OK, so a little more from our friends at the STAND League.
The “Reverend” Ed Parkin has some vetted and cleared “volunteers” who write things for him and they put them on their STAND League blog. It is pretty much inevitable that every item somehow worms its way to rail against Leah Remini (and often me). No matter what piece of news or view they are expressing, somehow all roads lead to Remini and Rinder.
This is one of their latest pieces. And I comment on a few notably ironies within it. It doesn’t matter who Liv Watson is. All OSA flunkies are the same. They might sometimes write something, but it is thoroughly vetted. Almost certainly the majority of what appears on the “blog” is actually written by someone in OSA Int and a name is simply attached to it so it seems not to be coming from the same source. They want it to appear there are many of them and they are all independently participating and contributing. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Here is what “Liv Watson” has to say, with my thoughts interspersed.
In many ways, 2020 is the most woke era we’ve ever lived through. When celebrities or other individuals with platforms say or do something offensive, cancel culture comes for them with a vengeance. They get flooded with negative comments on social media, the mainstream media follows suit with admonishing articles, and the shamed perpetrator gives a public apology.
And in most cases, there’s nothing wrong with that. If someone uses their platform and influence to spread bigoted ideas, it is your First Amendment right to cancel the hell out of them.
Yes, we think Twitter should cancel the hell out of @EPStandLeague verified twitter account for spreading hate.
The media loves to cancel people. It’s newsworthy stuff, and it sure generates a lot of ad revenue. But where I take issue is the blatant hypocrisy with which we cancel some bigots, but not others.
Like IAS Freedom Award winner Tony Muhammad who is a virulent anti-semite?
Religious intolerance is not culturally acceptable these days—think Islamophobia or anti-Semitism—except when it comes to Scientology. Certain newspapers and TV networks have tried to make it trendy to bash the religion.
Exactly. I could not have said it better. Anti-Semitism is NOT acceptable. Except when it comes to scientology. They support the anti-Semitism of the Nation of Islam and have never uttered a SINGLE WORD decrying the horrendous hate speech that vomits forth from them.
How many more Scientologists have to be discriminated against, harassed or even murdered before this bigotry is socially unacceptable?
Substitute Jew for Scientologist and look in the mirror. And unlike scientology, Jews HAVE been murdered by anti-Semites or those stirred up by them. The only examples you have of murders in scientology were both committed by people who had a loved one IN the organization. While you tried to claim we were responsible, with absolutely no basis, the facts have still not been disclosed in these two cases and likely the underlying cause of these terrible acts of mayhem are found in what was done by scientology trying to ruin the relationships.
Leah Remini has used anti-Scientology hate speech to stay present in the tabloid media and prop up her long-dead career. She filed false police reports, freely admitted she never vets her sources, and paid criminals (whom she describes as “her people”) to be “witnesses” on her show. After the show incited hate crime and the murder of a Scientologist last year, it was finally cancelled.
So, here we are, just a few paragraphs in, and the real purpose of the article is laid bare. I bet you would love a “long-dead” career of winning Emmy awards and every other accolade possible. There has never been a “False” police report, you misunderstand what a finding of “unfounded” means on a missing person report. She never said nobody vets the sources, be sure with the hundreds of legal threat letters that emanated from scientology about every source on The Aftermath, in Going Clear, in the Truth Rundown etc etc the sources have been very thoroughly vetted and have been supported by the media who have aired their stories of abuse.
Do you really think the show was “cancelled” because you claimed it “incited hate crime and murder”? Scientology has been making the same claim for decades. Never able to back it up with facts, these threats fall on completely deaf ears. And it is a little rich coming from an organization that has a written policy to utterly destroy its enemies.
And finally, 3 seasons, Emmy nominated every season, is not a show that gets “cancelled.” It ran its course, we moved on.
Even as Scientologist parishioners selflessly volunteered during the pandemic, helping to sanitize local businesses and hand out informational booklets on how to stay well, certain media outlets criticized their efforts, as if helping people was somehow scandalous.
Oh yes, the excellent “volunteer” work that only happens if a video team is present. Always got to toss some of that into the mix.
These “news” stories are thinly veiled attempts at boosting ad revenue by attempting to stir up controversy where there is none.
