Funny how transparent scientology is. Under the guise of being “standard” and “on source” these clowns stumble and bumble around doing the most incredibly foolish things that invariably blow up in their faces.
I recently received two separate emails, both containing the same text, though they concern two different people.
Under the guise of conducting an “ethics interrogatory” the emails are intended only to create mistrust and worry about Glenn Samuels and Candy Swanson in the minds of the people that are the recipients of the emails.
How can you tell these are not a real “interrogatory” but are instead just a fair game tactic?
- A real “interrogatory” must come from the “Hubbard Communications Office — HCO” and it would say so at the top
- A real HCO in an authorized scientology organization must have a email address, NOT a gmail address. No scientology organization is allowed to have a gmail address OMG — it would open them up to the evils of the internet.
- A real HCO interrogatory would be signed by someone. Scientology communications are always signed by at least a post title — to do otherwise is squirrel. Scientology organizations pride themselves on their “communication skills” and use of the “communication formula” which includes an origination point.
- The email violates the standard Hubbard policy on writing such an Interrogatory which says it MUST give specifics on what is being looked into, otherwise it is a “suppressive generality.”
If some org HCO, or RTC, wanted to investigate these people they could come right out and issue an interrogatory (unless they are so backed off they are afraid to make any public statements these days…)
So, what is this?
Most likely — some project put together by RTC or OSA to get a “volunteer” (most likely a public scientologist trying to get approved to go onto some OT level that has to prove their dedication to the cause) to set up a phony account and send out an email to the OSA mailing list of declared SPs and others. And they think they might get lucky and some less than bright person may answer and give them some information they can use. Or,
Highly unlikely in my view: Milestone Two has decided to “put ethics in on the field” and sent this out. But this does not fit their pattern as they don’t hide their identity and have no reason to do so. (UPDATE: Confirmed that this was NOT sent out by MS2)
Whatever, it is a sleazy attempt to black PR these two people. I have no idea what they do or don’t do, but I doubt based on the evidence that “scn4stadtech” (“stad” tech??) is any less squirrel than what they accuse their targets of being….
R/F: This interrogatory is being done to find out more data on Candy Swanson due to reports concerning out-tech and squirreling. Please answer the following with as many specifics as possible:
1. Are you aware of any attempt by Candy Swanson to make less of LRH or his tech?
2. Do you know of any instances of Candy Swanson evaluating or invalidating a preclear?
3. Do you know if Candy Swanson has been auditing anyone while the person was using any type of drugs?
4. Are you aware of any other auditor’s code violation by Candy Swanson?
5. Describe any instances you are aware of out-tech committed by Candy Swanson on anyone you know.
6. Provide data on any squirreling activity Candy Swanson has been engaged in.
7. Are you aware or any other out-ethics or illegal activity Candy Swanson is engaged in?
8. Pretending certification she doesn’t have.
Thanks very much for the information.
Replay e-mail: [email protected]
Scientologists Coalition For Standard Tech
WhatWall says
In the past few years I’ve seen people declared as SPs without even notifying them. The declared person finds out about his SP status from a friend or family member who was approached by the MAA while at the org. The friend/family member is pressured to disconnect and increase their IAS status as an effective blow against the enemies of Scientology.
When the parishioner is shown the SP declare, s/he is not allowed a copy of it but is encouraged to inform the SP and disconnect from them. The declared SP is not sent a copy of the declare. Sometimes the declare resulted from a Committee of Evidence that was held in the absence of the accused. Other times it seems to have been arbitrarily issued by the org’s HCO or from a higher org.
Such is the behavior of sociopaths who take upon themselves the authority to declare others as “less than” those still under their sway. Sound familiar?
Wagstaff says
I have had this very thing happen to me. And get this, I was the Mimeo Officer so how they printed off my Wife’s declare without me knowing? Oh well I’m out now so is all good…
Doesn’t faze me any. Any communication emanating from a Miscavige controlled entity I dismiss as quackery.
Theta Clear says
OSA guys, I know that you read this blog. That tactic isn’t going to work at all. In fact, the net result will be to re-unite others that had been taken apart by disagreements. You are giving them a mutual purpose upon which to align vectors ; thank you. Don’t you guys think for a minute that we Antis and Ex(es) approve violations of Human Rights, specially Freedom of Religion. We are like a big family who have many issues like many others have. We sometimes hate each other, but also love each other. We disagree about a bunch of things, but fully agree on the destructiveness of your practices , and your many violations of Human Rights. So we share a COMMON goal as regards to that. Please, please continue with those attempts to divide the Field , cause I will FULLY use it to have a totally opposite effect.
You guys plan for destruction, we plan for creation, and the protection of others. Nice try, but you are just children learning to play.
Peter Torres
Aquamarine says
Superb comment, Theta Clear.
Cindy says
I got ethics interrogatory on Ken Harris. He is or used to be the Qual Consultant and Chaplain at ASHO. So the fact that they’re asking about him means he probably is out of the church. Does anyone have info on Ken Harris? This squirrel interrogatory stuff is just OSA’s fair game and attempt to divide up the Indie field and cut the income of Indie auditors.
Theta Clear says
Several months ago , an Indie auditor robbed a dear friend of mine $16,200 USD, by bowing from the area w/out having delivered my friend more than 5% of the services piad for. This “auditor” had apparently done the same to others before (at lest I got one report from a terminal the same was done to) , and has all kinds of misunderstandings on the Tech of Scientology which WAS what my friend paid to receive, and not an alter-ised version. If she would have wanted an alter-ised version, she would have chosen me. :-)))
The point is that in trying to get this “auditor’s” ethics in , I sent a very broad communication to each and every delivery terminal in the field that I could find via e-mails that were part of the C.C section, where all those e-mails could be seen. ALL these terminals mentioned on this thread were on my list ; all of them as far as I can remember. This incident, and the way that most KSWs handled it (with the exception of Lana Mitchell, Jim Logan, Scott Gordon , and Greta Alexander) made me real, real, real upset with all of them ; as most of them either didn’t care a fuck about it , or heavily PROTESTED my action misguidedly thinking that I was going to “damage” the reputation of the field. Many Indies attacked or showed HE&R towards Lana M for having posted details about this crooked auditor.
