The IAS got someONE through “the online courses”.
Now you can all rest well at night knowing just how effectively they are using your money.
Who dares say we don’t have unprecedented, straight up and vertical international expansion? What about this! And in Romania no less. This is truly monumental and the right order of magnitude. A new civilization is on its way. Clearing the planet is a reality. The dawn of a golden age is upon us. We have the future of this planet in our hands.
Woohoo, we’re having a party tonight. After 10 years of these damned tents we finally have something to crow about….
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Yeah right ! There is no way that was a Romanian writing. Only an American would use the terminology and phrases used. Mall? Again, yeah right!
I think somethings wrong with my wordpress. When I reply to a post it puts it at the bottom.
This was meant to be a response to Scientology411 above. I’m still not sure what this thing with all the clicky buttons on it does, but I do like to yell at the screen
In the picture, it looks like the ground beneath the tents is about to collapse. Straight down and vertical, baby!
Well, I am in shock. They admit straight up the purpose of “volunteer ministers” is to convert people into Scientologists and get them on service:
Every week, people discover the miracles of Scientology thanks to the IAS-sponsored Volunteer Ministers campaign. Orgs and Continental Cavalcades raise their tents in communities and large cities, while Goodwill and Extreme Pioneer Tours travel to areas where there are no established Scientology orgs.
It was during the Eastern European Goodwill Tour’s visit to Romania that a student discovered Scientology. She was invited to visit the “yellow tent” where she immediately enrolled on her first Scientology Tools for Life course.
Hey guys. I thought you might want to see this very cool video of Leah and her dance partner, Tony.
Wow! Amazing ….. Stupendous……Tremendous….. These fantastic wins are just TOO much for my heart …PLANETARY CLEARING IS HAPPENING FOLKS!!!!!!! (stop being such wet blankets, will ya?)
*wait a minute ….. just though of something …. it’ll probably be about 10 years before this Romanian student can afford the HQS course …. oh, well…..anyway, just DONATE, ok?
**final thought … how come we never hear of any wins from the Ideal Nation of Islam people on course?
Mike today I happened to stand next to James Bond while waiting in line at a city office in downtown Clearwater. I asked him about the “tent.” He lit up like Christmas tree. “Oh it’s so big you could play a full game of football in there…including the goal posts…and we’re having three tiers of seats so everyone has a view.” I went by the tent a few minutes later and there were two fork lifts in there building a stage. DM is really working to keep this lie alive making it appear that an event will happen real soon…which we all know it won’t. But he’s got the clubbed seals locked in. How very sad!
For those who don’t know, there is a Sea Org member whose name really is James Bond.
James Bond? Well, maybe DM has seen what we all knew – it will take the best secret agent in the world to sort out this ruddy mess. Or maybe he’s needing a few extra vodka martinis right now – shaken, not stirred of course.
Dave is still STUCK in the Dining Tent from when MCI was renovated at Int/Gold.
Return on investment is very pathetic
Funny writer, you make me laugh!
I can think of a reality TV show, where apprentice PR people from some top PR making universities send 10 PR trainees into Scientology Int Base headquarters, to do the “Scientology PR Apprentice” TV reality show.
Rather than “Hell’s Kitchen” show, have a Scientology PR Trainees Reality Show!
ROFL !!!
(Good luck with the insurance issues.)
There is a big outpoint here not commented on unless my quicky reading
was flawed.
Why are they celebrating “1” success?
The picture given is that tents were transported to another country along
with staff. And they got one result?
Surely this is epic fail?
Do they have all these courses translated to Romanian?
If not why were they there?
If indeed they were……..
Can’t believe how cynical everyone is about this beautiful Success Story. Anybody can verify its authenticity simply by popping into the VM Tent where it was written. Just cruise down the Bulevardul Timisoara across E81 into downtown Stoenesti, then take a sharp left at Puchku’s goat pasture.
If you hit Buftea, you’ve gone too far.
Use torrentz download software, IAS not necessary.
Funny I am on VIA right now, Toronto – Windsor
Nineteen courses holy crap that’s a lot of significance. Does she need more significance or does she need to get the force off her case. What happens to those swamped in too much significance: you hand over all your money to the IAS.
