I think this guy may already have attended Laurie Websters special course on how to fundraise (as opposed to reg).
His letter is chockablock with cookie-cutter “save the whales/children/environment/old people” fundraising promotion that appears to have been taken from some sort of fill-in-your-name-here text. If you cannot be bothered reading the whole thing, at least go to the last page. If you just want to see some of the highlights, look at the sections circled in red….
And just as a note, the furniture they are to purchase is dictated to them. They are not making “bulk purchases” — they just pay whatever exorbitant amount the Int Landlord office tells them is required if their planning ever gets approved.
And who ever heard of “donations” for buildings helping to “recruit the staff”?
St. Louis has had a building for MANY years. As with so many other “ideal org” buildings, it sits empty. And meanwhile, this org, like all the rest of them, has bought the propaganda — they CANNOT succeed unless they have a building. Apparently this ED thinks they can only do “parts” of the policy and technology now, but is looking forward to the day sometime in the future where they can actually do all of it.
Wow Dave, a NEW Why for you. “Orgs are failing because they know they can’t succeed because they believe you.” Or put another way, the evil leading the foolish.
UPDATE: A couple of our eagle-eyed readers pointed out to us that Chad has a moonlighting business offering “fundraising seminars” and has published some books on fundraising.
Apparently today this is what being a “scientology executive” is good for.
No wonder this reads like a cut and paste from a fundraising handbook — it’s probably right out of Chad’s own book. You want to bet he tells fundraisers to offer people a “signed commemorative edition (fill in the blank)” when they turn over the cash?
Hallie Jane says
Dear St. Louis People,
Since your city sucks big time, and no one is competent to do anything (because those college degrees and self determined choices are so dilletant), …..I…..am going to tell you what time it is. Hard drug users and violent criminals will just melt because our building is so pretty and we’ll give them a WTH booklet. We don’t have to audit anyone, we’ll just look slick all day and teach you how to fundraise (at a fee of course). We’ll get these DBs on the circular bridge and staff ASAP because this teaching, nursing, cooking, carpentry, et al, is just stupid.
Love ya! The Rev
That’s my translation.
scientology411 says
I think your translation is spot-on!
gato rojo says
That’s a cheezy little cert. Bet it’s printed on plain ol’ 20# paper too.
Oh–but the “helping old people…” LOL…. I’m in!! Where do I sign!
Live Zombie says
A “status certificate” or any other type of Scientology certificate including all the good things a Scientologist did to support the cause and was acknowledged in writing isn’t going to mean crap when Declare time comes around or do any damn good if one choses to do their A-E because one found about Arnie Lerma et.al.
I really wonder how many are doing their A-E now. I would say little to none.
Espiritu says
Mike you said,
“If you just want to see some of the highlights, look at the sections circled in red…. ”
Come on Mike. As a trained auditor you know damned well that this whole promo piece should have been circled in red! 🙂
(For anyone not trained in auditing technology, whenever someone originates an evil intention while being audited, the auditor is supposed to circle it in red.)
Robert Almblad says
The quality of requesting donations seems to be going downhill.. I think this is because donations in general are rapidly going downhill and they will take ANYONE’S advice about how to get donations up. Of course, they can’t go back to successful LRH policy actions because he didn’t suggest ripping off money from parishioners in return for nothing.
Inside the bubble I think their main activity is NOT about getting new micro donations from the hinterland like St Louis. Instead, it is a full court press to “save the whales”.
The staff may not have the internet, but the whales do. This is the biggest risk the Church faces today.
New whales from new public in St Louis? Like the unicorn, they are an extinct species. A new Scientologist billionaire is already educated about RCS, DMology, etc..
Captive whales will give lots of $ and keep on giving lots of $, not because they are stupid but because it is a cult and they constantly get “handled”. But, the cult is very, very weak in the face of Mike’s blog. Like handling Lea Remini, it will get harder and harder to pull the wool over the eyes of these successful people. They are not stupid. Just uninformed.
LDW says
the church of donatology; miscavology; conology; ridiculousology; idiotology;
All bets of off regarding how low this creature will sink on the awareness scale.
Cooper Kessel says
Aren’t miscavologists into colonology as well as conology ……speaking of sinking on the awareness scale?
hgc10 says
I would pay $1000 to NOT received a signed commendation from that ass clown.
Mike Rinder says
He will take it… 🙂
MaBű says
The Ideal Certificate of Contribution:
corvusyado says
They have reached “substitute” on the DEI scale, haven’t they?
Chris Mann says
Yes, totally
Schorsch says
“But what happens when those fundraising sources run dry?…
The answer is creativity…
In this article, we present three creative fundraising ideas for non profit organizations:
1. Minor Donor Groups
2. Affinity Fundraising
3. Super Events”
source: http://www.thefundraisingauthority.com/fundraising-ideas/fundraising-ideas-for-non-profit-organizations/
chrismann says
Ha. I started to write something earlier, but didnt have time. Others wrote a lot of what I was thinking so I guess I’m not totally nuts afterall.
