Frankly, they don’t have a whole lot to say about this — but they simply cannot let any appearance of Leah Remini go unchallenged.
But as usual, their flailing brings up something worth commenting on. Scientology invariably lies in their attacks on the media.
This time, their complaint is this: Dr. Oz permitted Remini, a known bigot, to spread the blatant lie that the religion does not “believe in” traditional medicine and its members are thereby endangered.
And then they include a quote from “STAND National Director” Bari Berger (an OSA PR person): “Dr. Oz had to go out of his way to weave hate speech into his ‘health and wellness show. In doing so, he aligned himself with those fringe members of society who practice what the people of this nation have made very clear, in recent months, that we wholeheartedly reject: the marginalizing of minorities.”
OK, let’s take a look at what L. Ron Hubbard actually had to say about medical doctors and treatment. It is true that there are quotes from Hubbard that say “send people to doctors when they have broken bones or to verify they might need some medication.” But this is lip service in reality and much of it is included to protect scientology from claims of practicing medicine without a license or other legal liabilities. Scientologists do go to doctors — as a sort of last resort or for emergencies. And why is this? Because there is a ton of Hubbard statements about the incompetence and evilness of medical doctors, casting them as fools who know little compared to the genius of anyone who has studied the brilliance of LRH.
Here is a very small small sampling:
Almost any chemical engineer can administer antibiotics with better results than can a doctor. Any civil engineer knows more about sanitation. Almost all operations as in the field of surgery are needless. And in problems of psychosomatic medicine the doctor has been and is a rather miserable flop — and psychosomatic medicine comprises better than seventy percent of Man’s ills!
The medical profession has prepared its own retreat into the fields where it belongs, for it has openly fought original research into the problems it itself could not solve. It has continued to accept money from the public to remedy ills it cannot help. It has therefore forfeited to a large extent the goodwill of all research people and, as any poll would show, the affection of the public as well.
Any organization unnaturally pretending to cure all when it cannot nurtures the seeds of its own destruction. Any organization which pretends to developments which it at first fought at length becomes laughable. That the medical profession is now advertising, as in the Ladies’ Home Journal, that it is now nicely accepting the prenatal theory of Dianetics without credit to Dianetics does not escape any ridicule or give us any real responsibility in helping the AMA to continue.
Here’s another snippet.
You think some medical bums or psychiatry nuts climb out of their pig troughs long enough to act without pay?
Medical doctors are the “servants of the insane politician.”
Therefore we must, very hard, push the idea that the eradication of unwanted minorities and unwanted religious groups is the primary target of the medical doctor who is himself simply the servant of the insane politician.
Scientology has a “vested interest in knocking out the medical doctor.”
We have a vested interest in knocking out the medical doctor and psychosurgery and electric shock since these men are the tools of mad do-gooders, and as they are the out-ethics segment of the planet.
Doctors are “careless and incompetent.”
Doctors are too often careless and incompetent, psychiatrists are simply outright murderers. The solution is not to pick up their pieces for them but to demand medical doctors become competent and to abolish psychiatry and psychiatrists as well as psychologists and other infamous Nazi criminal outgrowths. Society and police agencies should deal with such offenses. It is not up to Scientologists to salvage the wreckage created by these professions, but to prevent it from happening in the first place by reforming a degraded society.
And the original sin of Hubbard. Claiming Dianetics could cure everything from the common cold to tuberculosis — why would any ill scientologist resort to a medical doctor when Dianetics can cure it.
Treatment for accidental injury, surgery for various things such as malformation inherent in the body on a genetic basis, and orthopedics, which actually can be classed under both, remain properly outside the field of dianetics, although it can be remarked in passing that almost all accidents are to be traced to dramatization of engrams and that clears rarely have accidents.
Psycho, of course, refers to mind and somatic refers to body; the term psycho-somatic means the mind making the body ill or illnesses which have been created physically within the body by derangement of the mind. Naturally such diseases, when one has resolved the problem of human aberration, become uniformly susceptible to cure.
