…or at least they are trying to according to Michael Lewis (who seems to be everywhere — giving seminars on how to conduct life etc etc, perhaps this is a really long amends project following the massive bad PR his son generated).
It’s interesting to see the admission that Ed Parkin is his “boss”… The facade that STAND is a group of “like-minded individuals” who happen to share a common goal to eradicate religious persecution is of course a sham. This is in fact an OSA front group run by an OSA Int staff member, Ed Parkin, which has a select group of people who take orders from OSA to do what they are told.
And here we have the aforementioned Fast Eddie making a fool of himself once again with his latest tweet:
He is saying that “As a scientologists” [sic] he would not lie. Of course, everyone who has ever been in the Sea Org, and especially those in OSA (and in fact, most run-of-the-mill scientologists) know this is NOT true. If they believe that lying will protect scientology from some harm, they will lie 100% of the time. It is the “greatest good.” The STAND League itself is a lie, and tells numerous lies, repeatedly.
Let’s see how the truth-telling goes in the Masterson case.
Eddie might have to eat his words once the facts come to light about what has happened in that case.
Shit happens but good things happens also. All the good is God and all the bad is the digging themselves down
I wonder if STAND had anything to do with the anti-psychiatry death threats that helped cause psychiatrist Scott Alexander to give up his popular blog just today.
” . . . some people want to kill me or ruin my life, and I would prefer not to make it too easy. I’ve received various death threats. I had someone on an anti-psychiatry subreddit put out a bounty for any information that could take me down (the mods deleted the post quickly, which I am grateful for) . . . “
Blame the New York Times, who were going to dox him
Certainly sounds like the MO of some of the ultra-fanatics that STAND seems to cultivate. What a bummer and disappointing to hear about NYT, esp there being threats involved and they know how virulent some internet extremists can be.
To answer my own question:(What’s the difference?” Their fuehrer is a little taller.
This comment mostly applies to those who have never been in the cult or in the SO.
Many years ago in my early days in the SO someone gave me a science fiction book written in 1950.
He told me to read it. He said “this is the foundation of the sea org”. The title was ‘back to tomorrow’ or also ‘to the stars’ . It was written by hubbard.
I leave out the plot that can be found on the net. The final concept was that regardless of anything else the important thing was to carry on the initial purpose of the team. Regardless of all the rest..
If one grasps this then he understands from top to bottom how they reason and to what extent they are completely within their beliefs.
“This life is only a moment in front of all the others to come. It’s a long time duty.”
I remember when this was a thing.
STAND is the absolute personification of LIES, falsehoods, bizarre “manufactured” especially unrealistic or improbable *stories* in response to psychological need of OSA’s to do list for compliance to Miscavige.
Hear, hear!
By the way, your videos are hilarious!
“I need some more great writers…”
– Ed Parkin
Yo, Ed,
MORE great writers?
Didn’t know you had any!
Much love,
The NAZIS were also a group of ” like minded individuals” who were also working to “eradicate” some religious thing. What’s the difference?
To: Aqua(hic)marine
From(hic):Dayvidd Mishcavizh(hic), Shee Oh Bee, Arr(hic) Tee Shee
Re: My friend(hic) Ed Oarkin.
Now youzh lisshen(hic) here, you! Eddie ish(hic) my besht buddy an'(hic) I don’ like it when(hic) nobodeezh like you(hic) shay shtuff about my auditing(hic) twin. Right now we are doink zha(hic) shcottish rundown. Shince you ish an (hic) SP, I not gunna tellz you(hic) abou’ it!
Sho zhere!
To: Aquamarine
From: Alcoboy
Re: recent message from RTC.
Scottish Rundown, huh?
I have an idea what that entails.
Isn’t today when the dwarf gets his shipment of scotch?
Very Much Love,
LOL, Alco – yeah, Dwarf gets the Scottish Rundown every night 🙂
With his faithful twin Ed Parkin!
“As a Scientologist, I seek to live with the truth. LRH says ……”
Really?? And as an OSA staff member? Why then was/is there a TR-L? (L = Lie)
Now, do tell the truth!
Have you ever drilled the TR-L?
