This email was sent out the DAY before the event, offering to help book travel tickets….
From: “Sea Org CLO Europe” <[email protected]>
Date: 25. April 2014 02:53:57 MESZ
Subject:Europe Ideal Base Event
Reply-To: “Sea Org CLO Europe” <[email protected]>
you are invited to come to the Ideal Continental Base for Europe Event!
Let me know if you can come and also if you need help to book a ticket or anything like that.
Much Love
Claudia Fendt
HCO Chief CLO Europe
Surely nobody thinks that these events are ANYTHING other than “give us your money now” events?
I would love to hear Walter Kotric explain how he plans on making the orgs in France ideal? There are 6 of them — more than any other country in Europe except Germany. They do not even get mentioned except in the press about how they have been convicted of fraud. And speaking of Germany, the rest of the orgs outside the failed Berlin and Hamburg ideal orgs are limping along and there is no sign of “ideal” anything on the horizon. Berlin can’t pay their phone or elevator maintenance bills at last report, they have closed down altogether for all I know. No doubt Malmo “ideal” industrial park org is a morgue and they probably aren’t paying their bills either. Meanwhile Stockholm non ideal “org” has been relegated to a strange building out in the sticks that may or may not be the place where the org supposedly exists. Not to mention Brussels. And Denmark, right under their noses, where they have combined Copenhagen and Denmark orgs — this on the apparent operating pattern that two orgs is one too many for a major city so we combine them to make one “ideal” org as that is going to make planetary clearing a reality, see London, Portland, Dallas and Las Vegas for evidence — they have had a building for many, many years and no ideal org. Lisbon is no more than a part time field auditing group. Vienna the same. It’s just not a happening scene there in Europe.
So, in fact, I would be interested to attend.
The other truly mystifying thing about this is that the event is not being held in the atrium of the “ideal” AOSHEU but in the Nordland “hotel”? Must have been poshed up as part of the AOSHEU “ideal” morphing, but it still makes no sense. It would be like holding the “WUS Ideal Orgs Convention” in the Fountain building?
A lot of comments, and back bites as usual, but does anyone have any real data as to what went on at the so called event.
It would be nice to know what they actually were being fed other than “ratatouille”.
I cannot believe that after the ideal Org con the public are now being told that they also need an ideal managment Org to make the Ideal Orgs Ideal, is this really Ideal?
Does anyone have any ideal? XXXX I mean idea I think.
Mike I read this blog for the sheer comedy of it; some of the comments made by your subscibers and yourself get me laughing to tears. I know its the informative part that should stand out but I cant help it!
When I was still in and attending all the events, I came away feeling so impressed at the professionalism of Scientology, the upstat mest, the amazing expansion, etc. I’d even say so in the surveys. This was long ago in the ’90s and early 2000s.
When you look at the state of that table outside NY org for the stress tests and the sloppy and unprofessional way of the staff who try to bamboosle the public into buying without ARC
“In the name of IDEAL ……” Say what? (Is that OT9? When you locate a previously unhandled entity – deliver the following message VOCALLY as loud as you can – “In the name of IDEAL, I cast you OUT!” If that doesn’t work, take a break to see the IAS reg and up your status.) Yeah, Claudia, there are people who want to book a ticket to fly to Copenhagen to be “briefed.” First of all, you have to be down near propitiation to even consider going to this extortion party … uhm … I mean “briefing” , but if you’re coming from out of town for this, you are certifiably BONKERS. Now if Grant Cardone and Michael Chan and the magician guy were doing some kind of act with lions, let’s say …..
Just for once please don’t tell me how you’re going to do it, but show me how you DID do it
Interesting how that word Ideal is now part of their lexicon. Maybe it hints that it has something to do with LRH.
The organization is whittling away, bit by bit and these emails are the notices.
According to Miscavige’s latest speech on Karen’s latest video, there were 89,000 auditing hours worldwide for Nov/Dec 2013. If the average scientologists audits once a week (8 times in a 2 month period), that would mean that there are only about 11,000 of them worldwide (of course, he makes it sound like its booming).
Seems like they’re toning down their hype.
I remember one year they reported over a million “auditing hours” world wide.
I figured at that point they were blowing these stats outa their ass.
Note “auditing hours” as opposed to the actual stat of *Well* Done Auditing Hours means F/N at End of Session and at Exam with VGIs which means you are not going to see the actual Stat reported any time soon
Is that a picture of the AOSH DK building?
Like most “Ideal Orgs”. The place looks like it was hit by a neutron bomb. Meaning that there isn’t any sign of life in its vicinity.
Scientology “Ground Zero” would probably be a more accurate description of the current scene.
Yet another lifeless edifice created by Scientology “Management”.
“The Church invites you to another Q and A session.”
So what does that make AOSHEU?
Uh… is that a blanket wholesale inval/eval I see avalanching to crush Europe’s remaining spirit? Or is it just a fart in the long night of Scientology’s soul?
They are desperate. Indeed.
