Here is some new hype from the original St Hill (and now home to the infamous IAS “Eunuch Man” statue):
Dear Xxxxxx,
I wanted to inform you of the great expansion that is happening at Saint Hill right now.
First of all, you will be pleased to know that we are experiencing an incredible OT boom, having people come from all around the world to do their OT Levels. In fact we now have 127 people auditing on the Solo OT Levels.
The expansion does not end there, in fact, we are right now finishing the construction of our Central Qualification Organization that will be manned by a total of 40 Sea Org members, dedicated to ensuring that Saint Hill personnel go up the Bridge all the way to OT VII.
All this expansion requires a growing number of Sea Org members dedicated to clearing this planet.
If you are interested in joining this fantastic team, let me know.
Much Love,
Jessy Bertilorenzi
Saint Hill Recruiter
Phone: 07533 881 876
Suppose half of their 127 people “auditing on the Solo Levels” are on OT III — because that is the longest solo level St Hill offers (a mere drop in the bucket when compared to auditing the same BTs and Clusters on OT VII which takes years even though the procedure to free these poor DBs is MUCH faster on Solo NOTs than having to wade through lists of volcanos and run through Incident II and Incident 1).
Say it’s 60 people on OT III (this might be generous as there is always drop off between levels).
If it takes two months to complete (which according to Hubbard would be bordering on “quickie”) then that is one person a day completing or 7 a week.
This isn’t enough people to make any impact on anything. And if half of these people are coming from around the world, then 3.5 people a week are moving onto their OT Levels from all the orgs in the British Isles – including the “ideal” orgs in London, Birmingham and Dublin. Or one per week from the ideal orgs and nothing from all the rest.
This is “an incredible OT boom”??
This is “Clearing the Planet”?
This is something to shout from the rooftops?
No, this is scientology delusion.
booming I tell you, booming
Oh, yes! Boom! Boom! Boom!
What a pile of shit!
Their fetish for Ireland is particularly puzzling since this is a country where the organization has been consistently receiving a particularly frosty reception. The press doesn’t hesitate to brand them a “cult” on a regular basis. A sizable and vocal enough group of locals opposes their every move whether it’s establishing a Narconon–the cult’s contempt for local law doesn’t help this effort!–or conducting safepointing events at their facilities that may go unnoticed (and unopposed) in other places.
The latest example: They’re being called out for preying on a vulnerable group in Ireland, migrants:
I’m usually not very photoshop savvy but looking at the shadows that are being cast it appears there may be 2 or 3 suns shining at St Hill.
I give it a year from opening the new building before the 40 dedicated sea borgs move on (or back to flag).
Where is Saint Hill.
Is it in my country (UK)?
Certainly hope not! We don’t know anything about Scientology here in Wales yay.
Though I go to Florida quite a lot and hope this cult get destroyed soon
Saint Hill, East Grinstead, Sussex. Hubbard bought the old manor house in the late 1950’s, and it is now open to the public. A tour is free, and the staff will only give you a soft sell on courses. No personality or stress tests in sight! (Those will be in the faux castle)–loc-dmVyc2lvbj0xO3RpdGxlPVNhaW50K0hpbGw7bGFuZz1lbjtsYXQ9NTEuMTA0MzE7bG9uPS0wLjAyMjkzO2NpdHk9RWFzdCtHcmluc3RlYWQ7cG9zdGFsQ29kZT1SSDE5KzQ7Y291bnRyeT1HQlI7ZGlzdHJpY3Q9U2FpbnQrSGlsbDtzdGF0ZT1FbmdsYW5kO2NvdW50eT1XZXN0K1N1c3NleDtjYXRlZ29yeUlkPWFkbWluaXN0cmF0aXZlLXJlZ2lvbjtzb3VyY2VTeXN0ZW09aW50ZXJuYWw7cGRzQ2F0ZWdvcnlJZD05MDAtOTQwMC0wMzk5?map=51.10431,-0.02293,14,normal&msg=Saint%20Hill
LOL “40 SO members to get the staff to OT VII.” Fool me once shame on you, fool me ten thousand times, shoot me in the head.
I have a question. Is there something in the training scientologist recieve that causes the “staring” eyes. Looking back to old interviews with Mike/Leah/other people who left they all have a glassy look on their face. Same goes for Cruise and others currently in the church. I always found it a bit weird and off putting to be honest.
