Scientology has a habit of trying to gain credibility by aligning themselves with legitimate organizations and causes, making it seem they are part of it. They are imposters, seeking to gain goodwill or some other advantage by preying on the good name of others.
Recently my daughter, Taryn Teutsch, has been attempting to inveigle herself into the #MeToo movement with crazy and false claims that I am a “wife-beater” — and after it was pointed out that “wife-beating” isn’t what that movement is about, she then began claiming I “raped” my ex-wife. Odd this allegation only just surfaced, 11 years after I left the Sea Org and my ex-wife. If this had been true, you can bet scientology would have been yelling it from the rooftops years ago.
But that is not the subject of this post.
Scientology is now aligning itself with military heroes. This is disgusting. The only thing they do for veterans is seek to deny them mental health care.
Wonder how many of the Sea Org members who are putting this event together will show up in their Sea Org uniforms with fake service medals? Can you imagine how that would be received by any of the wounded veterans who are suckered into attending this event?
Shortly we will see the staged photos that are “proof” of how scientology is an important part of the Veteran’s Community.
It seems to me Scientology avoids strong military members oterwise, Miscavage would have been pounded years ago. It’s trained reflex to protect yourself for them. Anyone who has studied self defense, it’s reflex. He must have been very careful about who he attacked and where. Very calculated and planned even if it looked like spur of the moment.
It’s ironic they would pretend to support the people who are the embodiment of the military forces they are supposed to be trying to clear away.
As a veteran of the United States Army I have to oppose the theft of valor.
The implication that this cult is in any way connected to the men and women who have shed blood for this country. As a vet, NOT an Purple Heart recipient, I have the utmost respect and new for those heroes that made this travesty possible.
I absolutely agree. Im retired Marine corps and if i was at an event that had clowns abusing any us uniform, it would not be good for them.
I have it , on good rumor, that R. Lee Ermey is going to re-manifest at this shindig. he will then proceed to verify everyone wearing a Purple Heart. If he finds that they are False Wearers he will then proceed to inflict such hurt on them that either (a) they give up the award or (b) he does such further harm to them that they can then wear it honestly.
Jim, ex-USMCR
“The Military Order of the Purple Heart” contact information can be found here if anyone else wants to contact them about this cynical misuse of ‘Purple Heart Day’, CCHR’s stance on psychiatric help for veterans, and Hubbard’s ‘Stolen Valor:
Contacts for National Officers of the organization can be found using the ‘Contacts’ link to the left of the page.
Thanks PickAnotherID,
I posted this on that web site:
“I just saw that an arm of the scientology cult (CCHR) is trying to exploit our Purple Heart Day in Clearwater, Florida. They are having a Banquet at the Fort Harrison Ave. building on August 4th. Sheesh, not on the 7th. as would be proper. I object to this cult defiling anyone and/or anything in their attempts to appear to be legitimate.
I shed gallons of blood for the Sea Org and they gave me only AIDS for it.
I thought this was disgusting when I saw it. I’ve contacted as well as @MOPH22 on Twitter to let them know that this is NOT a good thing. I’ve also posted it on my Justice4mike twitter account, @UltioetVeritas and my followers are also spreading the word. As for all of the people and groups that Taryn keeps posting pictures of herself with, every time she aligns herself with a legitimate and caring group, I contact that group and let them know the truth of who and what is using them. I send a copy of the police report proving Mike’s innocence and Bernadini’s lies. Then I share the information with my followers and they, too spread the word. I promised the Taryn account that every step they take, every lie they spread, I would match them step for step and expose the truth. Mike, you keep fighting the good fight and know we are watching your back!
Especially trying that shit in the Tampa Bay area near Flag. It’s SOF land over there since SOCOM’s on McDill AFB. A lot of people from the SOF community wind up staying in the area, sort of like how Sierra Vista, AZ is like that with my branch (MI) since Fort Huachuca is our main post. Thing about SOF, especially from Grenada onward is a lot of them have been wounded at least once.
