The never ending promise of “how we are going to Clear the Planet.”
“Find out exactly what needs to happen to start operations at SuMP”
Seriously? Dear Leader yanked a ribbon on a facility that was not ready to start operations? But he told everyone this was now rolling? That was not true? How could that be? The most ethical man in the universe is not being ethical?
Just when IS this SuMP going to start broadcasting? And what is holding them up? Hell, they have a $100 million (at least) studio decked out with more state-of-the-art equipment than Diseny Studios. And they have the “technology” of PR and dissemination. They have free labor that works 16 hours a day 7 days a week. They’ve got unlimited money available. I guarantee you they have collected at least $10 million in donations to “make planetary dissemination a reality”. What the hell could be wrong?
Only one answer to that question. As soon as it starts “broadcasting” they can no longer be telling people they have to give money. That is ALL this event is about. It’s another “fundraiser.” Lay it all out — “what do we need for planetary clearing, what does LRH say about the SPs on earth, how are we going to reach the billions, what impact is this going to have once we get rolling, and finally ‘what needs to happen for this to start so we can begin to salvage this planet'” – and the answer is simple. Bend over and spread your wallets yet again.
Final thought. If they actually DID brief everyone on the proper orders of magnitude required to clear planet earth they would all just crumple up and expire. They always talk about “planet earth” — they cannot even contemplate “clearing” Cambridge. This “ideal” org has made zero, literally ZERO impact on Cambridge, I guarantee you the vast majority of citizens there don’t even know they have a scientology org out in one of their industrial zones — let alone “clearing” anyone. While scientology claims to teach people how to confront – on the whole they have the confront of blind fleas. They will NOT look, while telling themselves they are the masters of looking, and worse yet, they try to convince others this is true.
omegapaladin says
Always thought it was funny – they say they want to clear the planet, but they charge fees larger than most people make in a year worldwide. If Scn was serious about clearing the planet, there would be SO member going around the world with bargain-basement mass-produced e-meters. If you look at most missionary faiths, they are getting people out in the world to spread their beliefs. I honestly wonder what they tell people who suggest traditional mission activities.
I don’t judge people who believe that LRH was on to something or auditing helps them. I don’t believe it works myself, but it’s no worse that chanting a mantra, pondering a koan, studying Torah, singing hymns, etc. The management of the church, however, is tyrannical and greedy.
Mephisto says
I drove to the SuMP
As I gave at the pump
Another money dump
For a handful of chumps
Cathy Warner says
Thank you for speaking out about this cult. You and Leah have awakened the world to this fraud and I hope it’s demise follows quickly.
Kronomex says
S.U.M.P – Sucking Up Money Prodigiously.
peggy says
As long as Scientology is governed by FEAR, and not love, respect of others, an dignity, those washed of brain and deluded into proper thinking will never be free. Thinking that they are the only ones who can clear the planet, while in reality they can’t truly clear their back yard.
DM the demigod who leads by fear and intimidation, should realize that his house of Cards is falling down. He is Humpty Dumpy waiting.
The more people who speak truths, write everyone who can help end this abuse of human rights, the sooner Humpty will fall. THE IRS will eventually revoke their exemption on an organization whose only religious appearance is the ability to spell church. This is not a church, it is a cult lead by a demigod whose support and lifestyle is built on the backs of his slaves and whales.
I hope I am around to see Humpty try an live a life that the rest of us do. He is an adult 2 year old whose tantrums are known. Humpty, go stand in the corner, quit being a bully, (coward), and take a long goggle time out.
The rest of the class may be dismissed and please don’t come back until you are whole and healthy.
From a never been Scientologist (but wonder how and why they send me letters, and IAS stuff).
JennyAtLAX says
How exactly will SMP be disseminating LRH, Dianetics and Scientology to the Billions?
Why, with your Billions, dear scientologist!
Ho, Ho, Ho, “Scrooge McDuckavige”!
Fred G. Haseney, an “extremely bitter ex-scientologist,” (1977 to 2014)
Skeptic says
They can’t even put a podcast together. Gold has all the PR facilities they need, and nothing. Ever. Happened.