Thank you for everything your doing
/Big Fan
I was never in $cientology, but you’re probably referring to a training routine where they have to sit in front of each other and stare for hours on end — without blinking, moving, etc. It seems to cause that infamous $cientologist “look”. Quite creepy.
Creepy indeed, Thank you for the answer
I wonder , the more people become aware of the scam and this statistic rises, will actors still involved with this scam see their popularity statistics fall? I personally won’t watch Cruise, Travolta or ANY other actor involved in it anymore.
Robert King:”I personally won’t watch Cruise, Travolta or ANY other actor involved in it anymore.”
I don’t believe any of them HAVE anything to watch. AFAICT, Travolta’s not had a paying gig since Battlefield Earth, I’ve been unable to watch more than a couple minutes of the worst movie of the 21st Century.
Ok, mike, I gotta ask, what is a eunuch statue? Sounds like an interesting story, but I don’t know it.

Seriously, what’s the deal with the statue? Anybody know? I tried looking it up, but got nothing.
The secrets of the universe are held within the suitcases of those intrepid and dedicated scientologists. All yours for a mere three to five-hundred thousand dollars!
OR, you can simply Google search the complete OT levels for free. Wahn-wahn (sliding trumpet sound).
Carrying your toilet paper in a spiffy little suitcase certainly gives a more professional look than carrying it in your arms.
It seems their hands aren’t even holding the suitcases. Something is off
Yes photoshopped. Or full OT?
The suitcases are flying.
But they got new dresses for the photo.
Hypnotized cranks with glaring eyes going into an ufo-shuttle.
I always wanted to be exterior as promised. Until a registrar told me on facts, that about 60 percent of these highly ethical guys are criminal and covertly ill. But this was the positive side for these registrars, taking their criminal or psychotic parts to reg them to become free of this. Its so weird. Really unbelievable. But this is the real statistic.
Well, it will be easier to get all the Orgs to “Saint Hill size” if Saint Hill keeps getting smaller.
Oh- Come On Already!
The Real World stopped eating pablum decades ago!
Scientology idiots believing in this intellectual ‘paste’ needs a different mindset. Like reality.
Saint Hill sized anything is a Joke.
Lil COB David should be renamed Scientology’s Leading Unimpressive Distinguished Jokemaster Executive (Sludje- said like Sludge).
Bravo Deborah!
These idiot monsters need someone like you to “hold their feet to the fire.”
“Hold their feet to the fire” is an old English expression and I hope you understand its meaning. Just in case you may not, the meaning is to “make someone accountable for their words and/or actions.”
The biggest idiot in the world may also be a monster and may do extreme damage to the lives of innocent victims. So, unfortunately, the fact that they are idiots is not any saving grace. They are still capable of doing terrible damage – even though they may not be able to articulate or even understand the reasoning behind that damage.
People like you (who are willing to stand up and scream at them) are hugely appreciated.
So, keep on keeping on!!!
“We are creating a sane planet”
By parading our little uniforms in lockstep with pasted on smiles, carrying around identical briefcases, presumably containing a primitive little electronic device that we overpaid for to the tune of thousands of $$$?
The new “sane” planet of the glassy eyed zombies?
I dated a glassy eyed zombie once. She tried to eat me.
Todd, the only way scn can help create a sane planet is for the whole lot of them to simultaneously head off to “Target Two”.
They have got to start trying something new soon. If I were a Scientologist I would be literally sick to death of all these posters claiming they are so close to clearing the planet but just need you (and your money) to do it! They look like amway sellers…..not that there’s anything wrong with that….

I once bought a subscription plan from Amway and after spilling some of it into my bathtub, I was forced to bring in professional cleaners to remove all the suds. I was never able to get the stink completely removed and to this very day, whenever I hear the name “Amway”, I get this physical response to vomit everything I have eaten in the last four hours.
That has proven to be extremely inconvenient. I will say no more in order to protect you from the horrendous details. I am quite certain that you would strongly prefer not to know.
Kat:”They have got to start trying something new soon. ”
If there were any SANITY in the subject, that would already have happened. Sadly, scns can’t change ANYTHING, locking the current insanity into place ‘forever’, as far as the victims are concerned. Looking forward to your ETERNITY? Look around, clams; this is IT.
