Apologies to Lili and all of her regular readers: My screw up this morning. Today was supposed to be the final episode of Lili’s Adventures in Scientologyland. In scientologese, I was “out of PT.” Stay tuned tomorrow for the final chapter of her engaged story.
Stacy Francis, one of the scientologists who publicly attacked Leah in response to The Aftermath TV show, is promoting that she is going to be creating “very incredible content” but in order to do so, she needs subscribers to her YouTube channel so she can “use YouTube studios” in Hollywood. Wonder why she has to resort to this when scientology has unused studios coming out their asses at the old KCET facility (now SuMP) and Mad Hatter? And I actually wonder about this “YouTube studios” as it looks like it is simple a way of making content and it doesn’t seem to have any requirement of number of subscribers. Is it possible Stacy is engaged in some scam here to try to get her subscribers number up? Surely not.
For someone who is a legend in her own mind, 563 subscribers (when I checked as I was writing this post) is not very impressive….
It is no surprise to me that so many scientologists seem to gravitate to Donald Trump ( MAGA gJoy Villa has been on the train for years) — the similarities in personality traits with L. Ron Hubbard is hard not to notice. They’re Trump worshippers like they’re Hubbard worshippers and it seems to include most Scientologists (remember the only precinct that voted for Trump in LA was the small one that includes Big Blue). Scientologists rarely come across a conspiracy theory they can’t embrace. And if it involves the media even better. Secretive government plots… Yes! International bankers… OMG.
But what is most interesting here is her admission “for a long time I was having a hard time. My ethics were in but my admin was out.”
Did she really mean to admit that she was having difficulty with her finances? And that she was repeatedly being routed to ethics? OMG, she was so “holier than thou” in her attacks on Leah….
And sorry to have to break this to you Stacy, you have it completely wrong according to L. Ron Hubbard. This is from HCOPL 16 October 1967 Suppressives and the Administrator, How to Detect SPs as an Administrator:
If you can’t get in tech, ethics is out. If you can’t get in admin, both tech and ethics is out.
The sequence of things that have to be “gotten in” to make an org is first ethics, second tech, third admin.
Nice try Stacy. You couldn’t have had your admin out and your ethics in. Probably most scientologists don’t know Hubbard policy these days as the OEC Volumes have been unavailable for years… I will be here to help you though as the Keeper of Tech and Policy Knowledge.
Whiney victim! Whiney victim! Whiney victim! Whiney victim!
Puhleez. What is this bitch whining and blubbering about? Can it be possible that formerly bragging, smug Upstat Stacy who can’t sing worth a goddam by the way is now in fact a DOWNSTAT reduced to online begging in order to get actually hired somewhere is the real world?
Yo Stacy, let me guess:
You be in this financial pickle because mostly no one wants to actually PAY to hear you “sing”?
That is, other than captive audiences on the Freewinds and at Int Events?
Alas there’s no market niche for your “art”.
Well, I’ve always thought the cult had an over-appreciation for your limited talents.
I would venture to say that along with your admin having been out, and withal your ethics, your “tech” has been mostly out too. Must be tough to wear the hat of a singer when you can’t sing. My sympathies go out to you, if not my money, dear.
And I do understand why you wouldn’t want to reach out to your Orange Friend Mr. Trump. You won’t get any money out of HIM, that’s for sure. There’s no one he has more contempt for than someone who’s not making it in life. Besides with Trump, money is invariably a one way flow – TO him.
Not to support this person who I’ve never heard of before, but if one is following the “LRH order of things”, then one CAN have in ethics and out admin. For example, one can be in ethics , in tech, but not be hatted admin wise and so fail at a given venture. Think of someone who is not out ethics, knows how to produce beautiful paintings, but knows nothing about finance or marketing, and so fails at the business of selling their work.
Joe, I hear you and agree. In this instance though, have you ever heard this woman sing? Of course we all have our opinions about aesthetics. In my opinion, her “tech” was out, IS out and will stay out. WAY out. Listening to her is – well, she’s pretty bad. Honestly, she should get herself trained in some dependable profession. Become a court stenographer or something 🙂 Bloody awful.
Stacey was always in cahoots with Hanan Islam, with things like promoting her bogus cancer cure on Facebook. or advertising Hanan’s naturopathic clinic with Nation of Islam Minister Dr. Alim Muhammad that went bust.
when the World Literacy crusade got shuttered .. and promoted her equally shade son Rizza Islam. She tried so hard to push her baby daddy drama on the tabloids. (she had an affair and a child with Grace Jones’s brother Bishop Noel Jones) or her beef with Whitney Houston, right before Whitney died.. she was always Scheming with Grant Cardone because they wanted to make a film about Witney Houston starring Stacey. only to be told by the Houston family to f-off. there were always attempts to engineer fake publicity..to promote her NON-career.. because of all her drama and BS she never had 15 minutes of fame. please go away Stacey
Scn can’t even crack 10k for their own important goal. Scn has less than 10k Sea Org members. Who exactly is Stacy trying to reach out to?
