We don’t hear much from STAAD any more.
Seems Fast Eddie has gone back to stuffing envelopes in the basement or whatever it is that he usually does. He has been silent on Twitter — one post since 22 October and that could have been written by any of the STAAD flunkies and posted on his behalf.
Even the STAAD League itself has been pretty dormant, every now and then sending out a retweet promoting Marty Rathbun like the last Japanese soldier on a Pacific Island firing into the air in an act of defiance to keep the fight going. This is one of their most recent retweets from a year or more ago…
It should be noted, Marty Rathbun has not seen Shelly Miscavige for even longer than me. He has as much idea of her whereabouts as the guy sitting under the Brooklyn bridge nursing a bottle of ethyl alcohol. But that doesn’t stop Marty from pontificating about the subject in support of Miscavige’s “talking points.”
It is a strange topic to rehash on Twitter. Wouldn’t want to call attention to one of the most popular hashtags in scientology “WhereIsShelly?” Nobody has been talking about it, but now…
The reason for this post is because sometimes it irks me how blatant the lies are that scientology tells. And manages to persuade people it bullies into submission to say on its behalf. Like Marty Rathbun.
Marty Rathbun is claiming to say here that he has “always known” that Shelly is not missing.
Unfortunately for him, his extensive writings after he left scientology and before he returned to its side (for whatever reason) are generally available.
Here are just two things I pulled up in a quick internet search of Marty Rathbun and Shelly Miscavige.
He clearly states here, in September 2009 “There has been much speculation as to where the program was and i being executed. I do not know of her whereabouts.”
And then in December 2013 (interestingly, while discussing the proclivity of scientologists to lie in a post he titled “Trained to Lie”) he says the following:
“He [Miscavige] disappeared his own wife and assistant Shelly…”
“Disappeared” is not the word one uses when a person has simply been removed, or even banished but you know where they are. Disappeared is when someone is made to become invisible, and if they are invisible you don’t know where they are.
This is clearly a case of, “Nobody knows where she went, deliberately so.”
And in all this time since the question has been raised — nobody has seen her. She has not been produced for even a POW style video. Some lawyers have made statements “she is fine” but who knows what they were told and by whom. A lot of lawyers representing scientology have said a LOT of very untrue things based on what they have been told by scientology (just think of Monique “Muffins” Yingling sitting in national TV saying Gold is a “worker’s paradise” for but one of MANY examples).
David Miscavige wants Shelly Miscavige out of sight and out of mind.
I thank the STAAD League for giving me a timely reminder that we should never forget those who have been “disappeared” (not just Shelly, but also those like Heber Jentzsch and many others) and have no voice to tell the world. Scientology is NOT above “disappearing” people who are witnesses to crimes — see the recent article on Tony Ortega’s blog about the Masterson case witness disappearing to the Freewinds. That is just the latest in a LONG line of people going all the way back to the forcibly kidnapping of Michael Meisner, tying him up and stuffing a tennis ball in his mouth to prevent him from complying with an FBI subpoena.
So, let the cry ring out once again: “Where is Shelly?”
Looking at what you presented, I see no justification for his having opened that can of worms. Looks like it was just an irrational non-sequitur that’s possibly subjecting Dwarfenführer for additional headaches…. Beyond those he gets from the scotch, that would be, of course.
Ideas makng the world betterer makes the world better. Ideas making scientology better throws away.
Making scientology better involves its disappearance; complete, ideally rapidly. As long as a corrupting bit of it still remains, real people can get hurt.
The level of stupidity neccessary to think it is beneficial to bring up the MISSING WIFE of the leader of the organization in any way, by a spokesperson, boggles my mind.
In agreement with Mike’s comment in this blog above on their LIES ~~I interviewed this morning lifting up the curtains to bring sunshine to their dark secret places.
The cult LIES LIES LIES.Pathological LIARs.
They have even redefined the word LIE to “acceptable TRUTH.
“Biggest LIE is that they are selling FREEDOM. Freedom from your baggage, Freedom from your mental issues~~actually its a TRAP.
Read the 4 contracts you must sign giving away all rights to sue (All posted on Scientology Money Project)
.Are you told by recruiters that you could not sue your rapist if you joined the cult. Of course not.
Biggest LIE is that they are selling FREEDOM. Freedom from your baggage, Freedom from your mental issues~~actually its a TRAP.
I also cover the lies from the clown Ryan Prescott who had written 2 books attacking major critics with OSA bullet points.
A tissue of lies.And a tribute to Michael Pattison,. the gay man who spent $1/2 million dollars to UNGAY him and who was locked up in a cabin in FREEWINDS, a prisoner.
RIP Michael. Fly high. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqcFn9iwiV0&t=980s
Wow Karen your passion is appreciated! I thought Leah and Mike had spunk…you have the fierceness of a lion. Roar on Gurl and never stop spreading the truth! Hey does it bother you as much as it does me that the press is taking it easy on Masterson? Let’s tell it like it is…the man is not just accused of simple rape. His accusers on Mike and Leah’s final show said he possibly drugged them until they passed out and sodomized them! If you ask me that means he is accused of being a sexual predator not a rapist! Tony Ortega and his Underground Bunker should be headlining any articles about him Masterson Alleged Sexual Predator as well as anyone else blogging about him!!! What a great result of being a celeb Scientologist managed by Miscaivage’s elite team..talk about your overt product makers if you will pardon the term.
