This is a rather lengthy dissertation by long term commenter George M. White, who was one of the first OT VIII completions (that is him above on the Freewinds at graduation).
I am publishing it as he sent it to me. He mentioned this when I saw him at a party recently and I offered to put it on the blog. It makes reference to a document called “Student Briefing” and I have included that for your reference at the end of his piece.
Spiritualist Movements, Hypnotism, and the Natural Science Model used in the development of Scientology
©by George M. White, 2020
George M. White, BA, Political Science, Holy Cross College, MBA, Columbia University
KEYWORDS: [Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, Religion, Blavatsky, Theosophy, OT VIII, Truth Revealed, Natural Science, Spiritualist movement, hypnotism]
Since Antiquity, the Natural Science Model has emphasized that spiritual essence controls matter in the universe. With the rise of experimental science, the Model has largely been replaced. Yet spiritualist movements have persisted such as Theosophy, Scientology and extreme forms of radical Evangelicalism. While Scientology has replaced Theosophy in the news as a controversial subject, it is argued in this paper that they share common roots in the writings of the Neo-Platonists, Helena Blavatsky and Franz Mesmer. Scientology moved towards a wealthy, dogmatic religion with military uniforms worn by the last of its most dedicated followers. While Scientology defines itself as a modern religion, it is argued in this paper that much of its doctrine can be traced to specific passages used in the Natural Science Model developed over the last 2,600 years of recorded history. Scientology intentionally sidestepped the established ideas of monotheistic religions.
After the completion of seventeen years of study in Scientology (1) I attained the highest spiritual level officially called OT VIII, “Truth Revealed” (2) Disillusioned by the contradictions found in L. Ron Hubbard’s (1911-1986) highest doctrine, I left Scientology in 1989. In 2008, I was interviewed by Professor Hugh Urban, Ph.D. from Ohio State University (3) He suggested that I read Helena Blavatsky’s works “Secret Doctrine” and “Isis Unveiled” and compare them with the writings of L. Ron Hubbard. My first impression was that the negative attitude of both Blavatsky and Hubbard towards the value of experimental science was common and obvious. They both expounded a deeper sense of the power of nature which to them theoretically dominated scientific experiments. The intended use of esoteric spiritual assumptions to build a view of the dynamics of time and events in the universe was to both of them a major goal. Thus Professor Urban introduced me to Professor Catherine Wessinger Ph.D. at Loyola University, New Orleans (4) She then further guided me through the current literature. This paper is the result. I studied dozens of historical religious leaders in the course of research. Only the most important ones are mentioned. What makes Scientology unique and difficult to study is that it contains a foundation in Dianetics which preceded Scientology. Hubbard’s techniques can even be traced to Franz Mesmer, the famous hypnotist. In the end, Dianetics only touches Scientology the religion and the ideas in this membrane will be mentioned only insofar as they directly affect the conclusions reached. Therefore, the influence of thinkers such as Freud and the effectiveness of the e-meter in mental therapy will be excluded (5) Focus is on the substantial views that form a generic Occult Model as they relate to religious development.
There are two faces to Scientology. On the one hand, there are drug rehabilitation programs and Volunteer Ministers who rush to disaster areas to render assistance. While these programs are relatively small, the average Scientologist is motivated by the desire for a better society. On the other hand, stories of separated families and denial of freedom have been reported. This paper argues that the inner core of belief which set the foundation for Scientology by its founder is largely responsible for this. While the current Church has dismissed Hubbard’s role as Lucifer, it was largely a matter of public relations. The inner scripture of Scientology still supports the Occult or Natural Science Model.
The Occult or Natural Science Model is defined as the composite framework of ideas found in pre-scientific explanations of the causes of natural phenomena in the universe. For the purpose of this paper, the Model originated in Western Civilization with Pythagoras and Plato. While Eastern thought contains mystic ideas, the analysis will be restricted to the specific path that I outline. The Occult Model used by Hubbard was then refined by the Neo-Platonists. The most notable was Iamblichus. Gnosticism, in its diverse spiritual cosmology, contains the transition of the Occult Model from the ancient to the modern world. The threads of the Occult Model used by Hubbard then pass through Leibnitz. In the Modern Era, the Occult Model was revitalized by Blavatsky. It is argued that the Model was technologically updated and then extended by L. Ron Hubbard in the development of Scientology. Hubbard then expounded his “extra-terrestrial revelations.” These are defined as doctrine concerning the future spiritual path of the universe in the background of the physics of inter-stellar space. While there were many other side variations, as for example with Aleister Crowley, they are beyond the scope of this paper. In addition, Socrates, Aristotle and Kant are excluded as special cases because their path led towards science.
L. Ron Hubbard never specifically gave credit to Helena Blavatsky but the imprint of her work on his lectures and writings is remarkable. For example, in Hubbard’s “Road to Truth” lecture, he compares the limitations of modern Physics and Chemistry in the same manner as Blavatsky in her book “Secret Doctrine.”
Hubbard also lectured on the reality of Atlantis in the same way as Blavatsky. There are dozens of other interconnections between Hubbard’s extensive works and Blavatsky’s “Isis Unveiled,” but only a few of the most important will be mentioned in this paper. It will be argued that most of Scientology’s doctrine was derived from the basic Natural Science Model augmented by Hubbard’s 1920’s defined “Science Fiction” imagination. It is certainly possible to consider sections of Blavatsky’s work, written in the late 19th century before the term was defined, as Science Fiction. In reality, Blavatsky and Hubbard share a common literary genre.
In June 1980, Hubbard claimed to have acted in the role of Lucifer in the development of Scientology. Blavatsky’s followers published a work called Lucifer. It is tempting to declare some of Hubbard’s passages as plagiarism, but that is beyond the scope of this paper. However, it is argued that Scientology is essentially Gnostic Luciferianism. It will further be argued that while cults such as “Heaven’s Gate” used a Biblical framework, the religious ideas of Scientology are essentially derived from the Occult Model mentioned above. The nature of these pre-scientific ideas can also lead to mental entrapment similar to the situation led by David Koresh and the Branch Davidians.
Pythagoras was known for his mathematics, but only fragments of his works have survived. According to Blavatsky, his grandfather – Lamprias – was one of the first exteriorized spirits observed. Blavatsky also suggests that Pythagoras’ mathematics encompassed a complete theory on the foundation of the universe. At any rate, while empirical science has advanced, Pythagoras remains as a pillar of natural science. He is credited with discovering Venus as the morning and evening star. Hubbard claimed that Pythagoras was an influence in the development of Scientology.
Blavatsky cites various names for the substances that are behind the matter of the physical universe. These included: Fohat, Monad, Akasha, and Ether (6). Hubbard coined the general term Theta to encompass all of these. Thus Hubbard gave contradictory and less specific theories on the origin of the universe but that subject is beyond the scope of this paper.
Blavatsky observed that the oldest religions recorded extremely long cycles of cosmic time. She went into great detail and compared the cosmology of various religions to demonstrate a common religious narrative. About eighty years before Hubbard started to define his thetan, Blavatsky was influencing Thomas Edison who read her books. Blavatsky defined concepts such as soul electricity and intelligent electricity. Thus well before Hubbard’s birth, there was Theosophical research on this subject. These are speculations in the Natural Science Model which pre-date Hubbard’s definition of the Thetan.
Blavatsky used ancient spiritual ideas to describe the existence of the universe. Some are of Hindu and Esoteric origin. Blavatsky’s interpretation of cosmic expansion and contraction is contained in passages related to “The Cycle of Naros” and “Darkness is Light” (7).
Hubbard claimed that the origin of the Universe was about 4,000,000,000,000,000 years ago. It began with an angel, a trumpet sound and a loud snap. He called this “Incident 1.” Hubbard claimed a variety of extraterrestrial contacts. He claimed to have landed a space ship in modern day Afghanistan about 8,000 years ago. He also claimed that the Amazon River had green flourishing cities about 40,000 years ago. This was similar to Blavatsky’s assertion that intelligent life began on earth about 45,000 years ago. Dr. John Newbrough, who predates Blavatsky, claimed that life on earth began 78,000 years ago (8).
The “OT” symbol used by the Church of Scientology was defined by Blavatsky as the sign of ancient monotheism. Blavatsky said that the “The cross within the circle symbolizes pure Pantheism.” Hubbard formed eight “dynamics” or life impulses. The numbers three, seven and eight are often used in natural science, in Theosophy and in Scientology (9).
Plato was an important source for data on the immortality of the soul. He used the “Argument of Affinity” in “Phaedo” as proof.
Affinity will later be utilized by Hubbard in the construction of his religion. Blavatsky wrote with great respect for Plato. She even defended some of his work claiming that it had been corrupted over the centuries. Hubbard did credit Plato.
Kabballah explains the transmigration of the spirit with a double triangle. Hubbard re-constructed the double triangle. Hubbard defined his first triangle as affinity, reality and communication. He defined a second triangle as knowledge, responsibility and control. According to Hubbard, these were the factors needed for the transmigration of the “thetan.” Hubbard’s double triangle is also an adaptation of the star of David used by King Solomon.