This is off purpose/false purpose, whatever you want to call it. It almost seems like the beginnings of ritualistic worship or something. In 100 years they will be “Saving the world” by placing sacred magic coins in a special golden box with a picture of Miscavige on it. It’s just more and more off purpose and delusional.
The only thing that would be an upward, forward, positive thing for orgs and the Church to do is deliver a valuable product and make it easily available. If people are getting good results their friends and family come in and people come back for more.
They just dont have that. What auditing people get is so expensive and there is so much baggage attached to it that it’s just not worth it. What Potpie is describing up top is closer to a workable model. Keep it light, easy and affordable and dont suck all the life out of your members/customers. It seems like a lot of people had a good time with that back in the 60s/70s. You can decide for yourself if its something that is going to save the world or change mankind or maybe you just get a kick out of co auditing for a few days and doing TR’s. It shouldnt be so serious.
The way the Church is right now there is no way new people would be interested in it. The only thing they can do is continue to bleed dry existing Scientologists with stuff like this until when I dont know, but it is a dead end, eventually.
Hallie Jane says
remoteviewed says
Thanks for posting this Mike,
I scanned through the whole thing and realized that it was probably could have been something copied from the Jim and Tammy Baker archives 😉
Then I realized that not even Jim Baker reached such a sleazy level of Hucksterism.
TimH says
You have a way with words, War Horse!!
Cooper Kessel says
I have quite a repertoire of tidbits which float to the surface from time to time. Fortunately they are all written down, time place, form and event and put is a safe place in case someone later on needs to read about all the foolishness.
Remind me to tell you about the tales of Quinn Taufer and the Great Ideal Morgue Scam of 2004-5 in wonderful downtown Sacramento. Enter stage left the savior of the Cult and it’s org construction projects which were all to be 100% complete by the end of 2006 now that Dear Leader had solicited the help of the great, the wonderful the heroic Roger Staubach and his construction management firm. All were embracing $cientology and with the world renown Gensler Architects also on board, the world would be paved over with great idealness!!!!
In PT, I think Dana from that firm still works for the cult. Pardon me while I vomit!!!
I think I’m done now!!!!
Idle Morgue says
Oh come on – you have to tell it here! I love Quinn Taufer stories!
War Horse says
Lady Min,
You have no idea how picky meth heads can be when it comes to their credenzas.
Hallie Jane says
plainoldthetan says
Oh, yeah. When you get your special signed Chad Lane commendation, crumple it up and throw it in the trash. Because you won’t be able to use it as defense when you find out you’ve been unjustly declared.
plainoldthetan says
So the “Reverend” Chad Lane is doing something so spiritual he has to send out this kind of missive rather than, say, delivering public lectures on Scientology or Sunday Services?
What a blatant misuse of that title!
And bribing people with “commendations” and “signed” fundraising copies of Dianetics? Who signs them? LRH? I’d pay $1000 for that!
But only if I could ask LRH personally if he approves of the alterations Miscavige made to the text of Dianetics….
War Horse says
I’ll gladly donate if it means buying Chad a new typewriter.
My eyes are killing me.
Cooper Kessel says
Hopefully he could get a computer so he doesn’t have to scan his typewritten pages. He needs to get up to speed with the ideal technical breakthroughs available outside the cult.
But maybe Dear Leader is requiring that computers be scrapped to prevent the leakage from making it’s way down Mikes chimney! What a tangled web they weave inside the bubble.
Lars says
Mike, I do not know how you make it going through all this
drivel. But rereading your Mission Statement I guess you
have to hang in there a bit longer.
This Chad letter actually struck a cord in me as I did come
into Scio on a 3rd and 4th dynamic “ruin”. If he and all the
OTC members go out and really dissem plus buckled down
and audited people instead of fundraising I would halfway
believe some of their BS. But, but …. What a farce.
Hallie Jane says
Me too Lars. Imagine the thriving community that would be around the orgs, it they just concentrated on their basic products, satisfied pcs/preots, and well trained auditors. They are so off purpose. At flag I had 4 or 5 young SO members in my room each day cleaning & I’m very neat. What a waste of purpose and talent. If the rcs didn’t squash businesses around the orgs, they would have all the services they needed, so staff could concentrate on the tech. It would be so much simpler, but they have to run hotels, restaurants, furniture building, publishing etc, etc. What a waste of resources. These so called 4thD “programs” aren’t even a program, because the only product is more money to pretend to have the program some more. God forbid they collect money for an orphanage and then, actually give it to the orphanage. They have squashed and squashed the initiative of lots and lots of people who wanted to help. They just wanted to do it on their own determinism and in a way that was of interest to them. The unique role of Scn is to deliver the auditing tech and that is the only thing that they should be focusing on, everything else is red herring.
Jimmy Threetimes says
Tweaker: Hey, uh.. Would you be able to front me maybe like a gram or two, dude?