Well, I beg to differ. There is PLENTY of controversy. That is why there are so many news stories. When you seek to destroy people. When you abuse them. Break up families. Drive people into bankruptcy. There is plenty of interest. You sound like a child who murdered her parents and is now whining about being an orphan.
How many more Scientologists have to be discriminated against, harassed or even murdered before this bigotry is socially unacceptable?
People have a right to live their lives as Black, gay, trans, Jewish, Christian, female, old, young, or whatever—including Scientologist.
I certainly agree with your last sentence Liv. And what about NON-, EX- or FORMER Scientologists? You don’t appear to believe they deserve to live the lives they choose and have the freedom to express their opinions. In your world, what they have to say is labeled as hate speech and bigotry. Your label justified them being prevented from speaking at all.
Scientology is a religion protected under the First Amendment. Its members are well-meaning, productive people. And they don’t deserve hate crime, death threats, or bigotry propped up by the tabloid media.
Well, scientology is actually a business pretending to be a religion. But I do agree, nobody deserves hate crime, death threats or bigotry. But they also don’t deserve to be abused by the organization either.
The media institutions that propagate this bigotry are hypocrites. They’ll happily cancel someone for a racist tweet or an insensitive comment, but write anti-Scientology hate speech without a second thought. Such “journalists” need to take a long, hard look in the mirror.
Are you talking about Freedom magazine here? Or the STAND League?
You jump up and down and shout from the rooftops that you got our show canceled (you didn’t but that doesn’t stop you from saying it) and then write the most vicious lies about people because they are “Suppressive Persons.”
People who promote bigotry don’t deserve a platform. People have a right to live their lives as Black, gay, trans, Jewish, Christian, female, old, young, or whatever—including Scientologist.
Couldn’t agree more Liv.
Shut down the STAND League website, Freedom Magazine and scientology’s black propaganda websites. Distance yourselves from Louis Farrakhan and Tony Muhammad and decry their vile hate speech.
“Awful” Eddie Parkin and the SAD League, it was funny for a while now it’s just pathetic. This international crime syndicate hiding under the veil of “religion” does no humanitarian work, donates ZERO of their dirty tax free money to help those in need. Passing out some shitty pamphlet does nothing except waste paper.
Almost anyone outside the “bubble” can see that these people are sociopaths. It is like when most people outside Germany listened to Hitler rant and rail. People not living is his created bubble saw him for a the nut job he was…
“Ed Parkin has ” volunteers”.
That is a euphemism for ” Slaves”.
I should know; I was one of them though I had never met Ed Parkin.
I was freed; not by “Honest Abe Lincoln, but by some cat only known as: Death.
Wonderful rebottle, Mike. Every word they say are lies and you prove them wrong each and every time.
LRH said that in a scale from Right to Wrong the Wrongest one could be was DEAD.
You know, I actually agree with some of the bullshit they are putting out. I think that Mike and Leah are engaged in hate speech. THEY BETTER! If they were not trying to get people worked up so that they would get off of their fucking asses and DO something they would not be doing their jobs. Now personally (but this is just me) I would prefer that we just went in there and took those fuckers out.
The only reasion I say that is that they have proven again and again that they would do the same to us.
But then, I understand if you fine people don’t feel the same way. You are not quite dead yet; and you want to stay alive.
It is too late for me. If I can be of any use even though already dead it sounds like a good idea to me.
In some old recruit promo as I can recall( correct me if I am wrong LRH said something like: Later on, if we make it, what will your answer be to the question: ” Did you help” . I don’t know if we will make it. I don’t know if I will make it; I could easily be dead before you read these words.
The universe going on for billions of years in time has no comments but it leaks a message that people are limited.
Over at: https://azhlynnes.blog/2020/07/27/liv-watson-cancelling-others-is-a-first-amendment-right/
Stefani Hutchison ripped Liv as well as you did, Mike.
Barkin’ Parkin and the rest of the sheepbots on S(hit) T(alking) A(bout N(asty) D(ross) shouting crap into a cyclone.
It bothers me when a Scientologist touts rights for gay and trans people, because they consider these people to be dangerous and aberrated. Pure smoke screen. They would recoil in disgust if confronted with such a person.
Li did a Comm-Ev in the late 80’s on a male staff member on the Freewind who repeatedly wore female unifoms to post after being told by COCMO SHIP not to do so.
You nailed it ! Every rebuttal you made is spot on . Excellent post !