“Why Do Scientologists Lie”: https://www.mikerindersblog.org/why-do-scientologists-lie/
The answer to this riddle is simple.
Ed seeks to live with the truth.
In order to live with the truth he needs to know how to lie EXTREMELY well.
You see, “living with” the truth is NOT the same as “telling” the truth.
To tell the truth is simple.
Any fool can tell the truth.
One need not be trained in any way to do this.
Ah, but to LIVE with the truth – THAT is another matter entirely!
LIVING WITH the truth takes application, study, skill and practice!
One must drill, drill, drill in order to learn how to lie smoothly, effortlessly withTOTAL believability.
ONLY those who can do this are able to LIVE WITH the truth.
LRH in his wisdom perceived this and formulated TR L to be drilled to flawless application.
Seeking to live with the truth necessitates learning to lie very well.
Neither do I!
Not a clue, actually.
But its good to know I’m not alone 🙂
Much love,
I remember when I was on staff and we were running a stress test booth in a local mall.I was with a Sea Org member at that time. A woman came up to the booth, picked up a copy of Dianetics and said to us “L. Ron Hubbard. Isn’t this Scientology?” Immediately the SO girl said “No, no, no, no. We have nothing to do with Scientology.”
My jaw about dropped. How could she tell someone a bold faced lie like that? Furthermore, in the back of the book is information on the Hubbard Dianetics Seminar which is held ‘at your nearest Church Of Scientology’. And yet the SO tells this woman that our stress test booth had no connection to Scientology.
And now you know that the doctrine of Acceptable Lies is one of the reasons why I quit the church. There are others as well.
I always get the impression reading anything from STAND that it’s all written by one person, Ed, or someone else who Ed stands in for.
STAND is the ‘Der Sturmer’ of Scientology and Ed Parkin is its Julius Streicher.
O/T. Scientology Youth For Human Rights Award Winner Nation of Islam Brother Rizza Islam repeats the slander that George Soros collaborated with the Nazis.
For anyone who might think that Rizza Islam is a fringe figure of no importance, please note that at the time I screenshot his tweet it had been retweeted 324 times and had 834 “Likes.”
My tweet:
My ESMB redux post:
Scientologists traffic in “acceptable truths” – which, by design, are incomplete or false.
Acceptable truths are meant to conceal and misdirect. Normal people call them LIES.
OSA, frantically trying to scrub its fingerprints from having suborned perjury, obstructed justice is flailing at anything that moves. But there are too many moving parts here, and with each lie the hole only gets deeper.
A word to the wise:
Scientologists who engage in “acceptable truths” in criminal matters place themselves in serious legal jeopardy. Better to abandon the Scientology doctrine of acceptable truth, and just speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
And forget about TR-L.
The days of OSA enforcing it’s code of Omertà are over.
Exactly right! Which is why one swears to tell “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth” when one is giving testimony in court, thereby excluding the possibility for any “acceptable truths”. But then lying under oath would is problem for OSA anyway. They are Equal Opportunity Liars. Just tell’em who, what and where and they’re good to go. They don’t discriminate. They’ll lie to anyone anywhere about anything 🙂
That’s not going to happen. “acceptable truths”, the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics , and the “us against the world” concepts run deep within co$ and its slaves.
The worst thing is, outright lies and false affidavits actually work! The courts are not equipped to handle events like 10 false affidavits from co$ members protecting their own. The courts and gov still view co$ as a valid religion and not an organized crime mob. Until that changes, I’m afraid we’re not going to see a lot of change.
The STAND website is in my opinion the most mentally twisted example of lies. I always had a great laugh at Hubbard because he used a platform of science to criticize science. This website is a perfect example.
Scientologists had no part whatsoever in the creation of the internet yet they use it as a platform to spread lies. They pay no taxes yet people drive on roads financed by tax dollars where they are brainwashed about how bad society is and how superior Scientology is. Hey guys, guess what? Even your renovated buildings are created by us. You use current society’s wealth to try to destroy it.
Hubbard and his followers have been stuck in twelve year old minds since the early 1920’s. How stupid can you get? Illusion for a Scientologist is not knowing he is a thetan. Guess what? illusion is you really thinking you are a thetan. Only a twelve year old could accept Scientology. Some of us get past the lie; others do not ever. Ed Parkin give it a rest.