Dealer: Naw, bro, I don’t serve anymore. Haven’t you heard? Those Scientologists in St. Louis got all this new furniture… and they got a great deal on it, too. Anyways, I flushed everything I had and I’m closing up shop for good. I’m going legit now.
Tweaker: Really? I had no idea… So you mean like desks and chairs and all that? Wow. This is nuts, man. For the first time in like forever I don’t feel like smoking any crystal. I think I will clean myself up and go back to school.
Lady Min says
Aquamarine says
Lady Min, you don’t get it, dear! It is lack of IDEAL furniture for the building which is the Real Why for drug use and an empty building! Don’t you see how Ideal Furniture TOTALLY opens the door to a handling? for my part, the moment I know that my own org has its own brand new gorgeous furniture with every luxurious article having been approved by David Miscavige so that any friend of Tom Cruise can be proudly brought in there – THE INSTANT I’m made aware of this, well, I’m just going to jettison all this Indie nonsense and high-tail it right back to my org to do my A to E, to make amends in any way possible, and just do whatever it takes to get back in good standing. Honestly, now, do you really think I care that much about off-policy or out-tech? Hell,no. Those are just PR reasons, because they sound hi-falutin’ and I’m EMBARRASSED to admit what REALLY bothered me. bUT David Miscavige is a very wise and profound man, and he KNOWS what made so many of us blow and go back to our pot. He KNOWS why the Academies and HGCs are emptying out, and no, it is NOT the out-tech, and yes, it IS the furniture.
joan says
Jose, no one will ever see the books, no one will ever know the exact amount the IAS has and no one will ever know how much Davey’s cut is.
Old Surfer Dude says
For Davy Boy I think it’s 10s of millions.
Jim Little says
Day ED STL Chad Lane’s Personal Website: http://chadtlane.com/
Foundation ED STL Matt Hanses Personal Website: http://bymatthanses.com/
Cooper Kessel says
Cmon Jim…… That is THE REVEREND Chad Lane to you good buddy!
Jim Little says
Since I have gotten out of Scientology I discovered the two biggest lies that LRH ever told. Scientologist are the brightest and most ethical people on the planet.That may be true in the first year they are in, but if you stay past the second year it will lower your ability to reason and force you to be unethical.
That being said I was in 22 years.
I knew good ole buddy Chad Lane from the moment he walked into the STL Org with his mohawk hair cut. He was about 19 years old and started dated Sharon “Goldie” Goldwasser who was about oh… 40 years old than him.
They forced them to stop dating since it was bad PR. Imagine that! I have the dirt on this so wonderful ED Chad Lane. With his Clear Cert, OEC FEBC, and Ethic Specialist Course. I am 100X more ethical than he ever thought about being.
Jim Little says
When they declared my family and I back in 2010 I was sure they had the right why as to them not expanding in the last 22 years I was a public and staff member. They bought there idle morgue building back in 2007 and to this day it is still not renovated. It will never open. I will bet my SP declare on it.
Shortly after we were declared in fall of 2010 the cult declared two of our local OT8’s that woke up and realized they had been deceived and in a cult. They have had 2 divorces on their staff and 1 divorce in the public, and one staff member diagnosed with cancer. They are straight up and vertical.
statpush says
Hey Jim,
Do you have any specifics?
Jim Little says
Adam & Joelle Heft – Staff Members – divorsed in the last 3 years
Kevin & Eve Forney – Staff Members – divorsed in the last 3 years
I am not sure if any of these people above are still on staff at the moment.
One more couple that was public members and I cannot remember their names right now.
Robin Hanses – Staff Member – diagnosed with cancer in the last 3 years.
Pete Pagano & Martha – Public OT8’s both declared SP’s after we left.
Everything above happened after my wife, step-daughter, and myself were declared, my mother-in-law was declared about a year later. The Scientology Goons came to our house when my wife and I were at work to give my then 71 year old mother-in-law her declare.
Taylor says
Just a few points the letter writer failed to cover;
Scientology the leader in;
Broken marriages, bank accounts, 401K’s, families, businesses etc
Scientology, the criminal organization known worldwide for Not paying contractors and architectural firms
Scientology the USA leader in Slave labor and Human Right’s Abuse
Scientology the leader in begging for $$$ for, “The Way To Happiness” booklets. Scientology the leader in Deceptive and misleading distribution propaganda on the use of church use of funds gathered for TWTH campaigns.
Scientology the undisputed leader in having the most high school drop outs in it’s own internal Sea-Organization. In fact Scientology even encourages it’s Sea-Org slaves to drop out of school while endorsing the use of it’s so-called Study-Tech.
Scientology the only church or business in the World who’s leader is a high school drop out.
Scientology the only church who’s leader David Miscavige Beats up his own workers
Scientology the leader in deceptive fundraising for building or buying large gaudy buildings and then allowing them to slowly decay. This while still raising funds for the building even though it will either never be finished or if finished never used.
In other words Scientology the world leader in lying to the people who support it. Scientology the world leader in charging in advance services to the people support it and then never delivering anything in return.
