Not that this is big news… scientology is operating on a blatant double standard.
I saw this on the STAAD twitter feed.
Now of course, we could do an even better headline — SCIENTOLOGY SUPPORTS ALLEGED RAPIST DANNY MASTERSON.
The difference in the two cases is rather striking.
The accuser of Haggis NEVER FILED a police complaint. In fact, the main accuser tried to get money from Paul Haggis to remain silent. HE went to law enforcement to report this.
Masteron’s victims all went to law enforcement — and there are 4 of them of have filed police complaints and now after waiting nearly 2 years for the LA District Attorney to act, they have filed a civil complaint.
Nobody is trying to silence witnesses or hide evidence in the Haggis case. Happening in spades in the Masterson case.
But then scientology doubled down on their hypocrisy. They show a shot of Paul Haggis with Harvey Weinstein, as if this proves he is somehow guilty. And they claim Remini and Rinder are “attacking the victims.”
We have never said anything about the “victims” only about how scientology has a proven record of framing “enemies” and clearcut policies to do so — see this earlier blog post Framing Whistleblowers — the Scientology Playbook, and our perspective on the allegations against Paul in this article Concerning Paul Haggis.
We have also reported the Fair Game tactics employed against the Masterson victims — harassment, stalking etc.
Not ONE THING ever even claimed by the Haggis accusers. So, who is actually attacking the victims?
And as for this photo — sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander scientology.
A quick google search turned up these images of scientology celebrities with Harvey Weinstein.
John Travolta.
Juliette Lewis:
And the big fish, being awfully chummy with Harvey — like sharing some real bro moments — Tom Cruise:

Exec. Producers Paula Wagner, Tom Cruise and Harvey Weinstein at the premiere of “The Others” at The Directors Guild Theater in Los Angeles, Ca. Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images.
So, what does this prove?
Absolutely nothing about Travolta, Lewis or Cruise.
But absolutely everything about the willingness of scientology to tell lies and distort the facts if it suits their ends.
They have no shame.
And Fast Eddie Parkin seems to be lacking any intelligence at all — why put out something so easily thrown in your face?
No one wants to watch that drivel. It’s embarrassing. Even most $cientologists don’t wanna watch it. Ouch.
Tom cruise kissing Weinsteinis the only reply necessary to counter the entire STAAD thing. Fish in a barrel.
Brilliant expose’! I assume most of this propaganda is for internal consumption, including making CofS management feel like they’re “striking a blow against the enemy,” but I think it’s still important to call it out and debunk it in case someone like one of the groups Scientology is trying to “safepoint,” or journalists, are doing some verification and fact-checking. The addition of the photos of Scientology celebrities with the infamous Weinstein is the pièce de ré·sis·tance.
p.s. Those photos of Tom Cruise make him look really unhinged.
Fast Edward: Stupidity born from desperation.
I didn’t realize that Tom Cruse was dating one the Winestein brothers. I wish them well.
I just wonder what Cruise might do the first time the brother lays a hand on him.
Do you think that he might jump up on the couch and start to crow, “I can jump! I can jump! Praise the Pope! Praise the Pope! ” Of course, if he were to say that, he would be talking about Ophrah and not The Rat.
You hit the nail on the head, Skyler!!!
I am very hopeful that The Rat-Faced Pope and all his little rats will finally have to pay for all their many alleged crimes. It may be that only one of them (namely Mr. M.) will have to pay for the abuse which he allegedly committed. But it seems to me that almost none of the cult insiders ever had to pay for hardly anything before (with a few tiny exceptions).
I eagerly anticipate the day that justice is served. So many of us have been waiting for such a very long time.
P.S. I just hope that on the day Justice is finally served, it will be served together with a side dish of Crow. After all, it is long past due the time these bastards deserved to eat a little Crow.
Would anyone happen to know a side dish they will deserve to eat together with Crow?
If you can, please feel free to fill in the blank, “Eat *blank*, you dirty Rats! Eat *blank* and die!” It has always been one of my most favourite directives.
If real people weren’t losing out so much on Scientology, all this stuff would be so funny.
Yes, that’s the really sad part of it. There are people losing their own houses, and even ending up homeless, so that an org with say 35 active members can have a 50,000 square foot building – that for instance would be 1,400 square foot per active member, significantly larger than the size of the average apartment and more space per person that the average house.