Who knows why SUMP is there.It doesn’t even make sense as a real estate play, and sure the heck not as a production facility. Maybe we all have to wait for LRH’s guidance when he reincarnates like a good god does.
hgc10 says
It makes some sense that they don’t start operations because The Owner wants to keep collecting money to fund the start-up.
But I think that there’s a much more powerful force keeping him from starting — Any content originating from COS is instantly subject to vicious derision and delightful J&D by a community larger than the total of all active Scientologists. It’s the same reason they can’t put a live spokesperson into the fray. The same reason they jealously (attempt to) guard all their promo videos and internal event broadcasts from seeing the light of day. Scientology is an embarrassment to Scientologists. How could they possibly put even one minute of programming into the public sphere, much less 24×7?
When you look at all the sick, absurd religious programming on TV on rented time, such as small-time wacko evangelists and big-time “prosperity gospel” rip-off artists, there is no embarrassment about it. Why? Because the scope of the operation is commensurate with its reach. No one watches who does’t buy into it. But Scientology is different. Plenty of people who deride it are watching like hawks, and waiting to pounce on every nugget of idiocy. The clearest clue that SUMP would never broadcast is that Scientology has never rented air time on existing channels. They have nothing to say (other than to occasionally assault critics), and are stuck in a verbal paralysis about their faith (embarrassing) and their works (non-existent).
T-Marie says
hgc10, you’re right. Hadn’t thought of it that way.
Brian says
The make believe that they believe in has always been there. I remember Diana at the Hollywood Palladium (maybe the Shrine) late 70s early 80s on stage looking all radiant and beautiful.
In all her Hubbard glory she announced at the podium that the planet will be clear by 1984.
We all stood up and acted like kids getting Christmas presents.
It was a fun dream. It was all fun make believe.
Being the “only ones” to have the tech and clear the planet is the fuel that feeds the dangerous madness.
Brian says
When an elite thought club egotistically sells to their students an “only way” status, that is the seed thought that gives rise to the “greatest good” doctrine.
Mao’s cultural revolution, the burning of the library in Alexandria twice. Once by Constantine’s Christians and once by Muslims, and countless other isms.
When a charasmatic and hypnotically articulate leader convinces their people of their unique “only way” status, that is the seed for abuse. That is the ideology that makes good people into demons.
This was idea seed sprouts into the arrogant and self righteousness that justifies atrocities to save the world.
When Foolproof reacted to Mike’s blog on critics and said he could see the use of it, that is proof positive that danger still lurks in the twisted progeny of L Ron Hubbard.
Out here in Woglandia, there are still Indies that are in this dangerous thought club.
Some, who were once leaders of the liberation of this ideology are now reverting back to the stable datum of attack the enemy.
If love is not the answer then suffering is the outcome.
T-Marie says
Brian, I sent someone an emotional scale/chart that’s been pretty well studied and pretty well agreed upon to be accurate, at least in psychological circles, and the response I got was “he’s almost got it” (meaning this scale was not accurate because it was not what LRH’s scale says). When you’re convinced that you already know everything there is to know about a subject (aka closed minded) then you’re stuck right there with all your assumed correct info (which is not all correct) forever. Or at least until you can open your mind. Some exes just can’t fathom that any part of what they learned can be wrong. Again, another example of closed mindedness.
T-Marie says
PS. I’m not out to make anybody wrong. That wasn’t the point. The point was the absolute refusal to see something new without trying to fit it into the LRH box.
Brian says
Good points T-Marie!
Independent observation cannot occur when the doctrine of absolute correctness is agreed.
When anyone is the “only hope” “the last chance” “the only workable” “the best science of mind” is agreed upon, independent thought that expresses a different point of view will always be the enemy.
If Scientology is the “only way” to truth and freedom, then all other attempts at truth will ALWAYS be an opposition to the “real road to truth.”
Free thinking will always be the enemy.
Ron solidified this tyranny of thought by redefining the word “reasonable” and “open minded.”
Only way philosophies can be the source of great evil.
Mephisto says
The first principle of my own philosophy is that wisdom is meant for anyone who wishes to pay for it.