Etc etc etc….
Jose Chung says
Lets see the financial books.
Where does the money really go?
If the “Church ” cannot be up front and transparent
Draco says
“Our new fundraising staffers are standing by to get these commendations out to you.”
In other words: International Management has moved in and the screaming hasn’t stopped! Please, please, PLEASE send me $1000 so that the screaming can stop! And maybe I can get 4 hours sleep a night instead of 2!
FOTF2012 says
That sleep deprivation so many people suffer under is really a form of abuse — and mind control.
Your memory degrades, and your focus of attention goes into real-time busy work.
And one of the best controls resulting from lack of sleep:
“Memory and Cognitive Impairment: Decreased alertness and excessive daytime sleepiness impair your memory and your cognitive ability — your ability to think and process information.” (from http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/features/important-sleep-habits).
And I’m reasonably sure that the article is on lighter levels of sleep deprivation, whereas for many Scientology staff and SO, you are really talking 2 hrs or so per night many night in a row. The supposed “total freedom” has in practice relegated many people to near-total slavery or servitude performed in a robotic state of mind from chronic abuse that should be outlawed in any civilized country.
statpush says
Looks like Chad is a busy boy…
In addition to the ED post he also is the Chief Strategy Officer (if you believe that) for Worry Free Consulting
And if that wasn’t enough…Asking Success – Bringing joy to fundraising
He’s a fundraising “consultant”
1 hour lecture + 1 hour consultation = $250 + travel
3 hour seminar + 1 hour consultation = $500 + travel
All-day seminar, including funding sources analysis = $1000 + travel
Looks like DM has created a cottage industry with all this fundraising.
Then again, if you’re org isn’t really delivering anything, and flat-out fundraising, I guess that frees up your time to pursue all sorts of on-purpose business opportunities.
statpush says
Good lord, he’s written four books as well, mostly on fundraising.
Cindy says
A Grant Cardone wannabe?
(Oops, that’s granting Grant too much beingness…)
scientology411 says
No lack of irony here (Think! Intellectual Self-Defense): “It provides a bridge for those with no previous knowledge or interest in rhetoric and critical thinking to make these subjects accessible, useful and fun.”
Good Lord, wake up man!
Mike Rinder says
Now that is interesting. Thanks. Fascinating that today one’s Scientology executive experience makes you an “expert” on fundraising so you can moonlight as a fundraising “consultant.” I wasnt far off in my estimation of what this letter was.
The only big question this raises though: If he is such an expert on fundraising, how come the St Louis Ideal Org is nowhere?
Cindy says
Yes, how come the St. Louis Ideal Org is nowhere even after all this expert fundraising? And I notice in the promo they say future tense things: “it can do this and that….” so it is selling on a promise or hope and no real stats to show for it. LRH said that a man is only as valuable as he can serve others. I don’t see that org serving others… not much auditing or training going on, no regging for those services. Only regging for buildings. So how is that serving others? Where is the exchange?
Idle Morgue says
Ouch! That one stung Mike! LOL!
“This is the methamphetamine Capital of the United States and never has our Anti-Drug Campaign, Say No to Drugs and Yes to Life campaign reached thousands to give the real truth about drugs”
The pamphlets are passed out in public arena’s like parades. Most of them are dumped on the ground and in garbage cans. This is only for PR purposes and someones stat to obtain before Thursday.
I checked the media reports and could not find any information on how a little pamphlet that costs pennies to produce is making any changes with the meth problem. Law Enforcement changes has made improvements and Missouri moved out of 1st place without the Ideal Org so what’s up?
I did a little research and discovery on my own. I wanted to know how effective this campaign was so I gave a meth head the Truth About Drugs pamphlet.
They used the paper from the pamphlet to roll a joint laced with meth and smoked it.
Nothing like the discovering the Truth about Scientology’s front group and propaganda!
Keep these leaks coming Mike – awesome work!
remoteviewed says
I mean isn’t that sorta like how John Rosenburg AKA Werner Erhard started out?
I mean he started by giving Div VI seminars and then started his own cult.
Now you don’t even have to leave the Church to do that 😉
Cooper Kessel says
Q: “how come the St Louis Ideal Org is nowhere?”
A: Because it follows it’s leader.
Gus Cox says
I thought they called crap like this, “other fish to fry.” In other words, something other than Scientology. It seems like Scientology itself has “other fish to fry” these days!
I wonder if now they send you this form to indicate how much your ‘gift’ is so, in the future OSA/Black Heart and his entourage of 20 lawyers can use it in court to honestly demonstrate and prove how this ‘gift’-‘donation’ was willingly given by the parishioner.
This is what is called cover your $%^^
hiatus57 says
“GIVE “, “GIVE”, “GIVE “, “GIVE”, as we now (having a lunatic dwarf in charge) can only deliver Scientology if every building is “ideal”.
Whatever happened to “SELLING” training and processing?
