This person has shown up on my Facebook page posting links to “articles” from the STAAD League.
Pretty much the usual junk mail that I rarely even see, but I happened to notice this one.
In their crazy efforts to convince people that scientology is “multidenominational” and “welcomes everyone” they have launched into outer space. Ask a real muslim if Nation of Islam is true to the teachings of Muhammad and represents their views….
Because they have Islam in their name does not make them real Muslims.
I guess Christiana Michael doesn’t know about the contents of the R6 bank? Or perhaps she (?) does and is simply pretending it doesn’t exist (like scientologists pretend there is no Xenu and Body Thetans) because that is an “acceptable truth.” I wrote an earlier piece about scientology and Christianity which explains a lot for those who are interested. Christiana could do to read this…
But hers is the level of understanding of a typical scientologist. They “understand” and “know” what they have been told is true:
“We are multidenominational” the wise men of STAAD proclaim, so it is true.
“No, Hubbard never said Jesus and the man on the cross was an implant” they say, so it is “true.”
“Nation of Islam” are Muslims they were told once. And so it is true.
And like the people who try to say the world is 6,000 years old or is flat — they believe the bs so strongly that they proudly stake out their position for the world to see. And usually, for these people, the fact that they are laughed at only confirms for them how right they are.
As they say — a mind is a terrible thing to waste.
These ladies are members of one cult (NOI) looking to make commissions for suckering some people into another cult.
And all the while Fast Eddie Parkin and the STAAD League, those champions of human rights and fighters against bigotry and hatred (so they claim) not only support the anti-Semitic rantings of Tony Muhammad, they have given him their top honor and use him to fundraise for scientology’s coffers (paying him commissions for everything he persuades anyone to hand over).
Hypocrisy HQ.
NoI is Muslim to the same degree that Morons are Christians.
For the CoS to pander to this or ANY other religious group is contrary to the “tech” by El Con Hubturd.
Again this article, which is an oft-repeated one as you idiots cannot read between the lines or think – of course no fundamentalist from any other religion is ever going to do or get involved with Scientology because he or she is thoroughly sunk into their fundamentalism. It’s a nice attempt at 3rd partying as well. In fact Mike seems to be producing this article every month or so. But don’t let that stop you in your haste to post some more nonsense and trying to gloss over the rather straightforward fact that Scientologists count Jews, Muslims, Christians, Hindus etc. in their ranks. Hard core ones? Of course not! But then I knew that and so does Mike. It seems that you other idiots here commenting cannot differentiate but Mike is counting on that – after all – he is OSA trained – haha!
Happy to see you are still with us. Interesting you mention fundamentalism — it is another defining characteristic that is a signal of a cult. EVERY member is a fundamentalist. Just like scientology. The fundamentalist manifesto of the cult of Scientology is KSW. Which is exactly why you cannot be a scientologist any any other religion. It’s “out-KSW”. Show me even a non-fundamentalist Muslim who prays to Mecca each day while in the HGC or Academy of a scientology org and I will give you a million dollars.
Why do you feel compelled to try to defend even the indefensible when you claim NOT to be a member of the church of scientology?
Because you ARE a scientologist and thus a fundamentalist and part of being a scientologist is to attack the attacker no matter how illogical that is.
He still hasn’t proved that he is a $camologist. He’s just a nobody that uses $camology material (of which, no doubt, there is a huge amount available on ‘net if you dig around enough) as a another way to troll.
It’s seems quite certain that he’s not just a $cientologist, but is also still in the cult, though he claims to be an “indie”.
He’s constantly defending and justifying Hubbard’s insane and cruel policies. Most indies don’t do that.
Most people undergoing dianetic auditing.look at/experience/imagine an assortment of past lives. Once credence is given to that.the rest of the cosmology can be placed in the category of, “Who knows, maybe. I’ll find out.when I get.there.”
A devout Christian would say the Bible is the word of God. Follow it and you go to Heaven. Keep it simple. There’s never gonna be one size fits all.