Arthritis, dermatitis, allergies, asthma, some coronary difficulties, eye trouble, bursitis, ulcers, sinusitis, etc. form a very small section of the psycho-somatic catalogue. Bizarre aches
and pains in various portions of the body are generally psycho-somatic. Migraine headaches are psycho-somatic and, with the others, are uniformly cured by dianetic therapy. (And the
word cured is used in its fullest sense.) Just how many physical errors are psycho-somatic depends upon how many conditions the body can generate out of the factors in the engrams. For example, the common cold has been found to be psycho-somatic. Clears do not get colds. Just what, if any, part the virus plays in the common cold is not known, but it is known that when engrams about colds are lifted, no further colds appear — which is a laboratory fact not so far contradicted by 270 cases. The common cold comes about, usually, from an engram which suggests it and which is confirmed by actual mucus present in another engram. A number of germ diseases are predisposed and perpetuated by engrams. Tuberculosis is one.
And finally, why go to a doctor, when the great man himself says that ALL illness derives from being PTS (Potential Trouble Source — connected to a Suppressive Person).
And finally, a recent post I did about Scientology Healing.
Great post.
There is no question there is much abuse by doctors in overprescribing medications and needless surgeries while not prescribing lifestyle changes that could reduce many medication dependencies, but NOT going to a competent doctor for testing and review of options is NUTS! There are many miracles produced by doctors that save many lives. Hubbard is a quack and his preventing Scientologists from getting proper care is criminal!
Brian, I would not call it abuse by doctors in all except a few extreme cases. I know quite a few MDs who would rather prescribe lifestyle changes, but the reality is that most patients show up wanting a pill or a procedure to fix what ails them, and generally have trouble complying with anything more complex and sustained. Doctors actually often do strongly suggest such changes in part, but they know they can’t expect most patients to follow through and are actually often rather frustrated about that.
You don’t have to go further than the first book that started it all: Dianetics, the largest piece of disinformation from the Atomic Age. It says quite clearly in that book that the source of all mental and physical ‘aberration’ is the engram. The engram is a ‘copyright-able’ form of the phrase: mental trauma. Therefore, the first book says it all – medical doctors are a primitive form of medical practice and that clearing engrams is the only thing that will solve medical problems. The only exceptions are for physical injuries, which require immediate care and cases of physical injury such as lobotomy.
To state clearly my position, Dianetics is not peer reviewed and therefore pseudo-science. Whatever benefits are severely outweighed by the disinformation in the book.
Why bother following STAAD? Ain’t nothing good ever gonna come from that peanut gallery.
Parkin ostensibly writes this crap for a small clutch of kool-aid-drinking scientologists.
However, the target audience is one person, the little TAT (tyrant at the top) Miscavige.
Absolutely, WAYC. The Dwarfenführer directs them to say these things, then feels SO good that he’s seeing that”the truth” is out on the InterwebZ, for once. It’s all the little twerp’s ego being stroked; nothing else matters.
STAND – Stupidity Talks and Nonsensical Dorks.
Leaving aside scientology’s views on medicine for a moment, STAND’s reasoning about Leah appearing on Dr. Oz’s show is remarkable: “…The Dr Oz Show interviewed anti-Scientologist Leah Remini and aired false propaganda formulated to generate hate against Scientologists and the Scientology religion.”
First off, “false propaganda” is a truly precious term. Any half-way thinking person would assume that “propaganda” by definition is “false.” So are they suggesting that there is also such a thing as “true propaganda?” Presumably that would be propaganda coming from the “right”, ahem, source (Source), and today’s Hubbard pearls certainly don’t disappoint on that account. Nor does the STAND screed that wields verbal clubs such as “hate,” “bigot,” “lies,” and, with zero self-awareness, “propaganda.”
But more disturbingly, if appearing on a show opining that scientology rejects evidence-based medicine will “generate hate” and consequent “violence” against scientologists (as they claim in other posts), one can only wonder what this post calling Remini all kinds of choice words will do. Not to mention how Hubbard’s words on medicine and psychiatry, filled with the unbridled venom of the quack ignored by legitimate professions, will land and imperil any real doctor, psychiatrist or nurse wisely choosing to ignore dianutics.