The triangle was also known to Pythagoras. Known as his “Theorem” today, it played a larger role in Natural Science than seen on its surface.
Affinity is a common Occult term used as a substitute for gravity as well as for the attraction of atoms. Other building blocks of the Occult included the idea of love or virtue but Hubbard consciously eliminated these.
Blavatsky said: “Humanity and the stars are bound together indissolubly because of the intelligences that rule the latter.”
Hubbard defined the elements of the universe as MEST – Matter, Energy, Space and Time. He defined the intelligence of the universe as Theta.
Hubbard attended Washington University in Washington, D.C. in 1938. He failed physics. Hubbard considered Physics as a specialized division of science which did not encompass the truth of the universe because it failed to include the power of the spirit. He shared this concept with Blavatsky.
Iamblichus (245-325 A.D.) was a Syrian Neo Platonist. He wrote: “the races of superior beings are not in the bodies, but govern them from outside. Hence they do not undergo changes with the bodies”. This was written in his book which has survived (10).
Hubbard used similar language to Iamblichus to describe the thetan. The “exteriorized thetan” is the cornerstone of Scientology belief. While Hubbard claimed credit for the idea of this phenomena, Occult records indicate otherwise. Exteriorization was commonly spoken of for at least 2,300 years.
Hubbard’s called his son by the nickname “Nibs”. This word is hardy used in English and is not complimentary. Perhaps Hubbard derived the name from “Nebo, plural Nebim”, the ancient God of Secret Wisdom and demons. A seer was a Nabin.
Iamblichus, Hubbard, and Blavatsky are also remarkably similar in giving credit to the Chaldeans. Hubbard goes even further and suggests that the Chaldeans were the real source of western wisdom. Hubbard criticized Socrates while Blavatsky was mild. Hubbard and Blavatsky also shared the belief in life on the planet Venus. Hubbard recorded his views on the beings he called “the Venusians” in his Lecture titled “The Role of Earth” (1954).
The role of a higher deity was left unanswered in Scientology. Hubbard did not define a “God” principle. Each church member was allowed a personal definition.
Scientology was essentially built upon a type of multi-spirit universe and cannot be defined as monotheism.
Hubbard’s demons are not the same as those in the traditional realms of demons or spirits. Hubbard’s demons are more like parasites attached to the body. They are capable of negative impact on their “host” in a different way. Hubbard’s demons more closely follow the tradition in Kaballah. In Hubbard’s terminology, spirits are molded together by nuclear explosions. Hubbard solidified his control over his followers by stating that only his technology could remove demons referred to as “body thetans.” In Kabballah a stone can become a god; a god can become a stone. In Scientology, nuclear explosions create masses of thetans molded together like stones or “aggregates,” a term used by Hubbard on his higher levels.
Scientology is famous for its emphasis on “past lives.” In fact, Hubbard often mentioned his identities through the centuries. He even claimed to have been Cecil Rhodes, the famous South African explorer. Blavatsky did not emphasize this idea. Kabballah is described by Blavatsky as a religion which contains the transmigration of the spirit (11).
Hubbard also did not follow the detailed explanation of demons found in Blavatsky. For Hubbard, it was the thetans which were active in the between lives area. He described these thetans as the real “ghosts.” Hubbard did not emphasize a strict hierarchy of demons. However, he did claim that they were big or small. For Hubbard, the thetan was usually embedded in the mind in an engram or in an implant. Hubbard used techniques from Dianetics to rescue or exorcize these “spirits.” He formed an advanced technique, based on Dianetics, which he called “NED for Operating Thetans” in the 1970’s. On this level, Hubbard proclaimed that both the human mind and the spirit were encased or mixed with matter. New techniques were introduced in Clearwater, Florida in about 1978. Scientology’s revenue soared because of the demand for these new services. After thousands of Scientologists, including myself, experimented with his technique, this movement lost momentum as no one was never able to take the process to a valid ending.
Leibniz is reported to have said to his biographer: “That which exists outside of us in an absolute manner are souls whose essence is force.” While Hubbard believed that absolutes are unattainable, Leibnitz was in reality defining Hubbard’s “thetans.” Hubbard even proclaimed that the power of a single thetan was equivalent to a sun. Hubbard’s denial of an absolute was probably derived from Kabballah. Nucleolus said: “The absolute is not to be defined and no mortal has ever seen or comprehended it.”
Hubbard did not proclaim the divinity of Jesus. In fact, he referred to Jesus as “a lover of boys and young men (12).” Blavatsky did not present Jesus in this way, but seriously doubted the Resurrection. Blavatsky was more interested in tracing the tribes from which Jesus originated. This helped to explain his role as a prophet. Blavatsky also suggests that Jesus had visited India.
Since both Hubbard and Blavatsky were in opposition to scientific methods they claimed as limited, they used assumptions to formulate the basics of their religions.
Blavatsky claimed to have discovered an ancient source of wisdom that formed the basis for a common religion on earth.
The Stanzas of Dzyan, scrolls reported to have been discovered in a Tibetan cave by Blavatsky, were interpreted by her as the building blocks of the universe.
She even had to learn a new language to accomplish this task. In the end, the scrolls consisted of logical assumptions about how the universe could be built one step at a time (13). The Stanzas are explained starting on page 35 in Secret Doctrine Vol 1, part 1.
This methodology of logical assumptions was used by Hubbard in defining the thetan and the principles of Scientology. Hubbard used a similar type of format to the Stanzas in his “Axioms and Logic” book publication. The term “without dimension” is used in the Stanzas of Dzyan. Hubbard used the term “viewpoint of dimension” to describe his thetan. Blavatsky and Hubbard were tracking on the Occult Model with the Stanzas, but it is uncertain that Hubbard ever read them.
In Madame Blavatsky’s time period, scientists questioned the validity of spiritualism and the occult. Blavatsky tried to steer a middle course by denouncing the spiritualists and by trying to satisfy the scientist with valid experimental data. Blavatsky specifically claimed that the sessions of her day did not contact the souls of the departed.
There are numerous terms used in Scientology which first appeared in Blavatsky’s work. The most important are “facsimile” and “static.” The word facsimile, which is basically a recording, was used by Hubbard and changed to “Service Facsimile”. The term “static” in reference to a spirit was first used by Blavatsky. It was later developed by Hubbard into the idea of a “thetan,” a term which he used to describe a spiritual being.
Hubbard considered himself more than a thetan as he defined the term in his religion. In his “Truth Revealed” document, he suggests that he was a master race builder and the creator of the entire universe. Blavatsky never made such a claim.
Hubbard entered the occult more than thirty years after Blavatsky’s death. We know from “Nibs”, L. Ron Hubbard’s son, that Hubbard did study the occult. In an open interview, Nibs spoke of his observations as a child in which he witnessed Hubbard’s study into the Occult (14).
Hubbard retained and expounded Blavatsky’s idea concerning the limitations of the scientific method. Hubbard railed against science as forcefully as Blavatsky. Blavatsky spoke against the scientists of her day while Hubbard openly criticized Einstein. Hubbard avoided commenting on the famous quantum mechanics experiments of the 1930’s. This remains a serious contradiction in Hubbard’s doctrine because his definition of the thetan dealt only with electricity. Hubbard claimed that the thetan was like the base of an electric motor.
Blavatsky blamed the French Revolution for the trend to materialism. Both Hubbard and Blavatsky presented alternative views to the establishment.
Hubbard took advantage of the discontent with the Vietnam War in the 1970’s when he criticized the government. He presented Scientology as a solution to social problems.
Hubbard followed Blavatsky’s focus on secret powers unknown to science but practiced throughout history. Blavatsky visited India in search of magical healing powers and levitation. She also documented most of the major Occult phenomena up to the 19th century. She even investigated the vampire stories and tried to describe a spiritual interpretation. Hubbard constantly stressed that the restored thetan would immediately resume functional supernatural powers. But Hubbard avoided direct confrontations with science or the press on this issue. While it cannot be demonstrated that Hubbard read Blavatsky, there are remarkable similarities to passages in “Isis Unveiled” and the “Secret Doctrine” to Hubbard’s taped lectures.
While Blavatsky did not mention space-ships, both Hubbard and Blavatsky shared a cyclic view of evolution. They both strongly denounce Darwin. Blavatsky cites races on earth from 80,000 years before recorded history. Hubbard copied this style but changed the dates. To formulate Scientology, Hubbard only needed to select ideas from the array of recorded religious experiences in the past. Rather than giving specific personal credit, he carefully modified each idea to fit his designer religion. This process is ultimately limited by advances in technology. The religion must be updated with scientific advancements to retain credibility. Hubbard simply updated Blavatsky’s framework with the technology of nuclear explosions, space travel, DNA, and computers. Furthermore, Blavatsky’s “ascending masters” were benign beings evolving to higher states of consciousness. Hubbard changed the ascending masters into his idea of independent gods. Hubbard carefully transformed the idea of the ethical “ascending masters” into a small group of malicious beings trying to control the universe.