Then again, not too many of them are going to be hoodwinked by the cult and I don’t imagine some ex-Delta is going to do anything but laugh at someone from the Sea Org, though most people like that don’t do the whole veteran thing anyway (a lot of us MI types are the same way, hell, I kind of am, a lot of people know I was in the Army but not very many know what it was I did) outside of their own community, like the Pipe Hitters Union, SOFRep and such. They don’t call them Quiet Professionals for no reason.
“The best revenge is success.”
While I do not believe animosity or a desire for revenge towards your aliented family is your motivation, a well lived life is the best response to those that would try to degrade your reputation.
Your family, your composure in the face of these attacks, your work on this blog and Aftermath, and your public conduct since leaving Scientology, is a damning rebuttal to the mud being slung at you.
In my opinion anyway.
You may think that is only your opinion. But my guess is that it is supported by a great many people and that number is growing larger all the time. I certainly whole heartedly support your opinion and I think the truth must be obvious to everyone who pays even a tiny bit of attention.
The best part of this struggle is that the louder that Faux Organization tries to toot its own horn, the more people realize it is just a criminal cult whose only desire is for more money – ever increasing ways to get money from its victims. I have a great desire to see Miscaviage in handcuffs on his way to the penitentiary.
Ah, the inevitable Miscavige perp walk. Looking forward to it myself.
Outstanding post! Bravo! Thank you for your post!
REAL churches pray with — and for — their congregation.. and also offer compassion…
Not so in the pseudo-religion of scientology, which PREYS ON current members indoctrinated (they pulled it in) and manipulate victims/ extort money to spend many thousands of dollars going ‘whole track” in auditing to try to get to ” the incident that caused it.” (Which is always the victim was the perpetrator of same crime in some past life.)
Case closed.
Very last thing to do with a veteran or a rape victim is point the finger at them that it was their fault…
I just want to point out here the REAL IMPACT of sexual harassment and assault (what the # me-too movement is all about)..
If a linebacker of Terry Crews’ stature and strength struggled… imagine what a female Scientologist would go through being blamed and shamed and having to pay tens of thousands of dollars to find out some obscure “overt” she “committed’ on the whole track..”
The trauma experienced by Masterson’s victims is a perfect example of victim-blaming… I cannot imagine the additional ongoing trauma that these women have been through…
P.S. Mike.. love the photo of the Penguins… you have a talent for injecting some light sense of humor into a very dark subject..always tasteful.
“Real churches pray with — and for — their congregation..and also offer compassion…”
They do now, but in the history of the major religions you’ll find a great deal of cruelty and persecution of those who would not toe the line.
Lots of examples of this. But you’re right, TODAY, “real” religions don’t do this kind of shit
Only Scientology does it and they can’t stop because unlike other religions their persecutions are SCRIPTURE.
Too bad, cult. You’re doomed. You’re going the way of all the other religions and philosophies that had barbarity and cruelty in its DNA. . Doomed. Bye.
To understand Scientology, I always turn to its Occult sources to explain where Hubbard was getting his primary material. Hubbard, of course, prided himself as being in the image of Lucifer. Hubbard liked to consider that he was the “good” Lucifer or the “bringer of light”. In reality, Hubbard was the base Lucifer and can be easily tracked in Milton’s “Paradise Lost”. Lucifer or Satan was always trying to deceive and to be something else. It is sort of like Hubbard had his theory of “valences”, but with an Occult interpretation it became clear that Hubbard meant dissemblance. Lucifer disguises himself as a serpent and later as a bird similar to a Condor. Lucifer even tries to look like an angel at one point. Witness some of Hubbard’s selfies in which he tries to grim his way to your heart. It is not surprising to see Scientology steal all sorts of symbols like Purple Heart etc. Here is the applicable passage from Milton:
“So spake the false dissembler unperceivd;
For neither Man nor Angel can discern
Hypocrisie, the onely evil that walks
Invisible, except to God alone,
By his permissive will, through Heav’n and Earth: [ 685 ]
And oft though wisdom wake, suspicion sleeps
At wisdoms Gate, and to simplicitie
Resigns her charge, while goodness thinks no ill
Where no ill seems: Which now for once beguil’d”
Book 3 John Milton, Paradise Lost
Careful now, George ….