Pro-tip to the hacks at STAND: Much like self-proclaimed geniuses, any “religion” that finds it necessary to ceaselessly proclaim that it is a “religion” leaves a damning clue that it isn’t!
STAAD is not REASONing, but unreasonable, reactive..
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. And so it is with Elron who should have taken his own advice: “Any organization unnaturally pretending to cure all when it cannot nurtures the seeds of its own destruction.”
At least they have the “becomes laughable” part down pat!
ElRon was too narcissistic to uncover any flaws in his illogic.
If my family and in particular my sister-in-law had not rushed me to the hospital when I suffered that burst brain aneurysm for emergency surgery,I would have died.The stroke affected my eyesight and short term memory loss.I did not bring these ailments onto myself.I am not a hypochondriac nor do I suffer from Munchausan’s Syndrome.Sorry for the incorrect spelling.I am glad Leah appeared and spoke up on Dr.Oz’s show.I wish she would give an in depth talk at the 92 St.Y in Manhattan.
Accusing someone of being a “bigot” is, by definition, bigoted. 🤦
Does that mean you are bigoted for saying that someone is bigoted if they say someone is bigoted? Does that mean I am also bigoted for saying that you are bigoted for saying that someone is bigoted if they they say someone is bigoted? So that means the two of us are bigoted…
“Quick nurse, give me the mallet I need to…”
“Hurry, I need to administer the rubber anaesthetic before it’s too late!”
Heeheehee…here we go round the bigoted bush, the bigoted…
“Got him.”
Heehee…time to go to sleep…bigo…zzz…
Oh, the futility of scientology.
Right now, in their meager ranks, are scores of veteran scientologists that are planning a life with less scientology. They managed to get a corona vacation from the usual crap that they have to experience.
Many have awoken, some are considering what to do about it. Some are out.
I bet there is a bunch about to give it all up.
There are some where it is a bit more complicated.
It just shrank even more.
Oh, the humanity.
Dotey OT, it means that in SOME people’s eyes, EVERYbody is bigoted and the term is null, meaningless.
Hilarious 😂😂
O/T. About Islam: What is the position of Islam on Scientology? Can a Muslim become a Scientologist?
* * * * * BEGIN SHORT ANSWER * * * * *
Q. What is the position of Islam on Scientology? Can a Muslim become a Scientologist?
Hossam Ed-Deen Allam
13 October, 2020
Short Answer:
To begin, in principle, the relation of the Muslim with those of other faith traditions is founded on mutual respect and understanding.
Secondly, the Quran and hadith specifically state that there is no compromise on Islamic creed.
Thirdly, the Quran emphasizes that there is no secrecy in the teachings and acts of worship in Islam.
Lastly, the Quran states that there should be no monetization of the teachings and acts of worship in Islam accordingly.
Accordingly, in addition to the evident fact that a Muslim does not need to join Scientology, it is not permissible for a Muslim to become a Scientologist
* * * * * END SHORT ANSWER * * * * *
Biography of Hossam Ed-Deen Allam, the person who answered the question.
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
Hossam Ed-Deen Allam
Hosam Ed-Deen Allam holds an MA of Diplomacy and Religion with Distinction from the Department of Politics, Philosophy, and Religion at Lancaster University in the UK. His main research area concerns Faith-based Diplomacy, Conflict Transformation, De-sectarianisation, and Peacebuilding. In parallel, Allam works as a member of Al-Azhar Fatwa Global Centre in addition to serving as a lecturer of the sources of Islamic jurisprudence at the Faculty of Sharia and Law at Al-Azhar University in Cairo. Hossam Ed-Deen is a Graduate of Al-Azhar University in Cairo from the Faculty of Shari’ah and Law in English. He has served as a lecturer of Islamic jurisprudence and its principles at the renowned Al-Azhar mosque in Cairo and has served as a religious leader in a number of communities in North America including NYC. Through his years of community work, he has provided training and guidance to government departments along with developing educational projects and community centers.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
That’s very direct, pragmatic and powerful. I sincerely hope it is picked up and published widely!