Since Hubbard’s written legacy was seriously contradicted by the discovery of DNA in 1962, in 1980 he had to expand his “Extraterrestrial Revelation” to include a group he thought was in outer space tampering with the DNA on earth. According to Hubbard, technologically advanced beings controlled human minds and DNA from planets outside of this solar system. The implication was that the advancement of technology is not always followed by compassion as implied by Blavatsky. For Hubbard, his Revelations are his own realism.
Hubbard and Blavatsky both gave lectures on the function of the pineal gland. This odd similarity in itself suggests a strong connection between Hubbard’s Occult studies and Blavatsky’s foundation.
As mentioned, Hubbard’s lecture “Road to Truth” covers the contradictions between Physics and Chemistry in a typical University. This material is almost identical with passages from Blavatsky (15).
It is argued in this article that Hubbard relied on a process called “Extraterrestrial Revelation” in the development of the religious foundation of Scientology. Hubbard probably copied a term, idea, concept or narrative from the large body of data in the Occult Model. He then transformed it into a building block for Scientology. The religion itself certainly bears the imprint of Blavatsky’s works. For example, Blavatsky’s “ascending masters” are loose prototypes for Hubbard’s “operating thetans.” Blavatsky’s intent was to find the common denominator of all religion on earth. On the other hand, Hubbard was looking for one specific religious vehicle to forward his purpose to dominate earth with Scientology as the basis of control.
While there is no specific proof of a connection to Blavatsky, Hubbard could have heard these ideas from his friend Jack Parsons. (1914-1952) (16). A few broad concepts are obvious. “Extraterrestrial Revelation” can also be viewed as an alternative to Biblical revelation. Blavatsky criticized the Bible. Hubbard only quoted two minor Biblical passages in his work, but criticized Jesus. Blavatsky disliked the tradition of Moses. She also criticized the Middle Ages interpretation of Christianity. Extraterrestrial Revelation centers on cosmological evolution populated by beings changing in a natural evolutionary cyclical process. This is found in Hubbard’s work and in Blavatsky’s works. This is not a new idea and can be found in Eastern Religion.
Hubbard’s Extraterrestrial Revelation did not include love. This is important since Hubbard often claimed to be the Buddha. Buddhism clearly contains the idea of loving-kindness or Metta. The absence of love in Scientology was explained by Hubbard in a simple manner. He claimed that the idea of love had numerous connotations which made it useless as concept in Scientology. In 1981, Hubbard did publish a short pamphlet to fill in the “gap” between his original idea of affinity and the Christian ideal of love. It is called “The Way to Happiness” and millions of copies have been distributed all over the world, especially in South America. This short homily, while it does not mention love, expresses a key Christian principle. Statement #19 says “Try not to do to things to others that you would not like them to do to you.” This is another example of Hubbard’s Extraterrestrial Revelation but here it is Biblical. The twenty-one precepts in the booklet are presented as a non-religious moral code. Is Scientology a religion? The question is left unanswered and is beyond the scope of this paper. Hubbard swept aside Blavatsky’s and Crowley’s idea of love. Theosophy and even Crowley’s Thelema mention virtue and love as key principles. But Scientology rests totally on “affinity”. This is also another example of Hubbard’s “Extraterrestrial Revelation” since Hubbard’s Marcabs, aggressive space aliens, do not practice love or compassion.
Hubbard used the term “Xenu” to describe a great destroyer of a civilization. Blavatsky mentioned “Xisuthrus” as the person who originated destructive world deluges. Hubbard claimed to have discovered the “exteriorization” of the thetan in about 1938. He later used this as one of the founding principles of Scientology. Blavatsky reports that the earliest example of “exteriorization” goes back as far as Lamprias, who was Pythagoras’ grandfather. Blavatsky also reports that Iamblichus (245-325) practiced theurgy defined as communication with pagan gods. The exteriorization of the spirit was a key part of his ceremony (17).
Blavatsky was also one of the first to suggest “auditing of pictures”. This concept was later used by Hubbard
Scientology was an intentionally designed and crafted “religion” unlike any other which has emerged since WW II. Hubbard also put together a dedicated organization known as the “Sea Org”. These individuals sign billion year contracts. It is interesting that part of their symbol, which includes an image of two olive branches, is found earlier on the cover of the famous Theosophist, Charles Leadbeater’s book, “Man: Whence, How and Whither.”
Blavatsky wrote about evolutionary interchanges and what she described as the “Seven Races.” Leadbeater in “Man: Whence, How, and Whither” also suggested that “thought vehicles” passed between seven astral earth planets. These planets are also mentioned in Blavatsky’s “Secret Doctrine”. In Theosophy, these thought vehicles were like evolutionary particles called Monads. These particles served the function of creating the different “Races” with unique characteristics. For Blavatsky, the Fourth Race of men had “unlimited sight and knew all things at once.” The Fourth race occupied Lemuria and Atlantis. Blavatsky wrote that Lemuria was destroyed by volcanoes. Hubbard mentions Atlantis in his lectures. Blavatsky also suggests interplanetary life (18).
Hubbard probably had the opportunity to hear or read about Blavatsky’s Seven Races. He then easily transformed the idea of these races into “Invader Forces.” He probably used the idea of these Invader Forces to generate an atmosphere of impending doom on Earth. The Fifth Invader force especially was used as the instrument of organizing an effort to enslave populations with implants and body thetans. He also created Scientology to remove these body thetans, demons, and spirits that he claimed were forced on humans.
The occult had been founded on the principle of the spirit mixing with matter and there are numerous gnostic references to this. Hubbard added the dimension of toxic mixing of the spirit with electricity.
“The Fifth Invader Force” is Hubbard’s space alien civilization called Marcab. They were reported by Hubbard as warlike and extremely aggressive. They do not like humans on earth. Blavatsky discusses a concept similar to “Invader Forces” (19).
Hubbard wrote a movie script called: “Revolt in the Stars”. It outlined his detailed explanation of the evil overlord Xenu and the story of his mass extermination of people on earth. Hubbard wrote that Xenu walked with a limp, used a sharp tipped cane, and appeared in a business suit. He was surrounded by Bankers. Hubbard claimed that Xenu was captured and imprisoned by Loyal Officers in a cage in the Pyrenees mountains. A perpetual battery was used to hold the cage in a locked position. Blavatsky covers stories that the ancients with their technology created perpetual burning torches which were buried in caves with the dead. It is interesting that in the Renaissance Asmodeus, the chief Demon in Hell, was called the “Devil on Two Sticks”. He walked with a limp and was often surrounded by Bankers. One leg was clawed or that of a rooster. He was often portrayed with a handsome visage, good manners and an engaging nature. Hubbard depicted Xenu as a leader and as an overlord surrounded by Psychiatrists and Bankers.
The word Markab was found in Besant’s and Leadbeaters’s book” “Man: Whence, How, Whither (1913), #1089”. Written two years after Hubbard was born, it was clairvoyant research of events 18,000,000 years ago. Markab refers to an ancient Egyptian statesman. His wife was Avelledo . According to the clairvoyant account, they schemed against Aryan immigration. They were punished by banishment. Hubbard uses the term Marcab (note substitution of k with c) multiple times in his lectures and assigns it to his “Fifth Invader Force.”
Charles Leadbeater’s book: Man Visible and Invisible also could have been Hubbard’s source for his idea of a “Tone Scale”.
Hubbard’s book “Science of Survival” could also have been based on Ledbeater’s book. Originally Leadbeater used the idea of a sound which emanates through space. Hubbard later expanded the idea to include mental waves. Hubbard gave a series of lectures in Philadelphia in 1952 called his “Doctorate Course” There are many links to Leadbeater in these tapes.
Besant’s and Leadbeater’s book also contains references to a leader named Subba Rao who was president of the Theosophical Society. Ron Hubbard could have been attracted to this author who wrote numerous articles. Interplanetary conflict was implied in the occult by the mention of Mars as the god of war. Thus Markab probably means “from Mars”. Marcab, used by Hubbard, fits the description of a race of warriors.
Hubbard also refers to a “Fourth Invader force”, but gives very little information. He said they were on the decline. This is an obvious reference to the cycles inherent in Blavatsky’s Seven Races. In her accounts, these races rise and fall.
In Hubbard’s “Revelation,” spiritual beings were molded into masses by the intense heat and fire of nuclear explosions detonated by his “Fifth Invader Force”. While Theosophy does not contain that exact same story, it does record a similar type of activity during the interval between long cosmic cycles. The seven Lords of Fire mentioned in the interval were probably re-defined and used in many of Hubbard’s narratives. He changed the names and probably called the Lords of Fire the “Wall of Fire” in his OT III level.
Group clairvoyance was widely applied in Theosophy and Scientology. In both religions, groups of twenty to a hundred were used to try to verify the “facts” written down after a session. As mentioned, Charles Leadbeater and Annie Besant wrote a book titled “Man: Whence, How and Whither” (1913). It was based on group sessions which were recorded and cross-tabulated. Hubbard’s book, History of Man (1952), followed and utilized the same technique. It is an example of a link to Theosophy. Both books are examples of group clairvoyance. Hubbard merely updated the method used by Theosophy with the use of the e-meter. These books contain different “facts” but are very similar in style. Hubbard’s mistake was that his book recorded the “Piltdown Man” as factual. Science later declared the “Piltdown Man” to be a hoax. This is an example of one of Hubbard’s more serious errors in regard to scientific evidence.