You’re gonna summon FP and then we’ll all have to listen to his nonsense. Try to spare us from that, please. Lol
FP gave up ground in his last message to me. He seems to feel that I am artistic but delusional. In the meantime, I’m working on Miscavige’s and Cruise’s Occult roots which I find to be different from Hubbard’s. This might explain why Miscavige cannot accept Hubbard as Lucifer. In the evolution of the Occult, a pattern has emerged showing that time has a way of adapting occult ideas to the present. So while Hubbard molded the Occult to space opera, Miscavige and Cruise work on self delusion with toys, money and buildings. Bring it on FP.
Hey George – You did the hard work of relating the passage from Milton to Scientology/Hubbard. I’ll do the easy work of including a definition.
vt. 1 to conceal under a false appearance; disguise (to dissemble fear by smiling)
2 [Obs.] to pretend to be in a state of; simulate; feign (to dissemble innocence)
3 [Obs.] to pretend not to notice; ignore
vi. to conceal the truth, or one’s true feelings, motives, etc. by pretense; behave hypocritically
dissemblance – noun
dissembler – noun
Thanks, Richard.
Everything with scn is a manipulation, cloak and dagger to achieve one aim…money. That’s why nobody stays. : /
I think there is a very interesting mechanism in play here. Taryn is well aware that her assertions about Mike are false. She is being encouraged to practice “conscience-less” attack mode. In Martha Stout’s book “The Sociopath Next Door”, she states that one of the common characteristics of sociopaths is that they have no conscience. The “greatest good” mode, where Scientology,as an organization, must be protected at all costs demands that you lose your conscience and not surprisingly, it leads to what is effectively sociopathic behavior. Scientologists practice lies, deception, perjury and inhumanity as routine “ethical” behavior. Mike and Leah’s shining of light on this dark and blighted group is so important.
Futile Hubbardism mirrors Hubbard’s final months of life, melting the special suicide Emeter he had built for himself, and failing to exorcise his final “body-thetans”, calling it all a failure, and choosing to do the OT running program as his next self-C/Sed “case” action, and abandoned (blew) earth!
No Hubbard here today, except the inspired freezoner who wishes to keep up the “tech” (quackery) in the freezone.
Ex Scientologists have such a lot of relearning after they get out to see how bad off Hubbard was at the end of his life, and connect all the Hubbard dots.
Hubbard believed he was going to go out and do the OT running program and do cosmic running in star orbiting circles, to “rehab” himself.
Good luck. He was bested by his own Xenu’s “body-thetans.”
Dave, do you remember that day in the FSO mezzanine (early 1976 or so) when one of your juniors started punching you. Kip Hansen called an “HCO Bring Order” and I’d freshly read that Hubbard policy on “HCO Bringing Order” and joined with another newbie Sea Org member and we two jumped and tackled your junior who was slugging you, LOL. What nuttiness takes place in Sea Org. You were the top Div 6 person for FSO back then.
What, Miscavige took a beating? I thought he was the toughest of them all? Yeah, I never thought that… 99% of the males in scientology could take that little twerp out in a few seconds.
So why don’t they ? Seems it would be easy…kick his ass when he’s not looking. ..prepare him for Life behind bars
Hubbard audited body thetans to the end of his life so he practiced what he preached in that respect. He wanted to “blow out” a powerful body thetan with a jury-rigged e-meter. Whether he was suicidal is conjecture. One might consider he was a prisoner of his own belief.
Taryn is a bot and the only “understanding” she requires pertain to her orders and how to carry them out. “What am I ordered to do and how am I supposed to do it?” That’s all she needs to know. She’s programmed; a bot. Her humanity is useful only if or when it helps her carry out orders; otherwise its a liability to be tamped down, denied, obliterated.
Sigh, $camology never ceases to amaze me. Every time I think they have sunk to new lows of greed and vileness one week they manage to Donald themselves the following week.
