It appears this is the only thing they have going on inside the bubble.
Trying to hype people about what they did last year spraying Defcon 7 (or whatever it was) in some police stations in South Africa. They are giving themselves a pat on the back for “protecting our churches, our staff and our communities.” That is a questionable claim. But, they did collect millions of dollars on the basis of needing money to pay their “staff” though it’s unlikely any of it actually went to the staff (who are denominated as “volunteers” to avoid labor laws and thus do not in fact get “wages”).
But their tune seems a little different than the one recently sent out by old Pete Vilinsky (why does an “ideal org” only have an Acting ED? And Pete Vilinsky is probably in his 70’s by now)
He makes it sound as though the “Dangerous Environment” of the pandemic is caused by the “Merchants of Chaos” and the “psychiatric solutions designed to worsen things.” But he is not talking conspiracy theories or any of that…
They have some real problems with their messaging. This pandemic has twisted them into terrible knots. They don’t know whether it’s a “planetary bullbait,” or if everyone is just PTS, if it’s real or a hoax, if they should be lauding themselves for protecting their orgs and staff or if they should be exposing it for another of the media and psychiatry’s diabolical tricks. The only thing they seem to all agree on is that if there is government money available, they should grab it.
One last note: I have heard from a very reliable source that any staff member who contracts Covid is automatically called before a Committee of Evidence. That’s scientology in a nutshell. It’s always your fault.
“Space is limited”…riiiight.
One has to laugh at the way the cult parses its language.
Limited space!
Yeah, most likely there are hundreds of seats available.
I mean, just for laughs, close your eyes and point and keep pointing willy nilly anywhere – right, left, front, back – and likely there’ll be empty seats.
But, then, yes, the cult is correct. Available seating is not infinite. “Space” IS “limited”. So is the Sahara Desert.
The cult kills me sometimes with its BS.
If contracting covid is now a trip to ethics and a CommEv, have they helped vaccinate all staff and SOs?
There will be no Covid-19 Commitees of Evidence. Why?
Where are the staff members working?
Isolated in one mile radius at the Ideal Ideal Stuff?
The sheer distance will take care of that!
The biggest “cause” of human travail would be humans’ individual “cases” and the solution to everyone’s “cases” is Scientology’s pseudo-therapy and exorcism practices.
Why they don’t just simplify their sales operation to selling Scientology’s “case” solutions, is just Hubbard’s fault for not making it all simpler.
This dodge of asking for donations for building their building up, and all the paperwork details of their bureaucratic multi echelon backup to the “case” handling of their organisations that deliver the “case” handling practices, is all on Hubbard.
It makes for not really getting to Scientology’s core practices (their “auditing” which is one on one pseudo-therapy; and their exorcism practices of OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 “upper levels” of their organisations that do the exorcism practices and training).
If the world just knew Scientology was this pseudo-therapy and exorcism practice, then all the hoopla sales crap Scientology does would be put in context properly.
Scientology is trying to save the world by handling human by human being’s “case” problems with the Scientology pseudo-therapy and exorcism.
The theory of Scientology soul pseudo-therapy and exorcism are just constantly missed, and Scientology won’t be telling the world of what they are doing.
That old policy called Third Dynamic De-aberation kind of lays it out honestly.
And then one of Hubbard’s final public Scientologists’ writings about the levels of “case” that Scientology addresses, that writing also lays out what Scientology is all about.
Even if you don’t take Scientology at their “case handling” face value, and think it is money oriented, the beliefs and theory of Scientology “case handling” practices delivery organisations undercut Scientology at its core.
It’s hard to sell Scientology if the public knows Scientology believes in this multi lifetimes “case “trauma pseudo-therapy and that Scientology does five expensive exorcism levels to rid their members of surplus souls called “body-thetans.”
Scientology’s most basic weaknesses are Hubbard’s fault, which are the theory and practices which simply don’t work, since the theory is flawed.
Scientology’s hoopla dissemination and fundraising is blinding the members, and Hubbard’s never summarising the movement’s practices simply, are the problem for Scientology at its core that it cannot overcome.
Excellent reply, especially 2nd last para,
“Scientology’s most basic weaknesses ………….the theory and practices ……don’t work, since the theory is flawed”.
All fiction and imaginative, that’s why kept as secret .
Most scientologists don’t yet fully know why it is their fault (most are clueless about PTS/SP body thetans) so to be comm ev’d for their lack of bridge status seems insane (even for the cos).
Unless symptomatic, a staff member is unlikely to know they had even caught it.
With mild symptoms, per their own dogma, it’s nothing an assist or a PTS action couldn’t resolve. Unless tested, they still wouldn’t know it was covid per se.
So I’d wager they are actually being punished for following wog protocol – eg. taking a test and self isolating, thus being forced away from the org for x days. Aka flunking the planetary bullbait.