What Queen B just said. Mike eviscerates “Liv” here.
Speaking of hypocrisy: By scientology’s standards, criticizing the abuses committed by an institution is the same as showing malicious bigotry against that institution. This is a lot like saying that Bill Cosby was incarcerated by bigots for being black, or that it’s anti-Semitic bigotry that poor Harvey has fallen prey to.
In fact, by this “logic” ANY institution that claims religious BELIEFS (or “religious, wink, wink” because that’s where the money is, and the law overlooks a lot of crimes in general) would have to get an automatic pass no matter what their ACTIONS.
However, by these standards the most grievous persecution suffered by ANY religion in the recent past would be the Catholic church. An onslaught of bitter apostates intent on destroying the Catholic faith took it upon themselves to express their bigotry by accusing their former priests of heinous crimes, often decades after the fact. (And did you ever notice how the cabal of accusers all sounded the same?) The media piled on, as did the law. And a public outcry ensued–bigots, every one of them!
Parishes were bankrupted and had to close; Catholics were deprived of receiving “services.” Rank-and-file Catholics were swayed by the bigots to leave the church. Worst of all outrages, billions of $$$ were lost.
And where was STAND, an organization committed to fighting attacks on ALL religions, in all of this? Did they speak out on behalf of the Catholic church? Did they educate the public that religions have protected religious practices, such as the laying on of hands? Or word clear “pedophilia” for us all (how can the “love of children” be wrong?). Did they pontificate on the great American tradition of anti-Catholic sentiment? Warn us all of the perils of atheism? Unmask how the plaintiffs were under the influence of psychs? Offer IAS grants, organize demonstrations for religious liberty, or loan out PIs and attorneys trained in these unsavory matters?
Not a peep was heard from STAND, or any other inter-denominational scientology initiative; to the utter relief of the Catholic church, no doubt. STAND must have been too busy making sure that they didn’t miss any SPs tweeting entheta or worse, approaching their “church” doors or “public” parks. Perhaps, their attention was consumed finding ways to interpret the holocaust in creative ways?
Of course, that doesn’t mean they had no love for the Catholic (or any other mainstream) church: Its clergy is always welcome to sit on the next scientology inter-faith panel or say a few words at an org opening.
“People have a right to live their lives as Black, gay, trans, Jewish, Christian, female, old, young, or whatever—including Scientologist.”
Good one! So in this list we have
– black: race Hubbard spoke highly derogatorily of
– gay: 1.1
– trans: 1.1
– Jewish: other practice/implant
– Christian: other practice/implant
– female: human who must find it perfectly normal to be kissed on the mouth by adult man at age of 7
– old: old meat body to be taken advantage of
– young: young meat body to be taken advantage of
– whatever: worst person in the world if they cross Scientology
Yes, Scientology’s love knows no bounds.
What are you talking about?
LRH loved niggers. Why else do you think he went to South Africa?
When I was married the 1st time to Sharron Kimball, now Weber; the now Commanding Officer of the Flag Ship Service Organization, the only org on the planet that delivers New OT VIII, we were married in Barbados when a large number of blacks in South Africa lived in Soweto, a ghetto outside of Johannesburg. The minister, who was of course black came aboard the Freewinds to do the ceremony. He asked my best man Steve Davis where he was from. When Steve told him he was from South Africa there was a deathly silence. It was like a Jew asking a guard from Auschwitz what he did for a living. The minister then told Steve: ” Let not your heart be troubled, brother”.
My last wife Alison Williams was black; her father Edward R Williams was the first black Captain in the United States Coast Guard.
She told me: ” I have nothing against niggers. i think that everyone should own one”.
Your last wife, a black woman, said that?
She did. She could fo that because she is black. I would possibly be killed if I said that, not that I would say it anyway.
Wow. No words.