I want to make VERY, VERY clear, that even though that I CAN’T morally support Scn in PT , I am QUITE aware that each one of those terminals mentioned , according to my own investigation of them, really care about their PCs, are professional, and follow Standard Tech to the best of their training. Trey, Chris Black, Greta, Anita Warren and Les, Mary Freeman and Franklin , Wolgang , Pierre, Lana M , Jim Logan and all MS2 delivery terminals, DROR Israel, Ronit Charney , Randi Smith, Ingrid, etc ; ALL OF THEM, to ky knowlwdge are responsible auditors , cramming officers and supervisors. I don’t Glen, but I am sure that he is okay as well.
My being against Scn as a philosophy, doesn’t mean that I think that any of those terminals are unprofessional as regards to their services , even though that I disagree with most of them as regards to the workability and/or real benefits from Scn. I am VERY upset, but it is nothing personal about any of them.
To make a long story shir, a private detective contacted me like 2-3 months ago about the information that I had sent out publicly about that crooked auditor that took $16,200 from my friend after 5 years of trying to get her up the Bridge. 3 fucking years. I thought that the CofS was after me because of my many Anti-LRH/anti-Scn posts , and the fact that I had never been Declared for a reason best known to God. So I declined to talk to this auditor. He told me that this wasn’t about me, but about that auditor that I publicly talked about. I R-factored him, that I thought that the CofS just wanted to use him as an example to denigrate the Field, and that I wasn’t playing that game. Upon his insistense, I gave him just enough details about his criminal actions making very sure that he understood that this was just ONE particular case, but that there were many independent practioners out-here that really care about the welfare of others. No Qs from that detective included any about any other terminal at all.
Analyzing all this in a new unit of time, it seems to me that the CofS is attemptting to Fair Game those terminals as such, but their actions are DIRECTLY aimed at damaging the reputation of suchs terminals, not for the Still-ins, but for the Indies in the Field, to make them believe that Indies are but a bunch of crazy “squirrels”. They might have even used my same mailing list taken out of my e-mails , to send all those questionaries out.
This ISN’T, ISN’T any action from MS2 at all. Lana would never, ever do anything like that ; EVER.
So all of you, Indies, just relax, pay ABSOLUTELY no attention to ANY of this, keep delivering services to the best of your abilities, always caring 100% for that person in front of you. Be honest, be professional, and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that OSA would attempt to do will have any effect. Don’t play their game, but STAY focus.
This e-mail might have a lot of grammatical errors as I wrote it directly on my Andoid, fast enough so that it get posted today. And the fact that I am a Puerto Rican who doesn’t command keyboarding. :-)))
Peter Torres
Puerto Rico
Theta Clear says
I decided to rewrite and correct my comment as it just had too many spelling errors because I typed it very fast on my Android, and just sent it out w/out correcting anything. Mike, could you delete the other comment , please ? If you can’t, then dear posters, just ignore the other one.
Several months ago , an Indie auditor robbed a dear friend of mine $16,200 USD by blowing from the delivery area w/out even having delivered to my friend a 5% of the services paid for ; and the little that he did delivered , was a very lousy job. This “auditor” had apparently done the same to others before (at least I got one report directly from a terminal that he had done the same to) , and had all kinds of misunderstandings on the Tech of Scientology which WAS what my friend paid to receive, and not an alter-ised version. If she would have wanted an alter-ised version, she would have chosen me. :-)))
The point is that in trying to get this “auditor’s” ethics in , I sent a very broad communication via e-mail lines to each and every delivery terminal in the field that I was able to find , and put their e-mail addresses in the c.c section where all those e-mails were visible. ALL these terminals mentioned on this thread were on my list ; all of them as far as I can remember , though I don’t remember Glenn Samuels and candy being on my list. This incident, and the way that most KSWs handled it (with the exception of Lana Mitchell, Jim Logan, Scott Gordon , and Greta Alexander) , made me real, real, real upset with all of them ; as most of them either didn’t care a fuck about it , or heavily PROTESTED my action misguidedly thinking that I was going to “damage” the reputation of the field. Many Indies attacked or showed HE&R towards Lana M for having posted details about this crooked auditor.
I want to make VERY, VERY clear, that even though that I CAN’T morally support Scn in PT , I am QUITE aware that each one of those terminals mentioned , according to my own investigation of them, really care about their PCs, are professional, and follow Standard Tech (a correct use of procedures , I meant) to the best of their training. Trey, Chris Black, Greta, Anita Warren and Les, Mary Freeman and Franklin , Wolfgang , Pierre, Lana M , Jim Logan and all MS2 delivery terminals, DROR Israel, Ronit Charny , Randy Smith, Ingrid, etc ; ALL OF THEM, to my knowledge are responsible auditors , cramming officers and supervisors. I don’t know about Glenn, as I didn’t know much about him , but I am sure that he is okay as well.
My being against Scn as a philosophy, doesn’t mean that I think that any of those terminals are unprofessional as regards to their services , even though that I disagree with most of them as regards to the workability and/or the real benefits that Scn is capable of bringing about. I am VERY upset, but it is nothing personal about any of them. My upset is with other issues.
To make a long story short , a private detective contacted me like 2-3 months ago about the information that I had sent out publicly about that crooked auditor that took $16,200 from my friend after 5 years of trying to get her up the Bridge. 5 fucking years! I thought that the CofS was after me because of my many Anti-LRH/anti-Scn posts , and the fact that I had never been Declared for a reason best known to God. So I declined to talk to this private detective. He told me that this wasn’t about me, but about that auditor that I publicly talked about. I R-factored him that I thought that the CofS just wanted to use him as an example to denigrate the Field, and that I wasn’t playing that game. Upon his insistence, I gave him just enough details about this auditor’s criminal actions making very sure that he understood that this was just ONE particular case, but that there were many independent practitioners out-here that really cared about the welfare of others. No questions from that detective included any about any other terminal at all , except this auditor.
