Scientology super-OT Michael Lewis, masquerading as STAND writer Martin Landon — as Tony Ortega revealed on his Substack — now has Alex Barnes-Ross in the cross hairs of his poison pen.
In the world outside the scientology bubble, this is a badge of honor. It signifies that what Alex is doing to expose scientology’s abuses is important enough for them to devote time and effort to “dead-agenting” him.
There is no need to read the drivel they put out, it a smorgasbord of lies, half-truths, innuendo and idiocy. I’ve read the stuff they write about me and it’s ludicrous. The same for Leah. Tony Ortega. The Headley’s. Amy Scobee and anyone else who has ended up as one of their targets.
I just have to note one angle in Lewis’ whiney diatribe. He alleges Alex and his so-called like-minded losers “blame their failures in life on anything and anyone but themselves.” So interesting when this is precisely the modus operandi of scientology which is NEVER at fault for anything. And he goes on with further projection of the scientology mindset onto Alex, claiming he “needs money, your money, anybody’s money, right now—please!”
Michael Lewis apparently thinks his writing is inordinately clever. No doubt his OSA handlers think his stuff is great. He represents the things that make a scientology zealot. A complete lack of self-awareness. Smug superiority. The willingness to lie and hide behind pseudonyms to forward the “greatest good.” And unbounded and unashamed hypocrisy.
Michael Lewis has featured many times on this blog for his crazy promotional items. I just grabbed a couple.
How appropriate is this one — Money, money, money:
And the Court Jester demonstrating his stupidity — while claiming he is going to edumacate everyone on conquering stupidity:
Michael Lewis appears to be one dying leaf away from dropping off the sanity tree.
Making rent is a lot more than a lot of Scientology’s orgs can manage.
Some people can attack others, with lies, and get away with it, but today Scientology has a reputation, so bad that what they just did, to Alex, serves as an invitation, to go check out his Youtube channel, blog, and general work. I do know that most of what Scientology writes about, these days, are meant for their own people.
Kind regards
What SCN never understood (and this goes right back to Hubbard) is that saying EVERYONE that’s against you is some evil pervert, has no plausibility to anyone outside the group. Everyone understands that, for instance, not everyone who leaves Buddhism does it because they have some evil intention. Same with any mainstream religion. So why would it be any different for Scientology?
Well, Hubbard’s excuse was “they hate us because our programs are so effective”, but this too has no plausibility to anyone not in the religion. He never learned to pick his battles.
The concept of the STAND league was always weird to me. I knew what it was doing and why they where doing but I thought that it wouldn’t be really useful even if the lies that they said where true. Making these elaborate videos and elaborate websites wouldn’t really help and this is proven that throughout the years nobody really believes it one because it’s lies but two because of how obscure everything is. It honestly makes Scientology and STAND league look even more insane than it already is.
Scientology is really desperate to start smear campaigns against literally anyone who speaks out against it. I have seam the STAND league twitter accounts and it is al just BS to scare people into being quiet and telling the most outrageous lies about people. So the fact that they made something about Alex isn’t to surprising.
Alex Barnes Ross is making his mark. He’s a part of the new generation of people exposing the abuses of Scientology and not afraid to stick his neck out.
Michael Lewis, hiding behind a pseudonym, attacks this man. I would feel sorry for Lewis because he’s lost both his wife and son, but he seems gleefully unaware that these are things to mourn. Michael Lewis is a poster child for what Scientology does to both interpersonal relationships and rational thinking.
Stand League is making a difference, but not in the way they think. Their ad hominem attacks are highlighting just how low Scientology will stoop in an attempt to make themselves look good.
Every once in a while I see a post by the STAND league Twitter accounts. The amount of BS that is unbelievable. So this is not really surprising what else the STAND league has created to smear people telling the truth.
The real question is, ‘Who the heck reads Stand League?’ Even if they send it to who knows how many people, it’s obviously biased, so its informational value is zero even for any scnists.