Bill, not to cavil with you but only because I’m curious: was your ex-wife a light skinned black lady? Because if so, there are many mixed race, light complected “blacks” – mostly not Americans but frequently Caribbeans – who are actually more white than black and its not unusual for them to consider themselves NOT black at all, with darker skinned blacks being the “other” to them. My father’s 3rd wife was mixed race, a kind of light coffee color. Like many of her class and socio-economic group in that country she did not consider herself in the least to be black and would refer to the much darker skinned people who worked in our house – in front of them – as “these people”. Which I considered highly offensive and rude to them. But she would talk like that in front of them. One “had to be careful” because “these people” were sneaky and would steal from you if you didn’t watch them. “These people” were stupid and untrustworthy. She would give forth with such insults right in front of them, like they were part of the furniture. And what she said was not true at all about them. They were highly trustworthy and not stupid, just poor peasant people without educations. Not stupid at all and I trusted them highly and so did my father. Boy did they hate her! But of course they needed their jobs and said nothing. But they couldn’t stand her. She thought nothing of it though. Like they were part of the furniture with no feelings. Totally the “other”. In her mind and in her extremely class and color conscious and insular society, neither she nor anyone of means with light skin was “black”.
I’d rather not see that word, from anyone, unless its unavoidable.
Many Black rappers insert “That Word” in their songs. It’s mind boggling to know that they don’t want others to use that word in reference to them…but THEY will willingly insert that word in their rapper lyrics. OR I’ve heard them during conversations refer to each other as “N”…..it’s all too sickening.
Balletlady, I think they’re doing what other oppressed people like queers before them have tried, seeking to “own” a term used against them, to take the sting out of it. And I think if you put yourself in their shoes, you can at least have some compassion for their situation. Isn’t what’s really mind boggling, that in the 21st century, a fair number of other people still call them that as a deliberate put-down of their humanity and act of ignorant blind hate?
However, I disagree with that strategem on principle – or at least, think that it is finally time to abandon it. But then we’d still be left with some of those other people using the term out of bigotry….
Just because “other people” call them that doesn’t mean these same oppressed downtrodden folks should as “oppressed people” use that term on themselves. It only perpetuates the use of that horrid word.
In days gone by people used Mick/Polak/Gunea/Wop….for the most pat that has mostly (not completely) faded into the past although there are other people who STILL do that very same thing….even in JEST.
I have great compassion for others….matter of fact A LOT of compassion for them. Having worked for Family Services & CPS….there still IS a great deal of racism amongst ALL groups of people & that needs to be placed aside.
However to me ALL LIFE MATTERS….HELP OTHERS & BE KIND TO OTHERS no matter what skin color, religion, background etc. Only THEN can be truly become HUMAN. Bi-Racial children are sitting on the line between being “Black and/or Caucasian”…if BLM does ONLY the Black part of them matter? I’ve spoken for my God Daughter’ & some of her friends who ARE Bi-Racial & they are very concerned about BOTH of their Cultures.
Let me add I DO HAVE friends who are Black & Bi-Racial. We are friends for decades & we do not view each other as anything else but close friends.
We cannot “fix anyone else”….we can only fix ourselves & treat others the way they want to be treated. That goes BOTH WAYS.
As noted my God Daughter IS Bi-Racial…..she is the most lovely young lady on the face of the Earth & more like a daughter. We love her very much.
Good point! In recent times there’s the example of the Deplorables. LOTS of Trump enthusiasts on the internet owning that one! “Proud Deplorable…Adorable Deplorable…Deplorable Bob…many variations on that insulting moniker as well as caps and tee shirts, coffee mugs, etc., with that logo.
On a rare occasion that I saw my family in the S.O.; my father asked me what the Church thought about homosexuals. I replied ” You mean queers”?
I have nothing against them, at least if I want to live I don’t. Most of the staff at the HIV Neurological Research clinic in San Diego are homo and when I was almost dead I replied on them to save my life.
Actually, Balletlady, its not an insult when African Americans refer to one another that way because it is said with affection amongst themselves. BUT anyone who isn’t African American had better not use that word – oh, no.
Along this line I have heard Italian Americans joke AMONGST themselves, i.e., one on one or in a small group wherein all of them are of Italian extraction by calling each other “greaseballs” or “guineas” …its all in the context and the tone of voice. I am half Italian on the maternal side but don’t look it; I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told “greasy Wop” type jokes from people who have no idea that my mother was first generation and then freaking when I told them. No big deal; if the jokes were funny I’d laugh.
I’ve heard Irish-Americans call each other “Micks” in the same way, as a sort of “in” thing amongst themselves, but woe betide someone who ISN’T Irish or Irish American calling them Micks…watch out!