In contrast to Leadbeater’s style, Hubbard’s clairvoyance was more complex. There are two characteristics which make Hubbard’s Revelations unique. He claimed that his “aliens” mastered electronics to a very high level. More specifically, a level which is difficult to detect by the average person. For Hubbard, the electronic methods used by aliens are so subtle that even a fully conscious human cannot detect them. Hubbard then made his claim that only he was qualified to save humans on earth. The basis of occult clairvoyance is contained in numerous references by Blavatsky used as a foundation by Hubbard (20).
Blavatsky discusses the relationship of spirit and electricity. Hubbard could have drawn these ideas for his Philadelphia Doctorate Lectures from these sources. Blavatsky discusses facsimile, memory and mental pictures in “Isis Unveiled”, Vol I, Chapter V, page 127. These terms were used extensively by Hubbard.
Hubbard’s “Theta” was probably deduced from a redefined astral light. Blavatsky discusses this in “Isis Unveiled” (21).
Blavatsky speculated that the planets of distant stars may be inhabited by races (22).
Hubbard’s Lecture Series: “The Time Track of Theta” contains numerous occult references. In his lecture, “The Role of Earth” (1952) he discusses life on Venus (23).
Blavatsky noted that everything in the universe is recorded (24). This fact is reflected by Hubbard in his concept of the “Time Track of Theta” mentioned above.
Hubbard also discusses the origin of the Universe in “The Role of Earth” lectures. He postulates a “main body of theta.” He claimed that different sized pieces break off to form “thetans.” He does not speculate if these “emanations” return to their origin. The return of spirits or pieces to their origin was widely debated in occult literature. Hubbard ignores this in his religion. This omission resulted in a contradiction since in the Occult the return of particles to their source must be explained.
According to Hubbard, an “implant” in Scientology is an electronic jolt delivered by an Invader Force “space alien” to a human. Implants are really “designer engrams.” These are defined as electric charges precision manufactured to produce specific types of behavior in the recipient. An engram is like a picture or series of impulses that can direct cognitive thought. One of the most important “implants” in Hubbard’s Scientology is the idea of heaven. According to Hubbard, the idea of heaven is “synthetic thought”. Heaven does not exist in Scientology. It is merely imagined because of implants more that 76,000,000 years ago.
Scientology defined mental tampering by space aliens under the term “electronic implants.” The primitive form of implants was found in Blavatsky’s work. Implants presented by Blavatsky are different because she had no knowledge of modern electronic circuits and mechanical space flight.
For Blavatsky, the Monad is in a state of continuous development on an “astral earth.” This “astral earth” represented the home planets of the Invader Forces. Leadbeater suggested in his work that these Monads fall to the real earth as “thought vehicles”. They are then the seeds of new races.
The earliest reference to a “space ship” is credited to Dr. John Newbrough who wrote about them in “Oahspe”, a book written in 1882. This book pre-dates Blavatsky (1887) but she does discuss it in her own published works. She even disputes Newbrough’s date that the history of races on earth begins at 72,000 years ago.
The early Theosophists did not have the Hubble telescope research available today. However, exterior planets with beings were imagined. The origin of extraterrestrial threats can also be traced to: “The Chariot of the Gods (1976)” by Erich Von Daniken and the “The Twelfth Planet (1968)” by Zecharia Sitchin. These books contain some of the earliest examples of an organized extraterrestrial impact on earth.
Implanting techniques are literally capable of entrapping a being for very long periods of time starting in the azoic past. Hubbard suggested that only his mastery of the mind and spirit could restore natural immortality to a person.
Scientology’s narrative departs from the messages of original Buddhism, Theosophy and even esoteric Buddhism. It opens Scientology to its extreme doctrine that even the family unit can be divided. Shunning is permitted and encouraged. Disconnection from non-Scientologists – even family members – is justified.
Blavatsky’s books cover a range of different worldwide religions. One of the attitudes shared by Hubbard and Blavatsky was criticism of the organized Christian religion during the Middle Ages. There are two points where Hubbard seems to follow Blavatsky. First, Blavatsky covers exorcism in detail. One of the passages specifies that demons could respond to questions by the exorcist. This is also contained in Hubbard’s OT V level. Blavatsky reported on Saint Dominicks’s dialogue with the devil (25). Second, the passages that describe Torquemada, architect of the Spanish Inquisition, are very similar to a lecture given by Blavatsky.
In his early life, Hubbard had ample opportunity to study occult sources from about 1926 to 1949. He spent time in New York, Washington D.C., Los Angeles, California and Washington State. He was in contact with Jack Parsons (1897-1952), the famous rocket scientist. Parsons mentioned Hubbard to Aleister Crowley after WWII. As mentioned, Proof offered of Hubbard’s knowledge of the occult is that the name Marcab, used by Hubbard, was probably borrowed from a book by Annie Besant and Charles Leadbeater. This book was designed to report the extraterrestrial past lives of a group of Theosophists (26). Marcab stories became a cornerstone of Hubbard’s narratives.
Hubbard’s real connection to Blavatsky was most likely in the spark that she gave to his imagination which produced his fiction and his broad based “Extraterrestrial Revelations” for his religion – Scientology.
Hubbard’s “Truth Revealed” scripture is almost pure “Extraterrestrial Revelation” from Blavatsky. Hubbard was careful to use the word “mythological” to expunge his belief in what he called myth. He was careful to protect his identity and to state that he acted in the “role” of Lucifer and that he will act in the “role” of the anti-Christ. Hubbard was obviously familiar with the Book of Revelations of the Bible which Blavatsky claimed to be “purely Kabballistical”.
Hubbard made it very clear that the “Christianity Implant” by the Marcabs or “Fifth Invader Force” was causing a serious exponential conflict on earth. The Extraterrestrial Revelation was that earth would soon become a nuclear battleground. At this point, Hubbard shifted his attention to the scientific area of genetic engineering which was omitted from his work in the 1950’s. He needed “genetically pure” bodies to continue his transmigration and he asked for help from his new cadre of OT VIII’s. This was a reversal of his earlier doctrine in which he claimed that the “auditing” of the spirit alone was sufficient. He also said he planned to enter a timeless dimension. Blavatsky mentions that Kabballah was unique in the history of the major religions because it also relied on physical purification before spiritual (27). Hubbard probably thought he was outside of the influence of Blavatsky and the occult and finally entrenched in pure science. But Blavatsky would continue to influence Hubbard. Hubbard implied in the “Truth Revealed” scripture that he was also the fulfillment of Mettreya, the future Buddha. Hubbard also stated that original Buddhism and Scientology were the only two religions on earth that did not lead to a decline in consciousness (28). He obviously felt that Christianity, as only an implanted religion, did indeed lead to a decline in consciousness.
Hubbard confused original Buddhism with esoteric Buddhism as defined by Blavatsky. Blavatsky was a more serious student of Buddhism. In addition, the Church of Scientology officially cancelled the 1980 “Truth Revealed” document. Thus there were no “genetically pure” bodies produced for Hubbard by his 190 OT VIII’s. Hubbard’s Extraterrestrial Revelations written in 1980 ended at the point when the “Truth Revealed” document was abandoned.
According to Blavatsky, the Noah’s Ark story was found in the history of almost all important religions on earth. In Hubbard’s OT VIII narrative, he essentially places himself in the position of the savior of humanity from the impending “flood” of Marcabs. Instead of building an “Ark” or a spaceship, he tells his followers to produce genetically pure human bodies so that the transmigration of thetans can continue. He does not leave instructions for accomplishing this. His followers are confronted with a task at long odds against them. Hubbard suggested to his followers that earth is entering a barren cycle. Eliphas Levi (1810-1875), an early occultist, called this period “currents of astral lights” (29). In these currents, “the spiritual sight of the majority of mankind is so blinded as to lose every notion of the superior powers of its own divine spirit.” Hubbard described an almost irreversible scenario on earth – declining consciousness, deteriorating physical bodies, outside mental control, and space alien invasion.
In his own way, Hubbard was teaching his followers his basic lesson about the power he defined for his “Operating Thetan.” The OT quickly rises to meet any emergency because it is the most powerful entity in the universe with more potential energy than a sun. Hubbard’s religion then ends in the same way as his fiction.
In “Battlefield Earth”, Hubbard’s penultimate science fiction novel, the hero Johnny Goodboy, fights a battle at the end and wins at long odds against him. In the “Truth Revealed” document, Hubbard was trying to raise his followers to a level beyond dependence upon him. “Truth Revealed” was essentially the same message found in Battlefield Earth. Johnny Goodboy’s supernatural OT powers were only tested in extreme situations of impending danger. His new OT VIII’s were to be tested with a serious challenge.