Thank you Loreli.
2019 The cult’s year of Stupidity
In the course of this past year, I’ve found myself wondering, more than a few times, whether we are living through the cult’s stupidest era.
How very stupid to defend and give air cover to block the charges of a rapist with those 6 victims who have come forward.
These are allegations of Masterton, a guy who wants intercourse when a girl is unconscious.
And the cult wants to use its muscle for this ?
Its as abhorrent as Bill Cosby’s drugging and raping women. You have to hold your nose when you GET what the cult is trying to protect.
The CULT stupidily rampages a fury on a beloved actress who clearly with all the years she was in, sincerely WANTED to believe.
She gave them $5 million of her own earnings and their revenge is to to exude vitriolic hate at her with webmasters creating internet sites with 501C 3 tax free dollars,
And so it goes. The cult of hate pretends a benign nature while its teeth and claws ATTACK ATTACK ATTACK. Are they winning ? Does their strategy help them win the PR war?
If you want to pick out your own favorite STUPIDITY keep reading this blog and also take look at Tony Ortega’s blog for 2019. I will have more to say on this in due course…
Being tortured and abused tends to have that effect on people.
To be clear, I’m saying that being tortured and abused tends to instill a good deal of passion into people who may have previously been lacking passion.
Many dictators never seem to understand that. They seem to think they can torture and abuse as many people as they like and they will never be held accountable. They think they will never have to suffer any consequences and from my reading, it would seem like they take that belief to their graves.
I just hope that I live long enough to see Little Davey Boy dead and buried. I would love to piss on his grave.
In fact, I’ve been thinking about trying to make some money by organizing travel holiday packages for people who would like to go visit his grave and piss on it.
If he keeps behaving the way that he does, that could well become a real growth industry.
Yes you!
What would happen if Shelly died in custody? By this I mean died of natural causes, not of anything nefarious. After all, everyone will inevitably ‘discard the body.’ How would that be announced? Would it be announced at all? Would the church continue to insist she’s fine, until it inevitably got out that she wasn’t?
Unless they are going to make the meat body disappear too there will have to be a death certificate filed on record if she is still in California within the United States. My guess is DM will want to play the grieving widower and then start preying on the eye candy at his disposal for a young bride. He has to play the moral high ground and abstain for now because he knows from Jim Baker when he cheated on Tammy Faye that nothing makes a religious empire crumble faster than a sex scandal committed by its fearless leader!!
or died.
O/T. Today, 12/15/19 at 6 pm, Scientology Youth for Human Rights Award Winner Nation of Islam Brother Rizza Islam will be speaking at the Grand Opening of the Urban Reads Bookstore in Baltimore. I created a Twitter thread over the past week in response. The thread has ten tweets as of now. I’d appreciate it if anyone who is concerned about Rizza Islam’s anti-Semitism, racism, etc., consider taking a look. The first tweet is below. Just follow the thread. Retweets, quotations and replies to any of the tweets are welcome.
Good article with the theme of “the culture of liars”. I wanted to point out that Hubbard in one of his lectures gave all us acolytes a drill on how to lie and he called it therapeutic. As a true believer I took his recommendation and used it. I became very skilled at lying. Add to this, his policy on “acceptable truth” and there you have it; a culture of liars. Of course that backfired on him. When I went under the radar I lied to scientologists very convincingly. It was easy. I had been practicing for many years.
Hubbard was clever. He wanted slaves and he used his “tech” to make them.
Another reminder from John Oliver I noticed yesterday:
And here John Oliver (at 2:44): “So, to the head of Scientology, David Miscavige: First, Love to Shelly!…”
John Oliver is certainly on the Church of Scientology’s/David Miscavige’s SP-list.
Btw OSA, how many thousands are on your SP/enemy list? There must be more people on your SP/enemy list meanwhile than on your membership list. Never thought that the ratio is weird?
Miscavige’s drinking problem is described in a far more serious way than I ever imagined. Thanks.
What? The fact that he switched to 3 bottles of Jack Danials daily?
I do not drink so I do not know what that means.
One bottle a day would be a serious case of alcoholism.
If his drinking problem is that bad, someone can easily take him out while drunk. If I was in, I certainly would take the opportunity to dispose of him.
George, Hubbard reportedly drank as much as a bottle of rum a day during his “rum, pinks and grays” period and was still a formidable figure. Serious alcoholics can drink an impressive amount and still be surprisingly functional, from what I’ve read.
Cambridge University biostatistics professor Angela Wood. “Our results suggest an upper safe limit of drinking of around 100 grams of alcohol per week for men and for women. Drinking above this limit was related to lower life expectancy.”
A liter of Jack Daniels would provide roughly 350 grams of alcohol.
I read somewhere research on heavy drinking to the point of alcohol toxicity, but can’t find it.
Who’s to say that Ed Parkin has not himself ‘been disappeared’?
Everyone this creep knows is “disappeared” eventually. I have had iron bars installed on my windows. I’m guessing my turn will be coming pretty soon.
We can only hope…
Oh Surfer you scamp! We know you don’t mean that. Lol Got to make us laugh now and again so we don’t go crazy with our rage or sadness.
Ok…ok. Everything is going to be great from here on out.
Loreli, that’s all I’ve got….for now!