True story: In my youth I lived in Manhattan and for a while I was dating a Norwegian fellow – typical Nordic type, tall, blonde, blue eyed. He was also sort of innocent and very admiring of American “hip hop” culture and desiring to be “with it” as regards whatever was considered cool and hip in those days. On one date early in our relationship we were on a crowded subway and strap hanging next to us was a group of young African American men Ebonically talking sports and referring to some sports figure they liked as not only a great player but a “great nigger”. “You can’t find no better nigger, man”. Solid agreement amongst them about this. Well, my Norwegian guy liked this sports figure a lot too, and he was listening, I mean, we were all jammed together in that subway car. And being a friendly, sort of naive who was totally not prejudiced against blacks btw, and just wanting to be friendly and “cool” jumped into their conversation enthusiastically a with, “Hey, man, I agree! He’s a really great nigger!” WELL! These guys just FROZE. Here was a WHITE man, a blond blue eyed YOUNG white man using the N word, calling their African American idol a nigger… they were processing this, the bad vibes poured out of them…OMG, and I knew I had to do something, say something, so idiotically I clutched Per’s arm in a signal to be say nothing and started babbling, “Hey, listen, you know, he’s from NORWAY, he doesn’t know what he’s saying, no kidding, he doesn’t mean anything bad I swear…” I was actually pleading in my tone for them to understand and spare him, to not hurt him for this innocent mistake, he was an ignorant foreigner, a clueless NON New Yorker, etc. etc. Well… They believed me…I could see that…but they didn’t like it.. I could see that too..kept staring… Mercifully, the next stop was ours and I grabbed Norwegian’s hand and, babbling goodby and have a nice day and whatever other idiotic stuff was coming into my head to these silent, stone faced guys from the ‘hood I quickly dragged my guy out of the subway car, he still wondering and non-comprehending. Once on the platform I clued him in: NEVER use that word! NEVER use that term to ANY African American! It is NOT cool, it is NEVER ok, it is HIGHLY insulting and offensive…I explained the whole thing including the nuanced contradictions, and he processed it all and understood. Close call there for a while.
Hi Aqua! I had to LOL…as a teen my BEST friend (Ruth Jean) was Norwegian on BOTH sides. Her dad 100% her mom 100% & they spoke their native tongue. Her father worked in New Jersey for Exxon(Esso) as did two other neighbors…Sven & Ole…..her father’s name was Johnnie….DK the Norwegian name for it because he HAD a brother living in New Jersey who name was John as well??? Her mom very quiet, her dad very verbose & outspoken.
My Bff “Jean ” was semi fluent in the Norwegian language too….understood more than she spoke. ALL of these families lived in Bay Ridge Brooklyn in the Norwegian section….they all were extremely prejudiced which surprised me when they would refer to the “N” word so casually.
My Bff Jean’s father had issues with Blacks, Italians, Latinos etc. It was a real headspinner…in that at 18 she became pregnant out of wedlock & married a guy who was Puerto Rican…..a real stunner to her parents.
Riding on a bus, subway or the LIRR in NYC I’ve seen & heard the angry language when the “N” word is used by a non black…highly confrontational & with “weapons visible” on a NYC bus…if you get my drift. I got off the bus ASAP.
I can imagine your terror at that moment of time…decades ago I’d seen a group of ten to twenty kids in a riot & it was horrific with names hurled back & forth, fists flying…bottles thrown…then the police came. To be ALONE with only one other person who has NO INSIGHT into the reality of what COULD have happened….I bet your life flashed before your eyes as you quickly to him off the train safely with many apologies…..which as we know often times do NOT work.
A friend in Georgia 30 years ago married a Black man, he was WONDERFUL, a professional, hard worker, highly intelligent, GREAT family man…her family turned their back on her….ignored her son…their Grandson because he was the product of a “N”….too sad. He is and always was a wonderful young man.
Me…Well, I am a “mutt”….Irish, French, German, Polish, Lithuanian with a smattering of the understanding of bits & parts of all those languages. When I worked in NYC for s “certain group of financial money lenders” (who I refuse to name!)…now THEY were really prejudiced & surprised I wasn’t.
I have heard Blacks call each other the “N” word…out loud…& I’ve heard OTHERS use that name to them out loud. Several of my BFF’s ARE Black….they jokingly use that word to each other as in “get yo” “N” ass over here”…. & then laugh..but they say they hate that word too.