Mwestern, I must respectfully disagree with you. There are definite symptoms of Covid. In its milder form it is not just flu symptoms. Loss of taste, loss of smell. Extreme fatigue; exhaustion, the total need to continually sleep. I’m getting this data from an otherwise healthy young woman of 32 who caught it in early 2020 from someone visiting from Italy. My friend caught it and was ill for a month with it. A man I know of got it last spring; he’s 67, same symptoms. Couldn’t taste, couldn’t smell. Could’nt talk; he had to whisper, and he slept like the dead, his wife told me. All of this on top of severe flu symptoms. He beat it because he’s strong as an ox but it flattened him out for 5 weeks and he’s back to work but still not as he was before. He tires very easily and frankly I think it did something to his brain because he doesn’t seem to have much of an attention span anymore.
Of course one could have it and just be a carrier with no symptoms. But if one is experiencing Covid symptoms they are quite recognizable as Covid.
Thank God for the vaccine; I’d never want to come down with this thing. (Sorry for the plug, Mike. You can erase this if you think its controversial.)
There is a spectrum of symptoms which can range from very minor to severe – it is definitely not one size fits all. My only point is that unless the staff member has more significant symptoms they are arguably unlikely to get tested and thus be able to confirm they actually have/had covid.
I may be reaching but it wouldn’t surprise me if this was a way of threatening staff who are considering getting tested – whether asymptomatic or with very-mild-to-mild symptoms. The tech is meant to protect them. And being forced to self isolate is arguably perceived to be a burden to the org. I’m just musing, that’s all. Let’s face it, they’d rather have them dead than incapable.
Ok, now I see exactly what you meant, and agree. God forbid a staff member should be advised by a doctor to isolate! There is no care or concern for the staff member as an individual. Instead, that staff member will be told he or she “pulled it in” and is PTS and is letting down the group…awful, just awful. Yes, I see now why many staff could deliberately avoid getting tested in the first place. Of course, they could just get the vaccine, but…that’s another issue. Lots of anti-vaxxers in the cult.
Welcome to the new church of Janitology!
We have what it takes to help you achieve the never-before-seen-on-this-planet state of CLEAN!!
We call it purgo novis.
We say that just to show you how different we are.
We do that to make you feel safe.
We do that to have you do anything we want you to.
We do that to have all of your money.
We do that for, well, we aren’t going to say because even we don’t know why.
When I was in the SO i got tons of flues (it stopped when i left), throat infections, got surrounded by all kind of pests, and I saw clears and OTs sick even chronically.
It looks like we were just a bunch of PTSes and nobody got escluded.
But nobody never got called before a commitee of evidences for it.
Space is limited – there are only 5 chairs so reserve your seat now! Cash and credit cards accepted.
And if you don’t have any money or credit cards available our staff will draw a couple of litres of your blood and sell it to cover the event.
That is gruesome and thanks for the laugh!
It also sounds like he is referring to the social unrest that is running rampant around the world. Protests, demonstrations, assaults and even murders have risen exponentially of late. So, is the event he is promoting one where members will be trained to give “calming” assists to all the violent people? I’d surely not be inclined to approach some lunatic saying “hey, I’d like to help you calm down with a Scientology assist”. I’d not wish to become his next victim.
Lastly, why announce an event for the next day? Last minute desperation? Stupidly hope everyone will clear their calendar and attend?
And finally. Why sign off using the term “Best”? Isn’t the idiot aware Blubbard always used that closing word when he was pissed off?
Glenn, your comment gave me a funny picture.
Here’s a Scientologist bursting into the middle of a violent demonstration – BLM protesting in front of a Confederate Statue perhaps, or on the other side of the political spectrum, the January 6th debacle in Washington.
I mean, just imagine a Scientologist breaking thru the crowd, reaching that furry guy with the horns and handing him a WTH booklet; “Here, read this, it will help”.
That’s a GREAT “mental image” indeed. Thank you for the broad smile you created.
It prompted another image; one of the furry, horned guy using the pamphlet for personal hygiene at his next toilet break. Ah, finally something of actual value from the cult.
OMG…ewww…brain bleach, please! But, Glenn, furry guy wouldn’t have to use WTH that way at the Capitol! There’s is toilet paper a-plenty in those hallowed bathrooms. But it sure will come in handly if he ever has a call of nature inside a Scientology Org.
And now you’re giving me another idea; let’s “8C” furry, horned guy into a Celebrity Centre! Why not? He’s a celeb now! And let’s encourage him to wear his costume. R-factor him that he can be “himself” and be totally accepted.
Now, can you just IMAGINE the faces at Reception if/when fully outfitted horned tatted furry guy walked in and asked to take a Personality Test?