Auditing results in that because it’s a suggestive/directive form of regression therapy. But those experiences have been proven to be completely illusory, the product of imaginative processes of the brain, though they can seem compelling.
It is part of the process that breaks down the subject’s belief in reality – and even substitutes a false identity based on the elicited supposed past lives, which also tend to follow patterns suggested by the group’s beliefs and ideology, such that for instance many Sea Org members are reported to imagine past lives as Nazis. In some ways Dianetics and Scientology are the closest thing to brainwashing that exist – much as Hubbard even claimed early on, even if he used hyperbole: “We can brainwash faster than the Russians (20 secs to total amnesia against three years to slightly confused loyalty).”
There is so much hate and anger I your post. I’m sad for you and your family.
Hate and anger? Where?
Nice to see you are up early and enjoying another fine day Eff Pee. Or is it the end of yer day and now that Dave has approved your hate letter you can get a couple hours sleep?
As far as I can tell the current purpose of this blog is eradicating the Church of Scientology. Short of that it’s extracting current members from its grip.
This blog, Marty Rathbun’s, Alanzo’s and some other blogs until about two or three years ago were Scientology “discussion” blogs with people discussing what, if anything, was worthwhile within the subject itself. Those days are history. Welcome to “present time”.
I suppose a member of any “faith” could go onto an “anti faith” blog and argue their case. Why bother unless it’s stimulating to someone to joust with the antis. The COS spends time and money promoting how wonderful it is. The Indies are stuck with the Scientology label so I guess they have their own way of countering the negatives.
I’m typing on a tablet which I’m not used to so please excuse the errors. I better hit send before I lose the whole thing.
Foolproof, if you want proof of NOI being fundamentalist and bad, just go to YouTube and view the words coming from the horse’s mouth. YOu’ll find Tony Muhhamad spewing all sorts of anti semetic and anti white bigoted garbage. And it is in more than one of his speeches, so you’ll have no trouble finding it. You say what the church party line says to say. But instead of talking, just go LOOK and inspect for yourself to see what the real truth is. Don’t just take what DM says as gospel truth to never be fact checked.
FP will probably never look or think for himself. He’s absolutely certain that $cientology isn’t an abusive scam. It’s intensely tragic.
Every single person who has left and spoken out about their experiences in $cientology has said that they wish they knew then what they know now.
FP actually believes that $cientology is the only way to help people; that Hubbard wasn’t a filthy, lying son of a bitch; that people weren’t actually abused; nor harassed, stalked & fair gamed to this day .. etc..
There’s no point trying to change his mind. He’s a fanatic of the worst kind.
There are no words to describe how big of a liar you are. Give it a rest already. You’re not fooling anyone.
Except him-/herself/themselves
Foolproof, whoever you are, glad you are chiming in. Your claim that no “hardcore fundamentalist” would join Scientology is an obvious lie. The NOI has embraced both Dianetics and Scientology. They are one of the most extreme fundamentalist groups in the US. So what are you saying? In Hubbard’s playbook dichotomy’s are fully acceptable. That’s how members become brainwashed and irrational. Much as your comment comes across.
6000 yrs old universe? I know people who also believe that dinosaurs never happened.
Non denominational …. that s a joke. In the HQS you proclaim that you ARE a Scientologist or you don’t finish that course.
“As they say — a mind is a terrible thing to waste.”
What mind? the people in those examples are not using any mind or intelligence they might purportedly have. I’m of the same opinion of the anti-vaxxers who refuse to admit that a demonstrated saving of MANY lives trumps a rumor that vaxxes MIGHT cause autism once in a while. Friend has an autistic child, now 27 years old. He gets his flu shots, etc. when they’re scheduled. She’s also a Mensan.
No posters attacking other posters so far on this one. That’s great. It’s ugly when that happens, under the guise of correction. That’s also an OSA tactic, to stir up arguments and make it an unpleasant place to express your opinion.
Of course I’m not talking about MOU and his kind here. Such are not one of us.