A couple of comments.
First, about this whole Purple Heart thing. What a hypocrisy! When I was on staff, I (an Army veteran) suggested to my Div 2 Sec (a Marine veteran) that the org celebrate Veterans Day. He dismissed my idea saying that Veterans Day was a “wog holiday”. And now CCHR is going to honor veterans who were awarded the Purple Heart? Talk about hypocrisy!
Second, this week’s People Magazine has a cover story about Tom Cruise. Having read it, all I can say is that the dwarf must be really pissed!
There are no pictures of Miscavige anywhere in the article! Only TC! And the dwarf and Scientology only get a casual mention as in Cruise “….who is good friends with the church’s leader, David Miscavige”, or something like that. Looks like our pretty boy Tom Cruise might be doing a temporary stay in the Hole.
More to come.
Although (as you know) that will never happen to Tom-douchebag-Cruise, it would be quite amazing to have Miscavige throw him in The Hole or RPF.
Maybe, just maybe, that would finally wake up his enabling, willfully blind, egotistical ass. One can dream.
Cruise is the top gun douchebag of all douchebags.
But Miscavige is the Douche Leader scientology deserves. And I have met leaders of douchebag leaders. To LRH!
Anyone know anything about body language? I think most of their poses are very purposeful and this one is very odd which is why it stands out. This website is for male/female couples. According to this, either one is claiming “mine”/dominance or showing dependence. From the photo though, it seems like a competitive relationship to me though and definitely not unified. Just curious if anyone has any background in psychology/reading body language.
More to come…sheer suspense. Then the tabloids pick it up…. “Is Tom ditching Dave?”
Thank you for your service Alcoboy
Scientology tried the same sort of thing with ANZAC in Australia. There is no low they won’t stoop to.
I’ve been completely and utterly disgusted with Scio stuff for quite some time now, this is an example why.
Gee, I wonder if they’ll put the Fatman’s fake “Purple Heart (with Palm)” on display.
If the Fatman ever got a Purple Heart, it would have been for Self-Inflicted Dental Misery. But as soon as the Feds realized it was all self-inflicted, they would have snatched it back.
Mr. Fatman was clearly not as brilliant as he thought he was. If was just a little smarter, he would have just lied and said he had a Purple Heart. Why bother going to any trouble when you can just lie about stuff. You would think that since he learned that lesson early on in his sham career, he would have remembered it. But I suppose that if you never avail yourself of modern Medicine (including modern Dentistry), that is the only reasonable result.
“Self inflicted dental misery”…funny!
He received 4 medals. The ones all military people get. And he made up some. Can you say scumbag?!
Unreal. Just when I think they can’t stoop any lower……
Even though I think I’ve learned quite a bit about this organization in the approximately year and a half I’ve been reading and researching it, things like this serve as a reminder of that saying I’ve heard from time to time: “Scientology…it’s always worse than you think.”
Actually, with the cult, there’s no new low. Its the same low.
Like all con artists, Scientology seeks any opportunity to find the vulnerable.
Mike, I’m so sorry that you have to endure these attacks.
I’m so very sorry. Aside from the lies Taryn has said and/or posted on social media, I had no idea she was now accusing you of raping your ex.
If that were true, you’re damn right — they would have screamed and shouted it loud and far to anyone who would listen. Simply repugnant of them to make up such lies. Then again, not surprising whatsoever.
Wow! Just . . . . . . . WOW!
And don’t forget, Holy Shit!
Mike I am so so sorry your daughter/ex-wife are spewing these lies. I know it must break your heart.
Yes, these people are as clever as it gets. There are a lot of gullible and star struck people out there that will glom on to the most well crafted infomercial. CoS is a MASTER of amazing production. Even if it’s fake, it is impressive. If I didn’t know better, and just stumbled on CoS, I might get taken in too. It’s a slick machine for sure. Take good care of yourself Mike. And thank you for the continued work.
OMG! As a military veteran, I am sooooooo disgusted by this blatant rip off. “…protect and empower our veterans” what a fricking joke.
Just go away and die in some deep, dark hole… you lying a-holes!
Thank you for your service.
Thank you for your service Jaye R, and if I missed anyone else thank you also.
The lies this Organization tells to members about LRH and the Bridge are astounding
LRH was a con man and a criminal.
There is No state of Clear or OT
Just states of delusion
Which coincides with your post today Mike
Scientology and Scientologists LIE!
It is the science of lying
Scientology is completely make believe. And as a Jedi Night…ummmm, I mean, Knight, I can tell you that make believe is a whole lot of fun! Oh, and it’s free!
“”There is No state of Clear or OT”
“Just states of delusion”
GREAT observation.
Pathetic and disgusting.
There is no shame in $cientology. Only ruthless ambition and ruination of their fellow human beings.
Peter —
It kills me that they claim to be victims of harassment, religious discrimination, hate speech, people physically attacking them many times (as if), of government, psychs, and any other conspiracy theory they can think up, etc..blah blah, ad nauseum.
They’re masters of projection. But hey, Hubbard set up his sh*t show circus to be that way.
I wonder if any Hubbard apologists will show up in an attempt to defend his “many, many military medals”, despite the overwhelming proof that he lied about ALL of it.
Once you know they are based by LRH policy on the foundation of lying like dogs at all costs it cuts both ways giving little creedence or credibility to anything they have to say, which is strictly self-serving to their own detriment.
Fair, balanced and honest is just not the $cientology way. Hmmm, a “religion” that is based on lying, cheating and money-making scam style. Something about that just don’t add up.
My father in law (now deceased many years) was a 20 year Army Vet. On a few occasions he was a patient at the local Vet’s Hospital for treatment or surgeries. There ARE military patients who suffer from PTSD…they receive medications & treatment which helps them deal with their daily battles. Denying that PTSD or any OTHER form of mental illness exists that should not be treated with medication on an as needed basis is to deny Mental Illness exists. It’s sickening to think that “they” would try to align themselves with our brave men & women who defended our country to try to persuade them NOT to use the medical services & medications that they have earned….is incomprehensible.
As far as Mike Rinder goes…..he’s still being punished for having voluntarily and without notice EXITED this “organization”. As I’ve mentioned before, there are times one cannot save someone who does NOT want to be saved….I can imagine what would have happened if Mike didn’t make the snap decision to blow but instead tried talking if over with “Cathy”…. his ex-wife would have gone right to D.M. & Mike would have spent an eternity in “the hole”.
As far as his daughter Taryn goes….for what she’s “reported”….there just aren’t words I could write that would be permitted to be printed here. It goes to show what mind control/brainwashing can do to someone who has never known anything else but THIS.
My heart aches for the fact that Taryn & Benjamin ae so well ingrained into ‘this”….& under the full control of their mother….well enough said….I am very angry right now & need to go cool off…
I wish Taryn understood the depth of the lies she’s being fed and being forced to parrot. I believe her mother knows exactly what she’s doing. If Taryn, Benjamin or their mother escaped, I wonder how much cognitive dissonance would be caused to those still inside.
I keep hoping that at some point, the ones escaping cause such a rift in the minds of he ones still in that the dam breaks.
Mentally, Taryn is in an operating state fueled solely by orders. This is an operating state FAR below needing or even wanting to understand ANY thing except how to effectivelydo what she has been ordered to do. She’s a human computer, not a human being. She’s programmed. She gets her orders; she executes them and the only “understanding” she requires is HOW to execute orders. She’s a bot. Her “humanity” is useful to the cult ONLY in how it can be SIMULATED so as to appear real in the carrying out of her orders at any given time..
Only a totally amoral person could operate as she does. That’s what many years in the Sea Org does to a human being. There’s no right or wrong. Right is whatever the cult wants at any given time. Wrong is whatever the cult doesn’t want at any given time.
I’d like to believe that these people will get their humanity back but I really don’t know if its possible. In my heart of hearts I actually don’t think its possible, past a certain age, and if they were born into the cult and have never known anything else.