OK… as you know I am a “NEVER IN”……hmmm…I find this so damned interesting as in DOESN’T A RELIGION WANT TO DRAW MEMBERS IN….yet THIS “religion” seemingly “disavows/disconnects members”…….cutting them off from family & friends.
Add to that it’s done to SHUT THE PERSON UP WHO DARES SPEAK OUT!!! I’ve heard & seen this time and time again…yet these “religious organizations” can STILL CLAIM A TAX BREAK & GET AWAY WITH CRIMES.
We’ve see the Catholic Church & Boy Scouts & others have to FACE the consequences of the ABUSE of members or members’ CHILDREN…… SEXUALLY, physically, emotionally…and YES I would say even EDUCATIONALLY as in how is someone supposed to make a financial living if they’ve got NO REAL EDUCATION other than the “religious tenets” AND because they are CUT OFF FROM ANYTHING ELSE…
One can NOT make good choices if one sees ONLY one side of the coin. Having been forbidden to view ANYTHING ELSE & with seemingly “threats of eternal damnation” should one decide to “take a peek” at something else……limits the reality of the real world beyond that particular religion. Living in a sheltered bubble of life…so so so sad.
Balletlady, if it’s not contradictory, it’s not scientology, to mangle someone else’s observation. Davey’s doing just fine with “scientology”, or what’s left of it, the size it is. If he gets a larger flock, he may have to DELIVER service to keep the money flowing in. As things stand, he can browbeat the faithful into paying him tribute with no exchange required. All inflow, no expenses = pure profit!! What else could his cold, tiny heart WANT? (other than that next splash of scotch)
Church of Scientology National Affairs Office joins letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo calling for the immediate and unconditional release of Mr. Nguyễn Bắc Truyển.
Nguyễn Bắc Truyển is a Hoa Hao Buddhist. He was tried on the charge of “acting to overthrow the people’s government” under Article 79 of the Vietnamese Penal Code and sentenced to eleven years in prison and then to three years of house arrest following the prison term.
Lron should properly word clear ‘psychosomatic’. Ulcers are not ‘psychosomatic’, they are the result of too much acid in the stomach. Some of that can come from stress, but most are the result of an infestation of helicobacter pylori, a bacteria. As for Lron’s medical knowledge, I rather go with Doctor Oz, and I despise Oz for his diet of the day crap.
I am very much in favor of Leah Remini and anything she has to say about the CO$. I surprised that Dr. Oz actually did something that didn’t push a diet of the day.
Zee, don’t confuse them with real science. What’s left of their minds will explode if they actually learn some.
Yes, Dr. Oz, the worst sort of quack because he has the “legitimacy” of a daily TV show.
That said, its great that he had Leah on his silly show because millions (of idiots) watched it and heard what she had to say.
Leah’s strength is being cool, calm, and collected in addition to being stunningly gorgeous. scn is over-hyped, uses too many superlatives, and comes off as paranoid & desperate. scns are the original “turkeys” so dumb they can drown themselves in a strong rain.
(Actually, real turkeys are NOT that dumb, but scns are.)
Agreed on all. Leah’s got the smarts, she be no fool, this Brooklyn gal. Her passion for justice shines thru the self discipline she exhibits in getting her message across. Spontaneous, honesty-based passion channelled by self-discipline and awareness of the viewpoints of the recipients of her communication ensuring that her message comes across in the most powerful, impactful way! And as for looks, she is and has always been so very pretty. I’ve always thought so. But what’s most attractive about Leah Remini is her, well, for lack of a better term right now, I’ll call it her “real-ness”. Its not perfect; its HER, and its fine, and its HER, and who she is always shines thru whatever she happens to be saying or doing. I love that quality in people.
Pls allow me to add my opinion as to Leah’s most attractive feature. IMO, it is her courage. What enormous balls (not the best word for sure) for one little lady – all by herself – to stand up to this enormous multi-headed multi-billion dollar monster.
And the best part? She and Mike are winning! They have won every encounter and this stupid cult has been steadily losing all the while. Losing members. Losing money. Losing credibility and the best thing of all – people have been laughing at them louder and longer every time they open their stupid lying mouths.