They tell me that I am “an adopted Black”….because we are in and out with each other. YES we get “stared at” when we are together at lunch or dinner or shopping & we are having a great time together laughing & locking arms as we walk…(a bit distance now with the Covid) but STILL together giving each other opinions while we try on outfits!
Add to that my God Daughter J’nae looking more like me than her mother who is Caucasian with brown hair, medium skin, eyes which are between brown and blue. J’nae’s hair is like Shirley Temple’s…loose curls…very light brown with a lot of blonde & the biggest bluest eyes! Her dad is 100% Black & their oldest daughter Kele’ looks like him to a tee!
Katherine in Cali….I don’t like that word either….so sad for all
Hi Balletlady,
Obviously you’ve got some New York Stories too
So, you’re a mutt and so am I. Wasp from waaay back on my father’s side and first generation Italian-American on my mother’s side. Yes, that was a close call because Per and I were eyeball to eyeball with these young men in a crowded subway car when he , in their view, unprovoked, intruded into their private conversation and mortally insulted them. They had no idea how innocently and without prejudice or animus he said the N word. He was trying to be LIKE them, i.e., what he considered to be New York City-American “cool”. He thought THEY were New York Cool and he LOVED American sports. Like many Scandinavians (in Scandinavia, not here) he had no problem with dark skinned peoples. So it was this innocent and good natured outreach on Per’s part but these guys from the ‘hood had no way of knowing that and the effect on them of his saying this with a smile was shocking and horrible. On their faces could be seen the rage and pain, and a kind of grief, almost…which was why I began babbling explanations and apologies FAST. And lastly, yes, in the country wherein I lived for two years when I was very young I saw many people of mixed race type with regard to hair color and texture, skin color, eye color, facial features – too many variations of all of the above to even list out here.
Agreed. I don’t want to see that word, either. It’s vile.
Dear Katherine:
I agree completely. Now my last wife was black but had a lighter tone. Her father is is black as Moses but I believe that her mother was white. Re-inforcing this is that her father remarried to a white lady. I never met the lady as apparently she killed herself while on Psych drugs Now my ex wife has always referred to herself as black but she has said to me: ” I have nothing against niggers” “I think that everyone should own one”.
I have never used that word as it would by suicide around black people although I still would not use it even if it were not
Scamatologists always want to believe that their choich is the best on the planet, and that no one gives the amount and quality of help that they give.
This is because that is what they are told. At every event. By every IAS reg. In every scamatology publication.
People write stuff and really believe it. After all, they wrote all those success stories, and they really believed them.
It wouldn’t be so weird except for the fact that I went through all of that.
These people never seem to learn the lesson they are taught so many times again and again. These lessons often have a well known maxim that makes them understandable to most everyone.
For example, consider the maxim concerning the bear (or is it the bull?) and how whenever someone takes a sharpened stick and pokes the bear, it is guaranteed the bear will poke them back much harder and at least 6 to 10 times in return with a much sharper stick. They keep getting taught that same lesson by our favorite lady – Leah Remini.
But every time these goofs use that stick to poke Leah, she always pokes them back – much harder than they poked her – and her stick is always very much sharper than theirs. The reason is pretty simple. It is because Leah is just a whole lot sharper than these dimwits can ever be.
But they never learn. They just keep on poking Leah with the same old dull stick and she always pokes them back – much harder with a much sharper stick. It has become so tiresome that it is just boring to keep pointing this out.
But it’s about that same old Maxim from the Bible about the person with a beam in their eye that prevents them from seeing someone they claim has a toothpick in their eye. Someone recently asked me about the use of the word “beam”. It is an unfortunate word to use. It just means a great big piece of lumber – like a beam of wood used in house building. It just means that it’s ridiculous to complain about someone who has a toothpick in their eye when you have a “beam” in your eye. The word “beam” just means the kind of stick that Leah uses to poke them back when these fools poke her.
I look forward to some strips from RB who is the master of pointing out these kinds of lessons. No one does it better than RB and I would love to see him post a strip that shows just how ridiculous these people are.
It is just to laugh. They gripe and moan about the same things – over and over again.
But never once does it ever dawn on them that they are complaining about the very same behavior that they themselves employ to gripe about the people they don’t like.