In the Bible, Noah was tested and then he was given detailed instructions about how to build the Ark. Hubbard did not publish the details his followers needed. In fact, he left the religion in a situation where DNA mutations were a problem for its members. The abrupt cancellation of the “Truth Revealed” document destroyed Hubbard’s legacy of “Pure Scientology.” It also truncated Hubbard’s master plan to save the universe. It also left Scientology as Hubbard’s personal religion.
A division in the interpretation of scripture is not the end of Scientology. This Church will move forward on the extensive Extraterrestrial Revelations found within the existing body of Hubbard’s legacy. The common denominator of Scientology is related to the neo-platonic schools such as the one founded by Iamblichus (245-325 AD) who further developed the ancient practice of Theurgy. In the end, Hubbard updated these ancient methods of “exteriorization” with new commands and an electronic device called an e-meter. Ironically, if Blavatsky could give an interview on the internet today, she would probably again quote the Bible when in “Isis Unveiled” she cited John 10:24, “Know ye not that ye are gods?”.
(1) Hubbard himself defined Scientology as “Knowing how to know”. Since experimental science was never intended as a foundation for the religion, he defined the term “knowingness” to suggest an intuitive rather than a scientific truth. Thus Scientology is probably a misnomer.
Hubbard did not define God in Scientology but called it “The 8th Dynamic”. The highest operating state in Hubbard’s “Bridge to Freedom” was “Serenity of Beingness.” BEINGNESS was a term which Hubbard claimed to have coined. Reading Blavatsky suggests that Hubbard’s highest level was from the “Rig-Veda-Sanhita” – “Not being and Being are in the highest heaven,” Sukta #166. In “Secret Doctrine” Vol 1, page 7, Proem, Blavatsky coined the word BE-NESS. Hubbard might have changed it to BEINGNESS which is used extensively in Scientology.
The “thetan” was defined in Scientology as an individual spirit. It does not fit the definition of a soul since thetans are immortal beings who “agree” on the composition of the universe. The thetan is not created by a God. In Scientology, the thetan is defined as a “viewpoint of dimension” with potential energy. The thetan is also defined as the “I”, the individual self. Hubbard claimed that thetans existed before the creation of the universe. In Scientology, a thetan’s power is gradually reduced when interacting with the material universe without using Scientology techniques. Hubbard’s mission was to restore the thetan to its native state. Another possible source for the word Thetan is Plato’s definition of “Theos”. In “Secret Doctrine” Vol 1, page 2. Proem, Blavatsky writes “Plato proves himself an Initiate when saying in Cratylus that “theos” is derived from “theein” – to move to run- as the first astronomers who observed the motions of the heavily bodies called the Planets “theoi”, the gods.” In “Secret Doctrine” Vol 1, p85, Blavatsky mentions “Conscious Electricity” which suggests Hubbard’s thetans.
In the beginning, Hubbard’s words were appealing because he claimed to have discovered a scientific religious technology. Unlike the other major religions in the 1970’s, Hubbard stated that by using a simple electronic device called an e-meter one could realize personal immortality. Hubbard further claimed he had developed a step by step scientifically proven method. If followed, he claimed it would result in a person’s maximum spiritual development. To advance spiritually, it was only necessary to eliminate negative mental blockages formed during moments of pain and unconsciousness. The e-meter was used to identify these blockages. The remedy was to scan these time periods with the critical awareness of the mind. This scanning of the experience was then expected to provide relief.
Hubbard further claimed that he discovered a spiritual entity associated with every individual and called it a “thetan.” By freeing this thetan, including its bonds to past lives, Hubbard defined a new state of awareness and called it “Clear.”
(2) In June 1980, L Ron Hubbard wrote a document called the “Student Briefing” which was used in Scientology’s OT VIII level course in 1988. It revealed significant new insight into the purpose and intent of Scientology’s founder before his death in 1986. The document is referred to as “Truth Revealed”. Widely anticipated, it was the central scripture in the highest spiritual level course available. Hubbard declared that he had acted in the role of Lucifer, the light bearer, in the development of Scientology. Hubbard also boldly asserted that he would re-incarnate on earth as a politician and later in the role of an anti-Christ. As an anti-Christ, he predicted he would usher in the “Golden Age of Scientology”. He also stated that he would personally stop an imminent space alien invasion on earth. In Hubbard’s written legacy, he claimed that Christianity, which he considered dogmatic hypnotism, was implanted into spirits called “thetans” about 75 million years ago in a series of volcanic explosions on earth. The space alien invasion that he would stop was the mass return of the original “electronic implanters.” They were defined as the Marcabs, an alien race intent on reviving Christianity on earth to again enslave the population.
Hubbard’s scripture also refers to the Garden of Eden, the Serpent, the legacy of Kaballah, and Jesus as a “lover of young boys and men.” Hubbard also proclaimed that his work in Scientology fulfilled the role of Mettreya, the future Buddha. In 1962, Hubbard had referred to himself as the Buddha’s teacher. This type of statement by Hubbard is not unusual as he assigned himself multiple important roles throughout world history in his lectures. The Revelations mentioned above suggest that Hubbard had read the legacy of 19th Century occultism.
“Truth Revealed” has various definitions in Scientology. The definition used in this paper is from Hubbard’s 1980 “Student Briefing” which is not accepted as official doctrine. This odd situation evolved because Hubbard’s doctrine was cancelled by the current “Church”. Truth Revealed is now a different new confidential level created by scientology management.
“Possible Origins for Dianetics and Scientology” by Jon Atack, also contains a variety of links to important sources. In “Secret Doctrine”, vol 1, part 1, p1, Blavatsky discusses Fohat as a substance which is similar to Hubbard’s idea of “Theta”. Hubbard could have derived ideas from these passages.
He asked 190 OT VIII’s in 1988 to purify our bodies so that he could have “genetically pure infants” for his use. He further asked us to use our skills to reverse mutated genes implanted by space aliens. He boasted that Scientology was the synthesis of Eastern religion, as represented by original Buddhism, and his religious technology. Having studied Buddhism in College and having had direct contact with the religion during an Army tour in Korea from 1970-1971, I easily concluded that Hubbard’s claims about Buddhism were not valid.
(3) “A History of Scientology”, Princeton University Press, Article on Affirmation, Novo Religio Article, References to Urbans books and articles.
(4) Article on Branch Davidian’s and Heaven’s Gate, History of Occult, Articles in Novo Religio, etc. References to Wessinger’s books and articles.
(5) Hubbard did not invent the e-meter. It was invented by Volney Matheson (1897-1965).The e-meter has been the subject of much discussion. The FDA required Scientology to openly state that the e-meter is only a device. As such, it has no healing ability in itself.
The e-meter is a device with input points or “metal cans” that are held by the person being questioned. A small current is passed from the meter and then through the person. A dial records the actions of the electrical current when it enters the body of the person holding the cans. By interpreting needle reactions, a diagnosis of the mental state of the individual is made.
The e-meter has evolved in Scientology as a tool for a practice called “intense security checking”. The meter is used as a type of lie detector. This practice has caused tension and has resulted in the creation of “Independent” members who refuse the extensive security checking.
The state of “Clear” in Dianetics was the initial goal of the therapy. There is no scientific evidence that the state was ever reached. It was defined as an ideal human operating level. Hubbard considered that the human mind was like a calculator or a computer. In an “unclear mind”, Hubbard speculated that problems were related to blockages much like a “held down number seven” in an adding machine. The correct answer would not be possible. “Clearing” was the process of removing engrams or mental blockages from the mind. This was accomplished with the e-meter. In later versions of scientology, Hubbard assigned mental blockages to external sources such as space aliens.
“Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health”, by L. Ron Hubbard was the original source for information before the formation of Scientology. For a critical view of Dianetics, see “A Doctor’s View of Dianetics” by Dr. John Winter. Hubbard traced all problems of the mind to unconscious moments of pain. He called this an “Engram”.
(6) Fohat, Monad, Akasha, and Ether. Fohat is defined as “the animating principle electrifying every atom into life.” Monad is defined as “uncompounded things”. Spiritual essence which vivifies them in degrees of differentiation.” Akasha is defined as “space, sky”, the universal soul. Ether is defined as spiritual energy which fills all spaces. Akashic records are defined as all events, thoughts, words, emotion, and intents, within past, present and future. Akashic records are closely related to Hubbard’s definition of the “Time Track”.
(7) “Secret Doctrine”, Vol 2 part 2 page 619, 666, The cycle of Naros. “Secret Doctrine”, Vol1, page 337, “Darkness is Light” for Blavatsky’s explanation of the Kabballistic Book of Creation.
(8) Dr. John Newbrough claimed that life on earth began 78,000 years ago.
(9) See: “Isis Unveiled”, Vol 1, Chapter IX, page 322.
(10) “On Egyptian Mysteries” (Chapter 3 – The Superior Races).
(11) In “Isis Unveiled” Volume II #2, page 35 and in “Isis Unveiled” vol 2 page 195 and page 271, Kabballah is described by Blavatsky as a religion which contains the transmigration of the spirit.