“And if half of these people are coming from around the world”
You would mean that half the OTs are coming from the UK, I suppose. Could it be so? I doubt it, from the comments I’ve heard. Surely St. Hill isn’t creating them all from “raw meat” through clear, or they’d trumpet that FAR & WIDE!, with MANY exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let’s give a big hand to all the ignorant actors and actresses funding all this bullshit. All from a pedophile with rotten teeth and questionable hygiene. Oh, they didn’t or don’t know about all the cult crap going on?!! That my friends is the real bullshit!
LK, Tubby’s hygiene wasn’t “questionable. Unquestionably, he was amongst the filthiest, most loathsome sub-humans ever.
Wow, a few people solo auditing… and not one person on the briefing course that calls Saint Hill home. Saint Hill, and nobody on the SHSBC. I call that contraction, nay, collapse!
The Fatman, stuck out there on Target 2, must be thundering and bellowing KOOL smoke at some poor messenger to go tell “Misc” that he’s a fuckup!
Which makes me wonder: Do they have KOOLS on Target 2?
“Which makes me wonder: Do they have KOOLS on Target 2?”
doesn’t matter, as he’ll find SOME addictive health-destroyer of some sort.
Not only no one ON the Briefing Course, the Briefing Course isn’t even being DELIVERED anymore! Too funny! LRH might not be turning in his grave because his remains were cremated but his ashes have to be coalescing into something very vengeful
The dwarfenfuehrer Mr Mescaline does not have the time to write the Briefing course in new, as he has to detect the new OT levels. He is a busy OT ten or above.
But an OT can write simultaneously, isn’t it?
Today I heard the story of a t’ai chi master, and the same story was told: basically he could murder anyone without touching one, as he knows the chi, the life-force, but he learned to hide his skills like all OTs.
But you do not know what I can do!
Better have respect on me and go on your knees. You never know what I will do with you – you undeserving small frog!
My understanding was that SHSBC was discontinued and has to be “revised”after everyone got kicked down the bridge with Golden Age of Tech.
If Ton Hubbards parents had protected themselves we had all gone boom.
Don’t know if “Ton” was a typo but it’s quite appropriate.
Roger:”If Ton Hubbards parents had protected themselves we had all gone boom.”
“Ton Hubbard” COULD be a typo, but it’s properly descriptive IMO.
we could swap out L Ron Hubbard for 1 Ton Hubbard, I believe
That would make the initials 1TH….
That girl in front left seems to be thinking how foolish that all was.
Were they playing a march at the time? Many of the subjects were just raising their left legs as the picture was snapped.
A planet without any cash is no planet for scientology. In the galaxy there are other more profitable planets.
If you watch any television, you’ll the scenes of what I call ‘purposeful striding’. People just walking down some corridor or street in a ‘purposeful’ manner. I love the purposeful striding in today’s montage. “Look little Lucy, here come the Auditors and their wonderful Electropsycho Meters. Now the world will be safe from engrams and body thetans.’
Touting the Universe Corp at Stain HIll is like extolling the virtues of the Buchenwald work camp. Why wasn’t the Universe Corp job always being done there?
“Why wasn’t the Universe Corp job always being done there?”
Because staff, particularly SO staff, are the last to benefit from the ‘tech’, which I hated at the time, but it probably was for the best.
Hallelujah and Amen on that.. I had just purchased my purif and HQS when I joined the SO and cashed the donation in for an LRH library because I was interested in the R&D vols in particular wanting to know how Hubbard arrived at his so called Tech. I was told I would be audited for free as staff when I was recruited.But in the 5 years it never happened except for maybe group hypnosis oops I mean group auditing lol…their sort of guided meditation practice. So not much harm was done to me thankfully as you point out except some Book 1 and intro courses…oh and the never ending hatting courses of a person being switched around in the Sea Org so they could put out fires in the mid to late 80’s! Bet it’s like musical chairs there now with Mike and the gang having them on the run!!
I wonder if, like Firhouse and Kyalami, they are poaching from other orgs, presumably meaning almost nothing is left going on at the local and national level in the rest of Europe. Perhaps that’s the point in building or building up these international locations, to have a small number of sites where the dwindling remaining activity can be concentrated so as to keep up the illusion that Scientology is doing well, somewhere, even as most members and staff observe that it is on its deathbed where they are.