The second principle of my own philosophy is that it must be capable of being sold.
The third principle is that any philosophic knowledge is only valuable if it can be monetized or make a sizeable profit.
These three principles are so strange to the field of philosophy that I have given my philosophy a name: Sell-theology. This means only “knowing how to reg.”
T-Marie says
Brian says
Ha ha!
Yeah….. In know what I’ll do!
Since I have altitude over these people, and there is a spiritual renaissance of spiritual thought in America and Europe………
I’ll write Hymn of Asia and convince these ripe hippies that I am Matreya.
Then…… when anyone tries to pull back the curtain (ooo, this is my best plan yet!!!) I’ll create my own black ops and Intel army to destroy any scrutiny.
If I keep up the attacks, that assures me some time to enjoy my power………
Destroy them utterly if you can. Bow wow go the willing hounds.
Ah….. Altitude Instruction. It so works for me!
Mephisto says
Gus Cox says
Orders of Magnitude? That’s their latest buzz phrase. They don’t even know what it means.
But if they want to start at the lowest order of magnitude, they could start by clearing the goddammned sea org.
They can’t even do that and they think they can clear the effing planet?
Jefferson Hawkins says
Mike, remember when “having to have before you can do” was so looked down upon in Scientology? That’s Miscavige’s total operating basis. He has to have, have, have and then never does anything.
Leah’s show is watched by millions. Miscavige couldn’t get a million people to watch anything he produced if his life depended on it.
happynow16 says
Boom! Drop the mike!
How ironic they use a word to describe what they are calling for. In the WOG world a sump is a underground place that is often dark and is used to collect unwanted water that is often filthy
Joe Pendleton says
An impactful BRIEFING (the key word) being held in CAMBRIDGE! Which means I can only guess that there must be a whale that they think they can rope to this fleecing, which is the only reason they would arrange this whole charade (you know, like in The Sting, where the whole setup was done just to sting the Robert Shaw character).
*and as for THESE people knowing “who is behind all modern wars and why ….” … let me guess, evil bankers and the evil psych organizations that they control and that control them … am I close? Of course, without banks, there would be no credit cards … quick, Davey, edit the tape ….
T-Marie says
I thought these evil people were only supposed to be 2% of the population.
John P. Capitalist says
I just had the vision of the average Scientologist in the wake of these incessant fundraising campaigns. Apparently, next year, or after the next event, is when planetary clearing will be a reality. It’s just like Charlie Brown — next year is the year when Lucy won’t pull the football away at the last second and he will be able to kick it. And, of course, the joke is that, every year, somehow Lucy persuades Charlie Brown that she won’t pull the football away at the last second, and he eventually believes her, only to be victimized again.
amulbunny says
Ok the goal is to clear the planet of all of us nasty SP’s? What is their plan for the nations of Africa (other than SA which has some $cilons), how about China, Mongolia, India, Asia… where are the orgs for all these other countries? And South America, Australia has a few but not a lot, New Zealand?, The Phillipines? The Pacific Atolls? Guam, Fiji, Tahiti. It seems that clearing the planet is awfully focused on the US and the UK. I $cientolgy going to invent some kind of dome to cover the planet and forcefeed it’s tech on all of us?
I shouldn’t drink during lunch. My mind gets all fuzzy while I’m waiting for the packer game.
gtsix says
Pffft. What is their plan for Los Angeles?
I Yawnalot says
Can’t wait… another comedy channel, flea circus and all.
Willie AKA Good Old Boy says
This little SuMP pumps $. from the wallets of the ignorant.
This little SuMP tells lies to cover up its crimes.
And this little SuMP went WEE WEE WEE watching LEAH on A&E
chuckbeattyexseaorg75to03 says
Scientology Media Productions are committing vital information withholding, by not broadcasting Hubbard’s final talk to Sarge Steven Pfauth, where Hubbard admitted failure,and LRH said he’s going to go do the OT running program around Arcturus.
Miscavige’s and Pat Broeker’s briefings at the LRH funeral event in 1986, also omitted this vital information of LRH’s admissions to Sarge Steven Pfauth.
Scientology withholds vital information about their history from their members.
It only delays Scientologists taking fuller responsibility for their Hubbard legacy they are acting out.
What would LRH do?
Highly doubtful that LRH would be doing any of these things that Miscavige has chosen to do. (the buildings, the front groups “expansion”, influence peddling, Scientology Media Productions)
I wonder what the freezone people are thinking these days.
What would the freezone Scientologists do today?
Freezone Scientologists are at least able to watch the HBO “Going Clear” documentary and absorb the LRH talk to Sarge, and I’d be very interested in what better informed Indie Scientologists are thinking these days.
Even though I’m not a Scientologist, I am an informed ex member, and I do wonder what the better informed Indie Scientologists are thinking about it all.
theosismanides says
Hi Chuck, here’s an Indie Scientologist (if you can call me that, here in Greece where there is no indie field activity). Anyway, the other day I delivered a contact assist to a person for a slightly burnt finger and in less than 2 minutes the pain was gone. Less than 2 minutes. 3 times the finger at the exact spot where the burning occurred, was enough.
So, I am thinking why all those people criticize when they are not able to even try something out? There is so much talk these days (documentaries, planetary dissemination centers etc. etc.) yet so little is done and so many people cry out against the Tech? I wouldn’t say so. They have the Tech confused with the church or with others who didn’t get it in the first place.
My beef with ex-es is how fast they forgot all those wins they once had. They must have had some otherwise they wouldn’t be there.
As for Arcturus and the last words of Hubbard, I personally don’t care before a) it’s hearsay evidence from whoever it comes and b) that’s not what Scientology is all about. Scientology is NOT Hubbard. It is a way and that way can do some good.
Alas, the people mix a religious philosophy with various religious practices (including the religious practice of Scientology by the church) and think that a religious practice (by certain people) is the religious philosophy itself. Not true.
Some of my thoughts. Have a great day!
Brian says
I had good results from touch assists also. The good parts of Scientology are not in question in my view.
It’s the parts that cause you to hate people who disagree with Ron’s “only way” “last chance” mentality.
It’s the parts that cause a mind to disassociate from reality; ala BTs are the cause I of my thoughts, feelings and body feelings.
It’s Ron claiming that scientific double blinded research led him to his absolutist absurdity that all critics have criminal backgrounds.
It’s the parts where Ron the loon declares that family bonding, love and attachment comes from a psychotic genetic ghost and that families are not good groups for thetans.
For every good result from Ron’s therapy there is a horror story.
These sites Theo are healing sites for people who have been abused by hateful and arrogant doctrines.
Sure Scientology can bring a mind to cognition and cause some mind over matter phenomenon. Actually, that’s what we can do because that is our native state.
If Ron taught you to help people that’s fine. All power to you. To see the true wholistic picture I would suggest not to deny the obvious: some things in Scientology are dangerous mind fucks: period!
Mike Wynski says
theosismanides , I HAVE tried the tech. I found NOTHING that El Con wrote to be workable, a la processing. Nothing worked as advertised. ZERO consistent results.
If you want to bring ACTUAL clinical evidence. Bring it. It you have no such evidence, why harp on people who speak the truth? Those who CLAIM something works bear 100% of the burden of actual proof. Speaking out against those who falsify a claim is nuts.
Harvey says
Dear Dave,
We still love you. You’re the best!
National Assocation of Scumbag Lawyers
Manny Es says
Good One! Lol
freebeeing says
“Find out exactly what needs to happen to start operations at SUMP”. — LOL, Leave it to the last line to deliver the coded message: Bring you wallet to the event!
So thanks for letting us know you haven’t even started. Too little too late. Typical.
The proper orders of magnitude to clear your coffers is going quite nicely thanks to Leah Remini, Mike Rinder, and all the other people that you have screwed over and are speaking truth to lies. How’s that for proper orders of magnitude? One person (Leah) is doing more to clear the planet of your ongoing crimes than the entire Sea Org has accomplished in decades of trying to bring the world under the dominion of a tyrannical cult bent on destroying those that have the guts to dare speak out about their experiences of having their lives ruined by becoming involved with the Co$.
If you ever do mange to “disseminate to the billions” it will only further dig your shallow grave.
Interesting that you only “touch on” the cold facts. Guess that provides plenty of time to close and man the doors with staff and let the regging begin. Don’t worry Leah has 6 more hours of prime-time TV coming with the cold hard facts.
You seem to be asking quite a few questions there in your promo, perhaps it is because you really haven’t got a clue and wish to hell someone would figure that shit out for you?
I can answer the one about what effect SUMP will have on Idle orgs when it starts spewing forth pie-in-the-sky come-on PR to try and lure people into something that doesn’t and can’t deliver what it promises. This is the effect it will have: NONE!. The orgs are going to remain empty. More members will continue to wake up and leave the ranks of oppressed money-cows.
Time you apply your own ethics conditions, might I suggest CONFUSION & TREASON.
freebeeing says
Time to reform your operation Dave. Since you now call all the shots perhaps it’s time for some revised policy.
Tommy Prophet says
There is just one unsolvable problem with all that reaching the “Media Productions” is going to do someday.
No one is listening.
bug says
“We can expose them.”
We just saw you on A&E network with Leah Remini, telling the world about the importance of exposing what really happens behind the walls of scientology…
As an “once-in”, may I just express my gratitude for all you do in this field and how wonderful it is to see this important message going mainstream. Thank goodness that the kids on the street today have new sources of information, that with each day passing it becomes less likely that this corrupt, predatory and insanely profit-oriented cult that calls itself a church would be the first source of information for anyone, young or old.
I raise my glass to the continued success of your endeavors.
And happy holidays for all.
Victor says
I wonder, why they don’t make even a every week “news” like “we are clearing the planet give us your money” and get everyone to watch this in the orgs?
That will be at least something, and some poor gung-ho chaps with ksw in their brains will be so happy that sump is changing the world.
zemooo says
“As soon as it starts “broadcasting” they can no longer be telling people they have to give money.” Not quite, Mike.
There will be fundraisers for the Ideal Cameras, Ideal floodlights, Ideal recording machines, the list can go on forever. And that list will go on, up to Ideal Post-it Notes.
Where there is a dollar, there is a way to take that dollar. Isn’t that an Lron quote?
Buber Zionist (@buberzionist) says
How about some ideal toilet paper? Staff in orgs are required to supply their own rolls. No money in the budget for toilet paper.
thegman77 says
I’m sure Hubbard *must* have written some policy on that problem. I can go back to the orgs in the 60s and the lack of toilet paper was an ongoing problem even then. Is this why scios are still full of ….?!!!
Shorpy says
Look how many people disseminate their messages to millions for free on YouTube.
Not one message has been disseminated to one person from the multi-million dollar Scientology Media Productions.
gorillavee says
The age-old outline is right there on the promo. Step 1, all about the suppressives. Step 2, who is behind the wars. By this time, everyone should be in a sufficient state of shock that they will be very willing to cough up their hard-earned and even harder-borrowed cash to delay the inevitable apocalypse. It’s basically a repeat of the rather old but undated “the world has five years left, maybe 10 at best” that regges and recruiters would show their marks 25 years after it was written.
Newcomer says
“This “ideal” org has made zero, literally ZERO impact on Cambridge, I guarantee you the vast majority of citizens there don’t even know they have a scientology org out in one of their industrial zones — let alone “clearing” anyone. ”
Such is the world of $cientology. The new sports stadium in Sacramento is being constructed next door to the Cults [IDEAL] facility and I don’t think they even have one parking space they can rent out to earn a few extra pennies to keep the lights on.
How embarrassing to be seen going into the Org, esp. after Leah’s destruction derby.
On a side note, it was 7 years ago today that I had my SRA. It came in the form of a phone call from a credit card company asking for a payment on an account I did not know I had, much less carried a balance on.
Clue no. one) My wife was at Flog getting auditing.
Clue no. two) I had received a call a week or so earlier from Paul Miller (Flog reg pinch hitting as IAS reg whom I had told ‘no frickin way’ on any dono cycles.
Clue no. three) My wife broke down when I contacted her and could not get through her auditing.
Clue no four) My wife’s auditor called and asked me to hold off on any further comm until she could get her through her auditing cycle.
Clue no. five) I received a congratulations comment from the auditor on reaching the ‘Patron Meritorious” status and how wonderful it was to have people like us on board.
Clue no. six) I had just achieved knowing cause over life, again, as I saw Arcturas flash by on my right as I headed for target two looking for a fat son of a bitch who said he was Buddha ………………. I was packing!
I sent an email to Flog. (It would be used four years later to prove I was an Ess Pee by Julian Schwartz and to ensure my family disconnected from me) The email said I would not participate nor belong to a group that promoted lying, fraud, cheating and deceiving to say nothing of promoting no communication between family members all because ‘The Group -AKA CULT’ was the most ethical (piece of shit) group in the universe and were the only ones saving the planet
The good news: It is a great life and as my late father used to say “as long as you don’t weaken!” What can I say: I’m very happy, I have met a wonderful loving companion and I have the pleasure of doing things in life that I truly enjoy and make a difference. I know who I don’t have the thank for that!
Yo Dave,
Tell your buddies …………………. we’re coming for ya.
Harpoona Frittata says
Learning the hard way can be tough indeed, but at least it’s the kind of lesson you never forget!
As a Sacramento resident, I’ve been following the cherch’s move to their new Ideal downtown headquarters, which is now almost completely surrounded by the just-opened Golden 1 Center home of the Sacramento Kings NBA team. (see here to get an idea of exactly how close the cherch is to the action,-121.5000182,622m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x1c10d418c83e84ff!8m2!3d38.5813101!4d-121.4986771 )
It’s just about the most ideal location in Sacramento that you could possibly imagine in terms of the amount of foot traffic and the centrality of its location. But has the Sacramento Co$ been booming since it went Ideal in Jan. 2012? Nope, not hardly! Like so many other very expensive and painstakingly restored historic buildings that the cherch has invested in, this Idle Morgue is as dead and lifeless as Lord Xenu’s former palace 😉
But since the Golden 1 sports and event arena just opened in Oct. of this year, ever-hopeful local $cilons are focusing their combined OaTy suppa powerz postulates on turning that around soon. And I’ll be keeping close track of exactly how that’s going for them too!
On the positive side of the ledger, it’s a fabulous location for the cherch to hold its first world-wide XenuCon!
McCarran says
So happy for your new life and love. Ain’t it nice to be Free of Them!
Idle Morgue says
Welcome Newcomer!
Our story is almost identical to yours except I call FLAG “The Fraud Scam Base.
FLAG – The Mecca of Technical Extortion, Money Laundering, Bribery, Stealing and other sordid Crimes”.
FLAG – “Flog” is a great description as well.
Get Fleeced at Flag. Get Flogged at Flag.
I have talked to tons of others and the story at Flag is the same.
Crime Ring – can’t wait till Hurricane Leah exposes this filthy, dirty rotten and evil cult.
Old Surfer Dude says
So, this is basically the blind leading blind? That should work out well for them…
I Yawnalot says
Perhaps they have been broadcasting and someone forgot to flick on the transmit button (mu’s and such). Scios are so use to no-one paying any attention to them they never noticed. Plus, don’t forget Scientologists are very gun shy about watching or listening to anything on the TV, internet or social media. One read on any of those words and it costs them a fortune in sec checks.
Did chuckle at the thought of a bunch of blind Scios jumping around trying to do high 5s tho.
OverTheBridgeTPA says
What were the plans of the Supressives for Planet Earth….blah blah blah……Mike…..something tells me that he’s talking about you……LMAO!!!
Chewkacca says
I was in Los Angeles the other day and drove around SuMP out of curiosity. It was completely deserted. Not one person. not one car. No activity at all. Which might a good thing for them. Since whatever they broadcast will be mined for material by comedians. HONK, SNORT, HONK, SNORT!