Analyzing all this in a new unit of time, it seems to me that the CofS is not attempting to Fair Game those terminals as such, but their actions are DIRECTLY aimed at damaging the reputation of such terminals, not for the Still-ins, but for the Indies in the Field, to make them believe that Indies are but a bunch of crazy “squirrels” , or that some are, and divide the field with the created ridge. They might have even used my same mailing list taken out of my e-mails , to send all those questionnaires out , but probably not. But they knew EXACTLY what I had written about , and even had my personal cell phone number.
This ISN’T, ISN’T any action from MS2 at all. Lana would never, ever do anything like that ; EVER. Besides, she even wrote about this “questionnaire” a few days ago at her blog.
So all of you, Indies, just relax, pay ABSOLUTELY no attention to ANY of this, keep delivering services to the best of your abilities, always caring 100% for that person in front of you. Be honest, be professional, and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that OSA would attempt to do will have any effect. Don’t play their game, but STAY focus.
Peter Torres
Puerto Rico
Glenn Samuels says
Hi Mike and Bloggers,
I found this “interrogatory” to be a joke. I think you have covered all the pertinent points. A couple of my clients received it and laughed it off. Karen wrote a proper “interrogatory” about Miscavige tech which is really funny.
There is something interesting I wish to mention. I am getting calls from a different type of client which is due to the good work of Mike, Karen, Tony Ortega, and others who continually post and expose Scientology and their organizations. Over the last 7 years or so since I have been involved in exit counseling, most of my clients have been ex-Scientologists trying to get relief from Scientology abuse and vile out tech. I also have a blog for other destructive cult members which I get some clients from, plus some non-Scientologists. Most recently, I have been getting emails and calls from people interested in Scientology, but who will not step foot in a Scientology org or church. They have alerted to the liabilities and possible human right violations if they get service in an org, so they call me. Interesting, no?
Idle Morgue says
Candy is an 1st stage SP (still believes in Tubbs and “knows she won’t get any worse cuz she is not going around that destructive cult)…
she exposes some of the Scientological Lies on You Tube videos.
I did not listen to them. TLDC (Too long – don’t care) LOL
I suspect she busted the perp – COB – of altering the “tek” and is trying to do something about it….and the Church of Scientology is sending out the e-mails covertly.
Damn – I am so Oat Tea I am very amazed at myself sometimes. LOL
Ann B Watson says
Hi Idle Morgue, You know what? You amaze me too! Love, Ann.
Old Surfer Dude says
You’ve always amazed me!
Richard says
Idle Morgue – Great post. “1st stage SP” defined for inclusion in the “Newly Revised and Corrected and Updated and On Policy (and required) Scientology Technical Dictionary”
Still laughing about “busted the perp”
Murray Luther says
Ouch! And I thought their self-destructive foot bullets were bad. Those face bullets really must hurt.
greybiscuit says
I got one at my work email for Randy Smith from Ty Jones I have NO idea how they got this email. I emailed an exSO and discussed contacting this person like 2 years ago via FB. Weird. Otherwise I don’t know Randy and he is So. Cal and I am No. Cal.
The Oracle says
Really great analysis Mike, well said and you clarify the outpoints very well.
As far as their question, “Are you aware of any attempt by ________ to make less of LRH or his tech?”
The sponsor of this email might wake up to the fact that “Scientologists” across the globe, “make less of L.R.H. and his tech”, by the mere fact that they can not rise above their own needs to harm, attack, suppress, defraud, swindle, lie to, misguide, mislead, cheat, belittle, invalidate and re stimulate their fellow man.
OTVIIIisGrrr8! says
We in RTC deny everything.
Ann B Watson says
Hi OTVIIIisGrrr8, I loved your post! Thank you made today! Love, Ann.
The Oracle says
Google “Scientology denies” About 235,000 results (0.36 seconds) .
Gadfly says
What OTVIIIisGrrrr8 failed to mention is that COB has found yet another transcriptionist error. LRH wrote not that 2 1/2% are truly suppressive, but that 97 1/2% are. Perhaps this will give you a reality of the situation we are confronting here on planet Earth.
The Oracle says
2FF! I am on the FLOOR!
Aquamarine says
Me too. Ok, so 97.5% of the population are SPs and the remaining 2.5% are social personalities. This is great news! My inability to apply Ethics Tech to my life has not been my fault. Sometimes I would wonder if I were just stupid, but, no, I’m not stupid. The blind have been leading the blind.
The Oracle says
Glenn and Sandy probably post to this blog under funny names like “bite me squirrel” or “squirrel this!” I formally announce the grand opening of the Glenn and Sandy Fan Club! Who wants to join?
SadStateofAffairs says
1) What a pathetically stupid waste of time, computers and words. Some of the people subject of these “interrogatories” have literally been auditing independent of the Church for over 30 years! So this is entirely pointless. OSA Legal and OSA Invest both have stats for numbers of trademark infringers, which is not specifically confined to people actively violating, according to the letter of the law, RTC owned trademarks, but has been expanded to include anyone auditing or training outside the Church structure. Periodically Warren McShane does send down some insulting denigrating communications about OSA ineffectiveness in handling squirrels and demands “handling”s. OSA staff are pretty much in apathy about these long term offenders and come up with some stupid and pointless pretend handling and everybody then plays pretend with it.
2) Emails like this, and any number of emails or digital promo pieces posted on this blog to show typos, policy violations, lies and delusions, are just an indicator of how degraded the C of S has become. There is apparently an epidemic of this crap spewing forth unchecked these days. It is bizarre. The pretend handlings like the interrogs are just another indicator of how degraded it has all become.
3) Apropos of nothing in this post, I just wanted to remark that since I have been out of the SO, a goodly number of years now, never has anyone ever approached me to try and disseminate Scientology to me. In fact, in my whole 40 plus years from when first in the Church and since the Church, I was only ever disseminated to once, that being 44 years ago. So much for this vital largest growing religious movement on the planet.
The Oracle says
You are right about it being a waste of time. However, this is not the end chapter. Later in the book, when there are really no bodies in the shop at all, people in the Church will be reduced to scouring for all of bodies they wasted and threw under the bus. That will mean ripping off the “squirrels” for new business.
Keep checking your in box for that very loving “invitation” to “come in and resolve any misunderstandings”.
