Nothing from the STAND League for some time, and then out of the blue they drag out the old “Rapist Apologists” tag line?
The upcoming hearing that is going to put this in the spotlight again? Some media contacted them about the allegations? The D/A sent a subpoena? Miscavige asked what they are doing about Remini and Rinder and they had to have something to show him? Who knows, but something happened, so they posted it twice in succession. And couldn’t garner a single “like.”
Because they brought it up — let me refer you to what we DID in fact say about this…
Framing Whistleblowers — the Scientology Playbook
Rape apologists? Hardly. We are working hard to be sure that Danny Masterson does NOT get away with raping women — and there are 4 victims who ALL filed police reports. Unlike Paul Haggis case where the supposed victim never went to law enforcement but instead tried a shakedown and Paul Haggis took the blackmail attempt to the police….
Fast Eddie and STAND, if you are such a champion of the victims or rape, why nothing about Masterson?
Or the continued silence about Louis Farrakhan and Tony Muhammad?
Cat got your tongue?
Scientology/Hubbard’s ideas fail inevitably, since quackery is bound to fail.
The whole counter attack policy Hubbard forces Scientologists/staffs (Office of Special Affairs, and their character assassination smear wordsmiths) to deflect.
it’s smearing deflection.
The problem, really, is Hubbard’s Scientology fraudulent charade “religion” dishes out quackery, open and secret quackery, which at best attains placebo gains temporarily for some of of the quackery dupes.
Xenu did not shower earth with body-thetans for which no one ought to pay a dime to exorcise Xenu’s body-thetans off of their Scientologist body, and certainly no one ought to spend a moment suffering through the Hubbard stepladder until they get completely brainwashed into agreeing never to publicly even say the word Xenu and body-thetans.
Scientology’s core secret 5 exorcism levels they can’t even publicly admit they even do. They are not allowed to even define Xenu nor body-thetans.
It’s all a massive dodge off of the fact that Hubbard’s quackery is quackery, start to finish.
I someday hope the word Xenu becomes better known that the name L. Ron Hubbard.
Let Hubbard be associated with Xenu’s body-thetans exorcism and the nasty deflection character assassination policy recurring entrenched behavior as the movement dodges off of the public knowledge that they do secret exorcism of Xenu’s body-thetans and they think that is what will solve the world’s problems.
They think all who oppose their quackery stepladder and exorcism are to be attacked with their over the top character assassination.
Miscavige’s history of staff violence, and Hubbard’s Xenu’s body-thetans exorcism, are the two toxic rejoinders that ought be constantly made, when SCientology character assassinates their critics.
“Nothing from the STAND League for some time, and then out of the blue they drag out the old “Rapist Apologists” tag line?”
The reason is that Danny “DonkeyPunch” Masterson is about to go down despite their attempting to shield him from justice And their attempts to distance themselves from the too-many rape and molestation charges coming their way. ANYthing, including “Oh, we’re not so bad.” protestations are going to issue forth from their lying mouthpieces until the evidence is so clear they can no longer deny it
Give the cult enough time:
“Danny WHO? Oh, right! Masterson,Masterson – right! DANNY Masterson! I remember now! Yes, he WAS interested in Scientology for a while, years ago. Haven’t seen him in ages. I don’t think ever made it as an actual Scientologist though he DID seem quite gung ho about Scientology for a while. Yes, I HEARD about the rape cases. Totally shocking! (Sigh) As I recall it never really worked out for him back then… the church has high ethical standards of conduct for its members …Didn’t some network or sponsor or something drop him a few years ago. Yeah, yeah, it IS too bad. A shame, really…”
Scientology getting in on #MeToo while it’s hot, I see.
What? That hashtag died a solid year ago? lol
The pandering is so thick… throwing out the “listen to your sisters!” nonsense… this kind of stuff fools nobody. I remember there being something in the news recently, one female politician who has serious beef with another female politician, boo’ing when her name was mentioned at a rally. Not to get into the actual politics of any of it, too contentious…
Some news outlets and garbage blue-check-marks on Twitter instantly fired off nonsense headlines/tweets about how upsetting it was to see one woman attacking another… what now? Does everything have to be fake? You have real contempt for someone, but you aren’t supposed to express it, because you both happen to be women? What are the rules then… only men can attack women? Or nobody can, because all women get a pass, no matter what they do?