The hilarious irony about STAND is that if it weren’t for Rinder and his readers these nitwits wouldn’t have an audience. I’m recommending OSA promote a new slogan: “Come for the stupidity. Stay for the laughs.”
Chris! What are you trying to do? Get everybody in OSA RPFed?!
Lewis in his first sentence called for a person that doesn’t exist. Much less in multiples…
Yes, from my decades “in” and especially working in the S O I can attest that lying is standard practice in the cult. The lies told are referred to as “Shore Stories” or “Acceptable Truths” and are always justified as being done for “the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics”.
I have seen fraud and misrepresentation committed in cases at the federal, state and local government levels. Staff instructed to lie in interviews and on documents in connection with such processes. I have seen a document approved by Mary Sue Hubbard that detailed the entire process of moving all foreign sea org members from the Apollo to Florida back in 1975. That program required every member to commit fraud and misrepresentation in the process of moving to the US. Lie to consular officers, immigration officers at ports of entry and at green card interviews later on. And the stupid risk of being caught and then under the law being permanently barred from ever coming to the US again was somehow overlooked either intentionally or otherwise. Disgusting. That wasn’t the greatest good for the greatest number of dynamics, only one.
In response to Glenn but also Off Topic:
The following is just my own made up theory and its wholly based on what I know about myself, about what effects me in good ways and what effects me in bad ways. With that caveat I’ll share it with you:
I think the reason that Scientologists – dedicated, still in Scientologists who remain, year in and year out “in good standing” with the cherch suffer from ill health and die before their time is because they habitually lie.
Of course a lot of them smoke and eschew medical help in favor of auditing so there are these factors also)
But the necessary lying, to others and to themselves, I believe, is detrimental to their physical health, not to mention their emotional and mental health. They have to lie all the time, in all kinds of ways, in order to remain in.
They have to pretend to feel and think what they don’t feel and don’t think while at the same time pretending to NOT feel and think what they DO actually feel and think.
There is so much ongoing lying involved with being a Scientologist and it can be as petty as having to stand and clap one’s hands and shout “Whoo hoo” at an Event, or having to attend an event when one does not want to…all petty in themselves but when one is in Scientology there’s never just this ONE event, this ONE instance of pretending to like something a LOT when one just longs to get the hell out of there…Of course we all have to at times pretend to some degree in order to survive with others, but the degree of ongoing, constant pretense, the absolute necessity of lying about many things large and small, important or non-important, when one is a Scientologist is very high, one CANNOT tell the truth consistently and remain in the cult, and my theory is that this constant lying – lying to others, lying to oneself, is illness-producing.
When I was in, I reached a point where I KNEW certain things while also knowing that in order to stay in I’d have to pretend NOT to know.
I couldn’t do that. Not because I’m a good person. Its just not my nature. Lying about anything essential – ugh! Having to pretend all the time about essential matters is best case scenario boring and worst case scenario illness producing – for me. (I’ve tried) Little lies are ok sometimes…to get along, to not fight, to not hurt someone’s feelings, etc., but too much of that is a bore also.
Anyway, this whole long-winded point is my own personal theory that Still In Scientologists get physically sick too early and die with wasting illnesses before their time because of the constant stress they’re under due to having to lie constantly about one thing or another.
I agree completely.
Good to hear from you.
I agree lying is bad for both parties to it. They’re both stuck with altered realities as long as the lies lives.
Lying is usually a “chicken’s way out” as it takes real guts to tell the truth. I also know lying screws with one’s mind as the liar has to “keep” the truth and the lie in memory so if ever confronted about the event he lied about he can repeat it and thus remain safe. I agree with you, this is never good for one’s health or happiness. Lying is never good; and this is especially true when one lies to oneself. I know from experience that is more degrading than death even.
Michael Lewis is a buffoon. He is a wanna be writer who was not able to make it in the real world.
I knew him and his wife Divona. It’s no wonder their son became unhinged. Having them as parents would likely cause that result. I believe Scientology makes a person more delusional and psychopathic.
I’ve seen it time and time again.