In my heart of hearts I hope that Mike and Christie have another child and that its a girl. Now, I am just musing and rambling here. I have NO idea if Mike and Christie even WANT another child but if they do, how sweet (me again, LOL) if they had a daughter!
Stolen valor is about as low as you can get.
Will that stop Scientology?
Ha ha ha; they lie cheat and steal as a religious sacrament, so the answer is yes, they will steal valor, and anything else that’s not locked up and put away where they can’t get to it.
I await the day they flaunt their SO uniforms and braids and medals anywhere around a group of soldiers, Marines, or sailors, airmen, or even lowly clerks working out of a supply depot. The SO fakirs will get a special form of touch assist… and a boot in the behind.
An ass assist?
I’ve heard of “fist-assists” before… (you know, ‘feel my fist… thank you). Yeah OK, that’s the right sort of tech for them too.
I don’t relish real vets kicking the fakers’ behinds. They would jut spin it as religious persecution, and the SO members martyrs. Scientology lies, must lie, can’t not lie.
It’s “scripture” and required to maintain their facade built of lies. But it’d be fun to see them get a bit of what they deserve. I doubt 1% of the “sea org” members could competently navigate a dinghy across a harbor on a pleasant day. They’re all about false status and bogus achievements.
Its not violence, its wall-to-wall counseling.
I also wonder if they will have the temerity to present their lies about the combat record and invented service medals of a certain imposter who had to award himself the rank of Commodore— because no one legitimate did or ever would have.
Lies or delusion? Definitely both and these 2 represent the current scientologists’ twisted minds.
“Wonder how many of the Sea Org members who are putting this event together will show up in their Sea Org uniforms with fake service medals?” . . . It is one thing to emulate military design clothing, but quite another to display obviously fake medals (however, Nothing is Beneath these Scumbags). Any veteran would certainly take Umbrage to those sycophants who Do show up in their counterfeit military regalia; and, I am sure they All will as they are too Arrogant, too Stupid (and probably Too Afraid), to do otherwise.
Ghoulish, sick, and reprehensible. The word “shame” is not in the Scios’ vocabulary. It’s a non-existent concept in their twisted world.
Prior to Vietnam, my husband was in terrific mental and physical condition (an accomplished gymnast and diver, majoring in engineering in college). He got drafted and is a Vietnam vet, suffering from problems that developed from that tour of duty. After discharge, he happened to walk in front of an org where he was roped him into their lair to find what his ruin in life was, which were his post Vietnam problems. That’s what drew him into the cult to get handled. After working his ass off for years on staff and then afterwards as a field disseminator, and after spending a lot of money, he “achieved” OTVIII – the highest spiritual level. He never did get any of his problems handled, and rather has gone down hill ever since, mentally, physically, spiritually. The cult is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, hiding behind the First Amendment of the Constitution.
I am so sorry your lives were ruined by this monstrous organization.
Marti, speaking as a Cold War veteran, I just want to say that I am sorry for your husband and thst he had to go through all that he did. I may not agree with the Vietnam War but I respect and honor those who answered the call and went. Your husband was more of a man than that bunch of prominent scumbags who sought out draft deferrments to get out of fighting in a war they didn’t believe in. My hat goes off to your husband and he will always have my deepest respect.
Puke is right, Mike. These people have absolutely no shame.
I am a disabled Viernam veteran. About 2 months ago there were scientology pamplets on cars at our local VA. How they got into the parking lot was beyond my brorhers and I. We made sure they were properly disposed of. i have my Purple Heart safely locked away. We fight stolen valor every day, and it is probably a good thing my brothers and I are nowhere near that place. We earned ours because we love our country not because we crave attention. Hey DM, you will never get veterans as we dispise those who are fake. You better hope that veterans don’t show up. Keep your fake ass SO to yourself. Leave us alone!
Thank you, sir, for your brave and noble service to our country. May God bless you.
Thank you for serving, David. I’m sorry for your injuries. You’ve made a bigger difference than Scientology could ever do. Your folks must be very proud of you. I know I am.
Beautifully said, OSD
I find it abhorent that the original Stolen Valor act was over turned.
When our service members have put their flesh and blood on the line, often more times than they were recognized for, and some low piece of scum tries to falsely claim credit for such deeds…I don’t have words for my contempt.
“I don’t have any words for my contempt”.
Actually, Kyle, your contempt was expressed when you referred to those who steal valor as “low piece of scum”. And I agree, especially since I DID wear the uniform of the US Army for four years at the end of the Cold War and put up with head games, hurry up and wait, as well as not a few incompetent junior officers. Those who claim stuff like being a military veteran when they weren’t are also scum in my opinion. I see them for the lowest form of life. Thanks for your comment.
Thank you for your service David Bates
From one veteran to another, thank you for your service.
Hi Mike thanks for the info on what they’re getting ready to do regarding purple hearts are they that dumb to think that they can get away with that! if. May suggest if someone could go down there see if. they are wearing or handing out fakie medals or around there see if they have a record and if they don’t all you have to do is call CID or
NCIS and they will file the complaint and into jail there butt goes. my uncle is a medal recipient he was a glider pilot. Shutdown was in a concentration camp for several months and then in a p o w camp. he was shot in the foot and didn’t think that he should have a purple heart is Commander thought otherwise it was always a sore spot. of contention with him because he saw so much she always felt Unworthy of receiving it thanks for keeping us updated Mike I am so angry about this!!!!!!! by the way when is the show coming back on is it going to be September through December again please let us know thanks bye
Don’t forget … stolen MINDS.
I just stumbled across this video this morning whilst engaged in one of my favorite pastimes for decades — reading about the mind warped world of Scientology — and came across this exposition by a complete raving lunatic. It’s a maniac role playing in a mental ward a game of “let’s pretend”.
Come to find out it was L Ron Hubbard. ?Listen to this guy, and critically pick apart every sentence of what he is saying. It’s a con artist operating at the top of his game. Amazing. People just had no idea at the time this was filmed the world of lunacy he had summoned forth from his malignant imagination. “Get them on the Bridge to Nowhere and intontheir bank accounts.”
Also, observe his body language, micro gestures/facial expressions. Especially his mouth, which looks like a writhing, open wound. Just sick…
When will the world ever purge itself from this sick infestation called Scientology?
My mind got stolen once. It’s been 40 years now without it. If anyone has seen it, please let me know.
My wife says I use half of mine, I’ll send you the unused portion.
Oh, that would be great! I’ll watch out for the package with my half brain in it. I sure appreciate this, Kyle. Not many people are as nice as you.
C’est moi, that’s true.
Not half the people I know are half as nice as I can be. Soon, due to my benevolence, you will be half as nice as I am, more than half as nice you are now. You will know me more than half as well as you would like, but less than half as well as you deserve.
Are you fast Kyle……if you are & give OSD half your brain then either he or you will be half fast…….
Half as slow as me is going backwards.
OSD….Of all the things I’ve ever lost, I miss my mind the most……just sayin’
‘Twas never a “bridge”, but a ladder climbing ever further and further from grounded reality. Ad at the top? nothing but the drop all the way down.
“Recently my daughter, Taryn Teutsch, has been attempting to inveigle herself into the #MeToo movement with crazy and false claims that I am a “wife-beater” — and after it was pointed out that “wife-beating” isn’t what that movement is about, she then began claiming I “raped” my ex-wife. ”
sick, sick, sick… and desperate. Very sorry for what you have to put up with, thanks for all you do to expose scientology’s bad practices.
Methinks this will be simply a meeting of snowflakes stroking other snowflakes. The majority of war vets I know and even peace time vets, such as myself, see through these play-acting wusses and shrug them off.
But yes, puke.
Beyond disgusting, Mary. These people are truly evil. But that shouldn’t surprise anyone.
That is so disgusting I am about speechless!
Would you expect anything less from Scientology? Puke!