There’s also what Scientology told the United States Internal Revenue Service in order to get tax exemption:
” … as a practical matter Scientologists are expected to and do become fully devoted to Scientology to the exclusion of other faiths.”
Several of the characteristics of a church that the IRS cites revolve around ideas of a distinct existence, including a “Membership not associated with any other church or denomination.”
If they are “multidenominational” then they’re an umbrella group or a club, not a religion.
The affiliation with the NOI, and allowing them to proceed from the dubious but still possibly defensible practice of Dianetics as a secular discipline, into Scientology itself, is possibly even a historic mistake in that it fully exposes Scientology for fraudulently working the “religion angle” when it does not actually qualify as a church.
How can all of this information be used to leverage an investigation by the IRS?
In my limited experience dealing with federal level agencies, evidence of a crime in and of itself is not sufficient to guarantee an investigation.
Agencies consider the resources needed for a successful prosecution, and tend to jump on easy wins, but pass on difficult investigations.
Considering the history of IRS and $cn, it will take extra-ordinary motivation to get them to engage such a tenacious opponent.
Similar to the Danny Masterson case. If DonkeyPunch was Average Joe in Dallas County, TX with $2000 in his bank account, he would be sitting in jail, the trial completed last year.
I would have thought that the prospect of all the tax money that the cult would owe if they can prove malfeasance would be enough to spark a close look. Although I definitely agree with your assessment of why they get away with so many illegal practices.
Good article this one Mike, nail meet hammer. It underlines the pretense underpinning the whole ‘genre’ of religious expression – it’s all based on pretending. Scientology loves to believe their own lies and enforce them on anyone that will listen. It’s their road to freedom and wealth – phew… talk about criminal pretense!!!
Your article explains to me why they took the red Tech Dictionaries out of the courserooms. Those dictionaries have it IN WRITING that Jesus on the cross and Christianity are all nothing more than an implant. It is listed in the tech dictionary under “the heavens implant.” By removing this dictionary from the courseroom and from the general public, it is like simply air brushing a person out of a photograph and thus re-writing history. So if any of these Scns putting forth wrong info on the Stand site or on social media, it is because they haven’t seen the truth in writing from LRH about the heavens implants. I think it is also listed under Helatrobus Implant. Some of you ex Scns out there who have a red tech dictionary, hang onto it as it may come in handy to prove the point that the church does think of Jesus stuff as an implant and thus all made up.
It is right here
Wow , the entire tech dictionary available on line. Thanks for the reference, Dice
Dice, Scns seems to have an aversion to taking something from “on line” and accepting it as true and unaltered data from Ron. I tried to have my kids read some stuff that way and they said they would never accept anything from “just on line” and it had to be in a book that LRH had published. So hard copies of the tech dict mean something to the KA drinkers. But nice to know it is on line too.
Yes, there’s a lot of food for thought on the above issues Mike. I’ve had dialogue with Christiana Michael many times. I’m not sure if she’s “looking” or “lurking” on your FB page. (She’s in there quite frequently,, spreading hate and discontent) Bottom line is she’s drinking the kool-Aid big time. With a full glass and a blindfold on. I did direct her to the Aftermath foundation though.
She is probably married to Eff Pee. Misery loves company.
Crazy and stupid.
Shaken or stirred?
Insouciantly ignorant For Too Long.
IIFTL, I just wanted to know if insouciantly is a new French soup?
Lest we forget, the inimitable Vice Pres Dan Quale, while addressing the United Negro College Fund, said
A mind is a terrible thing to lose.
LOL OSD. It can be whatever you want it to be. YOU are in control of your mind now that you are out of the cult. 🙂
“As they say – A mind is a terrible thing to waste”. Which is why I don’t have one. I locked mine away years ago.
Someone stole mine. But a few days later it was returned. Last I heard the thief is still sitting on a mountain top in the snow chanting.
That was me. My chanting is a little rough, though.
Changing key and a bit more harmony might help.
Damn!!! That’s what I’ve been missing…harmony!
Thanks I Yawn!
