These 3 email/promotipons were sent out last week. Each is as nutty as the next. All are irrefutable evidence that the Vulture Culture reigns supreme in the world of corporate Scientology.
The first promotes (last week) the “Maiden Voyage” (that didn’t happen in JUNE).
But more bizarre is the bottom of this list….. Seems the Ideal Org Strategy in the “First Ideal Continent” has run into a few speed bumps chasms. As I recall, St Louis bought a building some years ago…. Hawaii has just never gone anywhere, even in this “era of Massive International Expansion greater in the last year than in all 50 previous years combined under the amazing leadership of our Dear Leader following in the footsteps of our Founder L. Ron Hubbard.” Santa Barabara, featured in the next one, managed to raise $900! That’s not going to go far in Santa Barbara….
The last email is the typical “we are on the verge of massive expansion” but makes an astonishing claim: “Only in Ideal Orgs can the full panoply of Golden Age of Tech Phase II be delivered….” So, GAG II isnt going to be “fully” available in most orgs in the world… That’s brilliant! Wait til you hear the presentation that Miscavige is going to make about how this is solving all problems of out tech and “making planetary clearing a reality” but it wont be available to everyone because “they’re not ideal” which is now becoming a new level of lower class.
From: IDEAL Silicon Valley <[email protected]>
Date: August 23, 2013 1:23:43 PM
Subject: **WUS Weekly Standings!**
Reply-To: IDEAL Silicon Valley <[email protected]>
From: United for an Ideal LA! <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, Aug 28, 2013 at 6:13 PM
Subject: A personal message from Quinn Taufer
28 August 2013
Dear Valley,Here we sit just days away for the largest event we have ever had in Ideal Org making history!!! What we have planned for this event will blow away the last and is setting a whole new standard for the world to apply.
As I am sure you know, there are tremendous amounts of preparations going into the release of Golden Age of Tech Phase II. With all that is in the works, Los Angeles is poised for exponential expansion. BUT, we must come together to accomplish this OT feat in preparation for what’s to come.
Because the ability to deliver the Golden Age of Tech Phase II is only built in an Ideal Org. Only in Ideal Orgs can the full panoply of Golden Age of Tech Phase II be delivered—and there is a final piece to complete the Ideal City of Los Angeles… and that’s the Valley Ideal Org.
Considering what Golden Age of Tech Phase II will mean in terms of speed up the Grade Chart, with this final Ideal Org in place we will not only be able to move greater numbers than ever onto and up the Bridge in LA, but generate a commensurate number of auditors to flow outward, opening new field groups, missions, social betterment activities and all else that will permeate LRH tech throughout all of LA. I know this is why you have decided to do what you have done thus far.
I am writing you as we are doing everything possible to complete this final Ideal Org of Los Angeles in preparation for the unprecedented Bridge flow on the horizon. Time is of the essence and Valley is to complete putting in place all necessary funds for the full renovations of their new Ideal Org before the release of Golden Age of Tech Phase II in the coming weeks.
With that, I am asking that you move up in status N O W either by funding your pledge or originating a new status (and trust me you will not want to miss being awarded that the 7th September Event)!!! As LRH said, “The ideal org is the image one builds toward. It is the product of the causative actions of many.”
Your causative actions are needed and more so now then ever in our drive to Ideal. We are in the final leg of making the first Ideal and Scientology city on the planet. The Golden age of Tech Phase II is being released and requires an org to be Ideal to be able to deliver it – this isn’t a gimmick or tag line, no, this is a point of getting in KSW third dynamically. It’s a matter of all standard admin and tech lines for delivery, it’s a matter of dissemination, it’s a matter again of getting KSW IN, IN FULL across all divisions of the org board left to right and top to bottom. And yes you are needed to make this happen, YOU.
The Valley is the closest and next to open, our target is the 19th of September you are a major factor in making this a reality, move up in status when you do we will be done, get your friends to do so as well. And attend the 7th September EP event!
Much love,
Quinn Taufer
Valley Expansion Project I/C
I’ve just received some snailmail promo from Flag headed “THE FINAL CALL”. If only it was!
On the first page the Sea Org logo in storm-cloud blue lowers over the new White Elephant Building. I think the button they’re trying to push is something like Noah’s flood: ‘last call from your saviours, come unto us or you’ll be left behind when the deluge begins’.