And then of course there is the damage done such as by disconnection, not to mention all the divorces fomented by Scientology involvement. I also suspect there is a much greater toll in psychotic breakdowns and suicides, and less dramatic mental deterioration in some cases, than we’re aware of.
Got up unusually late today and had an unusually large, full breakfast. Reading this – between the hypocrisy of the cult, and the persistent, blind stupidity of its die hard members – reading this on a full stomach I’m actually feeling queasiness, like I might not keep this food down. I am truly ashamed and embarrassed to have been associated with these people. “These people”…I do mean that phrase definitively. Feel free to take that phrase in its most pejorative sense. When I think of how proud I once was, how smug I was in my fatuous ignorance, to be a Scientologist, I feel like sinking into the floor. I try never to dwell on the past but instead create what I want and know is right in the present, but sometimes, unexpectedly, the past rears up and flies in my face and I have to look at it. As an EX-die hard member, my only comfort in cringe-worthy times like these is the knowledge that I’m am doing what I can to contribute to the upkeep of this blog, and to the Aftermath Foundation. I can’t erase what I did, how I supported and contributed to Scientology in the past but I can control what I do now, and hopefully this will someday outweigh the support I once gave this disgraceful organization.
I think Maya Angelou said it best: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”
And I think everyone here is doing just that. Keep forgiving yourself and doing better – it’s the best way to age, imop.
Well said!
Thank you, Briget! Maya Angelou nailed it. Its all we can do; its all anyone can do.
The fact that your body has those kind of reactions is quite interesting . I feel that sometimes we think we’re ok , but then obviously we are not .I was the youngest Scientologist auditor way back in the day in Western Europe . I’ve been to Flag many times , I was sexually assaulted at a young age . I thought I was over the abuse . It was so long ago … Yet those demons will never leave me .
I would like to command you for having a conscions , as many don’t .
Now in my older age , recognizing people that appeared on the aftermath show I don’t feel lonely anymore . Thank you Leah and Mike and everybody who has spoken out .
Maybe one day I’ll be whole again , I’m sure as hell not giving up .
Delphi was a breeding ground for abuse a long time ago . They should be investigated as well !!!
Aquamarine, I suspect that you were so die-hard because you genuinely “gave a crap”, and that same genuine quality ultimately led you out. I have hope for other die-hards when I read that people like yourself have had the courage to admit how duped they once were.
Thanks, Jutta and Francis K. True, I did care. I did think I was doing the right things. And in my own defense, when I spotted the outpoints I didn’t ignore them. I didn’t pretend they weren’t there. I didn’t let them go. I pulled threads because I believed the organization to be fundamentally HONEST. At least I can say that. Of course, my unwillingness to pretend was what got me booted out – oh, I beg your pardon – “silently declared”. Again, thank you. Courtesy of Briget I’m taking Maya Angelou’s advice 🙂
Funny you say that, Francis. I got out because I saw that what was being done was NEVER going to work, that it COULDN’T work. What was being done was doing them (and us and me) IN. I tried over and over to tell them that. References, written LRH policy both tech, ethics and admin being outright FLOUTED. And I was nice about it. Patient, tactful. I made sure they couldn’t ever say that I was “misemotional” or “low-toned”. Nothing got thru. In the beginning I was astounded. How could they not see this, see it immediately? After a while I realized something was very wrong and I didn’t know what it was but had no doubt that something, somewhere, somehow was VERY wrong. So I withdrew my support. Went UTR and withdrew, quietly. This took 2 years. But I left because I knew they were doing themselves in and I couldn’t let myself be part of it. I thank God there was no one I actually loved in the cult. No husband, lover, child, parent or sibling. Because very well do I know what its like to watch someone you love do themselves in and refuse help. You have to stand by. You can do nothing. There’s no other pain like this kind of pain.
Scientology’s Holy Sacrament = must lie,
Even when the lie just reinforces people’s opinion of their scummyness, it’s more important to tell a lie.
So Scientology is lying as usual, so what?
Big yawn.
Wanda, What happened to Placido Domingo when his ex daughter in law spoke out about the cult?
This whole deal reminds me of what the hate web sites were saying when Ron Miscavige came out with his book.
In some of their posts they were referring to Ron as an “alleged rapist.” This is a strange term in itself as anyone can allege anything–with ZERO probative value. If fact-free allegations were against the law, LRH himself would have been unable to get even ONE of his “scientific,” or later, “religious” works published!