Ann B Watson says
HimThe Oracle, Haha that is one invitation I will gladly return to sender! XO, Ann
Ann B Watson says
Hi The Oracle, My IPad is getting a time out now! I meant Love, Ann.
The Oracle says
Laughter! XXOO
Tom provenzano says
Your point #3 is exactly what I experienced! Been out since 1990 and have never had anyone try to disseminate to me. The only time it comes up is when co workers are bagging on Scientology because of the stuff that is going on. I have had lots of discussions with people I work with and none are favorable to Scientology. My I pad now regonizes the word “Scientology” and capitalizes it automatically so I guess you could chalk this up as a win for the worlds fastest shrinking fake religion!
In my humble opinion I believe that when the public begin to have doubts the first thing they do is stop disseminating, hence no one is bringing in their family, friends or co-workers. I know this because it was true for me when I was the cameraman at Golden Era.
Old Surfer Dude says
Tom, my iPad did the same thing! After a few times it capitalized the ‘S.’ But, my iPad went one step further. Not only did I get capital ‘S,’ my iPad told me how stupid I was to get into the cult in the first place. I’ll tell ya, these electronic devices are really something!
Richard says
Laughter! Did you argue with it or just agree?
The Oracle says
The “Exposing Squirrels” Web Site, which was set up to fair game “squirrels”, was traced to Australia.
Not sure why Candy and Glenn were set up as targets, they would be of no interest to OSA. They have other occupations and do not compete with the Church.
The I.D. protect for this site is in Australia. Read underneath.
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Mike Rinder says
Well, they seem to be part of a longer list who are the targets of the Stadard Tech Nazis.
The Oracle says
Yes, I saw that as I read down. I do not think it is really about “standard tech” either. Some people just can’t go for long with out some blood shed. Then, there are the buttons being pushed by the Church with the ethnic cleansing goals.
Booby trap systems
Wipe out
Stamp out
Knock out
Fair Game
Blah blah blah blah
Ann B Watson says
Hi The Oracle, Welcome back, missed you. Your post made me smile and that is a big thing because before I bumped into Mike’s Blog, your list would have made me extremely upset, and no-one wants to be around me when I get that way. Now I read your list and laugh! How cool is that? All Lovr, Ann.
Ann B Watson says
Hi The Oracle, My IPad bets those beans & dogs…. Love I meant Ann.
I Yawnalot says
Nobby Beach is near the Gold Coast Queensland. High population tourist trap sort of place. Sun, surf, school leavers party place, lots of drugs/alcohol, nightclubs, police etc. – costs a lot to visit the place but sure can be fun if you like that kind of thing, it’s very popular with the young’uns.
I seem to recall I heard someone mention a scientology connection up that way just a few years back. All circumstantial of course There’s not that many adherents in Aus – interesting that email originated from there though. But really, KSW sabre rattling… can’t say there’d be many shaking in the boots with that sort of crap – who cares? It’s just the evil intention behind it that rates any sort consideration and those are common with the so called scientologists of the blinded to the real world, KSW kind.
blue moon says
This church is just so black, through and through.
Of course it is held together by its own secrets.
And the only way they could ever get a new recruit is through lies.
Lies to bait them in, lies to make them think there is something there, such as salvation, when no such reward exists.
Lies about what the leader is doing, who the founder really was, as a person…
And no wonder all those inside never get the idea to question the promises or the abuse or the undelivered auditing or the slave labor or anything… because the church has gotten so very good at getting those dissenters rooted out and quickly destroyed so that they can be quickly forgotten. Keep those Scientologists working!!! Working like dogs, locked into impossible targets so that they have no time to think about what is right or wrong about what they are actually getting out of the deal. Then auditing to seal their fate, keeping them “thinking” the right, specific thoughts and forget the rest, the questions like why am a still nowhere on The Bridge and why am I still not getting paid and why can’t I go see my mom or dad once in awhile? They don’t like this church so I am supposed to sever them out of my life, along with the rest of my family, and of course my real friends are out…
FOREVER, and forget it?
Keep them trapped, no matter the price. Get the money, get the new ones, the ones that never heard a word about what scientology really is… and THAT IS IT, the whole scientology story, repeating over and over and over, same as the story 50 years ago except now we have internet. Now we live in the information age.
This cult is a cult.
It does not matter what they call themselves.
There is not a shred of truth to any word when scientology is talking about itself.
It is all meant to deceive you and fleece you of your cash, end of story.
It is sickening, really.
It is not easy, to call yourself a fool for all the time and money spent, friends sacrificed in the personal crusade to attempt the “right” thing for yourself and humanity, to call the lie a lie…
But, man, thank god I got out. Sorry about the folks still running around in there like headless chickens, all to themselves, huh?
Thank god the new generation is smarter, and that is all I’ve got to say.
Ann B Watson says
Hi blue moon, Thank you, a really good post. Yes thank god I got out and if I had had the Internet, I doubt I would have ever joined Sea Org or been a Scientologist.So I think The Internet will be as a sword and help skewer this powerful & horrible rolled into one Cult.Love,Ann.
Richard says
“The Internet will be as a sword . . . ” I like that a lot, Ann. A very nice way with words. Love, Richard
Ann B Watson says
Hi Richard D, Thank you kindly for your post! I can totally be myself here & what a treasure this Blog is!Love, Ann.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Richard, I am losing my mind this AM.I apologize if you are not Richard D but Richard. This getting old is crazy! Love, Ann.
Richard says
Hi Ann – Same person. Since nobody else is posting as Richard I dropped the D. I kept returning to your last sentence above. I have not suffered from disconnection but you have written an emotional and powerful messaqe of hope to those who have. In other words which is more powerful, The Internet or the Cult.
I have a bit of an editor’s eye so I trimmed your statement a bit for my own reflection.
“I think The Internet will be as a sword and help skewer this powerful and horrible Cult.” Ann B Watson
Works for me – lol. You have a way with words, Ann. If you’re not already doing so I hope you begin writing down poetry. Love, Richard
Ann B Watson says
Hi Richard, Thank goodness I thought I had fallen back down the rabbit hole for a moment there. Thank you for clarifying! I used to write poetry all during my teen-age life and especially in Sea Org, I wrote up a storm of KoolAid inspired odes. Sea Poetry! Have not ventured back to it for quite awhile..but I never say never so time will tell.I have sincerely enjoyed your posts between you & my surf Angel OSD I always have a big smile! Love, Ann.
