, George. scientology has always been behind the times, technologically speaking.
In some respects, Hubbard was a Luddite, never advancing beyond a peculiar level of technical sophistication, despite what you would expect for a a fabulist like him.
There’s some justification to KISS, et. al. recommending stone-age solutions, but even when he more-or-less embraced computers, he skipped right past the first personal computers such as the Apple ][, and chose less-capable & much more expensive Texas Instrument mini-computers which COULD do the job.
IF you didn’t push them. I worked on that platform for a decade starting a couple years after leaving Flag where I’d seen the TI machine they were attempting to set up. We made our livings on that platform, but most of our time was spent programming around that system’s limitations. I’m sorry if I’m offending the guy who recommended them, but those machines were awful for any but the most basic tasks. I can see some of what attracted whomever to them, but don’t think they did sufficient homework even for 1979-1980, early in the computer game. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re still using 40+ year-old hardware from some of their early systems. Turns out that another company created an updated TI computer-on-an-board which turned a brain-dead 386 Compaq “compatible” “luggable” into a more powerful machine than TI could have supplied in the 90s. The only benefit there was that the original apps that we wrote worked pretty much flawlessly without even recompilation, within the limitations of the OS. Nowadays, of course, keeping ancient hardware like that running would require a resourceful team of engineers. I don’t think they make the components anymore, they’re so archaic.
The Space Shuttles used 8080 chips and other elderly components. They were eventually retired instead of being rebuilt .
And the hand wired Apollo navigation computer weighed 70 pounds.
The space shuttle was down to 47 pounds, and triple redundant. If memory serves.
They claim, with, in my humble and perhaps flawed opinion, that they have technology which increases the Intelligence of it’s people.
But they obviously do not believe that because they believe that their public are stupid enough to actually fall for this obvious horseshit.
Now, in the interests of full; maybe over full disclosure, I have received numerous MRIs of my brain, mostly for research purposes. I am not a neurologist and have not a seen the results. But according to the experts, in 03 I was doing deemed to have “Deep White Matter disease of the Brain due to immune deficiency”. It also stated that I had “Marked Brain Volume Loss” from the same cause, namely the result of being in the S.O. on the Freewinds for 13 years with no treatment for HIV/AIDS after receiving contaminated blood products in March 1989.
By the time I received treatment in 2003, just after ship execs told my then wife to put me in a hospice to do, my “T” cell count which is a good measure of one’s immune system was measured at Zero.
The quantity of HIV viruses was too many to be measured by the tests existing at that time.
The org should have those stats graphed. That was their product. They worked hard to get that product. They took me away from a medical doctor and sent me to s Scn chiropractor who told me in no uncertain terms to stay away from those medical doctors who would prescribe those “deadly” drugs.
They held my then wife against her will to prevent her from helping me.
(I had a continuation comment, but never finished it.)
The last IQ test I did in 05 or so I got a score of 145. And the person grading it said that he had never seen anyone finish it in 20 minutes when they are allowed 30.
So with my shrunken brain, I am not doing too bad.
What kind of things were you programming ? What sort of programs were you made to make on those old machines ?
George, we were doing billing systems for smaller cable TV companies on that barely bronze-age TI computer platform.
The one thing they did moderately well was drive a few text-only VDT dumb terminals, which MS Windows still can’t do, AFAIK. The architecture couldn’t address anything larger than 64k without doing some clearly illegal things, which I had to do regularly. They were also pretty-much bulletproof. ONE of the service calls we had to field was when that shop was flooded by a hurricane, water inches deep on the floor. Customer wondered if they should turn the computer off. We eventually determined it was safer to go to their utility panel in an upper floor and turn off all the building’s power. The computer in question wasn’t harmed by the excess humidity, of course, since I believe it was driven by masses of discreet components, not large-scale integrated circuits. HEAVY! And if you dropped it out a window, about all that’d happen was a big dent in the sidewalk.
Yes, it’s so easy to watch a video within seconds of its being uploaded; That also is a solitary action and doesn’t create the “atmosphere” of a group of true-believers seeing the same thing at the same time.
Shared (enforced) community is essential to cement people into a cult and keep them believing. It they saw the video(s) in the privacy of their homes, ‘ethics’ couldn’t take note of those who weren’t bowled over by Dwarfenführer’s® astounding, hyper-important revelations. Those who seem bored by it all are of course singled out for handling. That’s part of the “why” of the automated Div 6es not bringing in the required numbers of raw meat to keep scientology ticking along healthily; There’s rarely more than one victim watching at a time.
I would recommend throwing in a ‘ringer’ true-believer to “Ohhh” and “ahhh” at appropriate times, but doubt that even the most dedicated of those left in what’s calling itself scientology could stand to do so. I test-watched a sample of scn.TV’s fare, and found it perfect to induce sleep quickly. Hypnotic, I found.
Definitely NOT riveting material
Great point – you don’t get that strong herd / pack mentality when you are isolated. I’m surprised that the innocent folk don’t realize that the reason for asking them to a meeting is not to educate / inform but it is to pressurize and persuade in a environment designed optimally for brainwashing.
And, AS they’re brainwashing the victims, they’re SAYING that they’re freeing the clams FROM brainwashing, making them more free and pan-determined when what is happening is what they think is more and more determined by DM and his willing henchmen (who hardly know the difference any more). They know nothing but the party line as interpreted by the tiny guy on top of the heap.
George, they’re not “innocent” folk. The Old Guard, die hard still in Scientologists today are in no way “innocent”. Stubborn and purposefully blind, yes. Made stupid by decades of continual lying to others and themselves, yes, But, innocent? No. These people may put on a believable, wide eyed act, “I don’t know nuthin bad about my religion” act, but believe me, they know. They know plenty. There’s NOTHING innocent about them. They know what’s going on. They just don’t WANT to know. And so they don’t. As in “none so blind as those who will not see”, etc.
Aquamarine I used the term innocent meaning non Scientologists who turn up to these meetings. Ordinary everyday folk who get sucked into attending these meetings who end up subjected to recruitment attempts not the long serving existing members.
Ah! I see what you mean. Got it now. Sure, these people would be innocent. Thanks for explaining that, George 🙂
Yes, but how many of them have a telex machine at home to receive the video transmission? I bet you did not consider this obvious obstacle.
By George – another George ! Well no i didn’t think of that actually but i did think of a cheap solution – homing pigeon. By all accounts Scientoliegy wouldn’t need many of them as they don;t have a mass of members to send messages to.
Nothing to say just wanted to be the 1st to comment !!!
That was awesome George! LOL
Thanks DeanofTruth. Must admit I didn’t think it would get published as I thought Mike may have not liked the joking around but then I thought na he’s a Aussie, he hasta hava sense of humour (which explains he’s choice of footy sides). NOW IM REALLY IN TROUBLE !!!
Well, the Crows are off to a good start!
News just in – due to the great covid effort in Victoria Thursday nights match between the blues and pies at the MCG now has a increased crowd limit of 75,000. Expected that all 75k will be sold out – should be a cracker Mike, if you get a chance tune in to watch what should be a great game.
I will definitely watch
Did someone win?
Someone will win when they play on Saturday
Not Saturday night, tomorrow night Mike (Thursday night in Aus) – Jerry Lull not sure where your from but Carlton v Collingwood is the biggest rivalry in Australian sport. 80,000 + when they play. Carlton to win by 20 points!