How can so many people who claim to have attained the “State of OT” (whatever that means lol) not have the simple ability to read an LRH policy and not see how far off source they are?
It may be that the people in this cult have never read, HCOB’s,policy letters nor heard an LRH tape or even read a basic book that has not been altered by Snow White,s eighth dwarf “Crazy”.
Still if they want to keep giving their money away who am I to do anyhting but sit back and laugh so much I nearly split my sides. LOL
plainoldthetan says
Funny. We “can only deliver Scientology if every building is “ideal”. I remember auditing on my Class VI internship at ASHO — in the basement — because the rest of the building was undergoing renovations. In the middle of a session there was a huge “clang” from the 4th floor and bucket after bucket of water dropped through the open hole in the ceiling of the auditing room, drenching me, the pc, the worksheets, and my Mark VII Ultra E-meter. I looked at the pc and said “We’re going to take a session break now, if that’s okay.” The pc agreed and we went out and dried off. I also dried off my meter and the auditing table and chairs. Then we resumed the session, and the pc continued running his whole-track implant incident like NOTHING HAPPENED. Ideal Org, my ass. But auditing and interning was still getting done!
Funny. And demonstrates conclusively why the “ideal org” scheme is such bull. I remember auditing at the old Temple street ASHO. That building was a wreck but it didn’t matter: I gave a session in the middle of a noisy course room from atop a rickety card table. Got lots of TA and the PC had wins.
remoteviewed says
A lotta have before you can do.
Doncha think POT?
Sometimes you can even get away with auditing without a meter or a formal auditing room.
I remember one person who was so agitated and in of total terror when she found out her husband worked for the CIA.
She was expecting some wet team to take her out any second because she found out.
Anyway it wasn’t even my job to audit people at CCI. My job was FESing CC folders and those on the Celeb Project but this girl was so distraught that Betty called me into her office and told me to handle her.
So I sat down in front her with a copy of the LIC an asked her each line until I found one that indicated got her to itsa on it till she was somewhat GIs and continued till the upset was handled.
BTW no wet team showed up 😉
Anyway I try to restrain coffee shop auditing only for extreme emergencies but occasionally they come up.
But it sorta proves the point that you don’t need a meter or an auditing room to audit people.
Yeah sure.
When I worked in Tech and Qual we used to bitch and moan about people doing case actions off lines and all of that but then we realized that these people were only trying to help and that was the important thing.
I mean unless someone is messing around with confidential data or feeding the PC cognitions there’s nothing in Scientology or Dianetics that can’t be fixed easily with a C/S 53.
What I see in these all these “Ideal Orgs” is nothing like that. The concept of helping someone else is totally gone.
Instead it’s all about attracting people with MEST.
The Church of Scientology is becoming nothing but a Theta Trap.
That’s my view.
FOTF2012 says
I agree, plainoldthetan. You got me reminiscing on locations where I audited or received auditing: bedrooms or other rooms in houses; a farmhouse in the country; spaces that may have been large closets; etc.
From what I’ve seen, the Ideal Orgs are really living up to the moniker of Ideal Morgues — because their style is cold, impersonal, predatory, packaged, slick, and unwelcoming.
From what I’ve seen they’d be far better off to have a reading room like Christian Science does, and have a Starbucks area for coffee and snacks (something like Barnes & Noble), take some of the books out of their shrink wrap, and let people browse, relax, and enjoy.
They can even divide Ron’s books into section (philosophy, history, sci-fi, etc.). In addition to Battlefield Earth, the sci-fi section would definitely include History of Man and the Xenu story. (Hey, share the story — is there one documented case in the whole world of anyone getting sick from reading about Xenu? I doubt it. And its a silly story of the Flash Gordon ilk, filled with plot gaps and falsifiable information.)
Anyway, I’ve been trying to think of where in the library All About Radiation would go. The best the Church could do is create a spoof/parody/comedy section and put it there. That way they could all pretend Ron really knew something (even a wee bit) about the subject, and that what he wrote was just a fun spoof.
scientology411 says
In Miscavige’s world an auditor’s TRs will not stay in if their surroundings are lacking in expense or opulence. Lack of expensive architecture is enturbulating and it’s too much for today’s breed of GAT II auditors to confront.
Perhaps GAT III will fix this…
Hallie Jane says
Awesome POT. We didn’t have ceilings on our auditing rooms at one point. It was a large room with many cubicles. One pc was a little deaf, so his auditor was assessing a process on “Armageddon” so loudly, that the whole line of auditing rooms heard & started reading on it, on the meter. We had to clean all that up and get a more soundproof room for the guy. Everyone, even the pcs thought it was hilarious and we just carried on. That’s life in an imperfect world!
SadStateofAffairs says
This letter, to me, is nothing more than an indication of how stale the Ideal Org fundraising campaign has gotten. Realistically, how many public does St Louis have that would even donate a G? How much more money do they need? How many years have they been trumpeting the Ideal Org strategy to get to the nowhere they have gotten to so far?