Old Surfer Dude says
I was up in Hollywood a few weeks ago. I stopped in front of SuMP. I threw rocks at their gate. No one came out. Again, they’re either hiding….or, nobody’s home.
I Yawnalot says
I’d want my rocks back.
Old Surfer Dude says
Ok…ok. Let me just throw them one more time and I’ll give them back.
Mephisto says
That’s not the best way to get your rocks off.
McCarran says
How to be the Laughing Stock of Planet Earth.
McCarran says
“Bend over and spread your wallets yet again.” :)))
Love the visual; mine includes the waft of gas that comes out of the empty wallet – with, of course, the various reges looking wantingly up the spread – wallet.
RB, wanna draw this one up for me?
Old Surfer Dude says
I spread my wallet once. Moths flew out. Story of my life…
I Yawnalot says
Wallet! You have a wallet? Use to dream of having a wallet! Had to do with a week old lettuce leaf wrapped up with pieces of broken string I did. Didn’t have no money for pockets either. Ohhhh… how’d I dream of having just the hole that went with the pocket.
Old Surfer Dude says
Alright already! I’ll give my wallet! Satisfied?
McCarran says
visitor says
In order to clear the planet, David Miscavige needs to CLEAR = EMPTY your wallet and all savings and assets. And don’t forget: IDEAL = EMPTY. An empty wallet is an ideal wallet!
NOLAGirl says
“They will NOT look, while telling themselves they are the masters of looking, and worse yet, they try to convince others this is true.”
A perfect description of all their social media minions. You can provide them with links to facts until the cows come home. You’re still wrong, they’re still right…..always. ???
MrsB says
Yes, this sentence sums up the mindset perfectly. You can see it in action (and all its fail) with a few particularly deluded clams who are on Twitter.
I Yawnalot says
But when you are so high on the postulate to nowhere scale, everything is beneath you. Looking is for pussies!
Valerie says
A person who chooses to deliberately ignore the evidence of their functioning senses impairs himself far more than someone whose senses are truly non functional.
There is none so blind as he who will not see, none so deaf as he who will not hear.
rogerHornaday says
The church wants to inform what’s left of its public what is needed to get SuMP running and clearing the planet! I wonder what that might be. Do you think it might be, oh I don’t know… $$MONEY$$????
Hey everybody! Guess what? Our church needs money! Yes, it needs MORE money! And MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and…
Old Surfer Dude says
The Eternal More. Satisfaction is never an option. Just a continuous More…
Mike Wynski says
To this day, I really cannot understand why scamologists started donating for anything but “services”. It was hard enough to do that since the “services” didn’t provide what was claimed. But to donate to teh “church” for NO return at all… Just bizarre.
bug says
Ah, all for the marvels of sublime coercion and brainwashing done under the guise of “spiritual counseling”.
Unsettling, isn’t it, to think how much personal attention can harm a person –
if and when one’s personal authority is put into the wrong hands …
[anyone other than yourself, essentially]
A despot can effectively get away with saying (to the indoctrinated practitioner) :
Give me your money AND your life.
Thank goodness, that this cult is becoming exposed.
Old Surfer Dude says
I chalk it up Super Kool-Aid. The cult has learned to tweak the original recipe. I saw a staff member, who constantly consumes Super Kool-Aid, try to jump up and fly like Superman.
Ms. B. Haven says
Here’s the bottom line for ANY scientology briefing, event, gathering, etc. It’s either regging or recruiting or a combination of both. There are no exceptions. I quit going to these things back in the 80s because it was the same back then. That’s three decades of harassment free living.
For all fence-sitters, side liners, under the radar types, it’s time to LOOK DON’T LISTEN. In the real world, a rose is a rose is a rose, but in scientology a briefing is a fleecing is a fleecing…
Idle Morgue says
Here Here Ms B! You are right – nothing has changed.
Bridge out cuz SP’s keep bypassing the “tech.
Regging and Fleecing for money IS Scientology.
Doug Sprinkle says
Your comment about the most ethical man in the universe was hilarious. Does that include the entire universe or just this sector of the universe?