Richard says
Ann – ” . . a storm of KoolAid inspired odes.” Still laughing!
Ann B Watson says
Hi Richard,? XO Ann.
Aquamarine says
Blue Moon, not to be a devil’s advocate or a cult apologist, but every religion promises salvation if you do what it says and doom and damnation if you don’t, that’s pretty much the nature of the beast that is organized religion.
But then, other religions (nowadays) don’t necessarily control their parishioners via Fair Game and Disconnection while forbidding them to read anything about their religion except the church’s in-house publisher cranks out. Nor do other religions necessarily encourage their parishioners to go into bankruptcy ir to buy real estate for their church, or lie to their true believers about being the fastest growing religion on the planet when in fact their membership is shrinking markedly.
Other organized religions (nowadays) do not inflict mental, emotional and physical harm on their well intentioned, hard working staff and clergy, nor do other religions (nowadays) imprison their staff and clergy should they express a desire to leave.
All of the above is just for starters about why Co$ needs to be obliterated.
My sole, (long winded) point is that, however it is phrased, the overall concept of Ultimate Salvation/Eternal Life (as carrot) with Fear of Eternal Damnation/Dead Forever (as stick) is the standard operating procedure for hooking people into a religion and keeping them in it that’s been employed for eons – because it works. Once someone believes that “THIS” way is the ONLY way, and “THOSE OTHER WAYS” are ALL wrong, well, that person is HOOKED. You’ve got him, and he’ll do what he’s told.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Aquamarine, A stellar post, you nailed it. XO Ann.
Eileen says
Other religions don’t trademark their beliefs. Trademarks are used by corporations, not religions.
Gadfly says
1. Are you aware of any attempt by Scientologists Coalition For Standard Tech to make less of your fellow man?
2. Do you know of any instances of Scientologists Coalition For Standard Tech evaluating or invalidating someone?
3. Do you know if Scientologists Coalition For Standard Tech has been auditing anyone while the person was refusing it?
4. Are you aware of any other violation by Scientologists Coalition For Standard Tech?
5. Describe any instances you are aware of rumor mongering by Scientologists Coalition For Standard Tech on anyone you know.
6. Provide data on any nefarious activity Scientologists Coalition For Standard Tech has been engaged in.
7. Are you aware or any other out-ethics or illegal activity Scientologists Coalition For Standard Tech is engaged in?
8. Pretending humanity they don’t have.
Thanks very much for the information.
Replay e-mail: [email protected]
Bill Franks says
Dear wtf. WTF?
Gadfly says
WTF indeed. scn4stadtech should forget the whole interwogatory and send Dave a peach cobbler for his birthday. That way he can prove he’s being fruitful.
gtsix says
Be fruitful? You want a 1.1 to be that nice to COB? That’s crazy talk.
Mreppen says
They sure are infatuated with the lethal combination of auditing and drugs. Laughable.
Leslie Bates says
Speaking of DM and the Org Board problem:
thegman77 says
Googling for “”scientologist coalition for standard tech” gets 317,000 hits. Pretty much all “anti”. Another foot bomb from The Unanointed One.
Jose Chung says
Truthfully I’ve been Fair Game since Day one in the early 1970’s
Games Condition in every Org. I’ve ever stepped inside even for a minute.
All I can say is Ever increasing Status and Trophy’s are your thing
Scientology is Heaven on Earth for you. No exchange will reward you
in the after life by golly you have your foot in the door with David Miscavige.
Michael Winters says
Wow, you are totally correct. The whole OSA/HCO thing IS, with the driving force of the RTC Clones and the head SP himself, the cause of the decline of Scientology. What I’ve learned is that the justice system is 100% bogus and for show (I have evidence of them admitting, in writing, to their folly of declaring someone an SP but then in the next paragraph refusing to correct it until that person pays $$$ dearly to be sec checked anyway).
I’ve also learned that these people ONLY apply policy if it aids what they are doing NOW. And it’s all very whimsical. And the whole heavy ethics thing has snubbed out any rebellion about standing up for policy or tech in any real or meaningful way. That’s why they lose and will continue to lose.
I’m glad you are all here because with thousands of lights being shone into that dark oppressive force, one day it will truly shatter.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Michael Winters, Good to meet you. A beautiful post, thank you.Love,Ann.
RogerHornaday says
Both people are publicly professed ex-members so this campaign can’t socially ruin them. It’s just a petty act of vindictiveness that highlights the church’s descent into irrelevance. I think the Child Prodigy and a bottle of scotch are behind this.
I Yawnalot says
It’s got CULT written all over it, or at best, a cult wana-be.
There’s an old saying which mentions something about if you want to kill a snake cut off its head. This sort of stuff is indicative of a sickness of organisation, designed to do harm or divert attention from harm already done, nothing else.
zemooo says
The Dead Agent attempt is now in complete denial of what it actually accomplishes. Now those who got the message are warned that the ex-auditors may or have set up shop outside of the controls of GAT2. While it does intend to warn off others, it actually advertises them and others in the Freezone.
The emails do intend to warn off any contact with the now ex-auditors, but in the manner of Monty Python, ‘wink, wink, nudge, nudge’, it just warns others to hide any connection to them. While it may cow some of the minions, it will throw another straw on the camels back for those who are sliding off the fence into that greener pasture.
Aquamarine says
In this and in all of the cult’s nutty behavior, I offer the metaphor of someone with a large, open, bleeding wound. What this person needs to do to cure he wound he refuses to do; instead all his efforts are to hide the wound and to stanch the flow of blood, which sometimes seeps and sometimes gushes, but never heals.
Gayle says
The crumbs of the OSAbots are falling all over their keyboards as they eat their sandwiches while reading your blog drooling for something to send to cob with their names attached. They’re so certain that it’s a festering pool of overts and withholds outside of the church by criminals and SPs because “Ron said so”. It makes them feel better about their own twisted and/or hijacked moral codes to throw themselves in to finding crimes and best of all salaciousness of the “sp world”.
