Scientology hypocrisy on display for the world once again.
Now they are whining about someone blocking their hate tweets!
In this piece they attack Rick Caruso’s campaign manager because an ad “outraged tens of thousands of scientologists across the city” (they couldn’t gather tens of thousands of scientologists across the entire country at this point). And then he blocked some of them who called him a bigot:
Shocked Scientologists took to Twitter demanding to know if the Caruso campaign approved of its manager blocking constituents after they called out his bigotry against their religion.
Oh, the outrage. The horror of such a thing.
He is “censoring people” and he is a wimp. Of course, brave scientologist Jonathan Michelangelo Lockwood has never hidden from critics like the other people in STAND, who he must now categorize as wimps and cowards I guess. And Andrea must consider these people to be “censoring” me…
Here are just a FEW of the scientology accounts that block me despite the fact the vast majority of their tweets are about me:
I guess my headline should read: Scientology Hate Sites Block Whistleblower Alerting Public to Their Abuses
By continuing their horrid lying campaigns of smearing others, instead they continually earn their hard won reputation as a despicable cult. Doubling down on their backfiring scriptures to ly and deflect onto others’ supposedly bad actions, they divert from their quackery pseudo-therapy and exorcism operation which is a pay as you go faux “religious counseling”. Their quackery pseudo-therapy and their exorcism is their “religious counseling”
Right on Xenu People!
Doubling down on their worst behaviors, like true brainwashed fanatics.
If anyone gets into a confrontation with a Scientologist who seems bent on attacking one, just bring up a few choice Xenu related comments, and the Scientologist will get scarce and leave you alone, just say:
“Xenu caused the Wall of Fire”
“Xenu caused the 4th Dynamic Engram”
“Xenu mass murdered a zillion humanoids from other planets, he brought to earth during the Wall of Fire/4th Dynamic Engram, and these messed up bodiless souls infest all humans today.”
“Scientology’s upper secret levels called OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the five exorcism steps of Scientology where Scientologists exorcise their infestations of Xenu’s surplus souls which infest them individually.”
Poetic justice on Hubbard’s part, is he made rules for the Scientologists not to discuss nor define the Xenu genocide and these surplus souls which infest all humans today.
And when outsiders tell Scientologists about the Xenu surplus souls genocide and tie the Xenu Wall of Fire/4th Dynamic Engram, they get quessy and get scarce and stop being in your presence as you discuss anything to tie Xenu to Scientology’s today exorcism steps, and they will never talk about their exorcism steps.
In summary Scientology is pseudo-therapy and exorcism aimed to alleviate spiritual trauma and travails which we have supposedly accumulated over vast stretches of the cosmic past, in our past lives and present life.
Scientology is in a nutshell a unique expensive soul pseudo-therapy and soul exorcism practice.
And Scientologists cannot summarize their subject like this, and if you do this for them, and tell it back to them, and you mention Xenu (pronounced ZEE NEW) and if you mention the “body-thetans” (the surplus souls that infest all humans today, pronounced BODY THAY TONS), they cannot be around anyone who speaks about the Xenu and “body-thetans” information back at them.
The ultimate backfiring words and information created by L. Ron Hubbard.
Ironic because these words are central to defining the whole massive exorcism part of Scientology practices.
How preposterous that the SCN cult complains on hatred from HATERS.
Their propaganda hate pages radiate hate which makes Hubbard truthful in these 2 things he wrote~~
The sites above reek of hatred, vengeance, and the intention to destroy.
Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the most WICKED of them all?
“… outraged tens of thousands … along with their … and law enforcement partners”
Would you just look at that! We’re in the midst of the masterson trial where obstruction of justice raised its ugly head. And then there’s the palka corruption investigation. LA’s finest can’t catch a break!
Instead of laying low, now the cult’s posting something as tone-deaf as THIS! Their “law enforcement partners” must be appalled at who they’ve gotten in bed with and what kind of attention it keeps bringing on them.
Tens of thousands of Scientologists across the city, a number claimed before adding others (family, friend, interfaith aka safepointed minor religious people).
Across L.A. they are claiming tens of thousands of direct Scientologists. Are they including people who’ve traveled to L.A. for ASHO / AOLA services? Are they including Sea Org members who aren’t actually in L.A. proper?
Angry Scilons are like unruly first-graders. When they throw tantrums, what else are we to do but block them? Who in their right mind want’s to hear their caterwauling? If you think about it, it’s kind of hilarious that they think they’re so important that they believe that the world is obligated to pay attention to their squawking. Just like children. How can you deal with such childishness other than to say, “Go to your room!” That always worked for me.
I hear you, Chris Shugart.
Scientology needs a good spanking and ought to be sent to its room without dinner.
“Nothing worse than a bigot except on who hides like a coward.”….
Hmmmm….I wonder if Jonathan is writing about Dear Lear, the microscopic elf?
Won’t show up in public, runs like a chicken to avoid process servers, surrounds himself with layers of security. Yellower than malaria.
If we counted up every Scn ever who posted on any form of social media, only to carefully prune any comment that isn’t “Hip Hip Hooray”, there’s a lot of worse than bigots who hide as cowards.
Following in LRH footsteps, projecting.
“Sad”. Now where have I heard that phrase before and from whom?
I did not hear them complaining when they DDOS attacked my website or took my YT channel down w/spurious #metoo complaints!
I’m blocked by Scientology and Kirstie alley…maybe we should start a support group 😂
This IS the support group against their hate and hypocracy.
These days the public understands that Scientology is a small, criminal, money grabbing, religious pretending, hate group. No one is buying the “poor little victim” whining any more. P.S. WHERE IS SHELLY?
Right, Mat:
. for that matter, where’s Dave Miscavige, so he can be properly served?
Reasonable question. WHERE IS SHELLY? No one should be punished for doing their job.
History Lesson.
Ever heard of the Preparedness Movement?
It was believed by many people that the United States would eventually be dragged into World War One and the Wilson Administration was doing nothing to prepare our nation for this event. Many Independent Citizens, Companies, and Corporations acted independently for this event. Action independent of the national government may be necessary to remove the blight of Scientology from our nation.
The actions by Mike Rinder, Leah Remini, Tony Ortega, and many others is legal, above board, and effective and has contributed to the steady decline in the number of active scientologists, the ineffectiveness of their promotions and their rejection/ridicule by the media and public at large.
All we need to do is let scientology play out their scripted plans-projects-plots ala Ron’s writings and they will (are ) destroying themselves as witnessed by their attacks backfiring on them; see Debby Cook, Anonymous, South Park, Mark Bunker, Tony, and Mike Rinder.
Scientology will never impact humanity to any noticeble degree. Thankfully.
And the fall of the dominoes accelerates!