I seem to recall, from a Flag Freewinds lecture, that one of the implants from the “between lives lives” is that we’re reinvigorated to go back and try again no matter how disastrous it was before. Somewhere in the back of my head I’m thinking Misgarbage is playing on the same implant over and over and over again.
Another anti MESTcavige reference from LRH (Esto Officer Series 24):
“When yo add aesthetics of building and grounds, and carpets and desks you can get too far off the definition
of space requirement when these are given first priority. These are something you build up to.
Clean and neat are closer to importance after the basic definition is met.”
+1 And we all know that one. Why are these people so blind?
Hawaii Warriors and St. Louis 101 Airborne were probably reading this blog, the Albuquerque Mavericks seem to be slowly waking up.
So what is it about the Ideal Orgs that makes it possible to deliver GAT 2 there and no where else? Do they put something in the water supply, or do they spray cheesy Eau de GAT 2 perfume into the air?
It certainly couldn’t be the computer displays or the pre-fab junk from LA. Specially trained staff? That sucking sound you hear is staff being drained from the local orgs to Flag.
Only an Ideal Org has the Ideal Layout to deliver Standard Tech.
Standard Tech is very finicky. You must have the Ideal Layout, else it will not be duplicated properly.
Ah, I see. I guess having any actual people inside the org would mess up the layout.
Gone way beyond the Roberts/Pomerantz Roadshow, now everyone and his dog keeps driving this commision-based, automatic, out-of-control feeding-frenzy, be it by orgs and/or individuals. They’ll just keep presenting offbeat dreams and unattainable goals until one day the revolving door of money dries up. After all, in Göbelesque fashion, were only doing the bidding of the parishioners. Until then, the con game goes on …
“this isn’t a gimmick or a tagline”
Doesn’t that line violate some basic first law of advertising (where is Don Draper when you need him)? Doesn’t that immediately tip off to the consumer that this IS a gimmick or a tagline?
(These are rhetorical questions by the way!)
Or as Richard Nixon said, “I am not a crook!”
Whatb did you get out of Scientology what Hubbard said in this video, Miscavige has obscured the line. David miscavige is a Squirrle
“Happiness and strength endure only in the absence of hate. To hate alone is the road to disaster. To love is the road to strength. To love in spite of all is the secret of greatness. And may very well be the greatest secret in this universe.”
– L. Ron Hubbard
LRH gave the formula years ago for booming orgs and it consists of selling books and Academy training. Jeff Hawkins worked this out (from LRH’s advices) in the 1980s and boomed the Orgs worldwide by pushing DMSMH This video nonsense in lower Orgs now is completely off policy and will only attract those people who cannot do the bridge because they can’t read (and it takes lots of effort to get them up to that point) and cause lots of other trouble. In fact I think Scientology’s real public are simply those who can read DMSMH – there are still millions of those despite falling literacy levels. I remember reading DMSMH and several other books and thinking “well, this it IT!” and had no more quibbles when I went to see the registrar to buy my auditing and training, admittedly when prices were more “reasonable” but i would have bought anyway, somehow. Rather simple is it not? But then obviously someone does not want to boom Orgs and wants to load up the Orgs with a totally wrong public that don’t want training and can’t read – Ah! Yes of course! Now I understand!
“The test of a Miscavige is the ability to make things go wrong.”
LOL. Good one.
I wonder just how valid the “falling literacy levels” idea really is. For years now church staff have tossed that out as a justification for poor org production. I seem to recall COB bringing it up one of his Shermanspeak rants (you know, the world is going to Hell in a handbasket, blah, blah, blah). You are correct to point out, that even if true, there are still millions of potential prospects. Yet another Wrong Why in a long string of Wrong Whys. It has the additional side-effect of further individuating the org from the public, inflating the org’s self-importance and superiority and ultimately introverting it.
Mao—scavige. Brilliant!
“The ability to deliver the Golden Age of Tech Phase II is only built in an Ideal Org”
I guess Dave got worried that the postponed event will have to be postponed because the SP trainees are STILL not done with their superfast GAT 2 training. So he had to look for a way to shift the blame somewhere else so he can be celebrated and the orgs that don’t have their staff through their COB SUPERFAST (TM) GAT 2 training can be told that it’s THEIR FAULT, because only Ideal Orgs can deliver it and they are not Ideal.