Thanks to Leah (mostly) but also Mike, this has been a great seven years (Leah left this crazy cult in 2013). It’s almost straight out of the bible. Remember the story about seven years of feast followed by seven years of famine? Well, it strikes me like that.
Thanks to Leah for a great seven year ride and here is hoping there are many more years to come. If she keeps hammering away at this evil cult, the day will come where there will be nothing left to hammer.
Yes, Skyler, her courage. Real courage. Thanks for adding this in because it should have been the first quality of hers on my list!
“Dr. Oz is an obvious bigot as can be clearly seen by his 1.1 smile.”
Concerned citizen opposed to religious intolerance and the perpetuation of hate.
More like: “Cowed scientologist dedicated to the perpetuation of hate”.
Probably due to a bovine BT. Sorry to milk it. 😂
“Clears do not get colds” – LRH
Really? … Just cancer and strokes?
Right. I have come to the conclusion that ‘clear’ never existed except in Ron’s febrile imagination. IMO, getting to ‘clear’ dropped my IQ and left me more susceptible to depression in part because I bought in to the idea that *I* was responsible for all the bad things that happened to me. That’s a trap that I didn’t need, I suspect.
Meanwhile, when I got canned WHILE I was on vacation for the first time in 8 years, a half-hour with an understanding social worker (sorta a baby shrink) got me up and beating the bushes for my next job.
ETA: Scn has no effective support for day-to-day problems. Their “marriage counseling” seems designed to create only divorces, a power play for the spouse in a higher status.
Darn it, Joe P, you beat me to the punch with that snark 🙂
and Measles …… but then only when they have achieved the pinnacle of awareness on the Freakwinds!
LOL! Thanks, I needed that 🙂
I needed it more…
Joe. Laughing loud. Yeah probably it is a superior “tech” so it gets superior illnesses.
Oh, and don’t forget the several heart attacks LRH™ survived solely because Kima ignored his orders.
For every person who reads a STAND memo, MILLIONS watch Dr. Oz. No potential Scientologists ever read Parkins’ babbling.
Another PR disaster for Scientology. Thirty five years ago, Heber would have been sent the next day or two to rebut, but now Oz could just read back to him stuff from Mike’s post today.
And with covid, the SO can’t even import foreign workers.
Watched the whole Leah/Rogan interview … She was GREAT!
Right Joe. Meanwhile Eddie & crew are high-fiving each other on how they’ve “shattered suppression”
Joe Pendleton observed:
“For every person who reads a STAND memo, MILLIONS watch Dr. Oz. No potential Scientologists ever read Parkins’ babbling.”
MOST of today’s stats for that hit site are probably US going to check out his insanity for ourselves. HARDLY valid “clicks” for “his” stats, I’d say.
Bang on! These writings of Hubbard out gas their repulsive coercion against taking proper medical care for yourself.
Hypocrisy is alive and squeeling at Scientology.
He had the shits that the medical and scientific community refused to acknowledge his genius about the “true causes and cures” of physical and mental illnesses he spent billions of years working on. That detestation festered and bubbled, ably helped by years of heavy smoking, drinking and pill popping, until the day he carked it. Now that hatred is continued by a handful of marching morons (thank you Cyril M. Kornbluth) that know nothing outside their bubble.
So Ron, the bulletin you wrote called ‘Generalities Won’t Do’ somehow doesn’t apply when your writing about anyone not in lockstep with your views? I suggest you start practicing what you preach, instead of forcing your so-called research on others, but of course that would negatively effect your business model. Do you honestly think people are that stupid?
Scribe: Nevah gonna happen, what with the Tubby one being dead from a”psychosomatic” stroke or three and all. Ron NEVER practiced what he preached, or what he ordered more properly, and his poor body, and every around him, suffered as a result.