And let me take the opportunity on this subject to say that there are “auditors” outside the church lying through their teeth about their training levels and experiences just as there are people “reaching for auditing” while being mere pawns on the OSAbot gameboard.
Hey Bruce and Tim – kiss my ass with your weak, spineless cowardly ways. I’ve survived with love and kindness and friendship from family and friends who won’t turn their backs on me after decades of knowing me if their told to do so. In other words life is now real unlike the cult world you live in. That being said you know me well enough to know that when YOU wake up and leave and find yourself needing someone to talk to you can always confess to me – I’ll listen.
Aquamarine says
As Mike says, BPR, for the possible reason that Candy and/or Glenn are auditing and thereby taking business away from the cult, or suspected to be doing so. That would be my guess.
Mike Rinder says
YEp, that is exactly why
Mike Rinder says
Just saw on Facebook that the same email has circulated about 3 other ex-church auditors — Trey Lotz, Rey Robles and Dave LaCroix (actually I am not sure if they audit or not currently).
This is one of those “Why is nothing being done about these squirrels” knee-jerk responses by Warren McShane/OSA. So they quickly send out an email so they can report back with “we are investigating them for their crimes and have an effective whispering campaign operating to destroy their livelihoods….”
LDW says
I received one on Trey and one on Karen and one on Frankie and Mary. I just reported them as spam and went on about my business.
I think your analysis is correct.
What you have is very stupid, evil people taking technical direction from a failed class IV pretending to be a class XII. A failed class IV who C/Sd Lisa McPherson just before her untimely and horrific death. A failed class IV who beats his staff and gets his jollies from torturing and humiliating people of good will.
How can anyone expect to reason with anyone who buys into Miscavige’s Bull?
Chris Black says
Also Ingrid Smith and Randy Smith (not related). And probably many more. Trey, Randy, Ingrid and Dave all audit; not sure about Rey, but he does put on the Int’l FZ Convention in Reno each year. Glenn and Candy audit as well. They’re going after anyone they “think” is taking away their money (hey, they’ve snapped terminals with the government) and “right” to alter and subvert the technology by delivering LRH tech outside the CoS. And their lawyers are also involved, sending out “cease and desist” letters. As has been said, it’s ludicrous, ridiculous, and a slimy whispering campaign. It’s also the last vestiges of their pretended ability to create effects.
Mike Rinder says
Thanks for the additional info Chris. Appreciated.
Chris Black says
You’re welcome, Mike. As we see from Les’ post above, Trey, Karen, Frankie and Mary are some others. As you say, probably some new project using names of declared auditors to once again try to muddy or deflate the independent field. As you probably know, this is a tactic that’s been used many times before, all to similar result. (See photo above. 😉 )
Mike Rinder says
Yep, the list is growing. No surprises here at all. Same old same old. But it’s good to call it out and keep a record….
Chris Black says
Just to add data to the files, Mike, last October a friend of mine who had recently left the Church along with his wife (all above-board and straight, no subterfuge) emailed me that he had gotten a call from a PI asking if he had liked the auditing he had received from me, also asking other questions about me as well. The thing is, he’s OT V and I had never audited him. So a fishing expedition. Then in November, I’m contacted by a seeming pc who wants to go up the Bridge, except his 2D is the “communicator”, doing all the email contacts, setting up meetings, etc. I googled her (his 2D) and found out she was a lawyer for a union in Toronto. Later on she pushed for my address which I don’t give out until I’ve audited the person. I said no, we can meet in Toronto. Needless to say, I didn’t hear back from them. However, bells started to go off and I started to look into things myself as the outpoints started to add up. So what did occur was I recently received a registered letter from a lawyer (Gary Soter) out of Los Angeles saying I needed to immediately cease violating CSI’s trademarks and legal rights – in essence, stop advertising and delivering Scientology services – or I would be in severe trouble. In all the time I have helped people, this is the first time I’ve been looked into, or at least, where it’s engendered some response from CoS. So in some ways, the rules and opponents they engage have changed, although the game has remained the same.
Theta Clear says
That will never get to court, Chris ; I wouldn’t worry about it. As far as I am concerned you are a trust worthy terminal you have helped a lot of people , and I am willing to testify in your favor, and so many more will. But it’ll never get to that.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Chris Black, Good to meet you. A very powerful and echoes of the past post for me. I feel badly that dm etc. have sunk so far that Independents ate now fair game. I was in that meat grinder years ago in Sea Org and it makes me sick still to think on it.Thank you for sharing. Love,Ann
Chris Black says
Thanks for the kind words, Peter. I appreciate it. I hope things are well with you. 🙂
And Ann, thanks. Nice to meet you, too.
Theta Clear says
” Thanks for the kind words, Peter. I appreciate it. I hope thing s are well with you. 🙂 ”
You are most welcome, dear Chris ; and thanks for asking. I am going through the big loss of being away from my little princess that relocated with mom at another country, but I am hanging in there.
Zephyr says
I got interrogatories re Randy Smith and Scott Gordon so I CALLED Randy. Milestone Two is definitely NOT
the originator as Lana got the same interrogatories.sent out by a Ty Jones (an actor per Google).
Just the same old ‘divide & conquer’ game by OSA. Gosh, I really couldn’t think of a better plan to
clear the planet….(Not!)
Mike Rinder says
Thanks Greta, appreciate additional info.I will add to the post the confirmation that it was not sent out by MS2. I thought that highly unlikely, but good to know.
Ronn S. says
Slimy odd.
Ronn S. says
And I meant to say that photo instantly had me laughing… lol.
Richard D says
I don’t see anything but an anonymous personal attack using a scn format. Are there any laws or internet protocol to defend oneself from such attacks?
Richard D says
add – I should have said, I don’t see anything provable, . . I also note that slipped in with the scio-speak at “inquiry” # 7 is “Are you aware of out-ethics OR ILLEGAL ACTIVITY Candy Swenson is engaged in?” Ugh
Alanzo says
Thanks for exposing this shocking and decrepit OSA Fair Game campaign, Mike.
My God! An Interrogatory! How could they stoop this low??
