See the article in the Tampa Bay Times from this afternoon. It contains some interesting statements and non-statements,
Sockpuppet Pat Harney was despatched by Miscavige to try and calm the rumblings of the natives. Of course, she is sent with strict orders to say ONLY what Miscavige has told her she can disclose. So, she said the building will be open before the end of the year. What a revelation. But, it seems that if they want a ribbon cutting on the street, they have to do it on a Sunday. And there are only 3 available Sundays between now and the end of the year.
News alert: Miscavige, the rest of the world goes about its business and really doesnt care about your pronouncements. The window of opportunity is closing on you as you dither around.
It also turns out that the local Scientology miniature pitbull, Peter Mansell, wasnt just demonstrating his finely honed PR skills with Joe Childs, he has been winning friends and influencing people in the City of Clearwater.
While Harney is telling the city how much this is something that is a big win for them — and meanwhile the church is pissing them off.
But Harney really put her foot in her mouth with her latest repeat of that old lie: “the church has 10,000 members in the greater Clearwater area, including 2,400 religious workers.” Even with that, she still only estimated 10,000 for the opening (how is it possible that not EVERY Scientologist in Clewarwater attends this ENORMOUSLY IMPORTANT event — Harney said it is equivalent to the Vatican for Catholics! Now, she has not included Tampa people, or even Orlando (that straight up and vertical org) or Miami or even Atlanta. So, 10,000 is a REALLY low figure based on the claims of membership. So, if there is less than 10,000 when it finally happens, it is going to be a MASSIVE and very public FAIL.
I’m sorry, but seriously? That is what being in the cult is all about. Censoring yourself. Read the book and judge for yourself! Why is that so scary?
If you happened to have been at the Clearwater Neighborhood Coalition Meeting (CNC) as I was the other night, did you happen to notice how one of the City Councilmen “patronized” ms Harney? I was even more astonished as to how well he made excuses for the CoS and even took issue with the St Pete Times for being so “harsh” on them! He says he’s not a Scientologist! Ha! He might as well be!
Yes Ron, being there, I was also quite surprised at what The Councilman said, like, we should quit fighting with the CoS. I immediately thought, hell yes, just give them the city. His guest speaker Ms Harney’ spewed the normal exaggerated tall PR tales (lies). It’s apparent that he’s been handled and is probably owned. Hopefully he gets some some real education soon, since he’s a swaying type. They both appeared nervous when speaking, why would that be? Also she must have meant the TBT when she softly said regarding the date “there’s big ears in here”.
Great movie, perfect reference Mike.
Tampa Bay Times: “Other weekends have events drawing people downtown. In fact, the city’s first “World Rescue Challenge,” an international competition for firefighters and other rescue workers, will begin Oct. 27.
But World Rescue officials told the city that they wouldn’t mind having a major Scientology celebration on the same day, …”
On the same day? Great. Miscavige can send Tom Cruise to the World Rescue officials and the rescue workers to tell them that Scientologists – not like anyone else – when driving past an accident … are the only ones… that can really help.
I’m sure they will be pleased to hear this. And he can join their international competition to make his point even clearer.
(TC: “Being a Scientologist, when you drive past an accident, it’s not like anyone else. As you drive past, you know you have to do something about it, because you know you’r the only one that can really help.”)
The cancellation of planned events is really far from Ideal.
Especially with the SP Monolith. I just cant imagine D.M. pissing
anymore people that he already has. Cornerstone members,
Sea Org Elite,down to Joe six pack. Send the canon fodder to the Tampa
Bay Times is an ominous sign. Scotch cabinet must still be well stocked.
So many Scientology watchers these days.
Thanks for all the updates, Mike! It’s great to watch the Scientology Shit Show grind down to a halt.
I’m in the middle of “Church of Fear” by John Sweeney, and it keeps getting better. So many details I didn’t know about how Cap’n Davey “manages’. What a moron, but a very scary moron. I do hope there’s an inside mutiny, rather than a mass tragedy. I don’t see Cap’n Davey ever giving up his throne. Will Tom Cruise have a total breakdown if his BFF is ousted??
I’m glad you got out of there and recovered, that’s a pretty amazing recovery.
Madora, I have a personal question for you. I have read most of the books that are out such as Amy Scoby’s, Marty’s, Mark Headley, Janet Reitman, Jenna Miscavage, etc, but I chose not to read the Sweeney book. I did it because I got that he was going to be Ron bashing in the book and although I don’t agree with all Ron did and I think he was far from perfect, I try to avoid Ron bashing books as a general rule. But you said the Sweeney book was good. Was there a lot of Ron bashing in it? I may change my mind and read it once I get more info about it please.