Also … where exactly is she coming up with “100 million views”? Looking at her channel, the most views I see on any video is 45 thousand. A video from 10 years ago. Her own videos in the last year or two struggle to hit 1 thousand. (There is one spike to 11k but it is actually a video of Britney Spears when she was in court and big news. Borrow glory there.)
I’m not even convinced every video on her channel added together would hit 1 million. Now, sure, there are other channels such as one of X-Factor when she was on which hit millions of views, but again, borrowed glory (X-Factor audience, not necessarily fans that cared after that moment.)
Let’s talk carts and horses. The whole idea is to create content which attracts followers. This seems to work out just fine for countless youtubers who have built significant followings from nothing using their own resources. Not followers–of what, one may ask–so that one day you may or may not create content that may or may not be worth following in the first place. Staci may be well advised to consider Sci TV as a case study of many millions in resources and no following to speak of.
If THIS lame campaign is a demonstration of the principles and power of admin “tech”–in the midst of the current big “admin” push, no less–Staci better take a trip to Ethics real fast to explain the embarrassment she has caused her cult.
Paulette Cooper was harassed because someone didn’t have the nerve to say to LRH: “Sir, this is wrong.”
As far I know nothing is embarrassing in the bubble.
Its true; these people do not get embarrassed.
Re: “For a long time, I was having a hard time. My ethics were in but admin was out.”—Stacy Francis
When I read that statement, I sat aghast. Did a scientologist actually say that? How out KSW! It is ethics, tech, admin, and in that order. The first LRH reference I turned to is the same one that Mike referred to: HCO PL 16 Oct 67, Admin Know-How Series #16. Hubbard even refers to them as “sciences,” and that scientology even has the “natural laws” of those subjects.
Maybe Stacy needs a Pink Sheet on the appropriate policies, including Keeping Scientology Working. Or, perhaps, Method One Word Clearing might help.
Or maybe not.
Apologies to Lili and all of her regular readers: My screw up this morning.
Today was supposed to be the final episode of Lili’s Adventures in Scientologyland.
In scientologese, I was “out of PT.”
Stay tuned tomorrow for the final chapter of her engaged story.
Minor nit to pick. KCET sold it’s old studio and broadcast facilities to $cientology, but not it’s license. Those facilities became the studio for what most folks refer to as $CN-TV, on a ‘we’ll pay you to broadcast us’ DirectTV channel.
KCET itself is still going strong with PBS and has nothing directly to do with $cientology. Other than spending the money received from the sale of their old facilities on new productions.
Thanks, you are right. Corrected…
My brother used to joke when taking pictures to just “grit your teeth, it looks like a smile!” That is EXACTLY what Stacy and Ole Orange Face seem to be doing in that pic. Identical teeth gritting!
I’m lost for the words, but I know there are common phrases to capture Stacey’s predicament.
She’s in a cult that entangles the followers, and does them no good.
One cannot win using the cult doctrines, as those doctrines are written by the nutty cult leader, who has rules stating one must follow his rules.
It is worse than Catch 22, it’s like Cult 22.
Scientologists are stuck in Cult 22.
Drifting down a septic system outflow without a paddle, or a clue on how to use one?
And asking for permission to use one will just land you in Ethics.
Cult 22.
Speaking as a GOP activist (and a Libertarian activist and LP-MN member before that) I have to say that Republicans are TOO nice. Joy Villa needs to be shown the door. I DIDN’T support Donald Trump during the primaries.
Just to let everyone know there ARE dissenters in the GOP.
No doubt. I too support many “Republican” and “Libertarian” views. I disagree with many too. I don’t vote “party line.” I have learned from hard experience that personality traits dictate actions far more reliably than professed affiliations to policies. A sociopath who is a Democrat, Libertarian or Republican is bad news and will always be a worse choice than anyone of any party affiliation who is not.
Excellent reply Otherles’s excellent comment, Mike! While there ARE still some dissenters in the GOP who have not been hypnotized by T-Rump, it is also not difficult to notice narcissistic and sociopathic personality similarities between T-Rump and Hubbard.
And I think that Hubbard himself said something to the effect of “By their ACTIONS you shall know them”.
And I also agree with you that sociopaths exist all over the political landscape.
There is an excellent book on this subject by Martha Stout entitled “The Sociopath Next Door”.
Totally agreed that sociopaths come in all races, skin colors, ethnicities, religions, nationalities and political affiliations, socio-economic groups and intelligence quotients.
And Scientologists are SUPPOSED to be able to pinpoint them by the 12 characteristics. And they are taught that it is by these 12 characteristics ALONE that one determines whether or not a person is anti social.
And yet, it would appear that so many of them embrace L’Orange. He who exhibits, quite blatantly and with NO attempts to hide them, in full glowing color exhibits every single one of the 12 anti-social characteristics which per LRH tech constitute the anti-social personality, a 2 1/2 percenter, a Merchant of Chaos and which are, again, per L Ron Hubbard, the ONLY criteria to utilize in human evaluation of this sort.
And yet so many Scientologists, it would appear, love him. Blows my mind, I tell you. I’m not sure I’ll ever understand this.