That is a WONDERFUL idea!!! And we should “prep him” with all the test answers beforehand so he will be taken to the Reg right away. But we will have to make sure he is unarmed too. Sure don’t want him killed off like the fellow who went into an org with a samurai sword.
You keep making me laugh and while at the same time giving me more ideas 🙂
Yes, we MUST ensure that Furry Guy is unarmed.
And, yet, he must be costumed as he was at the Capitol that day.
We can prep him with Scientology patter.
In full Furry Guy costume, bare chested with horns, etc., we could have Furry Guy stride into some org and ask at Reception, “Is this the place that makes the able more able?”
Glenn, if we really wanted to do this right, we could have, one at a time over the space of an afternoon, a dozen Furry Guy lookalikes come into the org and ask that question!
I mean, talk about Bodies in the Shop, you know? LOL!!!
OMG, if only 🙂
Your mention of the “Bodies in the Shop” stat made me LAUGH out loud. Thanks so much for the great day starter.
Yes, having a plethora of Furry Guys drop in would be WONDERFUL. I’d love to film the event; maybe body cam each of them?
Here’s another idea. Tell me what you think. We could have a few of the Furry Guys ask any Reg that pounds upon them if he could assist in getting a PPE loan. The cult has already received $4 million so how about some more. Let’s try to make that stat go up exponentially!
Yes, there’s a plentiful supply of TP at the Capitol. It is needed because so, so much bullshit is spewed there.
I recall the S. O. having to ration TP back in the 70s. No handouts being printed then so we collected newspaper often.
Glenn and Aquamarine – This is a LOL exchange. Two points of clarification: Most BLM protests the world over are NOT violent. They are specifically protesting violence against people (of color). People of all colors who protest this are out there peacefully with rare exceptions. (Often proven, at least here where I live it was, that an outside person NOT a BLM protestor crept in and broke windows, etc. to give the appearance this was a violent group, when it was not.)
Second: I’ve heard the multicolored horn man of January 6th Washington DC events referred to as “Qanon Shaman.” We can add that to the assortment of descriptions and names.
Yes, I agree that most BLM protest are not violent. I am personally and politically quite pro-BLM, fyi, and I am of the opinion that ALL Civil War Statues – both Yankee and Confederate should be taken down and removed and placed into MUSEUMS – Civil War Museums, or American History museums where people could go and look at them. The Civil War is IMHO still too darn hot button an issue and I don’t blame African Americans in the least for being offended by statues of Confederate generals in their towns – statues that are maintained with partly their tax dollars.But then, to be fair, why not just remove ALL Civil War monuments and statues and so forth and put them out of public view?
I just threw that remark in about BLM so that it wouldn’t appear as if I were being political on Mike’s blog. I mean, I AM political – I DO have my (liberal) views – just not on this blog 🙂
Aquamarine, Copy that on all you state, including: like you, I respect Mike’s efforts to keep this blog apolitical.
I appreciate that idea of showcasing historical artifacts in museums where they can be studied, experienced, discussed. (So, not discarding them, just re-imagining how the community encounters and experiences these items.)
I see the steady emergence of one “hot button” issue after another over the last four to five years. My hope is a renaissance of art, sanity, and getting along (better) is right around the corner. This blog is a steady pocket of sanity for me. Appreciate you and all the sane, smart people who come here and contribute!
Thanks, Peridot.
I’m rather proud of my own idea 🙂 about removing ALL Civil War statuary and monuments , etc, from public view EVERYWHERE and putting them ALL into museums. Confederate and Yankee, North and South, General Lee, General Grant -take ’em ALL down, clear ’em ALL out, everywhere, every last one of them, from public view, and put them into museums and then everyone can go and see them THERE. That would be fair, no? I mean, let’s stop holding onto the Civil War! The Southerners (not all) who lost, supposedly clinging to their Lost Cause, the Northerners who won the Civil War making fun of them, ridiculing and criticising them for holding on to the past – let’s STOP what is at best non-productive nonsense and the holding of 150 year old grudges, prejudices and stereotypes, etc. Let’s make it HARD for Northern Americans and Southern Americans to stay embittered and resentful and mistrustful of one another. Its just wrong…so wrong, so crazy, such a waste, when we could be communicating, helping one another… OK, end of rant 🙂 and thanks again for your kind and positive words to me, you made my night.
A theory I hold is that some people stay in Scientology because they don’t want to admit that they’ve been conned. The thing is that L. Ron Hubbard was a master con artist. Hubbard actually conned a rocket scientist. L. Ron Hubbard may have been a lousy writer. That same time Hubbard was complaining about receiving a penny a word for writing for the pulps, Ayn Rand was routinely published in hardcover and living in a single family home in the Los Angeles area. All of Rand’s fiction remains in print.
I love Ayn Rand. Not her cultie or anything. I read her at 19yo, and it changed my world view. Good writer.