It is 2020, there is nobody out there that still gets fooled by this kind of nonsense. It is pure pablum, but not even doctored up to be passable… just presented, placed in front of you, in the brand-name box, “PABLUM” in bright, colorful letters.
I don’t get, with all their people, money, other resources… how are they THIS BAD? They could walk into the local high school, throw a penny in a crowded hallway, recruit whichever kid it bounces off of as their new PR Director, and he or she would say, “nobody is stupid enough to think there is anything to this. try again.”
People have a little bit of critical thinking ability out here, in the real world. Hell, go read Fox News, then switch to MSNBC. Both are mainstream news outlets, but there’s completely different takes on everything, no agreement on anything.
Maybe it is a symptom of having all that questioning beaten out of them, they don’t realize just how different that has made them from everyone else on the planet. This kind of obvious manipulation is so ham-fisted in an era when people can detect, and expect, the velvet glove inciting them to think or act some way or another in reaction to anything they are presented in the media. “We hate Mike Rinder and Leah Remini, and we think you should too” would have gotten more traction, if only from the shock value of Scientology actually hitting something head-on and honestly, for once.
STAND is a fake social justice group. They wouldn’t know the word justice if they word cleared it a million times. And a group that can’t get one like cannot be considered a group. As Karen said, all lies.
STAAD is a fake *unsocial* GROUP, Mark. Ain’t nuttin social about them other than they pollute the Social Media alternate universe with their toxic “stuff”.
Hotair, Bullshit. Lies, Propaganda. Fluff and Froth. Codawallop, Baloney, Gobbledy Gook, Flapdoodle, Claptrap, Poppycock, these words are almost SYNONYMOUS with Scientology Inc’s pronouncements that they do IN ORDER TO LOOK GOOD.
Some 7 execs flew to the offices of St. Petersburg Times (Now Tampa Bay Times) with affidavits, swearing David Miscavige never laid a hand on any of them. These were adult execs who were beaten up the MOST. Marc Yager, Guilllaume Lesevre etc.
This was AFTER a dozen people had gone on RECORD on VIDEO who were eyewitnesses to the violence.
Unlike actual Religions, brazen lying to protect Miscavige and the cult’s dark deeds, giving false testimony, lying under oath to character assassinate a cult critic is celebrated and bonused with high fives.
It is debased and degenerate conduct.
Glorifying pathological LIARS, family members coaxed and encourage to “manufacture” defamation and smear campaigns and LIE LIE LIE is heroic in the cult !
” LIE LIE LIE is heroic in the cult”.
Not only heroic it is also historic.
Lying to consular officers when seeking visas to the US is, and has always been standard practice. Doing so is always excused/justified as in the “greatest good for the greatest number”. It rationalizes and excuses the continual fraud every time. There are many of us out here who know this is true, including all the staff who came to CW from the Apollo. Wonder how many recall……..
Yes indeed Glenn.
I recall well how we were COACHED to lie to the FBI on our Visas
“Only visiting the US to visit Disneyland” when we knew damned well we were in the USA to stay.
And we all LIED. We all believed in the formula.
“Its the greatest good”
In fact, the cult changed the definition of the word LIE to “acceptable truth” or WHITE LIE which was any fabrication which protected the cult.
Thanks Karen.
News from a friend who was at Flag a bit ago is lying to the US govt in visa processes is still going on. He said he chatted with a few staff who’s foreign accent prompted him to question their processes. Yep, each one lied their ass off in their interviews in applying for their visitor visas and when entering the US. Like you and all the rest of the Apollo crew they said are here for vacation only; no intention of remaining permanently. But they had already signed billion year contracts and had given up apartments, jobs, possessions and other things that would compel them to return.
I am convinced the fraud and deceit continues despite the threat of being discovered and then the persons involved being permanently excluded from ever coming to the US for any reason ever again. Wish our government would jump into this mess and do the lawful and right thing.
So if they lie about their visas and “only visiting” that means they are here illegally and could be deported at any time. What a PTS situation to put your people under. And also think of how horrible it is for them and all the other SO who spent their lives slaving for almost free, and not having paid into Medicare or Social Security. So when they get too old and ill to work and the SO callously offloads them, they won’t even have Social Security or Medicare to help them in old age. Social Security was never meant as a way to actually live off it, but only as a safety net. Now they wont’ even have that. And this is all because the church lies by saying it is a church and thus exempt from paying into the system for each employee.
Lying. The immigration act treats fraud and misrepresentation harshly and anyone caught can be permanently excluded from the US forever. In my opinion our government doesn’t do enough about this. But the ones who have lied about only visiting regularly apply to change their status to permanent resident. But this is dangerous as their fraud can be discovered during that process and then they are kicked out. But our government isn’t as vigorous as it should be in these cases.
I know of one couple who was kicked out of the S.O. This was because they were pregnant and babies were verboten. They had no money but moved to Calif which funded all the medical care needed. Free. I am sure taxes from working people paid for it all.
I don’t mind my taxes going to help people truly in need, such as a pregnant couple who gets kicked out into the cold by the abusive mind-control cult that lured them here illegally in the first place. (Now hopefully these types of people can get help from the Aftermath Foundation). Far prefer paying towards that than for city services for the tax-exempt cult itself!
Yes, Californian taxes paid for it. Hats off to California. Generous, caring, innovative, aware, highly creative, always willing to try something new, always willing to give a new concept at least a chance. Maybe it won’t work but in California it will at least get a chance. Of course I’m generalizing because not all Californians think and act this way , not by a long shot, but the “spirit” of this state is this way. Plus the great weather, the beach, the mountains, the desert, the agriculture – really, California has everything geographically and the policies of this very rich state are compassionate. No wonder property values are so high – who wouldn’t want to live there? And no wonder its flooded with homeless people too. Where else are such unfortunate people going to get any kind of a break? What other state gives a tinker’s damn about them? Well, of course, there’s New York, they’ll get help there, but then, it gets cold in the Apple
I’m not a Californian but I admire this state and its people!
Jane Doe 2,
Even without being eligible for Social Security and Medicare, if/when the cult offloads these Sea Org members and they’re too old and/or ill to work they can get Disability and Medicaid. Plus they are housed in publicly funded nursing homes, and depending upon the state in which they are resident they are given housing vouchers for their rent. In some of the states of this very rich country of ours there are still safety nets for people finding themselves in this sorry situation. They may not have a cent of their own but in this country they will still be fed, clothed and housed and their medical bills totally paid. With these programs the elderly American ill and poor do not have to die in the streets. We’re not a banana republic – yet.
Aquamarine, I think you are assuming a lot. I think you will end up being very surprised at how little the government helps older citizens who have not worked and contributed to social security, are undocumented and/or have no family to care for them. Who do you think the elderly people are who are living, homeless, on our streets? There is no real safety net in the U.S. This is a fallacy. The current administration has just submitted a bill that drastically cuts all the programs you describe – social security, medicaid, food stamps, etc. People may get some help, but find that there are no affordable places for them, especially in rural areas with limited healthcare resources.
That couple I referred to had parents in Calif who had millions of dollars. Very wealthy cultists. That the parents had the children go to public assistance for all the costs of natal care was despicable indeed.
I have a friend who works in a government agency that investigates and prosecutes welfare fraud. She told me the agency routinely discovers annd prevents 60-70 millions in fruad every year. And that was in just one county in the SF Bay Area.
I wonder how much better Calif would be if their benevolent hand outs were truly and honestly given. I also wonder/suspect that efforts to consume those benefits by the unworthy are occuring just because they exist. I’ve read accounts claiming that homeless people move to San Francisco solely because they are able to suck on the public teat more easily there.
RK, I hear you. I live in a big city in a Northeaster blue state. In my state, housing, i.e, being housed, is not a privilege, but a RIGHT. Every citizen of this state MUST be housed. If they don’t have a home, the state must provide one, even if its only a bed in a shelter. Now, there ARE indeed PLENTY of homeless including ELDERLY homeless, on the streets. But being out there and living and sleeping outside is their CHOICE. Yes, even though they are mentally ill or impaired by alcoholism (both obvious to the casual eye when you observe their rosacea, big veined noses, mumbling to themselves, etc.) – even those with mental challenges such as these cannot be FORCED to live in shelters. Under the law, they can CHOOSE to not do so which means they live on the streets. There ARE beds for them – by law, at least in THIS state – there MUST be shelter for them. Some of them reject it, and not all of them are mentally ill or alcoholics either. They just get used to and prefer “sleeping rough”. They beg on the streets and in public transport. They get by that way. If and/or when they choose to go to a shelter there is always a bed for them – by law in this state! And hospitals MUST treat them, at no charge. Our taxes – very high – pay for this. And this is KNOWN so many homeless COME to this state. Not a good scene, certainly but what’s the alternative? Step over them on your way to work or a movie while they lie there dying in the street? That sounds melodramatic but I saw just that in the Banana Republic I lived in for 2 years.
Glenn – and I beg Mike’s indulgence as we are so far and away and intensely off topic – Glenn, I couldn’t agree with you more with regard to those totally undeserving of government help and handouts who game the system. They are ripping all of us off. It is a disgrace. So unfair. I’m always glad to hear of such people being nailed and punished. I personally could share 3 stories of such ripoffs that I observed, people I knew undeservedly getting SSI/ disability/ Food Stamps/Welfare /welfare services like home health care visits – 3 separate people I personally knew, going crooked like this – pure greed and selfishness. I was ashamed of them and told them so. All right, I’d better stop now as I have stretched Mike’s patience thin enough with my off-topic stuff
And by the way, RK, I know about the proposed federal legislation to eviscerate the public safety nets. For whatever its worth I STRONGLY disagree, LOATHE this wretched administration and fervently hope it doesn’t pass.
Ok, Mike, I’m done. I promise
Glenn opined:
“Wish our government would jump into this mess and do the lawful and right thing.”
I’m sorry to disagree, but that they don’t/can’t is one of the strengths of the US: The inviolability of the Bill of Rights. It also protects our right of free speech to expose their lies. We could do so anyway from this anonymity of the InterWebz, but I find it bracing to stand up with my real name and declare what they really are. They’ve given up trying to destroy EVERYONE who does do; there are now too many of us who know too much, too many for those who are left to deal with.
I totally understand why you disagree. But please understand are talking about immigration law and the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) doesn’t protect aliens like the Bill of Rights and Constitution do. In fact it is so opposite to common law it grants much more power to enforcement agencies.
Under common law one is presumed to be INNOCENT until proven guilty in court. Under the INA aliens are presumed GUILTY until they demonstrate their innocence. Visitor visas are often refused because applicants fail to demonstrate they have “compelling reasons to return” after their visits. Or they fail to show they are not likely to become a public charge (financial burden on America and its citizens) while in America. In marriage based immigration cases the alien has the burden of proving the marriage was not entered into solely for the purpose of obtaining an immigrant visa or US resident status. Won’t bore you with other examples. Just trying to show you how different the two bodies of law are.
Our government DOES have the power to investigate and prosecute. Remember the Snow White raids and those results? Wish our government would “regrow the pair” it had back then.
Glenn clarified:
“But please understand are talking about immigration law and the Immigration and Nationality Act ”
I’m sorry that I didn’t pick up on that. I was talking about the government doing something about scientologies excesses, lies and abuses. Reluctantly, I have to hand it to the Dwarfenführer’s minions for seemingly making scientology’s “religious” armor pretty thorough. Unluckily, I don’t see his minions ever being brought to justice for their crimes.
Wrong jere, the Bill of Rights doesn’t protect non-citizens who violate us law in the manner you are thinking. The Constitution gives congress 100% authority to write laws to deal with the problem in ANY way. They can say, a foreigner here with no visa does 10 years of hard labor and that would be that.
Wynski added:”the Bill of Rights doesn’t protect non-citizens who violate us law in the manner you are thinking.”
I wasn’t thinking about aliens violating clear US law, I was thinking about scientology being hauled in on its violations of law and human rights. scientology IS a US “citizen” masquerading as a religion, so can hide pretty effectively behind the Bill of Rights. To the extent that they can protect miscreants far too well. There are two DMs who currently have a heap of hurt due to them who are protected under scientology’s umbrella of near invulnerability.
“scientology IS a US “citizen” masquerading as a religion, so can hide pretty effectively behind the Bill of Rights.”
No jere, again you misunderstand the Constitution. The CoS is NOT a US citizen. It IS a religion under definition and law. It just doesn’t qualify as a NOT FOR PROFIT RELIGION under law/regulation. It is only “hiding” behind the IRS rules not the Bill of Rights. Which you still are not familiar with.
Tilting at windmills will just where you out. Stay on target and don’t splatter you efforts all over the map.
Absolutely correct. And when “Lie, lie lie no longer works, then “Die Die Die”.
I was a hero when I was dying. I was very well thought of.
The organization needed a martyr. Someone willing, even eager to die for the cause. My withhold was that I was not that eager to die, but felt that DEATH was the only escape
Once I realized the error of my ways I was an SP, just like many of you fine people.
Sweet Karen offered: “It is debased and degenerate conduct.”
Continuing, to keep the alliteration alive,I add: By a diminutive dwarfenführer who darest not venture far from his dark, dank dungeon lest he be apprehended for his dastardly deeds.
Karen, scientology and scientologists lie, must lie, can’t NOT lie. It’s in their “scripture”, so they can NEVER change. Additionally, whenever one of them discovers the TRUTH, they often soon are one of us, spreading the truth about scientology, which is, AFAICT, everything about it/them.
Jere…you made some good points. Email me
S.T.A.N.D. – Stinking Turds And Nasty Dullards.
Kronomex gave us:”S.T.A.N.D. – Stinking Turds And Nasty Dullards.”
GOOD one.
A new you tube video…”Ron Hubbard: Black Magic, Dianetics, and the Creation of Scientology” is now showing by Jon Atack…according to the video, L Ron used Alister Crowly’s book “magic without tears” to write some of the OT levels. The book costs about $90. L Ron’s version costs about $250,000. I’m not buying either one of them.
Somehow missed that Paul Haggis has ever been accused of rape at all, let alone of being a “serial” rapist. What BS is this that I missed or should I just google it? Hate to give the cult a stat though.
Lol you actually commented a great deal when Mike posted his original blog post on it. It’s been a while though and they’ve been surprisingly quiet about it, in the meantime. It was a great discussion on here. There was a post with a letter from Paul’s ex-wife preceding, then the post he links above which contained Mike & Leah’s (courageous) statement of support for Paul.
Holy Cow, you’re right! I remember now. That’s right, a number of years ago his bitter/angry still-in ex-wife came up with some wild, off the reservation rape accusations, undoubtedly ordered to do so by Miscavige per the cult’s “Always attack” policy. Mike did an article on it…I remember now, thanks, Jenyfurr. And, yes, I was quite vocal about it. I must have completely blanked this out. Pissed me off so much I totally blocked it from memory. Or senility is setting in. Whatever
Aqua, it’s perfectly alright to let insignificant garbage fade from your memory. scn, inc accused an innocent someone of rape. BFD. Nothing new there, folks; move along.
EVERYONE sometimes forgets something of no significance, no matter their age or mental state/capacity. Some things aren’t WORTH remembering.
Thanks, jere. All true. Also I really try to not hold onto anger, to let go of the emotion of anger. Chronic anger is an unhealthy condition in which to operate. For me, anyway. And one need not be suffused with continual anger in order to “do something about it”. In fact one can be far more effective in correcting a wrong when one is not feeling angry. At least that’s true for me.
Aqua, I think that was his sister (now passed away) that said those things. That’s what you & I found so profound, it was his ex-wife that came to his defense and blew some holes in the accusers stories and verified his back surgery and condition thereafter. She also said a great deal about his character and how there was no way these things were true. It was a powerful defense that rang very true. She had been in scientology also, but I’m unsure if she had left at the same time or some time after.
Right again! (Embarrassed groan.) My bad. Mixing up good guys with bad guys. The general concept returned to my memory; he had been seriously maligned with rape accusations. Thanks for the key correction, i.e., that his own SISTER was the accuser (may she not RIP) and his ex-wife the unexpected staunch supporter and defender. God knows its all in the details, so thanks again, Jenyfurr!
One of the busiest roads in the city, in an upscale area, sits the “Ideal Org”, with one of the emptiest parking lots around. A wasted space, by any metric of economics, no business could exist with not enough income. But through chicanery, it doesn’t pay property tax, it doesn’t pay it’s staff, so thereby can survive and appear to be open. This is the description of almost every “Ideal Org” in the U.S., and I imagine, the same for any other location on the planet. It’s the death rattle of scamatology. But it’s still evil and still dangerous, even in this state.
The Church of Scientology ALWAYS accuses others of what they themselves are actually doing. “Rape Apologists”, thy name is Scientology. Human Traffickers and Human Rights violators, thy names are Scientology. Real Estate Scam, ditto. The cult is so predictable. Blaring out their laundry list of the supposed crimes of others, they are effectively revealing the nature of their own crimes. In fact, a reliable index of what THEY are doing against others and the unethical and immoral acts THEY are covering up is what they are loudly accusing others of doing. So predictable! The mystery-lover/solver in me wishes they’d be more subtle and clever. There’s no challenge! But then, they have no choice. They MUST attack. Its Scripture. That’s right, Scripture! “Always attack, never defend”. Their Scripture. And you can’t make this up, folks. End of rant.
Aqua, you remind us that whatever scn. inc accuses anyone else of, they’re always guilty of at LEAST that.
Scientology…. It’s always worse than you thought.
True! Of at LEAST that and usually plenty more and worse. Predictable and at the same time amazing in its ongoing predictability
THE big lie is a propaganda technique and logical trick (fallacy). The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler, when he dictated his 1925 book Mein Kampf, about the use of a lie so “colossal” that no one would believe that someone “could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously.
How cunning is that?
The SCN cult use the Hitler technique is some of their more breathtaking lies. So and So was murdered due to so and so airing a TV show that exposes Scientology.
So and so is a rapist, a sexual deviant, a whore, a violent mugger etc etc which the cult did not know about during their 30 year tenure in trusted positions and only discovered all this when the ex Scientologist exposed the cult.
Ed Parkin ~~ was he a student of Baghdad Bob ?
@Karen, yes, these huge lies, repeated over and over, straight out of Goebbels’ SS playbook! And what about the Ideal M’org scam wherein they trumpet their “unprecedented expansion” as the reason for needing big, new, expensive buildings? Its amazing that the dumb sheeple believe this, sans any evidence of expansion and indeed with the massive shrinkage of Scientology staring them right in the face!
It’s shocking that they would even try to call someone a rape apologist as the “church” defends Danny Masterson the rapist and fair games his accusers.
Marcanon- It is definitely hypocrisy at its finest. Danny M has 5 accusers, police reports and witness corroboration not to mention a reputation. Plus his scientologist even went to the co$ at the time.
Paul H had NO complaints ever his entire 30yrs in, his EX-wife back up his honorable character, no one went to authorities AND 1 woman (later 2, then it became 4) was willing to “make it all go away for $15mil” and then HE reports the entire thing to the police – NOT HER!
They’re right, they aren’t comparable cases… and that will come out in the “wash” so to speak!
Karen: “So and So was murdered due to so and so airing a TV show that exposes Scientology.”
So, they’re saying that airing scientology’s lies and crimes causes death? All we exes have been doing is exposing that scientology’s activities cause death and destruction. Again and forever, they’re projecting their faults on any who would DARE to examine them critically.
This is probably because of the recent news that you and Leah will be doing more shows. The same goes for your daughter’s new batch of videos.
Yes, the cult is cornered and desperate and blind with anger and fear. Attacking before being attacked; accusing before being accused. Vicious, panicked, cornered rat behavior! (Sorry, no disrespect to rats intended. They are God’s creatures after all.)
Alleged serial rapist Danny Masterson has become a major problem for the Church of Scientology. David Miscavige speeches and PR events don’t answer to these very serious allegations. Thus, attacking Paul Haggis, Mike, and Leah is OSA’s pathetic attempt at revenge and deflection away from Danny Masterson.
That the entire $3 billion dollar Church of Scientology has come down to an attempt to deflect attention away from alleged serial rapist Danny Masterson shows the failure of the Ideal Orgs, Scientology TV, Super Power, GAT II, the Basics and every other cynical money scam. Is the ultimate EP of Scientology defending wrongdoers, alleged rapists, child molesters, and financial criminals? It sure looks that way judging from the court cases and lawyers. The Hanan Islam et al criminal is coming up in April.
That Scientologist Danny Masterson is attacking his accusers as engaging in a money grab shows him to be going down the same malicious PR path as Bill Cosby and we all know how that ended for Cosby. Masterson is also using his legal team to spit bullets and vow revenge and ruination upon his accusers when he beats them in court. This shows his viciousness and that of Scientology.
The Church of Scientology’s STAND League is — once again — shamelessly trying to shoehorn itself into the #MeToo movement — and this as it plans to force Danny Masterson’s victims into binding arbitration in order to silence them.
“Isn’t now the time you should be listening to your sisters?” Scientology asks just as it used six lawyers to force Valerie Haney into binding arbitration. Scientology worked to silence Valerie Haney and keep her out of a public court trial where she could testify openly and a jury could listen.
Taryn Teutsch tried to force herself into the #MeToo movement in her thoroughly debunked attacks on Mike Rinder. Taryn was asked to leave a Rape Survivors event (Denim Day) after she wanted to make it about her baseless attack on Mike Rinder. Masterson’s victims were there to confront Taryn and she got called out and beat a hasty retreat.
what the heck is wrong with them, thinking now is the time to cash in on #MeToo? they have Twitter… when is the last time #MeToo was trending?
these people have brain worms
Jeffrey, the comparison between Donkey Punch” and Cosby fails because, at one time, for many years, Cosby was a widely beloved ENTERTAINER.
Reading the horrific stories of OSA pet poisoning on the Bunker this morning so vividly illuminates the Co$ feeble, mindless attempts at online propaganda shown here. It boggles the mind that a reasonably coherent public official possessing any modicum of media awareness could be co-opted to appear pictured with members of this criminal enterprise. Thank you, Mike, for continuing to shine the blinding spotlight of truth under the rocks and into the shadowed pits of hell from whence the Co$ pustulant infection oozes.
Talk about projection. These guys shameless!!! They have a playbook obviously because if they are accused of anything they only attack. Even if it’s ridiculous they still attack. They embarrass themselves. I hope they keep it up. Let the world see their true colors.

Scientology is grasping at straws. Because of their on going human rights abuses and sheltering actual rapists and child molesters, their credibility is now zero. And there is no doubt Sea Org staff members are quitting every week. STAND is a huge PR failure. This is indicative of Hubbard’s toxic and antiquated policy’s. Thanks Mike for keeping us up to date on the cults on going insanity.
“And there is no doubt Sea Org staff members are quitting every week.”
This is fabulous news BKmole and not to cavil with you because I very much want what you stated to be true but do you have any evidence for this that you could (safely) share? Now, if the evidence you have cannot be shared here safely I understand.
You are right to ask for my sources. And I did make a statement with some confidence. It’s more based on a number of facts and observations. Living in the LA area I get some direct information. I think that more than anything the observation of the influx of foreign replacements which has increased in the past few years. And attrition of staff by illness, death and blows. I would say the aftermath foundation has the best grasp of how many staff are leaving. So I’m not absolutely certain of what the actual figures are.