In other posts they were crowing how they had been nothing but good to Ron and how they stood by him and supplied Ron with an attorney when he was accused of rape. And how they kept him for years after that incident employed in a position of “ministry.”
In other words, they could never quite make up their mind whether they were morally outraged at rapists (or even “alleged” ones AFTER their case had been dropped) or whether they preferred aiding, abetting and employing them!
It’s entirely predictable in what terms they would talk about Masterson were he to leave the cult and like Leah on Facebook! Or the allegations they would dredge up against Travolta if he were to leave the fold. Or how they would NOT use Weinstein as the rape boogeyman (granted, he most likely deserves it!) if he were to find LRH and buy his “eternity.”
Another big, big FLUNK for Eddie. Caught on another lie.
Delusional big time. He should re-do again all the Objectives Processes and maybe then he could see a bit clearly the facts about his so called religion.
If it weren’t for Double Standards scamology would have no standards at all.
We can always use ‘Triple Standards’.
The Church of Scientology is it’s worst enemy.
“…. why put out something so easily thrown in your face?…”
STAND is following Hubbard’s policy telling OSA what to do. They have this as their main daily action to do and continue to creatively do.
Hubbard’s nasty policy executing team, OSA, get RPFed when they don’t somehow make this Hubbard nasty policy succeed even.
Quite a lot of pressure, Ed’s done the RPF at least once.
Scientology’s and OSA’s nastiness is L. Ron Hubbard’s fault, he set up the Scientology organizations to dish this out.
A lot of people, OSA namely, following dead Hubbard’s rules, to the letter.
Wish they’d read the final pages of “Going Clear….” by Lawrence Wright and see Hubbard briefly admitted he’d failed.
Have Scientology Media Productions do a broadcast of the news that Hubbard failed, and the movement is ceasing operation, doing massive widespread refunding of all the followers’ donations.
Put their brain cells to use returning people’s donations and close up shop, they ought to.
That’s be a rightful history ending to Scientology and Hubbard’s nasty legacy.
Cornered rats are what they are. They have nothing left to lose and their viciousness is blind.
(Said metaphorically with apologies to rats everywhere.)
As far as i can see the only standard they have is a 4 foot 13 inch Demented Midget.
“4 foot 13 inch” – I love it!!!
Having double standards DOUBLES their standards, of course.
AND makes them more flexible, which they NEED, if they are to last much longer. The tactics they use were outdated 60 or more years ago, the “technology” NEVER worked as advertised.
At first any person would read Ed Parkin, Stand, etc., and wonder – “How can these people think they’re fooling anyone? The entire world is laughing at them. They must know this.”
But in time you realize that the propaganda they are spreading is not meant for those on the outside of the wall. It’s meant for those on the inside.
I suppose the sheep are directed to Ed Parkin’s site for all questions and concerns stemming from wog media coverage of Scientology. I’m guessing STAND is the cult’s “go to” site, part of the standard “handling” for “entheta” about Scientology, and that the sheep are told, “HERE is where you’ll ALWAYS get the true data!”.
“How can these people think they’re fooling anyone? The entire world is laughing at them. They must know this.”
They don’t CARE. If they were at all aware, they’d see they aren’t getting the advertised superpowers, that the “insanely great” new initiatives were just *insane*, and other truths. As True Believers®, they MUST ignore anything but the party line.
COS PR is a one-gag circus act. Always the same clowns piling out of their little car. It was kinda funny for a while. Now it’s just predictable and tedious.
Mike, you always do a fantastic job of pointing out the outright hypocrisy of the cult and its easily proven lies. They make absolute fools of themselves on a daily basis and when they attempt to smear someone it always backfires on them. It is like shooting fish in a barrell but you explain it so well and mash their face right in the huge turd they created for themselves. Never stop, Mike, never stop!
Your hammer hit the nail on the head. Staad proves nothing and just tries to use the old false equivalency to confuse the issue.
Tom Cruise should paint some chest hairs on, that way he could out chest hair Weinstein and have his shirt open all the way. Hell, why bother with shirts, TC should go for the whole Fabio look.
+ 1000 to what Pat and Zee Moo just said.
Seems like they can’t begin to get their act together. Such reckless accusations. So easily disputed.
It would seem that STAND, especially in the hands of it’s “chief”, is getting to be one more anchor around scio’s neck.
And then there’s Placido Domingo. Look at what happened to him just after his ex daughter in law spoke out about her time in the cult. Not sure what to believe there.
Thanks for all your hard work Mike and Leah!