Oh and how many people are going to be swayed by the offer of a “special commemorative edition commendation?” You have got to be kidding me.
Watchful Navigator says
Once upon a time, any good staffmember worth his salt knew that “Extravagance” is an official, LRH Policy indicator of “out-ethics.” Don’t dare look at COB on that one.
2briancox says
The sum total of all DM policy could be be simply stated as “Don’t dare look!”
Disconnect from everyone who disagrees. Don’t “dangerously Google”. Funny. I’m listening to the early tapes right now. They are all about getting a guy to look.
Cooper J Kessel says
Just when you think you have seen and heard it all …….. a Cult member outdoes themselves with even more hubris. The reverend may next be delivering his message on the Prisonwinds.
After listening to Jillian Schlesinger discuss how she was recruited to form up a construction crew to help cut costs for Dave the Delusionals Ideal Morgue construction rather than continue to be an auditor I thought well the end is very close. And that brough back some more boring memories for me to pass on today. I hope it will be more interesting than the other drivel which was mailed to Mike……….
Back in 2006 when my then brother in law Rod Daniells was trying to route out of the SO he was put to work in the SO furniture factory ………………….. to make the furniture, door labels, signage and so on for the ideal orgs. He was in the process of trying to route out for over a year and was under intense pressure to reconsider as Jon Lundeen wanted him back at ASHO doing the C/Sing and Auditing for the Power Processes. They wanted Rod to stay because of his training but his wife Lori was not as valuable.
Lori had allready been allowed to leave (and was living with my wife and I) but Rod was being kept for duty since he had been a General Contractor before being convinced to scrap that useless job in order to save the planet by joining the SO. So Lori was beside herself since she could not contact Rod nor did she have any way of knowing when he would be allowed to route out. This went on for several months.
Meanwhile Rod was busy doing lots and lots of sanding for all of the ideal furniture for the new ideal morgues springing up all over the known world.
Well Lori had received some funds from her family estate so it came to pass that those in charge of the ‘route out process’ learned of this. And then it was decided that perhaps there was a way that Rod could route out without being declared after all…………….but it would require an immediate settlement of his freeloader debt. And that debt was only in the neighborhood of $120,000.00 or so.
So in the end, the cult lost a qualified sander who was helping manufacture the furniture that the cult was selling to the ideal morgues at top dollar prices but gained the $120,000.00 cash settlement to soften the blow. And Rod got his freedom and no SP declare and I gave him a place to live and a job so he could recreate his life.
But in the end the cult still won Rod and Lori back. They talked Lori into becoming a snitch on me via her son Adam, and she went to work isolating and reporting on all of the nasty things I said about the cult and it’s dear leader and then they used the good old SP declare tactic back on them to get them to separate out from sanity and connect back up to the good cult as members in good standing.
Today you will find Rod and Lori living in the Hollywood area, their son Adam (Class IX, OT V) and his wife Mira were able to route out of the SO circa 2011 due to an unfortunate pregnancy and now the whole family is very happy working hard, supporting the church and looking forward perhaps to finally getting Lori in session with the wonderful GAG II since she has not been able to complete any training or processing to speak of since joining the cult back in the mid 1980s. And I’m sure with the new meter and new DM tech she is very much in anticipation of finally getting some case gain.
I wonder if the cult still allows friends and familty to audit each other for free on the new GAG II or whether you now have to pay something to compensate Dear Leader for all His hard work. Well I’m sure that even if they do it will be more that worth it. I mean between Rod being an Interned Class VII auditor and C/S and Adam an Interned Class IX I would thing Lori would be flying up the bridge.
But wait…….I wonder if they have to all start over with their purif and objectives and new meters and everything …………….before Lori can get in session. Ya think?
Mike Rinder says
Wow Coop. Just another day at the ranch and out pops a story that would be tabloid fodder if it weren’t so old hat at this point. Nevertheless, I wanted to throw up when I got to the point of paying his “freeloader debt” in advance 9in order to allow him to leave.
The old saying “money makes the world go round” should be adapted to “money makes the bubble go round.” It can wash away all sins, open all doors and smooth the way for anyone to do anything.
plainoldthetan says
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkRIbUT6u7Q?rel=0&w=325&h=183%5D
Pepper says
Cooper- yes, that’s quite a story. The worst for me was the part about your daughter saying that everyone is a thetan, and not related, so the whole idea of Mother, Father and family in general, is a hoax. I think the “hoax” was pulled on her but she hasn’t figured it out yet.
The cult promotes this idea to keep people enslaved and to alter their sense of proper boundaries.
I hope your daughter gets out one day on her own determinism. Something she likely hasn’t had much experience with since she joined the SO, probably at a fairly young age I would guess.
I truly felt ill when I read that and then really sad. I know that it’s a belief system but one that takes people for granted and to me, is very ambivalent about life and death in general. No one really matters it seems.
I hope things will change soon and I wish you the best Cooper.