Staff moles told me they were NOT allowed to REGG NOI. That is part of what kept NOI coming back for more of that “self improvement” from Scientrickery. The NOI were not REGGED. $cientology had to decieve them more for a while because they were already part of a Suppressive Group (per LRH’s definition) and COB did not want to scare them away. A few NOI joined staff but soon left because they did not make any money and the treatment was brutal. Those NOI were considered “Degraded Beings” with Freeloader debt to repay. Not allowed back until they paid their debt. They never came back and never paid their debt. The staff mole told me they are still friends with them and the NOI people are watching Leah Remini’s show on A&E.
Very interesting
From now on, for”Nation of Islam” read “Calypso Louis’ Flying Saucer Cult”.
Oh my gosh I love this post. Now, my question. I was wondering just when LRH said that xenu sent those little bugger thetans to earth. I did just a quick search so this may not be accurate but found that LRH said they were sent 75 million years ago. Then I did a search on when it was thought was the earliest appearance of humans on earth. What I found said that our earliest ancestors appeared around 6 million years ago. So, my question is what did the thetans do until they had a body to infect? I mean, they had like 69 million years to kill until humans appeared. Just sort of hang out?
Not something ever addressed in the Hubbard cosmology. Don’t ask too many questions. Like when Hawaiian Islands were formed.
Soon to be revealed to OAT TEA ATES – The newly released GAT III discovered on Target Two – that the scientists were actually “The Psychs” disguised to dupe people into not believing this planet and the Hawaiian Islands were not formed 75 million years ago. “The Psychs” did not want people to get better and wanted to make wrong LRH. LRH found this all out whilst he was tripping on “pinks and blues” figuring out how to dispose of his daughter Alexis and send Sara Northrup to the spin bin. The Psychs” did this so people would not go CLEAR and be free and would take the psych drugs. Those evil Psychs. Thanks Ron – for the tech.
Peggy, for 69 million years they watched an earlier form of videos , watching original versions of all the Star Wars, Star Trek & Harry Potter series, over and over , as well as Gentlemen Prefer Blondes starting Marilyn Monroe. (and obviously, also Invasion of the Body Snatchers).
Star Trekking across the universe, on the starship Enterprise under Capt Kirk!!
Lol sorry first thing that popped into my head 😉
I’m a newby poster here but have been reading blog for a while now along with a whole stack of different books about different cults (refuse to call them religions). Disappointed I can’t get Leah’s book on iBooks, it’s not available in English on there, keep hinting to my kids or hubby to buy it for me lol.
Love both you Mike and Leah! What you’re both doing and how you’re helping people is absolutely amazing in my eyes and should be applauded for it.
How these cults are getting away with all the abuses and criminal activity globally is disgusting.
Fellow Aussie here btw Mike, sorry I’m rambling…
Other thing I’d like to say is out of all the comments I’ve read on here this one by Eff Pee (I like that nickname lol) is the most hateful I have read, seems to me the only thing $camology is able to teach in spades is hate and aggression. Such a sad and worthless existence that must be.
Smart ass. You’ll never fit in as a scientologist.
Thank you Mary – I love Joking and Degrading Scientology and Ron. When I was in, I was a “Red on White” Goon and never did fit in as a Scientologist because I was one of the very few that questioned “the tech” therefore was labeled an “ethics particle”. I pointed out that there was always a piece of El Ron’s tech that discounted and devalued other pieces of L Ron’s other tech and staff (especially the REGGES) were using whatever tech suited their goal. L Ron even writes about that “twists the truth to suit their own agenda”. I am working on a book differentiating El Ron Hubbard’s tech of Confusion and Chaos. I pointed out that for every piece of tech from Ron, there is an equal and OPPOSITE piece of tech to explain why Scientology did not work. They were not happy with that. I slipped into the obliviousness of living UTR and stopped going in.
Like HUBBARD’S LAW OF COMMOTION: “For each and every policy or piece of tech, there is an equal and opposite policy and piece of tech.”