(12) In fact, he referred to Jesus as “a lover of boys and young men.” This is found in L Ron Hubbard’s STUDENT BRIEFING, JULY 1980.
(13) The Stanzas are explained starting on page 35 in Secret Doctrine Vol 1, part 1.
(14) Nibs spoke of his observations as a child in which he witnessed Hubbard’s study into the Occult in his “Penthouse” interview.
(15) “Isis Unveiled”, Vol1, Chapter V, p xxx.
(16) Jack Parsons was a follower of Aleister Crowley.
(17) See: Isis Unveiled, Volume 1, page xlii.
(18) In “Secret Doctrine”, Vol 3 part 3 page 703, Blavatsky suggests interplanetary life.
(19) In “Secret Doctrine” Vol 1, part 1, page 159-161, Blavatsky discusses a concept similar to “Invader Forces”.
(20) See “Isis unveiled”, vol 1, Chapter VI, page 184 – Psychometer, “Isis Unveiled”, vol 1 Chapter IX, page 331 -The future of psychometry.
(21) Blavatsky discusses this in “Isis Unveiled”, Vol I, Chapter V, page 126 – Kabalistic astral light.
(22) In “Isis Unveiled”, Vol 1 p284-286, there are speculations by Blavatsky that the planets of distant stars may be inhabited by races.
(23) In “Isis Unveiled”, Chapter XII, p 435 – Blavatsky refers to life on Venus.
(24) In “Isis Unveiled”,vol 2 Chapter XII, page 588, #7 – Blavatsky notes that everything in the universe is recorded.
(25) See “Isis Unveiled” Vol 2, Chapter II, page 75 – Saint Dominicks’s dialogue with the devil.
(26) See: Man: Whence, How and Whither (1913).
(27) See “Secret Doctrine”, Vol1, page 329, The Universal Illusion
(28) Hubbard claimed to be the Buddha’s teacher 10,000 years before recorded history. See: Lucifer’s Bridge: Scientology’s Lost Paradise (2015), by George M. Witek, Chapter 10 gives a detailed explanation of Hubbard’s contradictions in Theravada Buddhism. Blavatsky also covers her views on Buddhism. See: “Secret Doctrine”, Vol 1, part 2, Metttreya.
(29) See “Secret Doctrine”, Vol2, page 75.
I note the only source of this document is Steve Fishman, a convicted con-man who told many stories about his supposed experiences in scientology. Much of what he claimed was not true. But he also filed documents in his case, including OT level materials, and this is one of the documents he filed. How Steve Fishman came to possess this is anyone’s guess.
I also note that when this was filed, I was the head of OSA. At the time, I was told by RTC it was a fake and forgery and that we should not contest it being put into the record as we did with the other OT materials. Perhaps it had already been abandoned by that time. George is the only person that I am aware of who says he personally read this document on board the Freewinds. Perhaps there are others.
There are two sides to viewing this document.
On one hand, it does not read much like Hubbard’s other writings. And I don’t understand why he even addresses the issue of possibly stepping on the toes of Christians in this document that was only ever going to be read by those who had completed OT VII. He said a lot of other things on OT III without any apologies/explanations.
On the other, this is really not any more outrageous than his other writings from this period — like the Pain and Sex HCOB or the Mission Earth books. It is hard to argue that this is too “over-the-top” when compared to his other writings.
You have to make up your own mind about this with the limited information that is available.
While George uses this for a number of his analyses/conclusions, it is only a small part of his overall thought about the origins of scientology.
Saint Hill Manor East Grinstead, Sussex
OT VIII Course Students
OT OT VIII Auditors
AO Review Auditors
AO C/Ses
OT VIII Series I
By the time you read this I will no longer be occupying the body and identity that you have known as Ron. That identity continues to live in the hearts and minds of many as well as in on-Source tech and admin centers around the planet, and will inspire for years to come Scientologists and lovers of truth everywhere.
What follows is a story that has been withheld, for reasons which will soon be obvious, until such time as there were enough OTs that something could be done about it. That time is now. It is not a nice or a pretty story, but I trust that having arrived on the OT VIII Course you are ready to hear it. You have undoubtedly heard pieces of data over the years that hinted at the greater untold reality of my mission here on Earth, but the story was never written, nor spoken in its entirety due to security problems that have unfortunately always plagued the organization. It is only now that I feel it safe to release the information, although the time is rapidly approaching when I will have no choice in the matter, the hour draws that near.
I am not going to delve too deeply into specifics as people have a tendency to bog themselves down in significance which would only serve to delay the immediacy of the task at hand. Therefore I will be brief.
Some eighty-odd million years ago Earth time (it actually dates at 78,395,042 but dates are a bit superfluous with this material) plans were drawn by a group outside the MEST universe for the eventual takeover of a good portion of this universe. Not a particularly large nor imaginative crew, their exterior perspective however gives them considerable advantage over the time-bound beings of the MEST universe. Borrowing from earlier operations such as Helotrobus, they conceived an ongoing implant, some portions of which have been fairly faithfully rendered in parts of the Bible. This implant, laid in by carefully controlled genetic mutation at Incident Two of OT Ill and periodically reinforced by controlled historic events since then, makes it effectively impossible for beings on the more heavily affected planets such as Earth to become free. It causes progressive genetic “evolution” that gives the subject population greater and greater susceptibility to the telepathic impingement and direction of the controllers. In its final stage the progression becomes almost geometric, and it is this final stage that we are rapidly approaching.
Another aspect of this GE-line implant is that the body becomes in effect a sort of theta trap that kicks in heavily on the being should he attempt to expand his horizons beyond that of pure physical universe reality. There can be temporary key-outs which we have all experienced in varying degrees, but until this area is handled it can honestly be said that there is no hope for continued expansion. The good news is that once this is run out, expansion becomes rather effortless and almost automatic.
No doubt you are familiar with the Revelations section of the Bible where various events are predicted. Also mentioned is a brief period of time in which an arch-enemy of Christ, referred to as the anti-Christ, will reign and his opinions will have sway. All this makes for very fantastic, entertaining reading but there is truth in it. This anti-Christ represents the forces of Lucifer (literally, the “light bearers” or “light bringer”), Lucifer being a mythical representation of the forces of enlightenment, the Galactic Confederacy. My mission could be said to fulfill the Biblical promise represented by this brief anti-Christ period. During this period there is a fleeting opportunity for the whole scenario to be effectively derailed, which would make it impossible for the mass Marcabian landing (Second Coming) to take place. The Second Coming is designed, among other things, to trigger a rapid series of destructive events.
With the exception of the original Buddhism, virtually all religions of any consequence on this planet, mono- and pantheistic alike, have been instruments to speed the progress of this “evolution of consciousness” and bring about the eventual enslavement of mankind. As you know, Siddhartha Gautama never claimed to be anything more than a man. Having caught on to this operation, he postulated his own return as Metteyya, part of which prophecy will have been fulfilled upon the passing of L. Ron Hubbard.
For those of you whose Christian toes I may have stepped on, let me take the opportunity to disabuse you of some lovely myths. For instance, the historic Jesus was not nearly the sainted figure has been made out to be. In addition to being a lover of young boys and men, he was given to uncontrollable bursts of temper and hatred that belied the general message of love, understanding and other typical Marcab PR. You have only to look at the history his teachings inspired to see where it all inevitably leads. It is historic fact and yet man still clings to the ideal, so deep and insidious is the biologic implanting.
It is a good joke that the Galactic Confederacy is associated with the Serpent in the Garden, the beast and other emissaries of the “Prince of Darkness.” Yet in certain passages and esoteric interpretations of the Bible (much of which has been taken out and effectively suppressed for centuries) as well as the Kabbalah, the truth reveals itself quite nicely for the clever and the ungullible.
So it really is a race against time and one that we happen to be losing at the moment, as the implant drama inexorably plays itself out in spite of the breakneck pace I’ve managed to keep up these last thirty-five years.
I had an inkling, but only that, of the insidiousness of this material as far back as 1945. Later, in characteristic over-optimism, I thought that R6 would be the end of it. But that was followed by NOTs and the Purification Rundown and still the string continued to unwind with the ball at the end of it just out of sight. It makes one wonder about such things as fate and destiny, such was the resolve with which I managed to cling to that string, not often knowing how close I was to falling into the abyss myself. But destiny is merely the rationalization of feeble minds. Things don’t just happen, they are caused. And causative beings can undo the plans of madmen and would-be enslavers, no matter how long those plans may have been in the making.
I will soon leave this world only to return and complete my mission with another Identity. Although I long to stretch my arms back in repose on some distant star in some distant galaxy. It appears that is one dream that will have to wait. But my return depends on people like you doing these materials thoroughly and completely so that there will be a genetically uncontaminated body for me to pick up and resume where I left off. A body free of religious mania, right/wrong dichotomy and synthetic karma. The job ahead is far too tough to even contemplate doing with your standard — courtesy of certain other-dimensional players and their Marcab pieces, many of whom are right here in the general populace — genetically altered body.