I continue to wonder why Hubbard never took care of his teeth. Dental pain is so debilitating. I can understand why he thought he could cure his broken arm or rib or something from the fall he had from his motorcycle. I can understand (understand, not agree) why he wouldn’t want to see a doctor about that. But his teeth? The pain he must have experienced. Not to mention the bad breath with them rotting in his mouth, along with gum disease, gingervitis, etc. How did he stand it? I suppose he feared and/or hated/mistrusted dentists as well as other doctors. I wouldn’t be able to stand the discomfort, the pain.
Aqua: And there were BIG campaigns made onboard the boat to ensure everyone smelled good. Some or most folks took that to include brushing your teeth. Not Ron, evidently. He didn’t get his own memos.
Wow, yeah, jere, you’re right! The smells, the consideration about even the faintest scents…yes, this lack of teeth brushing of his puzzles me a lot. You’d think I wouldn’t get hung up on such a triviality, but what can I tell you, I can’t puzzle it out so it remains sort of “stuck” there.
As with any autocrat, Hubbard didn’t have to follow his own rules. He could just change and/or enforce them at whim
I’m waiting for him to return from Target Two with a full confession, one-hundred page O/W write-up, and fifty years of community service commensurate with his royally goofing the floof. One can always hope!
Scribe, if he returns from Target Two, it’ll be “same old shit, different day.” If anything, it’s likely to get even MORE unhinged than it was before he flew the coop.
Frankly, I took the “target Two” line to be pure BS, and never DID really believe in past lives, just an overactive imagination.
I just received a radio signal from Target Two, and the person in charge, a Mr. Boris Cluster, informed me that L. Ron Hubbard was trying to use hypnotic commands in order to create a “safe space” for the express purpose of taking over the area. Mr. Cluster stated: “Hubbard is no longer welcome here and has 48 hours to get out of Dodge.” This was a severe blow to Ron’s ego, as he was reminded of the time he was asked to leave Greece in a former life as the Commodore. So, he’s headed back to earth, and authorities here have been alerted to enforce his community service upon arrival. In order to properly identity him, they are being instructed to look for an overly verbal man with bad teeth.
Scribe, If LRH returns in DM’s lifetime, I’ll wager that DM has him declared.
SLAS league.
Scientologists Lying About Shit.
Right, Taffy. scientologists lie, must lie, can’t not lie;
It’s written in stone or metal tablets, so can’t be changed EVAH~ (except by Dwarfenführer®, of course, who’s better than EVERYONE including Ron).
These smart guys always create an escape from the truth.
I can list more than ten people I knew about that were told to get next step on the bridge or do assists to cure illnesses like cancer or some kind of permanent depression (scn doesn’t call it like this).
Two of them committed suicide (and they were OT by the way). The others died because of the illness.
Most of the people here certainly know similar stories. We could write a book.
My point is that they have no competence whatsoever to really help someone. It is all apparent.
A person can convince himself of a lot of things. I did it while in the SO thinking I was clearing the planet and helping thousands of people.
Well nothing was more wrong than that. But I was so damn certain it was happening.
LmR, anyone who has been around the enterprise for a while has similar stories of scientologists essentially or literally committing suicide because of the beliefs scientology instills in them. They(scns) SHOULD be held responsible for those untimely, often PAINFUL deaths, and I suspect Karma will catch up to those responsible sooner or later. Payback be a B****h, guys.
Jere. Right. Karma, in my opinion, has already knocked their door a several times and now it is gonna step in.
They keep losing members left right and center. Additionally no new recruits or new people in. Truth about them spread from all sides like light on pests. And finally the pandemic.
Scn needs a continuous control over the people to keep them there.
But they should know that nothing in this universe can be kept continuing as they did.
Their biggest scam is pretending to teach about spirituality. Do great.
LmR, I don’t believe there IS an “Instant Karma”, but the Universe at large DOES seem to require balance. What’s the ancient saying? “You reap what you sow”? There’s lots of “stuff” yet to be reaped. I don’t mean the ordinary scn ill, but the LEADER(s) have the Devil to pay.
Jere I agree in full. No instant karma isn’t real stuff. But the fact that everything balances one way or the other is true. It’s physics. Something couldn’t exist without the opposite. And both can’t happen at the same time.
Old civilizations philosophers use to say “As above so below”.