No Ron bashing. Just Ron facts. The facts may be bashing though.
thanks to bad photoshop the church of scientology will add 30,000 to pictures to make it look great.. one puzzleing question…if tom cruise..kristy alley..john t and will smith enter the super power building to receive their super powers will they then be know as THE SUPER FRIENDS!!!
I worked with Pat Harney on a couple of small projects in 2006. I liked her. Basically good I believe.
I hope Davey pulls her in to be his right hand man for a while. Then, after experiencing what it is really all about, she can write her own version of a Debbie Cook Email.
Yes Les, she is a total spokespuppet. Sent to placate the restless natives but told she cannot say anything in response to the OBVIOUS questions they were going to ask…. How stupid is this? It’s like sending your soldiers into battle blindfolded and without ammmunition. Reminds me of the generals that used to sit in tents sipping fine wine far out of harm’s way while they despatched their grunts on suicide missions to be mowed down by enemy fire (If you have ever seen the movie Gallipoli you will know what I am talking about).
I would love it if one of the reporters would ask the new Sockpuppet (since Karen Pouw is obviously in the Hole now), but would ask, “Where’s Shelley?”
10.000 out of suposingly 8 million for THE event in Scientology history is Pathethic David, better hire some bums from the street to fill your tent.
As time goes on and the noose continues to tighten I see two possible outcomes. The first has Dave realizing the game is lost and he makes his way shaken and terrified to his private plane and off he goes to parts unknown.
In the second, Dave is so overwhelmed with the realization he can’t pull the game back from the brink that has a mental breakdown right in his room on the Flag Land Base. Some days after that cooler heads prevail, authorities are called and Dave is seen leaving Flag strapped to a gurney resting easy having been heavily sedated under the advice of a doctor.
And with that ends the unholy reign of King Dave.
KF, if he is at flag during the breakdown, I pity him. At
least he would not oversee his own auditing and Type III
Kay Francis, Great grim gallows humor. I hate to admit it but I laughed out loud that at least DM wouldn’t be CSing his own suicide watch and program. Too bad Lisa McPherson wasn’t as lucky.
KF, as Davie completes his assignment, his handlers will have to tidy up. Davie will be thrown under the buss, to keep him quiet.
What handlers? If he had handlers things would be a lot better for now.
I don’t think there’s going to be any big event. Ever. Again.
Can you imagine how hard it will be for Miscavige, going forward, to approve and deliver a speech that does not make him sound like he is the Emperor of Scientology that he is — and personally responsible for all the crimes and evil committed by the Church?
I completely agree with you: Just Me. He has exposed himself too thoroughly, Better yet,
he’s nearly jail bait with who knows how many “process” (so funny, if only to myself!!) servers hiding behind every streetlight and parking meter just waiting to throw a stack of documents at him when he refuses to sign for them. Eventually one of them will snag the chance, he can’t remain inside forever. I’d imagine at this point there is a pool of wagers on the time/place he’ll be caught. Wish I could be there to watch the little skunk spray his foul stink on those who’ve given him their all. Run away, walk away, just leave. The sooner you leave, the sooner you’ll LIVE!
My bet is the “Fleawinds” sets sail soon.
All I can say is “Poop da Loop”
Don’t despair David. Looky here:
“Other weekends have events drawing people downtown. In fact, the city’s first “World Rescue Challenge,” an international competition for firefighters and other rescue workers, will begin Oct. 27.”
You just hold that event October 27 and camera shoot the crowds coming for the rescue workers event! You can make it look like they all came to see you! You can even wander around in that crowd and get some shots of you shaking hands as if you are welcoming someone who came to see you! Perhaps many will be in uniform and can pass off as Sea Org staff. See David, just when you thought you were going to be backed into a corner, the fabulous town of Clearwater brings in all the bodies. Perhaps the Gods left the door open, just a crack!
OOOOps! Maybe I spoke too soon?
David I know this is going to be an unusual thought for, but perhaps you should apply a danger condition formula? Bypass normal habits and routines. Permit me to suggest a few.
You are fighting Luis Garcia and his wife in court for the right to be out exchange with them. You have no plans to exchange anything with them for the approx 500K you wriggled out of them. Why don’t you just be a sport and return the money? Without having the courts force you to get honest and straight with them?
Secondly this stalking and fair gaming. I know it is sport for you and the demands of civil law just get in your way, but you have to try to rise above this normal habit and routine because it has become illegal now. Why not just pay up for the damage done to this woman’s life and move on? It isn’t going to kill you to have have to make up for this flagrant injustice against an innocent bystander you have tortured for years now.
Well, just think about it David, At the end of the day I hate to see any man caged like an animal in a prison cell. Even you.