Hey Mike – Are you aware of any other OSA Fair Game campaigns that have been waged in the past against critics & squirrels?
The reason I ask is because I think exposing those would be helpful to people who have been harmed by Scientology.
And pretty exciting reading, too.
The Oracle says
My God! An Interrogatory! How could you stoop this low??
Gadfly says
Desperate times call for desperate measures, but alas, they’ll find no treasure; too much pressure kills all pleasure.
Old Surfer Dude says
I was pressured into pleasure once. Does that count for anything?
Ann B Watson says
Hi The Oracle, Now you are back, I have to add, they stoop so low because they can’t go up, they can’t go back ,so that old old command attack attack they keep smashing their heads against the floor and still still cannot trust their own spirit to tell them something is very very rotten & wrong.I had some ” cut & paste ” while you were gone. Sigh kids playing with matches trying to rile me. Won’t work now, I’m a fire -sign Leo and stubborn as they come! All Love, Ann
Brian says
These interrogating questions are the extension of L Ron Hubbard’s paranoia.
The idea of “making less of L Ron Hubbard” really means:
Are you thinking for yourself, have you found an inconsistency, are you seeing things clearly for yourself?
How can anyone consider a man wise who dreads being questioned. Wise men love being questioned and doubted. That is because they have answers to doubts and questions. That is because truth is confident in itself. Because it is true.
Only someone who is trying to uphold information not based in truth would have an aversion to being doubted.
Only someone who doesn’t want their deception revealed would consider “critics criminal.”
Threaded through the tapestry of Scientology doctrines is L Ron Hubbard’s paranoia.
And this imprinting, through study and years of being indoctrinated, has found its way into our mind. There are still forms of LRH thought patterns in Independent and X Sscientologists.
If there is anyone still out there that keeps Ron on the philosophical pedestal I would argue that somewhere in you cognitive faculties lay a held down 7. Maybe even a gaggle of them.
L Ron Hubbard was not well mentally. Manic with paranoid tendencies seems to be his medical diagnosis. I’ve read this in many places.
So, a man who was manic with paranoid tendencies has found his way into our cognitive faculties. If you were in for decades that means that there still may be some imprinted mindsets from this man.
If you find somewhere in your mind a tendency that still feels uncomfortable criticizing Ron, I would suggest you still have issues.
Threats of punishment, threats of losing family, threats of losing eternity, threats of losing jobs, friends, sons, daughters, fathers, aunts, mothers etc is what Ron used to lay into your mind a monkey wrench that crashed your engine of reason and intellectual sovereignty.
I am still finding subtle thoughts within me that are not useful for me that I learned while in this mind numbing group founded by a con man.
This man with manic and paranoid tendencies helped form our thinking process. Not a safe place to be. Time for some constructive criticism for the sake of sanity.
RogerHornaday says
Great comment. Indeed, when you have the truth you don’t want your critics silenced. You welcome them. In truth, there is no advantage to declaring anyone an enemy.
Good People says
Point 1. really pissed me off. It reminded me very much of Hubbard’s affirmations. If #1 has any basis in Scientology policy, then it proves to me without a doubt Hubbards affirmations are authentic. Contrary to what Hubbard said, there is only one winner in the game of Scientology. Everyone else is a slave.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Brian, I was just thinking about you two. I have a bunch of ISB CD’s some imported ,so I felt like hearing Likki. A bell so fragile and strong at the same time she along with DMSMH gave me the push to say I want the Sea Org.I would love her story to be told one day. That brief moment in the back room at the Palladium when I met her and the band it was like meeting Quentin and Yvonne and all the other so talented beings that joined Sea Org in the beginning.Now the true colors of this Cult are showing.It is now preverted and I hope I live long enough to see it fall!Still slowly reading the book you recommended.Such a different light falls on me as I read.Cos had that big old spot light arc light on one always, like some crazy 50s late film noir wanna be. Love Always, Ann.
Richard says
Brian – “I am still finding subtle thoughts within me . . .” I left scn 35 years ago and came back to reexamine my scn experience after watching the hbo doc. The mindset (programming) lies deep. For me the “big stuff” is now gone but I remain alert. Thanks for the reminder.
Dave Fagen says
I doubt that these two “interrogs” were written by people in the church. Most of them probably don’t even know who Glenn Samuels and Candy Swanson are, unless they are old-timers still in the church who remember Glenn and Candy from when they were in the church. But even if they are old-timers who remember them, they most likely have no attention on them now, since Glenn is long-since “declared” and Candy probably is too.
Also, a person still in the church who would receive the “interrog” would read the names Glenn Samuels and Candy Swanson and probably either say to themselves, “Who???” Either that or “Hmm, they both must have done their A to E and are back in, and now are back to their old ‘squirrel’ ways again!”
Just my speculation for what it’s worth.
Mike Rinder says
They were written by people in OSA/RTC
deElizabethan says
I agree with your “Most likely — some project put together by RTC or OSA …”
John P. Capitalist says
Did a quick Google search and it turns out that Candy Swanson is out of the official Church of Scientology and is a Class 8 auditor listed on She has also posted at least one comment on the Back In Comm site for South African ex’s. She doesn’t seem to be trying to hide her alienation from the cult as one might expect of an “under the radar” member. I’m guessing she’s been out for at least a couple years, so it seems strange that they would be trying at this point to “dead agent” her.
So I wonder what whoever is behind this is interested in accomplishing. Why would you dead agent someone who is long gone? Wouldn’t that perhaps backfire, since I would bet that most of the (dwindling number of) remaining auditors already know she’s out?
Mike Rinder says
OSA/RTC — it is black PR campaign
Cindy says
Not only is it an OSA/RTC Black PR campaign and ‘”fair game” tactic, it is intended to hurt the people mentioned financially by making their paying pcs drop them as auditors. And they hope it will put the Indie auditor out of business. They want these Indie auditors to stop poaching the pcs from the pool that Scn thinks is exclusively theirs. Maybe the church’s think on it is, “if we can’t have these money and stat producing pcs, then no one can,” and they proceed to make people think the named person is out tech and so one must never buy auditing from them. Then again maybe it isn’t even that well thought out and is just them dramatizing evil intentions and fair game. Either way it is very low and gross.