They are just so full of shit that it mystifies me how they ever manage to keep their hot-air balloons floating. This is a concept that RB should have a ball with by heaping sarcasm upon sarcasm onto these dopes until they are all covered up and sink into the morass of their own lies and assorted crap.
I really hope that I am around to witness the end of this crap and the crash of their balloon. With any luck, that balloon will land on the so-called Pope and squash him like a bug. After all, any time I hear him talking, he certainly bugs the Hell out of me.
They have this beam in their eye which prevents them from seeing they are using the same techniques that they decry in others.
Specifically, when it comes to anti-semitism, they never have a bad word to say about NOI (one of the most prolific anti-semite groups). But they never stop griping about Leah shut up about Leah
Staad League and all of the $cienoverse exhibit the psychological term ‘projection’. They decry and point their fingers at exactly what they are doing to others. It’s like they are working in front of a mirror.
Mike, this is a wonderful post. Your comments are spot on.
My guess is that post on Twitter is targeted at showing to scientologists who are in ethics trouble. In their ethics ‘handling, ‘ because the person dared to check out what Mike and Leah have said and done, this would be shown to them.
They have a thing called a dead agent pack. Where there’s a file on some person they don’t want you to listen to, who’s an ex scientologist and it’s just full of garbage.
I believe that this Twitter crap from this Liv person, who may not even exist, is used in a generic way as part of an ethics program to whip a wayward scientologist back into being docile and donating.
I just realized something from my long and unfortunate history as a cult member of this church. Whenever I went to ethics they’d write-up a quick program and send me on my way. I would have many things that I had to read and with each thing I read, I would have to demonstrate with my little demo kit how this applied to my transgression or what I was in trouble for.
I often wanted to discuss with the ethics person my thoughts and my opinions and let them know where I was coming from.
If I wasn’t apologizing, groveling, or crying, they did not want to hear what I had to say. I’ve done all these regrettable things.
I never thought about this before, but if you look at Scientology in general, there is such a failure to communicate and to listen to others. For example when I was on course and had a question, the supervisor wanted to know what word I had misunderstood. They wanted to refer me to the materials. They did not want to discuss that this particular thing didn’t make sense. If they were particularly kind, they might show me another reference about something similar, to help me muddle through the dreck that LRH put out as wisdom.
Another example of not wanting to communicate is in division 6 (the public contact division). We have these video things that are carefully edited and beautifully polished and parsed to perfection, to create a particular effect. The plan is, a new person comes in and watches these things and is immediately enamored of the organization that would do these wonderful things. They don’t do these wonderful things. They lie and pretend they do these wonderful things. But God forbid someone should question it and a scientologist would have to defend the false videos. That’s really what it’s all about, if I as a scientologist asked too many questions, I could encourage questions in the mind of person sitting across from me. It could be a course supervisor who I’m pointing out something written that is nonsensical, or dangerous, or conflicting. It could be an ethics officer. I could wish to question why I’m being punished for something that is not wrong in the real world. Again this conversation would not happen because it might expose the ethics officer to questions of their own. There is such a push to get the person to read writings of L. Ron Hubbard and figure out how it’s correct and punish them if they cannot and if that doesn’t work get rid of them.
I am laughing to myself as I’m seeing all these memories of times I wanted to discuss something, or I wanted to have something explained, or I wanted to have some context, or I was just confused. They didn’t want to communicate about it, and they’re supposed to be the most helpful people on the planet. They are the least likely to discuss anything with you other than yay, its awesome here in the church. They are the least likely to answer a question that involves them considering your point of view. Especially if that point of view is not in the narrow confines of their prison of belief.
I feel lighter somehow. Lol.
One of the most quoted and least applied PLs in scientology.
“Communication is the universal solvent. Understanding a situation permits one to handle it.”
I bought that quote hook line and sinker. Then I finally realized that their hands were dirty and the solvent of communication would not show up.
They like their dirty hands.
I happen to know Liv Watson. She is a real person. She is a very intelligent young woman, but unfortunately she got sucked in to the Church several years ago, and in a big way.
Actually on-topic since we are talking about how the “woke” Church of Scientology supposedly stands in support of civil rights and against discrimination and bigotry.
The Church of Scientology National Affairs Office joined a letter to President Trump attacking the People’s Republic of China over its treatment of Hong Kong.
This is the second letter attacking the PRC that the CSNAO has joined.