Consider the following: Someone did join staff (Org/Sea Org) with the age of 20 to 25. Now he or she is 55 or 65 and no money. He/she cannot leave. His/her future (if in Germany) is to live on 350 Euros a month max. to his/her end . Not a very bright and “ideal” future.
They would need help but they do not get help as they ruined too many lives.
They will die alone in the dark. Either by their own doing or by the collapse they do not survive.
That is their destiny.
Hey Dave, you can spare some change for a brother in need?
Schorsch, this is sad picture indeed. Someone recently calculated that here in the U.S., a lifelong staff or Sea Org member would qualify for less than $200/month in social security benefits upon retirement, based on a generous assumption of income over a 40+ year career.
It’s heartbreaking to see photos of elderly Sea Org members, still working horrendous hours for almost no pay or benefits, and nothing good ahead of them to look forward to.
Current maximum SSI payments are 721 per month. More for married with spouse. Good luck trying live on that.
Sh. Do you have any on-the-ground info on German orgs? I would love to hear an update?
Bump…Bump…moving at a snail pace….bump…bump.
This is nothing new. I bailed for good back in the late 80’s and I never attended an ‘event’, ‘briefing’, ‘special briefing’, ‘celebration’, ‘graduation’, or any other euphemistic gathering that wasn’t a reg or recruitment event. NEVER. Sometimes I would get sucked into one of these things by not paying attention and whatever I was doing morphed into an ‘event’. The only hope for one in these cases was to use one’s innate OT abilities to get thru the exits undetected and unmolested. The greed, money grubbing, crush regging, crush recruiting, and “do it NOW” desperation, are nothing new. The only difference is now it is just Ideal.
If you are a lurker or fence sitter out there reading this, have you ever seen one of these fliers and thought, “I’ve just got to attend!!!” No? I didn’t think so. There is a reason for that. It’s called ‘gut feeling’ or instinct. In this case survival instinct. There is a reason that there has to be a call-in campaign to confirm that people show up. No one in their right mind would just show up on their own unless they had never been to one of these ‘events’ before. The world as we know it is not going to end tomorrow. Even if it does, the lack of cash in your pockets and the surfeit of cash in scientology’s pockets won’t help you. Have they given you instructions and directions to the nearest storage vault so you can have access to the tech?
Ms B Haven could not have said it better myself!!!
“…was sent out the DAY before the event….” This is actually an improvement, as I remember seeing promo coming a week or two after an event.
The dissonance gets dramatically more dissonant.
The RCS website claims to have “The largest non-governmental Human Rights public information campaign on Earth, broadly promoting all 30 articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to educate the public on everyone’s fundamental rights”.
If this were true, then they would know that the LAST thing needed in the EU is an Ideal Org. The EU is facing an economic meltdown. There is major political unrest occurring in Europe right now with over 50% unemployment rate amongst young people.
Surely the answer would be to do something positive in the direction of actually addressing the problems facing these people and their countries – maybe the IAS could step in??? Aren’t we supposed to “have all the answers to mankind’s ills????
If the unemployment rate is so high and poverty on a steady rise, how the hell is anyone even going to afford Scientology? Where the hell is PR? They are supposed to be advising Management by assessing the scene and advising them which strategies to adopt based on prevailing circumstances in the environment. Oh wait. I forgot – they don’t apply LRH anymore, they apply DM and “Command Intention” which is to build big empty buildings while people are rioting in the streets and living below the breadline.
Talk about fiddling while Rome burns……………………….
Nero is one of Dave’s role models.
“If the unemployment rate is so high and poverty on a steady rise, how the hell is anyone even going to afford Scientology?”
Get your ethics in and join the only group that is truly making a difference!!! And in exchange you will be granted your total freedum along with room and bored. Now how could you pass this up, especially when the rest of the sordid mass of ignorant humanity is grovelling in shit they call a life?
Yo Dave,
How did I do on the PR line for your Sea Organization? I think you owe me at least a commendation. Ok, I’ll settle for a small tube of cramps easy lube!
HA That’s a laugh. In 1980 Those scum were increasing prices by 10% for Auditing and Training in th UK.
I saw and heard Reg cyles that would make you cring with shame.
There was one rich PC (now deceased Org dumped her when she develpoed cancer) who got a visit from the ED every Wednesday night for months. bought every course and HGC package available.
They took £1000’s and £1000’s from her. Then she got declared for nattering but never got a refund.
I did manage to save one fool from the Sea Org when I took him to one side and explained that the SO recruiter had forgot to let him know he could no longer sleep with his voluptious girlfriend unless they were married. He soon changed his mind.
I do miss those days watching the staff sneaking out the rear door to escape the midnight staff meeting every night.
The stupid SO mission had one every night for months.
Simply to swear and curse at Div 6 mostly. Never saw a written order or a policy quoted.
Did the SO EVER train anyone on anything anytime?
It was worth it for a little while just to see the Tech Sec climbing down from the second floor window with his motorcycle kit on jump down to the steps by CF an sneak up the stairs to the rear door and escape with the rest of the staff
Only problem was who in would stay behind and lock the back door and face the music upstairs?