Cindy says
Mike is right, Coop. This absolutely disgusting story would make great headlines, only now it has become all too common, just SOP in the old cult of Miscavology. I can’t believe they were made to pay over all their inheritance of over $100,000 just to let him leave. OMG. Extortion. Maybe that’s why Heber, Guillaume, Norman, Shelley and others are not free now…. they haven’t paid their extortion money yet. GAG III.
Joe Pendleton says
As long as people play the game and pay …… Rod should have just fucking LEFT …. but he didn’t, did he? And yet he calls himself an “OT” …… well maybe he WANTED to pay. You know … self abnegation and all.
Cindy says
Yes, Joe, it could have been self-abnegation. Or also could have been so PTS for so long to DM that they become robots to the SP. There’s a reference called Robotism that covers it — they just unwittingly obey the commands of the SP like a robot.
Lady Min says
Wow, Coop! I have to assume Lori is/was (before disconnection) your sister. I can tell you still care for her, and that you are still concerned about her getting auditing, even after the betrayal of her “ratting you out”. This shows what a great thetan you are, an example of “What Is Greatness”!
I hope that you also got $120,000 as part of the inheritance. I know that if you did, it didn’t wind up in the Church’s coffers!
The Church knows how to use one’s children to get what they want. My son was used against me, but I got my son out of the Church by legal and PR threats! I used their own tactics against them, straight out of LRH’s policy letters on Black PR, and it worked. They declared my son Type C, (connected to a person threatening the Church with legal action), and since he could no longer receive services, they didn’t care if he talked to me or not. I got him to move to the town in which I live and we are in comm. However, the bad things he was told about me still create a barrier, having to be torn down.
Thank you for helping Lori and Rod and their son, ((indirectly). I wish you the best, and I know that your actions are good karma that will bring you blessings in your life. I got betrayed by my son many times before I handled the situation, and it is hard to go on sometimes, with the sorrow and the loss betrayal brings..
Thank you for telling your story here. It was very revealing and it helps others who find out they were not alone, in the way they got treated by the Church.
Cooper Kessel says
Lady Min,
Thanks for the kind thoughts but I must decline most of them in the interest of full disclosure. Lori was my Sister in Law as she was my wife’s sister.(Actually she still is a sister to my ex-wife who became an ex-wife because Lori got her to disconnect from me with the help of Julian Schwartz and the various cult terminals helping them to turn over their funds to save the world.
If I come across caring for her then I take that as a good indicator that I have progressed through some of the healing process. But the truth is I don’t get warm and fuzzies when I think of Lori. She can be very disarming and is considered a very outgoing and vivacious person who is just the most loving person in the world and would never hurt a flea. But I recommend you always stand facing her!
In present time Lori continues to be a good Aunt to my daughter who remains in the SO and makes sure Haley knows just how bad and rotten of a father I was and continue to be ………and if proof is needed…..which it always is ……..Julian can show Haley this email.
Yo Julian, don’t forget to do your due diligence on all of Lori’s wog friends in Sonora. She really speaks highly of the cult (I mean Church) to those that are not members. Maybe that is why she does not want auditing and has to be forced to come to your events. If you need some names give me a call sometime.
remoteviewed says
Like many staff and public I’ve noticed. Some of them formerly good friends of mine. Who have every reason to leave the Organization behind yet embrace it as a “safe solution” of some kind.
The correct name should actually be the Church of Service Facsimile.
Cooper Kessel says
Yes………..I keep overlooking the obvious! Here is the last tidbit and then I promise to leave for the day:
The real reason Lori stays in the church is because of an incident that happened with her son back at the same time she had routed out of the SO (summer of 2006) . Adam had told Lori and her sister (my wife) that they needed to disconnect from their other (non $cientologist) sister. Both of them ridged on it but since they had been recalled to Flag (where they could be administered a proper pressure test) they were a captive audience and could not leave without the correct reality adjustment.
So Jasmin Arrellano and Kathy True were brought in to help out. The trio basically said to my wife and Lori “lose your non scientologist sister and her family” because we are right and you are wrong to even want to continue to befriend her. They both balked and were in total distress. Then Adam met with his Mom, Lori and told her that if she was not willing to disconnect from her sister then he was never going to see her again. Well needless to say that was an OMG moment for Lori which she has never recovered from.
The family was destroyed that summer and it has never recovered. Haley explained to her mom (my ex-wife) at one point that while she knows that her body was created by us that in reality we are all thetans and not really related to each other so the whole family thing is kind of a hoax anyway and not to worry about it.
So there is your Service facsimile of the day. Bite onto that one if you dare! Reminds me of another warm and fuzzy SO gal by the name of Marion Pouw.
I’m done now!!!!
remoteviewed says
Thanx Coop,
Take a break.
You deserve it.
I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it for myself.
For instance a friend of mine’s wife upon arriving at Flag was locked in a room with two security guards and told that she had to divorce her husband because it “was the greatest good…etc.”
The wife relented and she and the kids became Flag staff.
The husband naturally upset with this asked for our help. He didn’t care much for his wife at this point but he wanted to see his kids.