Oddly, the Scientologist-led anti-vaccine Conscience Coalition also joined the most recent anti-PRC letter.
Continuing its efforts to affect US foreign policy, the CSNAO also joined a letter to the US Department of State requesting Country of Particular Concern (CPC) Status for India.
And in other news on the subject of bigotry and discrimination, Scientology Freedom Medal Winner Nation of Islam Minister Tony Muhammad published seventy (70) anti-Semitic “Understanding the Synagogue of Satan” graphics on Facebook.
While Scientology Los Angeles Dianetics Auditor of the Year and Scientology Classed Auditor-in-Training Nation of Islam Sister Charlene Muhammad continues to promote the anti-Semitic book series, “The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.” See –
– and following.
It’s unbelievable that Farrakhan and Nation of Islam is even allowed on the big media platforms of FB, Twitter, You Tube etc. . All which deem them acceptable. However I do believe in the 1st amendment as much as I despise what they are saying. So the onus falls to those that support them like Church of Scientology. COS should take responsibility for standing with those vile racists and taking all the blowback that comes their way. They have chosen to attempt to give credibility to that filth and are therefore responsible for all the consequences that entails.
Re: the CSNAO letters, there’s a lot of rich Taiwanese Scientologists, and there’s no chance in hell that the PRC will allow Scientology to operate on the mainland, so this makes perfect sense for the CoS.
“Scientology is a religion protected under the First Amendment.”
Ummmm…No. “In Hernandez v. Commissioner, 490 U.S. 680 (1989)” the Supreme Court of the United States determined the ‘quid pro quo’ nature of $cientoloy “survices” made it a business, not a religion. That decision has never been overturned. The decision can be found here:
The fact $cientology was able to coerce the IRS into giving it a tax exemption uniquely different from any other 501(c)3 tax exempt organization, e.g., being able to set ‘fixed donation levels’, doesn’t change that.
$cientology was, and still is, a business.
This is a particularly interesting fact, that Scn is a business, and has been adjudged a business in Hernandez v. Commissioner, 490 U.S. 680 (1989). I’ve heard of this court ruling before, and it always is worth repeating. I just wonder how much, if any, value that old pre-IRS-exemption court ruling has in the world of 2020.
AFAIK there is no legal basis for ‘being’ a religion other than an organization calling itself a religion. Obtaining a tax exemption from the IRS is a profitable move for any organization, but does it certify that organization is a religion, or just a not-for-profit?
I wonder if there is any way to legally challenge the Scn claim to be a religion. It would be great for critics of Scn if the cult had to renounce its religious nature, and revert to being the for-profit business it has been since its very inception. That might be a big step in rescinding their tax exemption, and it would give anyone convicted of a hate crime against Scientology some leverage for a new trial.
Correct. It does open a new can of worms IF just one other religion or parishioner of another religion decided to follow suit and sue. Claiming that the IRS itself gave preferential treatment to another religion.
And Scientology breeds hypocritical cowards who hide behind their websites and propaganda videos, tossing their poison darts filled with lies. 99% of religions believe in a deity, god, higher power, universal consciousness, etc. Not Scientology. It is atheist to the max. They believe they are fallen gods whose powers will be restored by Scientology. And the top most god is L. Ron Hubbard.
Talk about discrimination! The rest of us are wogs, un-enlightened, ignorant fools.
After decades in the cult I think I can speak with some authority.
Get a scientologist to confront someone like me who knows the ins and outs of the organization face to face and they run for the hills.
That is why the “tech” of suppressive persons and disconnection were developed by Hubbard. He wanted a way to silence or diminish is critics so his followers would ignore them.
Mike, you and Leah are courageous and unstoppable in my opinion. Thank you for persistently exposing Scientology for what it is. A self-serving toxic and destructive organization that uses its “religious status” to fleece and debilitate its members.
So…who is Liv Watson trying to convince.? Is this targeted to current Scientologists in an attempt to keep them inside the organization and encourage them not to ask questions? Or is this targeted to outsiders who don’t know anything about the abuses of Scientology? Does Liv know the difference between discrimination and criticism? Whose First Amendment rights is she trying to squash?
Just once, I would love to see a Scientology executive come out from hiding and answer questions.
Current $cientologists. Exclusively.
As for the difference between discrimination and criticism, watch L Ron Hubbard himself liken critics to baby killers: