As is their modus operandi, STAND goes after any journalist who dares publish anything they don’t like, no matter how insignificant or tangential. They do so with a fervor that is comical, reveling in purple prose and what they consider extremely clever put-downs.
This one caught my attention. While claiming this reporter had engaged in “prosecutable libel” in her vicious and unwarranted assault, it made no mention of what the supposed libel was (and Martin, perhaps it’s news to you that you cannot libel a dead person, something you should know before you spout off about it with such typical scientology condescension). So, of course, I had to look it up. It was not hard to find with a google search of the reporter’s name and L. Ron Hubbard. I wonder how many other readers of his STAND piece did the same? And by doing so, exposed themselves to the horrific information it contains.
Here is the relevant paragraph of Ms. Hyde’s offending article.
Out of that introduction to a much longer piece, STAND focused on a single statement about getting rich by starting a religion. Marina Hyde is quite correct, it is reported that Hubbard opined as such. In many places. Matin’s “dead-agent” evidence, if you follow his link (he probably didn’t, he just told to include it) is actually for a different statement about making a million dollars that Hubbard is also reported to have said. Never mind whether this is an accurate quote from Hubbard or not, he DID in fact start a religion (he pursued “the religion angle”) and he DID in fact make hundreds of millions of dollars as a result.
Even more significantly, Martin ignores the entirety of the rest of the paragraph. Everything about the hundreds of thousands of dollars in payments to ascend the Bridge, Xenu and the 75 million year ago cataclysm that has left every human on earth a complete basket case. He could have taken issue with the fact that she mistook 75 million for 75 billion and DC8’s for DC 10’s, and he would have been correct. But he would also have drawn attention to the OT III story. Not a whisper about any of this really strange stuff being untrue or “prosecutable libel” even though it is far more damaging than a single statement in quotation marks.
Of course, we all know the reason this was ignored. This is all super secret information in the world of scientology that you cannot be exposed to unless you have made your way through all the earlier levels of the Bridge (and of course made the necessary payments) to reach the exalted level of OT III. Scientologists at OT III DO believe this. As South Park so aptly put it: “What Scientologists Actually Believe.”
It’s a problem for the drones at the STAND League. They cannot address anything that relates to the OT levels.
So Martin waffled on about some other story Ms. Hyde wrote in 2008 about Elton John. In order to somehow prove what she said about Hubbard and scientology must be untrue.
It is a tactic scientology uses often. If they can somehow “prove” any statement from the person ever is questionable or untrue, they are instantly dismissed as an “untrustworthy source.” Everyone is held to that standard except scientologists and most especially L. Ron Hubbard. Stack Hubbard’s lies about himself and scientology end to end and they would reach all the way to the implant stations on Mars. Yet scientologists accept every word he ever uttered as absolute truth.
In trying to take down Marina Hyde, Martin Landon has not only made a fool of himself, but has brought attention to a single paragraph that no scientologist would have ever known existed. It’s now preserved forever to remind anyone who stumbles across it just how bizarre the world of scientology is.
They only respond to criticism by talking to a third party. If Scientology had a news commentary show the anchors would be facing away from the camera.
L. Ron Hubbard is filmed in black & white stating, “the fastest (or best) way to achieve wealth is to create a religion.” This is to the best of my recollection. I was made aware that scientology was a cult in the late ’70’s early ’80’s. When I watched the film clip, everything came together for me & finally made sense. The fact that he was a sci-fi author was the icing on the cake.
My heart hurts, breaks for all the people that have been mentally, emotionally, and physically damaged, abused due to one man’s (& his tiny sociopaths) narcissism and greed.
Hubbard’s literary output is deservedly universally ignored–outside of a shrinking “cult following.” However, he rates a page in wikiquotes where his infamous “religion for dollars” quote is attributed numerous times. And this is just one lazy-man’s way to avail oneself of this rare outburst of Elron forthrightness. The quote has been attested to in numerous other places.