The VM’s work on a volunteer basis and they have to pay their own costs of travel, accomodations, etc. Pretty much like a Red Cross volunteer. Of course, the IAS asks the public to fund every activity and on the other side, the public has the idea that it’s the IAS that is funding all the trips and activities of the VM’s. Not so.
The CoS does not extend Charity to anyone or anything. They don’t believe in it. Money can only flow one way: Directly into the CoS and their organizations (like the IAS).
You might get a tshirt, pin or jacket but only after you donate, so in a sense you pay for it anyway. Even the tents are paid for by some public person who “donated” for the tent.
The IAS is an organization that uses the goodwill of individuals who want to help people (say working as a VM), and takes ALL the credit for their good works.
You might think it’s strange that the public in the CoS does not see through this. Many of them do, some are deluded by the mindset of being in the CoS and some are just plain fooled. There may be a mix of all three. There is also a lot of slick PR and lies promoting the IAS to the public.
Sadly, the IAS exists to solely to funnel money and more money into the CoS without contributing to society in any tangible way.
Ha Ha – Pepper, count me as having been in the” just plain fooled” category. It never occurred to me that the IAS was not fully funding the good works trumpeted at Int Events. It never occurred to me that it was not all on the up and up. I thought there was real help going on. I just assumed that the money the IAS took in was always surpassed by their “exchange in abundance”. Wow. Well, you know the old saying, “When you assume, you make an ass out of you and me”. Now, I follow the late Ronald Reagan’s advice: “Trust, but verify”. Nothing political about it, just a good way to operate, I learned.
I realised they weren’t funding the “campaigns” when I learned that everytime a local campaign was done, it also had to be funded locally. Take CCHR, for instance. Any DVDs had to be purchased from money raised locally, despite the alleged claims the IAS were doing something. And when they sent around their “marathon for human rights” (an utter farce), it served merely as a reason to call in the public at each stop for an event, lock the doors and milk them dry!
That’s IAS love for you. Rob the poor to feed the rich.
It’s a false succes story even. A “bright idea” to dead agent that IAS is only money motivated.To make it a bit “human”.
I think so too FG. It’s too contrived and fake.
His intention is being incapable of helping ANYONE! DM is creating beings in his own image.
Um can someone correct me if I’m wrong but it says there that the VM trips are ‘sponsored by the IAS’ but I’m pretty sure I read accounts of former VMs who were pressured into going on these trips to boost Scientology’s presence around the world etc particularly at major events and that they had to PAY THEIR OWN WAY!
So what exactly did the IAS sponsor? The tshirts? The little tents?!?
The IAS sponsors hot air. Can’t you feel it?
The IAS does not sponsor anything – the individuals have to buy their own airline tickets and pay for food and lodging when they go help an area. They even are charged $20 for the VM T-Shirt!! No kidding. David Miscavige sends GOLD to the site and takes photos for the events – so he can take credit for what a few people are doing. The IAS pays for nothing! All of the front groups are funded by public getting regged for whatever scam they have set up to take credit for!!
I liked this part best: “The process ‘Take a Walk’ that I learned on the course helps me a lot too. I use it regularly after being inside four walls all day on my job.”. I’ve never been “in”, so this Sounds REALLY ridiculous. Can someone please help: Do you really need to learn a process on how to take a walk in Scientology?
Hugin, it’s not a process on ‘how’ to take a walk. The process consists of simply taking a walk. It’s a simple therapy with no magic involved. People just ordinarily feel better after a little walk.
Yes, but its not really about walking. Its about looking out at a distance so that you “exteriorize” after a prolonged period of being couped up indoors or thinking too much in your own head. So, if your feeling down or hemned in or watever, you just go out and look around.
Its really nothing more than people have been doing ever since they began living in enclosed spaces at the dawn of proto-civilization. “hey, i’m going outside to get some space.”
It’s called a “locational.”
Right you are, Moonshot. I didn’t mention those elements of the process because I didn’t want to get overly significant in my explanation. Thanks for the addendum.
Thank you for the explanations!