I agree with your assessment, BK Mole. I also knew him and his wife. He never had to really support himself as he lived off a trust fund from dad and then off a huge inheritance when his dad died, and also off the residuals from his son’s tv acting after his son died,. And his wife brought home the bacon as an FSM.
The funny thing about Michael is he is in his mid 70’s and still wears that same wig he has worn for some 30 or more years. So now the boyish locks don’t match the wrinkled face. One time I was with Michael picking up something from home for a meeting and I saw a styrophome head which holds a wig on the table. I asked him whose it was? He threw his wife under the bus and said it was his wife’s and that she wears the wig. Later I asked Divona, wow, I didn’t know you wear a wig. It looks so natural! She said, “who told you that?!” I said your husband did. She snorted and said, Oh, he did, did he. She started to say more but stopped. But I got it loud and clear that it was Michael himself who wore a wig (still does) and who threw his wife under the bus by saying it wasn’t him; it was her. Vanity, thy name is Michael!
PS to my last comment. Re Johnny Lewis, the son of Michael Lewis. He had distanced himself from the church and wanted no more of it by the time he died. He stayed under the radar so as to not be declared. Divona, his mother, said he had read stuff on the internet about the church and he was disaffected. But prior to his psychotic break, he’d had a series of injuries to the head/brain. One from a motorcycle accident and other things too. Michael thought the damage to his brain may have caused the personality changes, as well as his ultra-sensitivity to light. He tried to get his son in for an MRI and testing but he refused to go. This is sad because I believe that had he gone in to pursue medical stuff regarding the brain injuries, he might have then gotten proper treatment and he might be alive today. So sad what happened.
Cindy, thanks for the information. Yes I agree that had Johnny received real treatment he might have survived. I suspect the fear indoctrination of cherch toward the medical system probably affected Johnny. It is sad. Hubbard lambasted doctors and the medical professions. They are slow to change but they do improve, unlike Scientology.
BK Mole, Yes, as a general rule the cult informally teaches that “medicos” are not to be trusted and not to go to them. But the official stand on it is in the Touch Assist bulletin where LRH says if medical help is needed to go get that first before doing a TA. He cites a broken bone as an example. So again, you get what they tout as what to do vs what they actually do, and usually they are far apart.
In Johnny Lewis’ case, I don’t think he wouldn’t go to have the tests because of any fear of doctors. He had been out of the church for a while (UTR) and not under the thrall, and had been reading on the internet anti Scn stuff for a while. I think the brain damage he had from being hit in the head in fights and from having the motorcycle accident just made it so he couldn’t think or reason well. The extreme sensitivity to light alone was a clue that he had a serious medical condition. His dad tried mightily to get him to go have an MRI or other tests, and Johnny wouldn’t do it. And the consequences were horrific.
Those who’re for Freedom are against Scientology.
You should put that on a billboard.
It’s A Libertarian thing.
Sort of reminds me of the A&E Live PD. The tired old answer to how many beers have you had…”Two” – yea, right. My favorite though is when caught with drugs in their pocket “these aren’t my pants”. Yea – don’t you just hate when that happens and yet they just don’t believe you?
When I served on Grand Jury we christened this “The Not My Pants Defense.” It’s well known!
Gee Briget that must have provided some comic relief and some head shaking. I suppose it’s not impossible that someone grabbed the wrong pants but good grief, I also suppose that when the person was faced with having to come up with a reason they were carrying drugs, or whatever, it seemed like the only thing left to say except, well, maybe the truth.
One of my favorite shows and, yes, I fall over laughing with the whole ‘not my pants’ routine!
I know Alcoboy! The first time I heard this I burst out laughing! You have to wonder how LE keeps from bursting out laughing too and just hauling the person in right then.
Ed’s cognitive dissonance will someday cause his head to explode. Stand away!
O/T. Mayor of Los Angeles criticized for hosting anti-Semitic Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad.
See Bethany Mandel’s Ricochet story, “Why Does Anti-Semitism Always Follow Anti-Racism?”
Bethany was kind enough to embed and discuss my tweet about Minister Tony Muhammad recently speaking before the Mayor of Los Angeles and other civic leaders.
Bethany previously authored the 2018 National Review Online story, “The Troubling Connections between Scientology and the Nation of Islam”: