A message to the Flag OTC from their ex-SO “Dissem Sec.” She is obviously well acquainted with the tried and true methods of “raising stats” through manipulating numbers, coming up with new means of “padding” and in this day and age, offering the prize every fundamentalist scientologists covets above all else: STATUS (bought).
This is quite an amazing message.
Hi to all OTC members,
This is Maria Robb, Dissemination Sec, Flag OTC and I wanted to tell you about what we are doing in Division 2 here and ask for your help.
One of my responsibilities includes the creation of Ideal Orgs through the Flag Alliance. Atlanta, Miami, Orlando, Puerto Rico (and Scotland) are our OTC’s priority, but as you know, we can and do help any org become Ideal – We are FLAG OTC of course! Therefore any donation you have made to any org counts toward your Flag Alliance status.
I have some data on donations but not all. It is very important that our list of donations and statues are correct so I am asking for your help.
Please reply to this email, and let me know how much you donated to which org, so I can create a correct database and keep it updated. That way you get properly validated and acknowledged for your contributions. Further, your past help flows to any org are combined together in the Flag Alliance, which may well result in you achieving status levels you didn’t expect.
Please email to [email protected] or just hit reply and I will receive your comm.
ML, Maria
I found her typo of “statues” for “statuses” to be very apropos. Flag is the high temple of MEST worship. Perhaps they WILL start offering to erect statues of the biggest donors suckers outside the “ideal orgs” if they hand over enough cash. And of course, this has the added benefit that when the person is declared it will be easy to simply haul away the statue. It’s tough erasing names from a plaque that contains other names because the hole in the list becomes apparent. But statues can just “disappear” like Shelly Miscavige or International Scientology Management and nobody will comment even if they notice.
I am sure that all recipients will be especially impressed that she has some methods of adding numbers that “may well result in you achieving status levels you didn’t expect.” It is SOOO normal in scientology that this sort of thing is not even remarked upon. Everyone knows the stat push games that go on. Everyone knows the status manipulation that goes on. But to see it from outside the bubble it is pretty remarkable.
How long can it be before she announces the “discounts” and “buy now” incentives that we have seen elsewhere? Maybe they already have run through those gimmicks and this is a new one.
Complaint filed with the IRS regarding the obvious lack of proper record keeping Maria Robb’s e-mail indicates. If proper records were being maintained, the information she’s looking for should be readily available from Cof$’s own records.
Mike Rinder, YOU ROCK! I posted this merry little Christmas song on the Bunker, but I want to share it with you all! A never in, with a sister in law INJECTING THE KOOLAIDE THROUGH A PORT, 24/7. She felt relieved they invalidated her whole history, so she can do it all again. Except, SHE IS DEAD BROKE!!
Won’t, you all sing with me: And to the tune of BELOVED FROSTY THE SNOWMAN: PLEASE SHOOP OBS!
Davy the Cobman, was a nasty evil bit.
With a cancer stick, and an alchy nose,
And 2 eyes made out of sh@t.
Davy the Cobman, isn’t a fairytale they say.
He was made of trash, but the scions say,
We have to give him all our cash.
There must have been some soopa power, in that pompadour he wears,
For when they coiff it up with lights
He begins to begins to swear and swear,
Oh Davy the Cobman was as soulless as could be,
And the scions spoke, he can steal and choke
All the clams and you and me
Thumpety, thump, thump, thumpety thump, thump, look at Davy blow
Thumpety, thump, thump, thumpety thump, thump, over to Int we go.
Maria’s son got me declared. Had to squirrel a whole bunch to make that happen but he did it. Maria was on the BC. I guess it’s pretty easy to figure she never finished.
It’s been a fascinating year – 2014. And the Golden Turd Award seems an appropriate offering as we head into the new year. Merry Christmas to all the undesirable people that frequent this Blog and who, in their own inimitable style, have been an excellent thorn in DM’s side throughout the past twelve months. Mike – thanks for all your hard work and efforts to enlighten.
And to everyone else, Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all.