Old Surfer Dude says
No. just Earth & Target 2……
Alfonso Esteban says
Right on! Plain and simple…
Those with eyes ought to see… ohhh, forgot about the blindfolds!
What a shame. Maybe next lifetime?
Nah, don’t think so.
Old Surfer Dude says
I haven’t taken off my blinders since 1975. I bump into a lot things….
I Yawnalot says
Old Surfer Dude says
Yeah. Lots of swelling…my face looks like Tom Cruise now.
I Yawnalot says
Puff the magic Scotsman, lived by the sea, and frolicked in the Scio mist in a org called Hubbardee. Little Davy “Got Ya,’ loved that Scotsman Puff , then bled him dry in 5X4 time and threw him out to sea.
Tommy J says
There is a way to reach BILLIONS…it’s called the internet. Scientology is reaching billions of people already, albeit not the image they were hoping for.
Idle Morgue says
THAT is AWESOME Tommy J!! The internet has KILLED Scientology!!
Old Surfer Dude says
Them dead, and them don’t even know it…
Tom says
Blind leading the blind….right why, or telegraph of intentions unspokien?
They could run “A Directors cut” of ‘Battlefield Earth’ with the special camera angles and weird perspectives highlighted, action scenes shown in slow motion and narrative by DM. In this day and age they would be streaming across the internet….oh wait…….
And what is this ridiculous obsession with Planet Earth? There are at least 75 others nearby and inhabited….now that might be some compelling programming. If Hawking’s NanoShip comes to fruition
In internet vernacular, if it is from DM……*Plonk*
Lawrence says
Written promotions like this one for SMP from the Church of Scientology are frightening not encouraging. Any lay person reading this may not even suspect that he or she can even guess at what the Church of Scientology is referring to when using the word suppressive. LRH says that the only power a suppressive has is the power you give him. Obviously, with all this LRH tech under their belt why is the church so concerned about being overwhelmed by suppressives for? 🙂
And happy holidays! 🙂
Harpoona Frittata says
And everyone who’s being honest with themselves knows that SPs are way more powerful than any OaTy because just being around one can cause you to go total effect and lose all of your gains, like BAM, right now!
It seriously makes you wonder how much those super expensive advanced OaTy levels are really worth if any old SP can rob you of them that easily, doesn’t it?
Idle Morgue says
That is BECAUSE the Church of Scientology HAS been overwhelmed and destroyed by SP’s
Congrats to us all!!
The real definnition of a SP is someone that was in Scientology and “believed” in LRH and the tech….but then found out the truth about Scientology and LRH and are willing to talk about it freely.
Now an SP “in training” are those good folks who know about David Miscavige and are willing to talk about it freely with others but still “believe” that LRH was a good guy that wanted to help people. They need to do a little more research to reach the full EEE PEE of SP!
Ann B Watson says
Edit should be $ factor no coffee yet.?
4 swings FN says
Just calm down. DM is just jacking some chains again.
Johnny Tank (Forever Autumn) says
Spelling mistake: Diseny Studios – should be Disney, maybe?
Ann B Watson says
Thank you Mike.Love your take on SUMP or should it be SUNK Sci. Media Productions.And your part about the & factor being the reason 100 million plus sits idle is spot on.Still love this blog & you.??
Ann B Watson says
A little out of order,Mike I sent you a PM?
Old Surfer Dude says
I sent Mike an AM once. But, he was probably still in bed….
I Yawnalot says
Hang in there Ann.
xenu's son says
Small typo.No need to add this to the comments thread but “Disney”.
billybongthornton says
sump the new super power builing fundraiser scam
thegman77 says
“…on the whole they have the confront of blind fleas.” Beautiful, Mike! LOL
Espiando says
It’s a great comment except for one thing: fleas are pretty much blind to begin with. They operate mostly by smell. They catch the scent of their preferred mammal (fleas are incredibly specialized; human fleas are almost unique in that they have two preferred species, the other being pigs), they jump on, then they start sucking away, trying to drain their target of as much blood as possible.
tl;dr: Fleas are the regges of the insect kingdom.
I Yawnalot says
What’s their pitch? Pay up or I’ll give you an itch you can’t scratch?