Mike, Back in about 1998, in the Scriptwriting Unit in Gold, I learned that if all the people in the world were to march by 4 abreast, you would never see the end of the line because the population is expanding faster than that. That means, of course, that if Scientology is not expanding faster than the population, the percentage of Scientologists in the population is diminishing every day. This shows how far removed from reality was David Miscavige. In terms of reaching out to a certain percentage of the population, even at it’s highest point in the late ’80s, Scientology’s market share was already going backwards. Thus I have two words DM — “pathetic” and “delusional.”
The only thing this total failure cares about is how many people does he need to keep raking in free money. The number of public keeps getting smaller, so he stopped the CoS from delivering services in order to have more money for donations. He is incapable of helping anyone but himself.
Steve — of course, you are absolutely correct. I keep making the same point with their “IDeal Orgs” clearing the planet. If anyone was serious about that objective they would be subsidizing opening NEW missions and orgs as fast as possible. Like dozens of them every week.
The only thing I disagree with is your last sentence. Delete the last two words and we are fully in accord 🙂
…and, in relation to the whole Ideal/Idle Org situation, I ran into this PL today. Um, why aren’t the senior SO people finding, reading and applying this one? It’s on page 533 in OEC 1for God’s sake.
OUT-ETHICS INDICATORS (LRH Comm Network Series 16)
“There are three indicators which, when present singly or collectively, point to possible out-ethics in an org, network or management body.
The absence of an LRH Comm — none appointed or a sector of the network missing — can mean the org is possibly off-source [ya think? i8m], does not use policy and is subject to false reports.
An inefficient HCO, poorly organized or posted or absence of effort to post them up from management bodies, usually indicates out-ethics executives who would be discovered if an HCO existed. [REALLY? Noooo. i8m]
When no Treasure Div is formed or functioning or grossly undermanned, it can indicate there is a rip-off or embezzlement present in an org or at management levels.
Recent experience in certain areas has pointed these things out. They are indicators, when present, which one should look into vigorously [Sounds like you, Mike. i8m]. Otherwise, stats may remain depressed and a lot of work and progress may be wasted. [Wow. You’d think Ron was a prophet or something. Or maybe he just cared and paid attention. i8m]
An org with a competent LRH Comm, a good HCO and a functioning Treasury Division will usually pick up and prosper, for its other divisions can now work and do their jobs.”
Oh, my God…I just noticed the date on this: 7 April 1982. So, did Ron see that it was starting to happen and was trying to warn people? Or, did DM and his SP Finance Police, etc., just decide to do a reverse spin on this PL to bury the mission network and then the orgs alive. Heinously evil. This might be a good one to pass on to the people inside to help them to wake up.
Wow. It’s all there.
WOOOOOOOOW! You’re right!
The Sound of One Hand Clapping.
Good for this Guy, Now the 7 billion others.
You guys are just cynical. I think it’s absolutely awe-inspiring that after the hundreds of millions of dollars regged for the IAS that someone has read some books and had some wins from them.
The Golden Age of Ideal Tents has now begun.
Get out what’s left of your wallets…we’re coming to get you.
Of course, on the flip side, if you consider how many tents could have been dispatched with the 20 million dave spent on PIs over the last couple of years…crap, there might have been four people with such awesome wins.
Les, you are right. He really has some sort of tent fixation.
I think the Next Big Thing is going to be prefabricated ideal “Tent Orgs” — you know, his favorite datum “just add water and mix.” He can construct the tents and instead of having to waste time and effort finding, purchasing and renovating “ideal orgs” he can sell them for $10 million a piece (don’t want to cut the fundraising…) and have them pitched in fields on the outskirts of cities. Finally, EVERY org can be “Ideal” with a perfect, ready-made tent.
He can pretend to be Lawrence of Arabia or Moammar Khaddaffi or I Dream Of Genie or something and rule over an ideal tent empire….
I was thinking tents=sultans=harams=S&M with pretty girls=I’ve gotta get out of town anyway so what the hell, lets tent up.
Oh, I see you’ve been at the Int base, Les. Pre-tent days, that is.
I think I may have seen one of those in my neighborhood. It was about 20 feet tall, blue & white, filled with air and a shitload of kids were jumping all over it having a blast. Now that’s an Ideal Org!
Millions and millions of dollars extracted from so many parishioners and 5 years to do 19 mini courses….boy, the “Ideal Rip Off”. At this rate they will fulfill their words “it will take an eternity”…
That was my thought too. I think it’s fake.