When I went searching for that reference, one of the first search results is where it’s quoted in response to this piece by RB:
Yes – that is it Peacemaker. I believe I read have read several ex members comment on Hubbard’s Laws of Commotion. That is a perfect name for it too. Don’t the Scientologists ever see this? It boggles the mind to see them put up with this nonsense for decades. When I saw it – I left. Can anyone explain to me what they noticed while in regarding the laws of commotion?
The checksheet for DC8 maintenance is a loooooooooooooong one.
“So, my question is what did the thetans do until they had a body to infect? I mean, they had like 69 million years to kill until humans appeared. Just sort of hang out?”
Hubbard didn’t pay attention to ANY sort of “science” when it ruined a story, like Hawaii and the Atlantic Ocean didn’t exist yet, 75 million years ago, never mind the volcanoes or islands. No WONDER everyone I knew on OT III or above were having severe problems, having to mock up invisible space cooties who each had two impossible “incidents” which the Pre-OTs had to mock up through the mocked up BTs, THEN “disappear” them.
Just ‘thinking’ about all that imagining makes my head hurt.
I think SP should throw in his/her comments and defend “The Master” on the age of Earth and Man.
Ok, just because I was curious (and having my first cup of coffee this morning) I did look up just what was here during the thetan invation. I guess that was the Cretaceous Period. Seems there were dinosaurs, plants, crawling things. Maybe the thetans spent time hanging out with dinosaurs? There was enough for them to entertain themselves if they wanted to maybe open a dino burger cafe. (Also, I think my personal favorite, dragonflies, were there. I like bumble bees too but don’t know if they were there yet.)
I have been ‘attempting’ to have a conversation with a scientologist via DM on twitter. I asked him specifically about the NOI situation and how he reconciled his church supporting and even lauding such a group. He replied that it was ‘minutiae’ and didn’t concern him. When I pressed, he used the standard approach of stating it was my job to produce citations and to prove my point about them being anti Semites and that they were a group that preached hatred and bigotry.
I sent him a direct link to one of Tony Muhammad’s you-tube videos. His response was that I would have given him a “citation without referring me to a library” if I had proof of my assertions. I explained that youtube isnt the library and all he had to do was click on the link. He said that he didnt care about that and it was minutiae (again).
He then tried to deflect asking if I was going to bring up JW questions…. The point is- THEY DONT WANT TO KNOW. it is clearly laid out but they want to remain blind to the rottenness and continue with their blind devotion. And this point wasnt even about something directly related to LRH or their dogma.
I think that it will take making them WANT to look and actually see what is going on within their cult. Im just stuck on trying to figure out how to make them want to look! It looks like the billboard that the cult put up may have sparked some to look. Now its just a matter of getting the rest to start questioning! The cracks are showing, so we need to keep pushing.
Correct. They don’t want to know
Same sort of thing about someone hooked on smoking tobacco. They don’t want to know the reasons they should give up. It generally takes a real nasty health scare to get them to look, but to some – it’s worth dying for… slowly and miserably.
Trying to figure out why a Scientologist does anything… they need a constant fix of Hubbard I suppose or even worse, a Hubbard Miscavige cocktail 24/7.
If they look, they will know; and to know other than their indoctrination is dangerous as this could cause to rock their ‘certainty’. It could then also get them into ‘ethics’ trouble with all its consequences when they know and think out of line.
I would use a heroin addiction rather than smoking as an analogy. They prefer not to think at all. The heroin let’s them not think for awhile so they don’t have to deal with life. Many would rather die of an overdose than try to get help.
Making someone WANT to look is damn near impossible. It’s like trying to have an honest straightforward conversation with Foolproof on this blog. It’s not going to happen. scientologists have been well trained not to look and also not to engage in conversation that might be uncomfortable. They have bought into the scam and don’t want to be wrong. Of course nobody wants to be wrong, but we are human and humans make mistakes. Some of us have sucked in by this cult and have had to swallow that bitter pill of embarrassment to extract ourselves and wake up from the nightmare.