“Expansion” has apparently been re-defined to mean building big buildings for vastly more business than they actually have, getting at least a small number of people to come into them when Scientology has declined to the point where hardly anyone is interested anymore, and believing that somehow they will magically be flooded with people at some point in the future.
The shift from the mistaken illusions of pseudo-science, to the complete delusions of blind belief, seems at the heart of that, as of all of Scientology these days. Scientology has become the art of not seeing.
Anonymaker, you got me to thinking that the NEXT “ideal” Org should be the FIRST one, St. Hill, INCLUDING going st Hill sized. It’s backslid since its glory days, I’m afraid.
Look at all those cult members with smiles on their faces. I wonder how long before those smiles fade away.
Old Surfer Dude – they are actors and actresses. If they had a photo of the Oat Tea’s walking into the morgue – it would look like the walking dead.
I dated a walking dead woman once. She’s was cute, but, just not my type.
It’s the cute one’s that always want to eat your brain!
Lol… was it Alana Masterson?
OSD:”I dated a walking dead woman once. She’s was cute, but, just not my type.”
Couldn’t surf?
Provocation is a mighty weapon having the power to make down up but also the power to make down eternal down.
OSD:”I wonder how long before those smiles fade away.”
Just as soon as the picture was snapped, OR they got out of frame.
Sounds about right. I’m sure they must have cheerleader types at every photo op, coaching those phony smiles out one way or anothere.
Bixntram, their idea of cheerleading is a guy with a bullhorn bellowing “SMILE — or ELSE. “
That ‘Sane Planet’ poster has been Photoshopped to death to make it look like they have a lot more staff at Saint Hill than they really do. Compare the relative size and apparent distance of the e-meter cases being carried in the background — it’s all wrong.
Dr. S., I thought the accepted wisdom was that Scientology hadn’t dared try to photoshop people into images since they were embarrassingly caught out popping heads into a picture nearly two decades ago. Quelle horreur!
I know that there have been some more recent debacles over cases where it turned out that it wasn’t clear whether there was photoshopping going on, or just the distortions inherent in digital imaging. But that image does look suspicious, particularly a lot of very similar figures to the rear; it appears Scientology has gotten pretty good at “cloning” figures in combination with merging parts of scenes taken at slightly different times, when people were in different positions or poses. The shadows also appear to be wrong; in the front group they run at about a 20 degree angle to the right, while in the group behind they seem to vary from about 15 to 20 degrees to the left, suggesting the image may have been pieced together from a photo shoot that ran around an hour.
Good catch. I hope you’ll cross-post that over at the Bunker as an example of what Scientology is up to these days
Definitely a carefully positioned Photoshopped lens flare and most likely cloning or flocking of people in the desire to create the most powerful image possible – that we can laugh at.
I spent about $60,000 over a seven year period going from OT V to OT VIII. During that time I wrestled with the ‘BT Critters” that Hubbard had put in front of me. On the Original OT VIII, Hubbard said that the GE needed to be audited implying that all of my prior auditing was a waste of time. These people in Scientology under Miscavige are wasting their entire lives. I got news for them. Even if you audit the GE as I did on the Freewinds on OT VIII, you still get no OT powers. You might feel a little better feeling “clean”, but there is no lasting value.
When I was in the sixth grade in Catholic school the Nun taught us the exorcism of Saint Dominic. It was similar to Hubbard’s commands on the OT levels. While Dominic had the target of getting Satan and a few of his friends out of a possessed person, Hubbard expanded the target to millions or billions of beings. That is why it takes so long. Hubbard knew he could generate more cash.
You can find records of Hubbard’s insanity throughout history. Scientology is just the latest example.
Hubbard had no clue whatsoever of any “route to infinity.”
‘Hubbard had no clue whatsoever of any “route to infinity.” ‘
He got pretty close: a good Billion dollars in his final estate is pretty close to Infinity —and LOTS better than the Millionaire he wanted to become by inventing a religion, the piker; never dreaming high enough, in the final analysis.
FP must be in agony that he can’t reply to your comments about the original OT VIII.
Poor little guy is gonna combust from not being able to talk about MU’s and all his other bullshit.
“Hubbard intelligence is a contradiction in terms.”
I think the booming must be how loud the echoing footsteps in the empty rooms are.
Fewer in scientology can’t clear the planet.
Roger Larsson:””Fewer in scientology can’t clear the planet.”
None in scientology clears the planet immediately — of scientology