I was told they usually found the most reasonable staff memebr to stay behind.
All good fun, Of course the Org is empty now, great fittings, wonderful marble stairs but only two staff seen in thirty minutes in the middle of a working week.
Ideal works for me, I say let the dwarf carry on as he is
Great analogy, Mike. The only out-point with ‘this’ vampire’s behavior, (despite it having been supposedly ‘de-fanged’ a while back,) -is, it has forgotten to go back to the crypt, before each sunrise!! …. Nooo, this batty beaut now operates with perceived impunity, 24/7/365, while failing to realize that operating in the bright ‘sunlight’ is rapidly hastening its agonizing exit, in a sudden, spontaneous burst of incineration! ..UGH!
A joy to behold!
Gotcha garlic?.. and back up wooden stake?.. just in case?
Yessiree Bob. You betcha!
Oh! One more thing, Did you remember the bat-catcher? Can’t be too careful, in these ‘grave’ matters, can we?
Point well taken.
“Special Briefing” Is Euphemism For Bloodsucking Session.” That is an excellent way of looking at such invitations.
“How do we guarantee the delivery of the Bridge all the way to OT in Europe?”
What do statements like this even mean?
The OT levels have been being delivered in EU for decades.
Isn’t the IAS guaranteeing the future of Scientology for everyone on Earth?
It already makes no sense when the IAS says it. It makes even less sense as a teaser for an Ideal Org event.
If the building bought for the Copenhagen idle mOrgue has progressed beyond eyesore, it would be news to me. I’ll pass by during the summer and have a look.
Thanks. We would love to get the feedback.
so folks, today we learned, when you want to get money out of someone, just invite them to a “special briefing”.
Hi, glad you could come. we’d like to give you a special briefing for our new strategy on planetary clearing.
“sure, what is the special briefing?”
we’d like to build a new obelisk and have you pay for it.
we really need it.
thank you.
“uh…. how much is it going to cost?”
oh don’t worry about that, just give us all you got and if there’s any change left over we’ll credit your account.
“ok…….gee it sure is swell to be a part of the fastest religion”.
it sure is pal, it sure is.
And if you are a whale with lots of money, they tell you it is a super secret meeting that you have to be bonded to attend…. and then you get in and it’s the same old same old, regging for money.
isn’t that amazing, that one actually gets bonded only so they can be told to hand over money.
how someone doesn’t go through the roof at that point is a mystery to me. and then to come back again and again….
the sheer audacity of the “church” is astounding. that’s always stood out for me.
the unbelievable set of balls on these people.
i’d rather be dead than be a grant cordone or a miscavige or their kind. i wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire much less want to be like them. they can keep their money and super powers, the price in character is too high. these people are sick.
Now don’t hold back WhiteStar.
Right, Cindy! The “Closed Door” Briefing. Though not a Whale I had that ploy tried on me a few times. It fooled me once but never again. To date I still have charge on the word “briefing”, or “being briefed”. Makes me wince a little.
White Star,
Yeah I’ve heard some of these regs give the old must be bonded line then give the mark some conspiracy theory which is usually wilder than anything I’ve ever read on Alt.Conspiracy like Marty or Mike or any of us are backed by “Big Pharma”.
I wish 😉
Then go straight for their wallets like Amazonian Piraña.
Would love to attend Claudia but the hemorrhaging from past events has greatly reduced my hemoglobin count and am in desperate need of the vital fluid myself so won’t be supplying any to you. Capice? Good luck with the sucking, er, I mean briefing.
They have some Kool Aide that they will happily share with you. You may want to reconsider!
Ms Fendt (or is that Mr. Fendt?) might even scare up a couple of the rats mike referred to…. to fry up and serve to those still hungry after the blood letting. Could be exciting times at the hotel!
Thanks Cooper. The kool-aid is tempting as it reminds me of my childhood. The only rat I like is Ratatouille. Perhaps if he/she/it offers me a free first class round trip with room and board I’d consider. Claudia?
Don’t knock eating Rat Meat. I ate it barbecued for months in Asia.
Put some red sauce on it that was not half bad.
A rat the size of a cat will feed a table of 6.
Did it make you more rat-ional?
“Cooking Rats and Mice”
“Grilled Rats Bordeaux Style”
It is bleak and hopeless for Scientology – more are waking up to the lies that it is expanding and the negative PR streaming in daily is keeping the World safe from the scam called Scientology!
While on a Mission to CLO Europe in 1986 to help put on a new CO CLO EU on post, I saw the largest rat I ever have seen in the galley one late night while preparing myself some late night food.
We used to call those late night snacks, mid-rats. Ha!
Short for midnight rations I think.
If the rats are still there, they were probably recruited into OSA staff (less training required).
You would have to wonder who shows up for this nonsense.
I betcha Mike Ricketts is there. Boomshakalaka and whatnot.
Hotel Nordland was fined (10.000 DKK) a few weeks ago because there was mold in the kitchen.
too bad they didn’t check for bats n the belfry…
a little bit late in time ..