Without the biogenetic meddling of those who stand outside time (who cannot yet directly influence our world and must work through others) the dwindling spiral is not nearly as automatic and self-perpetuating as it appears. There are regions even in isolated parts of the Milky Way where poets are free to poet and magicians can paint reality with their magic wands and exteriorize without body kickback. But these areas unfortunately are fewer and fewer.
I will return not as a religious leader but a political one. That happens to be the requisite beingness for the task at hand. I will not be known to most of you, my activities misunderstood by many, yet along with your constant effort in the theta band I will effectively postpone and then halt a series of events designed to make happy slaves of us all.
So there you have it. The secret that I have kept close to my chest all these years. Now you too are part of this secret and I no longer have to shoulder the burden alone or live with the possibility of body death before all the data could be released. And with this briefing I entrust to each of you the responsibility for this material until such time as I am able to return. For we have no help from any other quarter in this matter. The handful of secret societies throughout history that have caught on to this game have long since fallen by the wayside or been taken over and become instruments of the very menace they were set up to combat.
The rundown is long and can be arduous, but it must be done thoroughly if there is to be any effect not only on the body of the pre-OT but the body of his or her progeny as wall. There is some danger, but with OT VII thoroughly complete it is not nearly so great as the danger witnessed by assorted unfortunates who happened to stumble into this area in their sleep or in moments of reverie or anaten, experiencing an hitherto mysterious phenomenon known as “spontaneous combustion”.
But the area is well charted, the rundown many years in secret development, and by the time you read this undoubtedly completed on myself. The wins awaiting you are like none that you have ever experienced, not just for you, but for your children, your children’s children and the whole of mankind, if we succeed. And we will. If we had time we should pity the many poor souls, from 1950 to PT, who chose such an exactly inopportune moment to drop off the road to truth and disconnect from reality, the full burst and glory of OT practically within their grasp. But we haven’t the time to “wax philosophic” or ponder might have beens.
The rundown follows. Again I say, do it thoroughly and completely, for it is your ticket to the stars. And beyond!
I thought your ideas were very interesting, but I think you missed Hubbard’s humour – and took it as a fact.
I wonder how much you really studied Scientology – or if you just quickly bought your way up to OTVIII.
I got a lot of good ideas for therapy, for understanding anthroposophy etc. I believe like Saint Therese Liseux that you have to understand a person before you can judge him – and when you understand you don’t judge.
“Thus Scientology is probably a misnomer.”
What gets my goat is if confronted about the similarities between Hubbard’s writings and any other philosopher, religion, or sci-fi, the official line is the ultimate get out: the others were nearly right, but only Hubbard’s “research” found the Truth.
George – I remember a few years ago on Marty Rathbun’s blog when you began digging into the background of Scientology. You mentioned at one time that you had compiled notes on 200 3×5 note cards. You’re some kind of a workhorse!
I’m happy to see you assembled and put a lot of it together. Great job!
Novice scientologists, particularly before the internet, are unaware of most of the specific occult aspects of scientology on the “upper levels.” The main exception would be that “this lifetime” is spoken among scientologists as casually as “being saved” is spoken in Christian groups.
I posted the treatise on the “Ex Scientologist Message Board Redux”
Hi Richard,
Thank you very much. I have had a few medical issues and have been unable to respond. Thanks
Moderator – please replace ‘Chuck’ with ‘George’. Thank you. I have no idea where Chuck came from…
(14) Nibs spoke of his observations as a child in which he witnessed Hubbard’s study into the Occult in his “Penthouse” interview.
Are there any other witnesses to Hubbard ever studying anything? As a child, could Nibs have known the difference between ‘studying the Occult’ and the act of ‘holding a book in the lap and occasionally turning a page.’
I have the utmost respect for Chuck and his scholarship. However, I feel he is still searching for ‘something there’ when in fact Dianetics and Scientology were and still are operations designed to move cash from the newest neophytes, and everyone below the top, up to be available for use by the guy at the top. This ‘top guy’ once was Hubbard, but now is Miscavige. Without that carefully calculated and designed movement of cash, there would never have been any Dianetics or Scientology. It was always about the money.
The how and why of Hubbard’s scam are immaterial, as are the antecedents involved. There are people both in and out of Scientology who continue to look for that elusive pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. That in itself testifies to the power of Hubbard’s ability to instill belief systems into his followers, despite decades of one letdown after another after another, and despite a firm inner belief that there is no ‘there’ there, and never was.
Aligning Hubbard with Blavetsky, with Perkins, with Crowley, or with ancient authors who at best were stuck in the Phlogiston and Aether system of the world, does nothing to excuse Hubbard, or to bring truth from his lies, or to, as they say, make a silk purse out of a sows ear.
While I appreciate the work involved in writing this, I think only a never-in such as myself can really say the following with conviction, without anger, without trying to belittle anyone, and without rancor: Enough, guys, really – enough is enough. Shouldn’t there come a time when everyone, and I mean everyone, quits trying to make something out of Hubbard that he was not? He was not a thinker. He was not someone who studied. He was not a student of the human condition. He was not an author as much as he was simply a drug-addled obsessive-compulsive typist interested in promoting his narcissistic system of the world, while making a buck – or swiping one from those closest to him.
Hubbard was a self-absorbed guy who looked out a window, saw some behavior, then attributed to that behavior his own reasons and rationale, without consulting the person actually performing the behavior, or even knowing anything about that person. This is not my opinion – this is a summation of descriptions given by those who were near him day in and day out for years, people who later wrote books or articles about their experience with Hubbard.
Sad to say, at the risk of repeating myself, and the risk of getting royally flamed, the people who were closest to Hubbard have convinced me that, where Hubbard is concerned (and now Miscavige), there still is no ‘there’ there, and never was, no matter how much someone wants a different outcome.
AA, even though you are an never-in, you have summed Hubbard up very well. As an ex-cultie, I will second everything you say here. In cult speak, those searching for “something there” are looking for the ‘Why’. scientologists are doing this all the time. What is the ‘Why’ behind crashed stats? What is the ‘Why’ behind no results? What is the ‘Why’ behind bad PR? ad nausium.
This is also part of the Hubbard apologist thinking. There are those out there who denounce scientology (sort of) but say that they certainly got something out of some of it. That may be so, I would never question someone’s belief along these lines. But, I would also posit that those wins or gains were purely incidental and could have been gotten in many other ways without the oppression involved being associated with the cult. This is sort of like getting wins/gains as a result of investing with Bernie Madoff. If you reviewed your quarterly statements you would probably feel very good about the amazing returns you were getting on your investments. That is, until you tried to actually use some of those returns and found it was just a piece of blue sky. Nothing. Why would you want to reminisce about those fantastic returns? The fact is you were taken in and swindled and didn’t know it until you actually woke up to reality and the truth was revealed. Being conned is a very bitter pill to swallow.
I got the most relief ever from my involvement with the cult after FINALLY realizing that it was just a scam. Nothing more, nothing less. In scientology (even in the good old days) it is all about the money and only about the money. Period. Full Stop. I was a fool and took it all in hook, line and sinker. I am also someone who woke up, saw what was going on, realized I had been royally fucked and got the hell out of there. I actually got something out of it. It was a costly lesson on many levels, but I am more cult/swindle/(and dare I say) fool proof than ever.
Yes it is all about money. And greed. And his narcism. And Hubbard invented religion to avoid tax. He wrote a lot on this.
To compare him with that occult, from where he copied some ideas shows not that he was interested in this thinkingness. It shows that he used every trick he could get, to enslave his infantile followers. To get lots of money and getting moments for flashing his greed.
Compare his words with that of the low level of Niveau of Trump and you see in what kind of madness he was.
AA, I see what you mean but some people are still to some degree under a spell.
This helps break it for some, not for others and some don’t need it but some do.
It’s about time people started telling the plain truth. Scientology is witchcraft using radionics and computer programmes. Nothing more. Everything else is just a front.
They practice devastating witchcraft on their enemies, and supposedly positive witchcraft on themselves.
The appearance of Scientology in Hollywood correlates with the world thinking Hollywood is crazy. Scientology’s spread across the country correlated with the rise of mental illness across our country. Devastating witchcraft is practiced daily on all enemies. There are some famous victims of their spells that are obvious from comments about Scientology to the subsequent disintegration of their lives.
A lot of you know exactly what they do and it’s time you spoke up. Their are innocent children who are victims of their disgusting witchcraft. Time for you all to tell the world the whole truth.
This paper should be thorough enough to be cited by Wikipedia, but some other researchers will have to cite it themselves first. It does explain why Scientology seems only a bit more modern than Mormonism.
Parts of the OT-8 Student Briefing read like notes by Hubbard, combined into a single document with new material to fill the gaps written by Miscavige’s goons.
Thank you
Love your essay.
Thank you. I have had a few medical issues. Sorry for the delay.
George, great piece – thanks for all your effort on this. I’m still working through it, but wanted to share a few a few initial general impressions, and big-picture thoughts that came to mind.