Odd Thomas
Awesome golden turd Mike….so hilarious. Merry Christmas to all my SP pals here as well as, the never ins and lurkers I know are there. I really appreciate the funny and intelligent posts Mike, and all the thoughtful and intelligent comments I find here every day. I feel very fortunate to be free, to have love and to have cool associations, who seek to live with the truth. Have a wonderful Christmas everyone! Peace!!
same to you hallie jane:)
Ditto Hallie
So typical Scientology not knowing what the others
are ” doing and thinking”. Maria should be able to get
all that info from a database in the org. Of course
LRH did not have a policy on that and who cares
anyway. As soon as you have donated you are
Mike, thanks for all your work and have some great
holidays with your family and friends. And all you
other irreverent people here, do well and enjoy
Mike, above the golden turd award should be the shit for brains one.
Re: shit for brains
“I think you’re being quite rude and quite insulting!”
Yes, you are.
“which may well result in you achieving status levels you didn’t expect.”
no doubt about it, they’ve all achieved statuses they didn’t expect. for example most people don’t expect to achieve the status of Sucker but with scientology it just comes with the scenery.
Isn’t it peculiar that the people in that organisation require continual help and they openly admit it all the time. Like I mean, they are most ethical group on earth right? They have the “only tech of life” that works and no-one else can use it or be authorised to use it without their specific permission, they went to great lengths to copyright it and spent many fortunes enforcing legal action against anyone who dared try to use it that wasn’t on their list. They call anyone not a member either a wog or something like degraded or if a past member, nice names like apostate, liars etc. They even go as far as to segregate within their own ranks the degree of givers and the low life not so much givers, all in the name of religion. When you really look at it they deal in ever increasing variations of disconnection but the founder of the whole thing said to make the tech your own and left that as his legacy.
Yet the biggest statistic they have and it continues to grow is the asking, demanding or manipulating of every action they do to get you to help them by handing over more and more money in the guise of ‘help us to help mankind.’ They obviously can’t even help themselves – they need YOU to do that! Go figure hey?
Do they still use OCAs on themselves? I would bet not or at best lie to themselves about the results.
Ho-hum – I think I’ll help myself to a another beer, at least there’s a product in that cycle.
Merry Christmas to you, Mike and family. I hope you get lots of presents and eat lots of good food and drink lots of your favorite alcoholic beverage and spend it surrounded by people you love and who love you back !
Thanks Steph (and everyone else with their good wishes). Every element you mention is well planned. The presents are wrapped. The food and drink is all ready. The peeps are gathering. It’s going to be wonderful Christmas.
Wow, Mike! It sounds wonderful! So, I’m assuming the rest of us are invited too? Oh, sure, there may be more people than your house can hold. And, yes, the conversation might get a wee loud. And I suppose the police might be called. And…on second thought, you, your friends & family have a very blessed time. Maybe we can come to you home next year! Coop and I promise to behave. Well…sort of…
That may be asking alot!
I can reach any statue level I want by placing it on a pedestal or wearing elevator shoes. No money required.
Now on to pleasant topics: I was on the phone last night with my niece working on getting our massively hectic travel arrangements finalized. It’s’ going to be a crazy week. My husband’s parents are still alive (mine died over 30 years ago), as are all 6 of his brothers and sisters, all of my brothers and sisters are alive (5). We have 7 children between us, 17 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild, so the next 8 days are a flurry of visits to family.
Some of the visits will be less stressful than others as we get along with some of the family members better than others. The bottom line though is that every one of our family members will be able to see and visit with every other one of our family members (even if we may seat cousin “Joe” at the far end of the table from Cousin “Sally” just for safety’s sake and in some cases lock all the guns and ammo in the safe).
My holiday wishes to everyone reading this blog, including those who are assigned by OSA to monitor it are:
By this time next year, I sincerely hope that you have holiday plans to see Each. And. Every. One of your living family members.
Please consider this truthfully, If an organization forces you to disown your family for what they claim to be your spiritual eternity, what kind of spirituality or eternity are they really offering you?
And you heard me exclaim before she ran out of sight
Happy Holidays to all and to all a (damnit I tripped again) . . . .
Best post today, Valerie. Especially about nutso families still managing to stick together. A wonderfu holiday to you, Ms. Val, and wishes for a superb 2015!
🙂 Merry Christmas to you, too, Valerie. Sounds like it’s going to be a good one.
Good one Valerie. Happy holidays to you and yours! And happy holidays to Mike and all the wonderful posters here on the blog. I am honored to be amongst you, the cream of the crop who could see, who could believe their senses, and who acted on it. That is Integrity with a capital “I”. Love you all.
Hi to all OTC members,
This is Maria Robb, Dissemination Sec, Flag OTC and I wanted to tell you about what we are doing in Division 2 here and ask for your help.
As you know the OTC is holding its annual Charity Christmas Dinner at the local community centre. This long running program has been serving the community by offering free meals for those in need. Each year we’ve seen an increasing number of homeless, elderly and even entire families, which means more food and more kitchen hands (I think you know where this is going).
The FSO EC have really outdone themselves this year by purchasing 60 turkeys and all the dressings! Now all we have to do is cook ’em! You’d be surprised how much work goes into pulling this off. So, if you’re a secret home chef or just want to help out, your participation is appreciated. Last year we have over 200 OTs cooking and serving meals, what a hoot that was!
A few people have asked me if they can donate money. This is thoughtful, but what is really needed are blankets, clothes, toys for the kiddies, and basic necessities.
Also, I probably won’t be issuing commendations for those participating. We found it takes up valuable time, and last years helpers felt it was unnecessary.
So, let’s make some Christmas Cheer for those who need it the most!
Merry Christmas everyone,
Ahh…I can dream, can’t I?
Big difference between a dream and a hallucination. But dreaming is good.
“…That way you get properly validated and acknowledged for your contributions.” Yea, I got validated for all my “flows” (it was ALOT! by anybody’s standards except for the major whales). This is an attempt to “follow policy” but there is so much “policy” (and common sense) already violated that it doesn’t matter any more who you “properly” validate. (David Miscavige and his minions’ idea of an appropriate validation these days are these stupid “statues”.) I got validated with an SP declare. All other participation and contributions counted for naught. Most sane people don’t care about these statuses. As far as I was always concerned you could take them and shove them where the sun don’t shine. I didn’t like being treated badly and most people don’t get off on it; so they’ll back away quietly or noisly. David Miscavige and his minions can try to validate and acknowledge all they want. Ain’t going to work.
My advice to the church is to GO SANE; get rid of the creep at the top; invalidate all SP declares; get rid of Disconnection and do good works. That’s my best advice gift to the church this Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas from Santa, his elves and me.
Powerful advise.
…It could actually work. For that church to Go Sane, first hurdle, would require an act of God.
Merry Merry Very Merry Christmas day and all to come.
” first hurdle, would require an act of God.”
Yea well he’s pissed so don’t look for that anytime soon.
And if they make holes to take off the plaques of those who have left in disgrace (or they think so) then, there will be about 9-10 plaques/names left and so,so, so many holes that the wall would become ‘the golden age of swiss cheese’.
And as long as they don’t have to count the holes with their golden age of padding/mathematics all will be just fine.
My dear Mike, thank you for every piece of info, data, laughs, and smiles you have given us via this blog. My very best wishes for you and all your family on this Christmas Eve.
Status? “Holder of the Royal Chamber Pot” has a nice ring to it.
Merry Christmas, everyone!
When did Scotland become a Part of Florida ?
Was that an earthquake I slept though?
Did his Holiness David Miscavige raise his COB royal staff and make it so,
I mean he would have to point it down to talk to any higher spiritual authority.
Mike, that looks like a Daveshit to me. The highest status to be found in the lowliest of holes anywhere on the planet.
Yo Maria,
What if I have donated to other morgues such as Sac Morgue. I gave them about 70K and in return they promised to put the Kessel Family name on the plaque. Problem is, I became a malcontent and although the rest of my family disconnected from me and or divorced …….. the Morgue slackards still did not put up the status on the plaque. Now I would think you would want to flow power to those family members that have hung in there with you so would you please put my Daughter Haley (in the SO at CMO), son Phil (on Sac Morgue staff) and ex-wife Sheri (living in condo in Sac I think) on your wonderful statuesque like plaque and for christs sake, flow a little bit of power to your pleebes still hanging in there?
Now if you want to renege on your promise (imagine that from the most ethical group on the planet) and not put the name on your plaque, I am happy to receive a refund from you. You promised and I donated so we have a contract. Ask Quinn the shill for further details. Please make the check out to me and call me at 209-928-4822 for address………..or send me a photo of the plaque with the names.
Coop, this is SOP for them. My whale friend in LV gave and gave and gave even after they told him he would not have to give anymore for the Idle Org there. But yet he was the go to guy whenever more money was needed. So he gave till it hurt and till he couldn’t pay his own bills. In return they promised to put his name on a plaque. That was in 2009. It is now 6 years later and his name still is not on the plague. So much for promises from the most ethical group on the planet. And as for me, I gave enough to get pins and such to wear on your collar to show off. IAS encouraged us to wear the pins. I never wanted to cuz they were cheap and I could see it would cause damage to my clothing. So I chucked the pin in the trash.
On a more serious note, Coop I think you have a good lawsuit here. You gave $70K in good faith per their promise of plaque status. You never got it. Ask for a refund of that money and sue them for it. Garcias are paving the way for that. Go for the refund!
What cindy said, Coop.
Ok folks … I love it when a plan comes together.
That message from Maria appears to be yet another covert way to get information
on people to use to obtain more money.
Maria’s answer to emails sent in to her…..
After reviewing your status information we found that you have not achieved an unknown status but the great news is you are very close to that next glorious achievement. Send in ….. $ and I will personally see to it that not only will you achieve that next status but you will receive your own personal status statue.
The statue will of course be on the caliber of a cheap bowling trophy with fancy engraving.
Maria….your cheesy request for help reminds me of a comment from LRH….”An Organization which cannot
help anybody will have a tendency to fail”…..hence your reliance on the sheeple to prop up their help button
to pull the likes of you out of the abyss. Me thinks you can take your distorted view of the help button and shove it where the sun don’t shine.
Potpie, you hit the nail on the head. This is her covert way to prospect for more suckers to go back in on for more money and of course her commission. “Flag Alliance” WTF??????
As God is my witness (how very Scarlett O’Hara of me) Scotland will never have an Ideal Org!!!! Why is Scotland in parentheses anyway?
Because it has nothing to do with the “Flag Alliance” but Maria Robb is a Scot, so she includes it for “fun.”
Mike, Maria is Polish but her husband Drew is a Scot, therefore their push for Edinburgh to become ideal. Once in the olden days we were very good friends…
The Robbs just sold their LA home and moved into an apartment in Clearwater in order to be able to complete their IAS Patron Meritorious and to become Ideal Org Humanitarians for the org in Edinbugh. So sad…
Thanks Sabine. I knew he was Scots, I thought she was too… Always good to have the hivemind here to keep things straight.
Of course, she cannot root for the ideal org in Poland — there isnt even a Mission in the entire country! Of course, there are only about 40 million people in Poland, so its really not worth bothering with. Cambridge Ontario qualifies for an “ideal org” but this European nation gets the Shelly Miscavige treatment.
Arrrrrgggg! As a Scot me self I like your post, Chee! Tis a shame the cancer of sciengology has infected the land of me ancestors. Rise up all Scots and rid Scotland of the curse of the cult!
My parents were born there, so I have a bit of insight into Scots. I just can’t see many of them putting up with the Miscavige nonsense. As the saying goes, they do not suffer fools gladly. My heart actually breaks for the Fearless Leader of the Edinburgh org…..he tries so hard to stay ‘uptone’ amidst the bleakness of his org, the sad little storefront, the 5 or 6 members, taking ‘donations’ from children……and for what?? The poor guy probably has no savings to speak of and has no where else to go. If only he knew of all the nice people in Wog World who would help him. Drug addiction, alcoholism and depression are prevelant in Scotland (as are many wonderful attributes and people). Fearless Leader probably is a good man who wants to help others. It’s a shame he is caught up in an organization whose only purpose these days seems to be ordering expensive tiny shoes and suits for its psychopathic leader.
Chee, I feel the same way about Fearless Leader. He seems like a genuine person with the weight of the world on his shoulders. What I didn’t know is drugs, alcoholism & depression were prevalent in the land of my ancestors. And, I’m sorry to hear that. When I see his posts, I wish that I could go over there to meet him. Of course I wouldn’t let on about my history in the cult. I’d just like to sit down with him, Scot to Scot and have a chat. He doesn’t look all that healthy and he’s missing some teeth. Oh, that’s right, they don’t have medial coverage for their staff.
Chee and OSD, I wouldn’t waste any breath on Fearless Leader if I were you. Years ago he and I were in comm. With no make wrong I once gave him via email all the outpoints about the Ideal Org system. He never responded to that and I never heard from him again. Now, I don’t know what the Co$ has on him but it can be assumed that he’s heavy into the Koolaid. Whatever it is, don’t think he doesn’t know. If he read that email, he knows plenty.
A life size statue of miscavige would be smaller than the duggans’ last status award.
Off topic, I would like to wish you and yours the very best for the holiday season. To the other posters and lurkers, I also send my very best wishes. I would like to thank all of you for your insights and perspectives. As a never-in, I find myself often swinging from sympathy to incredulity and my posts tend to display that. For those of you living the journey out, or trying to figure out how to do it and salvage your lives, I wish you all the very best. Good luck in your journeys.
I sincerely hope that 2015 will be a year when many more will make their escape from the prison of the mind that is scientology.
It would be interesting to see any future donor “statues” end up on the auction block on eBay at some point — only to be bought and placed in some obscure park somewhere for pigeons to “decorate” further? (Smile)
And like bystander, I am a never-in but fascinated by the ongoing travails of Co$ and the Antics of the Lilliputian in Chief… My best and warmest wishes to Mr. Rinder and all the others who sought freedom from Co$ – May Families be Re-United, and True Happiness Enjoyed by All.
Well, those statues would probably end up in a special “Legends Park” — you can see them now, the Garcia’s, Coop, Lynne Hoverson and Bert Schippers etc etc etc
Would a statue of any clam adhere to the supposed code where one horse leg in the air meant they were wounded? And by wounded I mean bankrupted.
Thank you Mike Rinder for the all the leaks and inside poop. The conversion from a ‘donation’ (I mean what was previously a set fee amount) for training and auditing, to a straight ‘gimme your money’ business model is now complete.
Devout Lroners have already left the building, and only those who can be blackmailed or regged into status are left. I expect the Lron connection to eventually be phased out and worship of Miscavage to take over. But then Davy will have spend years re-voicing the old Lron ‘Basics’ and Dianetics and all the other drivel.
I doubt he wants to do that, so Lron will continue to be star and Davy will tale the credit. And the debit and any other credit card you have.
Happy Holidays to all and to all a good night. Or at least a good nap.
To echo Bystander:
I, too, wish to express my appreciation. It was liberating indeed to tell my story of escape here.
It is good to part of this group.
Merry Christmas to all, and be good. Santa is on the way!
Welcome aboard, Mark Marco! Wishing you and your family a very blessed Christmas & New Years’! May 2015 be your best year yet!
“The current in thinking in evolutionary psychology is that the human mind was designed by natural selection to be very cognizant of status within social groups. In caveman days, when natural selection was in full force shaping man’s ability to survive, being high on the social totem pole translated into a direct reproductive advantage. The humans that survived, therefore, were the ones who had a genetic predisposition to seek and obtain status. They were our ancestors, which means that we share their genetic quest for status. However, now that status is unnecessary for survival, the mind’s tendency to seek it is causing all sorts of problems.”
One huuuundreeeed thouuuuuusaaand doooolaaaars! Now gimme my trophy!
Going Clear seems to be gaining more and more attention! Get your popcorn!