So I wrote an email to the honchos at Flag basically telling them that it was *illegal* to keep a father from his kids and that this missive might get “broader publication”.
Next thing you know the kids and the wife are on a plane back to LA and they were going to sort this out with a 2d coaudit.
Long story short.
The whole “coaudit” was a pro forma joke and my friend a big honcho himself at one time in Narconon went public which began the unravelling of the Narconon program in the California School System.
Que sera 😉
Too bad that the Church doesn’t seem to learn from its lessons in the past.
Aside from the grotesque out tech and off policy.
I think this whole disconnection thing is their biggest Achilles Heel.
Anyway Coop. I wish you the best and hope that soon you’ll be in touch with any love ones still caught up in that Black Dianetic Hole.
Peace bother.
Hallie Jane says
Wow Coop, that’s quite a story. I’ts amazing the convoluted justification for treating one dynamic like shit. I’m glad you’re here, I always enjoy your posts. I hope you have lots of love in your life in spite of this.
WhiteStar says
what a story cooper……. you just can’t stop shaking your head back and forth after reading something like that. it’s like if you hit’em with a bat they wouldn’t even feel it.
what a life it is to be a scientologist. it’s hard for me to imagine any wins were worth the price.
Cooper J Kessel says
Thanks for the kind thoughts all. Truth is the fat lady has not yet had her day. And so we all work to achieve our final win ……….and it will be ours.
So long as we have people who are willing and able to shine the light of truth on the situation we will have our day. Thanks to all of you doing the same and those providing some guiding strokes like the Mikes and Martys maybe one day soon the insanity known as $cientology will be part of our past!
Cindy says
Cindy says
Coop, I hate that Ser Fac lie that we are all thetans so mom and dad and family mean nothing. This is like a government state growing bodies in pawn and building armies and slaves to be used “for the greatest good” like a Sci Fi movie, only probably not too far from the truth on our whole track, and now in present time with the church.
I was also told to disconnect from family by Flag. I have gotten in comm and have mended the ARCX’s and now enjoy my siblings very much. The MAA’s at Flag have dropped out the first part of LRH’s reference which is, “handle or disconnect.” The “handle” part is not-ised and the “solution” is always to disconnect. Maybe it is the divide and conquer mind set that they can control you better if they isolate you from every outside person who might get you to look and listen and to act against the suppression.
cre8tivewmn says
This was enfuriating to read. If you can really provide all that help in the neighborhood, go do it. A few more chairs won’t make any difference. The most important thing is to stop hiding behind your walls and go interact with all these people that need help. But that’s not your style, is it?
Hallie Jane says
+1 Notice the part about how people need the right to a living wage. Infuriating is right.
GTBO says
WTF? False purpose and total B.S
If they fall for this they deserve whatever comes to them
“Recruit the staff needed to train hundreds and thousands of Volunteers”? you have got to be kidding
maybe one or two at most that’s why they are idle morgues
Idle Morgue says
Well, at least they are finally being a little more honest.
I notice the propaganda is no longer using the term “Staff” and calling them a Volunteer!
Gradient …everything on a gradient.
The ultimate truth is SLAVE.
Cooper Kessel says
A religious cult that believes in sacrifice. But because they are so humanitarian they no longer cut out your heart. Instead they cut you free from your wallet and family and leave you alongside the bridge to total freedum!
1subgenius says
St. Louis has eight states to cover. They need a huge building. How could you possibly serve such a large area without one?
So, really, the worse the “Church” does, the bigger the building that is required.
I really gotta think about this one for a while. Something seems not quite right, but I can’t put my finger on it.
Mike Rinder says
Yes, they also seem to forget that Kansas City has an “org” — I would think Kansas City or the IDEAL org in Denver would be handling Nebraska….
But the fact remains, there is a massive swath of the midWest that has no sign of the fastest growing religion on earth. Still.
MJ says
Our Dave, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done in earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily cash.
And forgive us our counter intention,
As we investigate them that are against us.
And lead us not out of the bubble,
But deliver us from CICSMF’s.
For thine is the kingdom,
The power, and the glory,
For ever and ever.
Aquamarine says
Cooper Kessel says
perfect!!! LOL
Potpie says
I received my Drug RD and Grades at the St. Louis Org in ’74 & ’75.
Also did my levels there. They had a good deal….buy a
levels package including Dianetics course for $1250 and receive
HGC auditing at half price….$312.50 per intensive.
The place was popping…..at one point they had to start a second
HGC. Lots of people on course…..Div 6 courses, Dns. Course
and the Levels.
Rev. Chad should check out past successful actions of his Org.
Oh wait…..he couldn’t do those sort of theta activities now….he
would get declared.
2briancox says
Chad wasn’t on staff when Ron ran things. All he’s known is Miscavigology. I was there before he was the ED.
I’m so surprised that I also hadn’t noticed that no one onlines had been around when Ron was there. That should have been my clue.
I caught on in the end. Maybe he will too.