So if one can find a loophole to bring action for “libeling” a dead man (He’s not dead. He just “dropped his body” and we expect him back any day now), let me suggest that this quote is NOT the hill to die on.
The insane and inane ramblings of the crazy cellar dwellers is just more piteous whining that signifies absolutely nothing.
I am the only one who reads each article on here with the soothing, handsome, Australian voice of THE Mike Rinder??
I know I cannot be the ONLY one…..
No, Marina is wrong Wrong WRONG!!!! (lots of exclamation points).
They were DC-8s, not DC-10s!!!!
OT – Hi Mike, I’m loving ALL of the podcasts. Unfortunately, I am weeks behind. I noticed at the top of this site you have tabs in place for different subjects. I know you’re a very busy bee but I have a request. Could you please create a tab that lists all the podcasts? This would be great.
Will check on that.
In the meantime, if you go to you will find them all listed…
I’m trying to locate a Commenter who used the handle Ideal SP, who posted some information about Cincinnati Org in February 2020.
If anyone can help me get in touch I would be most appreciative.
This is the comment I am specifically interested in:
Taking staff from other Orgs? That is SOP in Scientology.
Scientologists steal – money, people, money, did I say money, and more money via unscrupulous, deceptive and manipulative means. Any other for profit corporation disguised as a Non Profit would be shut down and the money returned to the victims. The slaves compensated. But not when they wear a religious cloak. In fact, Cincinnati Ideal Org ED, Jeanie Sonenfild, has legacy of stealing people and stealing money. Covertly, of course.
Ahhh…. the laws of karma grind slowly. But they do grind.
Word in from Cincinnati Ideal Org Staffers: Long time, married several time, bat shit crazy, kool aid guzzling Scientologist, Jeanie Sonenfild, OTVIII and Executive Director of the Ideal Org located in Kentucky, is in the RPF AGAIN along with her son Connor Sonenfild. Anyone have any more info on her and her son? Please report here.
Their crimes according to the ex Staffer from Cincinnati: manipulating and deceiving the Ohio and Kentucky Scientologists into putting huge sums of money on credit cards and then not paying them off. Not sure why Scientology sees that as a crime. Bankruptcy is a level of humanitarian achievement for all Scientologists across the globe. That condition is SOP. Not sure why she is in the Scientology prison system? What is the REAL Scientological reason? Probably could not keep her stats up any longer – she bankrupted everyone.
L Ron Hubbard policy does say hands off the guy with the high stats. So that is why Scientologists turn criminal over years and nothing is done to them. But if people write up KR’s on you and your ethics folder gets thick – eventually karma will kick your ass and it appears it has kicked that foul mouth heartless, cold, manipulative, deceptive criminal; Jeanie Sonenfild.
Meanwhile, back in Kentucky, her 2-D, David Sonenfild, is (allegedly) Home Alone, with Stage 4 Cancer. Any have an update?
Years of sacrifice and dedicated loyalty has these Scientologists getting the grand prize of Scientology that everyone eventually gets if they stay in long enough: Discard without sorrow after being used to commit crimes of bankrupting each other and getting others to work for free and the only thing they are achieving is to line David Miscavige’s foreign bank accounts with enough money to Keep Scientology Working so Miscavige can live his lavish dictator lifestyle.
No justice are the perceived sweet benefits of the religious cloak for David Miscavige and his minions. They may be immune from the Laws of the Land but not from the Laws of Karma
Thank you dear god of ” Doing Something About It”
Are you sure the RPF still exists? or is alive once again? That, alone, is cause for exiting the organization calling itself scientology. Talk about a complete reversal. hard work and other degradations offered as a “rehabilitation” when it is in fact a re-education process at least as gruesome as those in far-east totalitarian states.
If Dwarfenführer® has reconstituted scn’s private prison system, I’d expect it’s as impossible to “graduate” from as “the Hole” is/was. Has ANYONE in the real world seen the ‘President’ of CSI in the last decade?
HHHmmmmmm how very interesting………
Apparently Danny Masterson had to STAND (no pun intended) ALONE without any comforting words of encouragement from the Supreme Being Tiny Tyrant who DID NOT SHOW UP IN COURT IN SUPPORT OF Danny M.