I have a friend who almost married a man who claimed to be a Marine sniper. He wasn’t. He had never even been in any branch of the service. His lies got more and more outrageous to the point where I paid to have them investigated because my poor naive friend was in over her head. For two years he had created people and stories out of whole cloth and inundated her with them. He was eight different people texting and emailing her.
As the threads unraveled, he began to blame her and tell everyone she had cheated on him with dozens of men, turning the whole thing back on her. Thank god she had the presence of mind even as she was being duped to save all her texts and emails. She has a permanent injunction against him and he is off duping his next victim.
Scientology plays the same game. They use each person up with whatever lie they need to suck them in and if found out, turn into a professional victim. For a group which says that a victim is a bad thing, they certainly are quick to play the victim card if it would help their cause,
This Purple Heart thing is just another example of this. They don’t care one whit about any injuried veteran. As a matter of fact, their “religion” teaches them that those people deserved to get injured. This is just another way to draw attention to themselves, nothing more.
It is sad and deplorable! One of the last posts you did showed a photo of Miscavige in full dress uniform looking like a cross between a banana republic dictator and aseverely over-wrought Christmas tree.
Pretty soon he’ll have to start putting all his “major military awards”on his back, as there doesn’t appear to be any room left in front.
I just attended a funeral for a true American hero yesterday, a vet who served his country as his lifetime career. It was a truly beautiful ceremony in it’s simplicity and quiet dignity.
I would be willing to pay a pretty penny to get to pin an award in COBagge’s backside.
In fact, I think there might be a major stream of revenue from people wishing to put pins in his back (side of the uniform, of course.)
Well, for sure they owe a lot to the military for having the freedoms they have to do what they do, even though it’s a disgusting cult.
Also, I am so sorry that your daughter has been so brainwashed that she can support the claims she has to know darned well, somewhere within her, are bold faced lies. I have to wonder if it’s because she fears what would happen to her if she didn’t.
This is standard LRH PR tech in action. And this particular “our boys” gambit was used by LRH a lot in the late 1940s.
Really? At least he served, pitiful as it might have been. The closest Davey has gotten is watching Taps (an early movie with Tommy boy) on tv.
Love the first picture. LMAO!
Although I cannot condone the money grabbing activities from SO members, and the constant drive for money injections with no service or course in return, who condones “vets”?
I do not remember any SO members at anytime invading sovereign countries and forcibly removing that countries resources. This is currently going on in Iraq (The Oil) and Afghanistan (Rare earth minerals).
I am not surprised so many of our servicemen are having mental health problems after this continuous overt activity.
After all our armed services are nothing more than an extension of Wall St and Banking policy.
Who can give the date the last time American territory was invaded by a foreign power?
Since WWII America has invaded or destabilized almost 100 nations.
No wonder there are so many “VETS”. Hypocrisy does not begin to describe that!
You seem to have missed the point but are trying to make a different one. Or perhaps you are simply trying to distract by getting everyone debating US foreign policy?
Probably both,. But there are people who just hate America. They can’t let any opportunity pass without trashing it.
If that’s not what you are doing, I really do apologize.
Are you what is referred to as an internet TROLL?
‘Ex-Cope Officer’; is that code for ‘OSA Troll’?
I think this one has gone past drinking the Koolaid, and is snorting it.
“Who can give the date the last time American territory was invaded by a foreign power?”
Uh, 9/11/2001 comes to mind.
Good on you, Miss Q!
Let’s not forget the PRIOR attack on the Twin Towers On the morning of February 26, 1993 where I believe six people were killed & many injured. THAT should have been a HUGE warning…the building were repaired & improvements made…but we know what happened Sept 11, 2001
Thank you, Ms. Q! Yeah, I’d say 911 qualifies as an “attack” – duh!
JAW, is that you?
Puke indeed. Scientology has no shame. Oh, and I found out where their money is going….
The Daily Mail always has the best photos. I wonder how long it will take for Tommy Boy to tire of the paparazzi in helicopters buzzing around trying to get pix of him and his bestie Davey cavorting together on his “rooftop pool” playland. This ain’t no Beverly Hills “compound.”