Ann B Watson says
Hi Cindy, I liked your post. Black PR OSA fun. The more the public stays away from Orgs etc and the more ex-Scientologists who would like indie auditing get it from those they trust, the more OSA etc will hurl mud at everything that crosses their path, whine and write nasty made up crap on all who dare confront the mighty cult! Almost forgot the cut and pasting crowd continue on oblivious to the world beyond the bubble.Love, Ann.
The Oracle says
“So I wonder what whoever is behind this is interested in accomplishing.”
The purpose of the email is to re-stimulate. This is what becomes of people when you “graduate them in a state of shock” from a compulsory education.
MostEthicalPimp says
I wonder if this is an attempt to figure out who’s forwarding E-Mails to you Mike. Different pseudo names linked to different suspected defectors.
SucculentDuck says
Dear Squirreltology Squirreltoligizers,
I personnally think these copy/paste interrogatories are a great idea! Really cuts to the chase and saves so much time! Can we get one on every person still in? You get your up-to-date ethics reports and we get a comprehensive list that we can use to help all of them get out more quickly! Such effective tech it’s like killing one 4’13” bird with two stones!
Rick Mycroft says
It seems like the usual passive-aggressive attack by stating smears as questions.
Can I have Fair Fame for $200 Alex?
Old Surfer Dude says
Ok, Rick. You picked “Fair Game” for $200. Name all the ways cult members are allowed to harass those who they consider to be SPs.
threefeetback says
Who is David Miscavige?
Old Surfer Dude says
Oh, TFB! Good answer, but, what we were looking for was, “Tricked, sued, lying & if possible ruin him utterly.” TFB, we have a some nice parting gifts for you. Thanks for playing!
Valerie says
At least one of the two people they are sending emails about is long out. I sent a message to that person letting them know about this blog post. I am interested to see if they comment about it here.
The nicest thing we call people who send emails like that is officious intermeddlers.
Mike Rinder says
Sorry not to make it clear — they are both long out. And they hang around with all sorts of SP’s.
McCarran says
Yup, the church of scientology has become that which it preaches against. church of scientology = Slimy, Sick, Suppressive, Shitty, Sludge. Pick your own “S” word.
Lars says
Just replace these 2 names with the name David Miscavige.
Bognition says
I have an interrogatory. Holy Moly! What kind of fresh hell is this? Sometimes I worry about hallucinating ‘cause I see something called “Scientologists Coalition for Standard Tech” with a modified sea org symbol beside it. I look away from the screen for a second and look back – it’s still freeking there! Good gawd, help me somebody!
Old Surfer Dude says
Calm down, Bog, calm down. I’ll walk you through this. Now, take 3 deep breaths first. The clear you mind of all thoughts. Click your heels together 3 times while chanting, “There’s no place like home.” After that take a walk around your neighborhood and remember that you are OUT.
No need to pay me, Bog. It’s what I do……
Leslie Bates says
Goodness gracious, there’s a tech for that?
Idle Morgue says
I love you Old Surfer Dude!! Big Hug!! 🙂
Old Surfer Dude says
Bigger hug to you!
Bognition says
The Oracle says
Ann B Watson says
Hi Bognition, That modified sea org symbol gets me every time. But after awhile even though I always loved sea horses, actually have always loved the Sea until the word Org was attached to it.Ann get that clay now! Always Love, Ann.
Bognition says
Hi Ann! I’m better now.
Potpie says
Sounds like a couple successful field auditors refusing to use “Miscaviage’s tech”.
I could randomly pick out folders at Flag just from the last ten years, FES them and find all of the above out tech from more than one “Flag Trained” auditor.
The coalition for standard tech only goes by one datum…..If David Miscavige says it’s squirrel, then it is squirrel.
Dawn says
Such an email/interrogatory is the height of cruelty and nastiness. How disgusting!
Wille AKA Good Old Boy says
Right on Dawn! What moral authority are they coming from anyway? They are all crooks, reprobates, basters
who believe they are the “only ones” who have the right to decide your eternity. WOW what a day that will be when they see they control nothing! Rising Scale processing from hallucinations to truth should do.
The Oracle says
Lori S says
There are some very leading questions posed: “Do you know if Candy Swanson has been auditing anyone while the person was using any type of drugs?” Well, gosh, I don’t even know Candy Swanson but maybe some of the people she is auditing are on drugs! Dearest Candy, here is your chance. Step out of the lunacy and back into the light. Answer the survey yourself and end it with a big f-you to Scientology!
Chee Chalker says
I remember when I was in high school….
That’s more of a witch hunt than an ethics inquiry.
To any lurkers who may be reading this……. Wake up! This is EMBARRASSING. This is not ‘putting ethics in’. This is snitching.
You people think your going to clear the planet by being tattle-tales?
Cindy says
As Mike points out, this is a fake and forged interrogatory. It is a whispering campaign made to put bad ideas about the people in others’ minds. It plants the seed that the person asked about is bad. No need to overtly declare people. Just do a fake “interrogatory” like this and the sheeple will disconnect on their own from no other evidence than this smarmy insinuation and innuendo black pr campaign. This was done on me by asking a friend to search through his emails from me over years’ time and find anything that is disaffected and send it to them. (which he did without ever once asking me for my side of the story.) But just by their asking for this info made him disconnect from me long before anything else came out on me. By the way, the book “1984” by George Orwell is being produced as a play in LA and it’s playing now or shortly. I recommend all who can go see it.
Old Surfer Dude says
Well, Cindy, since the cult is fake, it stands to reason the interrogatory, by association, is also fake.
GTBO says
You people think your going to clear the planet by being tattle-tales?
That’s exactly why L Wrong developed KR’s?
Snitch on each other so he (then the midget) can keep control over anyone who ever came in contact with RCo$….. only if you let them.
Hey OSA feeling a little pressure from above?….. Suckers
hgc10 says
Oh my Xenu! Are you kidding me? You could spend 40 hours a week on your hands and knees in a field of clover, searching fruitlessly for the 4 leaf variety, and it would be a more useful and interesting activity than what these fools are engaged in.