As they say on these mean streets, “Make it right”. Or the courts WILL BYPASS you, just like they are doing right now, you are being bypassed by your SENIORS. The courts and their representatives are your SENIORS out here with the power.
Will they have to bypass you to the point of forcing you to stop ripping people off and dabbling in domestic terrorism? Is that what your “religious leader” role has come to?
It certainly spells out that way on the law books! Common law is being created in the history books right now in the judicial systems to accommodate your role as “religious leader”. This is HUGE. IT HAS BECOME A CLASSROOM PROJECT AT HARVARD!
Definition of common law (n)
com·mon law
evolved law: the body of law developed as a result of custom and judicial decisions, as distinct from the law laid down by legislative assemblies.
dm is an unstable terminal generating CONFUSION.
He is out of PT, and if he could get case gains he would need some hundred hours objectives.
If it doesn’t happen by Xmas do we get our Cornerstone donations back? Or can we take the corner stone home as a relic of what could of been…..
Relic? Comandoes…just how many “cornerstones” are there? I’ll bet they made some “extras” out of some plastic composite for whales that needed a little more buttering up to loosen their wallets for the umpteenth time. They probably sit on their office bookshelves like an Oscar statue. I know how much all those pictures of the bulldozers excavating the foundation and the little brass “hard hat” key-chains meant to me, right up until they were tossed into the circular file during my big purge. My birthday is Dec. 10, so I will be very happy is my gift comes just one day later with a grand Judicial decision in the Texas courtroom directing that the corpus (body) of mini-man be presented to the courtroom for “processing”. Happy birthday to all of us!
Miscavige now has a busy diary what with all the court hearings and so on and he can’t seem to get Judge Waldrip to sing to his tune – how frustrating. The Judge must be a 2.5%er SP hellbent on destroying mankind, and is probably a psych, and in the pockets of Big Pharma. I guess the City of Clearwater officials must all be on psych drugs too. Fringe bloggers, SPs leaking confidential briefings; there’s just suppression everywhere!
Realistically then there are only two possible dates for “The Event” : Nov 17th or 24th – both Sundays. A Sunday event means overseas attendees (if there will be any) will not get back in time for work on Monday. Also, last minute flights are expensive. The cheapest return flights from Gatwick to Tamapa are currently in excess of $800 equivalent. Plus it’s a whole lot harder to miss a Monday than it is to schedule a long week-end. Dear oh dear. What a shambles. “Church officials have estimated that up to 10,000 Scientologists will attend the event.” Indeed., looking forward to the head count.
Oh, so the MEST buildings have “spiritual significance for church members” now. Oh brother.
It’s anyone’s guess as to what will happen.
Lol. I love to watch these epic fails!! Miscaviage is the laughing stock of the world!! Lol!!
Isn’t 2400 religious workers a really low number? Especially if this includes non-SO org and mission staff. Wasn’t the number of SO members at the FLB much higher than this in earlier years?
Just keep on…
(Poor Johnny Burnette looks a little like MisCretin.)
Great film Conan. Thank you. I can imagine Davie going through the same tirade in his own bunker when the end comes, and it is upon us even as we write.
The only difference between Hitler in this film clip and DM is that DM already fired his top generals by putting them in prison in the Hole. So if they were in the Hole, who do you have to blame things on now Davie? Is everyone against you? You poor thing. The only thing to do is to pack your bags and run. Run far away. Run now. Save yourself. And Scientology by getting out and going far far away.
You are welcome Jane,
Yes I see your point. Truly pathetic.
My guess is he is spending a lot of time completely soused, when he isn’t paralyzed with fear.
He only needs 1,000 and photoshop.
The truly amazing thing is that those who may show up apparently think they are actually supporting Scientology and doing the world some good.
Hey Dave!, The BIG EVENT in the big state of Texas, YOUR moment of TRUTH, is scheduled for the 11th of December in the courtroom. The last two Sundays of the year are the week of Christmas and the week of New Year’s. This leaves Sunday, December 15th. Take it or leave it. If things go against you in the Texas courtroom, CHECKMATE.
Miscavige wishes 10,000 were going to show up on any given Sunday. He is not having a good year. I believe all his happy days are behind him.
I.believe he is having a good decade.
I meant not having a good decade.
I truly believe that he has never had “a happy day”. That is far above any tone scale this criminal can conceive.
Poor Harney, not a bad person. I can only imagine what she is going through at the hands of dm.
They are in a very dire situation; no date, only 3 Sundays available and loaded with law suits, not to mention that December, and before Christmas, are dates where people plan vacations and family visits. Doubt everybody is going to sit around and wait to see when the Devil Moron makes up his mind re the “unprecedented event”…which reads more as an “unprecedented disaster”.