That way he can reshuffle the trainees, send those that complete on time to his “Ideal Orgs” (regardless of which org fundraised their plane ticket and sent a bill for their training) and announce the victory that “EVERY SINGLE Ideal Org now has its COMPLETE tech staff ready to fire back to their org and start delivering GAT 2 NEXT MONDAY” (rolling thunder)
It is also a cheap way to get fundraising into gear by blaming ALL Scientologists in the area that won’t get the new world-changing GAT 2 right after the event: the rest of the blame will go to the OT Committees, Div 6 staff, and everyone else (since fundraising is EVERYONE’S hat) because they are “letting down the whole team and their area – those 37 orgs DID IT, so if you had any intention of backing up COB who is working SO HARD to get you the full benefit of LRH’s tech…”
It is so typical Dave. If it’s done – I DID IT. If it’s not done – YOU FUCKERS LET ME DOWN AGAIN.
Captured the essence of Miscavige: If it’s done – I DID IT. If it’s not done – YOU FUCKERS LET ME DOWN AGAIN.
I love you Mike Rinder, I know that you arte a beautifull spirit
I admire you Mike, to have survived the world of Dave and have had the courage to leave it behind and tell the world all about it. It is due to you and other brave souls like you that the world gained an insight into to how he thinks. Sunshine is the best disinfectant, and you are shining plenty of it on Dave.
He thought his reign of terror would last forever unchecked, but I guess he underestimated the power of the internet, which exposed this freakish combo of clueless, ridiculous and evil – and now he is a sitting duck pulling the strings of some big machinery that is busy shining Dave’s ass while falling to pieces.
Quack, indeed, Globetrotter.
Makes me think of this hilariously clueless duck:
indie8, I think that in the spirit of “delivering what’s promised”, this website does much more than Dave does:
He’s right about me with this one. I am working to suppress him and stop his orders. Because sanity is inhibiting things which inhibit survival.
Exactly what Hitler said down in the bunker before he shot himself in the head.
My reply was to Globetrotter.
Exactly what Hitler said down in the bunker before he shot himself in the head.
DM makes every org’s delivery of GAG II conditional upon that org having an Ideal Building?
No org which does not yet have an Ideal Building will be able to deliver GAG II?
Wow. Yet another arbitrary adding to the length of the runway onto the Squirrel Wheel, as if completion of the Basics and higher prices were not enough of a stall. I feel genuinely sorry for anyone who won’t reject this, for anyone who won’t treat this like the contemptuous backhanded slap in the face that it truly is What a very cruel person DM is, to hit at his victims this way. For, with this arbitrary, the die is cast, GAG II becomes his most powerful fundraising tool, and the resulting panorama of make-wrong effects for on all dynamics will be vast. What a big win for a Suppressive.
Another thing he might do is have the trainees from “non-ideal orgs” go to “ideal orgs” to deliver GAT II there, with the excuse that they can’t deliver at the non-ideal orgs.
That way he can brag about how much more delivery is occurring at GAT II orgs because of GAT II, when it’s really a result of the human trafficking occurring of staff to ideal orgs, at his command.
I’m confused by the pictures. When you google street view Mountain View Org, the parking lot is mostly empty. That Proposed New Mountain View Org is REALLY BIG! I’m wondering where this space is that they are proposing the new Org will be? Anyone know? Google view Stevens Creek Org and the same lack of cars. Confused in Colorado. Now, I understand that the pictures were taken during the day and most of the public would go at night, so I’m SURE that that is the reason for the empty parking lots. SURE of it. Seriously though, where is this large chunk of land?
Real same.
The carrot on a stick called GAT 2 gets moved farther and farther
like moving the goal posts of a football game.
Like Gat 1 , Huge build up, Then Big let down.
My take in Gat 2 is that you are talked into
jumping out of an airplane without a parachute
But you are given a note that say’s halfway down
someone will give you a parachute
So you jump out and halfway down
you see many other people falling with notes in their hands.
D.M.’s Modus Operandi
Pull out anchor points, then drive them in
History is not an Imlpant
From someone who appreciates and understands the tech, to someone who is part of an organization who professes to be the provider of standard tech, it’s sad to read, yet again, another LRH quote that is misunderstood, taken out of context, and its purpose butchered.
LRH wasn’t flawless, and everything he wrote wasn’t exactly correct. But who needs enemies when your own group mangles your written works?
LRH has more effective enemies inside his church than out. And the technology he created to help people think for themselves, is the carrot they follow into further entrapment.
+1 Well said, Anon – and totally true.
“This isn’t a gimmick or tag line, no, this is a point of getting in KSW third dynamically”!
This kind of sentence reminds me (very faintly, because it’s been a while) of my first exposure to Scientology prose. I understand that there is some actual meaning here. But to an ordinary woggish sort of person whose exposure to the English language has been largely innocent of the stylings of L. Ron Hubbard, it sounds ridiculous. Especially when you yank it out of the paragraph and just kind of marvel at it.
There was another example recently in Black Rob’s “Thetan in my Mirror” thread at ESMB — a bit of actual Ronness, I think:
“Never permit your affinity to be alloyed.”
Them’s fightin words, y’all.
Richard, like any specialized language, Scientologese requires that one know the meanings of its unique terms to grasp the concepts spoken in that tongue.
Mike use this one better format
From the Phoenix Lectures: 20 July 1954: Consideration, Mechanics and the Theory of Instruction:
“The total empire of the Scientologist as far as … from my viewpoint, the total empire is an empire of wisdom. No political empire of any kind. There is no effort on the part of Scientology to own or have the allegiance of billions and billions and billions of people or to have thousands and thousands of tons of masonry piled up with Scientology written across the top of it, or to have certain governments of Earth giving their allegiance to Scientology or something of the sort. This is very, very dull indeed. The empire of Scientology is 100 percent the empire of wisdom, there is no other empire envisioned.” (LRH)
Great Quote, Thanks for sharing!
We DO have an empire of wisdom, when you think about it. It’s just that not everyone has been able to become a part of it.
This is so pathetically sad to me. I can hear the exhaustion and desperation in his words. It almost makes me wonder if the goal of DM is to eliminate the orgs as he did the missions in place of these grand pieces of mest. He isn’t giving the orgs anything to deliver. The only things left to deliver are overt products anyway, so perhaps with all of this blatant rape and pillaging of the funds and sweat of these poor slobs, I would think there would be a group cognition or something. I don’t know how to think anymore. These things are so in your face suppressive I just don’t get it.
Scientology Marketing made him protest, No mention of Ron
Wise Beard Man
His words are wise
His face is beard
The Golden Age of…, Massive expansion, Ot Summits, Ideal continents, juggernauts, all stars, stallions, massive stages with golden pillars, Diamond Meritorious, Platinum whatever… Ugh. Aren’t they all completely exhausted. Must be that DM is no case gain, therefore the tech itself isn’t enough. But I think all the rest of us would just like to learn the tech and get auditing so we can move on up a little higher-as our friend Marty says. Simplicity & freedom outside of the church.
On September 1, 2013 at 457 pm Zlice wrote in part:
“Golden Age of Tech 2 is an oxy-moron. A golden age is a period when a skill or activity is at its peak. A golden age don’t need no phase 2.”
You’re right, a Golden Age doesn’t require a Phase 2, unless of course you massively screwed up the first phase, which is exactly what happened. “GAT Phase 2” sounds a lot better than “Correcting all the GAT Phase 1 Out-Tech”.
ROTFL Jethro!! I LOVE a good bit of logic. 😀 So true.
I want to make one thing clear for Scientologists, we in the Netherlands don’t care much what you believe untill you mess with our values.
Scientology learned that in a big way when it lost in court in The Netherlands
Ah shucks! The Texas tornados from my old org Austin, can’t seem to get off the ground. They only have “3 points”, which is what they had two months ago.
I guess the Austin Org carcass has been picked clean by the IAS, Freewinds, Flag, and other vultures.
This doesn’t sound right.
1.Valley All stars
2.Mt. View Juggernauts
3.San Diego Super Stars
4.Kansas City Stallions
5. Texas Tornadoes
6.Santa Barbara Conquistadors
7. Salt Lake City Renegades
8.Albuqueque Mavericks
9.Hawaii Sharks
10. St. Louis 101 1st Air Bourne
What about?
1. Valley Vultures
2.Mt. View Buzzards
3. San Diego Clubbed Seals
4. Kansas City Con’s
5. Texas Banditos
6. Santa Barbara Bamboozlers
7.Salt Lake City Scammers
8. Albuquerque Scalpers
9. Hawaii Mullets
10. St. Louis Shysters
“Only in Ideal Orgs can the full panoply of Golden Age of Tech Phase II be delivered….
It is more and more “The Church of Miscavige”. I “m trying to wait when there is a statue of him. Of course, not of bronze but of oak wood.
This is total insanity, accented with a few exclamation points.
Interesting quote to insert, when an “image” is not a real building.
What does $$ have to do with getting KSW in, especially when Chairman Mao-scavige keeps altering S? You might be enabling the source of the problem, if you donate.
Golden Age of Tech 2 is an oxy-moron. A golden age is a period when a skill or activity is at its peak. A golden age don’t need no phase 2.
KSW is an ad on in the sence it is a repressive tool, The Sea Org is an ad on as it is a military like organization where empathy is void or nill
KSW is an ad on in the sence it is a repressive tool…
KSW isn’t any different than the cautions any surgeon or aeronautics engineer would learn during their base studies. Practiced within precise (and proven) guidelines and strictures, lives are saved and mankind sets foot on other worlds. Go outside those ‘white taped paths’ and death and destruction ensues.
Same. It’s just the obvious. It amazes me that anyone would not see that, but there’s so much people apparently do not see. I get universal boo’s for this, but w-a-y to many people think that Scn is a joyride and that you never have to face some of the difficult questions about life, and find your own way. Scn does NOT find your way for you – it makes it possible for you to do that. There’s a difference there, between those two things, but look at all the folks who can’t or don’t want to see that. A thetan isn’t too overly bright to begin with – ONE guy figured out what life is all about, and the rest of think he’s a god (almost).
Thetan: “Yes, (harrumph) I am alive. I am, in fact, a true representative of a Life Form. An advanced one, at that. The genuine article.”
God: “Wonderful. I knew that already just by looking at you. Can you tell me what you, or Life is all about?”
Thetan (to moderator): “I thought we agreed to limit questions to my accomplishments?”
+1 Ronnie.
In 1983, when I was trying to figure out what all the hub bub was about, why people were wanting to leave, I talked with someone who had left. I asked him what all of their upset was about. After talking for about 15 minutes, I asked him, “What about Standard Tech?”
He gave me some BS answer about how standard tech is for people who can’t think independently enough for themselves to figure it out.
That was it. I showed him to the door, told him to get out and said, “You guys are crazy.” That’s when and why I stayed in.
I honestly don’t know what all this fuss is about KSW. Like you say, Ronnie, it’s a way to keep people doing the correct actions correctly and to take the flies out of the ointment so as to keep it pure.
SO members may have abused it and power controlled with it but let’s not throw out the baby with the bathwater. If we are going to keep Scientology intact for our use and for other people to come through in future generations, we can’t start altering it now.
If we alter it just a bit here and a hair there, pretty soon, it’s going to be like the bad engineer’s bridge (pardon the pun) that is supposed to meet in the middle but because someone was lazy about the measurements at the beginning, the two ends miss each other by a mile.
IMHO, we should do what we can to keep it as workable as possible, as it is, so that our grandchildren don’t find themselves on another Bridge going nowhere.
Well stated!
Wouldn’t you know it, I just moved from LA to Portland and now California is the first Ideal State! Of course, one less Declared Suppressive Person in the Golden State may be just the thing that pushed them over the finish line, in which case I take full credit.
And is it just me, or does Quinn Taufer’s email sound exactly like the Dinky Miscreant himself spouting Shermanspeak?
My thought too.
But, when you’ve brainwashed yourself well enough, you can learn to “think with” Shermanspeak, too.
That’s exactly what I thought reading it. Much to my chagrin his voice, intonation and accent just kept coming through. I had to verify who actually wrote it and asked myself if DM wrote it or if this other bloke wrote DM’s speeches.. I really must stop listening to the cob. Or is it sob.
Meanwhile the mass exodus continues. The Field of Dreams pivots to Goldilocks, after midnight. For example, several years ago the Malibu Mission was run out of town from its location near the iconic pier. They hightailed it to the second floor of the Point Dume Village center, hunkered down behind potted trees. This Labor Day weekend a dark cloud is missing from that area. Closer inspection reveals the Mission has faded into the sunset. The space is now occupied by insurance brokers and attorneys’ offices. Not a trace of the Malibu Mission, unless you count the autographed photo of Tom Cruse in the pizza shop downstairs.
I have encountered this datum – “only Ideal Orgs can delivery GAT II” in other parts of the world. Exactly why that is is never explained; most likely because it is a lie. Maybe it is because of “special training tools” or “secret ingredients” or “special sauce”. It is simply a disparate pitch to push the punter to cough up the cash. It’s perfect if you think about it, if GAT II fails to deliver (which we can almost count on), it will be because the org isn’t Ideal. And if the org is Ideal and GAT II fails, it will be because the org is doing it wrong, or is need of some renos. Round and round it goes…
One thing is for certain, with each resounding failure to deliver the goods, those once faithful will begin to waiver in their support and begin to question the legitimacy of church management. Those who stay deserve everything they got coming to them, which essentially is nothing.
I think it is a two-pronged attack on the sanity and pocketbooks of scientologists – like “OT IX and X will be released when, take your pick, “all orgs are St. Hill sized”, “All orgs are Ideal”, etc etc. It’s a stall, pure and simple, at the same time as it demands more, more, more money.
It’s been going on for years. Can you imagine how many people will end up suicidally depressed and dying as a result, from various causes? The fulfillment of their dreams always “on the horizon” (of the horizon of the horizon).
It’s pure evil bullshit.
Or how many will contribute heavily and die from the stress way before their time, so not being able to participate in OT IX and X anyway.
What good is it if it’s released 20 years after you die?
blah, blah, blah,blah,yawn, yawn, yawn!!! these people DO NOT GET IT!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I know. It’s like they’re on some crush drive to raise disaster relief funds, not realizing the disaster is happening all around them, and they’re bringing it down on themselves.
Who in all the hells writes this stuff??? It’s always “the dawning of the dawning of the dawning…..” Like in the Star Wars movie just before the Death Star blows up……
It’s the zombie apocalypse!
There’s a telling phrase in the third entry: in preparation for the unprecedented Bridge flow “on the horizon”. In their quieter moments away from the the hurly burly of Org staff madness most staff I am sure know deep down there is no “unprecedented Bridge flow” about to happen, on the horizon, or even over it. They have to turn their cognitive dissonance levels up to 11 to even contemplate the merest possibility of a very slight increase in body traffic.
In their quieter moments away from the the hurly burly of Org staff madness most staff I am sure know deep down there is no “unprecedented Bridge flow” about to happen, on the horizon, or even over it.
Spot on observation, Martin. The level of self-imposed delusion and hypocrisy is on the part of staff and the gung-ho, is nearly pathological. It’s the sort of mindset that leads to early death or mental breakdown.
“Thus, in true West US style we are making massive progress in each area….”
I’m embarrassed for Quinn. He really needs to get someone to proof read and edit before he sends out a message like that. Jeez! It is a train wreck.
Not to mention the desperation showing through. I wonder when was the last time he had a good night’s sleep.
We are watching the sham unravel day by day. Heralded by the unraveling of the sanity of people like Quinn Taufer.
The Devine Ms. Y!
Yeah, he’s a little rough around the edges with his copy isn’t he? My favorite sentence which he made his way through grammatically is:
“I know this is why you have decided to do what you have done thus far.”
NO SHIT and very glad I did!!
Good riddance!
I had the same thought, YS! The grammer was, well, awful. And now, ALL orgs that want GAG II HAVE to be Ideal to get it. Hmmmmm…I suspect much stress in public scns lives is about to begin. And the orgs have only half a month to get the money. Sucks being them…
How old is Quinn? As we know, these youngsters in the SO don’t get much schoolin’.
And then, if they were educated in public schools, they didn’t have much luck their either.
I know Quinn from way back. He was an illiterate S.O. teenager with an attitude back in the early 90s. He should have been cracking the books, but was busy trying to move up in DM’s Schutzstaffel even then.
So sad, huh? Like the local boys who grew up around the Mafia in Brooklyn. They all wanted to be “Wise Guys” instead of wise men and, consequently, usually didn’t live long enough to attain much of a level of wisdom.
Just like the dumbing down of America’s schools, keep them so dumb that they can’t think for themselves so they’ll believe and do anything you tell them.
Truly Yvonne! The inane prattle is painful.
“If the Org slumps: Don’t engage in ‘fund raising’ or ‘selling postcards’ or borrowing money. Just make more income with Scientology. It’s a sign of very poor management to seek extraordinary solutions for finance outside Scientology. It has always failed. For Orgs as for pcs ‘Solve it With Scientology.’ Every time I myself have sought to solve finance or personnel in other ways than Scientology I have lost out. So I can tell you from experience that Org solvency lies in More Scientology, not patented combs or fund raising Barbecues.”
L. Ron Hubbard
I as an Anon goingto set you straight with L Ron Hubbard quotes.
“There is only one security, and when you’ve lost that security, you’ve lost everything you’ve got. And that is the security of confidence in yourself; to be, to create, to make any position you want to make for yourself. And when you lose that confidence, you’ve lost the only security you can have. … Self-confidence is self-determinism. One’s belief in one’s ability to determine his own course. As long as one has that, he’s got the universe in his pocket. And when he hasn’t got that, not all the pearls in China nor all the grain and corn in Iowa can give him security, because that’s the only security there is.”
– L. Ron Hubbard quote
Edit some things out Mike
That quote is genuine tough
keep the quotation and loose my ad ons, I wont tell ask Marty I am pretty reliable
“Freedom is for honest people. No man who is not himself honest can be free – he is his own trap.”
L. Ron Hubbard
That quote is the one that sucked me into Scientology.
Thanks for the frequent postings, Mike. I am addicted to my daily dose of the End of Scientology. Tony Ortega is great, too, and Mark Bunker.
I have said the very same thing all my life. I’d never seen that quote by LRH until you posted it, but we obviously agree. It’s the very consideration that led me to start my own business sixteen years ago. I’m still my own man to this very day.
Way to go Ronnie! VWD on your success.
Early materials, back to the beginning
Excerpted from the lecture Postulate Processing delivered on 15 October 1951. This lecture can be found on page 34 in Research & Discovery Volume 8: The vast technology of postulates
+1 No fundraising or bake sales. He says it crystal clear.
Right on Cat Daddy!
THIS IS THE BIGGEST EVER EXAMPLE OF HAVING TO HAVE BEFORE YOU CAN DO!!!!!! The stats just keep going up! This week there were highest evers in OUT ADMIN, OUT TECH AND OUT ETHICS ACROSS THE BOARD. What a guy our dear leader is continuing to lead the way with number of Squirrel actions. Number of lies in the legal arena along with highest ever in Hubris!!!!! We have a star here!
HCO PL 24 February 1964, “Urgent, Org Programming” – I wonder if this policy letter will be “disappeared” like Nibs Hubbard (Ron DeWolf) in the Clearing Congress video.
I think of that EVERY time I see these shenanigans!
Mike, sorry to be of thread a bit here. But Tony Ortega had a riveting story of a new SO recruit’s intervention in LA with Tiziano Lugli, Michael and Joy Fairman, and Tom DeVocht. Here is a link and info if anyone needs help in how to get SO loved ones out of the cult. The poster on this link is Mary McCormick:
Steve Hassan, author and counselor, is one I also espouse when it comes to helping people get out or get out of the mindset:
Releasing the Bonds – a talk by Steve Hassan
October 20, 2010
tags: Cult, Leaving Scientology, Scientology, Steven Hassan
By Leaving Scientology
“Here’s a fascinating talk by Steve Hassan, given two days ago at the New York Ethical Culture Society. It’s about 40 minutes, well worth the time. He mentions Scientology a few times. Especially interesting for us is his advice on how to talk to someone who is in a cultic situation. He advises against directly attacking them or making them wrong, but instead offering them love and friendship and understanding, listening to them, asking them questions. He repeatedly refers to his BITE model, which is on his website here. He offers this as a way to see if a group is a cult, and it makes for interesting reading and analysis……. ”
I know there are other things people have done to successfully get people to think and open their eyes.. we probably have 10 or more threads on ex-scientologist message board on the subject with suggestions for others tryng to get loved ones out. I asked just now over there ‘Can someone point out some of the more successful tips?’…
Hi Jane,
Two of those links aren’t working, FYI.
Also, JOY FAIRMAN! If you’re reading this, did you see that Aleena is planning to join the SO? Somebody should talk to her and get her to stay out. WHAT is she thinking? She is doing very well in Europe with a new contract so why is she going in?
If anyone knows Joy’s address, could you forward this to her for me, please? Quick, before Aleena goes in to this madness?