Sort of like Wag the Dog and its phony war in Albania.
Let me get that straight. The $65K or so I have gave to the IAS have brought about this one guy in Romania doing a few online courses. Now that it is done they are out of money, and they need another $65K so another guy in Romania or perhaps Albania can do the same think.
Great achievement dm; where do I send the check.
“Make a donation the the IAS today” – must be a Scientology problem. I do that, too.
Two observations:
1. The “virtual” registrar is not up to the same “uncompromising” standard as the brick and mortar one.
2. They never use names, because of the embarrassment that inevitably ensues when they blow.
Oh yeah. They don’t want to “promote” anyone who is a downstat. That’s why, if you’ve ever been on any staff before, they won’t let you be in any of the promo. It will ‘promote’ you and they don’t want to flow power to anyone who got wise and packed up.
“They never use names” … not really.
The cult did publish names in magazines. The result was that SPs took them and published lists on web pages. I was on some of these lists. They had a really bad impact on my business life. Luckily some of the lists disappeared after Anon arrests.
I posted a story in June 2013 mentioning exactly this point:
So, it’s almost 2014, we won’t include that year. 2008-2013=5 years. 19 courses. One person. 3.8 courses per year. One person. No auditing, just one set of courses. Wow. Just. Wow. That is the most underwhelming win I have ever read in my entire life. Makes you feel sorry for the people tasked with having to publish it.
Haha, Valerim9, that was my thought, too.
I suppose theory it’s possible to imagine something more lame than this. Not easy, but possible. Yet in practice … really, IAS, this is what you’ve got?
Maybe so. And that, for the COS, is the really sad part.
Also, the skilful IAS marketing people will obviously use the BEST “success story” they can dig up to try and get your money.
Apparently, form the last 5 years, this is it.
I hate to be overly cynical about their majorly stellar stat but I have to wonder if this person is even real. They sound a little too comfortable with the lingo for a new person. Could just be me though.
I had the same impression.
Mr. Sidney is FROM Romania and for over 20 years we had a business that catered to Romanians. They DO NOT speak English they way that it is written here. Take it from me…..this is a fail.
It’s more likely it was translated. Or yes, simply cooked up.
I like the initials, though. I.N. Romania.
Either that, or,
“…… and by using them properly they really help.”
This person is in for a cramming on how to do it the COB way.
Also, the English is pretty good for a Romanian.
LOLLLLLLL. Really?? Would Scientology make shit up?
I totally agree and had that same thought.
Wait untill the stats come in from Bulgravia
All you have to read is “I had a big enough curiosity” and “I stayed in comm with the VMs” to know that this “success story” is a made up load of bullcrap.
Someone must have had to rush their work to get it done by Thursday at 2.
As a side note, it seems that the church will never learn that if you want to reach out to the world around you, you need to stop using ridiculous amounts of Scientologese. Nobody can understand that amount of complex, completely unnecessary lingo. “In comm” is totally unnecessary. Say “I stayed in touch/in contact with the VMs,” like anyone else in America or the UK would say.
That being said… since when does the church spend time reaching out anyway? All they do these days is beg for money from members.
Well…. since I.N started in the summer of 2008, he/she has had five years to practice writing this success story in appropriate English syntax. Or as DollarMorgue suggests – they just made the shit up. It could happen :o)
They used to have missions and orgs where the people were and the people would come in.
Now they’ve pretty much gotten rid of most of the missions and built orgs in places where people don’t go…and so they bring tents to where the people are.?
Hey, what’s the big fascination with tents anyway?
Another question: That big Ideal Tent at Flag that was moved there at great expense…how’s that cheaper than renting the local sports arena for the 10s of thousands that are coming? (no need to answer)
The sports arenas aren’t within walking distance of the IAS reg offices in “the Flag Building”.
Also, no sports arena is secure enough to ensure that a UK reporter won’t manage to get in and photograph Miscavige lying through his teeth to whomever shows up.
Also, it would be possible to see…and photograph…the fact that the venue wasn’t filled.
Now THAT’S straight up and vertical!
“12 years of therapy and I finally help someone.”
– from Music & Lyrics, a romantic comedy.