Of course, the young lady is to blame, it’s ALL HE FAULT…she more or less should have made MORE EFFORT in defending herself…..again…HER FAULT…WHY would she go to his ROOM????….. …did she have Body Odor that badly Danny felt compelled to give her a “personal massage shower” & place her in bed…..and………………..
Of course a top notch lawyer will wrangle Danny Boy OUT of this entire mess….after all NO ONE BEATS COS, NOT EVEN THE IRS…………..
If Dunncey, I mean Danny, was Demento’s unrequited love Tom, weellll, that would be an altogether different matter.
I truly wonder about that GL……I think if it came right down to a serious threat of imprisonment for David M…..
………..he’d through TC under the bus tooo………….
Of course Danny’s lawyer is top notch & EXPENSIVE, wonder who’s footing the bill for this defense tab…………Mesereau is a real piece of work.
That picture of Paltrow in front of the wall of flowers is too vagina like. STAND (actually STAAD) are trying to defend the indefensible. And their prose shows it.
And if anyone wants proof that LRH actually did say that thing about the way to get rich is to start a religion, i one of the books by exes that I read over the years, it was said that LRH made that statement in a personal letter written to a friend. So it is in writing in that letter somewhere. It should be found, copied and copies of it handed out or published to any Stand member who tries to say it is a lie. The documentation of it is out there.
I’m sure the flower vagina was purposeful.
Of course it was!
And I for one am glad!
Thanks, Zee. I was thinking I was the only one who noticed that.
O/T. Los Angeles Times: In Danny Masterson rape case, accuser says Scientologists tried to protect actor.
MAY 19, 2021 5 AM PT
* * * * * BEGIN EXCERPT * * * * *
About two weeks had passed since actor Danny Masterson allegedly raped her, when the woman recalls entering an office at the Church of Scientology’s Hollywood celebrity center.
She was racked with panic, she testified in a Los Angeles court Tuesday, having told only a few people about the night she says Masterson allegedly assaulted her at his Hollywood home in 2003. Fellow Scientologists had rebuffed her attempts to talk, directing her instead to speak with high-ranking church officials, the woman said.
Her attempt to report the attack to an authority figure in the church that she’d been born into was met with a stern warning, she testified.
“If you’re going to say the word ‘rape’ don’t say it now,” she recalled the man admonishing her. “We don’t use it.”
The woman recounted the alleged rape and what she described as efforts by Scientology officials to silence her during nearly six hours of sometimes tearful testimony Tuesday in a hearing to determine whether the case against Masterson will proceed to trial. She is one of three women Masterson is charged with raping between 2001 and 2003. The other two accusers are expected to testify later this week.
* * * * * END EXCERPT * * * * *
So, on day one of the preliminary hearing, the LA Times reports, and mentions the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology interfering with the victim.
This is going well, already!
The west (left) islands are 65 million years old and the east (right) island is 300,000 years old.
The Canary Islands and some seamounts to the north-east form the Canary Volcanic Province whose volcanic history started about 70 million years ago. The Canary Islands region is still volcanically active. The most recent volcanic eruption on land occurred in 1971 and the most recent underwater eruption was in 2011-12.
Right, Roger: The volcano on Grand Canary Island didn’t exist 76 million years ago, nor did the Hawaii islands; thus Ron’s OT 3 story has to be made up out of whole cloth.
Time, place, form, and event must all exist at the same time-place for the incident to be real. Even if he got the time wrong and he relocated it to a time when all the islands mentioned existed, it wouldn’t prove that the event actually happened. And there are too many OTs who *believed* that telepathically auditing invisible space cooties like that would cure their ills— cancer included— and who died in needless pain. Do I correctly recall that MSH died of breast cancer? I have close friends who had that dealt with medically and are now cancer-free. But after trying the faith-healing (auditing) route, all scientology has is hospice care paid for by taxes scientologists don’t pay.