We seem to have backgrounds that overlap a lot, with each of us knowing different areas better. And I want to say that from my perspective, your work is spot-on in all regards; I may have some details to add later, but no fundamental criticism.
Among a couple of initial notes, I think it’s important to realize that there are probably very few primary sources Hubbard was personally or directly familiar with, other than some works he was required to read (or got away with skimming) in college*, and perhaps Crowley because he was so enthralled with The Beast. He relied on others around him, and various second-hand and derivative sources; as his well read second (“never had”) wife Sarah reported, he didn’t have the patience for really delving into others’ work.
Blavatsky was herself a plagiarist of earlier occult sources, and a popularist of ideas and concepts then circulating in esoteric circles – much like Hubbard himself would go on to be. I think it’s difficult to find a direct link between Scientology and Theosophy, rather than the conceptual one you elucidate; though Blavatsky is indeed the best example of late 19th metaphysical thought for purposes of comparison, and almost certainly was a indirect source of some elements, so your approach is still an excellent, and fundamentally accurate, one.
Also, much of what gets attributed to Hubbard, actually came from a lot of his collaborators and contributors, or is even their work. Others around him would certainly have had some direct familiarity with Blavatsky; and if some specific concept or symbol with obvious precursors is found in use, it’s possible they are the ones who introduced it, not Hubbard with his limited direct knowledge.
Finally, I want to note that Hubbard was often just enough behind the times, that he jumped onto ideas like abreaction therapy right as they were being disproved, discredited and discarded. And in general I’d say he made the mistake of promoting the dated Natural Science Model just as modern empirical science was starting to come to the fore and disproving key assumptions, such as Hubbard’s model of the mind as a machine with infinite perfect recall, which is emblematic of why Scientology is failing in the 21st century.
* Hubbard dedicated Dianetics to Will Durant, best known for his scholarly multi-volume work The Story of Civilization – but whose early overview book The Story of Philosophy was used in college courses in the late 1920s, which is where I suspect he actually encountered the author’s work.
p.s. You must be one of the few people with an advanced Ivy League degree to have been involved in Scientology. That you left comparatively early, and that we probably couldn’t find another example to cite if we tried – and if we were to, they would probably turn out to have joined around the time you did, not much more recently – is another telling sign of the current state of Scientology.
Thank you for the new information. Sorry for the delay in responding
Hi Mike,
I knew Fishman in Florida in the mid to late 70s, and ran into him again (albeit briefly) at Flag.
I’m sorry my other point was unclear. Fishman was obsessed with the Antichrist and related themes, and used to talk about them (along with every sexual perversion imaginable) all the time. As I recall, he described having run such incidents in session in “Lonesome Dove”. That’s the only reason I mentioned it.
As a side note, he also liked to boast about his ability to imitate Hubbard’s writing style. That one I heard from him at least two or three times.
Oh, was not aware he was ever at Flag… When was that?
An interesting read. Thank you George, I’ve always appreciated your comments, not that I come from where you have come from, but I appreciate them.
I would sure be hesitant to play poker with whoever wrote that HCOB – and that absolutely includes Hubbard. He tricked me out of more than enough time & money than I care to contemplate.
If, in trying to come to some sort of self confirmation if that was written by Fishman or Hubbard (same smell of crap to me), it reeks of contradictions nonetheless, like all Scientology prose. Especially the part about “But my return depends on people like you doing these materials thoroughly and completely so that there will be a genetically uncontaminated body for me to pick up and resume where I left off. A body free of religious mania, right/wrong dichotomy and synthetic karma. make me an uncontaminated body to return to…” geezers… what is Scientology? A Hubbard inspired baby factory for the insane? It also goes against just about all of what Hubbard said earlier about the GE line and it’s own, separate line of existence and the pot luck lottery which one a thetan gets.
Why doesn’t Hubbard just sneak in one of fancy robots he raves on about and just carry on – surely he’s OT enough for that sort of parlor trick.
As far as scams go – Scientology sure rates as one of the more bizarre, but it’s still a pretty advanced rendition of a 1950’s style, sci-fi concoction.
You are welcome.
LRH writing in KSW: “We will not speculate here on why this was so or how I came to rise above the bank.”
Compare with:
LRH writing in OT8: “I am not going to delve too deeply into specifics as people have a tendency to bog themselves down in significance which would only serve to delay the immediacy of the task at hand.”
Hubbard wanted to be Source with no questions asked.
Hubbard then wanted to be the Antichrist with no questions asked.
Hubbard wanted himself and Scientology to be everything with no questions asked. This became part of Scientology’s DNA: Don’t ever ask questions. Obey all irrational, brutal, and destructive orders without question. Never ask questions. Don’t Q&A. Never be reasonable.
Hubbard did not want to explain himself
The “OT 8” document is a forgery. It’s author, Steve Fishman, even used to brag about how he wrote it, including to me personally. He also speaks of running these incidents himself in his spurious autobiography, “Lonesome Squirrel”.
I could say more, but because I’m striving to be a better person, I think I’ll choose the high road.
Wow, you know Steve Fishman personally? Fascinating.
Where did you meet him?
Not sure what your point is about Fishman claiming he ran these incidents himself in Lonesome Squirrel (which is available on the internet for anyone to read)? He also claimed he ran OT III and he filed that document in the court file too. And that IS the OT III document? Do you contend that because he mentioned it in his book that it makes it a forgery?
“The “OT 8” document is a forgery.”
Scientology’s lawyers confirmed it as genuine – during the copyright battle over Lerma’s web pages, the Church of Scientology’s attorney Kendrick Moxon identified the “Antichrist” document as copyrighted material.
And there are several other first person accounts that confirm the document as genuine.
There are other cults that have plagiarized materials word for word, printed study materials, and then copyrighted those materials as their own. No lawsuits were ever filed. David Christopher Lane did the research. Even Scientology writings have been plagiarized, but since the plagiarism exists in unknown cults to them, they have no idea that it is happening.
This is one of the most interesting posts in a long time. Very thought provoking. Some fascinating references that are now on my reading list.
Extremely interesting post. I was very taken in by the Fishman videos when I first became interested in this subject about 7 years ago, and was really disturbed that the whole thing turned out to be a fabrication.
As a result, and also because of the amazing paucity of original OT8s that are now ex-Scientologists who have corroborated the material, I’m very skeptical of the Fishman OT8 leak myself. I recall when studying psychical research there was a very interesting fellow Walter Franklin Prince who applied comparative sentence length analyses and similar tests to Houdini material and concluded that one of his books was certainly not written by him. Surely the same could be done here with respect to this text and similar Hubbard writings of that time period.
Fishman was a very bright fellow, and could have plagiarised the whole thing in LRH’s style, and I wouldn’t be at all surprised since he was especially strong on the space opera and speculative mechanics of transmigration elements. Listen to his spiel on the ‘Between Lives Area’ if you doubt it!
Yes, he was a pretty advanced level conman who eventually got caught and sent to prison for a later scam. He was remarkably convincing — except if you had very detailed knowledge about scientology. At first blush he sounded totally credible and he was very credible to anyone not familiar with scientology. Even a great reporter like Richard Behar was snowed by him.
The material has been authenticated by several key people, besides George. Relatively few people did the earliest OTVIII version, and many of those either died or were among loyal members who remain so, thus it’s not necessarily surprising that there are a small number of confirming accounts.
It also really makes no sense, that George and others would somehow decide to adopt and defend a random forgery by Fishman. We can see here that George is passionately dedicated to getting to the truth of the matter, decades on.
Fishman and his case may be dubious in some respects, but the CofS itself has confirmed that the majority of the documents are authentic, by asserting copyright ownership over the materials; they have both claimed and rejected OTVIII, which is more suggestive of cynical re-calculation than a mistake. There’s lots of discussion to be found about the matter, and the Wikipedia article is a good summary and starting point:
My take is that the fundamental elements fit with Hubbard’s thinking and underlying worldview; it’s not the first time he expresses heretical notions about Jesus, or is said to be the Anti-Christ. The somewhat curious writing style could be attributed to either Hubbard’s mental state towards the end of his life, or an editor compiling Hubbard material that was in the form of different pieces or incomplete notes. There’s an interesting account by a former high-level insider authenticating the Lucifer aspect along with a theory about how OTVIII was compiled and then revised, at:
Thanks George.Nice work.
Helped me to “date locate” and make sense out of Hubbard’s ramblings.
Oh! That’s easy! You’re trying to locate a date. And she better be pretty!
Sounds like Hubbard to me. But my reason for believing it is that I read — I think here — that George word-cleared the whole thing at the time and therefore remembered it very well.
Perhaps I am gullible, though, because I also found Fishman fairly convincing. Not that he wasn’t a habitual liar, but that some Scientologists may have seen in a psychopath an opportunity to use him for the advancement of Scientology’s goals. If so, they would later change their minds and deny it ever happened. Not proven, but to me also not implausible.
Talking of word clearing – sheesh this page is slow to read while I clear up a few things.
Occult – to shut off from view; to cover or eclipse.
The Occult – 16th century term refering to astrology, alchemy, and natural magic.