“It’s more based on a number of facts and observations. Living in the LA are I get some direct information…influx of foreign replacements…attrition of staff by illness, death and blows”.
Observations and direct information works for me, BKmole, so thanks, and we’ll leave it at that.
Also know that I only asked you for specific evidence (which I understand you can’t furnish here) not to challenge or harass you but because what you said was such terrific news to me and I so wanted to believe it, but having learned my lesson about being a gullible fool when in CO$ I have since disciplined and trained myself to NOT necessarily believe anything without proof. Nor do I automatically DISbelieve anything, by the way! Like Ronald Reagan said (and I’m no Republican but I admire this saying of his) “Trust, but verify”
Sea Org members quitting every week?
I did not see very many in my day.
Our AO -1 receptionist (Chris Klima) went to HCO to route out and ended up being made the HAS.
Wow, was I stupid. I had no idea that you could just actually leave. I was sure (and told countless other people) that the way out was the way through (the cremation oven.)
I still have not totally figured out how come I am still alive. If I figure it out I’ll let you know.
Although I don’t know of many SO who blew or routed out I know specifics of many who died, and not from old age either. It’s the only foolproof way of getting a LOA. I had to come uptone to “Body Death” to get out.
Bill, every person I knew well and was friends with are no longer in the SO. Leaving was easy for me. I said you have one week to sec check me as I’m leaving. I guess because I didn’t care about being declared. If anyone would have tried to stop me I would have just beat then to death with an improvised club. It’s all about making a decision.
“Sure and it does me heart glad” to read how, once you made the decision to leave, you were prepared to go all Dirty Harry on them if necessary. “Its all in the decision.” Indeed it is. Well done me lad!
Mike: (Wynski)
You got it right, buddy.
Forgive me, I thought you were an ass with some of your comments.
But you cannot be easy on these people ( the Church)
Here I was, my death was predicted by the Captain Freewinds and 6 doctors.
And I was still trying not to make waves!
Why should a dead man care if he is declared or not. He ain’t ever getting any more service anyway. And you got to treat those cockaroaches tough cause they don’t give a fuck about right or wrong, policy or anything else.
Like a mad dog they attack anyone they think could be against them.
I did not want to be against anyone, but the alternative for me was literally to lay down and die.
STAND displays the psychological principle called ‘projection’. I.e., what they say, is what they do. Someday, perhaps already, they will cross the line and get their own lawsuit.
As recall, those STAAD guys have already set themselves up for some suits from you and Leah, as much as they’ve libeled you both online. MANY insupportable, demonstrably false statements issued forth from their lying pie-holes.
AND, I believe you have a good case for their lies having kept you from significant income. Good times….
I wouldn’t think it a good idea for Mike and/or Leah to sue Scientology for libel or slander however much merit the cases would have. Scientology has way too much money and would drag out the case for years. I think what Mike and Leah are doing in the media, i.e., getting the truth out there, is the correct, effective way to operate. Let the dogs bark (Scientology’s libel and slander); Mike and Leah’s caravan goes on! And as for the cult’s slander and the attack sites, who reads this shit anyway except Still Ins and ExScns like us? Waste of precious time, money and effort to go legally head to head with the cult. Wrong target. Getting the truth out there, comprehensively, to as many people as possible – correctly informing as many people as possible as quickly as possible – that’s the way to go.
Truth Aqua!
We’re all behind you, Mike!!
Together! We will overcome this ferocious onslaught against you and Leah!
Sympatico strong we withstand ….. yawwwwwwwwwn.
Fast Eddie… holes in his nubby old socks, left shoe heel flapping loose. We quail.
What RVW just said
Rip gave us:”We’re all behind you, Mike!!
Together! We will overcome this ferocious onslaught against you and Leah!”
” ferocious onslaught”!? More like the slap of a sleepy kitten.
Or as LRH once said ” The meow of a sick kitten”
Let’s leave cats out of this.
He can’t hear because he has his head up his ass.