Ironically, about the only maxim* of Hubbard’s worth a dime is “look, don’t listen”. Trying to get a true believing kool-aid swiller to actually do that is incredibly difficult.
*Hubbard probably co-opted this phrase and claimed it as his own. He was no original thinker.
Haha! Every comment you make there is a mention of me – really got under your skin eh? Still, you should have insisted on getting up to the point of being able to run engrams then you might have a different view.
Yer such a clever little psychotic Eff Pee. And you should know how many of us want to rejoin the cherch because of yer excellent command of the tech. You make me realize just how much I have lost being declared an Ess Pee and all……………
She only mentioned your name once. Please.
Too bad there are no such things as “engrams”’.
Wow, you are one sick puppy. I come back here to see if Kat had responded to my post and what do I find but your pathetic reply. My response to Kat had NOTHING to do with you. What do you do, just read thru comments on this blog looking for your “name” like some demented internet stalker? Perhaps the number of of these references is your ‘stat’. Why are you even here? Have you nothing better to do than respond in your deflecting, obscuring, incoherent way to posts by the idiots (your term) who write valid comments here? Sick. If you are so butt hurt by everything written here just don’t show up. You might as well not be here anyway. With your command of matter, energy, space and time (as well as your stellar communication abilities) you can’t even show up in ‘present time’ for the comments. You’re always a day (or two) late and a dollar short. Too busy with other OSA duties I guess. I used to think you had some valid remarks to make as an independent scientologist but over time you have exposed yourself as nothing more than a common troll, here to take folks away from the discussion at hand. I have to admit that you do serve an important purpose though. You perfectly reveal the mind of a scientologist and the result of saturation with KSW Brand Kool-Aid. Thank you for that.
As for my inability to run ‘engrams’ (excellent job keeping notes on that), of course I can’t run ‘engrams’, they don’t exist. I also can’t drink unicorn milk and cavort with leprechauns at the end of rainbows. Just because some blowhard con-man dreams up some “science of mind” to make a buck doesn’t make it valid. Xenu, 75 million year old Hawaiian volcanos, Plitdown Man, doll bodies, etc, etc. and other things the ol’ Grifter made up that make the meter tick when you think about them don’t exist either, but you keep at it. Your eternity depends on it. Keep on hanging in there, you’re just a few ‘cognitions’ away from being god. You and the ‘tech’ will soon take over the world and save us all from ourselves in this sector of the guh-lax-ee.
As for me, I’m just not feeding the trolls anymore.
Ms. B. Haven, evidence over testimony or verbal reports has been a maxim for all of recorded history. Nietzsche’s being a prime example: “All credibility, all good conscience, all evidence of truth come only from the senses.”
There are SCORES of others. Scamologists tend to not be educated. Hubturd discouraged his flock from getting a higher education for this reason.
Miss B. Haven,
I apologize for my late replies as late- Ive been really busy cooking up a surprise (has to do with a certain billboard), and have neglected my posting. I know that the ‘willful blindness’ that some people have is a last ditch effort to ignore the reality that they don’t want to face. Ironically, they may need to face it sooner than later.
I can understand the impulse, it will be difficult to face the reality of wasting years of your life and tons of money, but they will be ok if there is a support network available to them. The people here will then have another job- to help in the transition from cult to reality.
Unfortunately, some may end up like foolproof (im sure he will use his usual vitriol to contend that Im wrong- no matter) – bitter and raging at the ‘injustice’ of how the world sees the cult. scientology is good at the ‘us verses them’ mentality and they work very hard at instilling that in their followers. I hope that families are there to make this easier and to stop them from turning into bitter shells of the people they can be.
“Because they have Islam in their name does not make them real Muslims.”
In a similar sense, just because they have “science” in their name, does not make Scientology scientific.
Chris Shugart, Touche!
And having a cross on top of their buildings doesn’t make them a church.
It makes one wonder about the state of mind of these folks because I remember when I had to repeat things to the public (after I was instructed) that I knew were false. I felt horrible inside. Cognitive dissonance! At first they truly believe it but after a while….come on Eddie! You know!